Indoctrination prevention 10 ways college professors indoctrinate america's youth and how to prevent

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Thank you to everyone who helped make this publication possible especially Dan Lipka, Brent Hamachek, Ellie Wessel, Austin Paul, Marko Sukovic, Crystal Clanton, Charlie Kirk, Bill Montgomery, Edie Walker, Paul Romanowski, Brett Hill, Stephanie Conway, Lauren Cooley, Faith Braverman, and Mike Miller. Your hard work is greatly appreciated!



Manufactured in the United States of America

TABLE OF CONTENTS Deconstruction of Your Upbringing ...................................................................... 1 American Exceptionalism .................................................................................... 2 Glorification of Government ................................................................................. 4 Capitalism ........................................................................................................... 6 Greed vs Success ............................................................................................... 8 “Tolerance” ........................................................................................................ 10 Social Justice .................................................................................................... 12 White Privilege ................................................................................................. 14 War on Women .................................................................................................. 16 Sustainability ..................................................................................................... 18

INTRODUCTION There’s a widely sold t-shirt that reads, “I survived college without becoming a liberal.” While funny, it points to a large problem: most college students enter their university naively and leave indoctrinated. This book was written by college students and recent college graduates, all of whom endured liberal bias in the classroom. We understand that students enter college with the intention of becoming welleducated and obtaining a degree. Students are not actively seeking to become a blind follower of the left. We know from experience that because professors are skilled orators with years of experience, few students are able to identify when indoctrination is taking place. We’ve watched our classmates accept the lies of the left as fact, just because it’s coming from their intellectual superiors. Even the few that can identify indoctrination have a hard time debating and debunking it in the classroom; we’ve been there. This book was written so that college students can take charge of their education and remain steadfast in their beliefs of free markets, capitalism, and the American dream. Consider this book as indoctrination prevention…. and a headache to liberal professors everywhere.

DECONSTRUCTION OF YOUR UPBRINGING The # 1 goal of a leftist professor is to change the way their students view the world. Progressive professors want to make you question your beliefs and then hope that you will abandon them altogether. They want to make you think like they do. They want to brainwash you. Similar to the way the army breaks down their trainees before building them back up, your leftist professor will try to make you doubt everything you’ve ever believed, only to teach you a new way to see the world. Your professor will attack your upbringing. He will insinuate that your parents are not educated enough to know what they are talking about or that they are not modern enough to understand the complex issues of today’s times. This is false, and is the first step to undermining your belief system. The lens in which you view the world is not unenlightened or outdated. It is, however, a barrier to what your progressive professor wants to teach you next. The same may be said about your religion. Here are just a few examples: “It is outdated, it is anti-intellectual, it isn’t based on fact, it’s an old book, it’s a fairytale.” If your professor can make you question the God of the universe, he can certainly make you question everything else. Your upbringing plays a large role in the way you view the world. And chances are, at some fundamental level, you believe things similar to your parents, mentors, church, etc. That is okay, and is in fact, a good thing! Of course, your college experience is meant to be a time for learning, growth, and maturing. Challenging your beliefs is a good way to strengthen them. However, you should know, there are ways to refute the left’s attacks on your values and upbringing. This book is here to help.

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AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM The plight of mankind has been one characterized by hardship and tragedies, disease and famine, oppression and disaster; just look through the pages of history. In this time, humans have rarely been offered freedom and liberty by their fellow man; it is only a recent phenomenon, and even today is still a treasure to find. In fact, there is no time and no place where liberty was offered as freely as in the present day United States. Americans should be proud to live in the United States and call it home. Your liberal professor, however, will try to tell you that America is an evil nation - that it has blood on its hands and that it is no greater than anywhere else. While all human life should be held at same value, the success and opportunity that America has created as a country far outweighs any other nation. And while yes, America has had its faults throughout the years, such as poor treatment of natives, slavery, and unequal rights for women, the mistreatments of these groups were occurring all over the world and was considered as normal treatment during that time period. While these acts are deplorable, it makes America no more evil than any other country. Unlike other nations, the United States has since overcome and abolished slavery along with the other transgressions past mentioned. Our ability to right our wrongs and heal our wounds is one thing that makes America great. Even today’s America is not a perfect nation. The United States has incurred great debts, lags in the education of youth, and has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Poverty still runs rampant in inner cities, environmental concerns mount, and social and economic pressures still leave too many people divided. These problems are very real, have yet to be overcome, and desperately need to be addressed. So with all that’s wrong with the United States, how can America still be exceptional? Exceptionalism does not come from being perfect, it comes from being unique and America is very unique. Through the lens of basic metrics used to measure quality of life, one can see that America uniquely produces high life quality. Ultimately, these metrics show that America has the strength to rights its own wrongs. page 2 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

