with 90 day warranty. 744-9245 Delivery, service work, NICE WASHERS, dryneed non-working ones. Real Estate For ers, and REDUCED MUST(254) Sell: (254)refrigerators, 799-6228, Sale cook stoves.NAA Rebuilt Ford Jubilee Trac214-5284. withwith 90 day warranty. tor Shredder. New ESTATE Auction, Want To Buy REAL Delivery, service work, rear tires, front tires, foam January 5,Dogs 2019, 11:00am, need CR non-working ones. filled, $2,500. (254) 406, Call Taylor, TX WE BUY & Repair Un- 2451 (254) Julius 799-6228, (254) 313-8777 in Axtell 76574. & Helen PavSUPER FRIENDLY Chiwanted/ Broken ATV’s, las 214-5284. Estate. REALPomera ESTATEPoos, Yorkies, Trailers Motorcycles & Scooters. (selling subject to Call owner nians & Shih-tzus. for We Pick-Up (903) 336- confirmation) Dogs2,084(254) SF more information NEWhome, 16’ Utility Trailer. 9086 brick 3 BR, 2 BA 853-2235 Brakes, Ramps, Top, with fireplace andPipe outbuildChiSUPER FRIENDLY Appliances $2,199. FlatonRock Trailers REGISTERED POM Pupings, sitting approx. 15+Poos, Yorkies, Pomera (254)&420-1112 pies acres. Appliances, home nians &Registered Shih-tzus.Miniature Call for NICE WASHERS, dry- furnishings, Schnauzer Puppies. Also, + more information (254) Tools &collectibles Equip1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text ers, refrigerators, and much more! See www. 853-2235ment (254) 366-6503 or cook stoves. Rebuilt ronniegarner.com for (254) phoPupREGISTERED POM 744-9245auction with 90 day warranty. tographs, and real pies & Registered Miniature BUY OR SELL! For Wood Delivery, service work, estate terms and For condiReal Estate Schnauzer Puppies. Also, Workers: Bandsaws, planneed non-working ones. tions, + broker participation 1ers, Pom-Poodle. Call/table Text Drill Sale presses, Garner & (254) 799-6228, (254) requirements. (254) 366-6503 or (254) saws, jointers, vises, miAssociates Auctioneers, 214-5284. REAL ESTATE Auction, 744-9245 ter saws, lathes, shapers, REDUCED Waco, TX.MUST RonnieSell: Garner January 5,scroll 2019, 11:00am, grinders, saws, radial Ford Jubilee NAA TracTX 7316, 254-717-5051. Real Estate For Want To Buy Dogs 2451 CR 406, TX Featured ad torWaco arm saws, andTaylor, air comAuction Group, Sale with Shredder. New 76574. Julius &Washington, Helen Pavpressor.1209 Want To Buy of the Week! Waco, TX. Randy Solberg & Repair UnWE BUY rear tires, front tires, foam SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- TX las Estate. 254-709-6338 REAL ESTATE Waco. 12677, REAL ESTATE wanted/ Broken ATV’s, $2,500. Call (254) Poos, Yorkies, Pomera-filled, (selling subject toAuction, owner & Repair UnWE BUY January 5, 2019, 11:00am, 20.79 AC. Creek Motorcycles & 2,084 Scooters. Livestock in Axtellwith nians & Shih-tzus. Call for313-8777 confirmation) SF 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX Frontage Near Robert Lee We Pick-Up (903) wanted/ Broken ATV’s, more information (254) brick home, 3 BR, 2336BA and Lake E. V. Spence. -76574. Julius & Helen Pav Trailers 9086 Motorcycles & Scooters. with fireplace and outbuild 853-2235 GENTLE MIXED Breed Beautiful Views, Mesquite las Estate. REAL ESTATE We Pick-Up (903) 336ings, sitting on approx. 15+ Appliances Cows and Stocker REGISTERED POM Pup- & Cedar Cover.Trailer. Whitetail, (selling subject to owner 16’Appliances, Utility acres. home 9086& Registered MiniatureNEW Calves. Call (254) 749pies Hogs, Turkey, Quail & confirmation) 2,084 SF furnishings, collectibles + Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, 0909home, (254) 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, Dove. Locked Gate PriNICE WASHERS, brick 3 BR, 2dryBA Appliances much more! See www. $2,199. Flat Rock Trailers 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner ers,fireplace refrigerators, and with and outbuild ronniegarner.com forYears, pho420-1112 (254) 366-6503 or (254)(254) Financing forapprox. 30Rebuilt cook stoves. ings, sitting on tographs, auction and 15+ real Down. 800-876-9720. NICE WASHERS, dry- 5% 744-9245 with 90 day warranty. acres. Appliances, home ANGUS GRASS Fed estate terms and work, condiTools & Equipranchenterprisesltd.com Delivery, service ers, refrigerators, and furnishings, collectibles bulls+and heifers. Pure-+ Real Estate For tions, broker participation need non-working ones. much more! See www. BUILT homes bredment gentle, 12-14 cook stoves. Sale Rebuilt QUALITY requirements. Garner & (254) ronniegarner.com for(254) photoyour799-6228, lot.old, Floor plans months $1,300. with 90 day warranty. on Associates Auctioneers, BUY OR SELL! For Wood 214-5284. any budget. No money tographs, and real Also, 1 auction 22mo. bull, Delivery, service Auction, work, fit Want To Buy Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner REAL ESTATE down. 100% financing. estate terms and condiBandsaws, plan$1,800. (254) 899-2558 TX 7316, 254-717-5051. need non-working ones. Workers: January 5, 2019, 11:00am, Credit repair program. tions, + presses, broker participation Dogs DrillBUY table & Repair UnWE Waco Auction Group, 2451 406, Taylor, (254)CR 799-6228, (254) TXers, (254) 857-4663. REDUCED MUST Sell: requirements. Garner & jointers, vises, miwanted/ ATV’s, Waco, TX.Broken Randy Solberg CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius & Helen Pav-saws, 214-5284. Ford Jubilee NAA TracAssociates Auctioneers, ChiSUPER FRIENDLY Farm & saws, lathes, shapers, &Ranch Scooters. TX 12677, 254-709-6338 Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REAL ESTATEterMotorcycles tor with Shredder. NewWaco, TX. Ronnie Garner Poos, Yorkies, Pomera We Pick-Up (903) 336Gentle, Polled, Tested. scroll saws, radial Want To toBuy (selling subject ownergrinders, 20.79 with Creek TX 7316, 254-717-5051. rear tires, front tires, foam nians & AC. Shih-tzus. Call for Dogs 9086 Fancy Charolais Heifers. GENTLE MIXED Breed confirmation) 2,084 SFarm saws, and air comFrontage Near Robert Lee Waco AuctionCall Group, filled, $2,500. (254) more information (254) (254) 729-8644 (254) Cows and Stocker brickBUY home,& 3Repair BR, 2UnBApressor.1209 WE and Lake E. V. Spence. Appliances Waco, TX.Washington, Randy 313-8777 in AxtellSolberg 853-2235 Chi- -Waco. SUPER FRIENDLY Calves. Call (254) 749747-2701 with fireplace and outbuild wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Beautiful Mesquite TX 12677,Views, 254-709-6338 PupREGISTERED 0909 (254) 749-5637 Trailers Poos, Yorkies, Pomera ings, sitting on&approx. 15+ & Cedar Cover.POM Whitetail, Motorcycles Scooters. NICE WASHERS, dry-& withMiniature Creek 20.79 AC. & Registered Livestock Hogs, Turkey, Quail acres. We Pick-Up (903) 336nians &Appliances, Shih-tzus. Callhome for pies Employment ers, refrigerators, and Frontage Near Robert LeeSchnauzer Puppies. Also, NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. Dove. Locked Gate Pri furnishings, collectibles 9086 Want To Buy more information (254) + SHIPPING cook stoves. Rebuilt and Lake E. V. Call/ Spence. 1 Pom-Poodle. Text CONTAINERS Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner much more! See www. GENTLE FULL AND part time jobs 853-2235 with 366-6503 90 day warranty. Beautiful Views, Mesquite MIXED Breed Appliances (254) orTrailers (254) and up. Wind and $2,199. Flat Rock Financing 30 Years, ronniegarner.com for pho- $2,000 available now! Needed: &for Repair UnWE BUY Delivery, service work, & Cedar Cover. Whitetail, and Stocker water tight. See photos 744-9245 PupREGISTERED POMand 5% Down. 800-876-9720. (254) 420-1112 tographs, auction real Cows Janitorial workers. Salary wanted/ Broken ATV’s, need Call non-working ones.& Hogs, Turkey, Quail www.steelcontainers.net (254) 749pies & Registered Miniature NICE WASHERS, dry- - Calves. ranchenterprisesltd.com estate terms and condi Real Estate For $8.50 per hour DOE. CallMotorcycles Scooters. (254) 799-6228, (254) Dove. Locked Gate Pri Tools & &(254) EquipWill deliver. 722(254) 749-5637 ers, and 0909 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, tions, +refrigerators, broker participation Sale QUALITY BUILT homes 254-776-7775. www.janiWe Pick-Up (903) 336214-5284. vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner ment 4270, Burleson, TX. cook stoves.Call/ Rebuilt 1 Pom-Poodle. Text & 9086 requirements. Garner on your lot.for Floor to torialservicecom/apply Financing 30plans Years, Tractors with day warranty. Associates Auctioneers, Auction, ESTATE (254) 90 366-6503 or (254) REAL fit any budget. No money 5% Down. 800-876-9720. FULL AND part time jobs BUY OR SELL! For Wood Dogs Want To Buy Appliances Delivery, service work, Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner ANGUS January 5,Bandsaws, 2019, 11:00am, down. 100% 744-9245 ranchenterprisesltd.com GRASS Fed available now!financing. Needed: Workers: planneed non-working ones. 