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THE WORLD CONSPIRACY Smoot, Dan. The Invisible Government. 1962. Spenser, Keith. The Cult of the All - Seeing Eye. Stormer, John A. None Dare Call it Treason. 1964. Sutton, Antony C. and Patrick M. Wood. Trilaterals over Washington. 1981. ---- . Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. Teposke, John J., ed. Three American Empires. 1967. The Cardinal of Chile. The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled. 1957. United States. Cong. Congressional Record. 1910 - 1983. Wagner, Martin L., Trans. Freemasonry. 1912. Weber, Eugen. Varieties of Fascism. 1964. Webster, Nesta and Kurt Kerlen. Boche and Bolshevik. 1922. Webster, Nesta. Secret Societies and Subversive Movements. 1924. ---- . The French Revolution. 1983. Wechsberg, Joseph. The Merchant Bankers. 1968. Welder, Ben and Danid Hapgood. The Murder of Napoleon. 1984. Williams, Lindsey. Syndrome of Control. 1986. Williams, Robert H. The Ultimate World Order. Winrod, Gerald B. Adam Wolfe, Betram D. Three Who Made a Revolution. 1959. Yallop, David A. In God's Name. 1984. Periodicals: Encyclopedia Britannlca, 1973 - 1980 Forbes Historia - French Revue Mensuelle, 1962 -1983. Newsweek The Gospel Truth 1985 - 1988 The New Yorker. The Patriot Review, 1983 - 1988 Time U.S. News and World Report