Artsy-Chartsy With a little imagination and editing, discoveries found at national magnet labs could fit as well on a museum wall as they do on the pages of scientific journals.
igh magnetic fields let you see things at the molecular and atomic level that you couldn’t otherwise see. As a bonus, those things sometimes generate not just great data, but great dada — or cubism, pointillism or other style. We decided the year 2020 was the perfect time to celebrate this powerful and beautiful magnetic vision. Here are some examples of charts, diagrams, scans and other visualizations of research conducted at national magnet labs. We stripped the notations and, with a few swipes of our Photoshop eraser, turned science into art. Gaze upon them as you might paintings in a gallery, and enjoy the feelings, questions and associations they conjure for you. Try to guess what exciting science story they tell. Then visit to learn more about the cool science hidden in these images. — K.C.
Faith Scott, National MagLab
Crude Oil
Ryan Rodgers, National MagLab
Quantum Oscillations 34
Brad Ramshaw, Cornell University