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Credit repair program. Janitorial workers. Salers, Drill presses, table bulls and heifers. PureChiSUPER FRIENDLY homes QUALITY BUILT & Repair Un-WE BUY Real Estate For (254) 799-6228, (254) 76574. Julius & hour Helen Pav Waco Auction Group, Poos, (254) 857-4663. NICE WASHERS, dryary $8.50 per DOE. saws, jointers, vises, miYorkies, Pomera on your lot. Floor plans tobred gentle, 12-14 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 214-5284. las Estate. REAL ESTATE Waco, TX.Sale Randy Solberg nians ers, and Call me atlathes, 254-776-7775. &refrigerators, Shih-tzus. Call for ter saws, shapers, fit any budget. No money Farm & Motorcycles &Ranch Scooters. old, $1,300. (selling subject to owner TX 12677, 254-709-6338 months cook stoves. Rebuilt www.janitorialservicecom/ more information grinders, scroll (903) saws, radial down. 100% financing. We Pick-Up 336190 22mo. bull, (254) confirmation) 2,084 SF Dogs Auction, REAL ESTATE with Creek Also, 20.79 AC. with day warranty. 853-2235 apply Credit repair program. arm saws, and airBreed com9086 GENTLE MIXED brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Frontage Lee REGISTERED January 5,Near 2019,Robert 11:00am, Delivery, service work, (254) 857-4663. pressor.1209 Washington, PupPOM FULL AND part time jobsCows and with fireplace andStocker outbuild Appliances ChiSUPER and E. V.Taylor, Spence. need non-working ones. 2451Lake CRFRIENDLY 406, TX pies Waco. &sitting Registered Miniature available now! Needed: Calves. Call (254) 749ings, on Ranch approx. 15+ Farm & Poos, Pomera Beautiful Views, Mesquite (254) 799-6228, (254) BULLS 76574.Yorkies, Julius & Helen Pav- - CHAROLAIS Schnauzer Puppies. Also, Janitorial workers. Sal0909Livestock (254) 749-5637 acres. Appliances, home nians & Shih-tzus. Call for &las Cedar Cover. Whitetail, NICE WASHERS, dry214-5284. Registered, Top Quality, 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/DOE. Text Estate. REAL ESTATE ary $8.50 MIXED per hour furnishings, collectibles + more information (254) (254) GENTLE Hogs, ers, refrigerators, and 366-6503 orBreed (254) Polled, Tested. Call me atand 254-776-7775. (selling Turkey, subject toQuail owner & Gentle, much more! See www. 853-2235 Cows Stocker Dove. Locked Gate Pri- Fancy GENTLE MIXED Breed cook stoves. Rebuilt SHIPPING CONTAINERS Dogs www.janitorialservicecom/ Charolais Heifers. ronniegarner.com for749phoconfirmation) 2,084Owner SF 744-9245 Calves. Call (254) vacy. $3,650/AC. Cows90 and Stocker with day warranty. REGISTERED POM Pup- (254) $2,000 and up. Wind and apply tographs, auction and real 729-8644 (254) brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA Real Estate For 0909 (254) 749-5637 Financing for 30 Years, Delivery, service work, Calves. Call (254) 749pies & Registered Miniature SUPER water tight. See photos estate terms andtime condi FRIENDLY Chi747-2701 FULL AND part jobs Sale with fireplace and outbuild need non-working ones. 5% Down. 800-876-9720. 0909+(254) 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, Poos, www.steelcontainers.net tions, broker participation Yorkies, Pomera available now! Needed: ings, sitting on approx. 15+ (254) 799-6228, (254) 1ranchenterprisesltd.com Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text nians Will deliver. (254) 722requirements. Garner & &ESTATE Shih-tzus. Call for Janitorial workers. SalAuction, SHIPPING CONTAINERS 214-5284. acres.366-6503 Appliances, Employment (254) (254) REAL 4270, Burleson, TX. (254) homes QUALITY BUILTorhome Associates Auctioneers, more information January 5, 2019, 11:00am, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. $2,000 and up. Wind and furnishings, collectibles 744-9245 on your lot. Floor plans+to 2451 ANGUS GRASS Fed Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner 853-2235 CR 406, Taylor, TX water tight. See photos Call me atDogs 254-776-7775. Tractors more! See fitmuch any budget. No www. moneyFULL bulls and heifers. PureTX 7316, 254-717-5051. AND part time jobs Real Estate For 76574. Julius & Helen Pavwww.steelcontainers.net www.janitorialservicecom/ REGISTERED POM Pupdown. 100% Waco Auction Group, ronniegarner.com for pho- available bred gentle, 12-14 now! Needed: las Estate. REAL ESTATE Salefinancing. Will (254) 722apply pies &deliver. Registered Miniature ChiSUPER FRIENDLY Waco, TX. Randy Solberg Credit repair months old, $1,300. tographs, auctionprogram. and real Janitorial workers. Salary (selling subject to owner 4270, Burleson, TX. Schnauzer Puppies. Also, FULL AND part time jobsPoos, Yorkies, Pomera TX 12677, 254-709-6338 (254) 857-4663. Also, 1 22mo. bull, estate terms and condi confirmation) 2,084 SF per&Tractors hour DOE.Call/ Call REAL ESTATE Auction,$8.50 available now! Needed: 1nians Pom-Poodle. Text Shih-tzus. Call for $1,800. (254) 899-2558 with Creek 20.79 AC. brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA tions, + broker January 5, 2019, 11:00am,254-776-7775. www.janiFarm & participation Ranch Janitorial workers. Sal(254) 366-6503 or (254) more information (254) Frontage Near Robert Lee with fireplace and outbuild 2451 CR 406, Garner Taylor, &TXtorialservicecom/apply requirements. ary $8.50 per DOE.853-2235 744-9245 and Lake E. approx. V.hour Spence. ings, sitting on 15+ CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius & Helen Pav Associates Auctioneers, Call me at 254-776-7775. GENTLE MIXED Breed FULL PupREGISTERED POM ANDAppliances, part time jobs Beautiful Views, Mesquite acres. home Real Estate For Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REAL ESTATE Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner Cows and Stocker furnishings, pies & Registered Miniature now! Needed: &www.janitorialservicecom/ Cedar Cover. Whitetail, collectibles Gentle, Polled, Tested.+ Sale (selling subject to owneravailable
TX 7316, 254-717-5051.
BUY OR SELL! For Wood (254) 420-1112 ANGUS GRASS Fed Workers: planbulls andBandsaws, heifers. PureTools & Equipers, Drill presses, table bred gentle, 12-14 ment saws, jointers, mimonths old, vises, $1,300. ter saws,1 lathes, shapers, Also, 22mo. bull, BUY ORscroll SELL!saws, For Wood grinders, radial $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Workers: Bandsaws, planarm saws, and air comers, Drill presses, table pressor.1209 Washington, CHAROLAIS BULLS saws, jointers, vises, miWaco. Registered, Top shapers, Quality, ter saws, lathes, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Livestock grinders, scroll saws, radial Fancy Charolais Heifers. arm saws, and air com(254) 729-8644 (254) pressor.1209 Washington, GENTLE MIXED Breed 747-2701 Waco. Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749Livestock Employment 0909 (254) 749-5637 FULL ANDMIXED part time jobs GENTLE Breed available now!Stocker Needed: Cows and ANGUS GRASS Fed Janitorial workers. Calves. Call (254) Salary 749bulls and heifers. Pure$8.50 per hour DOE. Call 0909 (254) 749-5637 bred gentle,www.jani12-14 254-776-7775. months old, $1,300. torialservicecom/apply REDUCED MUST Sell: Also,Jubilee 1 22mo. FULL AND part timebull, jobs Ford NAA TracANGUS GRASS Fed $1,800. (254) 899-2558 available now! Needed: tor with New bulls andShredder. heifers. PureJanitorial workers. Salrear tires, front tires, foam bred gentle, 12-14 ary $8.50 per hour DOE. CHAROLAIS BULLS filled, $2,500. Call (254) months old, $1,300. Call me at Registered, Top Quality, 313-8777 in22mo. Axtell Also, 1 254-776-7775. bull, www.janitorialservicecom/ Gentle, (254) Polled, Tested. $1,800. 899-2558 Trailers apply Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254)AND 729-8644 (254) FULL part BULLS time jobs CHAROLAIS NEW 16’now! UtilityNeeded: Trailer. 747-2701 available Registered, Top Quality, Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Janitorial workers. SalGentle, Polled, Tested. $2,199. Flat Trailers ary $8.50 perRock hour DOE. Employment Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 420-1112 Call me at 254-776-7775. (254) 729-8644 (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ Tools EquipFULL AND&part time jobs 747-2701 apply availablement now! Needed: FULL AND part time jobs Janitorial workers. Salary Employment available now! Needed: BUY OR For Wood $8.50 perSELL! hour DOE. Call Janitorial workers. SalWorkers: Bandsaws, plan254-776-7775. www.janiREDUCED MUST Sell: FULL AND part time jobs ary $8.50 per hour DOE. ers, Drill presses, table torialservicecom/apply Ford Jubilee NAA Tracavailable now! Needed: Call meAND atShredder. 254-776-7775. saws, jointers, mitor with New FULL partvises, time jobs Janitorial workers. Salary www.janitorialservicecom/ ter saws, lathes, shapers, rear tires, front tires, foam available now! Needed: $8.50 per hour DOE. Call apply grinders, scroll saws, radial filled, $2,500. Call (254) Janitorial workers. Sal254-776-7775. www.janiarm saws, and air comFULL ANDin part time jobs 313-8777 Axtell ary $8.50 per hour DOE. torialservicecom/apply pressor.1209 Washington, available Needed: Call me Trailers at now! 254-776-7775. FULL ANDworkers. part time Saljobs Waco. Janitorial www.janitorialservicecom/ available now! Needed: ary $8.50 per hour DOE. apply Livestock NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. Janitorial workers. SalCall me at 254-776-7775. FULL AND parthour timeDOE. jobs Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, ary $8.50 per www.janitorialservicecom/ available now! Needed: $2,199. Flat Rock Trailers GENTLE MIXED Breed Call me at 254-776-7775. apply REDUCED MUST Sell: Janitorial workers. Sal(254) 420-1112 Cows and Stocker www.janitorialservicecom/ Motorcycles Ford Jubilee NAA Tracary $8.50 per(254) hour 749DOE. Calves. Call apply Tools &749-5637 EquipCall me(254) atShredder. 