Our constantly increasing standard of living, access to economic capital and opportunity and the relative freedom of individuals of our country stands alone. Within a time span of the last 300 years, the United States has (1) crafted mankind’s greatest representative government, (2) made uncanny technological advances in the sciences and industry, (3) become the most compassionate and giving nation in the world, (4) become the beacon of freedom and the (5) bastion of opportunity across the world. This is what has driven millions of immigrants from around the world to our shores and will continue to do so. The United States, unlike any other country, takes on tasks that are like shooting for the stars: confronting and combating global threats and connecting people around the world in ways never thought possible. Today, a devastated village in Sierra Leon can receive millions of dollars in aid and support within 24 hours, saving thousands of lives. This is real progress from the brutal and disconnected world pre-America. There is no question that the United States of America, through its example and leadership, has been the engine of such progress. The foundations and framework of our great country go unrivaled, but framework alone did not make this exceptional engine. Time and time again it has been the American people that have made the crucial difference. If you work hard and are faithful to the rules and laws of society, then you will find opportunity; people from every possible background have contributed to America’s success. Indeed in our diversity and wealth of cultures we find our greatest strengths. This reality is a major contributor to the reason why the United States is home to the most industrious, hardworking and innovative people in the world - people that believe in empowerment, improvement and building a better future. When your liberal professor says that you should be ashamed to be an American, or that people across the globe hate America, do not believe him. Do not feel ashamed or in denial about your status as an American and don’t buy into this the line of perpetual self-hatred that’s the norm on college campuses today. America is much more than the politics-as-usual we find in Washington D.C. It is a beacon of hope and freedom to many across the world. You can reject your liberal professor’s pessimistic view of America by understanding the uniqueness of our Constitutional Republic - the foundation for freedom and liberty internationally. turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION | page 3

THE GLORIFICATION OF GOVERNMENT No matter what the topic may be, your liberal professor will find a way to glorify government. This is not to be confused with the glorification of America or American values. The glorification of government is something different. Unlike American patriotism which encourages students from a young age to appreciate the freedoms and opportunities a free society like America has to offer, glorification of government glorifies the growth of those in control who often lessen the freedoms of others. Whether your class is talking about economics or social sciences, your professor will be sure to slip in how government is “there to help.” Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ This is because government is inefficient, corrupt, and wasteful. This is why Turning Point USA says, “BIG GOVERNMENT SUCKS!” If and when the government has a success, the free market and private industry could have created that success quicker and with better results. Here’s a perfect economic example: It has been reported that the United States Postal Service loses $25 million per day while UPS and FedEx, both private companies, make a profit each year! In general, most people would say they also prefer the service of these private companies. Similarly, your professor may advocate for the government to step in and help those in need. While we all should be in favor of helping those in need, we should be in favor of helping those in need as quickly and as best as possible.

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Here’s a great social example: When disaster strikes, the American Red Cross and the North American Mission Board’s Southern Baptist Disaster Relief are always the first on the scene. This is often times before the National Guard or Federal Emergency Management Agency. Just like private companies offer better products, private charities offer better service. The glorification of government will even creep into your history lessons. Expect your professor to be touting The New Deal as the savior that turned America’s economy around, despite its leftover programs that are still bankrupting us today! And don’t expect to learn about the Depression of 1920. This was a year with an extremely sharp deflation that was worse than the depression we know as the Great Depression. You won’t hear about this depression in 1920 though, because it was fixed by keeping government out of the market! Anyone who glorifies government knows that this quick fix by limited government involvement debunks the narrative of the need for government. Your liberal professor will teach you that government guidance and regulation is always for your benefit. However, the government cannot create; it can only restrict. If you love freedom, you should not love government. Government is a necessary evil; not a glorified hero.

