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3.1 Sustainable Communities
A brief outline of the agenda:
LGs ought to have high levels of financial autonomy and improved access to national, European and international funds, in order to be able to fulfil their duties and finance their investment projects.
LG Associations should participate actively in the development of laws and regulations relevant to the tasks and competence distributions within public administration.
They express strong support for and will work in full compliance with, the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.
They enable the creation of business-friendly environments, use and disseminate innovative solutions and are ready to learn from best practices.
They provide their members with knowledge and policy arguments in order to become strong local representatives in dealings with national governments and international organisations.
They contribute to an equitable development in their region and share experiences with LGs and LGAs beyond the region.
Values/Strategic Objectives:
3.1. Sustainable Communities
LGs will strive for inclusive proceedings and equity in rural and urban development.
They will try to achieve institutional and financial sustainability and promote smart and innovative growth (SLED) through infrastructure, business-friendly environments, revitalisation, creativity and good public services.
They pursue issues such as city branding and coordination with neighbouring municipalities in compliance with land use rules, spatial planning etc.
They will strive for the removal of barriers to labour market entry and entrepreneurship, co-funding of incubators and strengthening of services at local level.
Preconditions for addressing these issues would focus on fiscal capacities and budget planning, financial responsibility, transparency and anticorruption. All these activities should be oriented toward good service quality. Access to EU funds and pre-financing facilities should be established.