employment and surrounding Temple hour. Please call our of- 749-5637 We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. areas. Starting at $8 per fice at (254) 776-7775 9086 Electricity, water, easy B L Ac k A n g u s gentLe Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full hour. Please of or apply onlinecallat our www. whitetail, dove, jaGrass fed fat bulls and Breed Cows and and part-time jobs availfice at (254) 776-7775 Appliances access, L Ac kPurebred A n ggenus janitorialservice.com/apply B heifers. velina, thick cover, views, Stocker Calves. Call or apply now! Janionline at www. able fed months fatNeeded: bulls old, and tle,torial 11-18 e M p L e o s d i s - Grass canyons. Starting at $650/ (254) 749-0909 (254) janitorialservice.com/apply workers in Waco, heifers. Purebred gen $1,200. (254) 899-2558 poniBLes. ¡ Ya están AC. 979-575-3939 Lang nice WAsheRs, dry e M p L e o s d i s - tle,Temple 749-5637 surrounding 11-18 and months old, disponibles los empleos areas. tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and Starting at $8 per poniBLes. ¡ Ya estány $1,200. (254) 899-2558 de tiempo completo hour. Dollar PleaseSaver call our Sunday, of disponibles los empleos December 29, 2019 1 cook stoves. Rebuilt Farm & Ranch medio! Se necesita: traMotorcycles with 90 day warranty. fice at (254) 776-7775 de tiempo completo y bajadores de limpieza en B L Ac k A n g u s Delivery, service work, or apply online at www. medio! Se necesita: traMotorcycles Grass fed fat bulls and Buy & Repair UnWaco, Temple y las áreas We AVAILABLE need non-working ones. B!L! Ac k A n g u! !s janitorialservice.com/apply bajadores de limpieza en heifers. Purebred gen wanted/ Broken ATV’s, circundantes. A partir de office, retail, wareWaco, Temple y las áreas We Buy & Repair Un (254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and tle, 11-18 months old, e M p L e o s d i s Motorcycles & Scooters. $8 por hora. Por favor house more for genlease circundantes. A oficina partir de Broken ATV’s, 799-6228 heifers.& Purebred ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! (254) 899-2558 poniBLes. ¡ Ya están $1,200. We Pick-Up (903) 336llame a nuestra al wanted/ David Barrmonths Properties offic e, retail, ware- $8 por hora. Por favor Motorcycles & Scooters. tle, 11-18 old, disponibles los empleos 776-7775 o solicite 9086 house & m ore for lease (254) ( 254) 526-2277 llame a nuestra oficina al We Pick-Up (903) 336 David Barr Properties $1,200. (254) 899-2558 en línea en www.janitori- de tiempo completo y www.davidbarrproper ( 254) 526-2277 (254) 776-7775 o solicite 9086 alservice.com/apply Miscellaneous medio! Se necesita: tra- Vol. 1 • No. 63 December 25, 2019 Motorcycles www.davidbarrproper Want to Buy ties.com en línea en www.janitori ties.com de limpieza en seRVice techniciAn bajadores alservice.com/apply y las áreas We Buy & Repair Un We Buy & Repair UnWaco, Temple Ice Machine Re AD Needed. gentLe Mixed FEATURED 1 ceMeteRy Lot at seRVice techniciAn Broken ATV’s, circundantes. A partir de wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Wes pair Helpful. Apply Waco Cows and wanted/ OF THE WEEK! Waco Memorial, Veter- Breed Needed. Ice Machine Re Motorcycles & Scooters. Peco Motorcycles & Scooters. $8 por hora. Por favor Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Stocker Calves. Call ! ! AVAILABLE !! ans Section. $700. (254) pair Helpful. Apply Waco We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amis 754-2601 Pick-Up (903) 336llame a nuestra oficina al We offic e, retail, ware- (254) (254) 749-0909 (254) 9086 662-3082 Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Elect house & m ore for lease 9086 (254) 776-7775 o solicite Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. David Barr Properties (254) 749-5637 acces part-time 754-2601 Throughout Building en línea en www.janitori( 254) 526-2277 Central Appliances TX. and jobs avail www.davidbarrproper Full 2 alservice.com/apply AVAiLABLe. Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29, 2019 velina Quality JoBs Built On Your Lot. able now! Needed: Jani canyo ties.com and part-time jobs avail- dogs torial workers in Waco, shipping contAin- nice seRVice techniciAn WAsheRs, dry- AC. 9 able now! Needed: Jani Call Forsurrounding Free Needed. Temple and refrigerators, and tryW eRs $2,000 and up. Wind ers, Ice Machine Re- torial workers in $8 Waco, yoRkie puppies, and water tight. See pho- cook areas. Starting at per Plan Booklet! stoves. Rebuilt pair Helpful. Apply Waco Fa Temple and surrounding Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos www.steelcontainers. with hour. Please call our of- 90 day warranty. Carbonics 431 LaSalle. areas. Starting at $8 per “C.J. Cade” Morkie Puppies. Call or Delivery, service work, fice at (254) 776-7775 (254) 754-2601 net Will deliver. (254) 722 Please callatBuy our of- 4 BR • 3 BA • Walk-In Closets hour. Want to Lots/Land/ need non-working ones. B L (254) 716-3952 Li- 4270, Burleson, apply online www. text Want to Buy Lots/Land/ or TX. Living .................. 2100 sq. ft. fice at (254) 776-7775 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full (254) 214-5284, (254) Gras Acreage Building janitorialservice.com/apply cense #144 Acreage Porch ...................... 78 sq. ft. orWe apply online at www. and part-time jobs avail- 799-6228 heif Buy & Repair Un! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Patio ...................... 104 sq. ft. Throughout Livestock !! We Buy & Repair Un Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. TX.retail, ware- janitorialservice.com/apply able now! Needed: Janioffic e, tle, employment Total .................... 2282 sq. ft. Central t wanted/ Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans wanted/ Broken ATV’s, West texAs part-time jobsSunday, avail- December 2 and Dollar Saver 29, 2019inTrans house & more for lease $ $1,2 torial workers Waco, Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake David Barr Properties able now! Needed: Jani es. Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake Base Price .... 154,900 Miscellaneous Temple and surrounding gentLe Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full ( 254) 526-2277 and part-time jobs avail ties We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 450 acres. torial workers in Waco, We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 450 acres. www.davidbarrproper 2 able Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29,water, 2019at $8 areas. Starting per Needed: and part-time jobs avail- Breed Cows and 9086now! Electricity, water, easy 254-857-HOME (4663) ties.com Temple and surrounding Jani- Electricity, 9086 easy per torial workers hour. Please call our ofin Waco, Calves. Call 1 ceMeteRy able now! Needed: Jani- Stocker Lot at ge access, whitetail, dove, ja areas. Starting at $8 per access, whitetail, dove, ja- Appliances Temple and surrounding fice at (254) 776-7775 Waco Memorial, Veter- B r e Attention Lot Owners! Appliances (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, velina, thick thick cover, cover, views, views, ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! hour. Please call our of- velina, areas. Starting at $8 per ans Section. $700. (254) Sto • No Money Down! or apply online www. 749-5637 canyons. Starting at $650/ Temple and surrounding fice at (254) 776-7775 Investment canyons. Starting at $650/ Land, (254 662-3082 hour. Please call our of• 100% Financing! janitorialservice.com/apply !! AC. 979-575-3939 Lang nice WAsheRs, dryareas. Starting at $8 per or apply online at www. Properties, and AC. 979-575-3939 Lang nice WAsheRs, dry749 t fice at (254) 776-7775 tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and tryWestRanch.com MyACH.com janitorialservice.com/apply Please call our of- Properties.hour. Full Business JoBs AVAiLABLe. and ers, refrigerators, or apply online at www. Base price-subject to change without notice. Base Price Want to Buy Lots/Land/ es. cook stoves. Rebuilt Barr Properties fice at (254) and part-time jobs avail776-7775 B David cook stoves. Rebuilt closing not included. Financing-wac some conditions apply L Ac k A n g u s dogs Farm & Ranch ties Real estate For janitorialservice.com/apply Farm &Needed: RanchJani- ship ( 254) 526-2277 with 90 day day warranty. warranty. Acreage able now! or apply online at www. Grass with 90 fed fat bulls and sale eRs per www.davidbarrproper Delivery, service work, torial workers in Waco, We Buy & Repair Un Real estate For janitorialservice.com/apply yoRkie puppies, Delivery, service work, heifers. Purebred gen and w ties.com need non-working ones. B L Ac k A n g u s sale SW Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos w need non-working ones. BTemple L Ac kandAsurrounding ngus wanted/ Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans 12.25 AcRes of e tle, 11-18 months old, M p L e o s d i s (254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and Morkie Puppies. Call or areas. Starting at $8 per (254) 214-5284, (254) fed fat bulls and S TX/W TX Grass (254) 899-2558 text (254) net W poniBLes. ¡ Ya están $1,200. Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake Bracketville. 799-6228 heifers. Purebred gen12.25 AcRes SW of heifers. 716-3952 Li- 4270 hour. Please call genour of- 799-6228 Purebred Brush Country. Deer, disponibles los empleos We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 450 acres. cense #144 tle, 11-18 months old, Bracketville. S TX/W TX fice at (254) 776-7775 Hogs, Turkey, Quail. tle, 11-18 months old, de tiempo completo y 9086 Electricity, water, easy Brush Country. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 or apply(254) online at www. $1,200. 899-2558 $1,623 Down, Deer, $269 employment medio! Se necesita: Turkey, Acreage Quail. Miscellaneous tra- Motorcycles access, whitetail, dove, ja- Hogs, janitorialservice.com/apply Month. Additional Miscellaneous de limpieza en bajadores Appliances Down, $269 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full ge Available. 800-876-9720 Want to Buy Lots/Land/ velina, thick cover, views, $1,623 For Waco, Temple y lasáreas We Buy & Repair Un- and part-time jobs avail- B r e Real estate Month. Additional Acreage gentLe ! ! ranchenterprisesltd.com Mixed Acreage Want to Buy Lots/Land/ 1 ceMeteRy Lot at canyons. Starting at $650/ gentLe Mixed t sale and A partir de wanted/ Broken ATV’s, able now! Needed: Jani- Sto Available. 800-876-9720 1 ceMeteRy Lot Unat Breed circundantes. We Buy & Repair Cows QuALity homes BuiLt Waco Memorial, Veter- Breed Acreage Cows and AC. 979-575-3939 Lang ranchenterprisesltd.com nice WAsheRs, dryWaco Memorial, Veter$8 por hora. Por favor Motorcycles & Scooters. torial workers in Waco, (254 es. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans Stocker Calves. Call llame a your lot. Floor plans to Stocker We Buy & Repair Un- onans ans Section. $700. (254) Calves. SW Call of ties 12.25 AcRes Section. $700. (254) nuestra oficina al We Pick-Up (903) 336- Temple and surrounding 749 tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and homes QuALity BuiLt &No Scooters. Pecos area, near(254) Lake (254) 749-0909 (254) fitMotorcycles any budget. money 662-3082 Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans (254) 749-0909 wanted/ Bracketville. S TX/W TX areas. Starting at $8 per 662-3082 (254) 776-7775 o solicite 9086 on your lot. Floor plans to per We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 450 acres. cook stoves. Rebuilt 749-5637 down. 100% near financing. 749-5637 Motorcycles &Ranch Scooters. Pecos area, Lake AL L CON CR E T Een hour. Please call our of Brush Country. Deer, Farm & línea en www.janitori fit any budget. No money 9086 Electricity, water, easy Credit repair program. with 90 day warranty. WOR K . fice at (254) 776-7775 B L We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 450 acres. Hogs, Turkey, Quail. down. 100% financing. alservice.com/apply access, whitetail, dove, ja (254) 857-4663. FRE E E stimates. or apply online at www. Gras dogs Delivery, service work, 9086 Electricity, water, easy $1,623 Down, $269 Appliances Credit repair program. dogs shipping contAin velina, thick cover, views, D r iveways, P atios,seRVice techniciAn shipping contAin janitorialservice.com/apply access, whitetail, dove, ja Month. Additional Acreage need non-working ones. BLAck Angus (254) 857-4663. heif eRs $2,000 $2,000 and up. up. Wind canyons. Starting at $650/ F encing, E tc. 350-9192 eRs and Wind Appliances velina, Needed. Ice Machine Re yoRkie puppies, e M p L e o s d i s - tle, thick cover, views, Available. 800-876-9720 yoRkie puppies, and water tight. See pho(254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and 979-575-3939 nice WAsheRs, dry-& AC. andranchenterprisesltd.com water tight. SeeLangpho pair Helpful. Apply Waco poniBLes. ¡ Ya están $1,2 Shih-Tzu Puppies canyons. Starting at $650/ Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos www.steelcontainers. tryWestRanch.com 799-6228 heifers. Purebred geners, refrigerators, and tos www.steelcontainers. disponibles los empleos Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Morkie Puppies. Call or AC. 979-575-3939 LangMorkie Puppies. Call or nice WAsheRs, dry net Will deliver. (254) 722 BuiLt (254) 754-2601 cook stoves. RebuiltLi- netQuALity Will deliver. (254)homes 722 de tiempo completo y tle, 11-18 months old, text (254) 716-3952 Farm & Floor Ranch text (254) 716-3952 Li- 4270, ers, refrigerators, and tryWestRanch.com 4270, Burleson, TX.plans to on your lot. with 90 day warranty. medio! Se necesita: tra Burleson, TX. M cense #144 $1,200.stoves. (254) 899-2558 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full #144service work, cook Rebuilt cense fit any budget. No money bajadores de limpieza en Delivery, Farm & Ranch Livestock L CON EgTE and part-time jobs avail Livestock Miscellaneous with 90 day warranty. down. Waco, Temple y las áreas We employment need non-working ones. BAL L Ac k100% ACR nfinancing. u s employment WOR K .program. able now! Needed: Jani repair circundantes. A partir de want Delivery, service work, Credit (254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and F R E E E stimates. torial workers in Waco, $8 por hora. Por favor Moto gentLe Mixed AVAiLABLe. Full heifers. BJoBs L AcAVAiLABLe. k A ng u sFull need non-working ones. JoBs (254) 857-4663. AL L CON CR E T E 799-6228 Purebred gen gentLe Mixed gentLe Mixed D r iveways, Patios, llame a nuestra oficina al We P 1 ceMeteRy Lot at Temple and surrounding Breed Cows and and part-time jobsand avail- Ftle, WOR K .350-9192 Grass fed fat bulls (254) 214-5284, (254) and 11-18 months old, Breed Cows and part-time jobs avail encing, E tc. Breed Cows and (254) 776-7775 o solicite 9086 areas. Starting at $8 per Stocker Calves. Call F R E E E stimates. Waco Memorial, Veterable now! Needed: Jani heifers. Purebred 799-6228 (254) 899-2558 Stocker Calves. Call able now! Needed:genJani- $1,200. en línea en www.janitori Stocker Calves. Call D r iveways, P atios, (254) 749-0909 (254) (254) torial workers Waco, hour. Please call our of $700. (254) tle, 11-18 months old, (254) ansSection. Miscellaneous 749-0909 torial workers inin Waco, alservice.com/apply E tc. 350-9192 fice 749-5637 Temple and surrounding surrounding at (254) 776-7775 (254) 749-0909 (254) Temple $1,200. (254) 899-2558 F encing, 749-5637 and 662-3082 seRVice techniciAn
The Trusted Name In Homebuilding!For Over Twenty Five Years!