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CAPITALISM Allowing free people to make choices and decisions as they see fit is why America is the greatest country in all the world. Choices like the freedom to invest, fail, succeed, risk, and thrive creates innovation, production, and incredible economic prosperity. This freedom of choice in the market place is called free market capitalism. Free market capitalism is the backbone of America’s success and greatness. Therefore, professors who strive to redefine and destroy the idea of America must first redefine and destroy the idea of capitalism. Your liberal professor will attack capitalism in three main ways: 1) Misrepresent what capitalism is. Your liberal professor will argue that bank bailouts, widespread corruption, and cronyism are inherent in a capitalistic system. This, however, is simply not true. Capitalism without excessive regulation does now allow for cronies to ascend to high levels of business. Instead, the consumer purchases and supports whoever creates a product that is in demand. Those who create the best products rise to the top. With true capitalism, companies and businesses don’t succeed when they participate in abuse or back room deals. They succeed by winning the dollar vote of the consumer. Cronyism is not capitalism! It is very important to remember this when a professor attacks the free market. Insider deals, favorable taxation and regulation is NOT capitalism. That is cronyism, and is a result of the government stepping into the marketplace. 2) Take the worst, most extreme examples of abuse and malpractice and make it seem like everyday occurrences and mainstream behavior. If liberal professors talks about the free market, they will do so by highlighting rare occurrences and out-of-the-norm examples. One such example is the BP oil spill. Yes, the oil spill was a terrible thing that happened to the entire gulf coast, and BP should have to pay for it. However, there are millions of barrels of oil that are transported daily, safely, and securely, without ever being spilled. You will never hear a liberal professor explain the rarity of oil spills or the rarity of company-caused environmental disasters. Instead your page 6 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

liberal professor will highlight specific fringe stories and examples as a way to misrepresent capitalism and portray it as something it is not. Liberal professors will religiously use stories and examples that are outliers, because the everyday operation of capitalism functions for good! 3) Say that capitalism has not worked. Your liberal professor will argue that poor people, minorities, and women are worse off thanks to capitalism. He will use skewed statistics, misleading data, and unfair analysis to portray capitalism as the enemy of the poor and unfortunate. One of the most widely held ideas on college campuses is the notion that capitalism has not helped poor people, when in fact, the truth is the complete opposite. Everyone benefits when innovation and technological advances are made. Free market capitalism is the only system that has consistently raised people from poverty into higher levels of living. Here are a few examples: 200 years ago a poor person would have a low likelihood of living past the age of 32. Now the average life expectancy for a person with lower income is 78! People live longer, thanks to amazing advances in healthcare technology, innovation in medicine, and competition in the healthcare field. 40 years ago only select members of the military had cell phones. Now over 70% of the adult population in America have cell phones. How is this possible? Thanks to competition and innovation, fostered by capitalism, cell phones are now made at incredibly low costs. These low costs are passed on to the consumer, therefore increasing the accessibility to a cell phone. Now almost anyone in America can purchase a cell phone. In the last 50 years we have made more technological advances than ever before. Prior to the past 50 years, innovators lived under government control with limited individual freedom. It is within the last 50 years that we have unleashed the amazing human potential and entrepreneurial spirit to advance humans into higher levels of living and comfort. Capitalism cures poverty and creates prosperity. Don’t allow your liberal professor to tell you otherwise. turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION | page 7

GREED VS. SUCCESS Your liberal professor will try to shame you into thinking that you are selfish for enjoying the benefits of capitalism. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the benefits of capitalism. In fact, your liberal professor enjoys those same benefits. Capitalism has benefited everyone; it raises the tide of all ships. Your liberal professor will try to enforce the idea that there is no difference between greed and success. This is because successful people are unequal to those who have, in some arena of life, failed. Leftists are all about equality and are not happy with giving everyone equal opportunity. They want to see everyone have equal results. Here lies the difference between an American capitalist and your leftist professor. An American capitalist wants to see everyone have the freedom to make their own choices. Some will succeed and some will fail. Those who succeed will raise the quality of life for everyone (see chapter on Capitalism) and have the opportunity to help others, out of the goodness of their heart, through private charity (see chapter on Glorification of Government.) Your leftist professor, on the other hand, wants everything to be fair. In fact, in the eyes of your leftist professor, fairness and equality is more important than quality of life. Because of this, government must control as much as possible, so that everyone will end up equal. If there is a case in which someone is more successful than everyone else, your leftist professor believes government should step in and redistribute the money. While this enforces an equal outcome, it also lowers the standard of living. If you disagree with your leftist professor, you must be greedy. This, of course, is an emotional attack on those who have had the good fortune of success and understand that capitalism is the best system for helping those in need. But, again, if someone disagrees with the government redistributing a successful person’s money, it is much easier to say they are greedy, than to combat the entire notion of capitalism and its successes. Your liberal professor may employ the straw man argument that those who are successful or want successful people to keep their profit are greedy and do not donate to charity. In most cases, this is also far from true. page 8 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

In one study conducted by ABC’s 20/20, a predominately liberal town in California was compared to a predominately conservative town in Utah. A Salvation Army donation bucket was set at the main entrance of each store with the most traffic in town. It was reported that the town in Utah made half the income of the town in California, and the town in California had three times the traffic as the town in Utah. Yet results found that the town in Utah collected two times more money than the town in California. Even though the town in Utah had less people with less money, they still gave more generously. This is just one example, but when your liberal professor tries to tell you that conservatives are greedy and do not donate as much money as liberals, you can tell him this study has proved otherwise. Regardless of who donates more to charities, it is important to understand that private charities can only function without government regulation and with the donations of the financially successful. Private charities best function in a free market society – the same society that best raises the quality of living for all. The next time your liberal professor tries to tell you that being successful is a bad thing, do not believe what you are being told. You are not greedy. You are a caring and charitable free-market capitalist!

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“TOLERANCE” Tolerance is a good thing. In fact, we need tolerance to live in a free society. In a free society, people will inevitably believe in and support things that you don’t. In order to keep peace, live happily, and continually allow others the freedom to their beliefs, you should be tolerant! But what exactly does it mean to be tolerant? Your liberal professor will explain that tolerance is acceptance. However, the definition of tolerance is the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Take note: tolerance is dealing with things you don’t like or accept. Tolerance is not acceptance. If your viewpoint does not align with that of your liberal professor, you may be called intolerant! This is ironic, at best, considering that the exclusion of your viewpoint is not tolerant! Your liberal professor will demand that you be tolerant of his view (or more specifically that you accept his view) all the while refusing to be tolerant of your view (or even allow you to mention your differing opinion in the classroom.) You may remember the debacle surrounding the cast of “Duck Dynasty” after Phil Robertson made a statement denouncing homosexuality. No violence or outright hate was wished towards members of the gay community. The legalization of gay marriage was simply denounced on moral grounds. Whether or not you agree with Phil Robertson, what happened to him next is a perfect example of the left’s illogical use of “tolerance.” Phil Robertson released a statement saying that he doesn’t hate homosexuals, but simply does not agree with homosexuality on religious grounds. This wasn’t good enough for liberal progressives. They were not tolerant of his views. Instead, they screamed about how intolerant the Robertsons were, demanding that their TV program be canceled, all because their views were different. page 10 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

Because the media and leftist progressives could not stand someone having success and not supporting their viewpoint, they called for his removal, claiming that Robertson was intolerant. While the Robertson family did not support the homosexual lifestyle, they did not demand anything or any change from the homosexual community. While they didn’t accept, they were actually tolerant. You will experience this type of attack in the classroom, often in regards to social issues, but occasionally leaking into foreign policy or economics. Do not allow bias professors to force thought into an ideological corner. They will use tools like white privilege, also discussed in this book, to tell students that if they do not think a certain way they are intolerant or racist. In reality, anyone who possesses the skill of critical thinking knows that respectful disagreement and conversation produces far superior academic discussion than any single view your supposedly-tolerant, liberal professor can teach. The most important thing to remember through your years in college is that a professor is not the great proprietor of knowledge they may claim to be. Real value in education is derived through disagreement, not compliance. Be confident in your position and values, engage respectfully, and never allow yourself to be shamed away from your convictions.

