Division Leadership Conference Program

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Division Leadership Conference 2017 Washington, DC • January 27–29

FROM THE ASSOCIATION RULES 90-6. COMMITTEE ON DIVISION/APA RELATIONS There shall be a Committee on Division/APA Relations (CODAPAR) which shall be generally concerned with the mutual involvement of divisions and APA in fostering psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare and shall: (1) serve an advisory function to the Division Services Office and Chief Executive Officer on the mutual implication and impact of activities of APA and divisions; (2) provide leadership to facilitate coordination and communication among divisions and between divisions and APA; (3) make proposals to enhance structural, functional, and policy relations between APA and divisions; (4) plan and host the Division Leadership Conference; (5) provide leadership in developing training programs for division officers at the Division Leadership Conference, the APA annual meeting, or other such forums, to enhance the functioning and benefits offered by divisions and the diversity of the Association’s members; and (6) act as a facilitator in resolution of disputes among divisions.

CONTENTS Welcome & CODAPAR Members.................. 3 Program............................................................. 4 Presidential Initiatives.................................... 6 Board of Directors Photos............................11 Division Attendee Photos............................12 APA Staff Photos............................................13 Contacts...........................................................14 Speaker Bios....................................................16 Division Services Office................................18 Divisions & Hotel Map..............................Back

CODAPAR shall consist of six members, each serving a three year term, and shall report to Council through the Board of Directors. Two new members of CODAPAR will be appointed annually. Nominations will be solicited from divisions, with each division invited to submit a nominee for CODAPAR. Eligible nominees are APA members who are or have been divisional officers, board members or have had significant governance experience within or across divisions. Upon receipt of division nominations, CODAPAR will submit to the Board of Directors a listing of nominees along with its recommendation for achieving balance in representation of the broad interests of divisions as designated in defined slates. An additional goal shall be to achieve diversity among CODAPAR members by striving to obtain gender balance and at least one member from underrepresented groups. The Board of Directors will appoint two new members annually from the slates submitted by CODAPAR.

Sharon L. Bowman, PhD, HSPP, LMHC, 2017 Chair Term: 2015-2017 Ball State University sharonbowman.4.17@ gmail.com


Suzana Adams, PsyD Term: 2016-2018 Private Practice suzea@mac.com

Public Interest Divisions: 9, 27, 34, 35, 44, 45, 48, 51, 52

Practice Divisions: 12, 17, 18, 29, 30, 39, 41, 42, 49

Developmental Divisions: 7, 15, 16, 20, 33, 37, 43, 53, 54

Paul Lloyd, PhD Term: 2016-2018 Southeast Missouri State University

Armando X. Estrada, PhD Term: 2017-2019 Temple University

Cindy Miller-Perrin, PhD Term: 2017-2019 Pepperdine University

WBCCI3498@gmail. com

armando.x.estrada@ gmail.com

cindy.miller-perrin@ pepperdine.edu

Applied Divisions: 5, 8, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 31, 46

Basic Divisions: 1, 2, 3, 10, 24, 25, 26, 32, 36

Body/Physical Divisions: 6, 22, 28, 38, 40, 47, 50, 55, 56

Zeeshan Butt, PhD, 2016 Chair Term: 2014-2016 Northwestern University

Richard Klimoski, PhD, 2016 Vice Chair Term: 2014-2016 George Mason University

z-butt@northwestern. edu

January 27-29, 2017

Ann M. Davis, PhD, MPH, ABPP, 2017 Vice Chair Term: 2015-2017 University of Kansas Medical Center


On behalf of the Committee on Division/APA Relations (CODAPAR) and the Division Services Office, we are pleased to welcome you to the 32nd annual Division Leadership Conference. We have three principle goals for this conference. The first is to provide opportunities for you to obtain valuable information that you will need in your role as a division leader. You will meet APA executives and staff who will give you an overview of the services available to you from APA to assist you in your new role. Our second goal is to assist you in building a network of other leaders with whom you may collaborate and build lasting relationships. Finally, this weekend is our opportunity to celebrate your election to office and to welcome you formally into the body of APA governance. The CODAPAR members and Division Services staff look forward to connecting with you and learning how we may be of help to you now and in the year to come.




The APA building, located at 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC.

FRIDAY, January 27 6:30 – 7:30 pm


Grand Ballroom I Foyer

6:30 – 8:30 pm

Dinner (Optional)

Grand Ballroom I

SATURDAY, January 28

CONFERENCE LOCATION The Fairmont Hotel 2401 M Street, NW Washington, DC 202.429.2400 About a 10-minute walk from Foggy Bottom Metro station and a 15-minute walk from Dupont Circle Metro station. Check-in is at 4 pm; early check-ins will be accommodated as available.


7:30 am

Breakfast (60-minute buffet)

Grand Ballroom I/Foyer

8:30 am

CODAPAR Introduction APA Structure DIVTRIO Dr. Ann Davis, CODAPAR Vice Chair

Kennedy Ballroom

9:00 am

APA President Presentation Dr. Antonio E. Puente, APA President

Kennedy Ballroom

9:45 am

Money Matters: Update from the APA Treasurer Dr. Jean Carter, APA Treasurer

Kennedy Ballroom

10:15 am

Refreshment Break

Grand Ballroom I Foyer

10:30 am

Your Presidential Year: What to Expect Dr. Sharon Bowman, CODAPAR Chair

Kennedy Ballroom

11:00 am

Navigating Central Office Christine Tipton, Director, Division Services

Kennedy Ballroom

11:45 am

APA Membership Presentation Ian King, Executive Director, APA’s Office of Membership Recruitment and Engagement

Kennedy Ballroom

12:30 pm


Roosevelt Room

Division Leadership Conference

Spire Conference Center, APA Building.

1:30 pm

Legal Matters Jesse Raben, Office of General Counsel Ann Springer, Office of General Counsel

Kennedy Ballroom

3:00 pm

Refreshment Break

Grand Ballroom Foyer

3:15 pm

Interdivisional Grant Program Dr. Suzana Adams, CODAPAR Member

Kennedy Ballroom

3:45 pm

Speed Meeting Dr. Paul Lloyd, CODAPAR Member

Kennedy Ballroom

5:00 pm

Meeting Adjourns

5:45 pm

Board buses for transportation to APA

Outside Juniper Restaurant

6:15 pm

APA Reception and Dinner Dr. Cynthia D. Belar, Interim Chief Executive Officer APA Board of Directors Executive Directors

Spire Conference Center, APA Building

On Saturday evening, buses will take attendees from the Fairmont Hotel to the APA headquarters building for a reception and dinner.

SUNDAY, January 29 7:30 am

Breakfast (60-minute buffet)

Grand Ballroom Foyer

8:30 am

APA President-Elect’s Remarks Dr. Jessica Henderson Daniel, APA President-Elect

Kennedy Ballroom

9:00 am

Division Success Stories Dr. Sharon Bowman, CODAPAR Chair

Kennedy Ballroom

10:00 am

Presidential Action Items Dr. Ann Davis, CODAPAR Vice Chair

Kennedy Ballroom

11:00 am

Thank You and Good-Bye! Dr. Sharon Bowman, CODAPAR Chair

Kennedy Ballroom

January 27-29, 2017



1. Society for General Psychology

Deborah Johnson, PhD, Division President-elect My 2018 presidential theme “New Ways to think about General Psychology,” will explore fostering broader and more inclusive perspectives on our field. Initiatives include (among others): (1) Collaborating with the Foundational Divisions Coalition’s ongoing work. (2) Encouraging early-career teachers of general psychology, to share their reflections on heterogeneity and coherence in psychology.

2. Society for the Teaching of Psychology

Sue Frantz, MA, Division President-elect Intro Psych, taken by over a million students annually, contains what we want our graduates in business, medicine, etc. to know about psychology. If we were to create an Intro Psych course today, would it look like it currently does? It’s time to re-envision Intro Psych.

3. Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science

Jonathon Crystal, PhD, Division President-elect Division 3 of APA recently became the Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science. My objective is to expand the membership of the Society by outreach to other organizations, including other divisions within APA and other scientific organizations.

5. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Amy Schmidt, PhD, Division President-elect I’d like to create stronger networks so that members of my division, Division 5 (Quantitative & Qualitative Methods), can work collaboratively with researchers from other divisions, and I’d like to emphasize the need for training in measurement and research methodology, both in undergraduate and high school settings.

6. Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology

Allyson Bennett, PhD, Division President-elect As President, I will build upon strong SBNCP traditions of the Society. In our outward focus, we will build upon ongoing efforts to share our membership’s science and engage with the broader APA community and public. At the same time, we will focus on efforts to support student and early career scientists in finding a welcoming scientific home within SBNCP.

7. Developmental Psychology

Suniya S. Luthar, PhD, Division President-elect My emphasis will be on enhancing applications of developmental research toward fostering resilient adaptation of at-risk yout and families, via feasible, cost effective evidence-based interventions in their communities, schools, and primary health-care settings.

8. Society for Personality and Social Psychology

M. Lynne Cooper, PhD, Division President-elect (not in attendance)

9. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

Wendy Williams, PhD, Division President-elect Taking Kurt Lewin’s famous dictum that “there is nothing so practical as a good theory” as a guiding principle to motivate psychologists to connect concepts and ideas to action, whether through research, teaching, or public policy advocacy.

10. Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts

Mary Gregerson, PhD, Division President-elect (not in attendance) Roni Reiter-Palmon, PhD, Designated Representative 1. Bringing beauty to life and art influencing life 2. Creative expressive treatments 3. Creativity and innovation in the workplace 4. Teaching creative thinking for the 21st century workforce?

12. Society of Clinical Psychology

Gary VandenBos, PhD, Division President-elect

Division Leadership Conference

13. Society of Consulting Psychology

Dale Thompson, PhD, Division President-elect I plan to help students/professionals discover the impact that they can have on the lives of others, as Consulting Psychologists; help those in the field gain more access to resources to increase effectiveness; help the field of psychology discover we can make the world a better place to work/live.

14. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Talya N. Bauer, PhD, Division President-elect I plan to build on our current momentum in terms of visibility, impact, and world-class student training for future I/O psychologists who serve as ambassadors for our profession. I will work tirelessly to develop, implement, and coordinate strategies to enhance SIOP around the three major goals of Visibility, Inclusion, and Preparing I/O for the challenges of the 21st century.

15. Educational Psychology

Michael Nussbaum, PhD, M.P.P., Division President-elect Three P Educational Reform: Integrating Psychology, Policy, and Professional Development. Will likely convene a policy task force to increase dialogue with policymakers, as well as textbook publishers. May also develop videos on applying principles of effective learning to the design of professional development for K-12 teachers and administrators.

16. School Psychology

Catherine Fiorello, PhD, ABPP, Division President-elect • Continue to raise the visibility of school psychology as a specialty within health service psychology. • Promote school psychologists as mental health professionals with unique contributions to make to both psychology and education. • Lead the effort to expand the pool of APA-accredited school psychology internships.

17. Society of Counseling Psychology

Arpana Inman, PhD, Division President-elect I have three initiatives: (1) promoting social justice and diverse perspectives; (2) strengthening our doctoral and master’s training programs and fostering dual professional identities; (3) advocating for leadership among mid-career professionals.

18. Psychologists in Public Service

Linda Richardson, PhD, Division President-elect For my Presidency, I have two initiatives. The first is to refine the infrastructure of the division including developing job descriptions for all positions and committee chairs. The second is to explore options for setting up a foundation to fund research and professional development for graduate students and early career psychologists.

19. Society for Military Psychology

Mark Staal, PhD, Division President-elect As President-Elect of Division 19, I will seek unity and consensus within our division and work toward collaboration with APA leadership. I will pursue the expansion of services that advance science, foster professional development, and disseminate applied knowledge in areas relevant to military psychology.

20. Adult Development and Aging

Joseph Gaugler, PhD, Division President-elect My initiatives as Division 20 President Elect are as follows: 1) Rebuilding our membership initiatives to stem the 20-year decline in membership; 2) identifying new ways to generate revenue for the Division beyond membership; and 3) building a long-term sustainability plan.

21. Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology

Robert Proctor, PhD Psychology, Division President-elect Division 21, Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, was founded in 1956. I want to publicize past contributions of division members and to highlight contributions currently being made to interdisciplinary research. I intend to increase the division’s vitality, re-engaging past members and recruiting new members from inside and outside of academia.

22. Rehabilitation Psychology

Michelle Meade, PhD, Division President-elect My initiatives involve: (1) matching members’ goals with division activities and opportunities; (2) Increasing awareness of the skills of rehabilitation psychologists to advocate for increased reimbursement and funding related to education, clinical service, and research; and (3) increasing advocacy for policies and programs to enhance opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

23. Society for Consumer Psychology

Jeffrey Inman, PhD, MBA, Division President (1) Increase the global reach of our division through collaborative conferences, (2) maintain the reputation of the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and (3) encourage division members to focus on substantive contributions as well as conceptual contributions in their research.

January 27-29, 2017


24. Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

Alan Tjeltveit, PhD, Division President-elect • Greater involvement with (including listening to and learning from) those in mainstream subfields in psychology whose theoretical underpinnings (including the wide range of philosophies of science) are rarely addressed. • More explicit theoretical and philosophical attention to the varied roles of ethics (both problematic and fruitful) in psychology.

25. Behavior Analysis

Edward A. Wasserman, PhD, Division President-elect (not in attendance) I hope to explore ways to enhance the prominence of basic science to our division of behavior analysis.

26. Society for the History of Psychology

John Greenwood, MA (Edinburgh), D.Phil (Oxford), Division President-elect The relation between historical psychology (historically local forms of psychology, e.g., accidie in the ancient and medieval world) and cultural psychology (culturally local forms of psychology, e.g., amae in Japan and the clinical syndrome of hwa-byung in Korea), and the history of the concepts of historical and cultural psychology.

27. Society for Consumer Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology

Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, PhD, Division President-elect • Promote the distinct value of community psychology and the unique contributions to improving people’s lives and communities well-being. • Increase the visibility of community psychology and enhance partnerships with other APA divisions what share common values. • Promote the professional development of students and junior faculty.

28. Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse

Mark Smith, PhD, Division President-elect My initiatives are to (1) advocate for the needs of our divisional members to funding organizations, (2) promote the professional work of our divisional members to the general public, and (3) recruit, retain, and engage members within the division.

29. Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy

Michael Constantino, PhD, Division President-elect My initiatives include developing work groups to translate cutting-edge research findings into newer psychotherapy training molds, and creating platforms to tout “disruptive innovations” that extend the reach and personalization of mental health care. I will also focus on reducing the science-practice chasm with the patient›s voice as a natural bridge.

30. Society of Psychological Hypnosis

E. Thomas Dowd, PhD, Division President-elect Increasing divisional membership, survey to APA members regarding services they would like and expect from divisions. Perhaps collaborating on divisional CE workshops on a variety of topics. Brainstorming on the continued relevance of divisions in the APA structure.

31. State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs

Lindsey Buckman, PsyD, Division President-elect My mission for my presidential year is to increase the profile of Division 31 as a hub for advocacy information and resources. My primary initiative will be to develop training models for new SPTA leaders and executive directors on topics related to advocacy and social media strategies.

32. Society for Humanistic Psychology

Donna Rockwell, PsyD, Division President-elect (not in attendance) Lisa Marie Vallejos, PhD, Designated Representative Presidential theme of One Love, in the context of mindfulness and contemplative approaches to psychotherapy and community building; compassionate inclusion; and multicultural contributions to innovation. Initiating task force efforts will include: (1) assessing mindful and contemplative interventions in humanistic psychotherapy; and (2) exploring compassionate inclusion as a humanistic psychology.

33. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders

Gael Orsmond, PhD, Division President-elect I would like promote the value of the division as a valuable resource to new and established researchers and clinicians. I envision accomplishing this goal through activities that bridge the research/practice gap so that current and future division members value membership and attend the annual convention program and division sessions.


Division Leadership Conference

34. Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology

Beth Karlin, PhD, Social Ecology, Division President-elect My presidential goals include raising awareness both within and beyond APA about the important role that Psychology can play in addressing global and local environmental issues and supporting the community of psychologists who are doing this work through promotion of relevant work and deepening and expanding our connections.

35. Society for the Psychology of Women

Margaret Signorella, PhD, Division President-elect 1. Mentoring ECPs and students 2. Effective communication with membership (and public) 3. Embracing an intersectional future 4. Effectively impacting

36. Society for the Psychologyy of Religion and Spirituality

Annette Mahoney, PhD, Division President-elect I would like to collaborate with other divisions to facilitate constructive discussion on the power of religion and spirituality to bind people together in loving, life-giving close relationships or pull them into divisive interpersonal conflicts, especially with regard to romantic and marital unions, parenting, divorce, friendships and workplace relationships.

37. Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice

Jennifer Kaminski, PhD, Division President-elect (not in attendance) Joaquín P. Borrego, Jr., PhD, Designated Representative Policy Approaches to Increasing the Availability, Accessibility, and Affordability of Prevention and Treatment Services for Children: (1) Raise visibility about the existing policy evidence to psychologists, decision-makers and the general public, and (2) Stimulate research that examines the impacts of such policies to build on the existing evidence base

38. Society for Health Psychology

Justin Nash, PhD, Division President-elect My specific presidential year initiatives are not yet established. However, they will likely involve (a) strengthening the identity of health psychology, (b) developing health psychology training, particularly in relationship to health service psychology, (c) enhancing division services for members, and (d) reaching out to other divisions and organizations.

39. Psychoanalysis

Dennis Debiak, PsyD, Division President-elect Promoting psychoanalytic thinking and treatment within the mental health community, in academia, and in society at large by: (1) Increasing the diversity of our membership, and fostering dialogue among our constituencies. (2) Encouraging psychoanalytic work in underserved communities. (3) Promoting the development of psychoanalytic theory and research.

40. Society for Clinical Neuropsychology

Doug Johnson-Greene, PhD, ABPP, President-elect (not in attendance) Amy Jak, PhD, Designated Representative (1) Increase branding and visibility aimed at promoting neuropsychology as a science, cost-effective health care service while highlighting its practical applications for medicine, governmental agencies, and emerging applications. Central to this initiative will be efforts to enlist the support of other constituent neuropsychology organizations as our partners. (2) Enhance advocacy efforts aimed at safeguarding and strengthening reimbursement for neuropsychology providers. (3) Facilitate opportunities for training in neuropsychology and resolving the “incident-to” reimbursement problem that has affected so many neuropsychology training programs nationally.

