Prevention of violence against children_Toolbox

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SOS Project Programme for Prevention of Violence

Handbook for Trainers


This Handbook has been developed within the project „School-oganised Support Centres , which was funded by Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union.

The project refers to preventing and combating violence against children (VAC) in the context of COVID 19 pandemic, which changed the life of children. In order to keep children’s opportunities to report VAC and seek support, the project sets the following objectives:

1. To reinforce mechanisms of early detection, reporting and supporting (potential) victims by establishing SOS centres in 9 schools and 2 child sports clubs that will have positive impact on 1400 children

2. To upgrade the capacity of 140 stakeholders and relevant professionals to detect and respond to VAC

3. To increase the practice at EU level in the area of applying child participation to prevent and respond to VAC.

Project partners

Opportunity and Protection Association, Bulgaria

Cell for Alternative Youth Activities (KEAN), Greece

New Bulgarian University, Know-How Centre for Alternative Childcare, Bulgaria Rosto Solidario, Portugal

Usma Caselle Asd, Italy


 Seting up SOS centres in each of the schools or the sport clubs the project partners are working with. The centres will include trained educators, school counsellors, youth leaders. The centres will deliver training to children, organize initiatives to raise awareness on the topics, create opportunities for children to have access to procedures and protocols for reporting violence.

 Organizing 4 Workshops in the partner countries for about 100 representatives of institutions and organisations responsible for child well-being - educational, social, health institutions, police, NGOs, etc. – to increase their knowledge about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children, to reinforce cooperation on issues related to prevention and early detection of VAC.

 Organizing 4 Trainings for 40 - 60 professionals (teachers, school advisors, etc.) – to train them how to set up SOS centres, how to use the methodology for delivering sessions for children for early detection and reporting of violence and how to assist the young people to organize peer awareness-raising initiatives on the topic.

 Training for youth leaders in each partner country who will take part in the creation of the SOS centres and in organizing their activities.

 Development of a Handbook for conducting 3 sessions with children aimed at changing their attitudes towards violence.

 Training of 400 children from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Portugal for recognizing violence and learning about the activities of the SOS centres and the school channels for reporting VAC.

 Organizing peer-to-peer awareness-raising initiatives initiative for the new opportunities for reporting violence and seeking support in school setting.

 Working out of multimedia products on the topic – short videos, video games, comics etc. and their dissemination through YouTube and the social media of the project partners.

 Impact assessment of project activities

 Dissemination of project activities and results

Who is this handbook for?

It is aimed at specialists (teachers, school advisor, social workers, psychologists) working with children in lower secondary and secondary education.

What are the contents?

It consists of three sessions, each having duration up to 1 astronomical hour. Interactive methods (exercises and games) are used.


To teach children to:

 work in a team;

 recognise violence and its types;

 seek support in cases of violence;

 to communicate safely on the Internet.


•It is recommended that the trainings be conducted by a teacher, a school advisor, a psychologist or a social worker.

• The trainer not only sets the tasks, but also monitors how the processes in the group are developing (activity, motivation, conflicts). He/she plays the role of a facilitator, focusing on the fact that the opinion and ideas of each person in the group are equally valuable for the group work.

How the trainings are conducted:

All participants and the trainer sit in a circle except when working in small groups or an exercise requires a different arrangement. Sitting in a circle may seem to many children unusual and even uncomfortable at the beginning, so it should be explained to them what the purpose is - namely, to be equal during the sessions.

Materials and technical resources necessary for the implementation of activities: posters, markers, a flipchart, a small ball, masking/sticky tape, sticky notes, A4 white sheets of paper, pens, scissors, multicoloured sheets, pencils, small colour pieces of paper, a laptop, a multimedia .

Session 1: Introduction and team building. Violence – definition.


- the children to introduce themselves, or get to know each other better if trainings are conducted with students from one class;

- the children to understand what violence and its types are.

I. Introduction

The trainer presents themselves and informs the children about the activities, timing and duration of training.

II. Rules for group work

In the next few sessions we will have fun, but we will also work together. To feel good it is necessary for us to clarify the rules of the group. The trainer asks the children to give suggestions for rules. The children suggest some and the trainer writes them down on a poster. Sample rules: Listen to each other; Be on time; No judging; Mobile phones – at 'silent mode' …………

III. Introduction and team building

 My personal file - a game for introduction and acquaintance Children are given pre-made cards, where they will share certain information about themselves – Annex 1


Name: ................................................

I'm ............ years old. I have ………… brothers / sisters

Favourite dish: .............................................., drink: ............................................

My favourite school subject is.........................................................................

