Insiders pamphlet a look at the powerful men ' who dictate american policy by john f mcmanus 28

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- A look at the powerful men who dictate American policy. ..

' .

by John F. McManus Fifty Cents

"The Insiders" is a 35mm color film strip relea sed by Th e John Birch Socie ty in Apr il 1979. It shows how Ame rican policies consistentl y favoring Co mm u nist globa l stra te gy are dictat ed by little-kn own yet extreme ly powe rful pri vat e org ani zations, who se members dominat e critical sphe res of gove rn me nt. In exa mining th e history of th e groups, this pr esentation brings to light th e ad mitted Ma rxist convictions of th eir leading figures, all sharing a com mo n go al of world government, and demonstr at es th eir potent force in current affairs . T he com plete text of th e narrat ion of " T he In siders" film strip is contain ed in thi s pamphlet. Add it iona l copies of th e text are available for the followin g prices : On e to 99 copi es, two for $1.00; 100-499 copi es, 40¢ each ; 500-999 copi es, 35¢ each; 1,000 or mor e copi es, 30¢ each. T he filmst rip itself wit h sound track on casse tte tap e is available for f orty dollars.

The John Birch Society Filmstrip Productions



Copyright © 1979 THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY 395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 2627 Mission Street, San Marino, California 91108


"The Insiders" Immediately after World War II , th e Ame rican people wer e subjec ted to a massive propaganda barrage which favored th e Chine se Comm unists and frown ed on th e Chinese Nationa lists. Newspaper s, books , magazin es, and expe rts in gov ernment did th eir best to convince Ame ricans that th e Red Chine se wer e not Communists at all, but were merely" agrarian reformers" seeking fair play for th e Chine se people.' In th e mid st of thi s propaganda blitz, our go vernment complet ely turned its back on the Nationalist Chinese in 1947 , refu sing even to sell th em arms . By 1949, the Com m unist for ces under Mao Tse-tung had seized all of mainl and China. After the Com m unist tak eo ver , seri ou s students of the situation lost no time in d eclaring th at China had been lost in Wa shington, not in Peking or Shangha i. And th ey wer e correc t ." Eve nt ually, th e full truth about th e Chine se Comm unists became widel y kno wn . A U.S. Senate Subcommittee Report," published in 1971, contains gruesome sta tistics whi ch show th at the Chine se Com m unists ha ve murder ed as many as 64 million of th eir countrymen. Despite cur re n t propaganda to th e contrary, Comm u nist China continues to thi s day to be one of th e most brutal tyrannies in th e histor y of mankind. And th e Chinese Red s have exported revolution and terror to eve ry continent. Th e Ame rican peopl e wer e misl ed th irty yea rs ago . If th e truth abo ut China had been wide ly known, our gov ernment would never hav e interven ed in th e Chinese struggl e as it did . China would not ha ve fallen into Co m m unist hands; th ere would never hav e been a Korean War in th e 1950s; and th ere would never have been a Vietn am W ar in th e 1960s and 70s. Th e course of history would ha ve tak en a far differ ent path - if only th e Ame rican pe ople had not been misled about th e Chinese Comm unists.

In th e lat e 1950s, the Ame rican peopl e we re ag ain misled. We were told that Fide l Castro was th e " Robin H ood of th e Sier ra Maestra Mountains," and that he was th e " George W ashingto n of C uba." Some Ame ricans knew

better and tried to spread th e alarm. But, in spit e of th eir effo rts, our govern me nt rep eat ed th e process it had followed in Ch ina an d Cas tro eventually seized control of C uba.! Again, th e American people had been misled . If th e tru th abo ut Cas tro had been widely known, our press and our govern men t would never have aid ed him , and he would never have succee de d in capturin g Cuba and in spread ing Co mm unist subve rsion through out Latin America - and now even int o Africa. Th e qu estion we mu st ask ourselves tod ay is: Are th er e any oth er important, but similarly erroneous att itudes that have been planted in th e minds of th e Ame rican peopl e? Th e answer is that th ere certainly are. On e dang erously wro ng attitude held by man y America ns is th at all prominent bu sin essmen in Ame rica - th e American capitalists as th ey are called - are by definition th e arch-e ne mies of Communism. In fact , th e mere sugges tion th at a prominent capitalist , like David Rockefeller , is in lea gu e with Communists invites scorn or ridicul e. Th e notion appears to man y to be totally absur d becau se a man like David Rockefeller , it see ms, would have so much to lose if th e Communists should ever triumph . But , in th e last few years , David Rockefeller 's Chase Ma nhatta n Bank has been favored by the Reds as the first American bank to open an office in Moscow, and also the first to do so in Peking. And this same Chase Manhattan Bank has bankrolled the building of the largest truck factory in the history of mankind, at the Kama River in the Soviet Union. It is totally inaccurate to consider David Rockefeller an ene my of Comm unism. It is also inaccurate to believe th at all pro minent bu sin essmen in our nation are cons ervatives who are always th e most determined op pon ents of socialistic government controls. We ag ree th at bu sinessmen should be antiCommunists, and th at th ey sho uld be ad vocates of limited govern me nt, as give n us by our Fo unding Fa the rs. But man y are not.