41. American Psychology-Law Society

Eve Brank, JD, PhD, Division President-elect I am planning to focus on the importance of succession planning and strategic transitions for our officers, committee chairs, and committee members.

42. Psychologists in Independent Practice

Pauline Wallin, PhD, Division President-elect Division 42 community engagement for professional growth and connections.

43. Society for Couple and Family Psychology

Susan Regas, PhD, Division President-elect (1) To develop a comprehensive online CE program. (2) Promote outreach to public: wide-ranging media and outreach campaign designed to enhance the public’s understanding of who we are and what we do. (3) Recognize that students and ECPs are our future: create opportunities that will support their professional development.

January 27-29, 2017


44. Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues

David Pantalone, PhD, Division President-elect While the initiatives are not solidified as of yet, I will be overseeing the division during a period of change— name change to increase inclusivity and, given the election results, the potential for us to focus on research, teaching, clinical work, and advocacy to influence public acceptance and public policy.

45. Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race

Helen Neville, PhD, Division President-elect I plan to draw on the expertise of students, ECPs, and seasoned psychologists on two initiatives: (1) promoting research and practice on resiliency, resistance, and radical healing within communities of color and (2) establishing a “Telling Our Stories, Celebrating Our Contributions: Oral Histories of Psychologists Committed to Racial-Ethnic Justice” project.

46. Society for Media Psychology and Technology

June Wilson, PhD, RN, Division President-elect My primary goal is to work collaboratively with other divisions to increase the visibility of media psychology and technology. We are a division filled with individuals with varied interests, from art to technology. I am interested in supporting our members’ interests, while partnering on diverse projects with other Divisions.

47. Society for Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology

Courtney Albinson, PhD, Division President-elect Complete and disseminate professional practice guidelines in sport psychology; develop strategic alliances with national and international professional organizations to increase SSEPP’s visibility as a lead organization in the field; and enhance SSEPP’s communication and outreach to members, other APA divisions, professional organizations, and the public using new methods and technologies.

48. Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence

Alice LoCicero, PhD, ABPP, Divison President-elect Division 48 should encourage APA to reflect on its egregious errors, and implement ways to remedy them, such as • Apologizing to victims of torture and oppression where APA has been complicit. • Addressing the disproportionate influence that military and security concerns have in shaping APA policy. • Supporting psychologists who blow the whistle on structural/institutional violence.

49. Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy

Giorgio Tasca, PhD, Division President-elect (not in attendance) First, I will focus on supporting students within the Division, including efforts to increase student membership through greater visibility of trainees at the convention by providing small awards, recognitions, and scholarships. Second, In keeping with my dual identity as a clinician-researcher I would like to find ways to increase the dialogue between group practitioners and group researchers so that practice is more consistently influenced by the evidence, and so that research is more specifically informed by the experiences of practitioners and clients.

50. Society of Addiction Psychology

Bruce Liese, PhD, Division President-elect (1) Increase clinician involvement in Division 50. (2) Create educational programs for training undergraduate and graduate students in addictions. (3) Convey importance of recognizing and treating addictions to psychologists in general practice. (4) Ensure that practicing psychologists have certification for addressing addictions that equals clinicians in other specialties (e.g., psychiatrists).

51. Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity

Edward Adams, PsyD, Division President-elect • Increase participation and membership in Division 51 • Support non-traditional therapeutic initiatives with men • Expand Division 51’s outreach to include national and international concerns • Promote compassion as a male trait • Develop strategies to disseminate research on men and masculinity • Cooperate with other APA divisions promoting gender, ethnic, and sexual equality

52. International Psychology

Merry Bullock, PhD, Division President-elect Initiative: Division 52 spans the world—your APA home for international engagement and learning. Goal: expand on D52’s role as a resource and catalyst for international exchange and collaboration. Collaborative efforts with other Divisions to include an international aspect in your convention programs or substantive initiatives are welcome.


Division Leadership Conference

Steve Lee, PhD, Division President-elect I am committed to improving detection of early risk factors and risk processes for child and adolescent psychopathology, including diversifying the settings (e.g., schools, primary care) in which early risk factors are assessed.

54. Society of Pediatric Psychology

Ann M. Davis, PhD, MPH, ABPP, Division President-elect • To continue our efforts to increase awards and other services for our students and junior colleagues • To increase the strength of our international collaborations • To enhance our work in integrated primary care • To support SPP Div 54 remaining an active and vibrant organization that is highly relevant for a growing number of professionals

55. American Society for the Advancement of Pharmachotherapy

Virginia Waters, PhD, MSPC, Division President-elect As President-Elect of Division 55, I plan to support our members by encouraging collaboration and communication. The Division seeks to advance both knowledge and clinical practice of pharmacotherapy through education and advocacy within the Division and in the healthcare marketplace.

56. Trauma Psychology

Diane Castillo, PhD, Division President-elect My initiatives for the Trauma Division will be: 1. Continue to represent trauma within APA and collaboration among divisions 2. Increase membership of psychologist trauma specialist and psychologist leadership among other trauma professionals 3. Re-energize an emphasis on the effects of trauma on diversity in the current challenging political climate.

