Foundation Portfolio | Monsoon 2020 | CEPT University

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Vashi, Navi Mumbai | Portfolio Role of Planning in Present Identity of the City

Understanding the City 2020

CEPT Keerthana Jayaseelan




The portfolio is a study on Vashi, which is a neighbourhood in Navi Mumbai. The intention of this portfolio is to understand the planned physical environment of Vashi and its relation with the socio-economic growth of the precinct. For the purpose of this portfolio 1sqm of this neighbourhood is going to represent Vashi, and will be referred to as a precinct. The sequence followed in the portfolio helps the reader have some context for the observations and analysis. The observations for the portfolio will be supported with various analysis drawn from geospatial (GIS) plotting , primary and secondary surveys.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Planning a New Economic Center

Vashi: A Residential Precinct

Chapter 3

Public Spaces in Residential Densities

Chapter 4

Role of NMMC in City Development

Chapter 5

14-20 21-23

Comparitive Analysis in the Metropolitan Area






Chapter 1 Planning a New Economic Center

The primary goal of the planned city of Navi Mumbai was to relieve greater Mumbai from its tertiary growth and increasing city population, which could not be contained within the city limits.

Planned cities of post-independence India

Locating Navi Mumbai









India has a long list of planned kingdoms and cities. However post India‘s independence, few new cities were developed, and Navi Mumbai was one of them

The new city’s location was selected due to its proximity to Mumbai, and existing connectivity (NH48) with Pune. Although the proximity to Mumbai, there was poor connectivity with the city. Hence the first step was to establish transport infrastructure.

Navi Mumbai was realised in 1970, by Bombay Metropolitan Region Planning Body who suggested a twin city of metropolitan character, opposite Mumbai.


largest planned city


Following a ribbon development approch the city has grown along these transport networks.

For Navi Mumbai, along with the development plan, the proximity to Greater Mumbai and the geography of the region have also influenced the structure and functioning of this planned city.

Planning a New Economic Center

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Introducing major transport infrastructure, encouraged industrial, commercial and residential growth in the city. Development plan drafted by CIDCO starts being implemented, Vashi Bridge Opens



Over the past 20 years, industries have diversified and increased, leading to an increase in the population, comprimising mainly of working class.

Airoli and new Vashi Bridge are opened to the public


City begins to grow from the centre, with Vashi and Belapur becoming the first nodes to be planned. JNPT port opens in , to relieve port of Mumbai

Orginal industrial area begins to convert to IT idustries. Residential areas began to emerge in northern nodes. Population grows to 7.03 lakhs (census 2001)

Planning for the Navi Mumbai Airport begins

New railway lines are set up, connecting thane and Greater Mumbai


Industrial areas begin to develop in the northern and eastern parts of the city, due to railway connectivity.

Growth in the southern party of the city gets impetus, resulting in new railway connectivity and residential nodes under NAINA.

Population grows to 3.81 lakhs (census 1991)

Population grows to 11.2 lakhs (census 2011)

Industrial growth


Planning a New Economic Center

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171

Residential growth

Commercial growth


Public transport has offered residents an affordable and efficinent means for workplace commute, hence used by majority residents (48%). It is followed by commuting by foot (25%), indicating availability of work near ones residence.

Together with the road and railway networks, Navi Mumbai has successfully began to absorb Mumbai’s tertiary sector. Above average workforce participation rate (WPR) is largely credited to public transport.

Mode share of work trips in Navi Mumbai

Distribution of major economic centers in Navi Mumbai

PT costs

0.2x private mode



The networks extend to the surrounding metropolitan area too, hence 42% commute out of the city too.

Locating CBD centrally to reduce travel distance.

Poly-centric pattern of development and setting up major economic engines – JNPT, MIDC Industrial Area, APMC etc.

Train services and road network run parallel in the city, connecting multiple centres of employment.

Transit map of Mumbai metropolitan region


PT takes



Navi Mumbai, Urban

private mode



Mumbai, Urban

Country, Urban



Planning a New Economic Center

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171



Chapter 2 Vashi: A Residential Precinct Location of Precinct in Navi Mumbai

Vashi lies in the residential belt of the city Hence the development plan has predefined 73% of the land use as residential. Creation of multiple economic centers began to draw new residents, which had to be housed effectively. Vashi is one such area that was planned to house the people working in the surrounding special economic zones (SEZ) and APMC.

Location of Precinct in Navi Mumbai

Precinct Extents


Vashi: A Residential Precinct

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Residential Neighbourhoods in the Precinct have with high built density, but with varied organisation.



Residential neighbourhoods with road hierachy

The organisation of these are influenced by the access of the roads, plot sizes and road hierachy. This can be seen in the four cases selected.




