Non Toxic Revolution Mini Zine

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Keep A Breast Non Toxic Revolution’s (NTR) mission: TM

ate young people To inform and educ als in s of toxic chemic er ng da e th t ou ab and and food supply, our environment . st cancer initiation ea br to k lin r ei th

Its aim is to inspire a focus on PREVENTION as a means to maintain long–term health and well–being. NTR will also provide alternative choices so that young people everywhere can make


Plastics slowly

LEACH CHEMICALS into our food, water, bodies and environment. That’s why we know...


- NEVER microwave your food in a plastic container or plastic wrap. - NEVER re-use a plastic water or soda bottle that is intended for one time use. - As plastics decompose, they leach potentially toxic chemicals into the environment. AVOID using all disposable plastic products. - Use stainless steel, glass or aluminum water bottles, carry your own reusable shopping bags and ALWAYS buy BPA free.

You wouldn’t want to live in a chemical plant, would you? YOU MAY ALREADY BE LIVING IN ONE.

s to e some tip



: e H e r e a r Y O UR H O U S E in toxins

- BUY SMART — If you wouldn’t drink it, you shouldn’t spray it in your house. - Use lemon, baking soda and vinegar to clean the house. - STAY AWAY from bleach and anything labeled antibacterial.


SKIN is your largest organ (bigger

than your heart and liver).

Many makeup and beauty products contain


to cancer. If you apply chemicals to your skin, the toxins can enter your


NEED PROOF? Studies have shown 18 out of 20 breast cancer tumors contain Parabens, and phthalates are found in every single one of us. - Paraben is a product used in lotions, shampoos and deodorant as a preservative. - Phthalates are common ingredients found in body care products containing synthetic fragrances. -There are safe alternatives however many companies choose not to use them! - Demand companies use safe organic materials.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT... Don’t be toxic! Pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables have been linked to breast cancer and exposure to hormones in meats and dairy products may increase your risk for breast cancer! Here’s what you should think about when it comes to


- Eat organic. - Go vegetarian. - Eat a high–fiber, low fat diet. - Eat LESS sugar. - DO NOT smoke.

HEART & SOUL Stress is one of the major causes of disease. Studies have shown that stress can promote cancer indirectly by weakening the immune system’s anti-tumor defense. Lower your stress and reduce your risk in half!

ry th e v e e s i l u ,w so rt and self. At K AB re a e h r You y o ur ake c a u f t o u e o c y essen that when t of you, yo r r e ve b e li e v r i s h th i s p a o m e w h at e u c and no e and over emselves! n i th c an s h e s p r e s e nt cl ob st a

You can be a part of the


by making subtle changes that will affect yourself and this planet on a huge level.

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K x ic c, CHEC ting organi n. Avoid to

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Cert o. n XXX-XXX-XXX X

Keep A Breast is a global “green” non-profit organization. Please reuse and recycle. © 2012 The Keep A Breast Foundation. All rights reserved.

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