Kevin Jeremy Echizha Portfolio

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Kevin Jeremy Echizha Selected Works 2019 - 2020

T R PO O I L FO Curriculum Vitae ―>

(e) (p) 0812-8297-9323

phic a r g r e t s e m e s is 7th rom f t n e d u t s n ig s de ork w is H . a t r a k a r Su ative e r c e h t s e d lu c in and conceptual / d n a t n e m p lo e v de or design of , identities, band publication, and print.

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Kevin Jeremy Echizha Selected Works 2019 - 2020

««« Curriculum Vitae

(e) (p) 0812-8297-9323

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Kevin Jeremy Echizha

Jakarta 28/05/1998 Based in Surakarta Indonesia


Helo, my name is Kevin Jeremy Echizha or Kajee, I’m 7th semester graphic design student at ISI Surakarta. My design focus is identity/ branding, layout, custom typography, prints. I’m also made mixtape and handpoke tattoos on my spare time.


SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi Bekasi

July 2013 June 2016


Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

September 2016 Mei 2017

Visual Communication Design

ISI Surakarta Surakarta

September 2017 Present

Visual Communication Design


Be able to work with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, and Glyphs. Familiar with Clip Studio Paint and Adobe After Effect.


Prints Layout Music Gigs Handpoke Mixtaping Basketball

(e) (p) 0812-8297-9323



KMDGI 12 Semarang

November 2017


Flux Basement

December 2017 Present

Graphic Designer

HIMA DKV ISI Surakarta

Mei 2018 December 2019

Ministry of Event

DKVACT International Graphic Design Exhibition

Mei 2018 & Mei 2019

Design Team Design Team

Bungkus Art Zine

January 2019


Dubai Art Book Fair

Maret 2019


Blacbook Assembly Hongkong

April 2019


Son and The Little Flower

May 2019 Present


Art Design atau dan Percetakan

May 2019 Present


Experimental Design Print Fair Surakarta

May 2019


Singapore Art Book Fair

June 2019


TKMDII 14 Surakarta

September 2019

Event Team

KMDGI 13 Padang

Oktober 2019


Solo Techno Female Corp.

December 2019 Present

Graphic Designer

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Yobbo Culturati Solo Techno Female Corp.



Experimental Design Print Fair Art Design atau dan Percetakan



Beauty Audio Bar & Waiting Room Son and The Little Flower



Temporary Love & Lucky Racel Mare

13-14 Branding

Akasa Akasa

15-16 Branding

Hari Agraria Tata Ruang Nasional Kementrian ATR/BPN



Printed Media



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Yobbo Culturati (2019) Solo Techno Female Corp.


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Experimental Design and Print Fair (2019) Art Design atau dan Percetakan

The Experimental Design Print Fair 2019 is an experimental print exhibition in Solo that focuses on practical print experiments by exploring, combining, or colliding production ideas, materials, techniques, and visuals. The aim of this exhibition is to get innovation in the development of the world of physical print design and design archiving. In this poster and zine print, I try to communicate the world of experimentation in print with the excitement of trial and error. This activity took place well and was attended by print practitioners from various city such as Yogyakarta, Malang and Bogor, and by Hurrikan Press from Hungary and Hong Kong.

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Beauty Audio Bar & Waiting Room (2020) Son and The Little Flower

Son and The Little Flower (SATLF) is a duo dream / psychedelic pop project from Surakarta. In this project they released their live performance cassette (Beauty Audio Bar) and their first Mini Album (Waiting Room). Beauty Audio Bar is a live session cassette released during the pandemic. In this design process I made a cassette design to look like soap as a reminder of personal hygiene and as a friend during self-isolation. Waiting Room is their first mini album which tells the journey before “Rendezvous� (single) from a sad period of breakup - doubt - start falling in love again.

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Lucky & Temporary Love (2020) Racel Mare

Racel Mare is a RnB singer from Jakarta. In this project she successfully released their single (Lucky) December 2020 and will release her next single (Temporary Love) on this January 2020. Temporary Love is single that tells her friend story on being stuck in ambigous relationship. Even though they both loving each other, there are no more serious steps and stuck in their friendship status. Lucky is her single released on December 2020. This single is dedicated to six her friends who have been sincere friends since childhood until now.

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Temporary Love opt 1

Temporary Love opt 2

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Lucky Pre-release

Akasa (2020) Akasa

Akasa is a versatile fashion brand that provides versatile clothing products to make it easier for people to choose, combine, and match their clothes at various times and places. Made comfortable tops and bottoms with best patterns as an easy way to appear at an affordable cost.

Akasa, Surakarta versatile fashion brand, increasing the value of clothing function as a conjunction of place and time.

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Hari Agraria Nasional dan Tata Ruang (2020) Kementrian ATR/BPN

Hantaru adalah proyek desain dari sayembara desain yang dilaksanakan oleh Kementrian ATR/ BPN setiap tanggal 24 September untuk merayakan Hari Agraria dan Tata Ruang Nasional yang baru ditetapkan sejak 1960. Dalam proyek desain sayembara dengan tema “Transformasi Digital Tata Ruang dan Pertanahan Menuju Digitalisasi Melayani yang Profesional dan Terpercaya�, saya membuat desain identitas yang solid dan kuat sebagai representasi profesional, jujur dan terpercaya dan mendukung pertahanan agraria dan tata ruang nasional untuk kemakmuran masyarakat.

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