ISSUU Undergaduate Architecture Portfolio

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Kegan Witham Undergraduate Architectural Portfolio

Contact: 116 Lakeview Dr. Carlinville Illinois, 62626 Ph: (217) 320-5456 Email:

Resume Education



Professional Experience

Southern Illinois University Carbondale-(Expected Graduation Spring 2015) Architectural Studies Major, Environmental Studies Minor, History Minor Carlinville High School-Graduated 2011

SIU College of Applied Sciences and Arts Deans List, 5 Semesters SIU Scholastic Honors for the College of Applied Sciences and Arts Arc 242 Wood Framing Peer Mentor 2 years at Southern Illinois University Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society


Proficient in- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup, Kerkythea, Lumion, Microsoft Office, Excel, Powerpoint, Model Making Experience with- Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Ecotect Analysis, 3DS Max, Corel

Carlinville Bank & Trust – Carlinville, IL Data Entry Worker (Summer 2011,2012,2013) Data Entry, Document Scanning, Organizing Files Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Fabrication Lab Assistant (Fall 2014-Current) Assisted students in fabrication of model parts using a laser cutter and 3D printers.

SIU – Architectural Resource Collaborative (September 2013-Present) Current Financial Advisor Objectives: Teach programs used in architectural studies such as SketchUp, 3DSMax, Photoshop, Etc. SIU – Habitat for Humanity (November2013-Present) Current Educational Advisor Objectives: A student run organization that supports the local Habitat for Humanity Chapter Students Composing Space RSO Member Student Member of: Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete Institute, American Wood Council

Selected Works 1

Scale and Proportion


Carbondale Park




Ice Fishing House


Womens Center


STEAM School

Spring Semester 2012 Pg. 3-4

Spring Semester 2013 Pg. 5-8

Fall Semester 2013 Pg. 9-12

Spring Semester 2014 Pg. 13-16

Spring Semester 2014 Pg. 17-20

Spring Semester 2014 Pg. 21-24

Scale and Proportion Carbondale, Illinois Spring Semester 2012

This was an entire class project that was meant to investigate scale and proportion at a basic level. It involved one entire freshman class working together to create a scene of a sidewalk, fence, and fire hydrant. Life size measurements were taken and scaled up four times. The entire project was to be created out of nothing but cardboard to keep everything consistent.

The project was split up into several groups in order to complete the entire scene.Iworkedsolelyonthefirehydrantwithfiveothers.Weworkedtogether to figure out how to structure the nine foot tall hydrant so that it could be transportedandstandonitsown.Thefirstsegment,picturedonthetopleftacted asthebaseoftheentirehydrantandsatinsidethesidewalk,picturedsecondin thefourthrow.Thesecondsegmentsatatopthebaseandispicturedsecondin thefirstrow.Thelastsegmentwasthelargestandmostcomplicatedtocreate.It involvedallthreeprotrusionsfromthebodyofthehydrantandthedomedtop.

Carbondale Park Carbondale, Illinois Spring Semester 2013

This project is unique because of the specific design requirements that went into the park. The project started with each person designing a multi use building for the northern half of the site. The instructor then chose one design that the class had to then respond to on the southern half of the site in the form of a park. This particular design solution was meant to increase the walk-ability of the downtown area of Carbondale by creating a walkway through the trees. The park is separated into two distinct sections, the upper and lower deck. The upper deck allows people to walk amongst the tree canopy. The lower deck is representational of the forest floor and reinforces that idea through the repeated use of columns and tree trunks.

These two existing buildings contain a bar, cafe, and a music hall. The purposed park responds to these buildings by creating a more friendly, walkable outdoor setting. In the center of the park is an open area to allow a larger gathering space. In the middle of this gathering space is a small pond that becomes the center piece of the park. Through this section it is easy to see the difference between the ground and the upper floor. Circling the center area is a ramp that can also be seen.

Therenderismeanttorepresentthejourneythrough the woods as one walks through the park. An early sketch of this idea can be seen below the render. This idea is meant to give the park a natural rhythm.

Various types of seating are provided throughout the park offering different views through out. A gazebo is placed on the top level offering and the best views around the park.

E-commerce Carbondale, Illinois Fall Semester 2013

This design was a half semester design project that involved intense programing. An electronic company had to be constructed before the design process could be started. This company is Scyon Exploration a company that offers commercial space flights from an off site installation. A structure had to be designed to fit the companies offices and supporting spaces. To give the design a unique look, the offices were lofted off of the ground to create the effect of a floating building.The facade design over the storefrontdesignisbasedoffofauniformmasscentertrianglefractalpattern.

An open floor plan was chosen for this office so that the spaces inside could adjust as required. Some of the more important required spaces are static to maintain the usefulness of the entire building. Atthebeginningofthedesignprocess,studentswereaskedto create a performance chart similar to one used by Haworth. The chart was meant to help designers highlight specific aspects about the structure so that the design could focus itself on those aspects.

The R&D department, mechanical space, lounge, and IT department are all separated from the main workspace to help keep productivity as high as possible. In order to create an open and approachable environment, the CEO’s office space is open and visible to all other workers.

The facade design here is meant to simulate nature by mimicking a uniform mass center triangle fractal pattern. This design was created by using 3DS MAX and tessellating a figure repeatedly. This figure was then applied to the facade as a sun shading device to protect the storefront behind from excessive solar gain. This design only wraps around the circular part of the structure which encompasses the open office plan.