American Dollar Saver: ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment (254) 501-7530 Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ! ties.com of hou Dav ww ! ! ! ! AVAILABLE office, retail, ware house & more for lease ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! David Barr Properties Land, Investment ( 254) 526-2277 Properties, and www.davidbarrproper Business Properties. ties.com David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! www.davidbarrproper office, retail, ware- ADS ties.com Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ADS ADS house & more for lease David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.com ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! offic e, retail, ware house & m ore for lease David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! www.davidbarrproper Land, Investment ties.com Front-End Properties, and $ seRVice techniciAn sale fed fat bulls and ties.com areas. Starting at $8 per Grass Temple and surrounding Business Properties. rEplacEmEnts starting at Installed tle, 11-18 months old, Needed. Ice Machine Re heifers. Purebred gen hour. Please call our of David Barr Properties areas. Starting at $8 per Turn Over $1,200. (254) 899-2558 ( 254) 526-2277 tle, 11-18 months old, fice atPlease (254) call 776-7775 pair Helpful. Apply Waco Gooseneck QuALity BuiLt homes hour. our of- www.davidbarrproper Ball Hitch $1,200. (254) 899-2558 or apply online at www. Carbonics fice at (254) 776-7775 ! ! ! Commercial ties.com ! ! ! on your lot.431 FloorLaSalle. plans to Installed Starting at Motorcycles janitorialservice.com/apply Land, Investment !apply ! Commercial ! ! ! No money (254) 754-2601 or! online at www. $600 fit any budget. Properties, and Land, Investment JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full Motorcycles janitorialservice.com/apply Business Properties. Buy & Repair Un- Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. Properties, and ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! down. 100% financing. ! ! AVAILABLE !! Grill Guards and part-time jobs avail- We Barr Properties Business Properties. Land, Investm ent David Full wanted/ JOBs AVAiLABLe. Broken ATV’s, Installed Starting at office, retail, ware and part-time jobs avail able now! Needed: Jani ( 254) 526-2277 We Buy & Repair Un Credit repair program. P roperties, and house David Barr Properties & more for lease & Scooters. Business and part-time jobs avail- Motorcycles $550 P roperties. www.davidbarrproper SK Truck Bed able now! Needed: Janitorial workers in Waco, ( 254) 526-2277 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Barr Properties (254) David 857-4663. Barr P roperties Pick-Up (903) 336- David able now! Jani- We www.davidbarrproper Temple andNeeded: surrounding (ties.com 254) 526-2277 in Waco, torial workers Short Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes .............. $3,950 Motorcycles & Scooters. ( 254) 526-2277 !! 9086 ties.com torial workers in Waco, www.davidbarrproper $4,150 www.davidbarrproper SW of 12.25 AcRes Starting at $8 per We Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes ................. areas. nt Pick-Up (903) 336 Temple and surrounding ties.c ties.com Temple and surrounding AL L CONom CR E T E $4,400 Dually w/4 Boxes ................................................... hour. Please call our of- 9086 Bracketville. SatTX/W areas. Starting $8 perTX WOR K . $4,450 es. areas. Starting at $8 per 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ fice at (254) 776-7775 F R E E E stim ates. Brush Country. Deer, $4,875 ties hour. Please call our of- 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ hour. Please of- or apply onlinecall at our www. D r iveways, P atios, Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation Quail. Hogs, Turkey, per fice at (254) 776-7775 fice at (254) 776-7775 janitorialservice.com/apply F encing, E tc. 350-9192 EquipmEnt kEmpnEr at or apply online at www. or apply online www. $1,623 Down, $269 Real estate For janitorialservice.com/apply 800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! janitorialservice.com/apply Month. Additional Acreage sale 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart ware offic e, retail, house & m ore for lease Available. 800-876-9720 Real estate For www.kEmpnErEquip .com Full JoBs AVAiLABLe. David Barr Properties AL L CON CR E T E QuALity BuiLt homes sale and ranchenterprisesltd.com part-time jobs avail- ( 254) 526-2277 WOR K . lot. on your Floor plans to www.davidbarrproper able now! Needed: Jani- No money F R E E E stim ates. ties.com fit any budget. QuALity BuiLt homes D r iveways, P atios, torial workers in Waco, down. 100% financing. F encing, E tc. 350-9192 on your lot. Floor plans to Temple and surrounding Credit repair No program. fit any budget. money (254) 857-4663. areas. at $8 per down. 100% financing. ! ! Starting AVAILABLE !! offic e, retail, ware Please 12.25 AcRes SW of hour. call our of Credit repair program. house & m ore for lease Bracketville. S TX/W TX (254) 857-4663. fice at (254) David Barr 776-7775 Properties or ( 254) 526-2277 Brush Country. Deer, apply online at www. SW of 12.25 AcRes Quail. www.davidbarrproper Hogs, Turkey, ties.com janitorialservice.com/apply Bracketville. S TX/W TX $1,623 Down, $269 Brush Country. Deer, Month. Additional Acreage Real estate For Hogs, Turkey, Quail. Available. 800-876-9720 sale $1,623 Down, $269 ranchenterprisesltd.com Month. Additional Acreage Available. 800-876-9720 AcRes SW of 12.25 ranchenterprisesltd.com Bracketville. S TX/W TX Brush Country. Deer, Hogs, Turkey, Quail. Down, $269 $1,623 Month. Additional Acreage Available. 800-876-9720 ranchenterprisesltd.com
Center, 301 W. Loop 121, dogs Belton, TXcontAin76513. (713) dogs Center, 301 Loop (713) 121, able now! Needed: Jani-shipping Belton, TX W. 76513. dogs Belton, TX 76513. (713) 724-8881. eRs $2,000 and up. Wind torialyoRkie workers in Waco, 724-8881. puppies, and water yORkie puppies, 724-8881. tight. See pho yORkie puppies, Temple and2019 surrounding Page 2 • December 25, Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos Shih-Tzu Puppies & Livestock www.steelcontainers. Amguns and Shih-Tzu Puppies & areas. Starting $8 orper guns and Morkie Puppies.atCall Morkie Puppies. Call or Am Morkie Puppies. Call or munition net2Will deliver.Saver (254) 722munition Dollar Sunday, December 22, 2019 text (254) 716-3952 Lihour. Please call our oftext (254) 716-3952 Li- 4270, Dollar Saver 29, 2019 Li-1 textDecember (254) 716-3952 Burleson, TX. MixedSunday, cense #144 cense fice at#144 (254) 776-7775 gentLe cense #144 gun sHOW! Belton, Belton, Breed Cows and sHOW! Livestock apply online at !www. employment gun !or! !employment Commercial !! employment Texas. Guns, Rifles, Rifles, Texas. Guns, Stocker Calves. Call ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! Land, Investment janitorialservice.com/apply Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, Land, Investment Properties, and Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, ! ! ! Com m ercial ! ! ! (254) 749-0909 (254) ee M O ss d d ii ss -- trade, M pp LL ee O Properties, andFull Business Properties. look! December Land, Investm ent gentLe Mixed trade, look! December JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full JOBs AVAiLABLe. pOniBLes. ¡ Ya están Business Properties. pOniBLes. ¡ Ya están 21-22. 749-5637 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! David Barr Properties Properties, and 21-22. Bell County Expo Expo Bell County Cows and and jobs and part-time jobsavailavail- Breed David Barr Properties Properties. office, retail, ware- Business ( part-time 254) 526-2277 disponibles los empleos empleos Center, disponibles los Center, 301 W. Loop Loop 121, 121, 301 W. David Barr Properties ( 254) 526-2277 2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 22, 2019 house & more for lease www.davidbarrproper Stocker Calves. Call able now! Needed: Jani de tiempo completo y de tiempo completo y able now! Needed: Jani David Barr Properties www.davidbarrproper ( 254) 526-2277 Belton, TX Belton, TX 76513. 76513. (713) (713) ties.com BLAck Angus (254) 749-0909 (254) medio! Se necesita: tratorial Se necesita: tra- 724-8881. www.davidbarrproper medio! ties.com ( 254) 526-2277 torial workers workers Waco, ininWaco, 724-8881. ties.com de bajadores de limpieza limpieza en en www.davidbarrproper 749-5637 Grass fed fat bulls and bajadores Temple and surrounding ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! Temple and surrounding áreas ties.com & Waco, Temple y las Hunting Waco, Temple y las áreas office, retail, ware Hunting & areas. Starting at $8 per heifers. Purebred gen Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29,AA partir 2019 1 Starting at $8 per circundantes. de & more for lease areas. Fishing circundantes. partir de Fishing house hour. Please call our of 11-18 months old, $8 David Barr Properties hour. por hora. Please call our of- tle, $8 por hora. Por Por favor favor ( 254) 526-2277 776-7775 fice at (254) $1,200. (254) 899-2558 llame a nuestra oficina al gun sHOW! BLAck Angus gun sHOW! Belton, Belton, llame a nuestra oficina al ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! at (254) 776-7775 www.davidbarrproper orfice apply online at www. Grass (254) 776-7775 oo solicite Texas. Guns, Rifles, office, retail, ware fed fat bulls and ties.com Texas. Guns, Rifles, (254) 776-7775 solicite Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ADS ADS ADS ADS or apply online at www. Miscellaneous house & more for lease en Knives, janitorialservice.com/apply heifers. Purebred genAmmo, Knives, Buy, Buy, sell, sell, en línea línea en en www.janitoriwww.janitori- Ammo, David Barr Properties Motorcycles janitorialservice.com/apply trade, look! December alservice.com/apply alservice.com/apply trade, look! December ( 254) 526-2277old, 11-18 months e M p L e o s di s - tle, 21-22. Bell County Expo AVAiLABLe. Full ! 21-22. Bell County Expo Fullwww.davidbarrproper JOBs AVAiLABLe. JOBs $1,200. (254)&899-2558 JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full Center, poniBLes. ¡ Ya están 301 W. Loop 121, ties.com e Un- and part-time jobs availWe Buy Repair Center, 301 W. Loop 121, ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! and part-time jobs avail and part-time jobs avail ase disponibles los empleos Belton, TX 76513. (713) able now! Needed: Jani- Belton, ATV’s, office, retail, ware- wanted/ Broken TX 76513. (713) ties able now! Needed: Jani 724-8881. de tiempo completo y able now! Needed: Jani torial workers in Waco, house & more for lease & Scooters. torial workers in Waco, 724-8881. David Barr Properties and surrounding medio! Se necesita: tra- Motorcycles per Temple Motorcycles torial workers in Waco, Livestock ( 254) 526-2277 Temple and surrounding We Pick-Up (903) 336 areas. Starting at $8 per Livestock bajadores de limpieza en Temple and surrounding www.davidbarrproper at $8 per areas. Starting hour. Please call our of- 9086 ties.com We Buy & Repair UnWaco, Temple y las áreas gentLe Mixed areas. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call our of fice at (254) 776-7775 Broken ATV’s, circundantes. Acall partir deof-wanted/ BgentLe r e e d C owMixed s a nd fice at (254) 776-7775 hour. Please our or apply online at www. B r e e d C ow s a nd Stocker Calves. Call Motorcycles & Scooters. $8 por hora. Por favor or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply fice at (254) 776-7775 Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) (903) 336llame a nuestra al We Pick-Up janitorialservice.com/apply ! ! (254) JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full ! ! AVAILABLE or apply onlineooficina atsolicite www. (254) 749-0909 749-5637 9086 (254) 776-7775 office, retail, ware- and part-time jobs avail Full JOBs AVAiLABLe. 749-5637 janitorialservice.com/apply & more for lease house able now! Needed: Jani- en línea en www.janitori and part-time jobs avail Barr Properties Ac k Angus David torial workers in Waco, able now! Needed: Jani- B L alservice.com/apply ( 254) 526-2277 Real estate For Grass fed B L Ac k fatAbulls n g and us Temple and surrounding www.davidbarrproper torial workers in Waco, heifers. gen Purebred
21-22. Bell County Expo
a a
sHipping cOntAin sporting
gun sHOW! Belton, 1 ceMeteRy Lot at eRs $2,000tight. and up. Wind and water SeeWind pho$2,000tight. and See up. 1Waco ceMeteRy Lot at eRs Memorial, Veterand water pho Texas. Guns, Rifles, 1 ceMeteRy Lot at tos www.steelcontainers. and water tight. See phoWaco Memorial, Veter Ammo, tos www.steelcontainers. ans Section. $700. (254) Knives, Buy, sell, Waco Memorial, Veternetwww.steelcontainers. Will deliver. (254) 722(254) 778-4444 tos ans Section. $700. (254) Temple: net Will deliver. (254) 722 662-3082 ans Section. $700. (254) net look! December gun sHOW! Belton, 4270, Burleson, TX. Will deliver. (254) 662-3082 trade, Killeen: (254) 501-7530 ! ! AVAILABLE !! 4270, Burleson, TX. 722 662-3082 21-22. 4270, Burleson, TX. Bell County Expo Texas. Guns, Rifles, office, retail, ware gun sHOW! Belton, Belton, house sporting gun sHOW! & more for lease sporting Center, 301 W. Loop 121, Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, Texas. Guns, Rifles, gun sHOW! Belton, goods sporting David Barr Properties Texas. Guns, Rifles, goods Belton, TX 76513. (713) trade, look! December Texas. Guns, Rifles, ( 254) 526-2277 Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, goods Want to Buy Lots/Land/ Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, www.davidbarrproper Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, gun 724-8881. 21-22. Bell County Expo trade, look! December gun sHOW! Belton, Acreage trade, look! December sHOW! ties.comBelton, . trade, look! December gun sHOW! Belton, 21-22. Bell County Expo Texas. Guns, Rifles, Center, 301 W. Loop 121, We Buy & Repair Un21-22. Bell County Expo Texas. Guns, Rifles, es 21-22. Bell County Expo Texas. Guns, Rifles, Center, 301 W. Loop 121,West Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, Center, 301 W. Loop 121, Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, Belton, TX 76513. (713) wanted/ Broken ATV’s, texAs Trans Center, 301 W. Loop(713) 121, Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, Belton, TX 76513. (713) trade, look! December Belton, TX 76513. trade, look! December Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake 724-8881. Belton, er TX 76513. (713) trade, look! December yORkie puppies, 724-8881. 21-22. Bell County Expo 21-22. Bell County Expo 724-8881. We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 -County 450 acres. 724-8881. 21-22. Bell Expo Center, 301 W. Loop 121, Center, 301 W. Loop 121, Shih-Tzu Puppies & 9086 Electricity, water, easy dogs Center, 301 W. Loop(713) 121, Belton, TX 76513. (713) Belton, TX 76513. dogs Morkie Puppies. Call or access, whitetail, dove,(713) ja Belton, TX 76513. 724-8881. 724-8881. Appliances text (254) 716-3952 Li-velina, cover, views,! ! yORkie puppies, ! !thick AVAILABLE yORkie puppies, 724-8881. yORkie puppies, office, retail, ware Shih-Tzu Puppies &&canyons. cense #144 Puppies Starting $650/ Shih-Tzu Puppies & guns andatfor Am house & more lease Shih-Tzu Morkie Puppies. Call or guns and AmMorkie Puppies. Call or AC. 979-575-3939 Langnice WAsheRs, drygun sHOW! Belton, David Barr Properties munition Morkie Puppies. Call Lior text (254) 716-3952 munition ( 254) 526-2277 text (254) 716-3952 LitryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and Guns, Rifles, text (254) 716-3952 Li- Texas. www.davidbarrproper cense #144 cense #144 Rebuilt Ammo, cook stoves. ties.com cense #144 Knives, Buy, sell, gun sHOW! Belton, Farm & Ranch ewith Memployment p90L eday O swarranty. d i s - gun gun sHOW! Belton, sHOW! Belton, trade, look! December employment Texas. Guns, Rifles, employment Texas. Guns, Rifles, Rifles, pOniBLes. ¡ Yawork, están Texas. Guns, Delivery, service Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, 21-22. Bell County Expo Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, edisponibles M p L e O s d i s Ammo, Knives, Buy, los empleos B L Ac k A n g u ssell, need non-working ones. eM M pp O ss d d ii ss -- trade, look! December e LL ee O Center, 301 W.December Loop 121, trade, look! December pOniBLes. ¡ Ya están trade, look! de tiempo completo y Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, (254) 21-22. Bell County Expo pOniBLes. ¡ Ya están Ya están 21-22. pOniBLes. Belton, TX County 76513. (713) 21-22. Bell Expo disponibles los¡ empleos Bell Expo Purebred gen799-6228 Center, 301 County W. Loop 121, medio! Se necesita: tra-y heifers. disponibles disponibles los empleos empleos los de tiempo completo 724-8881. Center, 301 W. Loop 121, Center, 301 W. Loop 121, de Belton, TX 76513. (713) tle, 11-18 months old, de tiempo completo y tiempo completo y bajadores de limpieza en medio! Se necesita: tra- Belton, TX Belton, TX 76513. 76513. (713) (713) medio! 724-8881. Se necesita: tra$1,200. (254) 899-2558 medio! Se necesita: tra Waco, Temple y las áreas bajadores de limpieza en 724-8881. 724-8881. bajadores de en bajadores de limpieza limpieza en s. Miscellaneous Waco, Temple yA las áreas circundantes. partir de Hunting & es Waco, Temple las Hunting & Waco, Temple las áreas áreas Hunting & circundantes. AyyPor partir de Fishing $8 por hora. favor circundantes. AAPor partir de Fishing circundantes. partir de Fishing $8 por hora. favor er $8 gentLe Mixed llame a hora. nuestra oficina gun sHOW! Belton, Belton, 1 ceMeteRy Lot at alal gun por favor $8 por hora. Por Por favor llame a nuestra oficina sHOW! Cows and Waco Memorial, Veter(254) o solicite Texas. Guns, Rifles, a776-7775 nuestra oficina alal Breed gun sHOW! Belton, llame gun sHOW! Belton, llame a nuestra oficina (254) 776-7775 o solicite Texas. Guns, Rifles, Stocker Calves. Call (254) 776-7775 o solicite Texas. Guns, Rifles, ans Section. $700. (254) en línea en www.janitoriAmmo, Knives, Buy, sell, Texas. Guns, Rifles, (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www.janitori- Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, en 749-0909 (254)sell, línea en Ammo, Knives, Buy, 662-3082 trade, look! December alservice.com/apply Ammo, Knives, Buy, sell, en línea en www.janitoriwww.janitori- (254) trade, look! December alservice.com/apply trade, look! December 749-5637 alservice.com/apply 21-22. Bell Expo alservice.com/apply trade, look!County December 21-22. Bell County Expo JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full 21-22. Bell County Expo AVAiLABLe. Full ! ! JOBs Center, 301 W. Loop 121, 21-22. Bell County and part-time jobs availCenter, 301W. W. Loop LoopExpo 121, Full Center, JOBs AVAiLABLe. 301 121, and part-time jobs availavailand part-time jobs Belton, TX 76513. (713) Center, 301 W. Loop 121, nt dogs able now! Needed: Jani and part-time jobs availBelton, TX 76513. (713) Belton, TX 76513. (713) !! shipping contAinable now! Needed: Janiable now! Needed: Jani 724-8881. Belton, TX 76513. (713) torial workers in Waco, re able now! Needed: Jani724-8881. es. 724-8881. eRs $2,000 and up. Wind torial workers in Waco, 724-8881. torial workers in ease and surrounding yoRkie puppies, ties Temple torial workers in Waco, Waco,and Livestock rties water tight. See phoTemple and surrounding Livestock Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per Shih-Tzu Puppies & Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at our $8 per Livestock oper tos www.steelcontainers. per hour. Please call ofareas. Starting at $8 per Morkie Puppies. orof- netgentLe areas. Starting atCall hour. call our Mixed Will deliver. (254) 722! ! AVAILABLE !$8 ! per fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 gentLe Mixed hour. Please call our text (254) 716-3952 Li-of-4270, fice at (254) 776-7775 B r eBurleson, e d C ow s and office, retail, wareTX. or apply online at www. gentLe Mixed or B r e e d C ow s aCall nd cense fice (254) 776-7775 apply onlinefor atlease www. Stocker Calves. &at#144 more janitorialservice.com/apply B r e e d749-0909 C ow s (254) aand nd house Stocker Calves. Call Breed Cows or apply online at www. David Barr Properties janitorialservice.com/apply (254) Livestock or apply online at www. JOBs ! ! AVAILABLE ! !Full (254) Stocker Calves. Call employment 749-0909 (254) AVAiLABLe. ( 254) 526-2277 Stocker Calves. Call janitorialservice.com/apply office, retail, ware-Full 749-5637 JOBs AVAiLABLe. janitorialservice.com/apply www.davidbarrproper (254) 749-0909 and part-time jobs avail- 749-5637 & more jobs for lease (254) 749-0909 (254) (254) and part-time availFull gentLe JOBs AVAiLABLe. house able now! Needed: Jani 749-5637 ties.com David Barr Properties Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full able now! Needed: Jani- B749-5637 L Ac k Angus and part-time jobs avail ( 254) 526-2277 torial workers in Waco, Breed Cows and part-time jobs availB L Acfed k fatAbulls nand gu s and part-time jobs avail www.davidbarrproper torial workers in Waco, Grass and able now! Needed: Jani- Temple and surrounding Grass fed fatAbulls and Stocker Calves. Call able now! Needed: Jani B L Ac k n g u s ties.com able now! Needed: JaniTemple and surrounding heifers. Purebred gen torial workers in Waco, Starting inatWaco, $8 per (254) areas. heifers. Purebred B L Ac k months n(254) ggenu s 749-0909 torial workers Grass fed fatAbulls and areas. Starting at $8 per tle, 11-18 old, torial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding hour. Please call our of tle, 11-18 months old, 749-5637 Grass fed fat bulls and heifers. Purebred genTemple and surrounding hour. Please call our of $1,200. (254) 899-2558 areas. Starting at $8 per Temple and surrounding fice at (254) 776-7775 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 11-18 months old, fice atStarting (254) 776-7775 areas. at $8our per heifers. Purebred gen hour. Please of- tle, or apply onlinecall www. areas. Starting at $8 per $1,200. (254) 899-2558 or apply online at www. hour. Please call our of tle, 11-18 months old, Motorcycles fice at (254) 776-7775 janitorialservice.com/apply hour. Please call our ofMotorcycles janitorialservice.com/apply fice atAVAiLABLe. (254) ! !apply AVAILABLE ! ! Full B or online776-7775 at www. $1,200. (254) L Ac k A n899-2558 gus JOBs fice at (254) 776-7775 office, retail, We Buy &bulls Repair UnJOBs AVAiLABLe. Full Grass or apply online for atwarewww. Motorcycles janitorialservice.com/apply fed fat& andUn and part-time jobs avail house We Buy Repair & more or apply onlinejobs at lease www. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, and part-time avail janitorialservice.com/apply able now! Needed: JaniDavid Barr Properties heifers. Purebred genFull JOBs AVAiLABLe. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles &Repair Scooters. janitorialservice.com/apply able Needed: Jani- tle, We Buymonths && Un254) 526-2277 torial workers indWaco, 11-18 old,336eand M (now! ppart-time Leo s jobs iavails - Motorcycles Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) torial workers in Waco, www.davidbarrproper wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Temple and surrounding JOBs AVAiLABLe. Full We Pick-Up (903) 336$1,200. (254) 899-2558 able now! Needed: JaniponiBLes. ¡ Ya están ties.com Temple and surrounding We & &Repair Motorcycles Scooters. ! ! Buy AVAILABLE !Un! areas. Starting at $8 per 9086
dogs Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29, 2019 1 guns and Am- munition Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29, 2019 1 employment Truck/ Professional Spanish Employment Transportation spanish Lots/Land/ Delivery Acreage eMpLeOs dis pOniBLes. ¡ Ya están West texAs Trans los empleos Pecos area, near Lake disponibles tiempo completo y Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. de medio! Se necesita: traElectricity, water, easy Hunting & Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29, 2019 1 bajadores de limpieza en access, whitetail, dove, ja Fishing Waco, Temple y las áreas velina, thick cover, views, A partir de canyons. Starting at $650/ Industrial/ circundantes. $8 por hora. Por favor AC. 979-575-3939 Lang llame a nuestra oficina al tryWestRanch.com Trades AL776-7775 L CON TE CR oEsolicite (254) Farm & Ranch en línea WOR K. en www.janitori F R E E E stim ates. alservice.com/apply D r iveways, P atios, Ac k A n g u s F encing, E tc. 350-9192 B L Want to Buy Grass fed fat bulls and heifers. Purebred gen General We Buy & Repair Un- tle, 11-18 months old, wanted/ Broken Dollar SaverATV’s, Sunday,$1,200. December 29, 2019 1 (254) 899-2558 Motorcycles & Scooters. Livestock We Pick-Up (903) 336- gun sHOW! Belton, 9086 Texas. Guns, Rifles, Knives, Buy, sell, Ammo, Appliances trade, look! December 21-22. Bell County Expo nice WAsHeRs, dry- Center, 301 W. Loop 121, ers, refrigerators, and Belton, TX 76513. (713) cook stoves. Rebuilt 724-8881. Medical with 90 day warranty. Mixed Delivery, service work, gentLe ones. B r e e d C ow s a n d need non-working Calves. Call (254) 214-5284, (254) Stocker ALL CONCRE TE (254) 749-0909 (254) 799-6228 WORK. 749-5637 F RE E E stimates. Miscellaneous sHipping cOntAin Driveways, Patios, $2,000 and up. Wind eRs F encing, E tc. 350-9192 1 ceMeteRy Lot at and water tight. See pho Motorcycles Waco Memorial, Veter www.steelcontainers. tos ans Section. $700. (254) net Will deliver. (254) 722 662-3082 4270, Burleson, TX. 9086 and part-time availtorial workers in $8 Waco, disponibles los jobs empleos areas. Starting at per We Pick-Up (903) 336- office, retail, wareBroken ATV’s, hour. Please call ourJaniof Temple andNeeded: surrounding de tiempo completo y wanted/ able now! hour. Please call our of gun sHOW! Belton, sporting 9086 house & more for lease fice at (254) 776-7775 & Scooters. areas. Starting at per Motorcycles medio! Se necesita: tra fice atworkers (254) 776-7775 Motorcycles torial in $8 Waco, Texas. Guns, Rifles, goods or apply online at www. David Barr Properties We Pick-Up (903) 336 or hour. Please call Knives, apply online at our www. bajadores de limpieza enof- Ammo, Buy, sell, Temple and surrounding janitorialservice.com/apply ( 254) 526-2277 9086 fice atTemple (254)y 776-7775 janitorialservice.com/apply sHOW! Belton, trade, look! December gun We Buy & Repair UnWaco, las áreas Employment areas. Starting at $8 per www.davidbarrproper or apply online at For www. Real estate Texas. Guns, Rifles, 21-22. Bell County Expo wanted/ Broken ATV’s, circundantes. A partir de ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! of Real estate For hour. Please our ties.com janitorialservice.com/apply salecall Knives, Buy, sell, Center, 301 W. Loop 121, Ammo, office, retail, ware& Scooters. por Por favor Motorcycles Wanted sale $8 fice at&hora. (254) 776-7775 house more for lease trade, look! December Belton, TX 76513. (713) Pick-Up (903) 336- llame aBarr nuestra oficina al We David Real estate For Properties QuALity BuiLt homes or apply online athomes www. 21-22. Bell County Expo 724-8881. QuALity BuiLt 9086 (254) 776-7775 o solicite ( 254) 526-2277 sale on your lot. Floor plans to Center, 301 W. Loop 121, janitorialservice.com/apply www.davidbarrproper on your lot. Floor plans to en línea en www.janitoridogs fit any budget. No money Belton, TX 76513. (713) ties.com fit any budget. No money QuALity BuiLt homes alservice.com/apply down. 100% financing. Real estate For 724-8881. down. 100% financing. yORkie puppies, on your lot. Floor plans to Credit repair program. seRVice techniciAn sale Credit repair program. Shih-Tzu Puppies & guns fit any budget. No money (254) 857-4663. and Am Needed. Ice Machine Re (254) 857-4663. Morkie Puppies. Call or down. 100% financing. munition 12.25 AcRes SW of pair Helpful. Apply Waco QuALity BuiLt homes text (254) 716-3952 Li12.25 AcRes SW of Credit repair Bracketville. S program. TX/W TX Carbonics 431 LaSalle. cense #144 on your lot. Floor plans to Bracketville. S TX/W TX (254) 857-4663. Brush Country. Deer, (254) sHOW! Belton, Brush Country. Deer, fit any754-2601 budget. No Quail. money Hogs, Turkey, SW of 12.25 AcRes employment gun Texas. Guns, Rifles, Hogs, Turkey, Quail. FullTX JoBs AVAiLABLe. down. 100% Down, $269 $1,623 Bracketville. Sfinancing. TX/W
a a
December 25, 2019 • Page 3
ties.com (254) 754-2601 Carbonics 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full and part-time jobs avail AVAiLABLe. Full JoBs American Dollar Saver: Page 4 • able now! Needed: Jani and part-time jobs avail (254) 501-7530 torial workers in Waco, able now! Needed: Jani Temple and surrounding torial workers in Waco, areas. Starting at $8 per and surrounding Temple hour. Please call our of areas. Starting at $8 per fice atPlease (254) 776-7775 hour. call our of or apply online at www. fice at (254) 776-7775 janitorialservice.com/apply or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full and part-time jobs avail JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full !! !! !! Commercial !! !! !! able now! Needed: Jani and part-time jobs avail ! Land, ! ! Commercial Commercial !!! Investment Land, Investment ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! torial workers in Waco, Land, Investment Land, able now! Needed: Jani Properties, and Properties, and Investment Properties, and Temple and surrounding Business Properties. Properties. torial workers in Waco, Business Properties, and Business Properties. David Barr Properties Want to Buy Lots/Land/ areas. Starting at $8 per Temple and surrounding David Barr Properties Business Properties. ! ! ! Commercial ! ! ! David Barr Properties (( 254) ! ! ! Com m526-2277 ercial ! !! Acreage hour. Please call of- 526-2277 David Barr Properties areas. Starting at our $8 per ( 254) 254) 526-2277 We www.davidbarrproper Land, Investment Land, Investm ent Buy & Repair Un- hour. www.davidbarrproper ( 254) 526-2277 fice at (254) 776-7775 Please call our of www.davidbarrproper ties.comand wanted/ Properties, Properties, and ties.com www.davidbarrproper Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans or apply online776-7775 at www. ties.com fice at (254) Business Properties. ! ! ! Commercial !!! ties.com Properties. Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake David Barr Properties Business janitorialservice.com/apply or apply online at www. Land, Investment ( 254) 526-2277 David Barr Properties We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60Estate - 450 acres. Real Lots/Land/ Commercial Commercial Commercial janitorialservice.com/apply Want to Buy Lots/Land/ Properties, and www.davidbarrproper Real estate Houses 9086Real Electricity, water, For easy Apartments Transportation ( 254) 526-2277 Estate Real Estate Acreage ties.com Properties Business Properties. for Sale Acreage sale Real estate Forja- access, whitetail, dove, www.davidbarrproper David Barr Properties Appliances We Buy & Repair Un- sale velina, thick cover, views, ties.com ( 254) 526-2277 ! ! AVAILABLE ! ! wanted/ Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans canyons. 12.25 AcRes of Starting atSW $650/ office, retail, ware www.davidbarrproper Bracketville. S TX/W TX Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake 12.25 AcRes SW of AC. 979-575-3939 Lang nice WAsheRs, dryhouse & more for lease ties.com Brush Country. Deer, We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. Bracketville. S TX/W TX David Barr Properties ers, refrigerators, and tryWestRanch.com Turkey, Quail. ( 254) 526-2277 Brush Country. Deer, 9086 Electricity, water, easy Hogs, cook stoves. Rebuilt Farm & Ranch www.davidbarrproper $1,623 Down, Quail. $269 Turkey, access, whitetail, dove, ja- Hogs, with 90 day warranty. ties.com Dollar Saver Sunday, December 29, 2019 1 Appliances Month. Additional Acreage $1,623 Down, $269 Delivery, service work, velina, thick cover, views, Available. Additional B L Ac k 800-876-9720 A nAcreage gus need non-working ones. Month. canyons. Starting at $650/ ranchenterprisesltd.com Available. 800-876-9720 fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, Lang(254) Grass AC. 979-575-3939 nice WAsheRs, dry ranchenterprisesltd.com QuALity BuiLt homes heifers. Purebred gen799-6228 tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and Rebuilt QuALity on lot.BuiLt Floor plans tle,your 11-18 months old,to homes cook stoves. Farm & Ranch fit any budget. money $1,200. (254) 899-2558 No on your lot. Floor plans to Commercial with 90 day warranty. down. Miscellaneous 100% financing. fit any budget. No money Real Estate Delivery, service work, Want to Buy Lots/Land/ Credit repair program. down. 100% financing. ones. B need non-working L Ac k A n g u s (254) Acreage 857-4663. Credit repair program. g e n t L e M i x e d 1 ceMeteRy Lot at (254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and Buy & Repair Un- (254) We 857-4663. B r e e d C ow s a nd Waco Memorial, Veter 799-6228 heifers. Purebred gen- West wanted/ Broken ATV’s, texAs Trans Stocker Calves. Call ans Section. $700. (254) tle, 11-18 months old, Pecos Motorcycles & Scooters. area, near Lake (254) 749-0909 (254) Duplexes/ Commercial 662-3082 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 749-5637 We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. Real Estate Townhomes Miscellaneous 9086 Electricity, water, easy access, whitetail, dove, ja dogs Appliances contAin Appliances gentLe Mixed shipping 1 ceMeteRy Lot at velina, thick cover, views, eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Breed Cows and canyons. yoRkie puppies, Waco Memorial, Veter Starting at $650/ and water tight. See pho Stocker Calves. Call & AC. Shih-Tzu Puppies Lang ansGeneral Section. $700. (254) nice 979-575-3939 www.steelcontainers. WAsheRs, dry-or tos ! Morkie Puppies. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 662-3082 net Will deliver. (254) 722 tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and Merchandise t text (254) 716-3952 Li 749-5637 Burleson, TX. cook stoves. Rebuilt 4270, #144 Farm & Ranch s. cense with 90 day warranty. Livestock ies employment dogs Delivery, service work, shipping contAin per eRs $2,000 and up. Wind B L Ac k A n g u s need non-working ones. g e n t L e M i x e d JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full yoRkie puppies, and water tight. See pho Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, (254) B r e e d C ow s a n d and part-time jobs avail Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos www.steelcontainers. Purebred 799-6228 Stocker Calves. genCall now! Needed: Jani- heifers. Morkie Puppies. Call or able net Will deliver. (254) 722 (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, tle, 11-18 months old, text (254) 716-3952 Li- 4270, TX. 749-5637 TempleBurleson, and surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Houses ! ! Houses Houses cense #144 ! ! AVAILABLE areas. Starting at $8 per Miscellaneous office, retail, wareLivestock hour. Please call our of house & more for lease employment Building Throughout Central fice at (254) TX. 776-7775 B David Barr Properties L Ac k A n g u s ( 254) 526-2277 or1gentLe apply online atLot www. Quality On Your Lot. ceMeteRy at gentLe Grass fed fat Mixed bulls and Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. FullBuilt www.davidbarrproper B r e e d C ow s genand heifers. Purebred Breed Cows and Waco Memorial, Veterand part-time jobs avail- janitorialservice.com/apply ties.com Stocker Calves. Call tle, 11-18 months old, e M p L e o s d i s Call For Free Stocker Calves. Call able now! Needed: Jani ans Section. $700. (254) $1,200. (254) 899-2558 ¡ Ya(254) están (254) 749-0909 (254) Plan Booklet! (254) 749-0909 torial workers in Waco, poniBLes. 662-3082 disponibles los empleos 749-5637 Temple and surrounding 749-5637 “C.J. Cade” de tiempo completo y areas. Starting at $8 per 4 BR • 3 BA • Walk-In Closets Se necesita: traMotorcycles hour. Please call our of- medio! Living .................. 2100 sq. ft. dogs bajadores de limpieza en shipping Building contAinfice at (254) 776-7775 Porch ...................... 78 sq. ft. B L Ac k A n g u s Waco, Temple y las áreas We Buy &and Repair Un Throughout Patio ...................... 104 sq. ft. eRs $2,000 up. Wind or apply online at www. Grass fed fatpuppies, bulls andde wanted/ circundantes. A partir Broken ATV’s, yoRkie Total .................... 2282 sq. ft. Central TX. and water tight. See phojanitorialservice.com/apply heifers. Purebred gen $8 por hora. Por favor Motorcycles & Scooters. Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos a nuestra oficina al Wewww.steelcontainers. Pick-Up (903) 336Base Price ....$154,900 tle, 11-18 months old, or e M p L e o s d i s - llame Morkie Puppies. Call net Will deliver. (254) 722 (254) 776-7775 o solicite 9086 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 poniBLes. ¡ Ya están text (254) 716-3952 Li 254-857-HOME (4663) en línea en www.janitori- 4270, Burleson, TX. disponibles los empleos cense #144 de tiempo completoLot y alservice.com/apply Attention Owners! Livestock techniciAn medio! Se necesita: tra- seRVice Motorcycles employment • No Money Down! Needed. Ice Machine Re bajadores de limpieza en • 100% Financing! pair Helpful. Apply Waco Waco, Temple y las áreas We Buy & Repair UnJoBs AVAiLABLe. Full gentLe Mixed MyACH.com 431 LaSalle. circundantes. A partir de Carbonics wanted/ Broken ATV’s, B r e e d C ow s a n d and part-time jobs Base price-subject to change without notice. Base Priceavail (254) 754-2601 $8 por hora. favor Motorcycles & Scooters. closing notPor included. Financing-wac some conditions apply Calves. Call able now! Needed: Jani- Stocker ! ! Full (254) AVAiLABLe. llame a nuestra oficina al JoBs We Pick-Up (903) 336 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, t jobs avail(254) 776-7775 9086part-time o solicite and Temple and surrounding 749-5637
December 25, 2019
The Trusted Name In Homebuilding!For Over Twenty Five Years!
