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Promise Kept Digital

My name is Isaac Hylton, also known as Promise Kept Digital, and I’m a graphic designer based in Orlando, FL. For a couple of years now I’ve been designing but only really for myself and for my own bands that I was playing in, but this past October I finally decided to make the leap and start putting my work out there. For as long as I can remember now Hardcore has been a huge part of my life and I was always really interested in the uniqueness of the album art, alt covers and merch spreads that would pop up around various shows and fests (some of my recent favorites being One Step Closer, Zulu, Year Of The Knife and Gulch). When I started, I really didn’t know what I was doing or if anyone would care, and I was just doing it because I loved these bands and wanted to channel that feeling into something of my own. When I had posted my OSC collage I didn’t think anything of it, but when they actually saw it and loved it and thanked me that’s when it really set in that this is something I wanted to seriously pursue, I wanted to keep giving back and doing cool things for the people and community that have given me so much. Back then in October I had maybe 20 followers I think, and now, at the start of the new year (2021), I’ve just passed 200 and I can’t thank enough this zine and everyone else who’s supported me till now! One of the first commissions that I got was from a newer Bay Area band called Outta Pocket and I had just recently heard their demo from a podcast and I don’t know why but that was just really cool to me. We were holding off on showing this design but I think this is the perfect time to finally show it off. Big thanks to Soulcraft, Outta Pocket, One Step Closer and everyone out there making cool shit for the community.



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