Antonio E. Puente, PhD President

Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD President-Elect

Susan H. McDaniel, PhD Past President

Jennifer F. Kelly, PhD, ABPP Recording Secretary

Jean A. Carter, PhD Treasurer

Cynthia D. Belar, PhD. ABPP Interim CEO & EVP

Ian A. Gutierrez, MA, MS APAGS Member

Helen L. Coons, PhD, ABPP Member-at-Large

Stewart E. Cooper, PhD, ABPP Member-at-Large

Robert E. McGrath, PhD Member-at-Large

Richard M. McGraw, PhD Member-at-Large

Sandra L. Shullman, PhD Member-at-Large

Frank C. Worrell, PhD Member-at-Large

Jean Lau Chin, EdD 2017 Chair, Council Leadership Team

Joseph J. Coyne, PhD 2017 Chair-Elect,

January 27-29, 2017

Council Leadership Team


53. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology



Edward Adams, PsyD Division 51

Courtney Albinson, PhD Division 47

Talya N. Bauer, PhD Division 14

Allyson Bennett, PhD Division 6

Joaquín P. Borrego, Jr., PhD Division 37

Ted Bosack, PhD Division 2

Eve Brank, JD, PhD Division 41

Lindsey Buckman, PsyD Division 31

Merry Bullock, PhD Division 52

Diane Castillo, PhD Division 56

Michael Constantino, PhD Division 29

M. Lynne Cooper, PhD Division 8

Tara Craighead Division 12

Jonathon Crystal, PhD Division 3

Dennis Debiak, PsyD Division 39

E. Thomas Dowd, PhD Division 30

Catherine Fiorello, PhD, ABPP Division 16

Stephanie Fitzpatrick, PhD Division 38

Sue Frantz, MA Division 2

Joseph Gaugler, PhD Division 20

John Greenwood, D.Phil Division 26

Mary Gregerson, PhD Division 10

Arpana Inman, PhD Division 17

Jeffrey Inman, PhD, MBA Division 23

Amy Jak, PhD Division 40

Deborah Johnson, PhD Division 1


Division 40

Jennifer Kaminski, PhD Division 37

Beth Karlin, PhD Division 34

Barbara Keeton Division 38

Steve Lee, PhD Division 53

Bruce Liese, PhD Division 50

Alice LoCicero, PhD, ABPP Division 48

Suniya S. Luthar, PhD Division 7

Annette Mahoney, PhD Division 36

Michelle Meade, PhD Division 22

Justin Nash, PhD Diviision 38

Helen Neville, PhD Division 45

Debra Nolan, BA, CAE Division 17

Johnson-Greene, PhD



Nussbaum, PhD, MPP

Division 15

Division Leadership Conference

David Pantalone, PhD Division 44

Robert Proctor, PhD Division 21

Susan Regas, PhD Division 43

Amy Schmidt, PhD Division 5

Margaret Signorella, PhD Division 35

Mark Smith, PhD Division 28

Mark Staal, PhD Division 19

Lisa Marie Vallejos, PhD Division 32

Gary VandenBos, PhD Division 12

Pauline Wallin, PhD Division 42

Clinton W. Anderson, PhD, Interim ED, Public Interest

Jaime L. Ellen Diaz-Granados, PhD G. Garrison, PhD ED, Education Senior Policy Advisor

Kim I. Mills, MA Interim Senior Communications Advisor

Nancy Gordon Moore, PhD, MBA

Veronica Allen, CMP DSO Meetings & Education Manager

ED, Strategic Programs

Paula Aviles, CAE DSO Membership Services Manager

January 27-29, 2017

Edward A. Wasserman, PhD Division 25

Tony Habash, DSc CBIO & CIO

Roni Reiter-Palmon, PhD Division 10

Alan Tjeltveit, PhD Division 24

Virginia Waters, PhD, MSPC Division 55

Wendy Williams, PhD Division 9

June Wilson, PhD, RN Division 46

Ian D. King, MBA ED, Membership

Howard Kurtzman, PhD Acting ED, Science

Deanne Marie Ottaviano, JD General Counsel

Jasper Simons Executive Publisher Pubs & Databases

Keith Cooke

Emily Laumeier DSO Coordinator

Sonja Wiggins, MBA Asst. Director, Governance/Admin

& Pubs Manager

Donna Rockwell, PsyD Division 32

Dale Thompson, PhD Division 13

Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, PhD Division 27

Katherine C. Nordal, PhD ED, Practice

DSO Communications

Linda Richardson, PhD Division 18

Archie Turner COO & CFO

Jesse Raben, JD Associate General Counsel


Gael Orsmond, PhD Division 33

Christine Tipton

Director, DSO

Ann Springer, JD Associate General Counsel


CONTACTS Edward Adams, PsyD Division 51 Division President-elect Lambertville, New Jersey adams397@comcast.net Courtney Albinson, PhD Division 47 Division President-elect Evanston, Illinois c-albinson@northwestern.edu

Allyson Bennett, PhD Division 6 Division President-elect Madison, Wisconsin allyson.j.bennett@wisc.edu

M. Lynne Cooper, PhD Division 8 Division President-elect Columbia, Missouri cooperm@missouri.edu

Mary Gregerson, PhD Division 10 Division President-elect Leavenworth, KS mary.gregerson@aol.com

JoaquĂ­n P. Borrego, Jr., PhD Division 37 Designated Representative Lubbock, Texas joaquin.borrego@ttu.edu

Stewart Cooper, PhD, ABPP APA Board of Directors Member-at-Large Valparaiso, Indiana stewart.cooper@valpo.edu

Ian Gutierrez, M.A., M.S. APA Board of Directors APAGS Member Willimantic, Connecticut ian.gutierrez.apags@gmail.com

Ted Bosack, PhD Division 2 Division Administrator Wakefield, Rhode Island stp@teachpsych.org

Tara Craighead Division 12 Administrative Officer Atlanta, GA division12apa@gmail.com

Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, ABPP APA Board of Directors APA President-elect Boston, Massachusetts

Eve Brank, JD, PhD Division 41 Division President-elect Lincoln, Nebraska ebrank2@unl.edu

Jonathon Crystal, PhD Division 3 Division President-elect Bloomington, Indiana jcrystal@indiana.edu

Arpana Inman, PhD Division 17 Division President-elect Bethlehem, Pennsylvania agi2@lehigh.edu

Lindsey Buckman, PsyD Division 31 Division President-elect Phoenix, Arizona buckmanconsulting@gmail.com

Dennis Debiak, PsyD Division 39 Division President-elect Wallingford, Pennsylvania dmdebiak@gmail.com

Jeffrey Inman, PhD, MBA Division 23 Division President Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania jinman@katz.pitt.edu

Merry Bullock, PhD Division 52 Division President-elect Boulder, Colorado merrybullock@mac.com

E. Thomas Dowd, PhD Division 30 Division President-elect Tacoma, Washington edowd@kent.edu

Amy Jak, PhD Division 40 Division Alternate Representative San Diego, California ajak@ucsd.edu

Jean Carter, PhD APA Board of Directors Treasurer Washington, DC jcarterphd@gmail.com

Catherine Fiorello, PhD, ABPP Division 16 Division President Wyncote, Pennsylvania cfiore02@temple.edu

Deborah Johnson, PhD Division 1 Division President-elect Durham, New Hampshire djohnson@maine.edu

Stephanie Fitzpatrick, PhD Division 38 ECP Representative Portland, Oregon Stephanie.L.Fitzpatrick@kpchr.org

