Collab guidelines for Keep A Breast

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Collaborating with The Keep A Breast Foundation Thank you for your interest in developing cause merchandise with Keep A Breast. KAB was founded on the belief that awareness is best achieved through creative partnerships, and every new collaboration is as exciting as our first. Merchandising partnerships have proven key to the success of KAB’s Mission. They expand our reach to our target demographic of 14 to 25 year-olds, diversify our message, and raise funds that support our programs and research grants. These partnerships can have long term creative benefits. We’ve been introduced to amazing individuals through our product collaborations, and we view the process as an opportunity to both inspire your employees and be inspired by them. The result is a mutually beneficial relationship that extends beyond product development, and into marketing, event production, and future brand building.

Rusty + KAB multimedia and print ad featured in Surfer, Surfing, Transworld Surf & Surfline.

The KAB Collaboration Process We pride ourselves on product collaborations that are the result of a legitimate creative exchange, rather than a simple “paste your logo here” effort. We are drawn to proposals by organizations that want to combine their strengths with ours, in order to develop unique, innovative products. Collaborating with KAB is generally a 3-step process.

1.  Design and Approval We believe that only a truly collaborative design process will yield innovative products that benefit both parties. No two groups of designers have identical skill sets, and we expect to work closely with your team to develop a product that reflects the best of both sides. In all our collaborations, we demand design approval from both parties. We will not initiate production until both KAB and our partner offer a final “stamp” of approval.

The KAB Collaboration Process (cont’d) 2. Terms of Donation A portion of the proceeds of all KAB cause merchandise is donated to Keep A Breast. These donations help fund our programs, operation and research grants. We work closely with our collaborators to develop the specific terms of this donation, and the manner in which these terms are communicated. It is our policy that these terms are outlined very clearly and visibly to prospective buyers. One example of how this is achieved is through product hang tags (KAB/etnies hang tag pictured here). Ultimately, Keep A Breast will approve the final monetary terms of the donation.

The KAB Collaboration Process (cont’d) 3. PR & Marketing Plan Collaboration with KAB extends beyond design. We team with our partners on PR and marketing as well. Some of the most beneficial elements of our past collaborations include release parties, fundraising and awareness events, and multimedia advertising campaigns. We’ve developed unique marketing strategies in the last decade of product partnerships. Still, we welcome the opportunity to participate in your events and engage in your strategy. In the end, we want to ensure that parties benefit from increased visibility, brand building and general brainstorming inspiration.

Glamour Kills + KAB flyer for launch party in NYC including major media, gift bags and special guests. Etnies + KAB layout in Etnies retail catalog w/ Etnies team rider.

Developing a Merchandising Partnership Contract The foundation of all KAB merchandising partnerships is a solid, customized contract of terms. With 10 years of collaborative merchandising experience, we work with our partners to develop a contract that ensures a smoothly running relationship. This contract must respond to conditions unique to developing cause merchandise in support of a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Some of the key points of the Contract include, but are not limited to: •  Structure of marketing plan •  Terms of donation •  Trademark usage/ownership

Web, Catalog and magazine information on collaboration and the donation from Obey Awareness x Keep A Breast products.

Statement of Selectivity KAB reserves the right to be selective of our potential cause merchandising partners. We support sustainable, cruelty-free and environmentally- friendly production processes. We do not support manufacturers that: •  •

Engage in any form of animal testing. Manufacture products that contain known carcinogens or toxins at a rate of more than 3% of total product material. Have a demonstrated history of environmentally damaging production practices.

KAB also reserves the right to determine whether product proposals are appropriate, given the sensitive nature of breast cancer and our Mission. We will not engage in product partnerships that we feel denigrate, ridicule or in any way detract from our message of youth support, education, and awareness. Pony + KAB vegan shoe designed by KAB artist Laurie Shipley

KAB Product Collaborations: Some of our Favorites Our definition of a successful collaboration is one through which shared values lead to a product that complements both entities, and sets the stage for an ongoing creative partnership. •  Vestal Watches. With action sports roots and a passion for edgy, youthful accessories, the team at Vestal did an incredible job of integrating their watch designs with the vibe of our awareness bracelets. •  Glamour Kills. The Glamor Kills collaboration was a partnership of similar people. Glamour Kills is a family business with grassroots in the music and arts communities. We work with the same musicians and have complementary fashion taste, making a fantastic fit. •  Kleen Kanteen. Designing custom KAB cork top water bottles with Kleen Kanteen was a dream come true. We were able to partner with a company that shares our environmental, social and lifestyle values.

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