THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Chronology and Commentary
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D.
Robert Henry Goldsborough
TABLE OF CONTENTS PART II: CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER Introduction 1899: British secret society created 1920: Churchill describes worldwide conspiracy 1921: American Birth Control League founded 1929: Stock market crash 1933: Welfare state legislation 1945: Truman endorses world government 1949: Senate calls for world federation 1952: Dulles call to override Constitution 1962: Kennedy endorses world government 1970: Environemental Protection Agency founded 1973: Abortion legalized 1984: Task Force Delta aims revealed 1987: Call for new Constitution 1988: Reagan calls for world economy 1990: Points of Light Initiative 1992: Schlafly cites wider role for United Nations 1992: Gorbachov calls for world government 2000: Predictions for the 21 st century
1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 15 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 28
THE NETWORK OF POWER Chapter 1 The Network of Power 31 Chapter 2 The Trojan Horse and the Network of Power 33 Chapter 3 The House of Morgan and the Network of Power 35 Chapter 4 The Creation of Debt and the Network of Power 37 Chapter 5 Goldman Sachs and the Network of Power 39 Chapter 6 Globalism and the Network of Power 41 Chapter 7 A Trillion Dollar Deal and the Network of Power 43 Chapter 8 Lazard Freres and the Network of Power 45 Chapter 9 Big Media and the Network of Power 47 Chapter 10 Rhodes' Scholars and the Network of Power 49 Chapter 11 Control of Clinton and the Network of Power 51 Chapter 12 Our Unelected Ruler and the Network of Power 53 Chapter 13 The Carnegie Commission & the Network of Power 55 Chapter 14 Clinton Appointee Rubin & the Network of Power 57 Chapter 15 The Quest for World Government and the Network of Power 59
CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER PART II by Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D. with Editorial Notes by Robert Henry Goldsborough In his September 11, 1990 address to the US Congress, President Bush publicly endorsed the New World Order as a justification for the Gulf War. A year later, in an address to the United Nations Assembly, he made the following claims for the New World Order: No nation must surrender one iota of its sovereignty; the New World Order would be instituted with the rule of law rather than resort to force; it would allow cooperative settlement of disputes rather than anarchy and bloodshed; its promoters are firmly committed to defending human rights. The public is justified in asking whether these principles were in fact applied during the Gulf War, whether they are being applied by American and UN troops in Somalia or why they are not being applied to the Serbian Communist massacre of Moslems and Christians in Croatia and BosniaHercegovina, whose independence most nations of the world recognize. The New World Order: Chronology and Commentary outlined the aims and methods of New World Order adherents and delineated the discrepancies between the power elite's publicly stated principles and covertly pursued goals. Part II gives further support to the assertion that the New World Order is nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at world domination, and the imposition of a political system in which national sovereignty, rule of law, cooperative settlement of disputes and human rights will play no part. [With the changeover from Bush to Clinton, Americans can expect to see the slide towards the New World Order accelerated. William Clinton is the first US president to have been a Rhodes Scholar and his administration is replete with Rhodes Scholar appointees (see page 49). With his vast forture, Cecil Rhodes funded the Rhodes scholarship program for carefully selected English-speaking students from the US, Canada and other countries. The program is designed to brainwash these students with the belief that a handpicked, English-speaking elite should rule the world. In effect, the Rhodes Scholarship program trains administrators for the New World Order. RHG]
1872 Rothschild bank backs Rockefeller's oil and railroad takeover [National City Bank of Cleveland finances the South Improvement Co., a Rockefeller company, allowing him to crush his competitors through illegal railway rebates. National City Bank of Cleveland is owned and controlled by the London branch of the Rothschild family. RHG]
1899 Creation of British Secret Society for World Domination 7th will of Rothschild-backed industrialist Cecil Rhodes stipulates creation of a secret society, the Round Table Group of England, to promote world domination under English rule. The plan calls for the gradual absorption of the world's wealth, and the institution of Rhodes Scholarships to train young people to work towards these ends. Original members include Lord Alfred Milner and Lord Rothschild who played a pivotal role in establishing ancillary organizations such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Britain and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States. According to author Carroll Quigley, "The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financial cooperation running from the [Rothschild controlled] Morgan Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers... It was known that the CFR was a front for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group... The board of the CFR have carried ever since the marks of their origin... closely allied with this Morgan influence were a small group of Wall Street law firms, whose chief figures were: the Dulles brothers, John J. McCloy... On this basis, there grew up in the 20th century apower structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press and the practice of foreign policy. . . For example, it set up in Princeton a reasonable copy of the Round Table Group's chief Oxford headquarters. The copy was called the Institute for Advanced Study and was organized by Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board. The plans were largely drawn by Tom Jones, one of the Round Table's most active intriguers and foundation administrators. The American branch of this 'English Establishment' exerted much of its influence through 5 American newspapers (The New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post, and the lamented Boston Evening Transcript)" The School and Society is published: Author John Dewey states that schools could be used to construct an American socialist society, and presents a plan to bring this about.
