6 minute read
A life-long journey of faith and healing
Laie Courtyard Marriott housekeeper says despite all her struggles, she has always heard God’s voice
After years of hardships and trials, Jamie Kalawai’a Lindsey, a housekeeper at the Laie Courtyard Marriott, turned her life over to God, and her friends said her example of faith has been an inspiration to them.
As a housekeeper, Lindsey has many responsibilities. Each day she is required to make beds, refresh towels and deep clean up to 10 rooms. However, Lindsey said her most important responsibility each day is to reflect on her Savior, Jesus Christ, and help those she interacts with see Him through her.
Lindsey’s faith and abiding relationship with God has been a life-long journey. In the past, she shared, she struggled with addiction, financial difficulties and other personal struggles. Through it all, Lindsey said God never gave up on her.
“I’m not saying life is easy, but every day we get new grace and new mercy from Him, and it’s our choice whether or not we’re going to grab His hand and walk with Him.”
Lindsey’s supervisor, Cindy Pasi, expressed gratitude for the relationship she has with Lindsey. Pasi said through the years the two have supported one another through life’s difficulties and even prayed together.
Pasi said, “As we have talked about our personal struggles, she always reminds me that Heavenly Father knows my situation, my frustrations, and my pain, and He is in charge.”
Lindsey has been a source of constant support, said Pasi, always ready to listen and
Jamie Lindsey works at the Laie Courtyard Marriott hotel but is known as a woman of faith by her friends and co-workers. Photos by Ho Yin Li.
offer a hug. Pasi acknowledged Lindsey’s awareness of those around her and said her care and concerns are genuine.
“We are not of the same faith, but our love for our Heavenly Father is the same.”
As a junior, Lindsey dropped out of high school and began working in construction on Maui. Lindsey said at the time, she was involved in a troubled relationship where she was introduced to drugs. She explained, “There was a void in my heart. [I always wanted] to feel loved and important and secure. I was looking for that.”
Lindsey said through those early years she consistently heard God’s voice. “All throughout my life, I heard God’s still voice. I just wasn’t listening. I always knew God loved me, but I never felt Him intimately. Still, I would always hear Him. It was the weirdest thing.”
As time went on, Lindsey said her drug habit became an addiction. Scared and lost, Lindsey said she decided to pray. In her prayer, she asked God to help her quit her addiction. And, in return, she would never go back to it. “That day I quit cold turkey. I’d never heard of that. No addict quits cold turkey and just never goes back.”
Years later, Lindsey met her husband Thomas, and they had four children. At the time, Lindsey said her family was in and out of church, and they were soon faced with marital problems that required her to rely on God.
“Our relationship was good, but there were some things throughout the years
that went kind of sour. There were things that happened that hurt me. But I noticed everything that hurt me drew me closer to God.”
Lindsey said she got to the point where she had to “surrender my hurt to God,” even though she did not want to. “I had a problem with that. I was like, ‘No, I don’t want to give it to you,’ but He would keep on asking. He kept saying, ‘I’m here. Let me help.’”
With commitment to her marriage, Lindsey began to pray for her husband. She said, “I decided I was going to fight for my marriage. I began praying for him. I remember falling on my knees and crying out to the Lord, asking him to restore what had been broken, and I thank God for never leaving my side.”
Ernestine Correa, a friend from Lindsey’s church, said of her, “I love that you love the Lord and serve Him. I love that you raise your keiki to love God. Your actions depict a strong woman with perseverance and strength.”
As Lindsey sought to rebuild her marriage, the family found themselves in a place of financial desperation. Their landlord had decided to sell the house they were renting, and they suddenly found themselves without a home. “We had lost everything. We had to move out, and I had no income,” Lindsey said.
Although her church attendance at the time had been inconsistent, she had been attending Bible study at her local church. Through these meetings, Lindsey said she had grown close with her pastor, who was aware of the family’s situation. Lindsey’s pastor invited the family to move into the chapel.
“We packed up our bed, the kid’s toys and clothes, our clothes and that’s it.”
Lindsey’s family lived in the church for one year. During that year, Lindsey said God transformed her and healed her.
“When we lived there, it was very different. When you’re home, you can wear casual clothing and invite your friends over, but living at the church, you don’t throw a fit. You don’t get mad. You think about what you say before you act. It was as if God was calling to change my heart from the inside out.”
Lindsey said that year provided time for her to develop a strong relationship with the Savior. She said, “I was going day and night reading His word. ... I had time to seek and study. I had time to heal.
“All of the hurt and pain I was dealing with internally, He dealt with. God put all of
Marriott housekeeper Jamie Lindsey said her most important responsibility is to reflect on her Savior and help others see Christ through her actions. Photos by Ho Yin Li.

“I’m not saying life is easy, but everyday we get new grace and new mercy from Him, and it’s our choice whether or not we’re going to grab His hand and walk with Him.” -Jamie Lindsey
the broken pieces back together, so when it was time to move, I said, ‘Okay God, where do you want me?’”
For the Lindsey family, their next move was to Oahu, where Lindsey eventually was hired at the Laie Courtyard Marriott. The move was difficult for her, but Lindsey said it all worked out with God’s assistance. She said, “God keeps His promises, and ever since we got here, He has blessed us.”
Lindsey’s friend, Aubrey Romias, said Lindsey has been an “amazing inspiration” throughout the coronavirus pandemic. “She has been a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and a kind and amazing woman of God. She has an amazing heart and passion for all of God’s people. She’s been such a great example of Jesus Christ in my life.”
Oftentimes, Lindsey said her one goal in life is to bring people to Christ. She says, “That is the goal. Lord, let them see you. Empty me out and let them see you.”