1 minute read
from The Female Body as the Ultimate Fetishized Commodity Under Capitalism - Freshman Thesis Presentation
by Keila Bara
Irigaray describes mimesis as the process of “[converting] a form of subordination into an affirmation, and thus [beginning] to thwart it” (Irigaray 76). As Irigaray theorizes, “to play with mimesis is thus, for a woman, to try to rediscover the place of her exploitation by discourse, without allowing herself to be simply reduced to it” (Irigaray 76). She goes on to explain that by mimesis, she means women are to “resubmit herself…to ‘ideas,’ in particular to ideas about herself, that are elaborated in/by a masculine logic, but so as to make ‘visible,’ by an effect of playful repetition, what was supposed to remain invisible” (Irigaray 76).
Godard shoots the scene through the male gaze due to the fact that we do not look at anything but Elsa’s face the entire time. Also, Elsa leans against a window, her figure in between the two window frames.