History of worldwide gun confiscation 1

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History Of Worldwide Gun Confiscation

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Gun Confiscation History This page was last modified: December 26 2014 19:05:03. Gun Rights | The Regulated Militia | Gun Facts | Gun Confiscation History | Gun Associations Ultimately, we can't show cause and effect for events that occured years ago. But here is some history that you can research for yourself. This is what CAN happen when the people are disarmed, regardless of how much time passes before it actually occurs. Ask yourself this: can events like this even happen if the people are armed? 1911, Turkey Established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, were rounded up and exterminated. Search Armenian Genocide. 1929, Soviet Union Established gun control. In 1937, about 2million dissidents, including 30000 military officers, were rounded up and imprisoned or executed. Search The Great Purges 1935, China Established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents were rounded up and exterminated. 1938, Germany Established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, leaving a populace unable to defend itself against the Gestapo and SS. Hundreds of thousands died as a result. “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong­points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." ­ Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler's Table Talk 1941­44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition, Pg. 425­426.

1956, Cambodia Established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, 1­2 million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. SPECIAL NOTE: The law was passed in 1956, but was not used for 20 years. But it WAS used. 1964, Guatemala Established gun control. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. 1970, Uganda Established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. The total dead are said to be 2­3 million. 1996, Australia In 1996, with the homicide rate at 1.6/100000, The National Firearms Agreement was signed into law. Australians were forced by the new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. By 2002, the homicide rate had risen to 1.8/100000. Since then, the rate has steadily declined(as well as the USA and other developed countries) to 1.2/100000 for the 2008 ­ 10 period. Theoretically, if gun confiscation reduced murder(or other violent crime), rates should have immediately dropped and remained lower. Source: Australian Institute Of Criminology.


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