1 ceMeteRy Want to Lots/Land/ Want to Buy Buy Lots/Land/Lot at WacoAcreage Memorial, Veter Acreage We Buy & Repair Unans Section. $700. (254) We Buy & Repair Un Temple: (254)ATV’s, 778-4444 wanted/ West texAs 662-3082 wanted/ Broken Broken ATV’s, West texAs Trans Trans
Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) Killeen: 749-5637 Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake (254) 501-7530 Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake We 60 We Pick-Up Pick-Up (903) (903) 336336- Amistad. Amistad. 60 -- 450 450 acres. acres. 9086 Electricity, water, dogs 9086 Electricity, water, easy easy shipping contAin access, whitetail, dove, jaaccess, whitetail, dove, ja- eRsLots/Land/ Want to Buy Appliances $2,000 and up. Wind Appliances velina, velina, thick cover, cover, views, yoRkie puppies, thick views, Acreage and water tight. See pho canyons. Starting at $650/ Shih-Tzu Puppies & canyons. Starting at $650/ We Buy & Repair Un- tos www.steelcontainers. 979-575-3939 Langnice WAsheRs, Morkie Puppies. AC. 979-575-3939 Lang-or West nice WAsheRs, drydry- AC. wanted/ Broken Call ATV’s, texAs net Will deliver. (254)Trans 722tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and text (254) 716-3952 Li- Pecos tryWestRanch.com ers, refrigerators, and Motorcycles & Scooters. area, near Lake 4270, Burleson, TX. cook stoves. cense #144 cook stoves. Rebuilt Rebuilt We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. Farm & Farm & Ranch Ranch with 90 day warranty. Livestock with 90 day warranty. 9086 Electricity, water, easy employment Delivery, service Delivery, service work, work, access, whitetail, dove, ja B LL Appliances Ac k non-working B AcAVAiLABLe. k A An ng gu u s sFull need non-working ones. ones. JoBs thick cover, views, need gentLe Mixed velina, Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, (254) and canyons. Starting at $650/ Breed Cows and part-time jobsgenavail heifers. Purebred heifers. Purebred gen799-6228 799-6228 AC. 979-575-3939 Langnice WAsheRs, dryStocker Calves. Call able now! Needed: Janitle, 11-18 months old, tle, 11-18 months old, ers, refrigerators, and tryWestRanch.com (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, $1,200. (254) 899-2558 $1,200. (254)surrounding 899-2558 cook stoves. Rebuilt 749-5637 Automobiles Temple and Transportation Livestock Farm &dayRanch Miscellaneous Farm & Ranch Miscellaneous areas. with 90 Startingwarranty. at $8 per Delivery, service Want to Buy hour. Lots/Land/ Please call work, our of- gentLe Mixed 11 ceMeteRy Lot at LL Ac needat non-working ones. BB gentLe Mixed Acreage fice (254) 776-7775 ceMeteRy Lot at Ac k k A An ng gu u ss Breed Cows and Waco Memorial, VeterGrass fed fat bulls (254) 214-5284, (254) Breed Cows and We Buy & Repair Unor apply online at www. Waco Memorial, Veter Grass fed fat bulls and and Stocker Calves. Call ans $700. (254) heifers. Purebred gen799-6228 Stocker Calves. Trans Call wanted/ Broken West texAs janitorialservice.com/apply ans Section. Section. $700.ATV’s, (254) heifers. Purebred gen (254) 749-0909 (254) 662-3082 Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos 662-3082 tle, 11-18 11-18 months months old, old, e(254) M p area, L749-0909 e o near s (254) dLake i s - tle, 749-5637 749-5637 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 We Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 450 acres. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 poniBLes. ¡ Ya están 9086Want water, easy Miscellaneous to Buy Electricity, Lots/Land/ disponibles los empleos dogs access, whitetail, dove, Acreage dogs shipping contAinde tiempo completoja-y shipping contAin WeAppliances Buy & Repair Un- velina, thick cover, views, Motorcycles gentLe Mixed eRs $2,000 up. Wind medio! Se and necesita: tra1 ceMeteRy Lot at Motorcycles Dogs eRs $2,000 and up. Wind wanted/ Broken ATV’s, canyons. West texAs Trans yoRkie puppies, Starting at $650/ yoRkie&puppies, Breed Cows and and water tight. See phobajadores de limpieza en Waco Memorial, VeterMotorcycles Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake and water tight. See phoShih-Tzu Puppies & 979-575-3939 Langnice WAsheRs, dryShih-Tzu Puppies & AC. Stocker tos Waco, Temple y lasacres. áreas We Buy Calves. & RepairCall Un We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 -$700. 450 answww.steelcontainers. Section. (254) tos www.steelcontainers. Morkie Puppies. Call ers, refrigerators, andor Morkie Puppies. Call or tryWestRanch.com (254) 749-0909 (254) Want to Buy Lots/Land/ 9086 Electricity, water, easy net Will deliver. (254) 722circundantes. A partir de wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 662-3082 net Will deliver. (254) 722 text 716-3952 cook(254) stoves. RebuiltLiwhitetail, dove, ja- Motorcycles text (254) 716-3952 Li- access, 749-5637 4270, Burleson, TX. Acreage $8Farm por hora. Por favor & Scooters. &cover, Ranch 4270, Burleson, TX. Appliances cense #144 thick views, with 90 day warranty. cense #144 We Buy & Repair Un- velina, llame a nuestra oficina al We Pick-Up (903) 336 canyons. Starting at $650/ Livestock Delivery, service ATV’s, work, West Livestock (254) 776-7775 o solicite 9086 employment wanted/ Broken texAs Trans dogs AC. 979-575-3939 Langnice WAsheRs, dryemployment B Llínea Ac ken www.janitoriA n g u s shipping contAinneed non-working ones. tryWestRanch.com en Motorcycles & Scooters. area, near ers, refrigerators, and Pecos Grass fed fat bulls Lake and eRs $2,000 and up. Wind (254) 214-5284, (254) gentLe Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full cook stoves. Rebuilt alservice.com/apply yoRkie puppies, We Pick-Up (903) 336Amistad. 60 450 acres. gentLe Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full Farm & Ranch and water tight. See phoheifers. Purebred gen799-6228 with 90 day warranty. to Buy Breed Cows and and part-time jobs avail Shih-Tzu Puppies & tosWant Breed Cows and and part-time jobswork, avail- Electricity, 9086 water, easy seRVice techniciAn www.steelcontainers. tle, 11-18 months old, Delivery, service Stocker Calves. Call able now! Needed: Jani Morkie Puppies. Call Stocker Calves. Call able Needed:ones. Jani- access, Needed. Machine Rewhitetail, ja-or net Will deliver. (254) 722B L Ac kIce A899-2558 ndove, g(254) us neednow! non-working $1,200. (254) (254) 749-0909 torial workers in Waco, Appliances text (254) 716-3952 Li- 4270, (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, pair Helpful. Apply Waco Grass fed fat bulls and (254) 214-5284, (254) velina, thick cover, views, Burleson, TX. Miscellaneous 749-5637 Temple surrounding 2 Dollarand Saver Sunday,canyons. December 29, 2019 cense #144 heifers. Purebred gen799-6228 749-5637 Temple and surrounding Carbonics 431 LaSalle. Starting at $650/ areas. Starting tle, 11-18 months old, Livestock areas. Starting at at $8 $8dry-per per AC. (254) 754-2601 Lang 979-575-3939 nice WAsheRs, employment Livestock $1,200. (254) Mixed 899-2558 gentLe hour. Please our 1 ceMeteRy hour. Please call call Lot our atofof- tryWestRanch.com JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full ers, refrigerators, and Miscellaneous fice at (254) Breed Cows and B k A n u s Waco Veterfice atMemorial, (254) 776-7775 776-7775 Want toMixed Buy Lots/Land/ B LL Ac Ac kCalves. A jobs ng gCall uavails and part-time gentLe JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full cook stoves. Rebuilt or apply online at www. Stocker Grass fed fat bulls and Section. $700. orans apply online at (254) www. and Acreage Farm & Ranch Grass fed fat bulls and able now! Needed: JaniBreed Cows and g e n t L e M i x e d part-time jobs avail 1 ceMeteRy Lot at (254) janitorialservice.com/apply 749-0909 (254) with 90 day warranty. We Buy & Repair Unheifers. Purebred gen662-3082 janitorialservice.com/apply heifers. Purebred gen B r e e d C ow s a n d torial workers in Waco, Calves.ATV’s, Call West texAs now! Needed: Jani- StockerBroken Waco Veter 749-5637 work, Trans tle, 11-18 months old, -- able eeDelivery, M p LLMemorial, eeservice o s d ii s Stocker Calves. Call tle, 11-18 months old, wanted/ ALL CONCRE TE M p o s d s ans Section. $700. (254) Temple and surrounding (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers in Waco, Motorcycles & Scooters. Pecos area, near Lake Bareas. L Ac k A n g u s need non-working ones. $1,200. (254) 899-2558 poniBLes. ¡¡ Ya están (254) 749-0909 (254) 662-3082 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 poniBLes. Ya están Starting at $8 per We 749-5637 WORK. Temple and surrounding Pick-Up (903) 336- Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. 749-5637 disponibles los Grass fed fatcontAinbulls andper (254) 214-5284, (254) shipping dogs Electricity, disponibles los empleos empleos hour. Please call our of- 9086 areas. Starting at $8 water, easy FRE E E stimates. de tiempo completo yy heifers. Purebred gen799-6228 de tiempo completo fice at (254) 776-7775 access, whitetail, dove, jaeRs $2,000 and up. Wind hour. Please call our of dogs Driveways, Patios, medio! Se necesita: traMotorcycles Appliances yoRkie puppies, tle, 11-18 months old, shipping contAin medio! Se necesita: tra Motorcycles velina, thick cover, views, or apply online at www. and water tight. See phofice at (254) 776-7775 Trucks Trucks B L Ac k A n g u s bajadores limpieza en eRs $2,000 and up. Wind Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos Fencing, Ede 350-9192 bajadores detc.2019 limpieza en $1,200. (254) 899-2558 canyons. Starting at $650/ janitorialservice.com/apply yoRkie puppies, www.steelcontainers. or apply online at www. day, December 29, Grass fed fat bulls and AC. 979-575-3939 Langand water tight. See pho We Buy & Repair UnWaco, Temple yy las áreas Morkie Puppies. Call or& net Waco, Temple las áreas We Buy & Repair Unnice WAsheRs, dryFront-End Shih-Tzu Puppies Miscellaneous $ Purebred Will deliver. (254)ATV’s, 722janitorialservice.com/apply Full ers, JoBs AVAiLABLe. tos www.steelcontainers. heifers. gencircundantes. AA partir de wanted/ Broken text (254) 716-3952 refrigerators, and tryWestRanch.com Morkie Puppies. Call Lior 4270, circundantes. partir de wanted/ Broken rEplacEmEnts starting at Installed Burleson, TX.ATV’s, net Will deliver. (254) 722 and part-time jobs availtle, 11-18 months old, e M p L e o s d i s $8 por hora. Por favor Motorcycles & Scooters. text (254) 716-3952 License #144 cook stoves. Rebuilt Turn Over $8 por hora. Por favor Motorcycles & Scooters. 4270, Burleson, TX. able now! Needed: Jani- with $1,200. (254) 899-2558 Farm & Ranch poniBLes. ¡ Ya están gentLe Mixed Gooseneck cense llame aa#144 nuestra oficina Pick-Up (903) 33690 day warranty. 1 ceMeteRy Lot at alal We Livestock llame nuestra oficina We Pick-Up (903) 336Ball Hitch employment torialLivestock workers Waco, disponibles los inempleos Breed Cows and Delivery, (254) 776-7775 solicite service work, Installed Starting at Waco Memorial,oo Veteremployment (254) 776-7775 solicite 9086 9086 Temple and surrounding de tiempo completo y need non-working ones. B L Ac k A n g u s en línea en www.janitori Stocker Calves. Call $ en línea en www.janitori600 ans Section. $700. (254)Full medio! gentLe Mixed JoBs AVAiLABLe. areas. per (254) 214-5284, (254) Grass fed fat bulls and See necesita: trag e n tStarting L Mati (254) x$8e d Motorcycles JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full (254) alservice.com/apply 749-0909 alservice.com/apply 662-3082 Grill Guards heifers. Purebred Breed Cows and and part-time jobs avail799-6228 genB r e e d C ow s a n d and part-time jobs availhour. Please call our ofbajadores de limpieza en Installed Starting at 749-5637 seRVice techniciAn seRVice tle, 11-18 months old, Stocker Calves. Call now! techniciAn Needed: Jani- Waco, fice at (254) 776-7775 Temple y las áreas We Buy & Repair Un able $ 550 Needed. Ice ReSK Truck Bed (254) 749-0909 (254) torial workers Waco, 899-2558 Needed. Ice Machine Machine Re- circundantes. (254) (254) torial workers inin Waco, or apply749-0909 onlineA atpartir www. de wanted/ Broken ATV’s, $1,200. (254) $3,950 pair Helpful. Apply Waco 749-5637 Temple and surrounding surrounding Short Bed Single Wheel w/4Miscellaneous Boxes .............. pair Helpful. Apply Waco 749-5637 Temple and janitorialservice.com/apply dogs $8 por hora. Por favor Motorcycles & Scooters. $ areas. Starting atLaSalle. $8 per shipping Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes................. 4,150 Carbonics 431 contAin Carbonics 431at LaSalle. areas. Starting $8 $4,400 llame aw/4 nuestra al We Pick-Up (903) 336 Dually Boxesoficina ................................................... hour. Please call ourper of- eRs (254) 754-2601 $2,000 and up. Wind Real estate For (254) 754-2601 $ hour. call our of- 60" Cab Axle w/4 Boxes 1............................ ceMeteRy4,450 Lot at gentLe Mixed ficeyoRkie atPlease (254)puppies, 776-7775 (254) 776-7775 ogsolicite 9086 B Lwater Ac ksale AC&C n u s $ and tight. See pho JoBs AVAiLABLe. Full 84" Cabfed Axle C&C BoxesWaco ............................ Memorial,4,875 Veter- B r e e d C ow s a n d or apply online at www. fice atAVAiLABLe. (254) 776-7775 JoBs Full fat bulls en en www.janitoriBGrass Llínea AcCarry k APrices. n gw/4 uand s Shih-Tzu Puppies & tos Out Add $500 For Standard Installation and part-time jobs avail www.steelcontainers. janitorialservice.com/apply ans Section. $700. (254) Stocker Calves. Call or onlinejobs atCall www. heifers.fedPurebred genandapply part-time availGrass fat bullsSW andof Morkie Puppies. or alservice.com/apply (254) 749-0909 (254) 12.25 AcRes kEmpnEr EquipmEnt able Needed: 662-3082 Will deliver. (254) 722tle, 11-18 months old, e M now! pLeo s d Janii s - net janitorialservice.com/apply able now! Needed: Janiheifers. Purebred gentext (254) 716-3952 Li- 4270, seRVice techniciAn 749-5637 Bracketville. S TX/W TX 800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 $1,200. (254) 899-2558 torial workers in Waco, poniBLes. ¡ Ya están Burleson, TX. old,Reworkers in d Waco, tle, 11-18 months etorial M p L e o s i s 8.7 Miles West ofMachine "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart Needed. Ice cense #144 disponibles los empleos Brush Country. Deer, Temple and surrounding Temple and completo surrounding $1,200. (254) 899-2558 .com poniBLes. ¡ atYa$8 estány www.kEmpnErEquip de tiempo pair Helpful. Apply Waco dogs Hogs, Turkey, Quail. Livestock areas. Starting shipping contAinareas. Starting at $8 per per employment disponibles los empleos medio! Se necesita: tra- Carbonics Motorcycles 431 LaSalle. $1,623 Down, $269 hour. Please call our our ofofeRs $2,000 and up. Wind hour. Please call bajadores decompleto limpieza en de tiempo y
nday, December 29, 2019
December 25, 2019 • Page 5
Page 6 • December 25, 2019
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
Dollar Saver Sunday, December 22, 2019 1 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 1 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 1 AL L CON CR E T E WOR K . F R E E E stim ates. D r iveways, P atios, Building/ Building/ Brick/ F encing, E tc. 350-9192 Tree Service AL L CON CR E T E Concrete Remodeling Remodeling WOR K . Dollar Saver Sunday, FDecember 15, ates. 2019Sunday, 1 December 15, 2019 1 R E E E stim Dollar Dollar Saver Saver r iveways, P atios, Dollar Saver Sunday,DDecember 15, 2019Sunday, 1 December 15, 2019 1 F encing, E tc. 350-9192 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 1 AL L CON CR E T E WOR K . F R E E E stim ates. D r iveways, P atios, F encing, E tc. 350-9192 Business Tree Service Opportunity AL L CON CR E T E WOR K . . es F R E E E stim ates. D r iveways, P atios, r ! ! AVAILABLE !! F encing, E tc. 350-9192 offic e, retail, ware house & m ore for lease David Barr P roperties Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019 1 ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ! ties.c om t s. ies per Yardwork/ Landscaping ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper Foundation ties.c om Repair Registered Roofing ! ! nt Child Care es. ties per ! Com m erc ial ! ! ! ! ! Land, Investm ent P roperties, and Business P roperties. David Barr P roperties ( 254) 526-2277 www.davidbarrproper ties.c om ! ! t es. ! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !
2 Dollar Saver Sunday, December 15, 2019
Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530
Brick/ Concrete
December 25, 2019 • Page 7
Roofing Business/ Commercial
! ! ! Com m erc ial ! ! !
Page 8 • December 25, 2019
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530
