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It’s been a tough year. Current events are not very positive. And it does not help that disinformation spreads like wildfire on social media. This can be draining and destabilize our mental health. With so much going on, it’s imperative to take care of our mental health. We need to make time to be with our emotions, acknowledge and process them. When we ignore them, they turn into anxiety, anger, and depression. Breaks from the news and social media are necessary to reconnect with yourself. You will feel refreshed and re-energized. It’s almost like a retreat for your mental health.


-Adriana Anderson, Social Media Specialist

For myself, social media has always been an avenue where I can escape reality for a few hours at a time. Whether it is getting lost in an endless loop of hilarious videos or catching up on what’s going on in the world, social media has been my main resource. Throughout the years, I have seen a change in my mental health by overusing these different applications. Last year, I found myself often comparing myself to others through what I saw online, specifically Instagram. I would often feel down about myself or my accomplishments because I saw all of these people online having “more fun” or “being more successful” than I was. It wasn’t healthy. After doing some deep self reflection, I shifted my focus towards being grateful for what I do have in my life. I’ve decided that my online presence is not meant to boast or impress others, but show what makes me happy.

-Hunter Hoopes, Social Media Content Manager

I’m a big fan of Instagram and was really good at separating what was real and what was a ‘social media filter’ until I had my first daughter. Suddenly, scrolling through my feed left me feeling like a failure as a mom because I wasn’t posting content with my hair and makeup done with a cute outfit on. Was there something wrong with me? Of course not. Some individuals can really put on the ‘filter’ while the rest of us are using social media as it was intended - to be social. Now, when I share content I try to make it as real and relatable as I can so that no one viewing it will feel the bad feelings I felt.

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