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- Infowars - http://www.infowars.com Classic False Flag: 45th Anniversary Of The Attack On USS Liberty Gilad Atzmon Infowars.com June 7, 2012 Back in 2009, in Houston Texas, Mimi Adams, a distinguished Palestinian solidarity and human rights activist, gave me a present- a USS Liberty baseball cap. She put it on my head and said: “Gilad, in the next two weeks, make sure you have it on your head everywhere you go in America. You will see what happens.” It was around midnight, I was tired and jet-lagged, I couldn’t really understand the significance of the baseball cap, I just wanted make my way to my hotel room and catch some sleep. At 7 AM in the airport on my way to the gate with a USS Liberty baseball cap on my head, just before boarding on a flight to San Francisco, I noticed an older guy chasing me. He was breathless and agitated. “Sorry to bother you, were you on the USS Liberty” he asked. “No” I said, “I was actually four years old in 1967.” Amused I admitted that the Baseball cap was given to me by a friend in a Palestinian solidarity gathering just a few hours ago. I asked him what did he know about the USS Liberty.
“I was a 6th Navy’s pilot” he said. “We were deployed to the Mediterranean Sea. On that day in June 1967, we heard it all, the sailors on board of the Liberty, they were begging for help, it was a real agony, we were fuming, we wanted to get on the planes, we were about 10-12 minutes away, we wanted to save our brothers, but they didn’t let us onto the deck.” On June 8, 1967 USS Liberty, an American auxiliary technical research ship, a military vessel specialised in gathering intelligence, was attacked by the Israeli forces. It was subject to an 18 hours combined air and sea raids that left 34 American crew-members dead (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian) and 170 injured. The attack also severely damaged the ship. Like the Mavi Marmara, at the time of the attack, the ship was in international waters, north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 50 km northwest from the Egyptian City of El Arish. Phil Tourney is a USS Liberty Survivor, and like many of his friends who were lucky enough to survive that hot day in June 1967, the event changed his life. I met Phil in Aspen last March. I spent some good hours together with the great man and his lovely wife. We shared our personal stories and thoughts about Israel, America and the Jewish Lobby with a few friends and listeners. When it was time to depart Phillip left me with “What I Saw That Day”; a devastating biographical account written by Phil and the courageous truth teller journalist Mark Glenn. The book is the life story of a man who survived a murderous Israeli aggression, but it is also the story of a man who has witnessed four decades of deceit. The event, which Phil ‘saw that day’ is something most of us have failed to see for decades. “What I Saw That Day” is a story of America turning its back on its service-men. It is a story about Israelis slaughtering in cold blood American sailors on the high sea. But it is also a story about a man who battles with wounds and scars
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that have refused to heal for forty five years. It is a book about the American serviceman being deceived and neglected by American political and military elite. “What I Saw That Day” is also a personal painful account of the tragic consequences of Israeli and Jewish lobby domination in America. The survival of the USS Liberty was nothing but a miracle. The ship was an old WWII ‘one goer’ that was converted into a military intelligence vessel. It wasn’t built to stand a combat, it wasn’t structured to take any penalty. And yet, it somehow survived hours of heavy Israeli raids. It was hit by napalm bombs and torpedoes, by the end of that horrid day it was soaking with young American blood, but it refused to go down. It didn’t sink. The USS Liberty is there to remind us, our leaders, the Israelis and their lobbies that the memory of this massacre is not going to sink either. Like the Nakba and the Holodomour, USS Liberty bounced back. Seemingly, injustice cannot be suppressed, it always wait patiently for humanity to transform history into a moral lesson. This horrendous story has been silenced for decades, but not anymore. What Phillip Tourney saw that day was just a glimpse into the magnitude of Western immorality and barbarism. Since then many Americans soldiers lost their life in Zionist global wars. Millions of Muslims and Arabs have been slaughtered in wicked interventionist conflicts. To save our homes, families, friends, dignity and the world as we know it; is to stand up for the truth and to call a spade a spade. This article was originally published at Gilad.co.uk. …. Similar/Related Articles
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Article printed from Infowars: http://www.infowars.com URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/false-flag-45th-anniversary-of-the-attack-on-uss-liberty/ Click here to print. Copyright © 2010 Infowars. All rights reserved.
Firsthand Account: Israeli Plot to Murder Former US Senator? By James Abourezk!
The FBI had uncovered a "plot" on my life. Not a threat, but a plot. But, the agent said, it's OK now, as the guy who intended to murder me had now gone back to Israel... ! February 24, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --James Abourezk represented South Dakota in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1971 to 1973 and in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 1979. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including Advise & Dissent: Memoirs of South Dakota and the U.S. Senate. CNI asked Senator Abourezk about his experiences with the Israel Lobby while he served in Congress. In his response he told of an Israeli plot against him that has received perplexingly little coverage in the U.S. press. Below is his description of this and other incidents:! Q: Despite such books as Paul Findley's They Dare to Speak Out, Edward Tivnan's The Lobby, and Mearsheimer and Walt's The Israel Lobby, some people still tend to downplay the power of the Israel Lobby. Can you tell us about some of your experiences with it?! A: I'm an eyewitness to what the Lobby does to Members of Congress, including to me during the time I spent in D.C. I was threatened, marginalized, attacked, lied about, among other matters in an effort to silence my criticism of Israel's policies and of the Lobby. At one time Bob Cordier, from the Washington FBI office, called me to tell me that, during the investigation into Alex Odeh's murder (Alex was one of my staff people) the FBI had uncovered a "plot" on my life. Not a threat, but a plot, but, he said it's OK now, as the guy who intended to murder me had now gone back to Israel. Alex Odeh's murder came not long after I had run four full page ads in the Washington Post asking for support against the Israel Lobby. My assumption was that, reading the ads had enraged the plotter, which led him to bomb the ADC office in Orange County, California.