In my spare time I like to............................................................


I get angry by …............................................................................................................


Children fill in their "personal files" for five minutes. Then, the trainer divides them in small groups (by 3-4 children in each). In small groups each one gets the information written by other participants. A "speaker" is selevted and they present the participants of the respective small group to the others, focusing on the similarities in the "files" of the children in the group, if there are any

 “Tower”

Children are divided into two teams. Each of them receives 2 packages of spaghetti and sticky tape. The task to each team is to build a tower of spaghetti. It should be stable and as higher as possible.

The teams work on their towers for 15-20 minutes at remote locations, without the right to watch each other and talk. When the teams are ready or the working time is over, they present their work.

Questions for discussion:

 How did you divide the responsibilities in your team - who gave the ideas, who were the main builders of the tower?

 Was everyone involved in some way in the work?

 What could be done to involve everybody?

 Did you have many ideas about how the tower should look like? If so, how did you choose exactly this idea?

 How did you feel about the final result?

IV. Violence – definition and types

 “The Fist”

Children are grouped in pairs. One of the children in each pair clenches their hand in a fist. The task of the other child is to find a way to open the fist. They have a minute to do this. Then they change their roles.

Finally, participants share in the group whether and how they achieved results. Probably most kids have tried to solve the problem first by physical force.

The trainer summarizes that the physical force is not the best and the most successful solution and it is good to try to find other ways

 “Brainstorming”


The group sits in a circle. A small ball is passed from participant to participant in the circle and everyone shares what they understand in the word "violence."

The trainer writes down on a poster the answers in the form of an associative spider, adding at the end what the children have not guessed (insults, spreading rumours and false allegations, destruction of personal property, trafficking, kidnapping, etc.). The trainer aims to group the children’s associations according to four types of violence (physical, psychological, sexual and neglect).

To the trainer …

According to Bulgarian Child Protection Act:

Violence is any act that causes harm to a person or a group of people against their will and stated disagreement. Violence is an action applied to achieve power and control over the victim.

Physical violence is causing a body injury, pain or suffering without health disorder.

Psychological violence are all actions of detrimental effect on the mental health of children and their development, such as underestimation, derisive attitude, threats, discrimination, rejection or other forms of negative attitudes.

Sexual violence: any sexual activity in which the adult uses a child for his own sexual satisfaction.

Neglect: the failure of the parent or guardian of the child to ensure their development in the following areas: health, education, emotional development, nutrition, provision of home and safety when the parent or guardian is able to do it.

V. Closing  Feedback:

All sit in a circle. The trainer shares in one sentence his/her feelings about the completed activity and offers each of the other participants to do the same in the following model: For me this day was because ................., or Today most interesting to me was when.............. .........., because................ What about you?

Materials required

Poster paper, a flipchart, markers, pens, small ball, spaghetti, sticky tape

Name: ................................................


I'm ............ years old. I have ………… brothers / sisters

Favourite dish: .............................................., drink: .................................................

My favourite school subject is.....................................................................................

In my spare time I like to............................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................

I get angry by …............................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................


Name: ................................................

I'm ............ years old. I have ………… brothers / sisters

Favourite dish: .............................................., drink: .................................................

My favourite school subject is.....................................................................................

In my spare time I like to.............................................................................................


I get angry by …............................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................


Name: ................................................

I'm ............ years old. I have ………… brothers / sisters

Favourite dish: .............................................., drink: ............................................

My favourite school subject is.....................................................................................

In my spare time I like to..............................................................................................

I get angry by …............................................................................................................

Session 2: Types of violence and reactions


To teach children to recognize violence, its various manifestations and to react in such situations.

І. Introduction

- How are you today? How do you feel?

- Is there something you want to share?

- What do you expect to happen?

Remind the rules for group work (from the first session)

ІІ. Energiser:

"Enter the circle!"

The group forms a circle. One of the participants stays out of the circle and has the task to find the most suitable way to enter it. The game can be played several times by alternating the participants who have to enter the circle.

Each of the participants outside the circle strives to enter it in every way: by appointment, physical force, through the use of various flatteries, jokes and humorous statements. The group discusses the effectiveness of the approaches used to cope with the task.

ІІІ. Exercises on the topic:

 “ Recognizing situations”

Participants are divided into three or four teams as being counted - "first - second - third."

Each team receives a sheet with situations for recognition of violence and pens (Annex 1).

Task: Fill in the table of the Annex as quickly and accurately as you can by placing a "+" sign into the empty box on situations where there is violence or a "-" sign on situations where there is no violence.