For cases A and C, their horizontal organisation does not indicate their high density immediately, but since they are mostly high rise buildings, they contribute to a high built density. In case B the buildings are organised, but the fact that they are closely spaced and midrise in nature, are the reason for its high density. In case D the organic arrangement has led to high density. From all the cases, accept for case D, all areas seemed to have planned plots.

High rise buildings Different regular plot sizes Multiple repeating footprint Fine Grain Good road access



High rise built Similar regular plots(25x25m2) Multiple non-repeating footprint Fine Grain Good road access 12

Vashi: A Residential Precinct

Low rise built Similar regular plot sizes (8x16m2) Similar repeating footprint Fine Grain Good road access

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171

Low rise built Irregular plot sizes organic footprint Coarse Grain Poor road access 13

Chapter 3: Public Spaces in Residential Densities Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Saidapet, Chennai

61% Residential

81% Residential

87% Residential

Kirti Nagar is a node in the West District established in 1960’s for the post-partition migrants.

Vashi began to develop in the 1980’s for housing workforce in the surrounding region.

Saidapet dates back to 16th century from when it was a self sustained unplanned village

Planned by DDA.

Planned by CIDCO.


Core city node

Core city node

Core city node

Segregated Residential and Non-residential floor space, with emerging apartment typology due to redevelopment.

Residential precinct, with predominent typology of apartments with stilts. Commercial areas along the roads.

Residential precinct, with mix of housing typologies of apartments, rowhouses, detached and semi detached houses. Commercial areas are along the primary roads.

Building Use 14

Kirti Nagar, Delhi

Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Saidapet, Chennai

Buiding Density

Kirti Nagar, Delhi

Considering residential precincts of Navi Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, built densities are organised in varied manners, to give precincts their unique character. In case of Kirti Nagar and Vashi, planning uses open spaces to regulate residential built density.

Public Spaces in Residential Densities

301 PPH – 67 DU/ha

370 PPH - 90 DU/ha

385 PPH – 96 DU/ha

Low rise High density

High rise High density

Low rise High density

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Through directing the built density in vertical direction in Vashi, the open public space in the development plan have been retained, hence adding to the quality of life in these residential neighbourhoods. Kirti Nagar, Delhi

Saidapet, Chennai

Figure Ground

Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Public spaces are predefined in case of Vashi by the development plan, keeping in mind that every sector has these spaces They also important for the environment, as these green spaces balance the surrounding high built density. Theses Spaces are important gathering, socializing areas, as majority of the built are devoid of such spaces within their plots. Hence they are very significant for the precinct Public open spaces in the precinct




28% Built



47% Built



Land Ownership


7% 18%

Public 16





82% 9%



public land in the precinct include open ground, public gardens and walking track.


Private Public Spaces in Residential Densities

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Remaining 11% of public land comes under roads, which also fuction as public spaces. Various elements of the road network contribute to the publicness of roads.

Kirti Nagar, Delhi

Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Section of a sub-arterial road (ROW = 21m)

Saidapet, Chennai


Block Perimeter

Section of a local road (ROW = 12m)

Walkability determines the publicness of roads in residential neighbourhoods.



Case1: Publicness through pedestrian activites for large blocks with dead ends • Visually connected to the roads, dead end due to level differences in roads restricts vehicular movement. • Vehicular movement is slow along a 12m right of way, hence encourages pedestrian movement • Smaller Footpaths lead to roads being used for walking. 18

Case2: Publicness through retail activites for smaller blocks along sub- arterial roads • Multiple intersection of private local roads along this road • No boundary wall and shop fronts along a 21m right of way. • Large footpaths, along with building setback

Inspite of roads without footpaths, setbacks and multiple open spaces encourage walkability.

The large block sizes affects only vehicular movement and not pedestrian movement, due to provision of foothpaths at deadends

Pedestrian movement is restricted, since footpaths and setbacks are not provided, and one will have to use the vehicular roads.