I also assume that the plotter was Robert Manning, a hit man who was later convicted of the murder of the secretary of a Jewish businessman in California. Apparently Manning had been hired by another Jewish businessman who was a competitor. They found the fingerprints both of Manning and of his wife on remnants of the letter bomb that was sent to his target, but opened by his secretary, who died as a result of the explosion. Manning and his wife were safe from extradition from Israel, due to Israeli policy of not extraditing Jews for any reason, until Peter Jennings on ABC nightly news did a story on how Manning was running free in his West Bank settlement. The news story so embarrassed the U.S. government as well as the Israeli government that he was allowed to be extradited to California, but on the condition that he not be tried for killing Alex Odeh, but only for the Secretary. That condition was tantamount to a confession that he had murdered Alex Odeh. Manning's wife died of a heart attack in an Israeli jail while awaiting extradition. James Bamford, now a writer living in Washington, D.C., and who was Peter Jennings' producer then, has film clips of the news story that he shows at lectures he gives on the subject. He went to the West Bank and filmed a machine gun toting Manning for the news story.! Lobby-engineered mud-slinging! I was under continual attack by the Lobby while I was in politics. Because I kept myself clean during my time of service, someone in the Lobby dug up a story designed to embarrass me by exposing my oldest son to ridicule. He was, at the time, living on an Indian reservation in South Dakota on food stamps. The Lobby got Spencer Rich, who was a political reporter for the Washington Post, to do a story on him. Rich several times called both my wife and me trying to get us to comment, but we refused. So he ran the story, headlined, "Senator's Son Living on Food Stamps." That set off a fire storm of criticism against the Post, and against Ben Bradlee, who was then Editor in Chief. Larry Stern, who was one of my friends, and an editor of the Post, complained bitterly to Bradlee. Senators McGovern and Ribicoff both took to the Senate Floor denouncing the article, saying the Post was trying to destroy the food stamp program. One of the Style section writers, Tom Zito, whom I had never met, called me one day and told me the story about his protest to Bradlee over the story. Bradlee finally said, "Alright, go find some other famous people whose kids are living on food stamps and we'll run it." Zito told me that he had found that Bradlee's daughter was living on Food Stamps out in Oregon, causing Bradlee to kill the story on the spot.
Years later I ran into Spencer Rich in a store in DC. He confessed to me that he still felt bad about doing the story on my son's food stamp adventure.! "We're going to get him"! Si Kenen, who was then Executive Director of AIPAC, used to tell anyone who knew me, to tell Abourezk "we're going get him." And when I returned from a trip through the Middle East, I spoke about the trip at the Federal Press Club (reserved for women and blacks) and talked about how every Middle East leader I met with said they would be willing to sign a peace treaty with Israel if Israel would go back to the 1967 borders. A young fellow named Wolf Blitzer, who was then writing for AIPAC, rose to ask me several hostile questions before he walked out. The next issue of the AIPAC newsletter headlined that "Abourezk Sells Out to the Arabs." That was the beginning of the war, as I failed to collapse after that broadside, and worked to make AIPAC regret their unfair attack on me.! I used to take the lead in human rights legislation in the Senate. I once offered an amendment to a bill that would cut off American money for any country violating the human rights of their people. Before anyone would vote, I was asked during debate "whether the amendment would apply to Israel." When I said "no" I would get that person's vote. I also had all kinds of pressure put on me by rabbis who would come to visit me. Once an Iraqi Jew, a woman, came to visit me to tell me how bad it was for Jews in Iraq, I suppose trying to get me to change my mind on the Palestinian issue. She said she was constantly beat up and called a "dirty Jew" when she lived in Iraq. I told her I knew her feeling, because when I grew up in rural South Dakota, other kids would beat me up and call me a "dirty Jew." ! I was invited to speak at Yeshiva University when I was in the Senate. Before the time came for me to travel to New York, I was visited by a Rabbi Miller, who was from Yeshiva, and who advised me that "the students were marching against me and my speech," and that, "It would calm things down if I would just make a public statement that I was for face to face negotiations between the Palestinaians and the Israelis." I told Rabbi Miller that, while I was for such negotiations, I recognized that requested statement was part of Golda Meier's propaganda initiative, and that I had no interest in being a part of that. He kept coming on strong about the statement, so I finally asked him if it would be better if I cancelled my appearance at Yeshiva. He agreed, and that
was the end of that. One of my friends from New York commented that, "They are in favor of face to face negotiations in the Middle East, but not in New York."! After I left the Senate, Art Meggido, a writer for the Baltimore Jewish newspaper asked me for an interview. When I asked him why I should give him an interview, he told me that the Jewish community would eventually have to deal with me when it came to making peace in the Middle East. So I agreed. When the article came out, he related a story that an unnamed Ted Kennedy staffer told him that I had approached Kennedy and asked for money to go to Iran and free some hostages to help him in his 1980 primary campaign against Jimmy Carter. The truth of that libel was that Kennedy sent three of his supporters to me to ask if I would go to Iran to free some hostages in his name. One was Jan Kalicke, one was Sen. John Culver and the other was Ted Sorensen. I supported Ted for president, so I agreed. The only thing I asked for was that they buy my ticket to Tehran, which they agreed to do. When I read Meggido's article I wrote to him telling him that unless they retracted the lie, I would sue him and the newspaper. They ran the retraction. Because we had agreed that we would not talk on the phone about this, we decided to talk only in person about the trip. No one knew about our deal except Kennedy and his staff, which included Tom Dine, who had been working for AIPAC earlier. It had to be Dine who talked to Meggido with the lie. And during the kerfuffle, I had a hard time getting Kalicke to call Meggido to verify my story, but it all came out in his retraction.! Although I was afraid that either my phone or Kennedy's phone was being tapped by the Carter people, we avoided speaking about the trip over the phone, except for one occasion when I called Kalicke to talk to him about it. Almost the next day, a Lebanese journalist who covered the State Department told me that he had overheard both Marvin Kalb and the Israeli TV journalist there talking about "Abourezk acting as a messenger for Ted Kennedy over in Iran."! There are other stories that I could tell you at the risk of boring you to death, but the Lobby had every Senator, except me, scared shitless.! Since CNI does not feel that anyone will be bored by these other stories, we have asked Senator Abourezk, who is a member of our board of directors, to provide additional ones, which he has agreed to do on occasion. He is a columnist for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, which has long published such commentaries and reminiscences. For an earlier article by Senator Abourezk on this topic, see "Yes, It's the Lobby: 'Political Fear' Drives US Support for Israel."! Senator James Abourezk is a member of the board of the Council for the National Interest Foundation, he served South Dakota in the U.S. Senate between 1973-1979. Notably he was the first Arab-American to become a Senator. He also served South Dakota’s second district in the House of Representatives between 1971 and 1973. Currently he is a senior partner in Abourezk Law Offices, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.!