As Co mmunism continues to ad vance toward total world domin ation ; as 2

America 's place in the world slips from undisputed lead ership to secondrat e status; and as our own federal government's control over all of us grows with each passing da y, many Ame ricans are looking for an explanation of what th ey see happening. We believe that the first step toward learning what is reall y going on in our country is the realization that some so-called capitalist s are neither cons ervatives nor anti-Communists. In stead, th ey ar e power-seekers who are using th eir great wealth and influence to achieve political power. This program will tak e a hard look at wh at we perc eive as an on-go ing drive for pow er. Not onl y the kind of pow er that flows from gr eat wealth, but absolute pow er, th e kind th at can onl y be achi e ved politicall y. We are going to take a look behind th e headlines at th e men who reall y run our country, th e men whom Jimmy C arter called "the Insiders. "

Who Is Running America? One of Presid ent Jimmy Ca rter' s favorite themes during his campaign for th e Presidency in 1976 was that, if he were elected , he would bring new faces and new ideas to Washington. He repeatedly told campaign audiences that he was not part of th e fed eral government and not beholden to th e Washington- and New York-based Establishment that had been running things for so long . Perh ap s th e clearest example of his campaign oratory again st what he called th e Insiders was given at a Ca rte r-for-President rall y in Boston on Februar y 17, 1976. Wh at he said on th at occas ion showed up in a wid ely distributed paperback, ' I' ll Neve r Li e To You ' - Jimmy Cart er In His Own Words.s On Page 48, Mr. Ca rte r's sta teme nt at th at Boston Rally is given as follows: " T he peopl e of this country know from bitter expe rie nce th at we are not go ing to get th ese changes mer ely by shifting aro und th e same groups of insiders . . . . Th e insiders have had th eir cha nce and th e y have not delivered ." Th e message undoubtedl y persuaded a good many Americans to cast their ball ots for Jimmy Carte r, for th e existence of such an inside group running things is both widely suspect ed , and widely resented . And yet , 3

while the former Governor of Georgia played up to this resentment throughout the campaign, he carefully avoided naming any nam es or discussing any of the organizational ties of the ea sily id entifiable Insiders. This, we intend to do. For we agree with Mr. Ca rter' s campaign oratory, that for several decades, America has be en run by a group of Establishment Insiders. We also intend to show that, despite his strong pledge to th e contrary, Jimmy Carter has literally filled his Administration with these same individuals. Since Jimmy Carter moved into Washington, it has been business as usual for the Insiders who are running the United States . The man popularly credited with devising the strategy that landed Jimmy Carter in the White House is Hamilton Jordan . A few weeks prior to the November 1976 election he stated:

" If, after the inauguration, you find a Cy Vance as Secretary of State and Zbigniew Brzezinski as head of National Security, then I would say we failed. And I would quit. You're going to see new fac es and new ideas."6 After the election, Mr. Carter promptly named Cyrus Vance to be his Secr etary of State and Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the head of National Security, exactly what Mr. Jordan had said would never happen . But th e real question is: What is it about Mr. Vance and Mr. Brzezinski that prompted Jordan to make such a statement? And the answ er is that thes e two men are pillars of th e very Establishment that candidate Carter so often attacked. When Jimmy Carter appointed him to be Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance was a Wall Street lawyer, the Chairman of th e Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and a veteran of service in the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon Administrations. Zbigniew Brzezinski had taught at Harvard and Columbia Universities, served in the State Department during the Johnson Administration, and authored numerous books and articles for various Establishment publishers and periodicals. 4

But, beyond all of these Establishment credentials, at th e tim e of th eir appointment by Jimmy Carter, both Vance and Brzezinski wer e members of th e Board of Directors of a little-known organization call ed The C ouncil on Foreign Relations. Also, eac h was a mem ber of th e ver y excl usive Trilateral Co mm ission. Most Americans hav e ne ver heard of th ese two organi zations. But knowing someth ing about th em is esse n tial to unde rsta nd ing wha t ha s been going on in America for se veral decades . So, let us exa m ine , first, The Council on Foreign Relations and th en , lat er on, The Trilateral Com m ission.

The House Blueprint The C ouncil on Foreig n Relations" was in corporat ed in 1921. It is a private gro up which is headquarter ed a t th e corner of Park Aven ue and 68th Str eet in Ne w York C ity, in a building giv en to th e organization b y th e Rock efell er family in 1929 . The C F R's founder , Edward Mandell House, had been th e ch ief adviser of Pr esident Woodrow Wilson. Hous e was not on ly Wil son 's most prominent aid e, he actu all y dominated th e Presid ent. W ood row Wilson referred to House as "my alte r ego" (m y other self), and it is totally accurate to say that House, not Wil son, wa s th e most powerful individual in our nation during th e Wilson Ad m inistra tion, from 1913 until 1921. Unfortuna tely for Ame rica, it is also true that Edward Mandell House wa s a Marxist whose go al wa s to socialize the Unite d States. In 1912, House wrote th e book, Philip Dru : Ad m inistratorÂť In it, he said he was working for "Sociali sm as dr eam ed of by Karl Ma rx." The original ed ition of th e book did not name House as its author, but he made it clear in numerou s wa ys that he indeed was its crea to r. In Philip Dru : Adm inistrator, Edward Mandell House laid out a fictionali zed plan for th e conquest of Am erica. H e told of a "conspiracy" (the word is his ) which would gain con trol of both th e Democratic and Republican Parties, and use th em as instruments in th e crea tion of a socialistic world government. The book call ed for pas sag e of a graduated income tax and for th e 5

establishment of a state-controlled central bank as steps toward th e ultimate goal. Both of these proposals ar e planks in Th e Com m un ist Manifesto. 9 And both became law in 1913, during th e ver y first yea r of th e H ouse -d om ina ted Wil son Ad m inistra tion . The House plan call ed for th e Unite d States to giv e up its sovereignty to th e Lea gue of Nations at th e close of World War 1. But wh en th e U.S. Sena te refused to ratify Ame rica's e n try into th e League, Edward Mandell House 's drive toward world government was slowe d down. Disappointed, but not beaten , House and his fri ends th en form ed th e Counc il on Fo reig n Relation s, whos e purpose right from its inception was to destroy th e freedom and independence of th e United State s and lead our nation int o a world gov ernment - if not through th e Le ague of Nations, th en through another world organization th at would be started after another world war. The control of th at world gov ernment, of course, was to be in th e hands of House and like-minded individuals. From its b eginning in 1921 , the CFR began to attract men of pow er and influence . In th e late 1920s, important fin ancing for the C F R came from the Rock efeller Foundation and th e Ca rnegie Foundation. In 1940 , at th e invitation of President Roosev elt, members of th e CF R gai ne d domination over th e Sta te Department, a nd th ey ha ve maintained that domination ever since .

