y first encounter with The Fight from NY was some months ago when Triple B Records put out the ‘Endless noise’ 12”… and I was totally blown away. Old school hardcore with lots of UK82 and oi! influences in the vein of Negative Approach and Sheer Terror; you hardly get this in the hardcore scene nowadays. I had a chit chat with John, the bassist, who is also involved in the East Coast Collective, one of Long Island’s leading teams when it comes to promoting shows, about The Fight, hardcore, politics and the pandemic.
Island, NY. I guess technically we formed at The Jamhouse in Lindenhurst considering that was were we had our first few practices as a full band if you want to get a little more specific. You recently released ‘Endless noise’ via BBB Records. Give us some more info about the record and the collaboration with Triple B. “Endless Noise” is a 12 Inch EP that features 7 new songs and an intro that consists of clips from news broadcasts, each clip actually revolves around the topics of each song but they get layered so you can’t really hear what they’re saying – ya know, endless noise. This is our second EP and first record with Triple B. The Triple B collaboration comes from me putting out our first record then giving some copies to Sam to put up to his webstore which ended up selling quickly, so we made a “Triple B pressing” which was just a new colorway + screen-printed cover (which was good because there was typo on the back of the original covers) and he sold those quickly as well. After that I made a joke about him putting our next record and he was down. I think we sold out of /200 variant today so I guess I don’t have to worry about Sam regretting his decision ha.
Interview conducted in mid April 2020. Pictures provided by the band. thefightli.bandcamp.com Hey John! Thanks for being generous in answering my questions! Please introduce yourself? Who’s in The Fight, when and where did you form? You know, the typical stuff. Hey Apostolis! Not a problem, thanks for interviewing me! My name is John (Scanlon) and I play bass in The Fight. The Fight consists of myself, Kyle (Vocals), Lil D (Drums), Quinn and Dylan (Guitars). We formed in 2016 in Long