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SOCIAL JUSTICE Your liberal professor will play to your emotions as much as possible. One such way is through the teaching of social justice. Social justice sounds like a good cause - after all, who wouldn’t want justice applied in realms of social society? However, social justice is defined as the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. It is strictly anti-capitalism and anti-American. Social justice claims to be a movement promoting equality and fighting discrimination. But one must ask, is results-driven equality really what is best for society? Your liberal professor will want to define discrimination as unjust or prejudicial treatment. Of course, you should be against this type of discrimination. However, discrimination is simply the recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. People can be unfair and prejudicial in their discrimination, but that is not always the case! For example, one can “discriminate” between a good idea and a bad idea. Discrimination, when employed fairly, is the use of wisdom. People who spearhead the social justice initiative have dubbed themselves as “social justice warriors.” They claim to find discrimination against women and minorities within every facet of society. Social justice warriors often blow minor incidents in America out of proportion, while completely ignoring dire oppression occurring in other countries. They lack the wisdom to discriminate between a legitimate societal problem and something that is a quirky freedom of expression. Take “shirtgate” for example. Dr. Matt Taylor helped to land a robot onto a comet one of the greatest achievements in science. Yet instead of focusing on his team’s great achievement, many onlookers focused on his bowling shirt, because it had provocative images of women sown on it. Many accused him of misogyny, even though a female friend had made him the shirt. Social justice warriors took to social media to reprimand Dr. Taylor for his shirt. Shortly after, Dr. Taylor tearfully apologized to anyone he may have offended, making it clear there was no malice in his outfit choice. page 12 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

Now whether you take offense to Dr. Taylor’s bowling shirt or not, the point is this: social justice warriors attacked this man relentlessly for his shirt, while they stood idly by and ignored a true travesty. While social justice warriors were up in arms over a bowling shirt, women in the Middle East were being brutalized by ISIS and the Taliban. These women are denied access to education, are forced into marriages, have their genitals mutilated, and are threatened with death if they don’t convert to Islam. Nothing is done by “social justice warriors” to help these women. This is the paradox of social justice warriors. They do nothing to combat true social injustices, and instead use a feel-good term to redistribute wealth, regulate the economy, and tear down America’s free market system. Don’t be fooled by “social justice” as there is nothing good about it.

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WHITE PRIVILEGE Although the term “white privilege” has been in existence for a while, it has just recently become a buzz word on college campuses. Your liberal professor will describe white privilege as unearned societal privileges that white people inherently hold - that whites are considered “normal” in a society while non-whites are considered the minority. When taken to its furthest end, one can conclude that since “skin” colored band aids are closer in color to the skin of a white person than to the skin of a non-white person, white people have a subtle privilege while non-white people are served an injustice. You may think that the color of a band aid sounds like a ridiculous thing to worry about in academia, but your liberal professor will insist that this and many other obscure examples are life impacting. Your liberal professor will insists that white privilege is what makes white people successful and is what hinders nonwhites from achieving success. In reality, white privilege is a presumptuous premise that broadly judges people based solely on their skin color. Accusing someone of having “white privilege” undermines personal struggles and suggests that achievements are only due to race, not individual work ethic. In short, accusing a white person of having white privilege is judging a book by its cover. That type of mindset does not promote racial equality. It instead focuses solely on race, making the notion of “white privilege” racist itself. Despite what your liberal professor may say, being white does not automatically exempt you from hardship. White privilege has not kept over 38% of the homeless page 14 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