The Making of Presidents By 1944 , Ed wa rd Mandell H ouse was deceased , but his plan for taking con tro l of our nation 's major political parties beg an to be realized . In 1944 and in 1948, th e Republican cand idate for President, Thomas Dew ey, was a C F R member. In lat er yea rs, th e CFR cou ld bo ast that Republicans Eisen howe r a nd Nixon wer e members, as were De mocra ts Ste ve nson , Kennedy, Humphre y, a nd McGov ern. The American people were told th ey had a choice wh e n th ey vot ed for Presid ent. But with pr ecious few exce ptions, Presid ential ca nd id a te s for decad es hav e been CFR members. Bu t th e CF R's influ en ce had also spread to oth er vital a reas of America n life. Its members ha ve run , or are ru n ning, NBC and C BS, The Ne w York Times, Th e Wa shington Post, Th e Des Moin es Regist er, and many other important new spapers. The lead er s of Time, Life, Newswee k, Fortune , 6

Business Wee k, and numerous othe r publications are C FR members. The orga nization's members also d ominat e th e aca de mic world, top corporations, th e hu ge tax-exempt foundat ion s, lab or uni ons, th e military, and just ab out eve ry seg me n t of Ame rica n life. 10 Let 's look at th e Cou ncil's An nua l Report published in 1978. The orga nization's membership list names 1,878 members, and th e list reads like a .. W ho's W ho " in Ame rica . Eleve n CFR members are U.S. Senators ; 11 even mo re Co ng ressmen belong to th e orga niza tion . Sitting on top of thi s imm en sel y powerful pyram id, as Cha irma n of th e Board, is David Rockef ell er. As ca n be see n in that CFR An nua l Report , 284 of its members are U.S . govern ment officials. Any organi zation which can boast th at 284 of its member s are U.S. go vern me n t officia ls sho uld be well known. Yet mo st Ame rica ns have never eve n heard of th e Co u ncil on Fo reign Relati ons. One rea son wh y thi s is so is th at 171 journalists, corr espondents, and communicati on s executives are also CF R members, and th ey don 't writ e ab out th e orga niza tion. In fact , CF R mem bers rarely talk ab out th e organization inasmuch as it is an express cond ition of membership th at any disclosure of what goes on at CF R meetings shall be regarded as gro unds for terminat ion of mem bership. 12

Carter and CFR Clout And so, very few America ns knew th at some thing was wrong wh en Jimm y Carter pack ed his Administra tion with th e same crowd that has been running thin gs for decad es. Whe n he won th e Dem ocr atic Part y's nomination , Jim m y Ca rte r chose CF R member Wa lte r Mondale to be his running mate. After th e election, Mr. Ca rte r chose C FR members Cy rus Vance , Ha rold Brown, and W . Michae l Blumenthal to be th e Secr etaries of State , Defense a nd T reasur y - th e top three Ca bine t pos itions. Other top Carter appoint ees who are CF R members include Joseph Ca lifano, Secreta ry of H EW ; Patricia Rob erts Harris, Secretary of H U D; Sta nsfie ld Turner, C IA Dir ector; Zbig niew Brzezin ski, Pres ide n tial National Security Advisor; and And rew .You ng, Ambassa do r to th e Unite d Nations. Th e nam es of scores of Assista nt Sec reta ries, Unde r Secre taries, 7

Ambassadors, and other appointees can also be found on th e C F R membership roster. As we hav e alr eady not ed, a total of 284 C FR members hold positions in th e Carte r Ad ministra tion. To put it mildly, th e CF R has a gr eat d eal of clout. In our opmion, however, not every member of the C F R is full y committed to carrying out Ed ward Mandell Hou se 's con spirat orial plan. Man y hav e been flatter ed by an invitation to join a study group, which is what th e CFR calls itself . Others go alon g because of personal ben efits such as a nice job and a new importance . But all are used to promote th e destruction of U. S. sover eign ty. Ov er th e years, onl y a few mem ber s ha ve ever had th e courag e and th e aware ness to speak out abo ut th e CF R. Th ese few are now ex-me mbe rs who ha ve always been ignored b y th e pr ess. 13

Toward World Government Th e CFR publishes a very info rmative quarterly journal call ed Foreign Affairs. More ofte n th an not, important new shifts in U.S . policy, or highl y indicative attitudes of political figures hav e been telegraphed in its pages. When he was preparing to run for th e Presid ency in 1967 , for instance , Richard Nixon made himself acce ptable to th e Insid ers of th e Establishment with an article in th e October 1967 issue of Foreign Affairs. 14 In it, he call ed for a new poli cy of op enness toward Red China, a policy whi ch' he himself lat er initiated in 1972. Th e April 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs, carried a ver y explicit recommendation for carrying out th e world-government schem e of CF R founder Edward Mand ell House. Authored by State Dep artm ent veteran and Columbia Unive rsity Professor Richard N. Ga rd ne r (himself a CF R member ), "The Hard Road to World O rde r" admits that a sing le leap into world government via an organization like th e United Nations is unr eali stic . IS 1/