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“9/11 Evil” by Victor Thorn -- Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks Wednesday, February 11 2009 @ 02:13 AM GMT Finally, a 9/11 book that addresses the attacks’ most important element: the direct involvement of Israel. Along with details of Israel’s lead role in the events of 9/11, author Victor Thorn reveals how the so-called “9/11 Truth Movement” has been co-opted by Zionist interests with the aim of steering suspicion away from Israel and her many agents in the US government. “A majority of 9/11 researchers, and especially those who have become known as 'gatekeepers,’ have avoided this subject like the plague,” Thorn writes. “Why? Because the direct implications to Israeli involvement in 9/11 are so overt, and so obvious, that no one could ever investigate this case again without considering the Mossad as one of the primary suspects.” “9/11 Evil” by Victor Thorn -- Download it HERE or HERE, read it, and email it to every thinking person you know. Much of “9/11 Evil” is devoted to what Thorn does best: exposing the multifarious disinformation agents in the so-called “truth movement.” As the author intelligently explains it: “There has been established within the CONTROLLED alternative media and 9/11 ‘truth movement’ a framework which parallels precisely that of the mainstream media. Stated differently, those who lord over the Jewish-dominated corporate press established the same rigid type of operation when they created their phony 9/11 ‘truth’ network. The logic behind such a maneuver is obvious. To prevent unwanted information from leaking out to the public and to instead keep it contained, they hand-picked a group of operatives before 9/11 even occurred to eventually bamboozle truth-seekers after the attacks took place.” “A large percentage of the alternative media and 9/11 ‘truth movement’ (many of them Jewish) aren't differentiated in the least from their counterparts in the Zionist-run corporate media. This point is vital to understand, because information control is essential in the cover-up process of any crime.” “The exact same forces controlling the mainstream media information Matrix are also the same ones who control a majority of the alternative media. The best way of viewing this situation is as such: powerful Jewish forces have spent decades consolidating and monopolizing this country's TV networks, newspapers, radio stations, and magazines. Do you think it's possible that they would simply ignore those who are trying hardest to expose one of their greatest crimes ever? Of course not.” “From the very moment this plot was first conceived, the cabal behind it was also planning the cover-up. One of the most integral aspects of this cover-up was a massive infiltration of the 9/11 truth movement. In fact, many of the most prominent deceivers are either Jewish, Jewish apologists, or part of a complex Zionist protection racket. We can no longer ignore this fact or keep our heads in the sand about it.” Thorn then goes on to enumerate some of the “techniques that those who are bought and sold by the Israeli Lobby use to divert researchers in an arrav of convoluted directions.” These include: 1) A constant droning of vague, non-specific entities such as the "New World Order," "globalists," "Illuminati," "internationalists," and even "neo-cons" to intentionally deflect people's attention away from those who actually masterminded 9/11 (therefore never using the world "Israel"). 2) Encourage the cult of personality where a popular radio show host will expose a variety of clandestine conspiracies, but never point his finger at the true culprit.
3) Bring in a religious figure who lays out (for all to see) the entire truth about the mechanics of 9/11, including the all-important World Trade Center controlled demolitions and the Whitewash Committee's many lies, omissions, and distortions. The only problem is, this individual will refuse to pound a final nail in the coffin by shining a light on Israel's role in these attacks. 4) Use paid back-room moles to infiltrate every possible 9/11 chat room, message board, and forum to create as much din, disruption, "noise," and chaos as possible which constantly litters and pollutes the soup; effectively preventing most people from focusing on Israel's central role in 9/11. 5) A seeming obsession with minutiae where researchers spend an inordinate amount of time endlessly fixating on the tiniest of details without stepping back and exposing the bigger picture and its subsequent ramifications. Or else they'll engage in rhetorical debates for debate's sake; all of which is sterile, self-contained, and circular in nature. Unlike the legions of paid shills in the bogus “truth movement,” however, Thorn isn’t afraid to hang the blame squarely on the shoulders of the true perpetrators of the attacks: “These shadowy figures were also the descendents of a long-line of behind-the-scenes manipulators who murdered JFK in cold-blood on a bright sunny day in Dallas. They too were a part of the cabal which created the Holohoax lies, staged the Lavon Affair, attempted to sink the USS Liberty, tried to cover-up the Dimona nuclear reactor, finagled us into two successive wars with Iraq, ran arms during the Iran-Contra affair, lurked in the shadows of the notorious BCCI banking scandal, clandestinely facilitated key players at Elohim City before the OKC Bombing, murdered Rachel Corrie in all her innocence, masterminded numerous spy operations (including Jonathon Pollard), and had their fingers all over the 9-11 terror attacks.” “Yes. these are the same hidden forces which leverage $10 billion in ‘foreign aid’ each year from the United States and who are building a high-tech, militant apartheid wall around their borders during a time when every other nation is supposed to be 'beyond' such notions. And even though we're all brainwashed into believing that our goal in the Middle East is freedom, peace, and democracy, Israel is an oppressive Bolshevik dictatorship which teems with such brazen racism that it hinges on being outright genocide. Worst of all, their slithering multi-tentacled Lobby is so powerful that its economic blackmail extends not only through the halls of congress, but all the way to our executive branch.” Along with the better-known incidents of the “dancing Israelis,” the Israeli “art student” spies and the Israeli-owned Urban Moving company, Thorn goes into particular detail about the conspiracy’s biggest players, such as WTC owner (and zionist Jew) Larry Silverstein and Pentagon comptroller (and zionist Jew) Dov Zakheim. Here’s what Thorn -- brilliantly connecting the dots -- has to say about the former: “Less than two months prior to the twin towers being struck by kamikaze airliners (July 24, 2001), the former president of New York's United Jewish Appeal -- Larry Silverstein -- purchased the WTC complex from the Port Authority. This 99-year lease was the final coup de grace which allowed the conspirators to cement the last remaining piece to their puzzle.” “Christopher Bollyn of the American Free Press has also pointed out in great detail the Jewish connection of those who took control of the WTC towers. As stated, Larry Silverstein was former