Fema camp locations by gps coordinates

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HAARP LOCATION USA Alaska HAARP 62.39188095650433n 145.15033721923828w FEMA CAMPS Alabama FEMA Camps 1. Taladega South west side of town on E Renfroe rd and HWY 275 They are calling this a Federal “Satellite” prison. IE FEMA camp. 33.42064846726096n 86.1402654647 ——————————— 1. The Fema coffin manufacturing center west of Covington Georgia on 960 Almon Road is still making these coffins. 33.62961796023842n 83.94394040107386w The storage facility in Madison Georgia has relocated these coffins to another area. ——————————— USA Alaska HAARP 62.39188095650433n 145.15033721923828w Project Scope: The Goose Creek Correctional Center is a new, $240 million, 1,536 bed medium-security correctional center for long-term male felony offenders. The new facility will be constructed on a 330-acre tract located at the

intersection of Point MacKenzie Road and Alsop Road, approximately nine miles from Port MacKenzie. The project is a joint effort between the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and the State of Alaska Department of Corrections. 61.359n, 150.006w Alaska FEMA Camps 1. Ketchikan Correctional Center 1201 Schoenbar Rd Ketchikan, Alaska ——————————— 2. Lemon Creek 58.36260942672468n 134.48422193527222w ——————————— 3.Mat-Su 61.602263604842754n 149.1094708442688w ——————————— 4.Fairbanks Corrections 64.83311458637799n 147.75864601135254w ——————————— 5. Hilland Mountain, Meadow Creek 61.30288620594632n 149.57983374595642w ——————————— 6. Palmer Correctional 61.6926196437346n 149.00550842285156w ——————————— 7. 6th Ave. Correctional Anchorage 61.21800702657752n 149.90057229995728w

——————————— 8. Spring Creek 60.09316113410008n 149.33565616607666w ——————————— 9. Kenai 60.58415359941451n 151.30094289779663w ——————————— 10.Yukon Correctional Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center 1000 Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway PO Box 400 Bethel, Alaska 99559 ——————————— Arizona FEMA CAMPS ================== 1, Florence AZ. North of town oat the corner of SR79 and E Ranchview rd. A total of 5 seperate compounds. 33.04366716422863n 111.37481689451761w ——————————— 2. Florence AZ East of town on Hawkview Rd. 6 major units Very large compounds 33.03696974741089n 111.3290691375596w ——————————— 3. Florence AZ compounds at S Pinal Parkway and East Butte Ave 33.02686569821511n 111.37314319609231w and the one just east at 33.02838887527714n 111.36434555052347w ——————————— 3. Eloy AZ East of Eloy airport Very large facility

32.81163911935781n 111.5239620208672w

32.82824109271458n 109.56377506256104w

—————————— 4. Lewis east of the Az. St. Penn. is a double set of FEMA camps. located on the east side of SR 85 33.20124191157254n 112.64273643493652w

——————————— 12. Winslow 2 compounds 34.985003130171066n 110.72124481201172w

——————————— 5. Same location of #4 but just south Looks like it is still under construction. No cars in the parking lot. 33.19491263006252n 112.63931393623352w ——————————— 6. Perryville NW of Avondale 4 compounds enclosed as one unit and a separate unit to the west 33.47097188203921n 112.4399185180664w ——————————— 7. Yuma East of San Louis Rio 3 compounds 32.488406802520096n 114.6403169631958w ——————————— 8.Tucson SE of Tucson 7 separate compounds One is north of the main compound 32.06853795726366n 110.86363792419434w ——————————— 9. Douglas East of Bisbee International Airport 4 compounds 31.46265791181663n 109.59184169769287w ——————————— 11.Safford “Another” ASP with 2 compounds.

——————————— 13.Marana NW of Tucson small unit. 32.41779088100419n 111.24113202095032w ——————————— 14.Kingman SW of Kingman small unit. 35.03041806354029n 114.17794704437256 —————————— 1. Tucson Federal Penn 2 Unit compounds 32.06566491549551n 110.86582660675049w ——————————— 2. Safford Federal Penn 32.71704735245691n 109.72466468811035w California FEMA Camps 1. Pelican Bay 41.85471479464882n 124.15108680725098w —————————— 2. High Desert 40.407712303853444n 120.51293849945068w ——————————— 3. CCC 40.40183001863845n 120.51908075809479w ——————————– 4. San Quentin 37.94037308919431n 122.49041318893433w ——————————–

5.California Medical 38.32825843276102n 121.97860479354858w —————————— 6.Solano CSP 38.32457193108646n 121.97620153427124w ———————————7.Folsom 38.69492242290373n 121.153085231781w ——————————— 8. Mule Creek 38.37071542733145n 120.95282077789307w ———————————9. Deuel Vo. Tech 37.74807600961626n 121.3305401802063w ——————————— 10. Sierra 2 Compounds 37.89206007749687n 120.53722321987152w ——————————— 11. CC Womens 2 Compounds 37.09845527726728n 120.15412330627441w ——————————— 12. Soledad 3 Compounds 36.474203227313424n 121.37918472290039w ——————————— 13. Pleasant Valley and Hospital 2 compounds 36.129902871899716n 120.24836540222168w ——————————— 14.Avenal 35.97373440770142n 120.12322425842285w ——————————— 15. Corcoran State Huge

facility 36.057391251943145n 119.54880237579346w ———————————16. N. Kern State 35.78227514787663n 119.30937767028809w ———————————17. Kern State 35.76580601957359n 119.32514905929565w ——————————— 18. Wasco 35.59443669700195n 119.40791130065918w ——————————— 19. Cal. Mens Colony 2 facilities 35.3251879419952n 120.69467961788177w ———————————20. Cal. Correctional Inst. 4 large compounds 35.107902597164056n 118.57089042663574w ——————————— 21. Cal. Inst. For Men 2 compounds 33.98034253036233n 117.68577218055725w ———————————22. Cal. Inst. for Women 33.94947439428905n 117.6361620426178w ——————————23. Cal. Rehab 33.92952739207439n 117.57499694824219w ——————————— 24. Donovan Correctional 32.584681016765586n 116.93341255187988w ——————————— 25. San Diego Correctional

32.59024953234598n 116.9199800491333w ——————————— 26. Ironwood St./Chuckawalla 2 compounds 33.56077949558187n 114.92643356323242w ——————————— 27.Chuckawalla Valley Prison 33.56271058690361n 114.90862369537354w ——————————— 28. Calipatria St. 33.16595370164487n 115.4848051071167w ——————————— 29. Centinella 32.82345376743961n 115.78907489776611w ———————————30. California City Located 7.42 miles east by east and a point north off of 20 Mule team Pkwy, Virginia Blvd. No guard towers just camera systems, double fence with razor wire and only one way in and one way out. CCA built Fema camp , fully staffed. 35.15323167072018n 117.85924673080444w ———————————31. Twenty nine Palms Marine Base Located on south side of base on Rainbow Canyon rd. Notice the camera security and the double fence extending towards the NW. 3 dark squared off areas with double fencing. One way in only. Most of this area is

empty which indicates it is a “holding area”. 34.26887946519228n 116.07589244841165w ———————————32. Ft Irwin This is still under investigation as it is inside of Ft. Irwin. It is a fenced area with buildings. Go North on Camp Irwin Rd. just passed the US Army Dept. buildings. Hang a Caddy corner left N by NW and go about 2 miles. Next to Ft Irwin is the China Lake US Naval Weapons Depot. Both are just NE of Edwards AFB. A Naval Armory in the middle of the desert is rather odd. Not yet “confirmed”. 35.36922199425334n 116.60964131354945w ——————————— 33. Herlong WWII Prisoner camp New Buildings on south side 40.18870923563903n 120.11987686157227w ——————————— Undocumented Prisons Not Listed with the DOC California 1.SE Of Chaffee College 33.984079047970035n 117.66328454017639w —————————– 2. SE of the first undocumented prison 33.98044929028764n 117.65441179275513w —————————— 3. Antelope Valley State Not

listed with DOC California 34.690744950570846n 118.22782516479492w +++++++++++++++++++++++

is just north of the main facility.

7. Co. Territorial 38.43752252238674n 105.24925947189331w

38.44093436527363n 105.15804290771484w

Federal Penns 1. Victorville 3 Compounds 34.56658454483216n 117.3640251159668w

——————————– 38.43608546640686n 105.15899777412415w

——————————— 8.Delta 38.70898886278022n 108.14915657043457w

——————————– 2. Dublin 2 compounds 37.71823388004053n 121.89700126647949w ——————————– 3.Herlong 40.15073470820421n 120.1658821105957w —————————– 4.Mendota 36.73327817624541n 120.39243221282959w ——————————5. Atwater 37.386048965747804n 120.55825710296631w ——————————– 6.Lompoc 2 Compounds 34.6788348865027n 120.50261735916138w Colorado FEMA Camps ================ 1. Canon City “Arrowhead” Located east of Mackenzie Ave. and Evans Rd in Canon City Co. Its called Freemont Correctional Facility http : // www . manta . com /c/ mmjmfjm/fremont-correctio nal-facility “Private correctional” There are four camps right in this area. One is on Centennial Rd another

——————————– 38.437690597241044n 105.15113353729248w ——————————– 38.42269678100843n 105.162034034729w —————————— 2. South west of Olney Springs Co. just off Hwy 96. Can’t miss it. 38.156966860239386n 103.95720720291138w ——————————— 3. Just east of Las Animas between f-15 and east 6th street. 38.06475883154407n 103.20548057556152w ——————————— 4. Burlington, CO. east on US 70 or east on Rose Ave. It’s called Kit Carson Correctional. Another “private” prison. 39.30317174697295n 102.24475622177124w ——————————— 5. Crowley Private “Kit Carson” 38.19094040098453n 103.84208679199219w ——————————— 6. Co. St Penn 38.44064865062739n 105.15806436538696w ——————————

——————————— 9. DRDC 39.766886038218125n 104.86076831817627w ——————————— 10.Four Mile St. 38.43795951619405n 105.15098333358765w ——————————– 11. Limon 38.436009831089216n 105.15892267227173w —————————12. Skyline 38.42948808797204n 105.14726042747498w —————————— 13.Sterling 40.61126473613478n 103.1621789932251w ——————————— 14. Trinidad 37.3002240744869n 104.28680777549744w ————————– 15. Bent Co. Private 38.06469125577621n 103.20536255836487w ======================= Federal Prisons 1. Florence ADX 4 Huge Compounds 38.358786903816785n 105.10214567184448w ——————————— 38.36489441885098n 105.10248899459839w

—————————— 38.36210151448621n 105.09562253952026w ——————————– 38.356145201871946n 105.09512901306152w ——————————— Georgia Fema Camps Verified. 1. Morgan Georgia. Located at the junction of Hwy 45 and Hwy 37 on the west side of town West of Calhoun St. 31.53968172161395n 84.61687088012695w —————————— 2. Camilla Georgia Located 5.6 miles S.E. of the intersection of E. Broad St (Moultrie Rd or Hwy 37) and Hwy 19. The camp is on the east side of Hwy 19. 32 miles south on Hwy 19 from Albany Georgia. 31.189492001347457 n 84.14411544799805 w —————————— 3. Abbeville Georgia Located 4 tenths mile south of down town on US 129 on the east side of the Hwy. Make a left on “Prison Road. 31.984782715952374n 83.30022811889648w —————————— 4. Oglethorpe Georgia Located 2.4 miles south west of down town where SR 49 and SR 26 converge.

32.259210989947704n 84.0913724899292w —————————— 5. Unadilla Georgia Located 1.91 miles NE of town on East Rail Road St. 32.280747153922746n 83.71577739715576w —————————— 6. Hawkinsville Georgia Located North east of Hawkinsville Take Hwy 129 east to Upper River Road Left turn on Upper river road. Go 2 miles north Camp is on the left hand side just before Cannon Rd.(Fire Rd 110) Its called “Wilcox”. 32.3116000902036n 83.4569764137268w —————————— 7. McCrea Georgia Located North of town on Long Bridge rd. just before CR 92 on the left side of the road. 32.08759230368586n 82.90939807891846w —————————— 8.Lumpkin Ga. Located 2 miles SE of Lumpkin on south side of Holder Rd. 32.035565288960555n 84.7720742225647w —————————— 9. Almo Ga. Located west side of town at the junction of Towns ave. and Broad st. 32.15039985523343n 82.79494285583496w —————————— Idaho FEMA Camps

================== 1. Boise Located 9.5 miles south of Boise at the intersection of Pleasant Valley rd. and Kuna Mora Rd. S. Idaho Correctional 43.47953408865199n 116.21968746185303w —————————— 2. N. Idaho Corrections 46.079594028299056n 116.42794489860535 ——————————3. Idaho Correctional 46.4918557320919n 116.26083254814148w ——————————4. Pocatello Womens CC 42.84266573992489n 112.45044350624084w ——————————— 5. St. Anthony’s 43.96799010935496 111.69346511363983w ——————————Illinois FEMA Camps 1. S. of Sheridan On S. Robinson st. 41.516011330590125n 88.6845731735093w ——————————— 2. Vienna. On 146 37.400448694295015n 88.77529621122903w ——————————— 3. Marion Just west of US 57 on Prison rd. south of Marion. 37.663190572688706n 88.98428678511891w ——————————— 4. Dwight

41.09880655196114n 88.47577571868896w

41.873603336562724n 89.4784927368164w

39.51513254441623n 89.22670841217041w

———————————5. Pontiac Correctional 40.86760666662602n 88.6373519897461w

—————————— 16. Illinois River 40.55672171027998n 90.08256912231445w

——————————– 27. East Moline 41.53286060812752n 90.41965305805206w

——————————— 6. Statesville/Joliet 41.5789521233878n 88.09696197509766w

——————————– 17.Shawnee /Vienna Both 37.40053960727731n 88.7756359577179w

———————————28. Southwestern 38.617289604394806n 90.09144186973572w

——————————— 7. Tamms 37.24937554231508n 89.28382873535156w

——————————— 18. Centralia 38.5535353710587n 89.19147491455078w

——————————29. Vandalia 39.0148740483354n 89.09663200378418w

—————————8. Thompson 41.973083421091964n 90.1095199584961w

——————————— 19. Decatur 39.886969324868865n 88.92321109771729w

———————————30. Vienna 37.404801027532145n 88.76978874206543w

——————————9.Hill 40.93990620787503n 90.40595769882202w

—————————— 20. Graham 39.12713065292427n 89.47497367858887w

——————————31.Menard 37.91842117979052n 89.83371376991272w

——————————— 10. Lawrence 38.72804112598943n 87.90573120117188w ——————————11. Pinckenyville 38.08630387122129n 89.32732343673706w

——————————— 21. Lincoln 40.11738701209644n 89.38907325267792w ——————————– 22.Logan 40.11305073280539n 89.38823103904724w

——————————— Federal Prisons

———————————12.Western 39.962878944850296n 90.75389385223389w ———————————13. Big Muddy 38.13033700379871n 88.9079761505127w —————————— 14. Danville 40.129409817877246n 87.53644466400146w ——————————15. Dixon

———————————23. Sheridan 41.515663214081165n 88.6845588684082w ——————————— 24. Jackson 39.726498084102914n 90.1756739616394w ——————————— 25.Robinson 39.01993389125593n 87.69752740859985w ———————————26. Taylorville

1.Greenville 2 Compounds 38.866477533194995n 89.40866947174072w ——————————– 2. Peking 2 Compounds 40.53650326344772n 89.65895175933838w —————————— 3. Chicago 41.8765791313135n 87.6301234960556w —————————— 4. Marion 37.6631509380708n 88.98425817489624w ——————————— Indiana FEMA camps 1. Grissom AFB Located at the South end of the base.

40.646096069326575n 86.1351156234673w

41.662789427659966n 93.36482048034668w

32.902019779895376n 93.01945924758911w

——————————— 2. Terre Haute Go south of town on HWY 63 to W. Bureau Dr. This is called a Fed Prison. Note the enclosed area on the south side. Thats a FEMA facility. 39.412280365744934n 87.45609283446584w

——————————9. Iowa Medical 41.713657772805945n 91.61076307296753w

——————————— 5.Dixon 30.814360881776604n 91.20770215988159w

——————————— 10.N.W. Correctional 42.39224472566556n 94.60490226745605w

——————————— 6. Hunt 30.265980212053314n 91.08704566955566w

——————————— Kansas FEMA Camps 1. El Dorado Located east of El Dorado on US 54 (SE 10th street) 2 miles from downtown El Dorado – Federal prison converted into forced-labor camp, UNICOR industries 37.80481666209083n 96.81849718093872w ——————————— Louisiana Fema Camps ================= 1. Oakdale LA. Located north of town. Take US 165 north to East Whatley Road make a right(east). Go past N. 16th street about 850 yards. Two big camp complexes will be on your right side looking south. 30.82420121021521n 92.64101028442383w ——————————2.Allen Correctional 30.561669693954148n 92.78984069824219w —————————3. Avoyelles 30.974720699862857n 92.02526092529297w ———————————4. Wade

——————————— 7. Fortch Wade 32.26221402206476n 93.9350688457489w

——————————— Iowa FEMA Camps 1.Fort Dodge 42.48485242367121n 94.19613361358643w ———————————2. Amanosa 42.11110161323403n 91.29080772399902w ——————————3. Iowa CC 41.25362125538828n 95.8605945110321w ——————————4. Clarinda 40.76235730570203n 95.03624439239502w —————————5. Iowa St. Penn. 40.633593838583344n 91.29715919494629w —————————– 6. Mt. Pleasent 40.956129490813865n 91.53591871261597w ——————————7. Newton 41.62790588319611n 93.05640935897827w ——————————8. Iowa CC women

——————————— 8. Levy Debadie 31.373562455560258n 92.38881289958954w ——————————— 9.Louisiana St. Womens 30.263200240192468n 91.07397794723511w ——————————— 10. Angola 4 compounds extremely large facility 30.961712647493844n 91.6025447845459w ——————————— 11. Phelps 30.497432253494644n 93.4322190284729w ——————————— 12. Rayburn 30.922733082895995n 89.81563568115234w ——————————— 13. Winn 31.850604257487173n 92.77951955795288w ======================= Federal Prisons 1. Oakdale 2 Compounds 30.82799702246396n

92.6407527923584w —————————— 2.Pollock 2 Compounds 31.467013918839218n 92.44623899459839w ———————————1.Northern NH CC 44.513048349916n 71.14460706710815w ——————————– 2. NH St. for Men 43.2271782322799n 71.55801057815552w ——————————3. NH CC Women 43.010205753451615n 71.53917610645294w ==================== Federal Prisons 1. Berlin 44.52160113145734n 71.13531589508057w —————————— Maryland FEMA Camps 1.Brockridge Correctional 5 different Facilities under different names in this area .Pan North to view them all 39.1311255170899n 76.77572250366211w 1a. Toulson 2b. Jessup CC 3.c Maryland CC–Women 4.d Maryland Correctional Pre re lease ——————————— 2. Maryland Mental Health Patuxent 39.16460688184492n 76.77816867828369w ——————————–

3. Central MD. CC 39.372716459074184n 76.95563435554504w ——————————4. Eastern CC 38.15738867454918n 75.70435166358948w —————————– 5. Maryland Adjustment 39.29834810218408n 76.60942554473877w —————————– 6. Hagerstown 4 units 39.56365092416849n 77.71973133087158w 1.a Maryland CC 2.b Maryland CC Training 3.c Roxberry ———————————7. North Branch 39.6047954411876n 78.81784915924072w ——————————— 8. Western CC 39.6047954411876n 78.81784915924072w ======================= Federal Prisons 1. Cumberland 39.594776157391415n 78.76029968261719w ——————————— Nevada Fema Camps 1. Lovelock Nevada Located N.E of town eastern side of US 80 Going north, Take exit 112 east on Coal Canyon Rd. Make the first right on Prison Road. It is called Lovelock Correctional Facility. 40.22286158918112n 118.3885645866394w

New Mexico FEMA camps and Foreign Military Depots These sites are inside White Sands Missile Base This is a Prisoner compound. Note the towers that surround the perimeter and the fencing. Also, the “moon shaped rd” adjacent to this compound has areas of interest also. This has been reported and verified as a prisoner camp. Note the guard towers on each corner and the ones in the middle. (looks like Auschwitz) “Arbiet Macht Frei” 32.03313991315545n 106.15262031553812w ——————————— Area of interest; Note the secured area with only 4 buildings inside the fenced area. Its a “one way in, one way out” compound. It has almost the same look as the Halliburton, CCA built, FEMA camps. Note the security cameras just on the outside perimeter 32.08331996649671n 106.18048667907033w ——————————— Here is another area with high security. Note the octagon shaped area just NW of this enclosure 32.40400527129542n 106.34467363357544w ——————————— This location is unconfirmed, but believed to be holding the Russian made Military

hardware 32.47650254473828n 106.41821265220301w ——————————— New York FEMA Camps =============== 1. Albion 43.24446808991282n 78.21347236633301w

42.9315262031759n 78.54231119155884w ——————————11.Butler 2 Compounds 43.219704243937n 76.72527551651001w ——————————12. George Town 42.73133136727225n 75.78105211257935w

——————————– 2.Altona 44.891421110356596n 73.65993976593018w

——————————— 13. Cape Vincent 44.19829748135716n 76.18812561035156w

——————————3. Arthur Kill 40.55174919058404n 74.2290186882019w

——————————– 14. Cayuga 42.72245695355938n 76.3969087600708w

—————————— 4.Attica 42.84919470359409n 78.27218055725098w

——————————15. Chateaugay 44.925553750832044n 74.05643463134766w

—————————– 5.Auburn 42.93491960486701n 76.57339811325073w ——————————6.Bare Hill 44.879805921670396n 74.32390451431274w

—————————— 16. Clinton/ Annex/Dannamora 44.72310674515756n 73.72137308120728w

——————————7. Bayview Womens 40.7465038n 74.0072198w ——————————8. Beacon Womens 41.51144148299258n 73.96341562271118w ——————————– 9.Bedford Hills Womens 41.23822160148308n 73.68124723434448w ——————————– 10. Buffalo/Wende

21. Elmira 42.11517656361687n 76.83112621307373w ——————————— 22. Fishkill 41.52244311554853n 73.9499831199646w ——————————– 23. Five Points 42.71205193909096n 76.84061050415039w ——————————— 24. Franklin 44.87122985357369n 74.31532144546509w ——————————– 25. Fulton 40.83687207067172n 73.90069216489792w ——————————— 26. Gouverneur 44.34024050110374n 75.4414415359497w ——————————— 27.Gowanda 42.491640588820616n 78.9401364326477w

—————————— 17. Collins 42.488120012367624n 78.9366602897644w ——————————18. Down state/Maettawan 41.532675886939224n 73.9445972442627w

——————————– 28. Great Meadow 2 units 43.45776313948564n 73.4330677986145w ——————————– 29 Green haven 41.58047697305295n 73.71673822402954w

——————————— 19. E. NY, CC/ Ulster 41.74187478879685n 74.36233520507812w ——————————— 20. Edgecomb 40.836279515148156n 73.93789976835251w ———————————

——————————— 30.Greene 2units 42.345952994428444n 73.82383346557617w ——————————– 31. Groveland 42.67634632960258n 77.82594680786133w ——————————

32. Hale Creek 43.01374779094342n 74.2984664440155w

44. Mt. McGregor 43.20110911456273n 73.7481951713562w

—————————– 33. Hudson 42.244435892300544n 73.79374980926514w

—————————— 45. Ogdensburg 44.725759490752225n 75.44517517089844w

——————————34. Hudson Shock 42.40742478572942n 79.43600177764893w

—————————– 46. Oneida 43.183228048630475n 75.48319816589355w

——————————— 35 Lincoln 40.79799367329972n 73.95072877407074w

——————————47. Orleans 43.244249261611195n 78.22021007537842w

——————————— 36. Livingston 42.684801455829714n 77.83182621002197w

——————————– 48. Otisville Sanatorium Federal 41.48389104267175n 74.53009128570557w

———————————37. Marcy 43.16210193159625n 75.30969142913818w —————————– 38.Mid Orange 41.27667764714526n 74.29961442947388w ——————————— 39 Midstate 43.16732936979738n 75.30211687088013w ——————————40. Mohawk 43.18000483215241n 75.48259735107422w —————————– 41. Monterey Shock 42.33725363563532n 77.01760411262512w —————————– 43. Moriah Shock 44.10738684435704n 73.53321075439453 —————————-

—————————55. Taconic/Bedford Hills 41.23859272015336n 73.68064641952515w ——————————— 56. ULster 41.74378003152462n 74.3558120727539w ——————————— 57. Upstate 44.887134101739576n 74.32414054870605w —————————— 58 Wallkill 41.635435784743265n 74.16375517845154w —————————— 59. Washington 43.46843157292866n 73.43034267425537w

——————————– 49. Riverview 44.716581083211516n 75.43466091156006w

—————————— 60. Water Town 43.9244500046316n 75.90827465057373w

——————————— 50. Shawangunk 41.63565228647484n 74.16346549987793w ——————————— 51 Sing Sing 41.15197626017384n 73.86728525161743w ——————————— 52. Southport 42.05085413186091n 76.79705142974854w —————————– 53. Sullivan 41.74294749543813n 74.58987236022949w —————————54. Summit Shock 42.564535229275265n 74.53630328178406w

—————————— 61. Wende 42.93179328323594n 78.54211807250977w ——————————— 62. Willard 42.68079487899552n 76.86743259429932w ——————————— 63 Woodbourne 41.75402574549111n 74.59289789199829w ——————————— 64.Wyoming 42.84954079807063n 78.26409101486206w ======================= Federal Prisons 1. Aidirondack

44.290227734201n 74.09317016601562w



——————————– 9. Caldwell 35.85535704531839n 81.52085602283478w

——————————– 20. Eastern CC 35.47950856876991n 77.5971007347107w

——————————— 10. Caledonia 36.30113629009816n 77.45410680770874w

———————————21. Foothills 35.68027194194847n 81.69043064117432w

—————————— 11. Carterert 34.781742952029624n 76.84551358222961w

——————————— 22. Franklin 35.94597961907554n 78.24919939041138w

————————— 1. Albermarie 35.41598487259241n 80.13723850250244w

—————————– 12. Caswell 36.41883057384214n 79.34263944625854w

——————————— 23. Gaston 35.3134924468212n 81.19403958320618w

—————————— 2. Alexander 35.88473872696759n 81.17722749710083w —————————– 3. Avery/ Mitchell 35.93152520503202n 82.00214624404907w

——————————13. Catawba 35.61584091645486n 81.20961517095566w ——————————– 14. Central Prison 35.77724424325855n 78.65474939346313w

——————————— 24. Greene CC 35.480382237980386n 77.5968861579895w ——————————— 25. Harrnet 35.38780794581398n 78.80066156387329w

—————————– 4. Bertie 35.96946240336223n 76.90807342529297w —————————– 5. Bladen 34.65472720447559n 78.51881504058838w ——————————6. Brown Creek 34.98630406328078n 80.18026113510132w —————————— 7. Buncombe 35.663154109136684n 82.61566400527954w ——————————– 8. Cabarras 35.397988455971614n

——————————15. Charlotte 35.19308433257643n 80.9211677312851w ——————————16. Columbus 34.27853141720483n 78.71976613998413w ———————————17. Craven 35.316981137938456n 77.11805820465088w —————————— 18. Dan River 36.433333466878224n 79.34720993041992w ——————————— 19. Durham 36.06578240568925n

——————————– 26. Haywood 35.471749969653466n 83.0046808719635w —————————— 27. Hoke 35.05218508722938n 79.3412983417511w —————————— 28. Hyde 35.49484881940812n 76.33365154266357w ———————————29. Johnson 35.557402498107976n 78.3281421661377w ——————————30. Lanesboro 34.98560085876146n

——————————– 2. Coxsackie 42.3442401802968n 73.8361930847168w ——————————North Carolina FEMA Camps ==================== 1. Polkton On Camden Church Rd. 34.98617221289347n 80.18165588378906w




—————————– 31.Lincoln 35.48395544621057n 81.2353777885437w

———————————42. Odum 36.32888676519182n 77.43084669113159w

—————————– 53.Sanford 35.47286400373535n 79.15909588336945w

—————————– 32. Lumberton 34.58704353233984n 79.0545916557312w

——————————– 43. Orange 36.05352278050977n 79.1015973687172w

——————————— 54. Scotland 34.81151307532256n 79.36510562896729w

————————— 33. Marion 35.639824718284444n 81.94659233093262w

——————————44. Pamlico 35.160222701244514n 76.7707872390747w

—————————– 55.Southern 35.37930571043219n 79.87202167510986w

——————————34. Maury 35.44848716067796n 77.60778665542603w

——————————45. Pasquotank 36.3608610365634n 76.31073474884033w

——————————56. Swannanoa 35.613719286701325n 82.37484455108643w

——————————35. Morrison 35.02152687693184n 79.60714817047119w ——————————– 36. Mountain View 35.92547858437195n 82.0013952255249w

——————————– 46. Pender 34.55458595751868n 77.93729066848755w —————————— 47. Piedmont 35.62186970100525n 80.54563164710999w

—————————— 57. Tabor 34.18784335555551n 78.91155481338501w ——————————58. Tillery 36.30158590921755n 77.45442867279053w

———————————37. Nash 35.96904561007396n 78.01543951034546w ——————————38. Neuse 35.38803535955797n 78.03704738616943w —————————– 39. New Hanover 34.266841656445095n 77.92294085025787w ——————————40. N. Carolina CC Womens 35.762819972003406n 78.62140417098999w ——————————— 41. N. Piedmont Womens 35.813030289055256n

——————————48. Polk 36.1360897883579n 78.78572702407837w —————————– 49. Raleigh 35.764639472056714n 78.62088918685913w ——————————– 50. Robeson 34.624829941607125n 79.07377481460571w —————————— 51. Rutherford 35.36505895917083n 81.91456943750381w —————————52. Sampson 35.01289394505859n

—————————– 59. Tyrell 35.95770451501079n 76.22795104980469w —————————— 60. Wake 35.7653489787415n 78.61742377281189w —————————— 61. Warren 36.417034789098544n 78.27106475830078w —————————62. Wayne 35.384921484887954n 78.03492307662964w ——————————63.Western 35.67908671134318n

81.68251276016235w ——————————— 64. Wilkes 36.1646178112723n 81.13203763961792w ====================== Federal Prisons 1. FMC Butner, a Federal Medical Center housing male inmates of all security levels FCI Butner Medium, a medium-security Federal Correctional Institution FCI Butner Medium II, a medium-security Federal Correctional Institution FCI Butner Low, a low-security Federal Correctional Institution 36.13960762135572n 78.80450248718262 ——————————— North Dakota FEMA Camps 1. N. Dakota St. Penn 46.800114529650806n 100.74160873889923w ——————————— 2. Dakota Womens 46.53579413583708n 102.86727547645569w ——————————— 3. Adult CC 46.883778965840555n 98.68486404418945w ——————————— ====================== Federal Prisons, State prisons and County jails are all under FEMA authority. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in

Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President

—————————— 2. Sheridan Oregon Federal Prison 45.08379367722279n 123.38170051574707w

——————————— Ohio FEMA CAMP 1. Lima Ohio, North side of town. Between west Chapman rd and East Bluelick rd. East side has RR tracks. Located on east side of SR65 or N. West st. 40.774041868909734 n 84.09974098205566 w

——————————– 4. Columbia River 45.58959680089781n 122.63696908950806w

———————————Oklahoma Fema Camps 1. El Reno 3.34 miles West of El Reno Ok on SR 66 on south side of SR 66 35.53345729014832n 98.0050528049469w —————————— 2. Cushing 3.75 miles South of Cushing at Kings HWY and EO 740 rd. 35.94399924266952n 96.78165435791016 —————————— 3. Holdenville West of town on Old US 270 35.08920556410093n 96.44391059875488w Oregon Fema Camp Locations 1. Two Rivers . 45.9269757888964n 119.26109790802002w

——————————— 3.Coffee Creek 45.34146807634095n 122.79120683670044w

——————————5. Eastern Or. CC 45.67134397216778n 118.8175892829895w —————————— 6. Oregon St CC 44.89785102416876n 122.94908165931702w —————————— 7. Mill Creek 44.87562448784826n 122.97385454177856w —————————– 8.Oregon St. Penn 44.93284572023351n 123.00380945205688w —————————9. Powder River 44.79165789883132n 117.84371674060822w —————————10. Santiam 44.89151231983435n 122.96097993850708w ——————————– 11. Shutter Creek 43.53363158651433n 124.17614936828613w ——————————12. Snake River 44.07879922011684n

117.06681489944458w ——————————– 13. Warner Creek 42.244626509119115n 120.3792679309845w —————————– Oregon Fema Camp Locations 1. Umatilla Oregon Located east of McNary golf course on “Beach Access Road North , referred to as “Two Rivers Correctional Institute. 45.9269757888964n 119.26109790802002w —————————— 2. Sheridan Oregon Located south of town on Ballston rd just below Salmon River Hwy or SR 18. East side of Ballston Rd. 45.08379367722279n 123.38170051574707w —————————— Texas Fema Camps 1. Allred 33.97464847341845n 98.59564304351807w ——————————— 2. Bartlett Private Prison 30.794769362117037n 97.44302272796631w ——————————— 3. Beto 31.794813620049318n 95.9034776687622w ———————– 31.789925775909893n 95.89334964752197w ——————————— 4.Boyd

31.671864342339774n 96.19918584823608w ———————————5. Bradshaw Private Prison 32.18268638093745n 94.81525182723999 ——————————— 6.Bridgeport Private Prison 33.23590568643373n 97.7580213546753w ——————————— 7. Briscoe 28.659750701629424n 99.1889476776123w ——————————— 8. Byrd 30.741494532439255n 95.57721376419067w ——————————— 9 Central 2 Compounds 29.622792651343286n 95.70304691791534w ——————————— 10. Clemens 28.989504218996863n 95.51847070455551w ——————————— 11. Clements 2 Compounds 35.24137813329903n 101.73157453536987w ——————————— 12. Cleveland Private 30.364951442603246n 95.07292628288269w ——————————— 13. Coffield 3 Compounds 31.795187493008093n 95.90326309204102w ——————————— 31.799263522016467n 95.89796304702759w ——————————— 31.789816343605544n 95.89347839355469w

——————————— 14. Cole 3 Compounds 33.5906708090695n 96.23057842254639w ——————————— 33.591814768467806n 96.22581481933594w ———————————33.59199351075346n 96.21695280075073w New Unit ——————————— 15. Connally 28.77529541561818n 97.83451795578003w ——————————— 16. Cotulla 28.436581660732376n 99.21611845493317w ——————————— 17. Dalhart 36.02326234744453n 102.55943298339844w ——————————— 18. Daniel 32.72241808097328n 100.81877589225769w ——————————— 19. Darrington 29.399249130932024n 95.48985958099365w ——————————— 20. Dawson State Jail Privatively operated 32.775812142147466n 96.81558430194855w ——————————— 21. Diboll Privatively operated 31.17269462101667n 94.80566024780273w ——————————— 22. Dominguez 29.366374464231107n

98.71097803115845w ——————————— 23. Eastham 30.977747071741664n 95.63235998153687w ——————————— 24.Ellis 30.958464957706706n 95.70470452308655w ——————————— 25.Estelle Private Prison 30.741485311194086n 95.57719230651855w ——————————— 26. Estes 32.40732958929871n 97.09584832191467w ——————————— 27.Ferguson 30.958612164165718n 95.70481181144714w ——————————— 28. Formby 2 Compounds 34.180463560717904n 101.64632856845856w ——————————– 34.178009402927835w 101.64604425430298w ———————————29. Ft. Stockton 30.899541169931975n 102.86440551280975w ——————————— 30. Garza East 28.378544534961318n 97.65910148620605w ——————————— 31. Garza West 28.37777049186258n 97.66704082489014w ——————————— 32.Gatesville- Crane 12 total Compounds in this area all under different names

31.476475639128196n 97.72657513618469w ——————————— 31.473913565590433n 97.7227771282196w ———————————31.472239029628494n 97.72468686103821w ——————————— 32. Gist 6 separate Compounds 29.988579146565606n 94.05262470245361w —————————29.995158028269387n 94.04919147491455w —————————– 30.00331597932054n 94.04492139816284w —————————30.000547182730134n 94.04189586639404w —————————29.994860687091712n 94.03990030288696w —————————29.98842117370712n 94.03591990470886w ——————————– 33. Glossbrenner 27.70984178595342n 98.25696587562561w —————————— 34. Goodman 30.914504486278908n 93.94566893577576w ——————————– 35. Gurney 31.756561164012503n 95.82369804382324w ——————————— 36.Hamilton 30.690478331476577n 96.41942739486694w

——————————— 37. Havens 31.656797002971754n 98.97364139556885w ———————————38. Henley 3 Compounds 30.109345397803718n 94.93288278579712 ——————————30.104537624413886n 94.93363380432129w —————————— 30.10516877402733n 94.92964267730713w ———————————39. Hobby 31.255335578976105n 96.90881252288818w ——————————– 40. Hodge 31.810861439645528n 95.16338109970093w ——————————— 41. Holliday 30.727449553170707n 95.5834150314331w ——————————42. Jester 3 Compounds 29.622657416137347n 95.70329904556274w ——————————— 43. Johnson 32.93853043156804n 95.28360843658447w ——————————44. Jordan 35.56633101654949n 100.88814854621887w ——————————— 45.Kyle Private 29.978596161925562n 97.87196964025497w ——————————– 46.Lewis

30.79563567550527n 94.39762115478516w

33.591752208580324 96.2262225151062w

34.431283896466134n 100.27595043182373w

———————————47.Lindsey 33.247355535857174n 98.15336287021637w

——————————– 58.Mountainview FEMALE Compound 31.487052600134867n 97.72833466529846w

———————————67. Rudd 2 compounds 33.15821623182663n 102.28027403354645w

——————————— 48.Lockhart Private 29.87021503248304n 97.65285730361938w ——————————— 49.Lopez 2 Compounds 26.417080383645036n 98.11883747577667w ——————————— 50. Luther 30.26131908125228n 96.0574471950531w ——————————— 51.Lychner 29.95761166398963n 95.22236824035645w ——————————— 52.Lynaugh 30.78927638492656n 103.04881811141968w ——————————– 53. McConnell 28.372418112454042n 97.71702647209167w ——————————– 54.Middleton 2 Compounds 32.55623641809919n 99.63252067565918w ——————————— 55.Montford 2 Compounds 33.516030461951146n 101.7869782447815w ——————————56. Moore B. 32.317384979897355n 94.96606707572937w ——————————– 57. Moore C 2 Compounds

——————————– 59. Murray Female 31.488077294067196n 97.70394802093506w ——————————— 60. Neal 2 Compounds 35.24127298269024n 101.7345142364502w ——————————61. Ney 2 Compounds 29.351927381322163n 99.19633984565735w ——————————— 62. Pack 30.324600738190348n 96.10637068748474w

——————————— 68. Sanchez 2 Compounds 31.812247256943866n 106.25346779823303w —————————— 69.Sayle 32.80087052241847n 98.84584486484528w —————————— 70. Scott 29.09177624241083n 95.48135966062546w ——————————– 71. Segovia 2 Compounds 26.41731579219628n 98.11871409416199w

———————————63. Livingston Texas Just west of town on Farm to market rd 350 Built by “CORPLAN 30.698578528641214n 95.01465797424316w

———————————72. Skyview 31.81020499261567n 95.1632308959961w ——————————— 73. Smith 32.72669637944024n 101.91121816635132w

———————————64.Powledge 3 Compounds 31.755831349691643n 95.82326889038086w the other compound here just south east 31.733149502455625n 95.80447196960449w ———————————65. Ramsey 2 Compounds 29.305860710003238n 95.53736686706543w ——————————– 66. Roach

———————————74. Stevenson SB 29.134357111640952n 97.29767918586731w ———————————75. Telford 33.42073204551272n 94.47375297546387w ——————————– 76. Travis County 30.26915391703537n 97.64646828174591w ———————————77. Wallace 2 Compounds

32.39967532204381n 100.88232278823853w

29.96579128885672n 94.07541275024414w

——————————— 78. Willacy County/Raymonville Private 3 compounds 26.468421692495475n 97.76188373565674w