Inst ead, Gardner urged th e continue d piecem eal deliv er y of our nation 's sovereignt y to a variet y of int ern ational organizations. He call ed for" an end run around national sover eignty , erod ing it pi ece by piece." Th at means an end to our nation 's sover eignty. And he nam ed as organizations to accomplish his goal th e Int ernational Mon etary Fund , th e World Bank , th e Gen eral Agree me n t on Tariffs and 8

Trade, the Law of the Sea Conference, the World Food Conference, the world Population Conference, disarmament programs, and a United Nations military force. This approach, Gardner said, "can produce some remarkable concessions of sovereignty that could not be achieved on an across -the-board basis . Richard Gardner's preference for destroying the freedom and independence of the United States in favor of the CFR's goal of world government thoroughly dominates top circles in our nation today. The men who would scrap our nation's Constitution are praised as "progressives" and "far-sighted thinkers." The only question that remains among these powerful Insiders is which method to use to carry out their treasonous plan.

The Trilateral Angle Unfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations is not the only group proposing an end to the sovereignty of the United States. In 1973, another organization which now thoroughly dominates the Carter Administration first saw the light of day. This one is called The Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission's roots stem from the book Between Two Ages,16 written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970 . The following quotations from that book show how closely Brzezinski's thinking parallels that of CFR founder Edward Mandell House. On Page 72, Brzezinski writes : "Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief." On Page 83, he states:" Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his rela tionship to his world." On Page 123, we find: "Marxism supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality ." Nowhere does Mr . Brzezinski tell his readers that the Marxism" in the form of Communism," which he praises, has been responsible for the murder of approximately 100 million human beings in the Twentieth 9

Century, has brought about the enslavement of over a billion more, and has caus ed want, pri vation and despair for all but the few criminals who run th e Comm unist-dom ina ted nations . O n Page 198, afte r discussin g Ame rica 's short comings, Brzezin ski writes: "A me rica is undergoin g a new revolution which unmasks its obsolescen ce ." We disagr ee ; Ame rica is not obsolete . On Page 260, he prop oses " deliberate man agem ent of th e Ame rican future," with th e " planner as th e key social leg islat or and manipulator. " Th e ce n tra l pl anning th at he wan ts for our country is a cardinal underpinning of Co m munism and the very opposite of th e way things are done in a free country. On Page 296 , Mr. Brzezin ski suggests piecemeal movem ent toward a " com munity of nations . . . through a variet y of indirect ties and alr eady developing limitations on national sove reignty. " Here, we hav e th e sam e proposal that has been offer ed by Richard Gard ner in the C F R publication Foreign Affairs. Brzezinski th en calls for th e forgin g of community link s among the United States, Western Europe, and Japan; and th e extension of th ese link s to more ad van ced Communist countries. Fin ally, on Page 308 of his 309page book , he let s us know that what he reall y wants is " the goal of world governmen t.' ,

A Meeting of Minds Zbig niew Brzezin ski' s Bet ween Two Ages was published in 1970 while he was a professor in New York City . W ha t happen ed , quite simply, is th at David Rock ef ell er re ad th e book a nd, in 1973 , M r. Rock e fell er launched th e new Tril ateral Co m mission, wh ose purposes include linking North Ame rica, Western Euro pe , and Jap an " in their eco nomic relations, th eir political and defen se relati on s, th eir relations with develop ing countries, and th eir relati ons with Co mmunist countries." 17 Th e original literature of Th e T rilate ral Commission also states, exactly as Brzezinski's book had proposed, th at th e mor e ad vanced Comm unist states could become partners in th e alliance leading to world 10


gov ernment . In short, David Rockefeller impl em ented Brzezinski's propo sal. Th e onl y change was th e addition of Canada, so that Th e Trilater al Com mission presently includes members from North America, Western Europe, and Japan , not just th e United States, Western Europe, and Jap an. Th en David Rockef eller hir ed Zbigniew Brzezin ski away from Co lumbia University and appointed him to be th e Director of Th e Trilateral Com mission. Lat er, in 1973, th e littl e known Governor of Geo rgia, Jimmy Ca rte r, was invited to becom e a founding member of Th e Trilater al Commission . Mr. Ca rte r was lat er to say : "Membership on this Co m mission has pro vided me with a splendid learning opportunity, and many of th e members ha ve helped me in my study of foreign affairs." 18 We don't doubt th at for a minute.

Carter's Trilateral Team When Jimmy Ca rte r won th e nomination of th e Dem ocratic Party, he chos e CF R member and Trilat eralist Walte r Mondale to be his running mate. Th en, th e man who told America that he would clean th e In sid ers out chose Cy rus Vance, W . Mich ael Blum enthal, and H arold Brown for th e top three Cabine t posts , and each of th ese men is a Tril at er alist , as well as a CF R member. Other Tril ateralists appointe d by Mr. Carte r includ e Zbigniew Brzezinski as National Security Assistant ; Andrew Young as Am bassador to th e United Nations; Rich ard N. Gardner as Ambassador to Italy; and several others as top government officials.