president of the UJA, a highly influential Zionist charity organization. Plus, the man who negotiated this deal -- Saul Eisenberg -- was on the planning board of not only the UJA, but also the United Jewish Federation. In addition, he also served as vice president of AIPAC, which is now ensnared in a huge Israeli spy scandal.” “On top of that, Silverstein has been closely tied to two Likud mainstays -- Ariel ‘the Butcher’ Sharon and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In fact, prior to 9/11, Netanyahu and Silverstein would speak on the telephone every Sunday afternoon. Bibi [Netenyahu] becomes a key player in this scenario because he was the man who actually coined the term ‘war on terrorism,’ which is now the official buzzword for our never-ending, Israeli-induced perpetual war.” Here’s what Thorn writes about the Israeli-owned ICTS airport security firm and its probable role in 9/11: “This situation becomes even eerier when we realize that a private security firm -- ICTS -- was contracted to cover each of the terminals from which the 9/11 ‘hijackings’ took place. It should also be noted that ICTS is an Israeli company (its two chairmen are Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon), and many of its employees were formerly in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force). Thus, only one entity had inside access to all of the vital airports on the morning of September 11 -- an
Israeli owned company.” On WTC 7 and mortgage holder Stephen A. Schwartzman, Thorn writes: ”The mortgage holder for WTC 7 was the Blackstone Group, whose President and CEO was a Jewish man named Stephen A. Schwartzman. The chairman for this company was Peter G. Peterson (Jewish) who also served as chairman of New York's Federal Reserve Bank. Peterson is also on the board of directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), while his partner (Mr. Schwartzman) is also a CFR member.” ”In addition, Peterson acted as chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers from 1973-77 (Jewish), then became chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers Kuhn, Loeb Inc (Jewish). Lastly, Peterson is founding chairman of the globalist-oriented Institution for International Economics and a recipient of the American Jewish Congress's Stephen Wise Award.” ”And, just for good measure, it should be noted that the man who negotiated and authorized the transaction for Larry Silverstein (Jewish) was Port Authority Chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg (Jewish). Thus, what we've seen is that every pivotal player involved in the deal to move the WTC Complex from New York's Port Authority to Larry Silverstein was Jewish. Every single one.” On the infamous Defense Policy Board, which runs the US military machine, Thorn writes: “Our nation's War Machine takes its marching orders from an entity called the Defense Policy Board, which most certainly wields more power than the current Defense Secretary on 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld. The most important question now is: who runs the Defense Policy Board? The answer, not surprisingly, is Zionists such as long-time Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger (Jewish), James Schlessinger (Jewish), Eliot A. Cohen (Jewish), Paul Wolfowitz, now President of the World Bank (Jewish), Douglas Feith (Jewish), and the Prince of Darkness himself, Richard Perle (Jewish).” On the so-called Neo-conservatives, Thorn writes: ”Who, though, are these oft-referred to neo-cons? Are they hard-core conservatives that want smaller government and limited US involvement in foreign armed conflicts? Not a chance. In actuality, the neo-cons are ex-Trotskyites who followed the lead of their Jewish mentor, Leo Strauss, who unequivocally advocated the ‘noble lie’ to further one's agenda. Biographer Shadia Drury even described Strauss as a ‘new Machiavelli’ and said that he was ‘a great believer in the efficacy and usefulness of lies in politics.’ Does this sound eerily familiar to 9/11 -- promoting the ‘big lie’ to further Israel's Grand Cause?” ”Thus, when we view the neo-cons in this light, they're not even conservatives or Republicans; but instead disaffected Leftists and Marxists loyal to Israel.” [For more on the Neo-conservatives and their influence in Washington, watch this excellent BBC documentary -- “The War Party” -- HERE And on the sinister Office of Special Plans -- the driving force behind Washington’s illegal war on Saddam Hussein’s Iraq -- the author writes: ”Another branch of this Zionist octopus is the Office of Special Plans, which nicknamed itself ‘The Cabal.’ Its dark-visionary driving force was Paul Wolfowitz, while being directed by Leo Strauss' protege Abram Shulsky (Jewish). Shulsky was Donald Rumsfeld's chief disinformation agent who had spent his Cold War years mastering Soviet disinformation techniques. He also reported directly to Paul Wolfowitz, and co-authored a research paper entitled ‘Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence,’ which promoted the idea that ‘a certain amount of deception is essential in government.’" “The neo-con-led Office of Special Plans was so powerful that it even took precedence over the Pentagon's DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and was one of the primary contributors to the eventual war with Iraq. Deception about WMD's was their forte.” Finally, Thorn lists the names of “the primary players” inside the Pentagon/White House in positions to pull off 9/11. They include: Richard Perle -- Jewish
Paul Wolfowitz -- Jewish Kenneth Adelman -- Jewish Lewis "Scooter" Libby -- Jewish Douglas Feith -- Jewish Dov Zakheim -- Jewish David Wurmser -- Jewish Elliot Abrams -- Jewish Eliot Cohen -- Jewish Daniel Pipes -- Jewish Stephen Bryen -- Jewish (suspected by the DIA of turning over classified Pentagon records to Israel in the late 1970's; he later founded JINSA) “So,” Thorn concludes, “what we have here is the Zionist-aligned Defense Policy Board (the real power behind the War Machine's throne) controlling every top spot at the Pentagon; with PNAC-signatories Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney following in fully compliant lockstep. Therefore, when we look at the military's ‘stand-down’ on the morning of 9/11, if anybody says that Israel didn't control it, they're absolutely incorrect, for the entire Pentagon think-tank was an insanely obsessed cabal of Jewish murderers who were calling all the shots.” The book contains much more extremely relevant material on several other elements of the 9/11 crime, including the Israeli telecommunications firms -- Amdocs, Comverse, Odigo and Checkpoint -- that allowed Israel to control America’s communications network; the influence of the Israeli lobby and Zionist think-tanks on US foreign policy; control of the mainstream media by Jewish interests; and the leading role played by the Jewish Rothchild banking family in all the major conflicts of the last century. “9/11 Evil: Israel’s Central Role in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks” by Victor Thorn -- Down load it here, read it, and email it to every thinking person you know. To download an excellent 2008 interview with Victor Thorn by Christian pastor and radio host Texe Marrs -- in which the two men discuss Thorn’s book -- click HERE or HERE Also, Thorn’s WingTV broadcast archives -- in which he and wife Lisa Giuliani skewer so-called “truth-tellers” in the “alternative” media -- are well worth listening to. They can all be found at www.wingtv.net (although they currently appear to be having some server problems). The 800 Pound Gorilla http://800pg.co.cc/geeklog//article.php?story=20081111021343737
