DiGiorgio-Mass Comm I (2014-15)
RI.9-10.1 RI.9-10.2 W.9-10.4 W.9-10.5 W.9-10.10 Feature Writing Formative Assessment Rubric Outcome: Students will identify, analyze, and evaluate basic components of feature writing to create, edit, and publish features. Components: 1. Identify various types of ledes. (Formative) 2. Analyze and evaluate which types of ledes work most appropriately with each story. (Formative) 1 3. Analyze and evaluate which of the 5 W’s the lede covers. (Formative) 2 4. Create ledes using various data given (from mock situation of potential story). (formative) 3
The Rubric Below reflects the (Formative Assessment # 4) 20% of grade.
4-Exceeds The lede is original and catchy and appropriately introduces the topic of the data given. Lede addresses the main topic and also entice the reader into reading a future, possible story through unique/creative lede styles based upon the types of ledes studied and appropriately accompanies data given.
3-Meets The lede appropriately introduces the topic of the data given. Lede addresses the main topic, but makes no effort to entice the reader to read on simply resorting to a hard news lede. Lede appropriately accompanies data given.
2-Does not meet A lede is present, but does not introduce the topic of the data given, or is inappropriately used based on data given.
1-Non assessable Lede is not present or incomplete.
*Disclaimer: only stories that meet deadline and “meet or exceed” will be considered for publishing in our Online NewsPaper or an extended version on our Broadcast. Students who “do not meet” or earn a “nonscorable” have the opportunity to reassess their grade, but will not gain publishing opportunity.
1 Notice that # 1-3 are formative assessments, because we have to identify, analyze and evaluate before we can create. Individually, those COULD be recorded as part of your 20% formative assessment. 2 # 4 CREATE, is getting to the highest level of learning; so creating the ledes for a feature story with data given to the student in order to create a “mock” lede would be the last practice, or summative grade, as the OUTCOME is going to be the Summative- 80%. 3 The rubric is reflective of component 4 of the outcome. Think of it this way: formative assessments are the practice and summative assessments are GAME DAY, or PERFORMANCE day.
DiGiorgio-Mass Comm I (2014-15)
RI.9-10.1 RI.9-10.2 W.9-10.4 W.9-10.5 W.9-10.10