Th e membership list of Th e Trilateral Co mm ission now notes seventeen "Forme r Members in Public Service" including Carte r, Mondale, Vance, etc. Th eir places on th e Commission hav e been taken by other influential Ame ricans so th at approxima te ly eighty Ame ricans, along with ten Canadians, nin et y Western Europe ans, and seventy-five Japan ese are members tod ay. Am ong th e cur rent Tril ateralists can be fou nd six Senators; four Co ngres sme n; two Governo rs; He dley Donovan, th e Ed itor-in-C hief of T IME Inco rporated ; Winston Lord, Preside nt of the Coun cil on Fo re ign Relations; William E. Brock, Cha irman of th e Republican Nati onal Com mittee; and Dr. He nry Kissing er. 19 11

As with the CFR, we do not believe that every member of The Trilateral Commission is fully committed to th e destruction of th e United States. Some of th ese men actually believe that th e world would be a better place if th e United States would give up its independence in the interests of world gov ernment. Others go along for th e ride, a ride which means a tick et to fam e, comfortable living, and constant flattery . Some, of course, really do run things and really do want to scrap our nation 's independence. On March 21, 1978, The Ne w York Times featured an article about Zbigniew Brzezinski's close relationship with th e Presid ent.t? In part, it reads: "The two men met for the first time four year s ago when Mr. Brzezinski was executive dir ector of The Tril at eral Commission . . . and had the fores ight to ask th e then obscure former Governor of Georgia to join its distinguished ranks . Their initial teacher-student relationship blossom ed during th e campaign and appears to hav e grown closer still. " Th e teacher in this relationship praises Marxism, thinks the United States is obsolete, and is th e brains behind a scheme to end the sovereignty of the United States for th e purpose of building a world government. And the student is th e President of th e United Stat es.

What It All Means Let's summ arize the situation we have been describing in three short statements. 1. President Carte r, who was a member of th e Insider -controlled Trilateral Commission as early as 1973, rep eatedly told the nation during th e 1976 political campaign that he was going to get rid of the Establishment Ins iders if he became Presid ent. But when he took office, he promptly filled his Administration with members of th e Council on For eign Relations and The Trilateral Commission, the most prominent Insider organizations in America. 2. Th e Council on Foreign Relations was conceived by a Marxist, Edward Mandell House, for the purpose of creating a one-world government by destroying the freedom and independence of all nations, especially including our own. Its Chairman of the Board is 12

David Rockefeller. And its members have immense control over our government and much of American life .


3. The Trilateral Commission was conceived by Zbigniew Brzez inski, who praises Marxism, who thinks the United States is obsolete, and who also wants to create a one-world government. Its founder and driving force is also David Rockefeller. And it, too, exercises extraordinary con trol over the government of the United States. The effect of the Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission on the affairs of our nation is easy to see. Our own government no longer acts in its own interest; we no longer win any wars we fight; and we constantly tie ourselves to international agreements, pacts and conventions. And , our leaders have developed blatant preferences for Communist U.S.S.R., Communist Cuba, and Communist China, while they continue to work for world government, which has always been the goal of Communism. The Insider domination of our government is why America's leaders now give the backs of their hands to anti-Communist nations such as South Korea, Rhodesia, Chile, and our loyal allies in Taiwan. These few nations do not want to join with Communists in a world government, and therefore, they are being suppressed. In short, our government has become proCommunist.

More Observations


The Carter Administration, unfortunately, is only the current manifestation of this problem that has infected our nation for decades . Previous administrations, however, have carefully pretended to be anti-Communist and pro -American. But there is very little pretense in an Administration which ar ranges to give the Panama Canal to a Communist-dominated government in Panama, and pays the Reds $400 million to take it. Or, when our President turns his back on America's allies in China and diplomatically recognizes the Red Chinese, who run the most brutal tyranny on earth. Or, when our President continues to disarm and weaken the Un ited States, even as he presses for more aid and trade with Red China and Red Russia. 13

The foreign policy of th e Ca rte r Ad ministration, which is totally dominated b y CF R and Tril at eral Co m m ission members , could hardly be worse. But the dom estic polici es of our gov ernment also fit into th e sche me to weak en th e United States and to destro y th e freedom of our people. Gove rn men t-caused inflati on continues to weak en th e doll ar and d estroy th e eco nomy of our nation . Fede ral controls con tinue to ham string Ame rica's productive might. And th e Carte r ene rgy policy can be summed up very sim ply as a pro gram to den y Ame rica the use of its own ene rgy resources an d to bring thi s nati on to its knees throu gh shortages and d ependence on foreign su pplie rs. The real goa l of our own govern me nt's leaders is to mak e th e United States into a carbon copy of a Com mu nist sta te, and th en to merg e all nati ons into a on e- world syste m run by a powerful few . And in 1953, one of th e individuals committed to exactly that goal said as much in a very explicit way. That individual was H. Rowan Gaithe r, a C FR member who was th e President of th e very pow erful Ford Foundation. It was during th e pr eliminary stag es of a Con gr essional inv estigation into th e activities of th e hu ge tax-exempt foundation s that Mr. Gaithe r invited Norman Dodd, th e Dir ector of Research for th e Cong ressional Committee, to Ford Fou ndation headqu arters in New York City . Th e purpose of the meeting was to discuss th e reasons wh y Cong ress wanted to investigat e th e foundations. At that meeting, Rowan Gaithe r brazenl y told Norman Dodd that he and othe rs who had worked for th e Sta te Department, th e United Na tions, and oth er fed eral agencies had for yea rs " . .. op er at ed under directives issued b y th e White House, th e substance of which was that we sho uld mak e eve ry effort to so alte r life in th e Unite d Stat es as to make possible a comfortable merg er with th e Soviet Union." T he n he ad de d, "We ar e continuing to be guided by just such di rectives." Wh en th e thoroughly shocked Norman Dodd asked Rowan Gaither if he would repeat th at sta te me n t to th e full House Committee so th at th e 14