—————————— 2. Bastrop 30.19141267459434n 97.30762481689453w

——————————– 79. Wynne 30.74168817838378n 95.57735323905945w ———————————80. Henderson Texas north of town at the junction of 571 hwy and FM 2276 (Old Kilgore hwy) 32.18276810445528n 94.81527328491211w Not listed with DOC ——————————— 81. Encinal, TX Corplan 28.04517209740953n 99.33619558811188w Not listed with DOC ——————————— 82. Haskell, TX Corplan 33.176424918041924n 99.72180604934692w Not listed with DOC ——————————— 83. Post, TX Corplan 33.20144839106449n 101.37428283691406w Not listed with DOC ———————————84. Karnes City, TX Corplan 28.88348371006241n 97.91181921958923w ——————————— ======================= Federal Prisons 1. Beaumont 3 units

————————– 3. Big Springs 32.21979038984765n 101.50601148605347w —————————4. Fort Worth 32.6798766617703n 97.28749752044678w —————————5. La Tuna 31.98238026372899n 106.5898060798645w ————————— 6. Seagoville 32.655202020686595n 96.56737804412842w ————————— 7. Texarkana 33.37705294430751n 94.08855557441711w —————————– 8. Three Rivers 28.447770202636647n 98.32242250442505w ————————— 9. Carswell 32.784063494285505n 97.41871118545532w ——————————– 10. Bryan 30.678538988562394n 96.36031150817871w ——————————– 11. Lower Big Springs 32.22291271843824n 101.5055501461029w ——————————Utah FEMA Camps

1, Box Elder Co. West side of the Great Salt Lake (Clyman Bay). “Lakeside” Go south 11 miles on Lakeside drive into Hill Air Force Range. On the west side about 2 miles off the road is a FEMA Slave Labor Camp. 41.06967790813371n 112.95361518859863w ——————————— 2. Tooele Utah. Go south of Tooele 17.34 miles on hwy 36. The camp sits on the east side of the road. The former camp was just west of Tooele just off of west Utah ave. The remains of that facility can be seen quite clearly. 40.30970529326064n 112.36679077148438w Former camp 40.53774263403108n 112.39311218256262w —————————— Virginia Fema Chopper base 1. Located 12.92 miles N.E. of Charlottesville. Take US 20 or Stoney Point Rd to SR 640 (Turkey Sag Rd) turn right, go to Peters Mt. Rd turn left and follow to the very end. 38.125889309531935n 78.28602075576782w ——————————— Virginia FEMA CAMPS 1. Located on Ft. AP military Reservation. From Bowling Green go NE on US 301 . Look left where Peuman Rd and Perrin Rd. meet. Double Fences w/ razor wire. Camera mounted security

One way in and out. 38.11300043757433n 77.26675987243652w

10. Washington St. CC 47.23804453475871n 123.19222927093506w


————————– 11.Wa St. CC Women 47.34761929070761n 122.61334419250488w

Washington Camps



1. Airway Heights 47.65428791076271n 117.5767993927002w ————————– 2. Cedar Creek 46.884211608136326n 123.1421148777008w ————————— 3. Clallam Bay 48.23926611645914n 124.28717136383057w ————————– 4. Coyote Ridge 46.67470666472395n 118.8544750213623w ————————– 5. Larch 45.7319470446862n 122.3423981666565w —————————6. Mission Creek 47.48340933715271n 122.86455988883972w —————————7. Monroe Complex 4 units 47.846401940584464n 121.99690818786621w —————————8. Olympic 47.71974486280995n 124.13680672645569w ———————– 9. Stafford 46.921852787368046n 123.9203953742981w ————————–

—————————— 12. Walla Walla St. Penn New section under construction 46.07870840565615n 118.3652400970459w

under “Bureau of Prisons” which is a “privately owned” company. 43.86578484163796n 89.6495532989502w ——————————2. Chippawa 44.92866814268829n 91.3499665260315w ————————– 3. Columbia 43.566119675484586n 89.49055194854736w

———————————13. McNeal Island St. Penn 47.21513747655813n 122.68844604492188w

—————————– 4. Dodge 43.62380542299648n 88.73951196670532w

————————— 14. McNeil Island Steilacoom CC 47.19713421169732n 122.65861988067627w

————————– 5. Fox Lake 43.615230654695196n 88.91196727752686w ————————— 6. Green Bay 44.470051236358984n 88.03555011749268w

——————————– Federal Prisons 1. SeaTac 47.42199000464993n 122.30149984359741w ————————– West Virginia Fema Camp Verified 1. Mill Creek W. Va. Located on west side of US 250 or US 219 or SR 92 just north of “ Old Brick Church Cemetery”. 38.69441999887882n 79.97963190078735w Wisconsin FEMA Camps 1. Oxford Federal Prison 6.7 miles NW of Oxford. Listed

—————————– 7. Jackson 44.30560841509282n 90.79075813293457w —————————– 8. Kettle Moraine 43.719970185215466n 88.15041303634644w —————————— 9. New Lisbon 43.881717050754006n 90.13140678405762w —————————– 10. Oak Hill 42.95950047172804n 89.39604163169861w ————————— 11. Oshkosh 44.071800467511565n

88.55793714523315w —————————– 12. Prairie Du Chein 43.03298811468953n 91.13988518714905w ——————————– 13. Racine 42.710664472007714n 87.90148258209229w —————————– 14. Red Granite 44.05380648339792n 89.10832643508911w —————————— 15. Stanley 44.948975912576095n 90.95486640930176w —————————– 16. Taycheedah 43.79787830098042n 88.38599681854248w —————————— 17. Waupun 43.62970763251398n 88.73221635818481w ——————————– 18 Winnebago 44.07471414570693n 88.51854085922241w ——————————– 19. Wisconsin WSPF 43.14303520841967n 90.68304061889648w ———————————

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