Keith Edwards - Volume 1 Undergraduate Portfolio

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[contents] [14th st residence] [visual revitalization] [collaborative convergence] [contour living] [innovative space]



street residence]

Arch 402 Mixed-use Housing Location: 14th and Swann Sw wannn st, Washington W shington D.C. Wa D.C C. Fall 2013 Professor Hooman Koli Koliji ijii


The goal of this assignment was to design a multiuse residence that responded to the local site issues as well as the social demand. My design was intended to have the building hold the busy 14th St. edge, while dematerializing and conforming down to the local, residential scale, creating a sheltered public space for the community.

Fitness Room

Conceptual drawings of form and concept



View of courtyard and south facade

Apartments maximize on views to the lively 14th St. or to the sheltered community space created by the building.

Typical floor plan

Series of receding terraces allow for hanging gardens to be created along the exposed structure. Ground floor transitions the public city realm to a more private residential realm.

Right: Interior view of a typical loft apartment Below: View of a balcony on a single apartment

Terraces and loft style apartments maximize light.

Residential Scale

City Scale


Above: Abo ve: Co Coffe ffeee shop shop in inter terior ior Below: Bel ow: Co Corne rnerr of of 14th 14th St St..

[visual revitalizatio

Arch 478 Salisbury Bridge Location: Salisbury, MD Spring 2014 Professor Powell Draper


This bridge design was part of an urban revitalization project of the town of Salisbury, MD. I created an interesting form that creates visual tension as well as an iconic form. The bridge design was also used to re-route Mill st, as to allow an ease of traffic access to Route 50 and avoid the crowded downtown area. The bridge allows for visual connections to be made throughout the town and as well as the major Route 50 that runs East and West through the town. Design allows for pedestrian traffic to easily flow across through two paths and receive advantageous views of the town. Above: Redesign of Salisbury’s riverfront. Riverfront is built up with mixed use housing to revitalize the area Left: Original plan of Salisbury Right: Full redesign of Salisbury’s waterfront

Upper Right: View looking South

Lower Right: View looking North over designed park area

Lower: Conceptual sketch of proposed bridge

[collaborative converge `

Arch 401 Fabrication Lab Location: 18th St. and California St. Washington D.C. Spring 2013 Professor Michael Ambrose


This project examined the architectural implications of program and formal/ cultural constructs of community-based collaborative think/make environment. I intended to develop an architecture that constructed a place of engagement. Through my design I developed a series of individual spaces that overlapped with each other to provide the adequate space needed to support an imaginative environment.

Below: Study of overlapping spaces informed by program

Evaluation of site conditions and connectivity to the public

Left: View into presentation space

Above: Sectional study of spatial relationships

View look Vie o ing no north rth on 18 18th 8thh St S St.

[ c o n t o u r Self-created Project Beach Side Housing Fall 2013

l i v i

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Coffee Bar

Community gathering/ Lobby space

Multi-purpose room

This project was intended to experiment with basic parametric design informed by curves to bring a continuity between the exterior and interior realms.

Retail space

Ground floor plan.

Study of circulation and movement to define key moments.

Key moments defined the exterior green ground coverings that transitioned to pavers that bridged the threshold between the interior and exterior.

Ground pavings defined where lowered ceilings would be located to better define thresholds and key places in the building.

A study of curves allowed for the discovery of various floor cutouts and partition walls that created community spaces as well as smaller more intimate spaces on each floor lobby.

View under terrace to coffee bar and street

[innovative spa

Arch 402 Collaborative Fabrication Lab Location: 14th St. Washington D.C. Fall 2013 Professor Hooman Koliji


The intent of this project was to design a place for community-driven innovation and collaboration in the public realm. The design incorporated a series of flexible spaces that allow for various forms of thinking, making, communicating and presenting ideas to the public. The essence of promenade was explored to create a procession from entry to any destination that clearly marked places of public use and private use. The space was designed to inspire innovation, creativity and exploration through the structure, form and interaction of spaces.

(current Project)

View into presentation space

View into Upper Fabrication Lab Structure: Concrete and waffle slab construction were selected to allow definition of spaces.

Light steel truss roof structure designed to open and close providing solar shading when necessary.

View into collaboration areaa


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