How To Setup Wordpress MultiSite (with Subdomains) On GoDaddy Shared Hosting
WP-Multi With Subdomains on GoDaddy Shared Hosting
Copyright Š 2010
Published by: Windsor, Ontario, Canada Copyright © 2010-2011 – All rights are reserved. No part of this report may be
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WP-Multi With Subdomains on GoDaddy Shared Hosting
Copyright © 2010
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WP-Multi With Subdomains on GoDaddy Shared Hosting
Copyright Š 2010
I just setup WordPress MU with sub domains in my shared hosting account on GoDaddy and it wasn’t as straight forward as I would’ve hoped… so now that I got it down to a science I figured I’d write out a quick tutorial in case someone else is attempting to do the same thing. OK, WordPress MU isn’t what it used to be, it’s no longer a stand alone product, it comes packaged (albeit hidden by default) starting with WordPress 3.0. It might also be called a WordPress Network or WordPress Multisite. Essentially it allows you to run multiple blogs under one domain. There are a ton of reasons why you might want to do that, limited to your imagination. The straight forward steps to follow to setup MU on most hosts can be found here. However, GoDaddy of course is another animal. GoDaddy offers a brief tutorial for enabling WordPress 3.0 Multisites here, which may be helpful if you want to setup your WP network using subdirectories. This is the part that I didn’t like…
I personally don’t like the idea of using sub-directories to install new blogs to because then you are limited on what you can name your posts on your main (root) blog when you are using /%postname%/ for permalinks, among other things… so I was bound and determined to get this working with sub-domains and I finally did. Note: For these instructions I started from a fresh install of WordPress 3.1. Also, I am using the GoDaddy Deluxe Shared Hosting package on Linux, which offers unlimited domains attached to your account and unlimited bandwidth… …although at the time of this writing, the Ultimate Plan is almost half off making it very close to the same price. The Ultimate Plan allows unlimited storage and databases as well, plus it includes an SSL certificate.
WP-Multi With Subdomains on GoDaddy Shared Hosting
Copyright © 2010
These instructions will work for both of the above mentioned packages. Also worth mentioning… this work around might only be feasible if the admin (or assistant) will personally be adding the new blogs to the network. If you plan to allow auto-creation of accounts and blogs (like is done at this method may not be ideal.
Setup WordPress Multisite on GoDaddy Be sure you have the latest version of WP installed in the root of your domain (not in a subfolder or subdomain) Edit the wp-config.php file and just above the line that reads: /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ add this line: define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); We won’t be installing wildcard subdomains so you can ignore any warnings that you may get. Login or re-login to the WP Admin and under Tools, click Network. Fill in all the info (be sure to choose subdomains), and click Install. Follow the instructions for creating the blogs.dir directory under /wp-content/, and pasting in the code for .htaccess and wp-config.php. Permissions should be setup properly by default so don’t worry about that. Remove the following line of code from wp-config.php that you created earlier: define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); Now after re-logging into WP you should see a “Super Admin” panel to allow to add/edit sites in your network.
Here’s the kicker. For every site that you create you have to manually add a subdomain in the GoDaddy Control Panel. Had wildcard subdomains worked on GoDaddy this extra step wouldn’t be necessary. Read below for the steps.
Adding Subdomains on GoDaddy 1. 2. 3.
Login to GoDaddy. From the left side click Hosting, then click the green “Launch” button. Go to Settings, then Domain Management.
WP-Multi With Subdomains on GoDaddy Shared Hosting
Copyright © 2010
4. Under Subdomains next to your domain click “Add” or “Manage”. 5. Name your subdomain exactly the same as you named it in WP. Choose the option to “Create or select a folder” and type in the path to your site. If the site you are working with is an add-on domain and you followed my steps for setting up multiple sites in your GoDaddy account then the path would be: /_sites/ And if the domain is not an add-on domain (i.e. it is the main domain attached to your hosting account), then just leave the / in there. Semi-technical note: Now what happens is… when someone visits the subdomain it redirects back to your main site… and the rules that you pasted in .htaccess earlier will forward the user to the proper site in the network. Basically after GoDaddy shoves them off to the main WP install.. WP handles the rest.
MU-Plugins On the same level as the “plugins” folder you can create a folder called “muplugins” if you like. It stands for “must use”. Basically, any plugin in there will already be ready to go for the new sites. However, not all plugins work with MU, so you should read the readme.txt file that comes with plugin to be sure. Some plugins have to have files in different spots in order to work. Any questions, please comment on this post.
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