population from poverty; (over 38% of the homeless population is white.) Similarly, white privilege does not stop non-whites from obtaining success. It certainly did not stop Barack Obama from being elected as the President of the United States, not once but twice. Even considering how someone became homeless or the president of the United States based solely on their race should be offensively racist. Princeton student Tal Fortgang was often reprimanded by his professors to “check his privilege” because he was a male with a light skin-tone. He wound up writing a viral article condemning the phrase because it judged him for something he wasn’t and diminished his hard earned accomplishments. Fortgang revealed that his ancestors did not have an easy life and his family’s success was not handed to him. His grandfather was forced to flee from his home as a teenager, when the Nazis invaded Poland. His great-grandmother and her siblings were shot into an open grave during the Holocaust. When liberated from death camps, his few living ancestors came to America knowing no English and having no means to survive; yet they did. They opened up a small wicker store, burning the candle at both ends. They put their children through Jewish day school and eventually through college. They lived the American dream. Fortgang then asked, “would you say that we’ve been really privileged? That our success has been gift-wrapped?” The answer is obviously a resounding “no.” White privilege did not aid in the Fortgang family’s success. It was hard work and endless resolve. It was opportunity to pursue the American dream. Nothing can stop anyone of any race from achieving the American dream if their drive is strong enough. White privilege is simply a way to stir up division and blame negative circumstances on pigment rather than principles. If you believe that people are equal, regardless of skin color, that would have made you a radical sixty years ago, a liberal thirty years ago, and a racist today. – Thomas Sowell

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THE WAR ON WOMEN Political scientists view everyone as a member of a demographic. They break down populations by race, ethnicity, religion, economic status, living location, gender, and sexual orientation – just to name a few categories. Then, they figure out what is of greatest concern to each demographic, how to mobilize each group, and other pressing political questions. Political campaigners use this information to mobilize voters in droves. We all know this. It should be of no surprise that the “war on women” was created as a tool to mobilize women to vote for certain policies. These certain policies happen to be leftist policies. Your liberal professor will try to advance the “war on women” narrative in order to squash capitalism which truly looks at each individual as an equal actor in the free market. But what exactly makes up the war on women? Your liberal professor will tell you it is comprised of certain politicians, power structures, and policies that work to restrict women’s rights. Your liberal professor will promote the war on women with three main lies. (1) Conservatism is for old men. It is the American dream, not liberal policies which enable women to be successful. And those who say that liberals embrace women more readily obviously haven’t looked at the demographics of our government leadership: – 4 out of 5 of the current female governors are Republican. – The first Hispanic woman in Congress is a Republican. – The only woman to be recently-nominated as a candidate for Vice President was a Republican. While the involvement of women in politics is growing and should be encouraged, it should be clear that women are not excluded from participating in conservative, Republican politics. page 16 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

(2) Women make $0.75 for every $1.00 men make in the workplace. When you add up all of the wages made my women and then divide by the number of women in the workforce, and do the same for men, there is, in fact, an inequality. This inequality is created by the different choices that men and women make. Therefore, the method used to come to this inequality is deceiving. In regards to career path, men typically choose to go into fields with math, science and engineering. Women, on the other hand, statistically choose majors like anthropology or women and gender’s studies. There shouldn’t be much of a surprise that jobs that involve hard science make higher salaries than those involving soft or social sciences. Some degrees hold greater value than others, and men and women are free to choose which degree they pursue. Women statistically choose less-valued degree programs and careers. Another reason for this inequality is because many women take time off to have and raise children. Spending less time in one’s field obviously shortens the timeframe in which one can climb the pay-scale ladder. When women make choices to raise a family, this contributes to your liberal professor’s pay inequality statistic. When you put these facts together, it is pretty clear that choices affect this pay gap statistic, not discrimination or the “war on women.” (3) Women care most about their reproductive rights. No matter where you stand on the issue of abortion and other reproductive rights, it should be clear that women are no different than men when it comes to the issues they most care about. (Talk about equality!) While it may be of concern to women where they can get birth control, it is much less important to them than having money in their pocket, a roof over their head, and safety at home. If a woman is hungry or is worried about a bomb falling from the sky due to poor foreign policy, birth control is really the last thing on her mind. It should be insulting when government bureaucrats determine through political analysis that women “vote like your lady parts depend on it” (as the Barack Obama campaign once urged women to do.) When your liberal professor tries to teach the war on women as fact, make sure to speak up and explain how it is nothing more than a messaging campaign free of facts. It is patronizing to think that women would fall for such a lie anyway! turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION | page 17