'King's Doctrine' provides rabbinic justification for killing gentiles Tuesday, July 05 2011 @ 04:22 PM BST Reuters; July 3, 2011 [OCCUPIED] JERUSALEM -- Israeli police briefly detained a leading rabbi Sunday as part of a widening probe into a treatise suspected of inciting the murder of Arabs. [NOTE: This article presupposes that Zionist authorities are actively combating Jewish extremism and hate-mongering. Such a presumption, however, is a false one, intended merely for external consumption. The Zionist state was founded on, and continues to promote, anti-gentile fanaticism of the most vicious kind -- 800] The investigation has pitted authorities in the Jewish state against far-right West Bank settlers [in reality, these are two sides of the same shekel -- 800] and has led to scuffles outside government institutions in Jerusalem and a sit-down protest that choked off the main highway to Tel Aviv. Rabbi Yaacov Yosef was seized by detectives on his way back from morning prayers, witnesses said, in a tactic similar to the arrest last week of a senior West Bank rabbi whose followers responded with street protests. "They commandeered the car and took it away, together with my dad, to an undisclosed destination," Yosef's son Yonatan told Israel Radio. The rabbi was freed after an hour, police said. [Can you imagine an Arab suspect being released after one hour? -- 800] The clerics had ignored a police summons to be questioned over endorsements for "The King's Doctrine," a book written by a more obscure settler rabbi offering justifications from scripture for killing innocent gentiles during religious war. "Revenge, including strikes on the blameless and on babies, is necessary and important in fighting and defeating evil," read a passage excerpted on Israel's top-rated television news. Israeli security officials fear such edicts could fuel Jewish attacks designed to scupper the eviction of settlers from occupied land they regard as theirs by biblical birthright but where Palestinians, with international support, seek statehood. A police spokesman said Yosef had been interrogated in connection with "incitement to racism and violence" before being let go. Dov Lior, chief rabbi for the hardcore settlement of Kiryat Arba, was similarly questioned and released last week. "It must be made unequivocally clear that we are a state of law and that no one is above the law [except Jews]," Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor told Israel's Army Radio. The King's Doctrine, he said, is "a book that in an ugly, racist manner appears to permit, in certain ways and under certain circumstances, the killing of a person because he is not Jewish ... This is outrageous and demands a response." In statements carried by Israeli media, the rabbis and their representatives have not openly called for sectarian bloodshed. But they have been dismissive of Israel's authority to rein them in -- which, coupled with the pace of police actions, has prompted some political commentators to warn of a dangerous drift between state and synagogue [again, this is an artificial paradigm intended for external consumption -- 800]. Yosef's father, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, is mentor to Shas, the powerful religious party that is junior partner in Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's conservative coalition government. Amram Yosef, another son of the detained rabbi, said his father had refused to undergo police questioning voluntarily because "he will not permit the Bible [read 'Talmud'] to be investigated." "He wanted it to be forced on him. He was calm. He expected it," Amram Yosef said, adding: "I believe we will be seeing demonstrations over the course of the day." The other son, Yonatan, said police should focus instead on "all of those professors and doctors" -- a reference to critics of the religious right from among Israel's secular [but no less racist] majority. The above article can be found HERE
Also see Book about killing gentile children becomes bestseller in Israel Also see Israeli rabbi says Palestinians should 'perish from this earth' Also see Israelis told to fight 'holy war' in Gaza Also see Leading Israeli rabbi: Gentiles exist to serve Jews Also see Israeli rabbis line up to endorse ban on renting/selling property to non-Jews
Comments (0) The 800 Pound Gorilla http://800pg.co.cc/geeklog//article.php?story=20110705162230449
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags Tuesday, July 08 2008 @ 05:47 PM BST A Brief history of Mossad Black Ops and False Flags, Mossad: a shell organization for Jewish/Israeli terrorism all over the world. False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you. Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish (according to Moshe Kohn, in an article in The Jerusalem Post on 15 January 1993, Lady Randolph Churchill's ethnic ancestry was, in fact, Jewish), leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date. Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion. The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians. Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'. USS Liberty ....June 6th, 1967 Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel's plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt. Black September 5, 1972 Eight Palestinian "Black September" terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it's Jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons. 1976 ... Entebbe Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos. Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered countless persecutions, have decided to fight back. 1982 Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked the Jewish Goldenberg's delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20 were wounded, of which 2 were Jewish. Pan Am flight 73 A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination of New York. Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16 hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped. The plane was stormed and 20 died. Beirut Marine barracks ...October 23,1983 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport
Achille Lauro ...1985 Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship. In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims. English policewoman shot....1984 In 1984, Zionist Jews staged a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25 English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher was hit and killed. The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to turn world opinion against Libya. Alia airliner...1985 Nidal's Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from Athens airport. Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the fuselage. Lockerbie ....Dec 1988 Mossad blew up Pan AM 103 and blamed it on Libya. Unfortunately, the plane was late and blew up overland, and all the evidence pointed towards Israel. Israel's goal was to demonize the Muslims, and lay the groundwork for 9/11. AMIA ....1992 Mossad blew up AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Argentina. Over 100 killed, and practically all of them were Argentineans. Luxor, Egypt ... 1992 An attack on Luxor, by militants, in which 58 foreigners, most of them Swiss, were killed (71 Killed in total). Arabs blamed the Mossad. six gunmen disguised as police emerged from nearby cliffs and fired randomly at tourists visiting Luxor's Temple of Hatshepsut, the Egyptian Information Ministry said. The Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya group ( "Vanguards of Conquest" according to CNN) is a revival of the Jihad organization (Headed by Ayman Al Zawahiry) which killed president Anwar Sadat in 1981. Israel destroyed Egyptian tourism, and turned world opinion against Muslims. Khobar Towers ...1996 Khobar Towers was bombed. It housed an F-15 unit. Israel said it was done by Hezbollah, but US military investigators linked it to Mossad. Karin-A...... 2000 Israel intercepted a ship, the Karin-A, in the Red Sea. The ship contained massive weapons, which Israel claimed were destined for the PLO. A Jewish arms dealer set it all up. As a result, world opinion turned on the PLO, and Israel's slaughter of rock throwing Arab children wasn't questioned. Two airports attacked .....1985 Terrorists of Abu Nidal's Black Sept. struck at the Rome and Vienna airports. Nineteen were killed at Schwechat Airport and three at the Rome airport. LaBelle Disco ......1986 As part of a Libya False flag, the Mossad sent a series of false messages out of Tripoli, talking of an impending attack. The Mossad then bombed a German Disco, the Labelle Club, killing three and wounding 230. President Reagan was convinced it was a Libyan attack, and retaliated by bombing Libya World opinion turned against Libya. OKC Murrah Building ...1993 One of the Mossad's American arms, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was concerned about the growth of Patriot movements such as Militias, so an attack was staged using a Timothy McVeigh patsy, who was out of Elohim City (Jewish-sponsored terror Mecca). The real brains behind the OKC bombing were Andreas Strassmeir and Daniel Spiegelman, who were/are both Jewish. The Zionists destroyed the Militia movement's credibility, and brought the FBI down on them. Flight 840 TWA's Flight 840, a Boeing 727 flying from Rome to Athens with 115 passengers and seven crew members aboard, had already begun its descent toward the Athens international airport. Twenty minutes before landing, as it flew at 15,000 ft. over Argos, a town near the ancient site of Mycenae, an explosion shook the aircraft. Four were killed but 111 lived. Once again, Israel planted the seed of "Arab" terrorism. World Trade Center.... 1993 In Dec. 1992, an Israeli soldier, Nissim Toledano, was kidnapped and killed. The Israeli government rounded up 1600 members of Hamas, and deported 415 of them to the no-mans land between the Israeli and Lebanese borders. In the brutally inhospitable weather, these 415 Hamas members were stranded without food and shelter. Furthermore, the Israeli authorities stopped any humanitarian aid from reaching these people. With media focus on the deportees, it triggered international outrage against Israel, which was followed by international pressure on Israel
that refused to go away. This time, Israel had bit off more than it could chew. It was time to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;deflectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pressure off Israel. Israeli intelligence services went into action. A detailed process that is too long to elaborate here, hatched a plan. In the third week of February 1993, a truck bomb exploded in the basement of the World Trade Center building. Muslims used as scapegoats took the blame for it, while the real culprits were safely back in Israel. Thus world opinion and pressure was shifted away from Israel. Port Arthur Massacre .....1996 A 2-man Israeli Counter-Terrorism team wounded 25, and killed 35 at a remote tourist (It took them only 90 seconds in the Broad Arrow Cafe to kill 20.) center at Port Arthur, Tasmania. The blame fell on a mentally challenged man named Martin Bryant, Photographs of Martin Bryant had been digitally manipulated with the effect of making Bryant appear deranged. He has served as the designated patsy for this crime ever since. Zionists got their long-awaited draconian gun control laws passed in Australia as a result of this massacre. funny how Bryant never even had a gun license. Birmingham ....1998 Birmingham abortion clinic bombed and two people killed. As a result of the bombing, abortion opponents were portrayed as lunatics, while the Jewish-dominated abortion industry special laws passed to protect their trade. Egyptair 990 (MSR990).....1999 Israel planted a bomb in the aircraft tail (unconfirmed). the plane dived 60 miles south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, in international waters, killing all 217 people on board. Included in the passenger manifest were over 30 Egyptian military officers; among them were two brigadier-generals, a colonel, major, and four other air force officers. Transatlantic commercial air traffic travels via a system of routes called North Atlantic Tracks, and Flight 990 was the only aircraft at the time assigned to fly North Atlantic Track Zulu. There are also a number of military operations areas over the Atlantic, called "Warning Areas," which are also monitored by New York Center, but records show that these were inactive the night of the accident. Air Traffic Controller Peter Zalewski was responsible for both New York Tower crashes and also was controller for Egypt 990 crash in 1999 USS Cole Sayanims in the Pentagon had the Cole directed to a part in Yemen, where Israeli agents had Arab patsies approach the Cole with a small boat, in order to be seen by crewmen, while they attacked it with a shape charge. Sept 11 .....2001 The most brazen of all Israeli attacks. Flight 587....2001 Mossad blows up a Fl 587 out of NY, and it crashes in Rockaway. Bali Bomb Mossad sets off a micro nuke on the island of Bali, killing 182. Israel blamed the attack on Al Qaeda (which is really an Israeli false flag patsy intel op), and the USA invaded Iraq. Kenya missile .... 2002 In 2002, Israel claimed AL Qaeda shot two SAM missiles at a jet on take-off. Israel used this incident to help lay the groundwork for shooting down a US airliner. Manila.... 2003 Mossad planted a bomb on a Manila ferry, killing 103. Israel blamed the attack on Al Qaeda. CIA Bomb In Gaza....2003 Three CIA agents are traveling in Gaza, when a Mossad bomb exploded. Palestinians were blamed for the attack. Madrid Train ... 2002 Mossad killed 198 in the Madrid bomb blast. Al Queda was blamed. 2004 Mossad bombed two airliners over Russia. Israel claimed it was Al Qaeda. Comments (0) The 800 Pound Gorilla http://800pg.co.cc/geeklog//article.php?story=2008070819475079
"Now you can be sure: Jews did 9/11"
Written by Dick Eastman - Wednesday, 16 July 2008 !