Key for the trainer:


1 A father has slapped his son +

2 A child has stumbled a classmate on purpose +

3 Teens are playing a computer game in which they must shoot -

4 A girl / a boy is spreading bad rumours about their classmates +




Children are fighting at school +

A boy is hugging / kissing a girl without her consent +

A boy / a girl distributes compromising pictures of a classmate on the Internet + 8

A waitress accidentally has poured hot coffee on someone9

Children have found a wallet on the street and have not given it to the police10

A 12-year old child does not get enough food at home + 11


Parents marry their daughter at the age of 13 +

A child has pushed a classmate accidentally13

A child is has torn a classmate's notebook on purpose + 14

Students take the money of younger children in the school yard + 15

A teacher gives a test to students16

Parents require their child to do his homework regularly17






Students are required to wear school uniforms -

Children are making fun of a classmate +

Parents require their child to come back home at a certain time in the evening -

A child writes offensive comments under the picture of a classmate on Facebook +

Parents do not allow their 15-year old son to visit a nightclub -

Parents do not take their child to the seaside on a vacation -

After completion of the work in small groups a discussion follows. The situations are discussed by all participants in the group. It has to be explained why there is or there is not violence in each situation.

Case study ”Annie”

The trainer reads the case aloud. After that the participants are divided into three groups on the principle of "first - second - third". Each group receives a case sheet / Annex 2 / with a task. The situation described is as follows:

Annie is 16 years old. Due to the Covid -19 pandemic she studies online. She lives with her parents and her younger sister. Her parents have recently lost their jobs. The family has a hard time providing food and heating. However, Annie's father spends his time in front of the TV with a beer in hand. He is constantly nervous and shouts and insults everyone. He even hit his daughter once because she went out without asking him. Her mother does not interfere; she even makes Annie do household chores and take care of her younger sister. The girl is desperate. She is looking forward to starting going to school.


1. Identify the types of violence in the case.

2. What are the risks for Annie in this case?

3. What can Annie do to feel better?

After finishing the work in the small groups, a sharing and discussion in the whole group follows

To the trainer…

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative effect on children and families. The number of families, facing extreme deprivation due to sudden loss of income, food shortages and lack of access to health care, education, social support and care has increased significantly. Social distancing and quarantine further increase tension in families. All this puts children at increased risk of violence.

It is important for children to get acquainted with the opportunities and ways to seek and receive support in cases of violence:

1. School support centers established under the project

This is a special place in school where children can share their worries and problems and receive support from specialists ( a psychologist, a school advisor, a teacher ) and trained youth leaders. A training programme will be implemented at the Center to teach children to recognize the signs of violence and to learn ways to protect themselves. The youth leaders will organize initiatives for prevention of violence and promotion of the activities of the Centre. School centers will create online channels through e-mail, educational platforms and social media, where children will be able to get support even when they study online or be quarantined.

2. Hotlines in Bulgaria:

- Emergency phone number - 112;

- National hotline for children – 116 111;

- Help-line for survivors of violence of „Animus Association Foundation” – 0800 18676

- National phone line for online safety of children – 124 123

IV. Closing

 Feedback:

All sit in a circle. The trainer shares in one sentence their feelings about the completed activity and offers each of the other participants to do the same in the following model: For me this day was because ................., or Today most interesting to me was when.............. .........., because................ What about you?

Materials required

Poster paper, a flipchart, markers, pens, small ball

1 A father has slapped his son

2 A child has stumbled a classmate on purpose

3 Teens are playing a computer game in which they must shoot

4 A girl / a boy is spreading bad rumours about their classmates

5 Children are fighting at school

6 A boy is hugging / kissing a girl without her consent

7 A boy / a girl distributes compromising pictures of a classmate on the Internet

8 A waitress accidentally has poured hot coffee on someone

9 Children have found a wallet on the street and have not given it to the police

10 A 12-year old child does not get enough food at home

11 Parents marry their daughter at the age of 13

12 A child has pushed a classmate accidentally

13 A child is has torn a classmate's notebook on purpose

14 Students take the money of younger children in the school yard

15 A teacher gives a test to students

16 Parents require their child to do his homework regularly

17 Students are required to wear school uniforms

18 Children are making fun of a classmate

19 Parents require their child to come back home at a certain time in the evening

20 A child writes offensive comments under the picture of a classmate on Facebook

21 Parents do not allow their 15-year old son to visit a nightclub

22 Parents do not take their child to the seaside on a vacation

Case “Annie”

Annie is 16 years old. Due to the Covid -19 pandemic she studies online. She lives with her parents and her younger sister. Her parents have recently lost their jobs. The family has a hard time providing food and heating. However, Annie's father spends his time in front of the TV with a beer in hand. He is constantly nervous and shouts and insults everyone. He even hit his daughter once because she went out without asking him. Her mother does not interfere, she even makes Annie do household chores and take care of her younger sister. The girl is desperate. She is looking forward to starting going to school.