Doug Johnson-Greene, PhD, MPH, ABPP Division 40 Division President-elect Miami, Florida djgreene@med.miami.edu

Veronica Allen, CMP APA Staff Meetings and Education Manager, Diane Castillo, PhD Division Services Division 56 Washington, DC Division President-elect vallen@apa.org Waco, Texas diane.castillo@va.gov Paula Aviles, CAE APA Staff Michael Constantino, PhD Membership Serv ices Manager, Division 29 Division Services Division President-elect Washington, DC Amherst, Massachusetts paviles@apa.org mconstantino@psych.umass.edu Talya Bauer, PhD Keith Cooke Division 14 APA Staff Division President-elect Communications & Publications Portland, Oregon Manager, Division Services talyabauer@pdx.edu Washington, DC kcooke@apa.org Cynthia D. Belar, PhD, ABPP APA Board of Directors Helen L. Coons, PhD, ABPP Interim Chief Executive Officer APA Board of Directors Washington, DC Member-at-Large cbelar@apa.org Denver, Colorado hcoons@comcast.net


Sue Frantz, MA Division 2 Division President-elect Des Moines, Washington sfrantz@highline.edu Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD Division 20 Division President-elect Minneapolis, Minnesota gaug0015@umn.edu John Greenwood, MA (Edinburgh), D.Phil (Oxford) Division 26 Division President-elect Richmond, Virginia jgreenwood@gc.cuny.edu

Jennifer Kaminski, PhD Division 37 Division President-elect Atlanta, GA anu1@cdc.gov Jennifer F. Kelly, PhD, ABPP APA Board of Directors Recording Secretary Atlanta, Georgia jfkphd@aol.com Beth Karlin, PhD, Social Ecology Division 34 Division President-elect Venice, California bethkarlin@gmail.com

Division Leadership Conference

Divison 38 Administrative Officer Ashland, Virginia apadiv38@verizon.net

Barbara Keeton

Justin Nash, PhD Division 38 Division President-elect Providence, Rhode Island Justin_Nash@Brown.edu

Linda Richardson, PhD Division 18 Division President-elect San Diego, California lmrichardson@gmail.com

Alan Tjeltveit, PhD Division 24 Division President-elect Allentown, Pennsylvania tjelt@muhlenberg.edu

Emily Laumeier APA Staff Division Services Coordinator Washington, DC elaumeier@apa.org

Helen Neville, PhD Division 45 Division President-elect Champaign, Illinois hneville@illinois.edu

Donna Rockwell, PsyD Division 32 Division President-elect Franklin, Michigan drockwell@mispp.edu

Lisa Marie Vallejos, PhD Division 32 Designated Representative Denver, CO lisamvallejos@gmail.com

Steve Lee, PhD Division 53 Division President-elect Los Angeles, California stevelee@psych.ucla.edu

Debra Nolan, B.A., CAE Division 17 Association Manager North Palm Beach, Florida dnolan@div17.org

Amy Schmidt, PhD Division 5 Division President-elect Doylestown, Pennsylvania aschmidt@ets.org

Gary VandenBos, PhD Division 12 Division President-elect McLean, Virginia DrGaryVandenbos@gmail.com

Bruce Liese, PhD Division 50 Division President-elect Kansas City, Kansas bliese@kumc.edu

Michael Nussbaum, PhD, M.P.P. Division 15 Division President-elect Las Vegas, Nevada nussbaum@unlv.nevada.edu

Sandra L. Shullman, PhD APA Board of Directors Member-at-Large Columbus, Ohio slshullman@aol.com

Pauline Wallin, PhD Division 42 Division President-elect Camp Hill, Pennsylvania doctorwallin@gmail.com

Alice LoCicero, PhD, ABPP Division 48 Division President-elect Cambridge, Massachusetts Alice.locicero@gmail.com

Gael Orsmond, PhD Division 33 Division President-elect Boston, Massachusetts gorsmond@bu.edu

Margaret Signorella, PhD Division 35 Division President-elect Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania msignorella@psu.edu

Edward A. Wasserman, PhD Division 25 Division President-elect Iowa City, Iowa ed-wasserman@uiowa.edu

Suniya S. Luthar, PhD Division 7 Division President-elect Phoenix, AZ sluthar@asu.edu

David Pantalone, PhD Division 44 Division President-elect Boston, Massachusetts david.pantalone@umb.edu

Mark Smith, PhD Division 28 Division President-elect Davidson, North Carolina masmith@davidson.edu

Virginia Waters, PhD, MSPC Division 55 Division President-elect Crawford, New Jersey vwaters@aol.com

Annette Mahoney, PhD Division 36 Division President-elect Bowling Green, Ohio amahone@bgsu.edu

Robert Proctor, PhD Psychology Division 21 Division President-elect West Lafayette, Indiana proctor@psych.purdue.edu

Ann Springer, JD APA Staff Associate General Counsel Washington, DC aspringer@apa.org

Susan McDaniel, PhD APA Board of Directors APA Past President Rochester, New York susanh2_mcdaniel@urmc.rochester.edu

Antonio E. Puente, PhD APA Board of Directors APA President Wilmington, NC clinicalneuropsychology@gmail. com

Mark Staal, PhD Division 19 Division President-elect Southern Pines, North Carolina staalmark@hotmail.com

Sonja Wiggins, MBA APA Staff Assistant Director, Governance Affairs and Administration, Division Services Washington, DC swiggins@apa.org

Robert McGrath, PhD APA Board of Directors Member-at-Large Teaneck, New Jersey mcgrath@fdu.edu

Jesse Raben, JD APA Staff Associate General Counsel Washington, DC jraben@apa.org

Richard M. McGraw, PhD APA Board of Directors Member-at-Large San Angelo, Texas rmcgraw@wcc.net

Susan Regas, PhD Division 43 Division President-elect Pasadena, California sregas@alliant.edu

Michelle Meade, PhD Division 22 Division President-elect Ann Arbor, Michigan mameade@med.umich.edu

Roni Reiter-Palmon, PhD Division 10 Designated Representative Omaha, Nebraska

January 27-29, 2017

Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, PhD Division 27 Division President-elect Chicago, Illinois ysuarez@uic.edu Dale Thompson, PhD Division 13 Division President-elect Irving, Texas dale@worthyleadership.com Christine Tipton APA Staff Director, Division Services Washington, DC ctipton@apa.org

Wendy Williams, PhD Division 9 Division President-elect Berea, Kentucky williamsw@berea.edu June Wilson, PhD, RN Division 46 Division President-elect Sonoma, California junewilsonphd@gmail.com Frank Worrell, PhD APA Board of Directors Member-at-Large Pinole, California frankc@berkeley.edu



SUZANA ADAMS, PSYD is a Licensed Early Career Psychologist. She has a private practice in Phoenix, Arizona, where she sees mostly international clientele and national bilingual/ multilingual clients. She specializes in complex identity and crosscultural issues, trauma, and immigration. She is a provider for the Office of Refugee and Resettlement, Catholic Charities Refugee Program, Florence Project, and Physicians for Human Rights.

counseling center at the University of Delaware.

