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New For 2022
Prohibited Species as Bait
Species listed as prohibited may NOT be possessed live or utilized as live bait. Species which are listed as threatened, endangered, or in need of conservation may NOT be used as bait. Any other LEGALLY TAKEN wildlife, subject to the restrictions listed in “Wild-Caught Bait” (see Page 9) may be used, including sport fish of legal length taken by hook and line.
Commercial Bait
The following DEAD species of wildlife may be commercially sold in Kansas for fishing bait: gizzard shad, threadfin shad, silver carp, bighead carp, skipjack herring, emerald shiners.
Colby-Villa High Lake, Mined Land WA Unit #30 and Sherman County Smoky Gardens Lake have changed from a Type 2 trout water to a Type 1 - ALL anglers fishing at these waterbodies are now required to possess a trout permit from Nov.1-April 15.
Youth Designation
Persons under the age of 18 can fish waters designated as youth fishing only waters. Youth/Mentoring: Licensed adults, 18 years or older, may fish Youth/Mentor designated waters only if accompanied by a person younger than 18 years of age, who is actively engaged in fishing.
Reservoir Regulation Changes

Bone Creek Reservoir:Largemouth Bass - 18-inch minimum length limit, 5 fish daily creel limit. Cedar Bluff Reservoir: Walleye - 21-inch minimum length limit, 5 fish daily creel limit. Except up to 2 walleye greater than 15 inches but less than 18 inches may be included in the 5 fish daily creel. Marion Reservoir: Walleye - 18-inch minimum length limit, 3 fish daily creel limit. No more than 1 fish 21 inches or longer. Tuttle Creek Reservoir: Blue Catfish - 10 fish daily creel limit. No more than 1 fish 30 inches or larger.
Located in Arma, KS 403 N Hwy 69 Albers Marine is your locally owned and operated one-stop-shop for all of your fishing and boating needs! We currently offer a variety of new and used boats such as Nitro Bass Boats, Tracker
Boats, Sun Tracker Pontoons, and Tahoe Ski Boats. We are the area's leading dealer in Mercury motors. We carry many boating products, water sports equipment, and a full line of bait and tackle!
Your Authorized Tracker Boat and Mercury Motor Dealer
www.albersmarine.com Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Saturday, 9 a.m. - Noon

The perfect small boat for your pond or lake.