2 minute read
Karen Allen explains why men need women, and provides insights on how women can effectively support the men in their lives could push past or press pause on our own pain? What if we could see our pain from another perspective? What if we could find purpose in our pain?
It fascinates me that God decided to put Adam to sleep while He got to work on His masterpiece, the woman. God took something out of the man as His starting point in the creation of the woman. That in itself is a powerful metaphor. Every man who was ever created by God has something missing in him. Every man. There is no man on earth who has the capability to be self-sufficient. None. The Creator of all things, the God of the universe, said: “It is not good for man to be alone.” God remodelled the man, so that He could create the woman, so that she could help the man fulfil his God-given assignment.
The problem is this: the world, society and today’s culture have distorted and dishonoured God’s original plan. There is something missing in every man intentionally, so they will hopefully recognise their need for women. Men need women. Women need men. We need each other. God designed it to be so; this was His original plan.
There are so many lessons life has taught me as a woman during this journey of ‘seeing’ and ‘serving’ men over the past few years. Here are some things every woman can do that won’t cost anything (not money, anyway) to serve and encourage men they encounter:
1. Be a safe space
2. Be softly spoken (gentleness)
3. Be silent (speak less, listen more)
4. Be a servant (this is biblical)
5. Be sensitive (pay attention to his needs)
6. Be submissive (this is not a swear word!)
7. Be strategic (you are an important part of the plan)
Women, we are the missing link.
Karen Allen is a minister, personal development coach, an activist who is challenging and changing the narrative for young people and Black men, and author of Thou Art The Man, a book for men. Visit www.karenallen.info
When we talk about men’s health and fitness, we often emphasise physical health, such as the size of their muscles, chest, arms, shoulders and legs, but are we discussing the right topics about men’s health?
Studies found that up to 60% of men are less likely to see a GP unless seriously ill. It was also found that fear and vulnerability were contributing factors as to why a lot of men were unlikely to see a doctor; they hoped the condition would improve on its own.
Two Timothy 1:7 says: ‘God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind’, so why are men not using the power God gave them when it comes to matters of their health?
Some have allowed different societal stigmas to deceive them of God’s health plan; they have allowed an invisible pressure to compromise their health. This means they are missing out on the opportunity to fulfil their dreams and enjoy life to the fullest.
The consequence of compromise includes:
• stress
• depression
• muscle loss
• obesity
• reduced energy and libido levels
• decreased brain function
• inflammation in the body
Man was instructed to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28), and so poor health ultimately leaves the temple of God unable to reproduce after its own kind which goes against God’s Word.
Good health has a substantial effect on testosterone levels, which is why it’s important to keep your health in good working order and keep stress at bay.
Stress blocks thyroid function and lowers testosterone when it is high. Lack of sleep, poor