American people would know exactly what such powerful individuals were trying to accomplish, he said: " T his we would not think of doing ."21 As furth er proof of ju st how pow erful th ese su bve rsive influences alr eady were in th e ea rly 1950s, th e Comm ittee, headed b y Cong ress m a n Ca rro ll Reece of T ennessee, nev er did get to th e bottom of its investiga tion of th e tax- exempt foundations.w and it was soon disbanded . A su mm a ry of wh at wa s learned appears in Ren e Wormser's book, Foundations, Th eir Power And lnjluence.t"

'World Order' Nightmare . . . But th e drive toward a merger of th e Unite d States with Com m un ism continue s. The fin al goal , as we have alr eady stated, is a world gov ernment rul ed b y a pow erful few . And lest anyo ne think th at such a d evelopment will be beneficial to th e world or agreeable to himself, let us list four certain consequences of world gove rn me nt. One : Rather th an improve th e standard of living for other nations, world gov ernment will mean a forced redistribution of all wealth a nd a sha rp reduction in th e standa rd of living for Ame rica ns. Two: Strict regimentation will become commonplac e, and th ere will no lon ger b e any freedom of mov ement, freedom of worship, private property rights, free sp eech, or th e right to publish . Three : World government will mean that this on ce glorious land of opportunity will becom e another socialistic nightmare wh e re no am oun t of effort will produce ju st reward . Four: World order will be e nforced by ag ents of th e world gov ernment in th e same way th at age nts of th e Kre m lin e nfor ce th eir rul e throughout Soviet Russia today. That is not th e kind of a world th at anyone should have to tol erate. And it is surely not th e kind of an existe nce that a parent should leave for a child. Yet, th at is what is on our nea r horizon right now, unless e nough Ame ricans decide to stop it. 15

Or a Better World T he John Birc h Socie ty was organized in part to stop th e driv e toward world govern ment. In 1966 , Robert We lch, th e founder and lead e r of Th e John Birch Societ y, d eliver ed a spee ch which he call ed Th e Truth In T ime.i" In it, he gave a bri ef histor y of th e goals of th e Co m munist con spiracy. One of th e most important sections in thi s valuable survey is Robe rt Welch 's discus sion of th e individuals who are carrying out th e conspiracy's goals, but who have never been Com m u nists. Mr. Welch coin ed a word to describe these powerful me n. He called th em the Insiders . Among th ese Insid ers can be found some of th e most prominent Americ an busin essmen - th ose who su pport Co mm unism, who promote gov ernment controls, and who want world gove rn me nt. Strangely enoug h, we hav e seen th at Jimm y Carte r attacked what he, too , called Insider s during his campaign for the offic e of Presid ent. We are, how ever , making no inf er ence tha t Mr. Carte r used th e word becau se Rob ert Welch had . Th e am azing aspe ct of this coincidence is that, in using th e word " Inside rs," both Jimmy Carte r. and Robert Welch were referring to th e sam e individuals, and to th e sam e force. But Jimmy Carte r onl y went so far in discussing th e In siders because he had obviously thrown in his lot with th em , and was disho nestly see king votes by condemning them . Robert Welch, on the othe r hand , has condemned the Insider s, named th e Insiders, and form ed T he John Birch Society to stop what th ey are doing to our country and to th e world. And that is wher e you who ar e watching thi s film come in. Th e Insiders mu st be stopped . Th e control th ey hav e over our governm ent must be broken . And th e disastrous polici es of our leaders must be ch anged . Th e wa y to accom plish th ese urg ent task s is to expose th e Insiders and th eir con spiracy. The Ame rican people must be made aware of what is happening to our country and wh o is doing it . If suffici ent awaren ess can be created in tim e, th e Insid ers and th eir whol e sinist er plan will be stopped . This is th e goal of The John Birch Society." Education is our strategy and truth is our weapon. But more hands ar e need ed to do th e job. More hands ar e needed to wak e the town and tell the peopl e. 16

You don 't have to be a political scientist, or an economist, or a Ph.D. in world histor y to be a member of Th e John Birch Societ y. Th e most important sing le requirem e nt has always been a sense of right and wron g, and a preference for what is right . If you want to do your part to save your country, an d to stop the Insider- controlled dr ive tow ard a co mm unist-sty le world gove rn ment, th en you oug ht to join th e Society now. Th e John Birch Societ y has th e orga nization, the expe rience , th e tools, and th e det erminati on to ge t th e job done. God help us all if, for want of willi ng hands, we fail to succee d.

Footnotes I. John T. Flynn , While You Slept (New York: Devin- Adair , 1951 , and Boston : Western Island s, 1965 ).

2. Hobert Welch , May God Forgi ve Us (C hicago : Hegn er y, 1952), and Again Ma y God Forgive Us (Boston, Belm ont Pub lishing Co.). 3... Human Cost Of Com munism In C hina," Report issued by Sena te Sub committee to Investigate the Admini stration of the Int ernal Security Act and Other Int ernal Secur ity Laws, Nine ty-Second Co ng ress, 1971. 4. Nathaniel Weyl, Red Star Over Cuba (New York: Devin- Adair , 1960 ). 5. Rich ard L. Tu rne r, , til Never Li e To You ' - Jim m y Carter In His Ow n W ords (New York: Ballan tine Books, 1976). 6. Sam Smit h, " Cart er's C rimso n Tide ," Bosto n Globe , Janu ar y 29, 1978. 7. Dan Smoot , The In visible Got:ernment (Boston: Wes tern Islan ds, 1977 ). 8. Philip Dru, Admi nistrator (New York, 1912 ). 9. Karl Marx, T he Co m m unist Manife sto (Boston: Ame rican Opi nion, 1974). 10. Dan Smoo t, Th e In visible Governm en t (see Appen d ix 1). 11. T he e leve n United States Sena tors listed as memb ers of th e Co unci l on Foreign Hclatious in 1978 arc : Sen. Howard H. Baker ; Sen. Joh n C. Culve r; Sen . Jacob K. j avits: Sen. Cha rles I>lcC. Mathi as, Jr. ; Sen. Geo rge McGovern ; Sen. Dani el Patr ick Moynih an ; Sen . Cluiborne Pell ; Sen. Ab raha m Ribicoff ; Sen . William V. Roth , Jr.; Sen. Paul S. Sarba nes ; and Sen. Ad lai E. Steve nson III. See A nnual Rep ort I9 ii-I 9 i 8, th e Co uncil on Foreign Helutions. ln c., New York.