Elitist Methods Revealed
According to Thomas Lawson, author of "Frenzied Finance,"appearing in the August issue of Everybody's Magazine, the leaders of Standard Oil gather each day between 11am and 12 noon and "republics and empires are made and unmade." October 14: According to a London Express article by Andrew Carnegie: "The peaceful union of Canada and America would lead Britain to a serious view of her position, resulting in the conclusion that Cecil Rhodes reaches... Mr. Stead recounts that Mr. Rhodes went to Lord Rothschild and laid that scheme before him, who replied, This is all very well, if you can get America to join—if not it amounts to nothing!' This led Mr. Rhodes to a study of the subject, and the result was he saw clearly that Lord Rothschild was right. .. He saw that it was to the (American) Republic, not to the British settlements his country had to look for the coming reunion of his race, with Britain in her rightful place as parent of all." 1908 New Worlds for Old is published According to author H.G. Wells, "Socialism ceased to be an open revolution, and became a plot. Functions were to be shifted quietly. . . from the representative to the official he appointed. . . a scientific bureaucracy appointed by representative bodies of diminishing activity and importance. . . to the replacement of individual action by public organization" could achieve Socialism "without popular support."
Cartoonist sums up Communist-Capitalist colaboration
Appearing in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Robert Minor's cartoon depicts Karl Marx, symbolizing socialism, surrounded by appreciative Wall Street financiers John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan along with Andrew Carnegie and Teddy Roosevelt who are all saying, "Dee-lighted".
Elitist backs Teddy Roosevelt to split conservative vote
Even though the Taft family wealth owes much to Rothschild-controlled National Bank of Cleveland financing, Taft opposes the creation of the Federal Reserve during his first term as president. International bankers recruit Woodrow Wilson to run against Taft but he lacks popular support. J.P. Morgan funds the entry of Teddy Roosevelt into the race, thereby splitting the conservative vote and allowing Wilson to win with less than 50% of the popular vote. (The Federal Reserve Act is passed in 1913 with Wilson's support.) CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER Part II
1914 Masonry plays role in death of Franz Ferdinand [According to several sources, the June 28, 1914 assassination in Sarajevo of the Hapsburg's Crown Prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent to and nephew of the 86-year-old Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary and direct successor to the Holy Roman Emperors, is part of a master plot, not the action of a lone mad peasant. Paul Fisher, in his book Behind the Lodge Door writes, "Some sources attribute World War I to Masonic intrigue...assassins of the Archduke were members of the 'Black Hand' a South Slav revolutionary organization which was a progeny of [Grand Orient] Freemasonry." According to an editorial in the Masonic publication New Age, the assassin's triggerman was Gavrilo Princep. Fisher writes, "During the trial, Princep testified that his colleague Ciganovitch 'told me he was a Freemason' and on another occasion, 'told me that the Heir Apparent [Franz Ferdinand] had been condemned to death by a Freemason's lodge.'" The Serbian Prime Minister knew of the Black Hand plot hatched in Serbia but did not warn the Archduke. RHG]
League of Nations charter defined In a December 9 address given in Minneapolis, President Woodrow Wilson refers to the charter of the League of Nations as "the charter of the new order of the world."