Help ....................131 ...77 HelpWanted WantedMedical Professional..............133 Goods & Appliances ......................181 Auto Parts, Insurance, ............291 ....79 ................146 Help Wanted General ....................132 Food Products................................184 Motorcycles For Sale Etc. ....................294 Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 ...78 Salesperson Wanted........................134 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Help Wanted Professional..............133 ....80 Musical Goods................................186 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 ...79 Food Products................................184 Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 Jobs WantedWanted........................134 ..................................135 Salesperson ....81 Temple: ...80 SportingGoods................................186 Goods ..............................187 Recreational Sport Utility ....................................297 Vehicles ....................296 (254) 778-4444 Musical Jobs Wanted ..................................135 ...81 Sporting Goods................................188 ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 ....82 Boats, Motors Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Financial Killeen: (254) 501-7530 Boats, ...82 Motors ................................188 Vans & Pickups..................298 Notes,Stocks, Stocks, Bonds ....................146 ....83 Notes, Building Materials ..........................190 Trucks, Automobiles For Sale ....................299 Bonds ....................146 ...83 Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299
aver • 778-4444 ertising Financial
For Rent: 4bd/2bth 1800+sqft Academy ISD Call for details 254-913-8989 NEWLY REMODELED NEWLY REMODELED NEWLY REMODELED 4000 Sq Ft, office buildNEWLY REMODELED 4000 Sq Ft, office EFFICIENCIES Bills buildPaid. 4000 Sq Ft, office building in Cameron for lease 4000 Sq Ft, office building in Cameron for lease Furnished. Ramona EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. ing in Cameron for lease ing in Cameron for lease $1800/mo, large fenced $1800/mo, large fenced Hunt with large your dog or $1800/mo, large fenced Courtyard, near VA. $1800/mo, fenced Furnished. Ramona rear parking area with rear parking area with sale. centexshoot.com From $495. 254-778-1374. guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 512-856-2200 rear parking area with 512-856-2200 covered loading dock, covered loading dock, ROOMMATE WANTED: 512-856-2200 Courtyard, near VA. covered loading dock, 512-856-2200 Eat Free Nearby. covered loading dock, wired for LAN, fiber inmiles northeast of Austin. wired for LAN, fiber in2BR, 1BA house, 2 fiber car garArea. wired for LAN, inFrom $495. 254-778-1374. ternet, Additional lot wired LAN, &Quail fiber inTraining area. for ternet, Additional lot age, allforutilities Internet call 156 ACRES Jarrell Area. across street available ternet, Additional lot Eatlease, Free Nearby. ternet, Additional lot across information call for as well available as cubisale. centexshoot.com paid, $750 street month. Call Bob in- For across street available 512-966-4301. Serious incles lease, & desks. across street available for as well as cubiOFFICE SPACE 512-856-2200 254-231-7245 quiries only. No texts. for & lease, as well well as as cubicubi254.455.2262 156 ACRES Jarrell Area. for lease, as cles desks. cles & desks. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE PROPERTIES FOR For information call clesALL & desks. 254.455.2262 ....................84 ALL PROPERTIES FOR Flowers, OFFICE SPACE Loans..............................................147 Trees, Garden Supplies ..191 RENT OFFICE SPACE 254.455.2262 refurbished 3,500 512-966-4301. Serious in- Recently 254.455.2262 3719 Cole Porter, Temple RENT LEASE sq.ft. FOR office and warehouse quiries only.Real No texts. ....................85 Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Just remodeled new tile, FOR LEASE FURNISHED EFFICIEN3719 Cole Porter, Temple FOR LEASE space. Located on corner 10 ACRES on Hwy 438 Recently new carpet, fresh paint, refurbished 3,500 CIES. Screen TVs, Full Equipment ...................86 ALL PROPERTIES FOR New/Used Auto Loans....................149 Business ......................193 Northeast of Temple, 1.5 Recently lot in Flat downtown Temple. What you get when youand advertise Just remodeled new tile, new light fixtures aprefurbished 3,500 FURNISHED EFFICIENRecently refurbished 3,500 in thepliances. office and warehouse miles outside of Loop. All sq.ft. 3 pages Bedrooms RENT Kitchen. Free: Cable, InterOff-street parking. Classified of the2 438 new carpet, fresh paint, sq.ft. office and warehouse ....................87 in bermuda grass. Re- sq.ft. Auctions, All Types ........................194 Bathrooms 2 Living areas 3719DOLLAR Cole Porter, Temple office and warehouse Call 254-774-5204 SAVER. CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full Located onandLease/ corner net. Bills Paid. No 1.5 stricted. new light fixtures apOwner/agent space. with a beautiful corner space. Located EFFICIENonTemple. corner Collectibles Just remodeled new tile, Get Call Today! No Deposit. FURNISHED ....................88 space. Located on corner fireplace. This home has so Antiques, ....................195 in downtown What youResults! get when you advertise All 325-668-6465 pliances. 3 Bedrooms 2 Kitchen. Free: Cable, Inter10 ACRES on Hwy 438 lotCALL Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 new carpet, paint, DOLLAR SAVER much to fresh offer. in downtown What you get when you advertise House Inn lot inRanch downtown Temple. What you get when you advertise Re- Northeast of Temple, 1.5 lot CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Off-street parking. in thenew Classified pages ofand the (254) 778-4444 Bathrooms 2 LivingTemple. areasFull Misc. $1375.00 Monthly rent $1,000 ....................89 light fixtures apMachinery, & Heavy..............196 net. Bills Paid. No Lease/ (254) 778-4444 773-0114 Off-street parking. in the Classified pages of the Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Deposit agent miles outside of Loop. All Off-street with beautiful cornerInter- in the pliances. Classified of the 3,500 Callaparking. 254-774-5204 3pages Bedrooms 2 DOLLAR SAVER. Recently refurbished Kitchen. Free: Cable, Call 254-774-5204 in Deposit. bermuda ReDOLLAR SAVER. No 2Call Living areas fireplace. This home so Call DOLLAR SAVER. Feed &grass. Pasturing ..........................172 Getoffice Results! Today! Coming soon! net. Bills254-774-5204 Paid. Nohas Lease/ sq.ft.Bathrooms and warehouse HILLTOP VILLAGE MHP stricted. Owner/agent with a beautiful corner 5203 Southern Crossing, much to offer. Get Results! Call Today! Ranch House Inn 2 & 3BR Available, Belton Get Results! Call Today! CALL DOLLAR SAVER No Deposit. 325-668-6465 Temple Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 space. Located on has corner fireplace. This home so ..................120 Move-In Special. $1375.00 Monthly rent $1,000 (254) CALL DOLLAR SAVER in 778-4444 Echo Village, 4 much to offer. CALL DOLLAR SAVER call for info. 773-0114 Ranch House Inn lotLocated in bedrooms downtown (254) 778-4444 with 2Temple. Deposit TOWNHOMES AT Wanted, Farm ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 Maint. Cont’dPlease Financial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. .................................147 Trees,Equipment Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 254-939-1599 $1375.00 Monthly rent $1,000 .................123 baths. Open floor plan, (254) 778-4444 773-0114 (254) 778-4444 Off-street parking. Deposit RIVER FAIR ....................84 convenient to Scott & Loans..............................................147 Trees, Flowers, Garden Supplies ..191 Livestock ........................................232 oans, Investments ....148 Computers, Software......................192 Coming soon! White, Shopping with yourareas dogand or Call 254-774-5204 ....................85 BELTON Real Estate Loans, Investments ....148 Crossing, Computers,Hunt Software......................192 HP the water park. Very Coming soon! 5203 Southern guided. Quail/Chukar hunt o...................86 Loans....................149 Business Equipment ......................193 Spacious with over 1760 sq 40 Furniture, New &Loans....................149 Used ..................179 HILLTOP VILLAGE MHP •3bed/2.5bath/2gar on ............130 New/Used Auto ......................193 5203 Southern ers Temple Business Equipment feet Crossing, miles northeast of Austin. 2 & 3BR Available,Auctions, Belton All Types RENT$2,000 ........................194 Temple $1,300.00 Monthly rent ....................87 Miscellaneous Items ......................180 Auto Repairs ..................................290 Auctions, All Types ........................194 Located in Echo Village, 4 CALL DOLLAR SAVER Farm & Ranch Move-In Special. .................131 $1,000.00 Deposit Training area. Quail Diana White Located in Echo Village, 4for bedrooms with Antiques, 2 feet ....................88 Antiques, ....................195 Collectibles ....................195 Please call for info. TOWNHOMES ATfind Collectibles Goods & Appliances ......................181 Auto Parts,of Insurance, Etc. ............291 Read the Classified section to • 1,250 square off ice space bedrooms with 2 713.859.2952 Equipment, Miscellaneous ............170 iscellaneous ............170 TOWNHOMES AT sale. centexshoot.com 606 Northcliffe Drive, Bel.................132 778-4444 254-939-1599 baths. OpenHill floor plan, ....................89 Machinery, Misc. &(254) Heavy..............196 baths. Open floor plan, Chappell Reality Machinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 ton Dairy, Farm Products ....................171 Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 512-856-2200 and 6,450 square foot 4warehouse/ that justRIVER right item you’re looking for. FAIR roducts ....................171 convenient toFAIR Scott & RIVER convenient to Scott bedroom 2.5 bath. & nal..............133 Group &White, Livestock Feed &isPasturing Formal dining room andand a on White, Shopping areas and PetsFor Shopping areas Food Products................................184 Motorcycles Sale ....................294 production area Call today,BELTON someone looking for..........................172 ring ..........................172 formal living park. room.Very Rear BELTON ..................134 the2water the water park. Very Field Seeds, Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 entry car garage, large ..................120 Make your ad stand out Musical Goods................................186 Recreational Vehicles ....................296 Spacious with over 1760 sq what you have to sell! Find it fast? Fertilizer ....................174 Pets ................................................230 deck, and a lot of mature Spacious with 1760 sq ............................................231 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar • Loading dock ..................135 Wanted, Farm Equipment ..............175 Poultry •3bed/2.5bath/2gar from theover rest! .................123 trees for shade. feet feet Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sport ....................................297 Hunt with your dog Utility or ........................................232 Equipment ..............175 Poultry ............................................231 RENT$2,000 Dollar Saver$2,000 Classified $1,800 ASK FOR Livestock NEWLY REMODELED You$1,300.00 canMonthly catch therenteye$1,000 of those Monthly rent Merchandise RENT• Large garage doors Deposit $1,300.00 Monthly rent guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 4000 Sq ent Ft, Deposit officeat build$1,000.00 BOLDING Diana White Boats, Motors ................................188 Trucks, Vans & Pickups..................298 Livestock ........................................232 Visit our website Automotive Furniture, New & Used ..................179 miles northeast of Austin. $1,000.00 Deposit Diana White ing terrylockettrentals.com in Cameron for lease Call Classified ers ............130 Read the Classified section to find prospective buyers by advertising 713.859.2952 .................146 • Convenient off-street customer Training for Hunt witharea. your Quail dog or Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 or call 254.913.3518 606 Northcliffe Drive, fenced BelMiscellaneous Items ......................180 Auto Repairs ..................................290 NEWLY REMODELED $1800/mo, large 778-4444 713.859.2952 w.................131 & Used ..................179 guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 254.771.3633 sale. centexshoot.com 4000 Sq Ft, tonoffice buildChappell Hill ofReality 606 Northcliffe Bel-Parts, Insurance, parking area with parking miles northeast Drive, Austin. Auto Etc. ............291 & Appliances thatChappell just rightGoods item you’re lookingRepairs for. ......................181 ing Cameron for lease inrear the inClassifieds with display ad. 512-856-2200 .................132 4 bedroom 2.5a bath. Hill Reality Auto ..................................290 Items ......................180 Training area. Quail for ton covered loading dock, Group $1800/mo, large fenced Merchandise Wanted ....................183 Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 sale. centexshoot.com Formal dining room and ainrear parking area with nal..............133 wired in fordowntown LAN, fiber3,500 4 bedroom 2.5 bath. location • High visibility Call today, Group someone is looking for Recently refurbished 512-856-2200 Auto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 ances ......................181 formal living room. Rear covered loading dock, Food Products................................184 For Sale ....................294 ternet, Additional lot Formal diningwith roomMotorcycles and a ..................134 wired for LAN, fiber inentry 2 car garage, large Temple access from Central Make your ad stand out sq.ft. office and warehouse across street available Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Wanted ....................183 Goods................................186 Vehicles ....................296 Calldeck, a Classified Representative ternet, Additional lot formal living room.Recreational Rear what you haveMusical to sell! Find it fast? and a lot of mature ..................135 across street available for lease, as well as cubifrom the rest! Avenue and 7th Street space. Located on corner entry 2 car garage, large Sporting Goods ..............................187 Sport Utility ....................................297 treesasforwell shade. Make your ad stand out Motorcycles For Sale ....................294 s................................184 for lease, as cubicles$1,800 & For desks. al for all the4bd/2bth details Dollar Saver Classified deck, and a lotSPACE of mature &Today desks. Monthly rent $1,000 Rent: ASK FOR OFFICE SPACE Trucks, Vanscles & Pickups..................298 Motors ................................188 in downtown Temple. OFFICE 254.455.2262 fromBoats, the rest! Recreational Vehicles ....................296 s................................186 EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. lot 1800+sqft 254.455.2262 Deposit Academy ISD trees for shade. .................146 BOLDING Building Materials ..........................190 Automobiles For Sale ....................299 FOR LEASE Off-street our website at CallVisit forparking. details 254-913-8989 FOR LEASE Furnished. $1,800 Monthly rentRamona $1,000 ....................................297 ds ..............................187 ASK FOR Sport Utility Recently terrylockettrentals.com Callrefurbished Classified 3,500 Call 254-774-5204 Deposit Courtyard, VA. Recently refurbished 3,500 office andnear warehouse or call 254.913.3518 & Pickups..................298 ................................188 BOLDING Trucks, Vanssq.ft. 778-4444 Visit our website at space. Located on corner sq.ft. and warehouse From office $495. 254-778-1374. 254.771.3633 Automobileslot ForinSale ....................299 rials ..........................190 Call Classified downtown space. Located corner What you get when you advertise Eatterrylockettrentals.com Free Nearby.onTemple. Off-street parking. in the Classified pages of the or downtown call 254.913.3518 lot inCall Temple. ROOMMATE What you get when you advertise 778-4444 WANTED: 254-774-5204 DOLLAR SAVER. 254.771.3633 For Rent: 4bd/2bth 1BA house, 2Today! Area. Off-street parking.Bills Paid. 2BR, Get Results! Call in the Classified pages ofcar the garEFFICIENCIES (254) 778-4444 1800+sqft Academy ISD age, all utilities & Internet call CALL DOLL AR SAVER Call for detailsSAVER. 254-913-8989 Call 254-774-5204 DOLLAR Furnished. Ramona
EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Furnished. Hunt with your your Ramona dog or or Hunt with dog Hunt with your or guided. Quail/Chukar hunt 40 Courtyard, neardog guided. Quail/Chukar huntVA. 40 Hunt with your dog or guided. Quail/Chukar 40 miles northeast of hunt Austin. guided. northeast Quail/Chukar hunt 40 miles of Austin. From northeast $495. 254-778-1374. miles of miles northeast of Austin. Austin. Training area. Quail for Training area. area. Quail Quail for for Training sale. centexshoot.com Eat Free Nearby. sale. centexshoot.com sale. centexshoot.com
(254) 771-3516 254) 778-4444 dvertising email tdtads@tdtnews.com Ask For Classified
•aver 778-4444 • 778-4444
Maint. Cont’d
Financial Cont’d.