CYNTHIA D. BELAR, PHD, ABPP, is the interim chief executive officer of the American Psychological Association. Belar has a wealth of knowledge about APA, garnered from her experience as a member of APA governance, a division leader and, most recently, having served as APA’s executive director for education from 2000 until her retirement in 2014. Before joining APA, Belar was engaged in teaching, research and practice for 25 years, most of which were spent at the University of Florida Health Science Center. She is also one of the founders of APA’s Div. 38 (Health).

JEAN CARTER, PHD, APA Treasurer (2017-2019) is passionate about both the science and practice of psychotherapy. Her recognitions include President of three Divisions; Chair of CODAPAR and CAPP; Fellow in five Divisions; Distinguished Psychologist (Division 42);APA Presidential Citations (2000 and 2011); and practitioner awards from Division 17.

SHARON L. BOWMAN, PHD, HSPP, ABPP, LMHC is Professor and Chair in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services at Ball State University. She is also a psychologist in private practice in Muncie, Indiana. She earned her doctoral degree from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Her internship was completed in the 16

ZEESHAN BUTT, PHD is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Departments of Medical Social Sciences, Surgery (Division of Organ Transplantation), & Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He has active roles in clinical care, research, and administration.

ANN M. DAVIS, PHD, MPH, ABPP is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Director of the Center for Children’s Healthy Lifestyles & Nutrition, and Director of Healthy Hawks, their pediatric obesity program. She is presidentelect of Division 54 of the APA, a Fellow of the APA, and was just elected as a member of the Society of Pediatric Research. ARMANDO X. ESTRADA, PHD is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Policy, Organizational and Leadership Studies at Temple University. He

was previously served as Program Manager and Senior Research Psychologist with the Foundational Science Research Unit of the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences; and has served as a tenured professor at Washington State University; US Naval Postgraduate School; Industrial College of the Armed Forces and National Defense University. JESSICA HENDERSON DANIEL, PHD, ABPP is the 2017 APA PresidentElect. At the Boston Children’s Hospital, she is Director of the Psychology Internship Program. She is an Associate Professor in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Her career has focused on education, training and mentoring. She is a past president of Division 35. IAN D. KING, MBA, APA’s first executive director for member recruitment and engagement, is responsible for the association’s approach to member recruitment, retention and engagement. His portfolio includes APA’s membership marketing and products, division services, APA service center operations and communications, advertising and the APA Monitor on Psychology. Prior to joining APA, King spent seven years as director of marketing and member services at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In that post, he played a key role in managing the organization’s Division Leadership Conference

approach to membership, engaging with both internal and external stakeholders, and revamping the member value proposition to include a suite of new member benefits. He also was publisher of the association’s Science family of journals. King’s earlier positions include founding a startup company that offered career information and job search tools for life scientists and directing sales and marketing for that organization after it merged with a sister publication, The Scientist. RICHARD KLIMOSKI, PHD is a Professor of Psychology and Management, Chair of the Management Area in the School of Business at George Mason University, a past President of Division 14 and a Fellow of APA. His research interests revolve around the nature of effective organizational leadership. He is the author or editor of several books most recently, Advancing Human Resource Management Projects (2015, Routledge Press). PAUL J. LLOYD, PHD is professor emeritus at Southeast Missouri State University and is a psychologist who specializes in organization development and change, executive coaching and lifestyle enhancement (Positive Psychology). Clients have included businesses, medical centers, governmental agencies, mental health centers, and universities. He is a 1978 graduate of Saint Louis University with a Ph.D. in psychology and the 2002 recipient of the outstanding alumni award as a graduate of its organizational psychology program.

January 27-29, 2017

CINDY MILLER PERRIN, PHD is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine University. She is Past-President of Division 37 and an APA Fellow. She is a licensed clinical psychologist who has worked with maltreated and developmentally delayed children and their families. Dr. Miller-Perrin has authored numerous publications covering a range of topics, including child maltreatment, family violence, and positive development in college students. ANTONIO E. PUENTE, PHD is the 2017 APA President. He was born in Cuba and received degrees from the University of Florida (BA) and the University of Georgia (MS, PhD). He was a clinical psychologist at a teaching psychiatric hospital and a professor of neuroanatomy at a medical school before becoming a Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Granada (Spain) and UCLA. Since 1982, he has maintained a private practice limited to clinical neuropsychology. In 2002 he founded and now co-directs (with a PharmD) a bilingual mental health clinic for the poor and uninsured in the Southeastern region of North Carolina (Cape Fear Clinic, Wilmington, NC). JESSE RABEN, JD, is the Associate General Counsel in the Office of General Counsel at the APA where he has served for 14 years with a focus on intellectual

property, internet privacy and technology issues, corporate contracts, corporate governance and general business and legal risk management. Previously Jesse owned and operated his own internet company in the late 1990s. In 1994, Jesse clerked for the Supreme Court of Hawaii and worked pro bono for an environmental watchdog group in Israel, before becoming an associate at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver and Jacobson and then at Sutherland, Asbill and Brennan in Washington, DC. ANN D. SPRINGER, JD, is Associate General Counsel in the Office of General Counsel at the APA and has served for 6 years, with a focus on lobbying, tax, employment, education, and ethics issues, along with general legal risk management. Previously she served as General Counsel to the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), where she presented, wrote, and advised college and university faculty, administrators, lawyers, and others on higher education legal issues, and authored a number of amicus briefs before federal and state courts. CHRISTINE TIPTON is Director of Division Services. In 2009, Christine joined APA’s Office of Publications and Databases where she marketed APA’s suite of databases to library and institutional markets before moving to the membership, program management and governance work of the Division Services Office in 2011. Christine’s previous experience includes forprofit work in areas of marketing, event planning and intellectual property research. 17