254-776-7775. tor with 0909 FULL AND timeNew jobs ment WE BUY &part Repair Unwww.janitorialservicecom/ rear tires, front tires, foam available now! Needed: wanted/ Broken apply $2,500. CallATV’s, filled, (254) Janitorial workers. SalBUY OR SELL! For Wood Motorcycles & Scooters. 313-8777 in Axtell FULL AND part timeDOE. jobs ANGUS GRASS Fed ary $8.50 per hour We Pick-Up (903) 336Workers: Bandsaws, planavailable now! Needed: bulls and heifers. PureCall me at presses, 254-776-7775. 9086 ers, Drill table Trailers Janitorial workers. Salbred jointers, gentle, 12-14 www.janitorialservicecom/ saws, vises, miREDUCED Sell: ary $8.50lathes, perMUST hour DOE. months old, $1,300. apply ter saws, shapers, Ford Jubilee NAATrailer. TracNEW 16’ Utility Call me at 254-776-7775. Also, 1scroll 22mo. grinders, saws, radial FULL AND part timebull, jobs tor with Shredder. New Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, www.janitorialservicecom/ $1,800. (254) 899-2558 arm saws, and airTrailers comavailable now! Needed: rear tires, front tires, foam $2,199. Flat Rock apply pressor.1209 Washington, Janitorial workers. Salfilled, $2,500. Call (254) (254) 420-1112 FULL ANDin part timeDOE. jobs Waco. CHAROLAIS BULLS ary $8.50 per hour 313-8777 Axtell available now! Needed: Tools & EquipRegistered, Top Quality, Call me at 254-776-7775. Livestock Janitorial workers. Salment Gentle,Trailers Polled, Tested. www.janitorialservicecom/ ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Fancy Charolais Heifers. apply NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. GENTLE MIXED Breed Call me atSELL! 254-776-7775. (254) 729-8644 (254) BUY OR For Wood FULL AND partStocker time jobs Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Cows and www.janitorialservicecom/ 747-2701 Workers: Bandsaws, planavailable now! Needed: $2,199. Flat Rock Trailers Calves. Call (254) 749apply ers, Drill presses, table Janitorial Sal(254) 420-1112 0909 (254)workers. 749-5637 Employment saws, jointers, vises,DOE. miary $8.50 per hour Motorcycles &took EquipSimeon him ter saws, shapers, CallTools me atlathes, 254-776-7775. ment FULL AND timearms jobs [Jesus] in&part his www.janitorialservicecom/ grinders, scroll saws, radial WE BUY Repair UnANGUS GRASS Fed available now! Needed: and praised God, sayapply wanted/ Broken arm saws, and airATV’s, combulls and heifers. PureJanitorial workers. BUY OR SELL! For Salary Wood ing: “Sovereign Lord, Motorcycles & Scooters. pressor.1209 Washington, Motorcycles bred gentle, 12-14 $8.50 per hour(903) DOE. Call Workers: Bandsaws, planas you have promised, We Pick-Up 336Waco. months old, $1,300. 254-776-7775. www.janiers, Drill presses, table you now dismiss your 9086 WE BUY & Repair UnAlso, 1 22mo. bull, Livestock torialservicecom/apply saws, jointers, vises, For miservant inBroken peace. wanted/ ATV’s, $1,800. (254) 899-2558 ter saws, lathes, shapers, my eyes have seen FULL AND part time jobs Motorcycles & Scooters. grinders, scroll saws, radial your salvation, which available now! Needed: GENTLE MIXED Breed We Pick-Up (903) 336arm saws, and air comCHAROLAIS BULLS you haveand prepared in Janitorial workers. SalCows Stocker 9086 pressor.1209 Washington, Registered, Top Quality, the sight of all people, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Calves. Call (254) 749Gentle, Tested.to aWaco. light for revelation Call me(254) atPolled, 254-776-7775. 0909 749-5637 Fancy Charolaisand Heifers. the Gentiles for www.janitorialservicecom/ Livestock (254)to729-8644 (254) glory your people Isapply 747-2701 rael.” -AND Lukepart 2:28-32 FULL time jobs GENTLE MIXED Breed ANGUS GRASS Fed available now! Needed: Cows Stocker bulls andand heifers. PureEmployment Janitorial workers. SalCalves.gentle, Call (254)12-14 749bred ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 0909 (254) 749-5637
Vol. 1 • No. 13 December 27, 2018
Want To Buy WE BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086
Page • December 27, 2018
Appliances NICE WASHERS, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284.
Dogs Miscellaneous
SUPER FRIENDLY ChiPoos, Yorkies, Pomeranians Shih-tzus. Call for ADS &Miscellaneous more information (254) 853-2235 REGISTERED POM Puppies & Registered Miniature Schnauzer Puppies. Also, 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text (254) 366-6503 or (254) 744-9245
Real Estate For Sale REAL ESTATE Auction, January 5, 2019, 11:00am, 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX 76574. Julius & Helen Pavlas Estate. REAL ESTATE (selling subject to owner confirmation) 2,084 SF brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA with fireplace and outbuildings, sitting on approx. 15+ acres. Appliances, home furnishings, collectibles + much more! See www. ronniegarner.com for photographs, auction and real estate terms and conditions, + broker participation requirements. Garner & Associates Auctioneers, Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Want To Buy Waco Auction Group, Waco, TX. Randy Solberg WE BUY 254-709-6338 & Repair UnTX 12677, wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 20.79 AC. Creek Motorcycles with & Scooters. Frontage Near (903) Robert336Lee We Pick-Up and Lake E. V. Spence. 9086 Beautiful Views, Mesquite Appliances & Cedar Cover. Whitetail, Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Dove. GatedryPriNICE Locked WASHERS, vacy. ers, $3,650/AC. refrigerators,Owner and Financing for 30Rebuilt Years, cook stoves. 5% Down. 800-876-9720. with 90 day warranty. ranchenterprisesltd.com Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. QUALITY BUILT homes (254) (254)to on your799-6228, lot. Floor plans fit214-5284. any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair Dogsprogram. (254) 857-4663. SUPER FarmFRIENDLY & RanchChiPoos, Yorkies, Pomeranians & Shih-tzus. Call for GENTLE MIXED Breed more information (254) Cows and Stocker 853-2235 Calves. Call (254) 749REGISTERED POM Pup0909 (254) 749-5637 pies & Registered Miniature Schnauzer Puppies. Also, 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text SHIPPING CONTAINERS (254) or (254) $2,000366-6503 and up. Wind and 744-9245 water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers.net Real Estate For Will deliver. (254) 722Sale 4270, Burleson, TX.
Schnauzer Puppies. rear tires, front tires, Also, foam 0909 (254) 749-5637 1filled, Pom-Poodle. Call/(254) Text $2,500. Call (254) 366-6503 313-8777 in Axtellor (254) 744-9245 Dollar Saver: ANGUS GRASS Fed TrailersAmerican and 771-2777 heifers. Pure(254) Real Estate For bulls bred gentle, 12-14 NEW 16’Sale Utility Trailer. months old, $1,300. Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Also, 1 22mo. bull, REAL $2,199.ESTATE Flat RockAuction, Trailers January 5, 2019, 11:00am, $1,800. (254) 899-2558 (254) 420-1112 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX Tools &&EquipMUST Sell: CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius Helen Pav- REDUCED JubileeTop NAA TracRegistered, Quality, las Estate.ment REAL ESTATE Ford tor with Polled, Shredder. New Gentle, Tested. MUST Sell: (selling subject to owner REDUCED Want To For Buy rear tires, frontNAA tires, foam BUY OR SELL! Wood Fancy Charolais Heifers. Jubilee Tracconfirmation) 2,084 SF Ford filled, $2,500. Call (254) Workers: Bandsaws, plan(254) with729-8644 Shredder.(254) New brickBUY home,& 3Repair BR, 2 UnBA tor WE To 313-8777 in Axtell ers,Want Drill presses, table rear 747-2701 tires, front tires, foam with fireplace andBuy outbuildwanted/ Broken ATV’s, saws, jointers, vises, miCall (254) ings, sitting on&approx. 15+ filled, $2,500. Trailers Motorcycles Scooters. WE BUY & Repair Un- 313-8777 ter saws, lathes, shapers, in Axtell acres. Appliances, home Employment We Pick-Up (903) 336wanted/ Broken ATV’s, grinders, scroll saws, radial furnishings, collectibles + NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. 9086 Trailers Motorcycles &See Scooters. arm saws, air www. com- FULL much more!and part Pipe time Top, jobs Brakes,AND Ramps, We Pick-Up (903) 336pressor.1209 Washington, Appliances ronniegarner.com for pho- NEW available now! Needed: $2,199.16’ Flat Rock Trailers Utility Trailer. 