Merchandise Cont’d.
(254) Farm &771-3516 Ranch 4 PHONE
email tdtads@tdtnews.com FOR LEASE (254) 771-3516 254) 778-4444
email tdtads@tdtnews.com Pets & Livestock on Ask For Classified ncial Cont’d. Merchandise Cont’d. Rentals
ent m & Ranch
(254) 778-4444
Merchandise COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Automotive
Pets & Livestock
alrchandise (254) 778-4444
For Rent: 4bd/2bth 1800+sqft Academy ISD For Rent: 4bd/2bth Call for details 254-913-8989
1800+sqft Academy ISD
Call for details 254-913-8989 NEWLY REMODELED 4000 Sq Ft, office building in Cameron WANTED: for lease ROOMMATE 2BR, 1BA house, gar$1800/mo, large2 carfenced age, all utilities & Internet rear parking area paid, $750 month. Call with Bob ROOMMATE WANTED: BINGO 254-231-7245 covered loading2 cardock, 2BR, 1BA Post house, garVFW #4008 BINGO age, all utilities & Internet wired for LAN, fiber inBINGO Belton paid, $750 month. Call Bob ternet, Additional lot VFW Post #4008 Lic #1-74-6066507-2 VFW Post 254-231-7245 across street #4008 available WED.Belton AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am for lease,Belton as well as cubiStarts 12:30pm Lic #1-74-6066507-2 clesSession &FRI. desks. AFTERNOONS Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Lic #1-74-6066507-2 Doors Open 5pm 254.455.2262 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am WED. AFTERNOONS Session Starts 6:30pm
DoorsStarts Open 12:30pm 11am SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Session Doors Open 11am Doors Open12:30pm 4pm Session Starts FRI. AFTERNOONS Session Starts Session Starts12:30pm 5:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm LARGE FRI. AFTERNOONS DoorsStarts Open 6:30pm 5pm NON-SMOKING ROOM Session Doors Open 5pm Hot Food Available Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Session Starts 6:30pm Maximum Pay Out SUNDAY DoorsAFTERNOONS Open 4pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOONS What you getStarts when Doors Open 4pm Session 5:30pm Doors Open you 4pmadvertise Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE in theSession Classified pages of the Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM LARGE NEWLY REMODELED DOLLAR SAVER. NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available NON-SMOKING ROOM 4000 Get SqResults! Ft, Call office Today! Maximum Pay Out buildHot Food Food Available canCameron catchAvailable the those ing YouinHot for Maximum Payeye Outof lease Maximum Pay Out prospective buyers by advertising $1800/mo, large fenced rear parkingwitharea in the Classifieds a displaywith ad.
(254) 778-4444
covered loading dock, wired for LAN, fiber inCall a Classified Representative ternet, Additional lot across available You canstreet catch the eye of those for lease, as well as cubiprospective by advertising cles &(254) desks.buyers 778-4444 GENERAL254.455.2262 REPAIRS, all phases of remodeling. in the Classifieds with a displayOne ad.
House leveling & foundation Today repair. & beam for allPier theslab. details and concrete Residential and commercial. FREE Estimates! 254-780-7554
December 25, 2019 • Page 9
December 25, 2019 • Page 9
PINA Tree Trimming, PINA Tree Trimming, PINA Tree Trimming, PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, CleanMowing, Edging, CleanMowing, Mowing, Edging, Edging, CleanCleaning, Rake Leaves, ing, Rake Leaves, ing, Rake Leaves, ing, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, Lawncare, Private Private Fence, Fence, Lawncare, Lawncare, Private Fence, power wash wash and and conconpower power wash and power wash Free and conconcrete work. Esticrete work. Free Esticrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, crete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765 mates. 771-2191, mates. 771-2191, 718-9765 718-9765 718-9765 Shorty’s Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulch-
Shorty’s Landscaping. ing, and more. 254-760-3031MowShorty’s Landscaping. Shorty’s Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, Mowtree ing, weedeating, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, edging, tree service, flower beds, ing, and more. service, flower254-760-3031 beds, mulchmulching, and more. 254-760-3031 ing, and more. 254-760-3031
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton
BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years Lic in #1-74-6066507-2 business. Call Dale 721-3658.
BATHTUB REFINISHING Doors Open 11am BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porceBATHTUB REFINISHING Session Starts 12:30pm in home. home. Repairs onOver porcelain and fiberglass. 30 in Repairs on porceFRI. AFTERNOONS lain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. lain andDoors fiberglass. OverCall 30 Open 5pm years721-3658. in business. Call Dale years in business. Call Session Starts 6:30pm Dale 721-3658. Dale 721-3658.
SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Research Participants Hot Food Available Are you 18 or older, comPay Out munityMaximum college student, and mother? PINA Tree Trimming, https://www.surveymonkey.com /r/Q5N5PV9 Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Trimming, Leaves, PINA Tree Mowing, Lawncare,Edging, Private CleanFence, ing, Rake Leaves, power wash andFence, conLawncare, Private Research Participants crete work. Free Estipower wash and conLic #1-74-6066507-2 Are you 18 or older, comcrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, Research Participants WED. AFTERNOONS Research Participants munity college student, mates. 771-2191, Are you 18 or older, com718-9765 Are you 18 Open or older, Doors 11am comand mother? 718-9765
BINGO • 1,250 square feet of off ice space OFFICE SPACE Automotive • 1,250 square feet of offFOR ice space VFW Post #4008 call does it all. John and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ LEASE 254-421-8400, call anytime. and 6,450 square Belton production area foot warehouse/ Call a Classified Representative House leveling & foundaproduction area RESULTS... tion repair. & foundabeam Today for Pier all the&&details House leveling House concrete leveling founda• Loading dock and Resition repair. Pierslab.& & beam beam tion repair. Pier dential and BINGO commercial. • Loading dock and concrete slab. BINGO What you get when you advertise munity college student, and concrete slab. ResiResi- https://www.surveymonkey.com FREE Estimates! munity student, Sessioncollege Starts 12:30pm • Large doors dential and commercial. Greatgarage space. Great location. VFW Post • 1,250 square feet of off ice space VFW Post #4008 and dential and commercial. 254-780-7554 in the Classified pages#4008 of the and mother? mother? /r/Q5N5PV9 FREE Estimates! FRI. AFTERNOONS NOW HIRING! (254) 778-4444 https://www.surveymonkey.com FREE Estimates! Belton (254) 778-4444 • Large garage doors Shorty’s Landscaping. Mowhttps://www.surveymonkey.com (254) 778-4444 • Convenient Belton Temple Temps DOLLAR SAVER. 2547745204 254-780-7554 Doors Open 5pm GENERAL REPAIRS, all /r/Q5N5PV9 254-780-7554 off-streetand customer 6,450 square foot warehouse/ ing, weedeating, tree RESULTS... 315 W. Aveedging, M /r/Q5N5PV9 phases of #1-74-6066507-2 remodeling. GetLic Results! Call Today! One service, Session Starts 6:30pm RESULTS... flower beds, mulch(254) 778-4444 GENERAL REPAIRS, all • Convenient off-streetCALL customer WED. GENERAL REPAIRS, all call does AFTERNOONS it all. John parking ing,SUNDAY and more. 254-760-3031 AFTERNOONS production area DOLLAR SAVER phases of remodeling. One Employment Open 11am One 254-421-8400, anytime. phases Doors of call remodeling. leveling & founda(254) 778-4444 Open 4pm call Session does it 12:30pm all. John John House Doors Starts parking call does it all. tion Session repair.Starts Pier5:30pm & beam • High visibility location in downtown 254-421-8400, call anytime. anytime. FRI. AFTERNOONS 254-421-8400, call • Loading dock and concrete Doors Open 5pm (254)month. 778-4444 paid, $750 Call Bob LARGEslab. Resiin(254) 778-4444 • High visibility location in downtown (254) 771-3516 Courtyard, near access VA. 254-231-7245 Get Results! Call Today! Session Starts 6:30pm Temple with from Central RESULTS... dential and commercial. NON-SMOKING ROOM 4 From $495. 254-778-1374. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS CALL DOLLAR SAVER FREE Profi table Hot FoodEstimates! Available • Large garage doors ALL PROPERTIES FOR Temple with access from Central WhatRoutes you get when you advertise RESULTS... Eat Free Nearby. (254) 778-4444 Doors Open 4pm BATHTUB REFINISHING Avenue and 7th Street email tdtads@tdtnews.com For Rent: 4bd/2bth 254-780-7554 RENT (254) 778-4444 Rentals ROOMMATE WANTED: in the Session EFFICIENCIES Bills Paid. Maximum Pay Out in home. Repairs on porceClassifiedStarts pages5:30pm of the 1800+sqft Academy ISD dArea. 3719 Cole Porter, Temple 2BR, 1BA house, 2 car gar- What you get LARGE you Avenue 7th Street lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Call detailsand 254-913-8989 DOLLAR SAVER. What you get when when you advertise advertise Ramona age, all Now utilities & Internet call Furnished. Justfor remodeled new tile, Available GENERAL REPAIRS, all FURNISHED EFFICIEN• Convenient off -street customer NON-SMOKING ROOM in the theGet Classified pages of the years in business. Call paid, $750 month. Call Bob in- Courtyard, Results! Call Today! 438 in Classified pages of the new carpet, fresh paint, Great space. Great location. near VA. phases of remodeling. One 254-231-7245 Hot Food SAVER. Available Dale 721-3658. CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full COMMERCIAL DOLLAR 1.5 Cont’d. new e light fixtures and apDOLLAR SAVER. PROPERTY ncial Merchandise Cont’d. Th Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract From $495. 254-778-1374. NOW HIRING! Pay Out Rentals call does it all. John parking . All Kitchen. Free: Cable, InterALL PROPERTIES FOR (254) 778-4444 pliances. 3 space. Bedrooms 2 Great GetMaximum Results! Call Today! Great location.
o find ng for. g for ast?
• 778-4444 FAX
What you get when you advertise in the Classified pages of the DOLLAR SAVER. Get Results! Call Today!
Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out
Shorty’s Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, and more. 254-760-3031
BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.
WE WEwith access from Central CAUGHT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Temple Employment RESULTS... FOR LEASE CAUGHT Employment Avenue and 7th Street FOR LEASEYOUR square feet of office space WE • 1,250 YOUR Great space. location. and 6,450 squareGreat footRoutes warehouse/ Profi table EYE production area Profi table Routes EYE2547745204 CAUGHT • Loading Now Available dock Now Employment doors YOUR • Large garage Available off-street customer EYE • Convenient parking Profitable Routes Great space. location. 2547745204 FOR Great LEASE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (254) 778-4444 (254)downtown 778-4444 2547745204 • High visibility location in
Get Results! Call Today! Temple RENT Re- Eat Free Nearby. Trees, Flowers,carriers. 254-421-8400, callTemps anytime. Bathrooms 2 Living areas ..................................147 Garden Supplies ..191 Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and 3719 Porter, Temple 315 W.HIRING! Ave M NOW HIRING! agent net. Bills Paid. No Lease/ ROOMMATE withCole a beautiful corner WANTED: NOW Just remodeled new tile, FURNISHED oans, ....148 EFFICIENComputers,2BR, Software......................192 No Deposit. auto liability insurance in their name. Temple Temps fireplace. Thisfresh home has so 1BA house, 2 paint, car gar438 Investments new carpet, Temple Temps CIES. Flat Screen TVs, Full age, 1.5 new fixtures apmuch to offer. alllight utilities &and Internet • 1,250 square feet of office space 315 W. W. Ave Ave M M Ranch House Business Inn ......................193 315 .to Loans....................149 All pliances. 3 Bedrooms 2 Bob Kitchen. Free: Cable, Inter- Equipment $1375.00 Monthly rent $1,000 paid, $750 month. Call Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: ReBathrooms 2 Living areas and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ Deposit net. Bills773-0114 Paid. NoAuctions, Lease/ All254-231-7245 Types ........................194 agent with a beautiful corner No Deposit. fireplace. This home area has so production ALL PROPERTIESAntiques, FOR Collectibles ....................195 House leveling & foundaComing much to soon! offer. WhatResearch you get when you advertise Participants Miscellaneous ............170 Ranch House Inn HP RENT tion repair. Pier & beam $1375.00 MonthlyCrossing, rent $1,000 5203 Southern Are you 18 or older, comMachinery, Misc. & Heavy..............196 • Loading dock 773-0114 in the Classified pages of student, the and concrete slab. Resiton 3719 Cole Porter, Temple Deposit munity college Products ....................171 Temple dential and commercial. and mother? Just remodeled new tile, DOLLAR SAVER. IENLocated in Echo Village, 4 FREE Estimates! Coming soon! https://www.surveymonkey.com • Large garage doors ring ..........................172 new carpet, fresh paint, HP bedrooms with 2 254-780-7554 TOWNHOMES AT 5203 Southern Crossing, /r/Q5N5PV9 Get Results! Call Today! ,ton Full new light fixtures and apTemple baths. Open floor plan, Fertilizer Pets2 ................................................230 GENERAL REPAIRS, all pliances. 3 Bedrooms • Convenient off customer nter- ....................174 Located in Echo Village, 4 RIVER FAIR convenient to Scott & -street phases of remodeling. One bedrooms with 2 and Bathrooms 2 LivingPoultry areas AT ............................................231 mease/ EquipmentTOWNHOMES ..............175 White, Shopping areas call does it all. John parking baths. Open floor plan, with BELTON a beautiful corner 254-421-8400, call anytime. the water park. Very RIVER FAIR convenient to Scott & Livestock ........................................232 fireplace. This home has so leveling & foundaHouse leveling & founda- HouseResearch Spacious with over 1760and sq White, Shopping areas •3bed/2.5bath/2gar Participants • High visibility location in downtown much to offer. BELTON n the waterfeet park. Very repair. Pier & beam tion & beam Are repair. you 18 Pier or older, comYou canCentral catch the eye of those tion $1375.00 Monthly rent $1,000 RENT$2,000 Spacious over 1760 sq w & Used ..................179 •3bed/2.5bath/2gar $1,300.00with Monthly rent Temple with access from and concrete slab. Resimunity college feet and concrete slab. student, ResiDeposit You can buyers catch the eye of those dential $1,000.00 Deposit RENT$2,000 Diana WhiteAuto Repairs ..................................290 and $1,300.00 Monthly rent s Items ......................180 What you getcommercial. when you advertise prospective by advertising and mother? Avenue and 7th Street dential and commercial. $1,000.00 Deposit Diana FREE Estimates! pages of the 713.859.2952 ComingWhite soon! prospective buyers by advertising in the Classified https://www.surveymonkey.com 606 Northcliffe Drive, BelAuto Parts, Insurance, Etc. ............291 FREE Estimates! oiances find ......................181 DOLLAR SAVER. 254-780-7554 713.859.2952 5203 Southern in the the Classifieds Classifieds with with aa display display ad. ad. /r/Q5N5PV9 606 Northcliffe Chappell HillCrossing, Reality ton Drive, BelGet Results! Call Today! inContact Temple Chappell Hill Reality 254-780-7554 ton Heavy Duty Trucks ........................292 Wanted ....................183 the Circulation Department at 4 bedroom 2.5 bath. ng for. Group 4 bedroom 2.5 bath. NOW HIRING! GENERAL REPAIRS, all Located inGroup Echo Village, 4 (254) 778-4444 Formal dining room room and and a a Formal dining Temple Temps For Sale ....................294 s................................184 bedrooms with Motorcycles 2 phases of remodeling. One AT ng for Call a Classified Representative Call a Classified Representative formal living room. Rear formal living room. Rear 315 W. Ave M REPAIRS, all baths. Open floor plan, call does it all. John GENERAL entry 2 ....................296 car garage, large Make your Recreational Vehicles s................................186 Make your ad ad stand out or stop by the offi ce at 10 South Thcall ird St., Temple convenient to stand Scott & out ast? phases of remodeling. One Today for all the details deck, and a lot of mature 254-421-8400, anytime. Today for all the details deck, and a lot of mature from the rest! White, Shopping areas andUtility ....................................297 trees for shade. from the rest! Sport ds ..............................187 call does it all. John trees for shade. $1,800 Monthly rent $1,000 ASKpark. FORVery the water Monthly rent $1,000 ASK Deposit 254-421-8400, call anytime. Trucks, Pickups..................298 sr................................188 Spacious with FOR over 1760 sq Vans & $1,800 BOLDING Visit our website at Deposit feet BOLDING terrylockettrentals.com Call Classified You cancall catch the eye atof those Automobiles For Sale ....................299 rials ..........................190 Visit our website $1,300.00 Monthly rent or 254.913.3518 778-4444 terrylockettrentals.com Call Classified $1,000.00 Deposit 254.771.3633 What you get when you advertise prospective buyers by advertising or call 254.913.3518 778-4444 254.771.3633 in the Classified pages of the 606 Northcliffe Drive, Belin the Classifieds with a display ad. DOLLAR SAVER. ty ton 4 bedroom 2.5 bath. Get Results! Call Today! What you get when you advertise Formal dining room and a NOW HIRING! Call a Classified Representative formal living room. Rear in the Classified pages of the For Rent: 4bd/2bth Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract Temple Temps entry 2 car garage, large out DOLLAR EFFICIENCIES Paid. 1800+sqft Academy ISD Today for all the details deck, and a lot ofBills mature 315 W. SAVER. Ave M carriers. must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and Call for details Applicants 254-913-8989 Furnished. Ramona trees for shade. Get Results! Call Today! $1,800 Monthly rent Courtyard, near$1,000VA. auto liability insurance in their name. Deposit FromVisit $495. 254-778-1374. our website at These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: Eatterrylockettrentals.com Free Nearby. or call 254.913.3518 ROOMMATE WANTED: 254.771.3633 2BR, 1BA house, 2 car garBi-Weekly age, all utilities & Internet
m & Ranch
o find ng for. ng for ast?
Bi-Weekly Gross Income (est.)
Pets• &1,250 Livestock square feet of office space Moody $600.00 and 6,450 squarePoint foot warehouse/ Morgan’s $240.00 (254) 778-4444 production area Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 Automotive • Loading dock RESULTS... East Temple $625.00 Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract • Large garage doors No collecting. Paid every two weeks. Great space. Great carriers. Applicants must location. have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and Th e Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract • Convenient off-street customer 2547745204 auto liability insurance in their name. 254-778-4444 carriers. parking Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and Employment Th eseliability PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day: auto insurance inintheir name. • High visibility location downtown (254)Central 778-4444 Temple with access• from RESULTS... Th ese PROFITABLE routes take just location a few hours each day: High in downtown (254)visibility 778-4444 Bi-Weekly Avenue and 7th Street Profitable Routes
Granger Housing Authority Granger Housing Authority Granger Housing Authority is looking for time is lookingHousing for part part time Granger Authority is looking for part time maintenance, Come to is looking for part by time maintenance, Come by to maintenance, Come by maintenance, Come 500 by to fill out application N fill out out application application 500 500 to N fill N Commerce ph# 512-859-2797 Commerce ph# 512-859-2797 Commerce ph# 512-859-2797 PINA Tree Trimming, Commerce ph# 512-859-2797 Water/Wastewater Mowing, Edging, CleanWater/Wastewater Water/Wastewater Operator
Operator ing, CityOperator Rake Leaves, of Morgan’s Point Operator
Resort Is of looking for aPoint posThe City Morgan’s Lawncare, Private Fence, The City of Morgan’s Point itive, The Cityteam-oriented of Morgan’s Point Resort looking acandiposdate toIs join ourfor Utilities Resort Is looking for a posResort Is looking for a pospowerWe wash conitive, team-oriented Dept. offer and paidcandiemitive, candiployee toteam-oriented health itive, team-oriented candidate join our insurance, Utilities cretetoto Free Estidate towork. join our Utilities two one match retiredate join our Utilities Dept. We offer paid emment, vacation and sick Dept. We offer paid paid emDept. offer employee health insurance, time, training and admates.We 771-2191, ployee health insurance, vancement opportunities, two to one retireployee healthmatch insurance, and ato great place attwo one work match retire718-9765 ment, vacation and sick two to one match retiremosphere. Our pay rates ment, vacation and time, trainingand DOQ. adment, vacation and sick sick are competitive time, training and a adadCandidates mustopportunities, have HS vancement time, training and diploma or GED and be atlivancement opportunities, and a great work place vancement opportunities, censed or Landscaping. the ability toMowobShorty’s and awater great workpay place atmosphere. Our rates tain a and wastewater and great work place ating, weedeating, edging, tree mosphere. Our pay rates licensing through the are competitive and pay DOQ. rates mosphere. Our TCEQ within oneand year. service, flower beds, are competitive DOQ.mulchCandidates must have a HS are competitive and DOQ. To apply visit ing,http://www.morganspoint and more. 254-760-3031 Candidates have aa HS diploma or must GED and be liCandidates must have HS resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx diploma or the GED and to be oblicensed oror ability diploma GED and be liOr City Hall located at censed or the ability to tain water wastewater censed or theand ability to obob8 Morgan’s Point Blvd. tainMorgan’s water Point and wastewater licensing through Resort TXthe tain water and wastewater licensing through the TCEQ one year. PINAwithin Tree Trimming, licensing through the To apply visitSAVER TCEQ within one CALL DOLLAR TCEQ within one year. year. Mowing, Edging, Cleanhttp://www.morganspoint To apply apply visit visit To (254) 778-4444 resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx http://www.morganspoint http://www.morganspoint BATHTUB REFINISHING ing, Rake Leaves, Or City Hall located at resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx in home. Repairs on atporce8Or Morgan’s Blvd. City Hall located Lawncare, Private Fence, Orand Cityfiberglass. HallPoint located at 30 lain Over Morgan’s Point Resort TX Morgan’s Point Point Blvd. Blvd. 88 Morgan’s power wash and conyears in business. Call Morgan’s Point Resort Morgan’s Point Resort TX TX
PHARMACY MANAGERS PHARMACY MANAGERS PHARMACY MANAGERS CVS needs PHARMACY MANAGERS CVS Health Health needs CVS needs PHARMACY MANAGERS CVS Health Health needs PHARMACY MANAGERS PHARMACY MANAGERS PHARMACY MANAGERS in Cameron, & in Cameron, TX & Granger HousingTX in Cameron, Cameron, TXAuthority & in TX & surrounding areas, surrounding areas, FT is variable looking for partFT time surrounding areas, FTat shifts. Apply variable shifts. Apply at variable shifts. shifts. Apply by at maintenance, Come to variable Apply at http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, Requisition #1113966BR. fillhttp://jobs.cvshealth.com/, out Apply application 500 N Requisition #1113966BR. Must by 02/17/2020. Requisition #1113966BR. Requisition #1113966BR. Commerce ph#by512-859-2797 Must Apply 02/17/2020. Must Must Apply Apply by by 02/17/2020. 02/17/2020. Full-Time Life Insurance Sales & Service Position
Water/Wastewater Full-Time LifeNational Insurance American Full-Time LifeCompany Insurance Insurance Full-Time Life Insurance Sales &Operator Service Position Minimum Training Sales & Service Position Sales &$600/wk Service Position American National Salary + benefits American National American National Company The Insurance City of 903-641-7795 Morgan’s Point Call Ph# Insurance Company Minimum Training Company ResortInsurance Is looking for a posMinimum Training Salary $600/wk + benefits Minimum Training itive, team-oriented candiSalary $600/wk + benefits Call Ph# Salary + date to $600/wk join903-641-7795 ourbenefits Utilities Call Ph# 903-641-7795 Call Ph# 903-641-7795
Dept. We offer paid employee health insurance, two to one match retirement, vacation and sick time, training and advancement opportunities, and a great work Authority place atMake your ad stand out Granger Housing mosphere. Our pay rates from the rest! isare competitive looking for part time and DOQ. ASK FOR maintenance, Come to BOLDING Candidates must havebya HS Classified500 N fill outCall application diploma or GED and be li778-4444 Commerce censed or ph# the 512-859-2797 ability to obtain water and wastewater Make your ad stand out licensing through the Water/Wastewater Make your ad stand from rest! Makewithin yourthe ad year. stand out out TCEQ one ASK FOR from the rest! Operator from the rest! To apply visit BOLDING ASK FOR ASK FOR http://www.morganspoint MANAGERS ThePHARMACY City ofClassified Morgan’s Point Call BOLDING resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx BOLDING CVS Health Resort Is 778-4444 looking needs for a posCall Classified PHARMACY MANAGERS Or City Hall located at Call Classified itive, PHARMACY MANAGERS inteam-oriented Cameron, TXBlvd. &candi778-4444 Morgan’s Point Health needs date 8surrounding toCVS778-4444 join our Utilities areas, FT PHARMACY MANAGERS Morgan’s Resort Dept. We Point offer paid TX variable shifts. Apply atem-
Fertilizer Fertilizer Application, Application, ininFertilizer Application, inFertilizer Application, increase growth and produccrease growth and produccrease growth growth and and producproduccrease tion for your pasture and PHARMACY MANAGERS tion for for your your pasture pasture and and tion Healthstimulates needs crops.CVS N-TEXX stimulates crops. N-TEXX crops. N-TEXX stimulates crops. N-TEXXMANAGERS stimulates PHARMACY soil, microorganisms that soil, microorganisms that soil, microorganisms provide nutrients in essential Cameron, TX & that soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for surrounding plants through their areas, FT provide essential nutrients provide essential nutrients productive biological for plants through their variable shifts. Applyprocat for plants through their for plants through their esses. 15-5-5 applied at http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, productive biological procproductive biological proc$23.00 per biological acre. productive procRequisition #1113966BR. esses. 15-5-5 applied at Contact Carlos Morris esses. 15-5-5 applied at Mustper Apply byfor 02/17/2020. esses. 15-5-5 applied at 254-421-1276 fertilizer $23.00 acre. $23.00 per acre. acre. $23.00 per application andMorris sales. Contact Carlos Contact Carlos Morris Contact Morris Full-TimeCarlos Lifefor Insurance 254-421-1276 fertilizer 254-421-1276 for fertilizer Sales & Service 254-421-1276 forPosition fertilizer application and sales. application and American National application and sales. sales. Insurance Company Minimum Training Salary $600/wk + benefits Call Ph# 903-641-7795
Use Use Use Use Ton Ton Ton Ton ding ding ding ding win win win
Fer ww cre ww ww ww tion cro soi pro for Rec pro anc ess refr free Rec $23 deli Rec Rec anc C anc May anc refr &254 refr elec refr free oven a free free deli