Air Traffic Controller Peter Zalewski was responsible for both New York Tower crashes and also was controller for Egypt 990 crash in 1999
Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal Branch -- Sayeret Matkal is a deep-penetration unit that has been involved in assassinations, the theft of foreign (US) defense, financial, industrial and diplomatic secrets and the theft and destruction of foreign weapons and research facilities. They did 9-11. They were tough enough, bold enough, ruthless enough, and Jewish-supremacist-racist enough to do 9-11 and lie to our faces and mock us for suspecting them ever since. They are tough enough to destroy our economy and end our threat as a source of law and justice which they are doing very successfully right now. They are determined to finish us off before we can take in the facts and develop an organized response. But don't mind me -- you just go on attending those Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Barrack Obama rallies -- after all it doesn't matter whether Moslems or Jews did 9-11does it, so why should you care, right? TAfter all crime is not Jews doing 9-11, the crime in this country today is daring to point out what they have done. Ain't that right? Well forgive me, but you have to know. Wake up, darn it, and see who has you by the throat. From above (@15min:19sec): At 8:13 Pete Zalewski sees the information on his radar screen that the transponder is no longer transmitting, that the pilot of American Airlines flight 11 is no longer responding and that the flight route has been changed. Instead of immediately sounding the alarm we hear that he attempted repeatedly to
contact the aircraft. From 8:13 to 8:24 a.m., this Pete Zalewski supposedly called the captain of AA11, "Hello.. please respond," as opposed to the necessity of securing the airspace he has nothing better to do than try to restore contact. No! I cannot believe that. That cannot be true. If I were the head of an air traffic control center, I would replace the person when I ascertained, that an aircraft that he was responsible for just disappeared into the World Trade Center. He was also responsible for the second aircraft, United Airlines flight 175. The most interestin thing yet, which has been reported by another air traffic controller, is that he was responsible for a third plane -- Egypt Airlines flight 990, two years prior, that was packed to the brim with Egyptian military officials of the highest rank. It executed a strange maneuver near the coast then sank into the Atlantic.
After watching this video listen to the details how the evidence established beyond reasonable doubt that EgyptAir 990 was taken over by remote control in the early hours of Oct. 31, 1999. I was interviewed by Guiliani here in 2006 but also by Tom Valentine's program where I was interviewed along with Chris Bollyn. I had no idea until seeing the above German clip that the same JEWISH air traffic controller happened to be assigned to be ATC for Egypt Air and both WTC tower planes.
Charles Guiliani talking with Dick Eastman about 9-11 research -- "remote-control crashbombing" MP3 (Part 1): http://arc.republicbroadcasting.org/Hertz/07/05/Hertz_051707_110000.MP3 MP3 (Part 2): http://arc.republicbroadcasting.org/Hertz/07/05/Hertz_051707_120000.MP3 Winamp: http://arc.republicbroadcasting.org/Hertz/07/05/Hertz_0517.m3u WindowsMedia: http://arc.republicbroadcasting.org/Hertz/07/05/Hertz_0517.asx RealMedia: http://arc.republicbroadcasting.org/Hertz/07/05/Hertz_0517.ram Quicktime: http://arc.republicbroadcasting.org/Hertz/07/05/Hertz_0517.qtl Add to this the news stories of the 94 Israelis at Reagan and Dulles airports, each with illegal top security passes at the time of 9-11 -- and each quietly deported by Attorney General Ashcroft a few months after the attack. Chris Bollyn has also established that there is a connection between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Menachem Atzmon, the man who oversaw passenger screening and airport security at Boston's Logan Airport on 9/11. " Olmert and Atzmon are truly very close political allies and co-defendants in old Likud crimes." " .. there is the very bizarre and suspicious Israeli link to the security of U.S. military computers that goes back to the early 1990s. (Remember the reports of Ptech and MITRE engaged in the basement of the FAA before 9/11?) .. One must also keep in mind that 9/11 was primarily a computer crime, just like the stealing of our elections. Long before 9/11, a germ was planted in the U.S. defense computer system which allowed for a "super-user" to control the network and create the miscommunications that prevented the U.S. military from defending New York and Washington on that terrible day.
"As I have written earlier, the members of the YORAN family from Israel are among the key suspects, along with Michael Chertoff and others. I consider the YORANS to be high-ranking Israeli moles who infiltrated the most sensitive computer networks in the U.S. government and military - Zionest agents who facilitated the terror attacks of 9/11. "The YORAN family includes, Dr. Chaim Yoran (a.k.a. Elad Yoran), his wife Ruth Lubelski Yoran, and their three sons: Amit Y. Yoran, Dov Yoran, and Naftali Elad Yoran.! (RIGHT) An FBI agent tags the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990 on the deck of the USS Grapple (ARS 53) at the crash site on 13 November 1999. "...The Yoran sons, Amit and Naftali Elad, are graduates of Westpoint. From this U.S.-based launching pad they went on to take over computer security for Dept. of Defense computer networks. For example, Forbes Magazine, in December 2001, wrote this about Amit Yoran (LEFT): "Yoran, 32, earned degrees in computer science from West Point and George Washington University before joining the U.S. Air Force (?), where he took a job overseeing the emergency response team at the Defense Information Systems Agency ( ??). DSIA runs all military networks (!!!)." Chamish: "Menachem Atzmon ... was Likud Treasurer along with Olmert in the late 80s," I answered. Then he playfully announced, "Did you know he was personally responsible for security at Logan and Newark Airports on 9/11?" Here is Bollyn's report: OLMERT AND ATZMON Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegations of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud treasurer. Olmert was also later indicted in the Likud affair, but was acquitted. During the 1970s Olmert had worked in the law firm owned by another Atzmon, Uzi Atzmon. Menahem Atzmon, convicted in Israel, went on to become the founder and head of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), the parent company of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and Newark on 9/11. Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by "former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and
security agencies." Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. The convicted Israeli criminal Atzmon also controls and operates the German port of Rostock on the Baltic Sea. Some 9/11 victims’ families brought lawsuits against Huntleigh claiming the security firm had been grossly negligent on 9-11. While these relatives have a right to discovery and to know what Huntleigh did or did not do to protect their loved ones on 9-11, Huntleigh, along with the other security companies, was granted complete congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions on 9-11 in any U.S. court. Atzmon, a convicted criminal, political ally and co-defendant of Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, was directly responsible for passenger and airline security at Boston's Logan Airport. ...Menachem Atzmon resigned as president of Friedman's IDF following his 1996 conviction for Israeli election campaign finance fraud. But his later U.S. activities would prove to be much more disturbing. Atzmon and his business partner Ezra Harel are the majority owners (57%) of ICTS—International Consultants on Targeted Security, run by "former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies" according its Web site. In 1999, Atzmon's Netherlands-based firm took over management of security at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, through ICTS' subsidiary Huntleigh USA. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport— inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers—when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York. [...]