9086 Waco. tographs, auction and real Brakes, Janitorial workers. (254) 420-1112 Ramps, PipeSalary Top, estate terms and condiAppliances $8.50 per hour DOE. Call NICE WASHERS, dry- $2,199. Livestock Flat Rock Trailers ADS Tools & EquipEmployment tions, broker participation 254-776-7775. www.janiers, +refrigerators, and (254) 420-1112 ment requirements. Garner cook stoves. Rebuilt NICE WASHERS, dry-& torialservicecom/apply GENTLE MIXED Breed Tools &part EquipAssociates Auctioneers, with 90 and day warranty. ers, refrigerators, and FULL AND timeWood jobs Cows Stocker BUY OR SELL! For ment Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner Delivery, service work, cook stoves. Rebuilt available now! Needed: Calves. Call (254) 749Workers: Bandsaws, planTX 7316, 254-717-5051. need non-working ones. with day749-5637 warranty. Janitorial workers. table Sal090990 (254) ers, Drill presses, OR SELL! For Wood Waco Auction (254) 799-6228, (254) BUY Delivery, service Group, work, ary $8.50 per hour saws, jointers, vises,DOE. miWorkers: Bandsaws, planWaco, TX. Randy Solberg 214-5284. need non-working ones. Call me atlathes, 254-776-7775. ter saws, shapers, ers, Drill presses, table TX 12677, 254-709-6338 (254) 799-6228, (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ grinders, scroll saws, ANGUS GRASS Fed saws, jointers, vises,radial mi20.79 AC. with Creek 214-5284. apply Dogs armsaws, saws,lathes, and air combulls and heifers. Pureshapers, Frontage Near Robert Lee ter FULL AND part time jobs pressor.1209 Washington, bred gentle, 12-14 grinders, scroll saws, radial and Lake E. V. Spence. SUPER Chi- available Dogs Waco. monthsFRIENDLY old, $1,300. arm saws,now! and Needed: air comBeautiful Views, Mesquite Poos, Yorkies, PomeraJanitorial workers. SalAlso, 1Cover. 22mo. bull, pressor.1209 Washington, & Cedar Whitetail, Livestock nians & Shih-tzus. Call for SUPER FRIENDLY Chiary $8.50 per hour DOE. $1,800.Turkey, (254) 899-2558 Waco. Hogs, Quail & more information (254) Call me at 254-776-7775. Poos, Yorkies, PomeraDove.&Locked Gate 853-2235 Livestock GENTLE MIXED Breed nians Shih-tzus. CallPrifor www.janitorialservicecom/ CHAROLAIS BULLS vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner Cows and Stocker more information (254) REGISTERED POM Pup- apply Registered, Top Quality, Financing for 30 Years, Calves. Call (254) 749853-2235 pies & Registered Miniature GENTLE MIXED Breed AND part time jobs Gentle, Tested. FULL 5% Down.Polled, 800-876-9720. 0909 (254) 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, Cows and Stocker REGISTERED POM Pup- available now! Needed: Fancy Charolais Heifers. ranchenterprisesltd.com 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text Calves. Call (254) 749pies & Registered Miniature (254) 729-8644 (254) Janitorial workers. SalQUALITY BUILT (254) 366-6503 orhomes (254) 0909 (254) 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 747-2701 on your lot. Floor plans to Call 744-9245 ANGUS GRASS Fed 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text me at 254-776-7775. fit any budget. No money bulls and heifers. Pure(254) 366-6503 orFor (254) www.janitorialservicecom/ Real Estate Employment down. 100% financing. bred gentle, 12-14 744-9245 ANGUS GRASS Fed Saleprogram. apply Credit repair months bulls and heifers. PureANDold, part$1,300. time jobs FULL AND part time jobs FULL Real Estate For (254) 857-4663. Also, gentle, 1 now! 22mo. bull, bred 12-14 Needed: REAL ESTATE Auction, available available now! Needed: Sale $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Farm & Ranch months old, $1,300. workers. SalJanuary 5, workers. 2019, 11:00am, Janitorial Salary Janitorial Also, 1 per 22mo. $8.50 hour bull, DOE. 2451 406, TX ary $8.50 CR per hour Taylor, DOE. Call REAL ESTATE Auction, $1,800. 899-2558 CHAROLAIS BULLS me at(254) 254-776-7775. 76574. Julius & Helen Pav- Call GENTLE MIXED Breed 254-776-7775. www.janiJanuary 5, 2019, 11:00am, Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REAL ESTATE Cows Stocker torialservicecom/apply 2451 CR and 406, Taylor, TX www.janitorialservicecom/ Gentle, Polled, BULLS Tested. REDUCED MUST Sell: (selling subject to owner CHAROLAIS Calves. Callpart (254) 74976574. Julius & Helen PavFULL AND time jobs apply Fancy Charolais Ford Jubilee NAA Tracconfirmation) 2,084 SF Registered, Top Heifers. Quality, 0909 (254) 749-5637 las Estate. REAL ESTATE available now! Needed: Motorcycles (254) 729-8644 (254) tor with Shredder. brick home, 3 BR, 2New BA Gentle, Polled, Tested. (selling subject to owner Janitorial workers. Sal747-2701 rear tires, front tires, foam with fireplace and outbuildFancy Charolais Heifers. confirmation) 2,084DOE. SF WE ary $8.50 per hour BUY & Repair Unfilled, $2,500. Call 2(254) ings, sitting on 15+ SHIPPING CONTAINERS (254) 729-8644 (254) brick home, 3approx. BR, BA wanted/ Call me at 254-776-7775. Broken ATV’s, 313-8777 in Axtell acres. Appliances, home $2,000 and up. and Motorcycles 747-2701 Employment with fireplace andWind outbuildwww.janitorialservicecom/ & Scooters. furnishings, + We Pick-Up (903) 336water tight. See photos ings, oncollectibles approx. 15+ applysitting Trailers much more! See www. www.steelcontainers.net FULL AND part time jobs acres. Appliances, home Employment FULLdeliver. AND part time jobs 9086 ronniegarner.com for phoWill (254) 722furnishings, collectibles + available now! Needed: NEW 16’now! Utility Trailer. available Needed: tographs, auction and real 4270, Burleson, TX.www. Janitorial workers. Salary much more! See AND part time jobs Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, FULL Janitorial workers. Salestate terms andfor condi$8.50 per now! hour DOE. Call ronniegarner.com pho- available Needed: $2,199. Flat Tractors ary $8.50 perRock hourTrailers DOE. tions, + broker participation 254-776-7775. www.janitographs, and real Janitorial workers. Salary (254) 420-1112 Call me atauction 254-776-7775. requirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply estate terms and condi- $8.50 per hour DOE. Call www.janitorialservicecom/ Tools &Auctioneers, Equip- 254-776-7775. Associates tions, broker participation FULL AND partwww.janitime jobs apply+ TX. ment Waco, Ronnie Garner requirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply available now! Needed: FULL AND part time jobs TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Associates Auctioneers, FULL Janitorial ANDworkers. part time Saljobs available now! Needed: BUY OR SELL! For Wood ary $8.50 Waco Auction Group, Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner per hour DOE. available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. SalWorkers: Bandsaws, planWaco, TX. Randy Solberg TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Janitorial Call me at 254-776-7775. workers. Salary12677, $8.50 per hour DOE. ers, Drill presses, table www.janitorialservicecom/ TX 254-709-6338 Waco Auction Group, $8.50 per hour DOE. Call meTX. at 254-776-7775. saws, jointers, vises, mi- ary Waco, Randy Solberg 20.79 AC. with Creek apply Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ ter saws,Near lathes, shapers, TX 12677, 254-709-6338 Frontage Robert Lee FULL AND part time jobs applyLakescroll grinders, saws, radial www.janitorialservicecom/ and V. Spence. 20.79 AC.E. with Creek apply available now! Needed: arm and air comFULLsaws, AND part time jobs Beautiful Views, Mesquite Frontage Near Robert Lee FULL Janitorial ANDworkers. part time Saljobs available now! Needed: &pressor.1209 Cedar and LakeCover. E. Washington, V. Whitetail, Spence. available ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Needed: Waco. Janitorial workers. SalHogs, Turkey, Quail & Call me at now! Beautiful Views, Mesquite 254-776-7775. workers. SalaryCedar $8.50 per hour DOE. Dove. Locked Gate Pri- Janitorial & Cover. Whitetail, Livestock www.janitorialservicecom/ ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Call applyme at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ Financing for 30 Years, Dove. Locked Gate Pri- www.janitorialservicecom/ GENTLE MIXED Breed FULL AND part time jobs apply 5% Down. 800-876-9720. vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner Cows and Stocker apply available now! Needed: ranchenterprisesltd.com Financing for 30 Years, Motorcycles Calves. Call (254) 749- FULL Janitorial ANDworkers. part time Saljobs 5% Down. 800-876-9720. QUALITY BUILT homes 0909 (254) 749-5637 ary $8.50 now! per hour DOE. available Needed: ranchenterprisesltd.com on your lot. Floor plans to WE BUY & Repair Un- Janitorial Call me at 254-776-7775. workers. Salfit any budget. No homes money QUALITY BUILT wanted/ Broken ATV’s, ary www.janitorialservicecom/ $8.50 per hour DOE. down. 100% financing. on your lot. Floor plans to Motorcycles & Scooters. apply ANGUS GRASS Fed Call me at 254-776-7775. Credit repair program. fit anyPick-Up budget. No money We (903) 336- www.janitorialservicecom/ bulls and heifers. PureFULL AND part time jobs (254) 857-4663. down. 100% financing. 9086 bred gentle, 12-14 apply available now! Needed: Credit repair program. Farm & Ranch months old, $1,300. FULL Janitorial ANDworkers. part time Saljobs (254) 857-4663.
pressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- Waco. Poos, Yorkies, PomeraLivestock nians & Shih-tzus. Call778-4444 for Temple: (254) REDUCED MUST Sell: more information (254) Killeen: (254) 634-4615 Ford Jubilee NAA Trac853-2235 GENTLE MIXED Breed with Shredder. New Cows Stocker Want ToPOM BuyPup- tor REGISTERED rear tires, and front tires, foam Calves. Call (254) 749pies & Registered Miniature filled, $2,500. Call (254) 0909 (254) Schnauzer Puppies. WE BUY & RepairAlso, Un- 313-8777 in 749-5637 Axtell 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Trailers (254) 366-6503 or (254) Motorcycles & Scooters. 744-9245 We Pick-Up (903) 336- ANGUS GRASS Fed 16’ heifers. Utility Trailer. 9086 bulls and PureReal Estate For NEW Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, bred gentle, 12-14 Sale Appliances $2,199. Rock Trailers monthsFlat old, $1,300. (254) Also,420-1112 1 22mo. bull, REAL Auction, NICE ESTATE WASHERS, dry- $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Tools & EquipJanuary 5, 2019, 11:00am, ers, refrigerators, and ment 2451 406, Taylor, TX cookCR stoves. Rebuilt 76574. Julius Helen Pav- CHAROLAIS BULLS with 90 day& warranty. Registered, TopFor Quality, OR SELL! Wood las Estate. service REAL ESTATE Delivery, work, BUY Gentle, Bandsaws, Polled, Tested. plan(selling subject to ones. owner Workers: need non-working Fancy Charolais Heifers. Drill presses, table confirmation) 2,084 SF ers, (254) 799-6228, (254) (254) jointers, 729-8644 (254) vises, mi- ADS Employment brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA saws, 214-5284. 747-2701 saws, lathes, shapers, with fireplace and outbuild- ter ings, sitting on approx. 15+ grinders, scroll saws, radial Dogs home arm Employment saws, and air comacres. Appliances, furnishings, collectibles + pressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- Waco. Low Income Electricity Allmore! Approved much See www. FULL AND part time jobs Poos, Yorkies, Pomera ronniegarner.com for pho -- available Needed: All now! Approved Livestock HIGH SPEED INTERNET nians & Shih-tzus. Callreal for tographs, auction and Janitorial workers. Salary more information (254) $0 Deposit Monthly estate terms and condi- $8.50 per hour DOE.Bill Call 853-2235 GENTLE MIXED Breed tions, broker participation 254-776-7775. www.janiNo+Card Houses 55 & Over Cows and Stocker REGISTERED POM Puprequirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply (254) 749piesNeeded!!! & Registered Miniature Calves.NoCall Deposit!! Associates Auctioneers, time jobs 0909 AND (254) part 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, FULL Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner now! 100 MBSText & UP availableSame DayNeeded: Service 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ TX 7316, 254-717-5051. (254) 366-6503 (254) Janitorial workers. SalWaco Auction or Group, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 744-9245 Waco, TX. Randy Solberg Call ANGUS GRASS Fed me at 254-776-7775. TXReal 12677,Estate 254-709-6338 bulls and heifers. PureFor www.janitorialservicecom/ bred gentle, 12-14 20.79 AC. with Creek apply Sale ADS Employment ADS Employment months old, $1,300. Frontage Near Robert Lee FULL part timebull, jobs Also,AND 1 22mo. and Lake E. V. Spence. REAL ESTATE Auction, available now!899-2558 Needed: $1,800. (254) Beautiful5,Views, January 2019, Mesquite 11:00am, Janitorial workers. Sal& Cedar Whitetail, 2451 CRCover. 406, Taylor, TX ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Hogs, Julius Turkey, Quail CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. & Helen Pav&- Call me at 254-776-7775. Dove. Locked Pri- www.janitorialservicecom/ Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REALGate ESTATE vacy. $3,650/AC. Gentle, Polled, Tested. (selling subject to Owner owner apply Financing for 30 Years, confirmation) 2,084 SF Fancy Charolais Heifers. FULL part time jobs 5% Down. 800-876-9720. 729-8644 (254) brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA (254)AND ranchenterprisesltd.com 747-2701now! Needed: with fireplace and outbuild- available ings, sitting on approx. 15+ Janitorial workers. SalQUALITY BUILT homes ary $8.50 per hour DOE. acres. home on yourAppliances, lot. Floor plans to Call Employment me at 254-776-7775. furnishings, collectibles + fit any budget. No money much more! www. www.janitorialservicecom/ FULL AND part time jobs down. 100% See financing. ronniegarner.com for pho- apply available now! Needed: Credit repair program. FULL AND part time jobs tographs, auction and real Janitorial workers. Salary (254) 857-4663. now! Needed: estate terms and condi- available $8.50 per hour DOE. Call Farm & Ranch workers. Saltions, + broker participation Janitorial 254-776-7775. www.janiary $8.50 per hour DOE. requirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply me at 254-776-7775. GENTLE MIXED Breed Call Associates Auctioneers, FULL AND part time jobs CowsTX.and Stocker Waco, Ronnie Garner www.janitorialservicecom/ available now! Needed: Calves. (254) 749- apply TX 7316,Call 254-717-5051. Janitorial workers. Sal0909 (254) 749-5637 Waco Auction Group, ary $8.50 Motorcycles per hour DOE. Waco, TX. Randy Solberg Call me at 254-776-7775. TX 12677, 254-709-6338 WE BUY & Repair Unwww.janitorialservicecom/ SHIPPING 20.79 AC.CONTAINERS with Creek wanted/ Broken ATV’s, apply $2,000 and up. Wind and Frontage Near Robert Lee Motorcycles & Scooters. FULL AND part time jobs water tight. See photos and Lake E. V. Spence. We Pick-Up 336available now!(903) Needed: www.steelcontainers.net Beautiful Views, Mesquite 9086 Janitorial workers. SalWill deliver. (254) 722& Cedar Cover. Whitetail, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. 4270, Hogs,Burleson, Turkey, TX. Quail & Call me at 254-776-7775. Dove. Tractors Locked Gate Pri- www.janitorialservicecom/ vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner apply Financing for 30 Years, 5% Down. 800-876-9720. FULL AND part time jobs ranchenterprisesltd.com available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. SalQUALITY BUILT homes ary $8.50 per hour DOE. on your lot. Floor plans to Call me at 254-776-7775. fit any budget. No money www.janitorialservicecom/ down. 100% financing. apply Credit repair program. FULL AND part time jobs (254) 857-4663. available now! Needed: Farm & Ranch Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. GENTLE MIXED Breed Call me at 254-776-7775. Cows and Stocker www.janitorialservicecom/ Calves. Call (254) 749- apply
TV, Internet Get Your & Phone Power On
Want To Buy
rear tires, front tires, foam filled, $2,500. Call (254) WE BUY & Repair Un- 313-8777 in Axtell wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Trailers Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. 9086 Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Appliances $2,199. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 NICE WASHERS, dryTools & Equipers, refrigerators, and ment cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, BUY OR SELL! For Wood need non-working ones. Workers: Bandsaws, plan(254) 799-6228, (254) ers, Drill presses, table saws, jointers, vises, mi214-5284. ter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, radial Dogs arm saws, and air compressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- Waco. REDUCED MUST Sell: Poos, Yorkies, Pomera- Ford Jubilee NAA TracLivestock nians Shih-tzus. Call for tor with ADS & Employment Shredder. New more information (254) rear tires, front tires, foam Want To Buy 853-2235 GENTLE MIXED filled, $2,500. CallBreed (254) WE BUY & Repair Un- 313-8777 Cows and Stocker REGISTERED POM Pupin Axtell wanted/ BrokenMiniature ATV’s, Calves. Call (254) 749pies & Registered Trailers Motorcycles & Scooters. 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, 0909 (254) We Pick-Up (903) 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/336Text 9086 (254) 366-6503 or (254) NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, 744-9245 ANGUS Fed Appliances $2,199. FlatGRASS Rock Trailers bulls420-1112 and heifers. PureReal Estate For (254) Sale NICE WASHERS, dry- bred gentle, 12-14 Tools old, & Equip$1,300. ers, refrigerators, and months 22mo. bull, REAL Auction, Also, 1ment cook ESTATE stoves. Rebuilt January 2019,warranty. 11:00am, $1,800. (254) 899-2558 with 905, day 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX BUY OR SELL! For Wood Delivery, service work, Bandsaws, planCHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius & Helen Pav- Workers: need non-working ones. Drill presses, table Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REAL ESTATE (254) 799-6228, (254) ers, jointers, miGentle, Polled,vises, Tested. (selling subject to owner saws, 214-5284. saws, lathes, shapers, Fancy Charolais Heifers. confirmation) 2,084 SF ter scroll saws,(254) radial (254) 729-8644 brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA grinders, Dogs saws, and air com747-2701 with fireplace and outbuild- arm ings, sitting on approx. Chi15+ pressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY acres.Business Appliances, home Waco. Employment Poos, Yorkies, Pomerafurnishings, collectibles + Livestock nians & Shih-tzus. Call for Opportunities much more! See www. more information (254) FULL AND part time jobs ronniegarner.com for phoavailable Needed: 853-2235 GENTLE now! MIXED Breed tographs, auction and real Janitorial workers. Salary Stocker REGISTERED POM Pup- Cows and estate terms and condiperCall hour(254) DOE. Call Calves. 749pies Miniature $8.50 tions,&+Registered broker participation 254-776-7775. www.jani0909 (254) 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, requirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text Associates Auctioneers, (254) (254) FULL AND part time jobs Waco,366-6503 TX. RonnieorGarner available Needed: 744-9245 ANGUS now! GRASS Fed TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Janitorial workers. Salbulls and heifers. Waco Auction Group, Real Estate For ary $8.50 per hourPureDOE. bred gentle, 12-14 Waco, TX.Sale Randy Solberg Call me at 254-776-7775. months old, $1,300. TX 12677, 254-709-6338 www.janitorialservicecom/ Also, 1 22mo. bull, REAL 20.79 ESTATE AC. withAuction, Creek apply $1,800. (254) 899-2558 January 2019, 11:00am, Frontage5,Near Robert Lee FULL AND part time jobs 2451 CR 406, TX and Lake E. V.Taylor, Spence. now! Needed: CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius & Helen Pav- available Beautiful Views, Mesquite workers. SalRegistered, Top Quality, las Estate.Cover. REALWhitetail, ESTATE Janitorial & Cedar ary $8.50Polled, per hour DOE. Gentle, Tested. (selling owner Hogs, subject Turkey, toQuail & Call me Charolais at 254-776-7775. Heifers. confirmation) SF Fancy Dove. Locked 2,084 Gate Pri(254) 729-8644 (254) brick 3 BR,Owner 2 BA www.janitorialservicecom/ vacy. home, $3,650/AC. apply with fireplaceforand Financing 30outbuildYears, 747-2701 ings, sitting 800-876-9720. on approx. 15+ FULL AND part time jobs 5% Down. now! Needed: acres. Appliances, home available Employment ranchenterprisesltd.com furnishings, collectibles + Janitorial workers. SalQUALITY BUILT homes ary $8.50 much Seeplans www. ANDper parthour timeDOE. jobs on yourmore! lot. Floor to FULL Call me at now! 254-776-7775. ronniegarner.com pho- available Needed: fit any budget. Nofor money www.janitorialservicecom/ tographs, auction and real Janitorial workers. Salary down. 100% financing. apply per hour DOE. Call estate condi- $8.50 Credit terms repairand program. tions, broker participation 254-776-7775. FULL AND partwww.janitime jobs (254) + 857-4663. requirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply available now! Needed: Farm & Ranch Associates Auctioneers, FULL Janitorial ANDworkers. part time Saljobs Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner available ary $8.50 now! per hour DOE. Needed: TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Call me at 254-776-7775. GENTLE MIXED Breed Janitorial workers. SalWaco Group, ary www.janitorialservicecom/ Cows Auction and Stocker $8.50 per hour DOE. Waco, TX.Call Randy applyme at 254-776-7775. Calves. (254)Solberg 749- Call TX 12677, 0909 (254)254-709-6338 749-5637 www.janitorialservicecom/ Motorcycles 20.79 AC. with Creek apply Frontage Near Robert Lee FULL WE BUY Repair UnAND&part time jobs SHIPPING CONTAINERS and Lake E. V. Spence. available wanted/ Broken ATV’s, now! Needed: $2,000 and up. Wind and Janitorial Beautiful Views, Mesquite Motorcycles & Scooters. workers. Salwater tight. SeeWhitetail, photos ary & Cedar Cover. We $8.50 Pick-Up 336per (903) hour DOE. www.steelcontainers.net Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Call 9086me at 254-776-7775. Will deliver. Dove. Locked(254) Gate722Pri- www.janitorialservicecom/ 4270, $3,650/AC. Burleson, TX.Owner vacy.
