Breast Cancer Myths For Latinas Learn the cold hard facts about Latina breast health.
BREAST CANCER FACTS FOR LATINAS Breast Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer for Latinas
Latinas are diagnosed at younger ages
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and South and Central Americans women have the lowest Survival Rate
Breast Cancer is the #1 cause of cancer death in Latina women
Latinas are more likely than whites to be diagnosed at a later, more advanced, stage of breast cancer
No! Feeling your breasts increases the risk All breast lumps are cancerous (85% of lumps are not breast cancer)
Having sex with multiple partners increases risk Nipple discharge is nothing to worry about (Get it checked out by a doctor)
Yes! Your significant other will still love you (If not, they are not worthy of you)
TOP 3 SCREENING TECHNIQUES Mammography Clinical breast exam (by a doctor)
Breast self-exam Are Clinical Exams or Mammograms Too Expensive?
There are free and low cost programs in every state. Check out: National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.
CHECK YOUR SELF! Examine your own breasts once a month about 3-5 days after your period ends.
Examine sus propios senos una ves al mes 3 a 5 días después de su menstruación. Self-exam steps and preventative strategies can be found at