4 minute read

River Region Christians - Jan 23

RRC: How does your faith manifest through your civic and business responsibilities as a State Senator?

CC: My Lord, Jesus Christ, came to earth as a servant, and we are to follow His example. I fall short daily but strive to remember that what He has done for me dictates that I live my faith and serve Him in all I do. This requires that I also help and serve my fellow man. I attempt to do that in the Alabama Senate. A large chunk of my time is not dealing with legislation but assisting constituents with state services.

RRC: You serve in various leadership roles in your church, including three terms as a deacon. What does that mean to you?

CC: Before I was born, God ordained what to do for Him in my life. Serving Him in my life is an honor and a privilege, and I strive to do what He has asked me to do. I wish I could say that I always do that, which I desire to, and with His help, someday I will.

RRC: How do you live out your faith in a way that exemplifies God’s love and would encourage others to seek God?

CC: I believe we should all stop looking around at others and look up to Him. If we have our focus on Jesus Christ, our earthly differences will be nothing. This is easier said than done, but it is what He wants us to do.

RRC: How did you develop a passion for mission work?

CC: God tells us to go into the world and preach the Gospel. I believe the Lord gifted me with talents, plus an earthly father who taught me how to glue PVC pipe, clear a sewage line, and many other things. If I can help those that give up comfortable lives by assisting with their physical needs of clean water and sanitary sewer, I feel my gifts will advance His kingdom. We all have different gifts in this world, but we must focus on what we can do to help spread His word throughout the world.

RRC: Serving and working with communities is a gift, but also, it can be challenging. How do you overcome adversities while staying authentic to your Christian values and beliefs?

CC: Sometimes, people disagree with me and challenge my faith, ability, and authenticity. It is hard at times, but God does not promise us an easy life. I must not be motivated by fellow man’s praise but rather by obedience to God. It is often challenging, but then a faithful servant

gives me a word of encouragement, or I re-read direction from our Lord, and I’m motivated to go at it again! I never doubt how much a kind word of encouragement means to those serving their communities and families. I try to exercise my “encouragement muscle” more because others do the same for me.

RRC: You have three daughters. How did you instill Christian values into your childrens’ lives?

CC: Well, this is pretty personal because they know my failures and weaknesses. I try to be real with them. When they were living at home, we read the Bible together. We discussed things, and I tried to point them to our Lord Jesus Christ. I am weak, but He is strong!

RRC: How has your faith helped you overcome particular challenges in your life?

CC: We know that in the end, He wins. No matter what life throws our way. That is not always easy to live, but He knew before we were born what we would deal with in this life. He is with us as we walk through the difficulties and trials of this life.

RRC: What advice would you give to someone who desires a closer relationship with God but they don’t know where to start?

CC: Read His Word. The Bible is God speaking to us. If we want to know what He thinks, we can read scripture. If we want to know His will for our lives, we can read scripture. If we want God to speak to us audibly, we can read scripture out loud!


Chambliss is married to Tara Chambliss. They have three daughters: Kristen, Lauren, and Madison. All three are students at the University of Alabama.

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