Churchill describes worldwide conspiracy In a February 8 edition of The Illustrated Sunday Herald (London) Churchill writes: "From the days of Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx to those of Trotsky, Bela Kuhn. Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this worldwide conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy has played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." 4
1921 American Birth Control League founded [The founder and first president of American Birth Control League, Margaret Sanger, serves until 1928. The League is a precursor to Planned Parenthood. These organizations, established to further the supposedly laudable goal of helping the poor, actually promote government interference in what should be a private decision about family size. In her 1932 "Plan for Peace," Sanger calls for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative concentration camps for all "dysgenic stocks" including Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics. Population control in its many guises is a fundamental plank in the New World Order platform, as rapid population growth is always accompanied by great outpourings of creativity, invention and nationalism, all manifestations of the Holy Spirit which the power network is unable to control. All elitists subscribe to the tenets of Malthus who argued that the earth's resources are limited, and that population growth necessarily results in poverty and starvation. RHG]
1928 CBS advisor Edward Bernays promotes invisible government Formerly with the US War Department and later to join US State Department Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, Bernays is hired to assist William Paley, head of CBS. In his work Propaganda, Bernays comments: "Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. . . It remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world... As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented." According to Bernays, politicians and businessmen shoud take "a survey of public desires and demands" in order to say" I must lead the people. Am I not their servant?" This is current accepted practice of US politicians.
1929 Stock Market Crash marks beginning of Great Depression According to National Message, the official organ of the British-Israel World Federation, "It was told to me by a heavyweight American financier before the crash came that the crash was coming, that it would be reversed by measures carefully prepared in advance to mend the situation. I carefully noted what he said and left it for events to prove the value of his statement." [Henry Morganthau, Sr., just days before the crash tells Banker's Trust to sell all of his family's stocks immediately and buy government bonds which were to be held until he notified the bank. The late Norman Dodd was a trust officer at the bank. Later FDR appoints Henry Morganthau, Jr. as his Secretary of the Treasury. RHG]
1930 Humanism: A New Religion is published Author C.F. Potter, a signer of the Humanist Manifesto, states: "Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?"
Dare the School Build a New Social Order? is published Author George Counts, disciple of John Dewey, asserts that "the teachers should deliberately reach for power and then make the most of their conquest" in order to "influence the social attitudes, ideals, and behavior of the coming generation... The growth of science and technology has carried us into a new age where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by careful planning, and private capitalism by some form of socialized economy."
1933-1936 America undergoes non-bloody socialist revolution [According to a staff report of the US House of Representatives Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations (i.e. the Reece Committee 1953-54) the imposition of a socialist secular-humanist New World Order on America is accomplished through education and is underwritten by several large foundations, notably the Carnegie Endowment and the Rockefeller Foundation. RHG] 6
1933 Congress passes Welfare State legislation [Calling Article I Section Eight of the Constitution, "congress shall have Power, provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States," a mandate to provide for the general welfare of the people of the United States, Roosevelt signs into law the Emergency Banking Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Glass-Steagall Banking Act, the Farm Credit Act and the Railroad Coordination Act, all measures that bring federal government interference into the lives of private citizens in the name of "the general welfare." Calling these acts a false interpretation of the general welfare clause, the Supreme court strikes down most of these early social welfare measures. FDR then packs the court with judges who re-interpret the general welfare clause to allow a federally administered welfare state in America RHG]
1935 Roosevelt picks Masonic symbol for dollar bill [According to Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. in his book The Coming of the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, prodded by his vice president Henry A. Wallace, had the great seal of the US, the pyramid topped by the all seeing eye, placed on US dollar bills. Under the symbol is the Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum, the "New Order of the Ages." In Our Great Seal Wallace wrote, "The Latin phrase 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' impressed me as meaning the New Deal of the Ages." In 1871, Albert Pike, Grand Master of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the U.S. wrote Morals and Dogma, still today the authoritative manual on Masonry. He wrote that the "all-seeing the Egyptians Initiates was the emblem of Osiris..." William T. Still in New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (1990) writes, 'Isis has always been seen as the guiding light of the profession of prostitution; Osiris the chief evil god." Still cites Robert K.G. Temple, '"Osiris is a dark God' One of the oldest, and most important symbols of Masonry is the Egyptian hieroglyph of the eye - or the 'evil eye'. It represents their God Osiris. This 'Eye of Osiris' is also the symbol of modern day Masonry. It dominates the top of most Masonic documents...and the back of the Great Seal of the United States..." Both Roosevelt and Wallace were 32nd degree Masons. RHG] CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER Part II