1. Identify the types of violence in the case.

2. What are the risks for Annie in this case?

3. What can Annie do to feel better?

Session 3: Safe Internet Communication

Objective: To teach children to recognize the risks on the Internet and to stay safe online.

І. Introduction

- How are you today? How do you feel?

- Is there something you want to share?

- What do you expect to happen?

Remind the rules for group work (from the second session).

ІІ. Energiser:


The trainer asks for two volunteers. One of them plays the role of an airplane and is blindfold, and the other is an "air traffic controller". The aim of the game is for the "plane" to pass through a route with obstacles and to "land at the airport" under the navigation of the "air traffic controller ", who can guide the "plane" only with words from a certain place (an air traffic control tower). If the trainer decides, a few more couples can play the game. A discussion is held in the group after the game is over.

Discussion questions:

1. How did you feel while guiding the plane?

2. How did you feel being quided blindfold?

3. Did it matter how much you knew the person guiding you?

Summary: Trusting someone is related to knowing them.

ІІІ. Exercises on the topic:

 „Imagine”

The trainer explains that in this game their instructions must be followed with closed eyes/blindfold and in complete silence. All participants close their eyes at the signal/put on their blindfolds. The trainer gives the instructions "Get up" and "Sit down" several times Then he changes the instruction: "Now imagine the situation - you are with your eyes closed, someone comes, takes your hand and leads you somewhere." (The trainer can approach a participant, take his hand and invite them to go ) “Would you go with him? You have a minute to think - in silence and with your eyes closed What if you only know him from the Internet?"

A discussion in the group is held:

1. How did you feel when you performed the tasks with your eyes closed?

2. Would you go with someone you do not see and do not know who they are?

3. Can you trust someone you only know from the Internet? etc.

Summary: Just because we "know" someone on the Internet doesn't mean we really know them. We do not know if and to what extent we can trust them. Very often people on the Internet present themselves in a false way – they lie about their age, appearance, ideas and thoughts, sometimes even about their gender.

 Case study “Inna” ( Annex 1)

The trainer reads the case aloud. After that the participants are divided into three or four groups . Each group receives a case sheet / Annex 1 / with a task. The situation described is as follows:

This morning on the way to school, your best friend Inna has told you something and asked you to keep it as a secret. She contacted a boy from another town on the Internet last week, and although they did not meet, they liked each other a lot. They chat every day and she is very happy. They even arranged a meeting today in his town. Inna is thinking of skipping the last lesson to catch the bus, meet him and spend time together.

All day you have been thinking about what Inna said and you wonder what to do, because you think that this meeting with a stranger can be dangerous for your friend ...

The task

1. Do you support Inna's decision? Why?

2. What could the consequences for Inna be?

3. What will you do to protect Inna?

4. How will your decision affect your friendship with Inna?

After finishing the work in the small groups, sharing and discussion in the large group is held.

Rules for Internet safety

The trainer divides the participants into small groups and sets the task to think out of "Rules for Internet safety"

The groups present their work in the whole group. There is a discussion on how to use the Internet safely.

ІV. Closing


All are in a circle. The trainer shares in one sentence their feelings about the completed programme and gives the floor to the children to express their impressions/experiences and ask questions.

 Wall of friendship

As many sheets as the participants in the group (with their names on them) are sticked on the wall.

Instruction: “Write something good for everyone on their piece of paper. This can be a wish, a compliment, a kind word, ... ” Once the sheets are filled in, everyone takes their own sheet to remind them of their participation in the programme.

Materials required

Poster paper, a flipchart, markers, pens, coloured and white sheets of paper A4, blindfolds

Case „Inna”

This morning on the way to school, your best friend Inna has told you something and asked you to keep it as a secret. She met a boy from another town online last week, and although they did not meet, they liked each other a lot. They chat every day and she is very happy. They have even arranged a meeting today in his town. Inna is thinking of skipping the last lesson to catch the bus, meet him and spend time together.

All day you have been thinking about what Inna said and you wonder what to do, because you think that this meeting with a stranger can be dangerous for your friend ...

The task:

1. Do you support Inna's decision? Why?

2. What could the consequences for Inna be?

3. What will you do to protect Inna?

4. How will your decision affect your friendship with Inna?

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

April 2022

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