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With the excitement and possibilities of this new year at our fingertips, it is important to slow down and take a moment to celebrate. Celebrate life, loved ones, friends, community, goals, accomplishments and just simply moving forward. With that, our team has chosen to center this issue around the beautiful celebrations of life’s moments.
As you read through the special features highlighting Malaysian cultural celebrations (p.30), significant birthday festivities around the world (p.10), marriage (p.25) and the celebration of life (p.14), I hope you can reflect on your past year and find your own way to honor the highs and lows that got you to where you are at right now.
In the overwhelming times of life, with changes and even stagnancy, I truly believe you can celebrate with gratitude even the smallest of moments. Creating this issue has been a joy for me, and I am incredibly grateful and proud to work with such creative and intelligent people, coming together to share people’s stories.
Thank you to our readers for your time and to those who allowed us to listen and share a part of your lives with others. I love what we do. Thank you for making it possible.