Supreme Court backs Security Act and Job Insurance [This is the first of many pieces of social welfare legislation to be upheld by the Supreme Court. In the majority opinion of Justice Cardozo, the Court declares that "the concept of the general welfare clause cannot be static." This new interpretation of the Constitution opens the way for Congressional acts to fix minimum hours, minimum wages and many other laws regulating the lives of private citizens in areas formerly the purview of the individual states. This Supreme Court decision has been called the death knell to Jeffersonian democracy in the United States. RHG]
Elitists back Wendell Wilkie to split conservative vote Backed by the funds of international bankers, Wilkie becomes a Republican a few months before their convention; just seven weeks before the convention, he has only 3% of popular support. Wilkie wins the nomination, thereby ensuring a weak rival to FDR. After FDR's victory, Wilkie becomes a member of the CFR and an international emissary for FDR. According to Congressman Usher Burdick, "There is nothing to the Wilkie boom for President except artificial public opinion being created by newspapers, magazines and the radio. The reason back of all this is money. Money is being spent by someone, and lots of it." Hitler support of New World Order revealed The Voice of Destruction by Hermann Rauschning recounts Hitler's conversations with the author: "Only by accepting the inner law of the new world order, Hitler contended, could the German People become the world people who would give their name to the coming era."
1942 Institute of Pacific Relations supports New World Order Published under the auspices of the leftist Institute of Pacific Relations, Post War Worlds by P.E. Corbett includes the statement: "World government is the ultimate aim. . . It must be recognized that the law of nations takes precedence over national law... The process will have to be assisted by the deletion of the nationalistic material employed in educational textbooks and its replacement by material explaining the benefits of wiser association." [The Institute of Pacific Relations played a key role in obtaining US government support for the Communists in China. RHG]
1944 Dangers of Socialism exposed In The Road to Serfdom, author F. A. Hayek warns that Socialism, "the fatal conceit", is dangerous because, although it promises equality among people, it actually results in equality of servitude to the State.
1945 Truman endorses world government On the eve of the Hiroshima bombing, Truman declares, "It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States," according to Sen. Glenn Taylor (D-Idaho) in a speech before a Kansas City audience on October 24.
1946 Role of schools called key to New World Order In "The Teacher and World Government" Joy Elmer Morgan, editor of the NEA Journal editor from 1921 to 1955, states: "In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher... can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation... At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession." Author Brock Chisolm, head of the World Health Organization, writing in the February edition of Psychiatry, calls for "a program of re-education or a new kind of education [whereby] psychology and sociology and psychopathology should be made available to all people by being taught to all children in primary and secondary schools. . . Only so, can we help our children to carry out their responsibilities as world citizens as we have not been able to do... We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests. . . The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking of faith in the certainties of old people. .. Would they not be legitimate objectives of original education?" Chisholm also criticizes "authoritarian dogma. . . familial and national loyalties."
1946 Truman names Oscar Ewing head of Federal Security Agency [Ewing, a lawyer representing aluminum interests is paid a $750,000 fee by Rockefeller interests to "enter government service" and become head of the Federal Security Agency which at the time has jurisdiction over the US Public Health Service. Ewing uses his position and influence to promote fluoridation through the US Public Health service as a public health measure. Fluoride is a particularly toxic by-product of aluminum and fertilizer production, requiring very costly disposal methods. A cumulative poison, fluoride causes chromosomal damage and interferes with the production of important neurotransmitters in the brain. Possible side effects of daily fluoride ingestion include cancer, strokes, brain damage, bone deformities, birth defects and mood changes. Soviet studies showed that fluorides produce a docile sheeplike obedience in those who ingest it, and for this reason the USSR administers fluorides to its prison population. During World War II the Germans also did research on the behavioral effects of fluorides and found them to be an effective agent of mass control. According to Charles Eliot Perkins, an industrial chemist who helped take charge of IG Farben's industrial plants after the war, "the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth... The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty." RHG]
New calls for end to national sovereignty
NEA Associate Secretary William Can, writing in the October edition of the NEA Journal, admonishes teachers to "teach about the various proposals that have been made for strengthening the United Nations and the establishment of world law. Teach those attitudes which will result ultimately in the creation of a world citizenship and world government." Problems of Humanity is published Occultist author Alice Bailey, declares that "humanity as a whole is of far greater importance than any one nation; it will be a new world order, built upon different principles to those in the past. .. What we need above all to see— as a result of spiritual maturity—is the abolition of those two principles which have wrought so much evil in the world and which are summed up in two words: sovereignty and nationalism." [Bailey's book publisher is Lucis Publishing Co. NY, formerly the Lucifer Publshing Co. RHG]
1948 Walden II is published Author B.F. Skinner proposes "a perfect society or new and more perfect order" in which children are reared by the State, rather than by their parents, and are trained from birth to demonstrate only desirable behavior and characteristics. Punishment is also outlawed.