341 m

341 m

341 m

Road with Footpaths Avg block perimeter

*Section lines on page 19 Public Spaces in Residential Densities

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171

Road with Footpaths Avg block perimeter

Road with Footpaths Avg block perimeter 19

Public Spaces, neighbourhood schools, foothpaths increase the walkability in the precinct Like public spaces, institutional plots are also predefined in Vashi, and occupy large footprints, with more than 8000 sqm built up area. The observed distribution suggests that they are provided in every neighbourhood, to encourage walkability. This type of planning provides security for children, and attracts young families

Chapter 4: Role of NMMC in City Development Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation covers an area of 108.6 sqkm. With efficent municipal services, precincts like Vashi become ideal residential neighbourhoods When it comes to solid waste management, Navi Mumbai ranked 1st in Maharashtra (West Zone) and 3rd in the country as the cleanest city as per Swachha Sarvekshan (2020). Precinct level SWM

Institutes in the precinct

City level SWM

Various sustainable initiatives for domestic waste are being implemented 20

Public Spaces in Residential Densities

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Like the precinct, majority of Navi Mumbai is low lying and below sea level, and hence they can flood easily. However inspite of annual rainfall of 242cm, flooding is reduced considerably, due to strategic outlets and holding ponds


Role of NMMC in City Development

Planning has played an important role in monsoon management, which inturn has helped prevent economic slowdown and inconvenience associated with the season. CREEK OUTLETS, (Nallah)


Water logging is avoided by filling the wetlands, and excess water directed to the nallahs which go the sea. Industrial effluents and excess rainwater carried by the nallah.

Certain areas of Navi Mumbai are located below the high tide level, NMMC opted for the Dutch technology for flood control to optimise the reclamation levels of the city.

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Chapter 5: Comparitive Analysis in the Metropolitan Area With similar vertical growth begining to happen in Vashi, is the precinct still affordable in the metropolitan region .

The suburbs in Thane and Navi Mumbai are still a more affordable option compared to the suburbs of Mumbai. Even with the planned amenities, public open spaces, economic centers, housing opportunities are not comprimised. Residential property prices for locations accross the metropolitan area for per sqm

Mulund, Mumbai



Rs 1,11,860- 1,87,100/-



Gross FSI


Lowest FSI




Thane West

Rs 97,600- 1,62,310/-

Highest FSI

Rs 1,25,790- 1,64,475/-


Vashi, Navi Mumbai

Rs 55,285- 66,250/-


Gross FSI


Lowest FSI




Rs 1,41,944- 2,25,225/-

Greater Mumbai


Highest FSI


Rs 1,12,980- 1,82,250/-


Rs 1,50,640- 2,47,400/-

Talao Pali, Thane


Gross FSI



Lowest FSI



Navi Mumbai

Napean Sea Road Rs 4,72,621- 7,48,695/-



Rs 40,470- 49,940/-

Highest FSI

Comparitive Analysis in the Metropolitan Area

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


For the predominent apartment typology with average area of 110 sqm, the cost per square meter in Navi Mumbai is half of that of that in Mumbai and Thane. Hence this trend of affordable housing is observed even beyond the Vashi precinct. Mumbai

Average per capita space consumed (m²) for Apartment typology

Due to efficient planning, there connectivity with metropolitan area, multiple job centers and affordable housing available in Navi Mumbai, hence these also become the reason for why people are migrating here. Reasons for migrating to Navi Mumbai


Navi Mumbai





Comparitive Analysis in the Metropolitan Area

Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


Conclusion Planning has played an important role in making Navi Mumbai a successful economic center and residential hub. The planned features of Vashi are highlighted throughout the portfolio. The neighbourhoods high built density , which has occured primarily due to its increasing population. The connectivity provided by the roads within the precinct and beyond it have played an inportant role in this. Without a well defined transport network the neighbourhood would have not attracted its present residents. The activities in the neighbourhood are also supported by the access provided by these roads along with the distribution of land uses. Majority of the precinct is residential. In order to support the the residential landuse, it is ensured that other land uses are also distributed in proportional manner. All these factors have been predefined through thoughtful planning and then implemented. Hence the growth of Vashi, can be looked as an experiment to see how neighbourhoods respond to planning.



Understanding the City | Portfolio PUD20171


References Bhagwe, T. (2020). Understanding the City : Housing Choices. Unpublished work for foundation studio. CEPT University. Bhuvan Maps. [Maharashtra]. Retrieved September 9, 2020, https:// Census of India. (2011). MFTableSeries.aspx

CIDCO. (2015). Census survey of industries in Navi Mumbai region . Google. [Vashi]. Retrieved September 9, 2020, from com/web/@19.0744857,72.9977841,10906.80756666a,0d,35y,0h,0t, 0r?utm_source=earth7&utm_campaign=vine&hl=en NMMC. (2020). Environmental Status Report of Navi Mumbai. Municipal Corporation,Belapur. assets/251/2020/02/mediafiles/ESR_2018-19_English.pdf Ra, S. (2020). Understanding the city: Road Networks. Unpublished work for foundation studio. CEPT University. Seghal, H. (2020). Understanding the City: Land and Building Use. Unpublished work for foundation studio. CEPT University. Shah, J. (2020). Understanding the City : Housing Choices. Unpublished work for foundation studio. CEPT University.



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