SUSTAINABILITY We’ve all heard of environmentalism and the green movement- saving the earth, reducing your carbon footprint, recycling and ending global warming. But you may or may not have heard about sustainability. Sustainability is the left’s hijacking of environmentalism. While everyone can agree that being a good steward of resources is morally important, the term sustainability is both deceitful and flat out illogical. Your liberal professor will bill sustainability as “glorified heroism” when it is actually about changing Western culture. The concept of sustainability can be broken down into three pillars: (1) Environmental (2) Economic and (3) Social The (1) environmental pillar of sustainability encompasses environmentalism. This often twists a positive force that could reduce costs and conserve resources into a leftist religion obsessed with spending money without regard to benefit. Of course, even the most zealous of the green movement gets carried away with “feel good” actions that produce little results. This practice is called green washing and is accepted because most who truly understand sustainability do not care about producing environment related results, but rather care about tearing down successful, capitalismfueled nations like the United States. Your liberal professor may say that mother earth’s climate change causes deaths or that fossil fuels pollute the earth to a rapid state of demise. This is simply not true. In fact, for the last 2,000 years, global warming and cooling have been the rule, not the exception and fossil fuels have bettered the environment.

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When you professor brings this up, make sure to ask, “How many climate related deaths occurred this year?� The answer should be few to none. Follow up by suggesting this concept: Due to human innovation, i.e., capitalism and big businesses who use fossil fuels, the environment is actually becoming a safer place to live. Before modern technology, if a hurricane or a flood occurred, many people would die. But today, thanks to creative innovation, we build homes on stilts, have hurricane impact windows or shutters, and can often predict when storms are coming our way. We drive our cars to safety or sit in the comfort of our well-built home. Similarly, men and women used to die from extreme heat or cold, but today we insulate our homes and have air conditioners that regulate temperature. Historically speaking, Earth has never been hospitable or friendly to human life until humans themselves created, innovated, and tamed it! The second pillar and third pillars, economic sustainability and social sustainability, often blend together. In regards to (2) economic sustainability, it is illogical and destructive. Practices such as wind turbines or solar panels often cost more to install and run than they produce. In fact, creating, installing, and maintaining these sustainable practices are often done through the use of fossil fuels. This is truly an unsustainable business practice and counterintuitive to the green movement cause. So why lose money and use fossil fuels to be sustainable, you may ask? Sustainability is used as a way to demonize wealth creation, and oil is one of the most lucrative businesses globally. While yes, one day we may run out of oil, right now it is cheap, reliable, and plentiful. A common misconception is that oil is mainly used for gasoline. However, it’s in products that the most green-friendly advocate uses every day: nylon, acrylic, and polyester clothing (such as socks, turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION | page 19

underwear, buttons, running shoes,) toiletries (such as sunscreen, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, soap, tampons, and all sorts of makeup,) and other life “necessities” (like your iPod, gum, and sunglasses.) And let’s not forget the hypocrisy of the left. Remember when Al Gore flew his private, fossil-fue-run jet all across the country to promote his anti-fossil fuel movie? Remember all those signs used in the NYC climate march that were made from oil products? The economic model advocated for by sustainability activists is purely a feel-goodtheoretical model that will never hold up in real life. It’s anti-free market, anticapitalism, and anti-success. Thomas Friedman said, “In the green revolution we’re having, everyone’s a winner, nobody has to give up anything ... That’s not a revolution. That’s a party.” A few examples of economic sustainability crippling today’s market place is the regulation of each “carbon footprint” a business produces. One would think that if pollution really did hurt the environment at such drastic measures, “buying your way out” via carbon taxes and credits would not be allowed. After all, don’t the left hate the rich? And wouldn’t this empower those with more money? The answer is yes, and this is a perfect example of cronyism, not capitalism. However, carbon taxes and caps are solely a way to regulate business and take down the free market system and are not actually about curbing pollution. page 20 | turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION

Economic sustainability also focuses on ethical consumerism, which starts to bleed into the social pillar. Ethical consumerism is the intentional purchase of products and services that the customer considers to be made ethically. A well-known example of ethical consumerism is fair trade coffee. However, retailers have explained that neither the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International umbrella group or Fair Trade USA have sufficient data showing positive economic impact on growers. In fact, by boycotting products created in third world countries with low work-environment standards, you close down factories and eliminate jobs altogether. This worsens the economy and does not help the plight of the third-world worker. Instead, the best way for a third world country to lift itself out of poverty is to let a true free market take its course. The (3) social pillar is perhaps most influential on college campuses. Beyond international social justice, sustainability practices have taken up social causes like gender neutral housing, diversity counsels (which actually further segregate students,) and paying all employees a living wage. Two programs that work with colleges and universities on these social issues are ASHEE: Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and the STARS: Sustainability Tracking and Rating System. These two systems allow schools to assess if they have sustainability in their curriculum, have their endowment properly invested, and have childcare for their employees, amongst many other more liberal ideas. Again, this has nothing having to do with the environment. So why do schools feel the need to work with organizations that judge them based on nonenvironmental criteria? It all goes back to how environmental sustainability is not economically sustainable. The better a college or university does on these scoring rubrics, the more likely they are to earn grant money to subsidize their green projects which are not economically sustainable or feasible. As you can see, sustainability all boils down to money, control, and the changing of Western Culture. turning point usa INDOCTRINATION PREVENTION | page 21

The next time you think the green movement is as innocent as putting your plastics in the recycle bin, think again. As Saint Bernard of Clairvaux said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions� and that can be said of many who fall into the liberal trap of sustainability.

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IN CLOSING Now you know the 10 most common lies your liberal professor will try to teach you and your classmates. Do not let your liberal professor succeed! You have a moral obligation to represent the truth on your campus. This can be done through debating your teacher (and winning), participating in campus activism, or organizing like minded students to work together. Turning Point USA wants to help you succeed in debunking your liberal professor’s lies and changing the narrative on campus. You can JOIN TODAY! We will fight with you.

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tpusa publishes cutting edge publications TPUSA published its second original publication in January of 2014. Our Campus Activism Guide provides students with essential tips and strategies to be successful advocates for free markets and limited government. Tens of thousands of copies are in the hands of students now, and the book is so popular that we’ve created a second edition called How to Organize, which will be published in 2015.

In March of 2014, TPUSA published its 3rd publication called How to Debate Your Teacher (and Win!) 1st Edition. This book teaches students how to combat liberal indoctrination in the classroom and stand up for their beliefs. Our goal with this publication is to empower, inspire, and train young people to make classrooms in America a place of intellectual diversity.

Our next publication, Capitalism Cures, presents moral arguments in favor of capitalism, and it describes the many ways in which capitalism has helped people all over the world in every social and economic class. TPUSA believes that capitalism is moral, just, and the very best economic system; Capitalism Cures defends that idea.

10 Ways Big Government Harms You discusses 10 key reasons that big government is harmful, especially for young people. The reasons include a lack of privacy, the punishment of success, and the elimination of options — all of which are important issues to young people who seek opportunities to get ahead and build a successful future.

In November of 2014, a few weeks before the premiere of the new Hunger Games movie, TPUSA published a one-of-a-kind publication called The Healthcare Games! This book talks about the dangers of government-run healthcare from its intrusive nature to its big government approach.

Over 200,000 Distributed! Many more to come in 2015! These publications were distributed on over 700 college campuses this fall. Our materials reached an audience that is usually inundated with liberal bias.We’re changing that by providing pro-capitalism literature that is engaging, informative, and clear.

For credit card donations, please visit: All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Turning Point USA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. For questions regarding donations please contact Bill Montgomery, Senior Advisor, at (630) 803-7076. Your support is greatly appreciated.

is Generational Theft!

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