Ice Fishing House Alexandria Minnesota, Lake Miltona Spring Semester 2014

The unique shape of this tiny house was meant to maximize the amount of space covered with the least amount of material. The use of glass and black metal panel is meant to maximize the amount of solar gain the buildingachieves,lesseningthedependencyonpropaneasaheatingsource. When privacy is needed, custom canvas blinds can be rolled up from one side of the building to cover the curved windows. The interior space is clad in wood and warm colors to create a cozy atmosphere that combats the cold. In order to create enough room inside the house for other activities to take place, the two beds had to be folded up into the wall while not in use.

Beds are stored away inside the wallsandcanbefoldeddownwhen needed. This frees up plenty of floor space for various activities.

To keep the restroom private, the outside facade does not continue the glass material that wraps around

A bench runs the full length of the house allowing excess seating and storage area.

A small kitchenette provides counter space, cooking area, and storage for kitchen elements

These sketches show the progression from a corkscrew to a cylindrical shape. The final sketch shows the beginning of the motorized shading system that acts as a blind systemtoblockoutsideviewswhennecessary. The floor plan shows where the beds are stored inside the wall and where they would lay when folded out. It also shows the four holes that may be opened up for ice fishing from inside the house.

Women’s Center Springfield, Illinois Spring Semester 2014

This project came about because the Unity for Christ Outreach Ministries was seeking new facilities. Unity for Christ Outreach Ministries is a 501C non for profit organization that helps single mothers or expecting mothers by providing several services to them.To help them analyses the requirements that are essential to them, we started the design process along with them from the beginning. We worked closely with Unity for Christ Outreach Ministries in an attempt to create a facility that could meet their needs in helping single mothers, or soon to be mothers. This facility is on the corner of South Grand Ave. East and 16th Street. Two buildings are being proposed, one consisting of a dormitories andtheotherhousingvariousamenitiesrequiredtomeetthemothersneeds.

These sketches were a part of a set done to keep Unity for Christ Outreach Ministries values in mind during the design process. They also helped highlight the important needs that had to be addressed in every design.

This plan details the first floor of the dormitory building. There are two styles of rooms for the mothers, apartments for those with children and single rooms for those expecting children.

This site plan shows the placement of the two structures and their relation to the roads. The dormitory building is set back from the busy South Grand Ave. The plans include a playground behind the southern building and a parking lot attached to the northern building.

This plan details the first floor of the Amenities building. This includes a full cafeteria, food bank, clothingbank,andlaundryroom.Anydonationsto thecharitygothroughthereceivingdock,attached to the alley way that runs between the buildings.

This is the East elevation of the amenities building. The front entrance can be seen on the left side. Both buildings have a small two foot strip of brick foundation showing. This helps the two structuresblendinwiththesurroundingneighborhood.

From this angle, the rear entrance to the dormitories is visible. A private parking lot is available for those that work in either buildings. Also visible in this view is the sky-walk connecting the two buildings.This is done as a safety issue in case someone staying in the dormitory needs to visit the amenity building.

This interior view shows the entrance to the amenities building. This is the main entrance for the complex that everyone has to use. In order to get access to the facilities, one has to visit the front desk here. The lobby area is meant to be warm and inviting. The use of wood and warm colors along with a fireplace is meant to provideasafeatmosphereforthosefirsttimevisitors.

This is the East elevation of the dormitory building.The front entrance can be seen to the left side. Other entrances can be seen around the building but all of those require keys in order to control who enters the building.

STEAM School San Antonio, Texas Spring Semester 2014

The goal of this project was to design a STEAM School for San Antonio Texas. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. It is a non traditional private school that teaches middle to high school. The proposed building is to house several class rooms with several supporting spaces that enable new forms of learning. The school also supports a theater/gymnasium that can be rented out to the public. The theater is attached to the school in such a way that it can be used both privately and publicly. Supporting the school is a cafe that acts as a public cafeteria. The school sits at the end of the iconic San Antonio river walk meaning that this is the last structure that people see whilst traveling on the river walk.

The sections above help illustrate some of the vertical components that had to be worked around when designingthepurposedstructure.Thetheater’sconnection to the courtyard can be seen in the plans to the left.The first twofloorsarebothuniquewhilethethirdandthefifthfloors are the same as the fourth and sixth floors respectively.

The sketches to the left show the beginning thoughts of a central courtyard. The site is in the middle of San Antonio Texas so heat was a large issue. In order to create a cool space, a usable wind tunnel would draw air in through the groundlevel and allow excess heat to escape upwards.This waseventuallysupplementedwithaconnectinghorizontal shaftafterstudymodeling.Thehorizontalshaftconnectsthe San Antonio river walk with the Bexar County Court House.

The first plan below shows the first floor which includes the reception, theater, and a separate cafe. The theater’s hallway can be opened up to the courtyard by a series of rolling doors. This along with other gateways allow the theater to be open to the public without disrupting the security of the school. The middle plan shows the fourth floor and the breeze way that meets the vertical shaft over the courtyard. The last plan is the fifth floor and detailswhatatypicalfloorlookslike.Onthesefloors,bothofthecollaboration labs can be opened up to allow the classrooms ample space to work together.

The first picture above shows the main entryway into the school. All foot traffic must enter through here in order to regulate who enters the school. Just behind the entrance to the building, a section can be seen overhanging the San Antonio river.This area houses the administration areas and is easily accessible from the entrance. In the

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