10 Words That Shape Our Reality
1. Government: From the Latin Guberno : To control/steer, Mentis : The Mind 2. Liberal : from Latin Liberalis: of Freedom ; Worthy of a Free Man, Gentlemanlike, Courteous, Generous & Liber: Free, Independent, Free From Restraint.
Under Roman Law a free man had one major privilege as opposed to a slave: the right to engage in professions that enhance his mind. Thus the origin of the seven liberal arts. 3. Trivial: From Trivium , a systematic method for DERIVING CREATIVITY with any information coming in via the 5 senses Of Very Little Importance or value, Insignificant, commonplace, ordinary 4. Occult: From Latin Occulto / Occulere : Hidden / cover Over, Conceal It was only in the 1500s that the word became associated with Magic, alchemy and Cabalism 5. Religion: From Latin Religare ‘to tie back, tie tight prefix re ‘back’ and Ligare ‘tie’ 6. Apocalypse: Greek: Apokalupsis ‘uncover, reveal’ prefix ‘apo ‘away off’ and the verb ‘kaluptein ’ ‘cover/veil’ 7. Respect : Latin: Prefix re Implies repetitive action, specto ‘to observe or consider’ 8. Mortgage: French: Mort ‘dead / death, gage, pledge’ 9. Conspiracy: Latin: Con ‘Together ‘ Spiro ‘To breathe’ See CIA Document #1035960
10. Obfuscation: Latin: Obfuscare ‘To make dark / darken’ Defined as to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy