Charlotte + Gareth

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Charlotte + Gareth

Charlotte + Gareth DECEMBER 12, 2020 L ’ O R A N G E R I E , TA U R A N G A

Charlotte’s Vows Gareth, you are my best friend. You have helped open up my world to new experiences, new friends and new food. You always strive to do your best in life while also encouraging me to try new things and be the best I can be. I have become a more confident person because of you. You always put me first, are there for me when I’m sad, when I’m hangry or need advice and help me find an outfit when I’ve got nothing to wear. I love how we share the same sense of humour, a love for cats, chocolate and pizza. You are creative and a hard worker, a great cook and carrot cake maker. You are caring and thoughtful to all those around you. You will make a great dad one day. I promise to be there for you through the ups and the downs. I promise to encourage and support you in anything you want to do and to always have your back. I promise to be kind and patient and to listen and understand. I promise to read directions properly. I promise to not eat your Easter eggs you were saving in the fridge. I promise to tickle your back for as long as you tickle mine. And I promise to TRY not to argue when we are putting the kayak on the car roof. I love you and I can’t wait to see what our future together holds.

Gareth’s Vows Charlotte, when looking back at my 20 year old self waiting in line at the Botany Downs Christmas wrapping, I would have never imagined the girl who wrapped my presents would end up being the love of my life, and standing here before me, being as committed as I am to spend the rest of our lives together. Boy, I hit the jackpot, Santa really delivered that year. Today I feel like the luckiest man alive, I get to stand here today and marry a beautiful, kind, selfless, independent and intelligent butter chicken loving woman. You’ve taught me so much and I wouldn’t be the man I am today without you being in my life, so I want to thank you. Thank you for caring for me and sticking by my side and supporting me through those tough times. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, yes that also includes loving my feet. Sorry. Thank you for making me laugh so hard that it brings me to tears. Thank you for your patience and tolerance, even when I leave my undies on the floor and challenge myself to kill every mosquito in the room at 3am. Lastly, and most importantly, thank you for being you. Today, I make a commitment to you. I promise to keep you (and Kitty) safe, be your equal and support you through all of our adventures and challenges. I promise to be a loving husband, and a loving father. I promise to walk by your side forever. Charlotte you truly are spectacular and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us… hopefully a few babies and a Playstation 5. So let’s do this, our next chapter begins today and I wouldn’t want to start it with anyone else.

Wedding rings are precious gifts that symbolise the importance of your commitment to each other. But as special and probably expensive as these rings are, they are also something you will see every day of your lives together in all manner of situations. You will take them off when you do the dishes, you will see your partner’s on the bedside table or on the bathroom counter, you will hold hands and hold rings when you cuddle on the couch, you will forget to clean them, they will be admired by your friends and family. Today they are shiny and new and you’ll want to look after them, and you should, but make sure you look after your marriage so much more. They are just a symbol, a reminder of the promises you made today and of the constant love you have for each other. May they become worn and dull from a lifetime of happiness together.

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