94 Israelis at Reagan and Dulles airports, each with illegal top security passes at the time of 9-11 -- and each quietly deported by Attorney General Ashcroft a few months after the attack. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 100 employees at two major Washington-area airports have been arrested on fraud charges in obtaining restricted airport security badges, government sources said on Tuesday. The arrests will be announced by Attorney General John Ashcroft later in the day in Alexandria, Virginia, officials said. The arrests mark a continuing post Sept. 11 crackdown by U.S. law inforcement and transportation authorities on airport security lapses. Many of the charges -- including those being brought against workers at Washington's Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport
outside the capital involve allegations that suspects violated immigration and Social Security laws. Also, the government alleges that many arrested on Tuesday in the greater Washington area lied about criminal records while applying for security badges, the sources said. It was unclear initially what jobs those employees performed. As of last week, more than 250 people had been arrested at 11 U.S. airports on charges they fraudulently obtained credentials for access tosensitive airport areas like ramps, gates and aircraft. Roughly half have peaded guilty or have plea arguments pending, authorities said. More than 70 have been deported or are awaiting deportation proceedings, 94 foreigners in the country illegally with top-security badges were at Dulles and Reagan airports on 9/11/01 Source: ZioPedia.org Posted on: Saturday, November 15 2008 @ 09:32 AM GMT
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Smells like Mossad: The 'underwear' bomber's Israel links Tuesday, January 12 2010 @ 07:44 AM GMT American Free Press January 18, 2010 By Victor Thorn “His explosives couldn’t have blown up his own seat. Even if full power, it wouldn’t have worked.” These were the words relayed to me during a Jan. 2 interview with military analyst and counterinsurgency specialist Gordon Duff in regard to the attempt of Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab [sometimes referred to as Abdulmutallab] to ignite 80 grams of the explosive PETN on a flight destined for America. He also explained how the patsy’s country of origin, Nigeria, is clandestinely controlled by the Israeli army and Mossad. These entities train the military, sell weapons, run the airports, and wield power over DICON (Defense Industries Corporation). Furthermore, Mutallab’s father is a Mossad partner and Israel’s No. 1 contact in Nigeria. As the former CEO of his country’s most influential bank and the man who ran their national arms industry, Mr. Mutallab also harbors extremely close relationships with the U.S. ambassador and CIA chief in Nigeria. On Nov. 19, 2009, Mutallab supposedly felt so alarmed about his errant son’s behavior that he met with the CIA’s station chief in Nigeria. Duff describes the father in a Dec. 31 article for Veterans Today as “one of the richest people in the world, head of a major bank, head of the national armaments industry, and close associate of the U.S. ambassador,” as well as being a Mossad asset. Yet we’re to believe that nobody prevented his Yemeni-influenced “terrorist” son from boarding a plane ultimately bound for Detroit? Another significant detail is being neglected by mainstream media sources. The firm in charge of security at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is the Israeli-owned International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS).They’re also the same outfit responsible for all three airports used by “Muslim hijackers” on 9-11. ICTS also handled security for London’s bus system during their 7-7 “Muslim bombing,” while doing the same at Charles de Gaulle Airport when “shoe bomber” Richard Reid boarded a plane in Paris on Dec. 22, 2001. When a Michigan passenger, attorney Kurt Haskell, reported that a “well-dressed” Indian man arranged for Umar Mutallab to perform a “walkaround” without a passport in Amsterdam, ICTS was one of only a few entities that could have permitted this security breach to take place. Despite tighter screening processes since 9-11, Northwest Airlines Flight 253 experienced no delays in takeoff. According to the Mathaba News Agency on Jan. 2, “It is evident that clearing the terrorist with higher-ups took a matter of a minute or so—the ‘Indian’ obviously had a high-level pass (CIA, Mossad or high-level security clout).” Then, during the flight, onlookers noted that another passenger spent a great deal of time filming 23-year-old Mutallab with his camcorder. Even stranger, once the suspect tried to ignite his “crotch bomb,” Mathaba reported, “Throughout the incident, the man continued recording the terrorist, calmly and without interruption.” Next, after the plane landed, another Indian man was led away in handcuffs after bomb-sniffing dogs smelled explosives in his luggage. Now, more than a week later, officials have refused to release Schiphol CCTV airport footage from Amsterdam, the air-bound “video passenger” film, or identify the man arrested in Detroit. This Indian link doesn’t surprise Duff. “Israel and India are very close business partners, especially via their military contracts. Also, the Indian intelligence agency (Research and Analysis Wing) works hand-in-hand with Israel.
Essentially, the two governments are one.” But the Mossad’s reach extends even further, directly into the country where Mutallab purportedly trained. On Oct. 7, 2008, BBC News reported, “Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said that security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence.” The ties go even deeper, straight to Mutallab’s home country. In a Sept. 5, 2008 article by Tashikalmah Hallah and Francis Okeke entitled “Nigeria: Lawmakers Divided Over Mossad,” Sen. Nuhu Aliyu voiced his support for their pact with Israel. “They (Mossad) are professionals, and they are here to help train our own intelligence agents. I don’t see any way by which their presence in the country poses a threat to our national security.” One final element of the equation needs to be addressed; specifically, the “terrorist cell” that ostensibly trained Mutallab prior to his Christmas Day terror attempt. However, Duff paints an entirely different picture. “There is no al-Qaeda in Yemen. George Bush released a couple of phony operatives from Guantanamo, and after traveling to the Middle East, they hooked up with the Mossad. The only reason Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez released them is because they’re assets.” Of course, the American public is being misled again into believing that this “lone nut” terrorist sneaked through the system (no-fly lists, airport scrutiny etc) due to mere incompetence, similar to what occurred on 9-11. Yet Israeli intelligence provided security at the Amsterdam Airport, where Mutallab boarded a plane with no passport; the NSA is equipped to electronically eavesdrop anywhere around the world; the Mossad is tied to Yemen, Nigeria and India; while the suspect’s father opened up banking and arms contacts in the Middle East while harboring an extremely close relationship with American and Israeli intelligence. What we’re being fed is another propagandized cover story that is intended to keep ratcheting up Orwellian-style trauma and fear, all the while further spreading our global “terror war” to Yemen and the African continent. The above article can be found at: http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/underwear_bomber__206.html Comments (0) The 800 Pound Gorilla http://800pg.co.cc/geeklog//article.php?story=20100112074440687