deli deli PHARMACY MANAGERS Set, inclu May CVS Health needs Fer Call & May SHARP AQUOS 80” TV May PHARMACY MANAGERS elect crea & w/manual $400 call & in Cameron, TX & oven elect 254-742-1482 elect tion surrounding areas, FT oven oven Jazz Hotp variable shifts. Apply at cro Chai Employment Set, Hotp http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, firm Hotp inclu soil mes Set, Dale 721-3658. Requisition #1113966BR. Set, crete work. Free EstiCall inclu Must Apply by 02/17/2020. pro Exe SHARP AQUOS 80” TV inclu Granger Housing Authority Us Call mates. 771-2191, Call is looking for part time SHARP AQUOS 80” call TV (254) 778-4444 w/manual $40080” for FertilizerAQUOS Application, in- line SHARP TV Ton like maintenance, Come by to 718-9765 w/manual $400 call 254-742-1482 crease growth and producw/manual fill out Housing applicationAuthority 500 N din Granger prod Full-Time Life$400 Insurancecall new Use is looking ph# for part time Commerce 512-859-2797 254-742-1482 goo Fertilizer Application, inTon tion for&your pasture and win 254-742-1482 Sales Service Positionout maintenance, Come by to ess Make your adand stand $50 crease growth produc- Jazz fill out application 500 N din in Cameron, TX & American National crops. N-TEXX stimulates 939 Commerce ph# 512-859-2797 Shorty’s Landscaping. Mow- ployee Water/Wastewater tion for your pasture win surrounding areas, FT from the rest! and Chai http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, Jazz $23 health insurance, Jazz Company soil, Insurance microorganisms that firm variable shifts. Apply at – Full w Classifi Inside Sales Time crops. N-TEXX stimulates ing,Water/Wastewater weedeating, edging, ed tree two Requisition #1113966BR. Chai Operator ASK FOR http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, Chai to one match retireMinimum Training soil, microorganisms that mess C ww Must Apply by 02/17/2020. provide essential nutrients firm Requisition #1113966BR. service, flower beds, mulchThe classifi ed inside sales representative will be customerOperator firm The City of Morgan’s Point ment, and sick provide BOLDING SH Must vacation Apply by 02/17/2020. essential nutrients mess Salary $600/wk + benefits The City of Morgan’s Point for plants through their ing, and more. 254-760-3031 mess 254 Resort Is looking for a posfocused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, for plants through their Exe training and adResort Is looking for a pos- time, Call Call Ph#Classified 903-641-7795 w/m itive, team-oriented candiproductive biological procproc- line Full-Time Life Lifeopportunities, Insurance itive, team-oriented candiproductive biological Full-Time Insurance typing and computer skills. They will have a professional $3.50 ap Exe 778-4444 date date to to join join our our Utilities Utilities vancement Sales & & Service Service Position Position Exe crac esses. applied 254 esses. 15-5-5 15-5-5 applied at at like Dept. We offer paid emappearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes and Sales a American great work place atNational Dept. We offer paid emcrac AmericanCompany National line $23.00 per acre. ployee health insurance, line Ran per acre. ployee health insurance, OurTraining pay rates $23.00 through on the phonemosphere. and Insurance in person. Previous sales experience is two to one match retireInsurance Company Minimum Contact Carlos Morris new like ment, and retiresick are Salary twopreferred. to vacation one match $600/wk +DOQ. benefits like Minimum Training competitive and Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer time, and adCall Ph# 903-641-7795 goo ment, training vacationopportunities, and sick Salary $600/wk + benefits new vancement Candidates must have a HS and application and sales. new 254-421-1276 for fertilizer This is an hourly position with commissions benefi ts. Please time, training and adand a great work place atCall Ph# 903-641-7795 $50 Rec goo diploma or GED and be limosphere. Our pay rates vancement opportunities, BATHTUB REFINISHING goo Research Participants application and sales. send a cover letter and resume. G are competitive and DOQ. anc 939 censed or the ability to oband a great work place atL $50 in Repairs on porceArehome. you 18 or older, Candidates must have acomHS $50 Rec refr mosphere.orcollege Our and paystudent, rates diploma GED be li- tain water and wastewater munity lain and fiberglass. Over 30 Customer Representative – 939 free censed or the and ability are competitive DOQ.to ob- Service 939 anc licensing through the tain water and wastewater and mother? years in must business. del Candidates have HS The classifi edaCall inside sales representative will be customerlicensing through the Full Time ref https://www.surveymonkey.com diploma or one GED and be li- TCEQ within one year. Dale 721-3658. TCEQ within year. May To apply visit free To apply visit math, /r/Q5N5PV9 circulation service representative provides censed or the ability ob- customer focused and goal-oriented with excellent grammar, spelling, The classifi edto inside inside sales representative will be customercustomer& The classifi ed sales representative will be http://www.morganspoint tainoutstanding water and wastewater elec http://www.morganspoint del resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful oven typing and computer skills. They will have a professional focused and goal-oriented with excellent excellent math,service grammar, spelling, $3.50 licensing through Or City Hall located at the focused and goal-oriented with math, grammar, spelling, resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx candidate will have demonstrated customer experience, 8 Morgan’s Blvd. TCEQ within onePoint year. crac Hot Morgan’s Point Resort TX Make your ad stand out appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes May Or City Hall located at typing and computer skills. They will have a professional $3.50 To apply visit crac computer andskills. good written and oral communication Set, typing andaptitude, computer $3.50 from They the rest!will have a professional & incl 8 Morgan’s Point Blvd. http://www.morganspoint crac Ranc ASK FOR crac skills. They will haveattitude aand positive team-player attitude. through on the phone in person. Previous sales experience is CALL DOLLAR SAVER elec Call appearance, positive and pleasant personality that comes resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes crac Morgan’s Point Resort TX Make your ad stand BOLDING SHARP AQUOS 80”out TV crac ove is located an hourly position with benefits. Send cover letter and OrThis City Hall at Call Classified preferred. (254) 778-4444 w/manual $400 call Ranc Ranc through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is from the rest! through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is 8 Morgan’s Point Blvd. 778-4444 resume. 254-742-1482 HotR Morgan’s TX position Makewith your commissions ad stand out and benefi ThisPoint is anResort hourly Please ASKts.FOR preferred. preferred. Set, Jazz from the rest! Assistant Circulation Delivery –Please BOLDING SHA incl Cha Employment send a cover letter and resume. The classifi ed inside sales representative wiG This is an hourly position with commissions and benefi ts. ASK FOR firm This is an hourly position with commissions and benefi ts. Please Cal LJ CallAQUOS Classified mes Part Time w/m BOLDING SHARP 80” TV focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grGG send aa cover cover letter letter and and resume. resume. send Callassistant Classified works w/manual The circulation delivery with 778-4444 the district Exe (254) 778-4444 $400 call 254 LJ
Temple Daily Telegram (254) 778-4444 Opportunities
Employment Employment CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444
Temple Daily Telegram Temple Daily Telegram Employment Opportunities Opportunities
Classified Inside Sales – Full Time Classified Inside Sales – Full Time
Temple Daily Telegr Opportunities
Classifi CALL DOLLAR SAVERed Inside Sales – Fu
CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444 Customer Service Representative – LJ typing and computer They will have line 778-4444 managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery254-742-1482 ofskills. the newspaper Temple Daily Telegram like Full Time toCustomer subscribers. The Service position includes delivering papers on open Representative – appearance, positive attitude and pleasant person new
Employment Opportunities Employment Full Time
NOW HIRING! Jaz routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early goo The customer service representative provides Cha Templecirculation Temps on the phone and in person. Previous $50 sa$5 morning and weekend through hours. Candidates must have reliable firm 315 W. Ave M 939 Research Participants outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto mes The circulation customer service representative provides Classifi edcustomer Inside Sales – Full Time preferred. The circulation service representative provides Are liability you 18 or older, cominsurance in demonstrated their name. Apply in person or email cover candidate will have customer service The classifi ed inside sales representative willThe beexperience, customermunity college student, outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. successful Exe outstanding service to thegood Telegram’s subscribers. The successful Thisexcellent is an hourly position with commissions Jack and letter and resume. pies focused and goal-oriented with written math, grammar, spelling, aptitude, and and oral communication and computer mother? line coat candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, https://www.surveymonkey.com typingThey and will computer skills. They letter will and have a professional send a cover resume. $3.5 worm likep skills. have a positive team-player attitude. crac on /r/Q5N5PV9 computer aptitude, and goodand written andpersonality oral communication communication appearance, positiveand attitude pleasant that comes crac computer aptitude, good written and oral or 51 new This is an hourly position with benefi ts. Send cover letter and Ran through on the phone in person. Previous sales experience is Human Resources skills. They will have aaand positive team-player attitude. go Lost skills. They will have positive team-player attitude. preferred. paw resume. 10 with S. 3rd St. ts. Send cover letter and $50 Last This an hourly position benefi R This is is an with commissions andcover benefiletter ts. Please This is an hourly hourlyposition position benefi ts. Send and 254-7 Temple,with Texas 76501 939 send a cover letter and resume.
Temple Daily Telegram Temple Daily Telegr Customer Service Represen Opportunities
Full Time G resume. resume. Circulation Delivery Assistant – hr@tdtnews.com Classifi ed Inside Sales – Full Time Lb R R L Customer Service Representative – The circulation customer service represen The classified insidePart sales representative will be customerTimeAssistant b Circulation Delivery –spelling, Full Time outstanding service to grammar, the Telegram’s subscribersb focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, Area Gross Income (est.) Temple with access from Central The circulation delivery assistant works with the district The circulation customer service representative provides Bi-Weekly Part Time Theon-time classifi ed inside sales representative wi typing and service computer skills. They will have a professional candidate willsubscribers. have demonstrated customer ser $3.5 outstanding to the Telegram’s Thenewspaper successful managers to assure excellent, delivery of the Great space. Great location. cra Avenue and 7th Street Moody $600.00 Area Gross Income (est.) appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comesand The circulation delivery assistant works with the district candidate will havedelivery demonstrated customer service experience, The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract focused and goal-oriented with excellent math, gr cra computer aptitude, and good written oral The circulation assistant works with the district to subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open (254) 778-4444 Ran computer aptitude, and written and oral communication 2547745204 through on phone andgood in person. Previous is managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper managers tothe assure excellent, on-time delivery of theexperience newspaper Morgan’s Point $240.00 skills. They haveattitude. asales positive team-player attitu typing andaswill computer skills. They will have routes, as needed, and duties assigned. Late night, early carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’ s license and Moody $600.00 skills. They will have aother positive team-player topreferred. subscribers. The position position includes delivering papers on open This is and an hourly position with benefi ts. Send cover letter andts. Send to subscribers. The includes delivering papers on open morning weekend hours. must have reliable This isCandidates anpositive hourly position with benefi appearance, attitude and person$5 Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 auto liability insurance in their$240.00 name. This is an hourlyand position commissions and benefi ts.pleasant Please NOW HIRING! resume. Morgan’s Point routes, as needed, and otherwith duties as assigned. Late night, early Employment (254) 778-4444 routes, as needed, other duties as assigned. Late night, early transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto Temple Temps resume. (254)East 778-4444 through on the phone and in person. Previous sal send aCirculation cover letter and resume. morning and must Delivery Assistant –cover 315 W. Ave M weekend morning and weekend hours. Candidates must orhave have reliable Temple These PROFITABLE routes take $625.00 liability insurance in theirhours. name.Candidates Apply in person emailreliable L $5 just a few hours each day: Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell $575.00 $5 preferred. transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto Jack Part Time transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto letter and resume. Customer Service Representative – Assis Circulation Delivery pies,
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(254) 778-4444
BINGO VFW Post #4008 Belton Lic #1-74-6066507-2 WED. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11am Session Starts 12:30pm FRI. AFTERNOONS Doors Open 5pm Session Starts 6:30pm SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 4pm Session Starts 5:30pm LARGE NON-SMOKING ROOM Hot Food Available Maximum Pay Out
PINA Tree Trimming, Mowing, Edging, Cleaning, Rake Leaves, Lawncare, Private Fence, power wash and concrete work. Free Estimates. 771-2191, 718-9765 Shorty’s Landscaping. Mowing, weedeating, edging, tree service, flower beds, mulching, and more. 254-760-3031
BATHTUB REFINISHING in home. Repairs on porcelain and fiberglass. Over 30 years in business. Call Dale 721-3658.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE • 1,250 square feet of office space and 6,450 square foot warehouse/ production area • Loading dock • Large garage doors • Convenient off-street customer parking • High visibility location in downtown Temple with access from Central Avenue and 7th Street
Great space. Great location. 2547745204
Granger Housing Authority is looking for part time maintenance, Come by to fill out application 500 N Commerce ph# 512-859-2797
Water/Wastewater Operator The City of Morgan’s Point Resort Is looking for a positive, team-oriented candidate to join our Utilities Dept. We offer paid employee health insurance, two to one match retirement, vacation and sick time, training and advancement opportunities, and a great work place atmosphere. Our pay rates are competitive and DOQ. Candidates must have a HS diploma or GED and be licensed or the ability to obtain water and wastewater licensing through the TCEQ within one year. To apply visit http://www.morganspoint resorttx.com/Jobs.aspx Or City Hall located at 8 Morgan’s Point Blvd. Morgan’s Point Resort TX
CALL DOLLAR SAVER (254) 778-4444 House leveling & foundation repair. Pier & beam and concrete slab. Residential and commercial. FREE Estimates! 254-780-7554
PHARMACY MANAGERS CVS Health needs PHARMACY MANAGERS in Cameron, TX & surrounding areas, FT variable shifts. Apply at http://jobs.cvshealth.com/, Requisition #1113966BR. Must Apply by 02/17/2020. Full-Time Life Insurance Sales & Service Position American National Insurance Company Minimum Training Salary $600/wk + benefits Call Ph# 903-641-7795
Research Participants Are you 18 or older, community college student, and mother? https://www.surveymonkey.com /r/Q5N5PV9
What you get when you advertise in the Classified pages of the DOLLAR SAVER. Get Results! Call Today!
(254) 778-4444
NOW HIRING! Temple Temps 315 W. Ave M
Profitable Routes Now Available
The Temple Daily Telegram is accepting applications for independent contract carriers. Applicants must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and auto liability insurance in their name. These PROFITABLE routes take just a few hours each day:
Bi-Weekly Gross Income (est.)
Moody Morgan’s Point Bartlett/Granger/Jarrell East Temple
$600.00 $240.00 $575.00 $625.00
No collecting. Paid every two weeks.
Make your ad stand out from the rest! ASK FOR BOLDING Call Classified 778-4444
SHARP AQUOS 80” TV w/manual $400 call 254-742-1482
Temple Daily Telegram Opportunities The classified inside sales representative will be customerfocused and goal-oriented with excellent math, grammar, spelling, typing and computer skills. They will have a professional appearance, positive attitude and pleasant personality that comes through on the phone and in person. Previous sales experience is preferred. This is an hourly position with commissions and benefits. Please send a cover letter and resume.
Customer Service Representative – Full Time
The circulation customer service representative provides outstanding service to the Telegram’s subscribers. The successful candidate will have demonstrated customer service experience, computer aptitude, and good written and oral communication skills. They will have a positive team-player attitude. This is an hourly position with benefits. Send cover letter and resume.
Circulation Delivery Assistant – Part Time
The circulation delivery assistant works with the district managers to assure excellent, on-time delivery of the newspaper to subscribers. The position includes delivering papers on open routes, as needed, and other duties as assigned. Late night, early morning and weekend hours. Candidates must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license, clean driving record and auto liability insurance in their name. Apply in person or email cover letter and resume.
Contact the Circulation Department at
or stop by the office at 10 South Third St., Temple
WOOD BUILDINGS 10x16 $2000 12x24 $2700 Call (512) 748-4003
Maytag Bravo XL Washer & Dryer $400, Kenmore electric range self cleaning oven $75 254-760-2697
Classified Inside Sales – Full Time
Use Happy Jack® ToneKote® to stop shedding and insure a glossy winter coat! At Tractor Supply www.happyjackinc.com
Reconditioned Used Appliances. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers. Repairs also. Can deliver. 254-628-1512
GENERAL REPAIRS, all phases of remodeling. One call does it all. John 254-421-8400, call anytime.
Fertilizer Application, increase growth and production for your pasture and crops. N-TEXX stimulates soil, microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes. 15-5-5 applied at $23.00 per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 for fertilizer application and sales.
Human Resources 10 S. 3rd St. Temple, Texas 76501 hr@tdtnews.com
Hotpoint Washer & Dryer Set, $500 or OBO, Warranty included!! Works Great!! Call 254-314-5610
Jazzy Select 6 Run About Chair, like new, $3,500.00 firm. 254-933-9887, leave message.
Exercise Small Trampoline, new; stair stepper, like new; high stepper, new; stationary bike, good condition; each $50; or best offer each. 939-0738
PECANS FOR SALE $3.50 per pound not cracked, $4.00 per pound cracked. Call Bud Adams Ranch (512) 446-3847
GUNS & AMMO-REPAIR LJZ SURPLUS 603-C East Central, Belton 939-1110
Yorkshire Terriers: Registered Yorkie Pups. Chocolates, Parti, KB black, Golddust, boys & girls. 254-931-7143, www.pjyorkies.com
German Australian Sheppard Puppies $300 $50 non-refundable deposit for any holds Call James 254-541-7506 Jack Russell Terrier Puppies, standard size, smooth coat, excellent markings, wormed and shots, parents on premises, call 512-966-4303 or 512-966-4301 Lost Grey Cat w/white paws and tiger markings. Last seen off S 9th, Call 254-743-9444 DOBERMAN PUPPIES For Sale. Blues. Large Dogs. (979) 450-8089
Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 501-7530
December 25, 2019 • Page 11
December 25, 2019 • Page 11
Page 12 • December 25, 2019
Page 12 • December 25, 2019
American Dollar Saver: (254) 501-7530