Avoid surplus production by reading TPM Books In any manufacturing organisation, machineries play an important role. They must be maintained in a good manner so that they can give proper output according to the estimated result. Dysfunctioning of any machine can result in huge loses and the business can also at the same time also lose a large number of customers. TPM and TQM are almost the same things. They are differentiated from each other in terms of productivity and quality only. In case of TPM or Total Productivity Management the main objective is to keep the machinery in a proper condition. In order to achieve this both the workers of manufacturing and production unit have to work with each other. Basically, the main objective of implementing TPM is to reduce the number of defects to zero by initiating team work at the same time. TPM evolved in the year 1952 with the introduction of preventive maintenance. It was first started by Toyota in the year in order to bring effectiveness in the production quality. Since then, companies like Harley Davidson, Ford Motors, Texas instruments and Kodak have implemented TPM. There has been a drop of 50% in downtime in the company’s production due to the implementation of Total productivity management. This process is mainly applied at that point of time when maintenance is required to be carried out even on holidays or during rest periods. In order to implement TPM process, the upper level management of the company has to fully cooperate with all the employees. A TPM coordinator is to be appointed first. The coordinator will give training to all the workers. This might take a month or even a year. Once, the coordinator is convinced that the workers will be able to perform, action teams are formed. The team mainly consists of people who address the problem. The responsibility of this team is to identify the root cause of the problem and taking the appropriate course of action. These team members can visit the plant to observe the work in order to see that the manufacturing output is achieved in accordance with the objective of the management of the organisation. This process is called benchmarking. TPM Books are very beneficial for all those students who want to pursue their career in the field of manufacturing. These books explain all the basic principles and terms that are associated with manufacturing. By reading these books one can not only improve the productivity of the organisation but can also gain a lot of knowledge about product manufacturing. Author: Buy Books online in India from Standards Media. TPM Books from many well known authors are also available here. http://www.standardsmedia.com/TPM-1111-mc.html or http://www.standardsmedia.com/TQM-1030-mc.html or http://www.standardsmedia.com/