6 minute read

GOOD NEWS For Everyone


is the new ministry name for the charity that was formerly known as ‘GideonsUK’.

The charity distributes free Bibles across the UK, free of charge, with over 750,000 sent each year resulting in numerous testimonies from people coming to faith as a result. In this new chapter for the ministry and is now seeking new people to join the membership to continue its important work that has been happening in the UK for over 70 years.

As well as the new name, GOOD NEWS for Everyone! has recently made several significant changes in its Association, including inviting women alongside men as full members; creating new resources, such as the HOPE gospel magazine and developing its international outreach through planting the ministry into new nations.

With a membership consisting of over 3,500 members, GOOD NEWS for Everyone! represents a wide range of denominations and backgrounds - all with a passion to understand and explore Scripture; to live lives of prayer; to be compassionate and generous, and to be a witness to God’s goodness.

Bibles are placed and presented by members in schools, hospitals, hotel rooms, care homes, prisons, sports teams (such as rugby and football), the Armed Forces, and in many other areas of everyday life, and it continues to look for opportunities to place Scriptures in all sorts of locations.

Welcoming women as members

One of our most significant changes has been the opening of its work for both men and women to join in their own right and on the same basis. The commitment of GOOD NEWS for Everyone! to share God’s Word far and wide remains the same: to provide every Christian – men and women alike – an equal opportunity to respond.

I have been a member of GOOD NEWS for Everyone! for approximately two years. Being a member enables me to have copies of God’s Word readily available, in order to bless others with the living and enduring Word of God which gives hope and strength.

During the height of the pandemic in 2020, I was working at a local hospital, where our branch regularly placed Bibles and HOPE gospel magazines on a free spiritual resources table, located in the main corridor of the hospital. I was astonished one day, to discover from one of the chaplains that patients, visitors, as well as staff members had helped themselves to over 1,000 Bibles from the table during this time. We rejoiced at how God was obviously working in the lives of people at a time of great fear and uncertainty, bringing hope to them through His Word.

Equally popular were the beautifully illustrated HOPE magazines, containing Bible verses of hope and encouragement. Amazingly, the chaplain’s last request was to order double the number of HOPE magazines, as apparently “they keep running out!”

This passion and love for Christ is the unifying force throughout GOOD NEWS for Everyone! and being with like-minded committed people spurs you on to take steps of faith, and to ‘step out of your comfort zone’, taking risks in the Name of the Lord. As a result, your faith, trust and confidence in God grows. He is able to take the weakest, most insignificant person and do extraordinary things in and through their lives.


Recently, GOOD NEWS for Everyone! launched the HOPE magazine, with the Gospel of John, including extracts from the Psalms, which during COVID lockdown was distributed in prisons, hospitals and food banks, by churches to their communities, and in many other places. We have been truly amazed by the popularity of the HOPE magazine, with over 500,000 copies since March 2020 having been distributed.

Over half a million (500,000) HOPE magazines have been distributed since March 2020

Every year GOOD NEWS for Everyone! are welcomed by schools across the country to share and present assemblies and lessons to students all across the UK. As a result of speaking truth, hope and love into the lives of our nation’s children and young people GOOD NEWS for Everyone! receive responses of how many take great comfort from the personal New Testaments that are given to them – often igniting a life-long journey of faith.

International work

GOOD NEWS for Everyone! want people all over the world to hear about Jesus. Working with its Canadian partners, ShareWord Global, the ministry is reaching thousands of people all over the world with God’s Word, including a specific focus on Eastern Europe.

I became a member through a friend of mine through church, who invited me to give back and distribute the Word. The Westminster Branch has been a blessing to the many people we encounter on our outreaches. What I most enjoy are the people who encounter the Word of God for the first time, and knowing should they sincerely seek Him, He will be their ever present Help in times of need.

I love the diversity of people who come together from all walks, seasons of life and congregations. We are united in one thing: sharing and distributing the Good News.

The branch has been a place to pray, encourage and bring testimonies and praise reports of the great things that God has been doing, as well as the breakfasts, dinners and fellowships we have from time to time to break bread with each other.

AARON – MEMBER STORY “When I was in Year 7 we were given a red Bible. I looked on the ‘Where To Find Help’ page, and I found exactly what I was feeling. Even though I hate to admit it, I was close to suicide, but it really did help. When I felt like I had nowhere to turn and nobody to speak to, I had God.”


I was born and raised in Uganda. I began to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ aged 16, during a time when Uganda was experiencing a revival. I then came to the UK in March 1983, and lived in South West London.

After some years at Wealdstone Baptist, I formed a friendship with GOOD NEWS for Everyone! members, Neil and Rhoda, who told me about the ministry. I was invited to join them at a university Fresher’s Week at Imperial and Westminster.

I jumped at the chance of giving out free Bibles and talking to students about reading the Word of God. I felt such joy and pleasure as I gave students the New Testaments, showing them the guidance section at the front, having conversations, and sometimes praying when it was requested.

“As you hand someone a free New Testament… when you see a face light up, it is indescribable.”

I may never get to hear how someone’s life was transformed through reading the New Testament I handed to them, but I am confident the Word of God transforms people’s lives as they read it. Everyone deserves to hear the Good News of the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace. How will they hear, unless we tell them?

An exciting new chapter for the ministry

Since 1949, the forefathers of GOOD NEWS for Everyone!, by God’s grace, have built a wonderful foundation on which it continues to grow. It’s a legacy the ministry is proud of but recognises to adapt in line with God’s prompting in this new chapter. GOOD NEWS for Everyone! would like to invite individuals, churches and Christian organisations to partner in this new chapter of its ministry.

If you would like to join GOOD NEWS for Everyone! as a member of your local branch please get in touch through visiting its website at www.goodnewsuk.com or by telephone on 01455 554 241.

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