HERE TO HELP Every division has an account manager within the Division Services Office—this is a complimentary service. Division officers are encouraged to contact their account manager to ask questions, seek help, and get referred to other resources within APA that can provide support (membership, legal, elections, finance, directorates, advocacy, etc.) Account managers can also assist with suggesting and quoting services from the Division Services Office. For an updated list of account managers: www.apa.org/about/division/contact.aspx. Name



Christine Tipton


Sonja Wiggins

Assistant Director, Governance Affairs & Admin

Veronica Allen




(202) 336-6165

6, 9, 12, 14, 23, 27, 29, 33, 39, 41, 53, 54


(202) 336-5590

Meetings & Education Manager

13, 18, 20, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 44, 45, 47, 48, 52


(202) 336-6121

Paula Aviles

Membership Services Manager

2, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, 31, 38, 42, 43, 51


(202) 336-6018

Keith Cooke

Communications & Pubs Manager

1, 3, 5, 19, 22, 34, 35, 37, 40, 46, 49, 50, 55, 56


(202) 216-7602

DSO SERVICES Membership Support Throughout the year, Division Services provides support via information requests from members or potential members, renewing affiliate memberships, and providing monthly membership reports to divisions. In addition, our office provides regular membership campaigns to support division membership. Officer Support and Resources As you lead your division through your leadership tenure, know that our office is here to assist you. Whether it be advising on bylaws changes, navigating APA, or any of the free services listed under SCOPE OF SERVICES. Division Trios Listserv A listserv is maintained for division presidential trios to discuss management issues and receive important updates from APA. Division Dialogue The DSO produces a bimonthly e-newsletter, Division Dialogue, that contains important information, reminders, and notice of APA happenings affecting divisions. The Dialogue is emailed to officer contacts tracked by our office. 18

Contracted Services Our office maintains a Service Agreement with many divisions to provide support in managing the division. See our SCOPE OF SERVICES for services available through our office, and our staff is willing to cater a specific proposal to meet your division’s needs. Meeting Support APA and Division Services will host your mid-year board meetings at APA headquarters. A member of our staff can schedule hotel room blocks, audio/ visual support, and catering to meet your needs. In addition, we can consult on conference planning and continuing education. Communication Support Divisions can receive support from the DSO in regards to maintaining listservs, division Web sites, and division newsletters. APA also provides free Web hosting to divisions, and our office can help you navigate that process. How Else Can We Help? We strive to be a resource across all divisions. With dozens of years of support in many areas of association management, we can help. Division Leadership Conference


Renewal of APA Members Membership Reports Mailing Lists Processing New Members/Affiliates Renewal of Non-APA Members/Affiliates Welcome Message Marketing for New Members and Member Orientation

Administrative Services

General Inquiry/Referral Subscription Inquiries for APA Publications Archiving Division Files (APA Library/Archives) Member Communication (phone/email) Phone/Voicemail Subscription Inquiries for Non-APA Publications Facilitate and Tabulate Bylaws Vote Changes

Free x x x


A la Carte

x x x Free x x x


x A la Carte

x x x Basic

x A la Carte


APA Central Office Support

Free x x x Free x x x x

x x x x A la Carte


A la Carte

Officer/Committee Support



A la Carte


Listservs (use of APA Listserv platform) APA-Hosted Web Hosting and Design Listserv Management (add members, approve posts, etc.) Newsletter (print or electronic) E-Blasts (bylaws, announcements, surveys, etc.) Brochure/Logo/Letterhead Design

Division Accounting

Access to APA Accounts Payable/Receivable Processing Joint Filing with APA Taxes (if not separately incorporated) Access to American Psychological Foundation APA Member Services Elections Office Office of General Counsel Continuing Education Sponsor Approval Office Directors/Officers Insurance Maintain Policy & Procedures Manual Maintain Officer Roster Support Executive Officers Support Committees and Task Forces Monitor Calls for Nomination Agenda Creation Assist President with Convention Preparation Central Office Reports (finances, membership, etc.)

Meeting Services

Coordinating Meetings at APA or Outside Midyear Exec Committee Meeting Preparation Conference/Workshop/Event Planning Consultation Hosting Webinars/Continuing Education Continuing Education Consultation (how it works)

Free x x

x x x x x x x x x Free


A la Carte x x x x x

*If you would like information on any of these services or additional services, or would like to discuss how these services would work within your division’s current operations, please contact your DSO account manager. All Basic Membership Services are billed together and billed at a rate based on division size. Any a la carte services require a discussion with a member of the DSO staff and a price quote catered specifically for your division’s needs. January 27-29, 2017


DIVISIONS OF APA 1. General Psychology 2. Teaching of Psychology 3. Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science 5. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods 6. Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology 7. Developmental Psychology 8. Personality and Social Psychology 9. Psychological Study of Social Issues 10. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts 12. Clinical Psychology 13. Consulting Psychology 14. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 15. Educational Psychology 16. School Psychology 17. Counseling Psychology 18. Psychologists in Public Service 19. Military Psychology 20. Adult Development and Aging 21. Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology 22. Rehabilitation Psychology 23. Consumer Psychology 24. Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 25. Behavior Analysis 26. History of Psychology 27. Community Research and Action 28. Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse FLOOR of PLAN 29. Advancement Psychotherapy

30. Psychological Hypnosis 31. State, Provincial & Territorial Psych Association Affairs 32. Humanistic Psychology 33. Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders 34. Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology 35. Psychology of Women 36. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 37. Child and Family Policy and Practice 38. Health Psychology 39. Psychoanalysis 40. Clinical Neuropsychology 41. American Psychology-Law Society 42. Psychologists in Independent Practice 43. Couple and Family Psychology 44. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues 45. Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race 46. Media Psychology and Technology 47. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology 48. Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence 49. Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy 50. Addiction Psychology 51. Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity 52. International Psychology 53. Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 54. Pediatric Psychology 55. Advancement of Pharmacotherapy 56. Trauma Psychology

Ballroom level













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