December 27, 2018 • Page
Page • December 27, 2018
American Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777
(254) 420-1112 NICE WASHERS, dryTools & Equipers, refrigerators, and Temple: (254) 778-4444 ment cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Killeen: (254)work, 634-4615 BUY OR SELL! For Wood Delivery, service need non-working ones. Workers: Bandsaws, plan(254) 799-6228, (254) ers, Drill presses, table saws, jointers, vises, mi214-5284. ter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, radial Dogs arm saws, and air compressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- Waco. Poos, Yorkies, PomeraLivestock nians & Shih-tzus. Call for more information (254) 853-2235 GENTLE MIXED Breed REGISTERED POM Pup- Cows and Stocker pies & Registered Miniature Calves. Call (254) 749Schnauzer Puppies. Also, 0909 (254) 749-5637 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text (254) 366-6503 or (254) 744-9245 ANGUS GRASS Fed bulls and heifers. PureReal Estate For Apartments bred gentle, 12-14 ADS Sale months for old,Rent $1,300. REAL ESTATE Auction, Also, 1 22mo. bull, January 5, 2019, 11:00am, $1,800. (254) 899-2558 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX 76574. Julius & Helen Pav- CHAROLAIS BULLS las Estate. REAL ESTATE Registered, Top Quality, (selling subject to owner Gentle, Polled, Tested. confirmation) 2,084 SF Fancy Charolais Heifers. brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA (254) 729-8644 (254) with fireplace and outbuild- 747-2701 ings, sitting on approx. 15+ acres. Appliances, home Employment furnishings, collectibles + much more! See www. FULL Houses fortime Rent AND part jobs ronniegarner.com for pho- available now! Needed: tographs, auction and real Janitorial workers. Salary estate terms and condi- $8.50 per hour DOE. Call tions, + broker participation 254-776-7775. www.janirequirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply Associates Auctioneers, FULL AND part time jobs Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner available now! Needed: TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Janitorial workers. SalWaco Auction Group, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Waco, TX. Randy Solberg Call me at 254-776-7775. TX 12677, 254-709-6338 www.janitorialservicecom/ 20.79 AC. with Creek apply Frontage Near Robert Lee FULL AND part time jobs and Lake E. V. Spence. available now! Needed: Beautiful Views, Mesquite Janitorial workers. Sal& Cedar Cover. Whitetail, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Call me at 254-776-7775. Dove. Locked Gate Pri- www.janitorialservicecom/ vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner apply Financing for 30 Years, 5% Down. 800-876-9720. FULL AND part time jobs now! Needed: ranchenterprisesltd.com Apartments for available Janitorial workers. SalQUALITY BUILT homes ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Rent on your lot. Floor plans to Call me at 254-776-7775. fit any budget. No money www.janitorialservicecom/ down. 100% financing. apply Credit repair program. FULL AND part time jobs (254) 857-4663. available now! Needed: Farm & Ranch Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. GENTLE MIXED Breed Call me at 254-776-7775. Cows and Stocker www.janitorialservicecom/ Calves. Call (254) 749- apply 0909 (254) 749-5637 Motorcycles
Duplexes/ Townhomes
Commercial Real Estate
Manufactured Housing
WE BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. REAL ESTATE (selling subject to owner confirmation) We Pick-Upfamily (903)members 336Remaining live out of the area and do not need this 9086 home and property. 2,084 SF brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA with fireplace and outbuildings sitting on approx. 15+ acres.
See for photographs, auction & Real estate terms and conditions, + broker participation requirements. 1983 Ford F250 diesel, MF square baler, spray tank, numerous 3pt. equipment, homemade stock trailer, concrete mixer, appliances, home furnishings, large scrap pile, collectibles + much more!
Garner & associates auctioneers, 7>VÂœ]ĂŠ/8° ,œ˜˜ˆiĂŠ >Ă€Â˜iÀÊ/8ĂŠĂ‡ĂŽÂŁĂˆĂŠĂŠÂĂ“x{ŽÊǣLJxäxÂŁ
Waco auction Group 7>VÂœ]ĂŠ/8°
available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 perMUST hour DOE. REDUCED Sell: Call at 254-776-7775. Fordme Jubilee NAA Tracwww.janitorialservicecom/ tor with Shredder. New apply rear tires, front tires, foam FULL AND partCall time(254) jobs filled, $2,500. available now! Needed: 313-8777 in Axtell Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Trailers Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. apply Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, FULL jobs $2,199.AND Flatpart Rocktime Trailers available now! Needed: (254) 420-1112 Janitorial workers. Sal& EquiparyTools $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me atment 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply BUY OR SELL! For Wood FULL AND part timeplanjobs Workers: Bandsaws, available now! Needed: ers, Drill presses, table Janitorial workers. saws,Livestock jointers, vises,Salmiary $8.50lathes, per hour DOE. ter saws, shapers, Call me at 254-776-7775. grinders, scroll saws, radial www.janitorialservicecom/ arm saws, and air comapply
GENTLE MIXED Breed Cows Dogs and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749- pressor.1209 Washington, 0909 (254) 749-5637ChiSUPER FRIENDLY Motorcycles
Livestock WE BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. GENTLE MIXED Breed We Pick-Up 336Cows and (903) Stocker 9086 Calves. Call (254) 7490909 (254) 749-5637
ANGUS GRASS Fed bulls and heifers. Purebred gentle, 12-14 months old, $1,300. REAL ESTATE Auction, Also, 1 22mo. bull, January 5, 2019, 11:00am, $1,800. (254) 899-2558 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX 76574. Julius & Helen Pav- CHAROLAIS BULLS las Estate. REAL ESTATE Registered, Top Quality, (selling subject to owner Gentle, Polled, Tested. confirmation) 2,084 SF Fancy Charolais Heifers. brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA (254) 729-8644 (254) with fireplace and outbuild- 747-2701 ings, sitting on approx. 15+ acres. Appliances, home Employment furnishings, collectibles + much more! See www. FULL AND part time jobs ronniegarner.com for pho- available now! Needed: tographs, auction and real Janitorial workers. Salary estate terms and condi- $8.50 per hour DOE. Call tions, + broker participation 254-776-7775. www.janirequirements. Garner & torialservicecom/apply Associates Auctioneers, FULL AND part time jobs Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner available now! Needed: TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Janitorial workers. SalWaco Auction Group, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Waco, TX. Randy Solberg Call me at 254-776-7775. TX 12677, 254-709-6338 www.janitorialservicecom/ 20.79 AC. with Creek apply Frontage Near Robert Lee FULL AND part time jobs and Lake E. V. Spence. available now! Needed: Beautiful Views, Mesquite Janitorial workers. Sal& Cedar Cover. Whitetail, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Call me at 254-776-7775. Dove. Locked Gate Pri- www.janitorialservicecom/ vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner apply Financing for 30 Years, 5% Down. 800-876-9720. FULL AND part time jobs ranchenterprisesltd.com available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. SalQUALITY BUILT homes ary $8.50 per hour DOE. on your lot. Floor plans to Call me at 254-776-7775. fit any budget. No money www.janitorialservicecom/ down. 100% financing. apply Credit repair program. FULL AND part time jobs (254) 857-4663. available now! Needed: Farm & Ranch Janitorial workers. Sal-
Real Estate For Sale
JANUARY 5, 2019 11:00am
(254) 799-6228, (254) Farm & Ranch 214-5284.
Poos, Yorkies, Pomeranians & Shih-tzus. Call for SHIPPING CONTAINERS more information (254) $2,000 and up. Wind and 853-2235 water tight. See photos REGISTERED POM Pupwww.steelcontainers.net Will (254) 722pies &deliver. Registered Miniature 4270, Burleson, TX. Also, Schnauzer Puppies. 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text Tractors (254) 366-6503 or (254) 744-9245
SHIPPING CONTAINERS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers.net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX.
Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Waco Auction Group, Waco, TX. Randy Solberg TX 12677, 254-709-6338 20.79 AC. To withBuy Creek Want Frontage Near Robert Lee and Lake E. V. Spence. & Repair UnWE BUYViews, Beautiful Mesquite wanted/ BrokenWhitetail, ATV’s, & Cedar Cover. Motorcycles & Scooters. Hogs, Turkey, Quail & We Pick-Up Dove. Locked(903) Gate336Pri9086 $3,650/AC. Owner vacy. Financing for 30 Years, Appliances 5% Down. 800-876-9720. ranchenterprisesltd.com NICE WASHERS, dryQUALITY BUILT homes ers, refrigerators, andto on your lot. Floor plans stoves.NoRebuilt fitcook any budget. money down. financing. with 90100% day warranty. Credit repair program. Delivery, service work, (254) need857-4663. non-working ones.