12. June 1978 By-Laws of the Counci l on Foreign Relations, Article II : "It is an express con d ition of membership in the Council, to which condition eve ry member acce des by virtu e of his membership, that mem bers will obse rve such rules and regu lations as may be p rescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors concerning the cond uct of Coun cil me etings or the attribu tion of statements made therein , and that any disclosure, pub lication, or other action by a memb er in cont ravention thereof may be rega rded by the Board of Directors in its sole d iscre tion as grou nd for termin ation or suspens ion of membe rship . pursua nt to Article I of the By-Laws." Annual Report 1977-19 78. 13. Examples of former C FR members who did what they could to expose the purposes of the organiz ation are forme r Assistant Secreta ry of Sta te Spru ille Braden (see Dan Smoot, Th e l noisible Govemment ) an d retired Rear Adm iral Cheste r Wa rd (see Phyllis Schlafly and Ch este r Ward , Kissinger On The Couc h, New York: Arlington House, 1975 ). 14. Richard Nixon, "Asia After Vietna m," Foreign Affairs, Octobe r, 1967. 15. Rich ard N. Gardner , " The Hard Road to World O rde r," Foreign Affai rs, April, 1974. 16. Zbign iew Brzezinski, Bet ween Two Ages (New York: Viking Press, 1970, and Ne w York : Pen guin Books, 1976 ). 17. Rep ort of Purpo ses and Obj ecti ves, by Tril at eral Commission, March 15, 1973. 18. Jimmy Carte r, Why Not Th e Best (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1975). 19. Membership list of th e Tril at era l Commission, January 31, 1978. (See Appen d ix in this pamph let .) 20. Te rence Smith, " Brzezinski, Foreign Policy Advisor, Sees Role as Sti ffening U.S. Position," New York Tim es, March 21, 1978. 21. Norma n Dodd in lett er to Howard E. Kershn er , Decem ber 29, 1962. 22. " Ta x-Exempt Fou ndations," Report of the Specia l House Committee to Investigat e TaxExemp t Foun da tions (Reece Commi ttee ), Eighty-T hird Cong ress, 1954. 23 . Rene A. Wormser, Fou ndatio ns, Their Power And Infl uence (New York: Devin-Ada ir, 1958 ). 24. Robe rt Welch, The Truth In Tim e (Boston: American Op inion, 1966). 25. Robe rt We lch, T he Blue Book of The j ohn Birch Society (Boston: Western Islands, 1959).


Appendix (As of January 31, 1978)

The Trilateral Commission GEORGES BERTHOIN



European Chairman

Japanese Chai rman

North American Chairman

Eormo ORTONA European Deputy Chairman


North American Deputy Chairman , GEORGE S . FRANKLIN

Coordinator HANNS W. MAULL



European Secretary

Japanese Secretary

North American Secretary

North American Members 'r. W. Abel, Former

President , United Steelworkers of America David M. Abshire, Chairman, Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies Gardne r Ackley, Henry Carter Adams University Professor of Political Economy, University of Michigan Graham Allison, Dean , Public Policy Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Doris Anderson, Former Editor, Chatelaine Magazine John B. Anderson, House of Representatives Anne Armstrong, Forme r U .S. Ambassador to Great Britain J. Paul Austin, Chairman , The Coca -Cola Company George W. Ball, Senior Partner, Lehman Brothers Michel Belanger, President, Provincial Bank of Canada 'Robert W. Bonner, Q.c., Chairman, British Columbia Hydro John Brademas , House of Representatives Andrew Brimmer, President, Brimmer & Company, Inc. William E. Brock, III, Chairman , Republican National Committee George Bush, Former Director of Central Intelligence; former Chief of U.S. Liaison Office in Peking Claude Castonguay, President, Fonds Laurentien; Chairman of the Board, Imperia l Life Assurance Company; former Minister in the Quebec Government Sol Chaikin, President, International Ladies Garment Workers Union William S. Cohen, House of Representatives 'William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers; former Secretary of Transportation Barber B. Conable, Jr ., House of Rep resentatives John Cowles, Jr., Chairman, Minneapolis Star & Tribune Co. Alan Cranston, United States Senate John C. Culver, United States Senate Gerald L. Curtis, Director, East Asian Institute, Columbia University Lloyd N . Cutle r, Partner, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering John C. Danforth, United States Senate Louis A. Desrochers, Partner, McCua ig and Desrochers, Edmonton Peter Dobell, Director, Parliamentary Centre for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Ottawa Hedley Donovan, Editor-in -Chief, Time Inc. Claude A. Edwards, Member, Public Service Stott Relations Board; former President, Public Service Alliance of Canada