1949 Senate resolution calls for world federation Senate Concurrent Resolution 56, sponsored by eighteen members of the US Senate, calls for the United Nations to be developed into a world federation.
Dangers of social engineering exposed In his work Is Anybody Listening?, author William Whyte, Jr., describes the "social engineering movement" as "a machine for the engineering of mediocrity. .. It is profoundly authoritarian in its implications, for it subordinates the individual to the group."
1951 Elitist writings reveal scorn of common man "How Can the Junior High School Curriculum Be Improved?" published in The Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, states: "The Three R's for All Children, and All Children for the Three R's! We've made some progress in getting rid of that slogan. But every now and then some mother with a Phi Beta Kappa award or some employer who has hired a girl who can't spell stirs up a fuss about the schools... and ground is lost... It's high time for us to stop cramming these subject materials down all mouths." In The Impact of Science Upon Society, author Bertrand Russell explains, "it is for the future scientist to... discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen."
1952 Dulles calls for treaty law to override Constitution In a speech before the American Bar Association in Louisville, Kentucky, John Foster Dulles states, "Treaty law can override the Constitution. . . Treaties can take powers away from Congress and give them to the President. They can take powers from the States and give them to the Federal Government or to some international body, and they can cut across the rights given to the people by their constitutional Bill of Rights." [Described by his mentor William Nelson Cromwell as the "most dangerous man in America", Dulles arranged backing for Hitler through Rothschild banks and later served as Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation and Eisenhower's Secretary of State. RHG] US occupation plan proposed The World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government draws up a plan dividing the United States and Canada into six regions and and details the occupation of these regions by foreign troops. The Devils of Loudun is published Author Aldous Huxley states: "If exposed long enough to the tomtoms and the singing, every one of our philosophers would end by capering and howling with the savages. . . Assemble a mob of men and women. . . treat them to amplified band music, bright lights... and in next to no time you can reduce them to a state of almost mindless subhumanity. Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or criminals of so many."
1958 Elitist methods delineated Testifying before a Congressional Subcommittee, journalist Edward Hunter states: "These developments include the penetration of our leadership circles by a softening up and creating a defeatist state of mind. This includes penetration of our educational circles by a similar state of mind. . . the liquidation of our attitudes on what we used to recognize as right and wrong, what we used to accept as absolute moral standards. . . by dialectical materialism ... We are to become subjects of a 'New World Order'... " World Peace Through World Law is published Authors Grenville Clark and Louis Sohn advocating using the UN into a governing body for the world and call for world disarmament, a world police force, a world legislature, a world executive, a world judicial system, a world development authority, a global monetary system, and redistribution of the world's wealth.
1959 The World Constitution and Parliament Association is founded This organization later develops a "Diagram of World Government under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth," including the "World Police". The Mid-Century Challenge to US Foreign Policy is published: Sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the document explains that the US "cannot escape, and indeed should welcome... the task which history has imposed on us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions—spiritual, economic, political, social."