December 27, 2018 • Page
tor with Shredder. New rear tires, front tires, foam filled, $2,500. Call (254) WE BUY & Repair Un- 313-8777 in Axtell wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Trailers Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. 9086 REDUCED MUST Sell: Brakes, Ramps, PipeTracTop, Ford Jubilee NAA Appliances $2,199. Flat Rock Trailers tor with Shredder. New Want To Buy (254)tires, 420-1112 rear front tires, foam NICE WASHERS, dry- filled, $2,500. Call (254) Tools & Equipers,BUY refrigerators, WE & Repairand Un- 313-8777ment in Axtell cook stoves. wanted/ BrokenRebuilt ATV’s, Trailers with 90 day& warranty. Motorcycles Scooters. Delivery, service We Pick-Up (903)work, 336- BUY OR SELL! For Wood Workers: planUtility Trailer. need non-working ones. NEW 16’Bandsaws, 9086 ers, DrillRamps, presses, Pipetable Top, (254) 799-6228, (254) Brakes, Appliances saws, jointers, vises, mi$2,199. Flat Rock Trailers 214-5284. ter saws, lathes, shapers, (254) 420-1112 scroll saws, radial NICE WASHERS, Dogs dry- grinders, Tools Equipsaws, &and air comers, refrigerators, and arm ment pressor.1209 Washington, cook stoves. Rebuilt SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- Waco. with 90 day warranty. Poos, Yorkies, Pomera- BUY SELL! For Wood ADS OR Livestock Delivery, service Call work, Livestock nians & Shih-tzus. for Workers: Bandsaws, planneed non-working ones. more information (254) ers, Drill presses, table (254) 799-6228, (254) 853-2235 GENTLE MIXED Breed saws, jointers, vises, mi214-5284. Cows saws, and lathes,Stocker shapers, REGISTERED POM Pup- ter Calves. scroll Call (254) saws,749radial pies & Registered Miniature grinders, Dogs 0909 (254)and 749-5637 saws, air comSchnauzer Puppies. Also, arm 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text pressor.1209 Washington, SUPER FRIENDLY Chi- Waco. (254) 366-6503 or (254) Poos, Yorkies, Pomera744-9245 GRASS Fed Livestock nians & Shih-tzus. Call for ANGUS Real Estate For more information (254) bulls and heifers. Purebred gentle, 12-14 853-2235Sale GENTLE MIXED Breed months old, $1,300. Stocker REGISTERED POM Pup- Cows Also, 1and 22mo. bull, Want To Buy REAL ESTATE Auction, Call (254) 749pies & Registered Miniature Calves. $1,800. (254) 899-2558 January 5, 2019, 11:00am, Schnauzer Puppies. Also, 0909 (254) 749-5637 WE BUY & Repair Un2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text BrokenBULLS ATV’s, CHAROLAIS 76574.366-6503 Julius & Helen Pav- wanted/ (254) or (254) & Scooters. Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REAL ESTATE Motorcycles 744-9245 ANGUS GRASS Fed Pick-Up (903) 336Gentle, Polled, Tested. (selling subject to owner We bulls and heifers. PureReal Estate ForSF 9086 Fancy Charolais Heifers. confirmation) 2,084 gentle, 12-14 Sale (254) 729-8644 (254) brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA bred Appliances 747-2701old, $1,300. with fireplace and outbuild- months Also, 1 22mo. bull, REAL ESTATE Auction, ings, sitting on approx. 15+ $1,800. (254) 899-2558 WASHERS, dryJanuary 5, 2019, 11:00am, acres. Appliances, home NICE Employment 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX furnishings, collectibles + ers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius &See Helenwww. Pav- FULL much more! AND part time jobs REDUCED MUST Sell: with 90 day warranty. Registered, Top Quality, las Estate. REAL ESTATE ronniegarner.com for pho- available now! Needed: Ford Jubilee NAA TracDelivery, service work, Gentle, Polled, Tested. (selling subject owner tographs, auctiontoand real Janitorial workers. Salary tor with Shredder. New need non-working ones. Fancy Charolais Heifers. confirmation) 2,084 SF $8.50 estate termsTo and condiWant Buy per hourtires, DOE. Call rear tires, front foam (254) 799-6228, (254) (254) 729-8644 brick BR, 2 BA 254-776-7775. tions, +home, broker3participation www.janifilled, $2,500. Call (254) 214-5284. 747-2701 with fireplace and outbuildrequirements. Garner & WE BUY & Repair Un- torialservicecom/apply ings, sittingBroken onAuctioneers, approx. 15+ 313-8777 in Axtell Associates wanted/ ATV’s, FULL AND part time jobs Want To Buy acres. Appliances, home Dogs Trailers Employment Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner Motorcycles & Scooters. available now! Needed: furnishings, collectibles + TX 7316, 254-717-5051. We Pick-Up (903) 336- Janitorial workers. Salmuch SeeGroup, www. WE SUPER FRIENDLY Chi&Utility Repair UnBUY NEW 16’ Trailer. Waco Auction FULL AND part time jobs 9086 more! ary $8.50 per hour DOE. ronniegarner.com pho- wanted/ Poos, Yorkies, PomeraBrakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Waco, TX. Randy for Solberg Broken ATV’s, available now! Needed: Call me at 254-776-7775. Appliances tographs, and real Motorcycles nians & Shih-tzus. Call for $2,199. Flat Rock Trailers TX 12677,auction 254-709-6338 Janitorial workers. Salary & Scooters. www.janitorialservicecom/ estate and condimore information (254)Pick-Up 420-1112 $8.50 per hour(903) DOE.(254) Call 33620.79 terms AC. with Creek We apply tions, broker NICE+ WASHERS, 853-2235 254-776-7775. www.janiFrontage Near participation RobertdryLee 9086 Tools EquipFULL AND&part time jobs requirements. ers,Lake refrigerators, and& REGISTERED torialservicecom/apply POM Pupand E. V.Garner Spence. ment available now! Needed: Appliances Associates Auctioneers, cook stoves. Rebuilt pies & Registered Miniature Beautiful Views, Mesquite FULL AND part time jobs Janitorial workers. SalWaco, TX. Ronnie Garner with 90 day warranty. Puppies. Also, & Cedar Cover. Whitetail, Schnauzer available now! Needed: BUY$8.50 OR SELL! For Wood ary per hour DOE. TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Delivery, service work, NICE Pom-Poodle. Call/dryText Hogs, Turkey, Quail & 1Janitorial workers. SalWorkers: planCall meWASHERS, atBandsaws, 254-776-7775. Waco AuctionGate Group, need non-working ones. 366-6503 or DOE. (254) ers,$8.50 refrigerators, and Dove. Locked Pri- (254) ary per hour ers, Drill presses, table www.janitorialservicecom/ Waco, TX. Randy Solberg (254) 799-6228, (254) vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner 744-9245 Call mejointers, at 254-776-7775. cook stoves. Rebuilt saws, vises, miapply TX 12677, 254-709-6338 214-5284. Financing for 30 Years, www.janitorialservicecom/ with 90Estate day warranty. ter saws, lathes, shapers, Real For FULL AND part time jobs 20.79 AC.800-876-9720. with Creek apply 5% Down. Delivery,scroll service work, grinders, radial Sale available now!saws, Needed: Dogs Frontage Near Robert Lee FULL ranchenterprisesltd.com needsaws, non-working arm and airones. comANDworkers. part time jobs Janitorial Saland Lake E. V. Spence. (254) 799-6228, (254) pressor.1209 Washington, QUALITY BUILT homes REAL available now! Needed: ESTATE Auction, ary $8.50 per hour DOE. Beautiful Views, SUPER FRIENDLY ChiWaco. on your lot. FloorMesquite plans to January Janitorial workers. Sal214-5284. 11:00am, Call me 5, at 2019, 254-776-7775. & Cedar Cover.No Whitetail, Poos, Yorkies, Pomerafit any budget. money 2451 ary $8.50 per hour DOE. CR 406, Taylor, TX www.janitorialservicecom/ Livestock Hogs, Turkey,financing. Quail & Call me at 254-776-7775. nians & 100% Shih-tzus. Call for down. & Helen PavDogs apply Julius Dove. Locked Gate(254) Pri- 76574. more information Credit repair program. www.janitorialservicecom/ Estate. REAL ESTATE vacy. $3,650/AC. Owner las 853-2235 FULL ANDMIXED part time jobs GENTLE Breed (254) 857-4663. apply (selling subject to owner ChiFRIENDLY Financing for POM 30 Years, available now!Stocker Needed: Cows and REGISTERED Pup- SUPER confirmation) 2,084 SFFULL AND part time jobs Farm & Ranch Poos, Yorkies, Pomera 5% 800-876-9720. Janitorial workers. SalCalves. Call 749piesDown. & Registered Miniature brick home, 3(254) BR, 2DOE. BA available now! Needed: &(254) Shih-tzus. Call for ranchenterprisesltd.com ary $8.50 per hour 0909 749-5637 Schnauzer Puppies. Also, nians with and outbuildJanitorial workers. Sal(254) Call fireplace meinformation at 254-776-7775. MIXED Breed QUALITY BUILT homes 1GENTLE Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text more ings, sitting on approx. 15+ ary $8.50 per hour DOE. www.janitorialservicecom/ Cows and Stocker on your lot. Floor plans to 853-2235 (254) 366-6503 or (254) acres. home Call meAppliances, at 254-776-7775. apply Calves. Call (254) 749- REGISTERED fit any budget. No money 744-9245 PupPOM Fed ANGUS GRASS furnishings, collectibles + www.janitorialservicecom/ 0909 (254) 749-5637 down. 100% financing. pies bulls and heifers. Pure& Registered Miniature Motorcycles much more! See www. apply Real Estate For Credit repair program. Schnauzer bred AND gentle, 12-14 Puppies. Also, ronniegarner.com for phoSale FULL part time jobs (254) 857-4663. months old, $1,300. 1tographs, Pom-Poodle. Call/ WE BUYauction & Repair UnandText real available now! Needed: SHIPPING CONTAINERS (254) Also,366-6503 1 Broken 22mo. bull, wanted/ ATV’s, estate terms andorcondi(254) Farm Ranch REAL ESTATE Auction, Janitorial workers. Sal$2,000 and&up. Wind and 744-9245 $1,800. (254) 899-2558 Motorcycles Scooters. tions, + broker Januarytight. 5, 2019, ary $8.50 per&participation hour DOE. water See11:00am, photos requirements. We me Pick-Up (903) 336Garner & 2451 CR 406, Taylor, TX Call atEstate 254-776-7775. GENTLE MIXED Breed www.steelcontainers.net Real For 9086 Auctioneers, CHAROLAIS BULLS 76574. Julius Helen Pav- Associates www.janitorialservicecom/ Cows and&(254) Stocker Will deliver. 722Sale Waco, TX. Ronnie Garner