1 Daniel J. Evans, President , The Evergreen State College; former Governor of Washington Gordon Fairweather, Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human R ights Commission Thomas S. Foley, House of Re presen tatives George S. Fra nklin, Coo rdinator, The Trilateral Commission; former Executive Director, Council on Foreign Relations Dona ld M. Fraser, House of R epresentatives John H. Glenn , Jr ., United States Senate Philip M. Hawley, President , Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc . Walter W. Heller, Regents' Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota William A. Hewitt, Chairman, Deere & Com pany Carla A. Hills, Cochairman, A lliance to Save Energy ; former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alan Hock in, Executive V ice President . Toronto-Dominion Bank James F. Hoge, Jr., Chief Edito r. Chicago Sun T imes Hendrik S. Hout hakker, Henry Lee Prof essor of Economics. Harva rd University Thomas L. Hughes, President. Carnegie Endowment fo r In ternational Peace 'Robert S. Ingersoll, Deputy Chai rman of the Board of Tr ustees, The University of Chicago; former Deputy Secretary of State D. Gale Johnson, Provost , The Un iversity of Chicago Edgar F . Kaiser, Jr ., President and Chief Executive Officer, Kaiser Resources Ltd. Michael Kirby, President, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montrea l Lane Kirkla nd, Secre tary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO ' Henry A. Kissinger, Former Secretary of State Sol M. Linowitz, Seni or Partner. Couderr Brothers; form er Ambassador to the Organ ization of American States Winston Lord, President, Council on Foreign Relat ions ' Bruce K. MacLaury, President. The Brook ings Institution Paul W. McCracken, Edmund Ezra Day Prof essor of Business Administration, University of Michigan Arjay Miller, Dean. Grad uate School of Business , Stanford University Lee L. Morga n, President, Caterpillar Tractor Com pany Kenneth D. Nad en, President , Na tional Co uncil of Farme r Coope ratives 'Henry Owen, Director, Foreign Policy St udies Program, The Brook ings Institution David Packard, Chairman, Hewlett -Packard Com pany Ge rald L. Parsky, Partner. Gibson , Dunn & Crutcher; former Assis tant Secreta ry of the Treasu ry for Int ernational Affairs William R. Pearce, Vi ce President, Cargill Incorporated Peter G . Peterson, Chairman . Le hman Brot hers Edwin O. Reischauer, Univer sity Prof essor and Directo r of Japan Institute, Harva rd Univ ersity; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan ' Charles W. Robinson, Vice Chairman, Blyth Eastman Dillon & Co.; fo rmer Deputy Secretary of State ' David Rocke feller, Chairman , The Chase Ma nhattan Bank, N .A. Joh n D. Rockefeller, IV, Governor of West Virgin ia Robert V. Roosa, Partner, Brown Bros., Harriman & Com pany 'William M. Roth, Roth Properties William V. Roth, Jr ., United States Senate Joh n C. Sawhill, President , New Yo rk University ; forme r Administrator, Federal Energy Administration




Hen ry B. Schacht, President, Cummi ns Engine Company ¡ William W. Scranton, Former Go vernor of Pennsylvania; forme r u.s. Ambassador to the Un ited Nations ¡ Mitchell Sharp, M emb er of Parliament; forme r Minister of External A ff airs Mark Shepherd, Jr., Chairman . Texas Instrum ents Incorporated Edson W. Spencer , President arid Chief Exec utive Officer. Honeywell Inc. Robert T aft, J r., Partner, Taft , Stettinius & Hollister Arthur R. Taylor James R. Thompson, Gove rno r of Illinoi s Russell E. Train, Form er Adm inistrator, En vironme ntal Protection Age ncy Philip H. Tre zise, Forme r Ass istant Secretary of Stat e for Econom ic Affairs Paul A. Volcker, President, Federal Reserve Bank of N ew York Marth a R. Wallace, Exec utive Director, The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Martin J. Ward, President, United A ssociation of Journeym en and Apprenti ces of the Plum bing and Pipe Filling Indu stry of the Unite d States and Canada G lenn E . Walts, President, Com m unications Work ers of A me rica Caspar W. Weinberger , V ice President and General Co unsel. Bechtel Corporation Geo rge Weyerh aeuser, President and Chief Exec utiv e Officer. Weyerhaeuser Company Marina v.N . Whitm an, Distinguished Public Service Professo r of Econom ics. University of Pittsburgh Ca rroll L. Wilson, Mitsui Professor in Problems of Contem porary Technol ogy . Al fred P. Sloan School of Mana gem ent ; Director . Work shop on A lternative Energy Strategies. MIT T. A. Wilson , Chairman of the Board , The Boeing Com pany " Executive Co mmittee

Fonner Mem bers in Public Service Lucy Wilson Benson, Under Secretary of State for Secu rity A ssistance W. Mich ael Blumenth al, Secretary of the Treasury Robert R. Bowie, Deputy to the Director of Central Intellig ence for N ational Int elligence Harold Brown , Secretary of Defense Zbigniew Brzezinsk i, Assistant 10 the President for N ational Security A ffairs Jimmy Carter, President of the United States Warren Christo pher, Deputy Secretary of Stat e Richard N. Coo per, Under Secretary of State fo r Econo mic Affairs Richard N. Gardner, U.S. Ambassador to Italy Richard Holbrooke, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific A ffairs Walter F . Mondale, Vi ce President of the United States Jean -Luc Pepin , P.C., Cochairman, Task Force on Canad ian Unity Elliot L. Richardson, U.S. A m bassador at Large with R esponsibility for UN Law of the Sea Conference Gerard C. Smith, U.S. Ambassador at Large for Non-Proliferation Matters Anth ony M. Solomon, Under Secretary of the Treasury for M onetary Affairs Cyru s R. Vance, Secretary of Stat e Paul C. Warnke, Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; Chief Disarmament N egotiator Andrew Young, U.S. Ambassador 10 the United Nations


Important reading on this same subject . . . The Invisible Government, by Dan Smoot


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