Want To Buy
Page • December 27, 2018
20.79 withRebuilt Creek cook AC. stoves. Frontage Lee with 90 Near day Robert warranty. and Lake service E. V. Spence. Delivery, work, Beautiful Views, Mesquite need non-working ones. &(254) Cedar799-6228, Cover. Whitetail, (254) Hogs, Turkey, Quail & 214-5284. Dove. Locked Gate Privacy. $3,650/AC. Owner FinancingDogs for 30 Years, 5% Down. 800-876-9720. SUPER FRIENDLY Chiranchenterprisesltd.com Poos, Yorkies, Pomera QUALITY BUILT homesnians & Shih-tzus. Call for on your lot. Floor plans to more information (254) fit any budget. No money 853-2235 down. 100% financing. Credit repair POM program. REGISTERED Pup(254)&857-4663. pies Registered Miniature Schnauzer Puppies. Also, Farm & Ranch 1 Pom-Poodle. Call/ Text (254) 366-6503 (254) GENTLE MIXEDorBreed 744-9245 Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254)For 749Real Estate 0909 (254) 749-5637 Sale
REAL ESTATE Auction, SHIPPING CONTAINERS January 5, 2019, 11:00am, $2,000CR and406, up. Taylor, Wind and 2451 TX water tight. See photos 76574. Julius & Helen Pavwww.steelcontainers.net las REAL ESTATE WillEstate. deliver. (254) 722(selling subject to 4270, Burleson, TX.owner confirmation) 2,084 SF Tractors brick home, 3 BR, 2 BA with fireplace and outbuildREDUCED ings, sitting onMUST approx. Sell: 15+ Ford Jubilee NAA home Tracacres. Appliances, tor with Shredder. New furnishings, collectibles + rear tires, frontSee tires,www. foam much more! filled, $2,500. Call (254) ronniegarner.com 313-8777 in Axtellfor photographs, auction and real Trailers estate terms and conditions, + broker participation NEW 16’ Utility Trailer. requirements. Garner & Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Associates Auctioneers, $2,199.TX. Flat Rock Garner Trailers Waco, Ronnie (254) 420-1112 TX 7316, 254-717-5051. Waco Auction Group, Tools & EquipWaco, TX.ment Randy Solberg TX 12677, 254-709-6338 BUY OR SELL! ForCreek Wood with 20.79 AC. Workers: Near Bandsaws, Frontage RobertplanLee ers, Lake Drill presses, table and E. MUST V. Spence. REDUCED Sell: saws, jointers, vises, miBeautiful Views,NAA Mesquite Ford Jubilee TracterCedar saws, lathes,Whitetail, shapers, &tor Cover. with scroll Shredder. New grinders, saws, radial Hogs, Turkey, Quail & rear front foam arm tires, saws, andtires, air comDove. Locked Gate Prifilled, $2,500.Washington, Call (254) pressor.1209 vacy. Waco.$3,650/AC. 313-8777 in Axtell Owner Financing for 30 Years, Livestock Trailers 5% Down. 800-876-9720. ranchenterprisesltd.com NEW 16’ MIXED Utility homes Trailer. GENTLE Breed QUALITY BUILT Brakes, Ramps, Pipe Top, Cows and Stocker on your lot. Floor plans to Calves. CallRock (254) 749$2,199. Flat Trailers fit any budget. No money 0909420-1112 (254) (254) down. 100%749-5637 financing. Credit repair program. Tools & Equip(254) 857-4663. ment ANGUSCars GRASS Fed Farm Ranch bulls and & heifers. PureBUY OR SELL! Wood bred gentle,For 12-14 Workers: Bandsaws, planmonths old, $1,300. GENTLE MIXED Breed ers, Drill1 presses, table Also, 22mo. bull, Cowsjointers, and Stocker saws, vises, mi$1,800. Call (254)(254) 899-2558 Calves. 749ter saws, lathes, shapers, 0909 (254) 749-5637 grinders, scroll saws, radial CHAROLAIS BULLS arm saws, and comRegistered, Top air Quality, pressor.1209 Washington, Gentle, Polled, Tested. SHIPPING CONTAINERS Waco. Fancy and Charolais Heifers. $2,000 up. Wind and (254)Livestock 729-8644 (254) water tight. See photos 747-2701 www.steelcontainers.net Will deliver. (254)Breed 722GENTLE MIXED Employment 4270, TX. CowsBurleson, and Stocker Calves. Callpart (254) Tractors FULL AND time749jobs 0909 (254) 749-5637 available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call 254-776-7775. www.janiANGUS GRASS Fed torialservicecom/apply bulls and heifers. Purebred AND gentle, 12-14 FULL part time jobs
apply FULLOR AND partFor timeWood jobs BUY SELL! availableBandsaws, now! Needed: Workers: planJanitorial workers. SalAmerican Dollar Saver: ers, Drill presses, table ary $8.50 per hour DOE. saws, vises, mi- (254) 771-2777 Call mejointers, at 254-776-7775. ter saws, lathes, shapers, www.janitorialservicecom/ grinders, apply scroll saws, radial arm saws, and air comFULL AND part time jobs pressor.1209 Washington, available now! Needed: Waco. Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Livestock Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ GENTLE MIXED Breed apply Cows and Stocker FULL AND time749jobs Calves. Callpart (254) available now! Needed: 0909 (254) 749-5637 Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. ANGUS GRASS Fed www.janitorialservicecom/ bulls and heifers. Pureapply bred gentle, 12-14 Motorcycles months old, $1,300. ADS Motorcycles ADS Cars Also, 1 22mo. WE BUY & Repairbull, Un$1,800. (254) 899-2558 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. CHAROLAIS BULLS We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 729-8644 (254) Auto Parts 747-2701
Employment FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ Trucks/Vans/ apply SUVs FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply FULL AND part time jobs available now! Needed: Janitorial workers. Salary $8.50 per hour DOE. Call me at 254-776-7775. www.janitorialservicecom/ apply
Motorcycles WE BUY & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086
Temple: (254) 778-4444 Killeen: (254) 634-4615
December 27, 2018 • Page
Page Page 88 •• December December 20, 20, 2018 2018 Page 8 • December 20,Building/ 2018 Brick/Concrete Page 2018 Page 88 •• December December 20, 20, 2018 Remodeling
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Building/ Remodeling
Building/ Remodeling
Chimney/ Fireplace Svc.
Cleaning/ Janitorial
Foundation Repairs
Page • December 27, 2018 Brick/Concrete
Building/ Remodeling
Building/ Remodeling
Chimney/ Fireplace Svc.
Cleaning/ Janitorial
Foundation Repairs
Tree Service
Brick/Concrete Remodeling Brick/Concrete Building/ Brick/Concrete Brick/Concrete Remodeling
Building/ Building/ Remodeling Remodeling Building/ Building/ Remodeling Remodeling
Building/ Building/ Remodeling Remodeling Building/ Building/ Remodeling Remodeling
Chimney/ Chimney/ Fireplace Svc. Fireplace Svc. Chimney/ Chimney/ Fireplace Svc. Svc. Fireplace
Cleaning/ Cleaning/ Janitorial Janitorial Cleaning/ Cleaning/ Janitorial Janitorial
Foundation Foundation Repairs Repairs Foundation Foundation Repairs Repairs
Roofing Roofing Roofing Roofing
Tree Tree Service Service Tree Service Service Tree
Brick/Concrete Brick/Concrete Brick/Concrete Building/ Brick/Concrete Building/ Brick/Concrete Remodeling Remodeling Building/ Building/ Remodeling
Building/ Building/ Building/ Building/ Building/ Building/ Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling
Chimney/ Chimney/ Chimney/ Chimney/ Chimney/ Chimney/ Fireplace Svc. Fireplace Svc. Fireplace Fireplace Svc. Svc. Fireplace
Concrete Concrete Cleaning/ Cleaning/ Services Cleaning/ Janitorial Concrete Services Concrete Cleaning/ Janitorial Janitorial Janitorial Services Services
Foundation Foundation Foundation Foundation Foundation Repairs Funeral Funeral Funeral Repairs Repairs Repairs Services Services Funeral Services
Roofing Roofing Roofing Roofing Roofing Scrap Metal Metal Scrap Scrap Metal +%!- /
Tree Tree Service Service Tree Service Tree Service TreeService Service Tree
Building/ Remodeling Building/
T to ople end of it, er is her eck ver me ok sell
Building/ Building/ Building/ Building/ Remodeling Building/ Remodeling Building/ Building/ Building/
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you list an ad or check thefor, least amount of thing you’ve been look for that unique some American Dollar Saver
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American American Dollar Dollar Saver: Saver: 771-2777 American(254) Dollar Saver: (254) 771-2777 Tree Service RoofingAmerican Dollar Saver: 771-2777 American(254) Dollar Saver: American(254) Dollar Saver: 771-2777 (254) 771-2777 (254) Tree 771-2777 Service Roofing
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Building/ Remodeling
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Chimney/ Fireplace Svc.
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Yardwork/ Landscaping
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Tree Service
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Yardwork/ Yardwork/ Yardwork/ Yardwork/ Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping Yardwork/
Yardwork/ Landscaping Yardwork/ Yardwork/ Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping
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