Kennedy endorses goal of world government In a July 5 address, President John Kennedy hopes for the day when "the United States will be ready for a declaration of interdependence. . . a partnership (with Federal institutions) between the new union now emerging in Europe and the old American union founded here 173 years ago." In the following year, as a solution to potential US and USSR conflict, Kennedy proposes:"We can help make the world safe for diversity... (and) avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. .. We seek to strengthen the United Nations.. . to develop it into a genuine world security system. .. This will require a new effort to achieve world law... Our primary long-range interest in Geneva is general and complete disarmament
1963 Elitists admit necessity of war Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace reveals that high ranking officials in the Kennedy administration appointed a secret commission "to determine the nature of the problems that would confront the United States if and when a condition of 'permanent peace' should arrive, and to draft a program for dealing with this contingency." The Commission concluded that "lasting peace... would almost certainly not be in the best interests of a stable society... War fills certain functions essential to the stability of our society; until other ways of filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained... The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the non military functions of war—an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent police force, . . . massive global environmental pollution, fictitious alternate enemies,. . . new religious or other mythologies,. . . and a comprehensive program of applied eugenics."
1963 Institute for Policy Studies founded [Organized and financed by James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, the Institute's raison d'etre, according to author Eustace Mullins, is the promotion of LSD, a severely hallucinating drug developed Sandoz AG, a Swiss drug firm owned by S.G. Warburg Co. of London. The resulting LSD counter culture and student revolution also receives support from the CIA through such CIA front groups as Students for a Democratic Society. RHG]
1964 New books reveal New World Order goals Anatomy of the Future by Roderick Seidenberg: The author describes a master race of "administrators" who control the masses of human beings "by ever increasing techniques and refined arts of mental coercion" to the level of mindless guinea pigs. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook II: Author Benjamin Bloom states: "a large part of what we call 'good teaching' is the teacher's ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the students' fixed beliefs." Visions of Order by Richard Weaver is published: The author describes "progressive " educators as a "revolutionary cabal" engaged in "a systematic attempt to undermine society's traditions and beliefs... The world for which the progressivists are conditioning their students is not the world espoused by general society, by a rather small minority of radical doctrinaires and social faddists... They have no equal as an agency of subversion. Their schemes are exactly fitted, if indeed they are not designed, to produce citizens for the secular communist state..."
1966 Nixon endorses Atlantic Union Nixon writes: "It is fitting that the United States, the world's first truly federal government, would be a main force behind the effort to find a basis for a broad federation of free Atlantic nations... I have been deeply disturbed of late by the trend of events in Europe. The renewed nationalism of France has for the moment halted the pace at which the nations of Western Europe were moving toward becoming a unified and federated community. By adopting a measure such as the Atlantic Union resolution, we could give new impetus to the spirit of federalism in Western Europe. To be sure, the concept of an 'Atlantica' is at present only a dream, but in the age of the rocket, dreams become reality with a speed which is difficult to imagine."
The American Citizens Handbook calls for world citizenship Author Joy Elmer Morgan, former editor of the NEA Journal, states: "the coming of the United Nations and the urgent necessity that it evolve into a more comprehensive form of world government places upon the citizens of the United States an increased obligation to make the most of their citizenship which now widens into active world citizenship."
Population control methods outlined According to Dr. Richard Day, National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, "Everything is in place, and nobody can stop us now... This time we're going to do it right." He calls for contraceptives to be dispensed at schools; legalized abortion paid with tax dollars; creation of hard-to-cure diseases; acceptance of euthanasia as the cost of medical care becomes burdensomely high; a new world religion; terrorism used to make people demand international controls; and economic interdependence to lessen national sovereignty as people become world citizens. Writing in Medical World News Dr. Alan Guttmacher, the President of Planned Parenthood— World Population, states: "Each country will have to decide its own form of coercion, and determine when and how it should be employed. At present, the means available are compulsory sterilization and compulsory abortion. Perhaps some day a way of enforcing compulsory birth control will be feasible." In the following year, Howard K. Smith writes in the Humanist: "It is going to cause a wrench in sentiment and attitude, but we are going to have to adjust to limiting population. . . We may even have to begin penalizing people by tax measures to induce them to do no more than have two children." [In the 1980's the Communist Chinese government institutes compulsory abortions and/or compulsory sterilizations for women who have two children. RHG]
Environmental Protection Agency formed [Legislation for the formation of the Environmental Protection agency allows government interference in all US industry, in the name of protecting the environment. Enforcement of these laws, requiring plant owners to install expensive scrubber equipment, in many cases shortly after they have installed similar equipment to comply with state laws, reduces the number of US foundries from 5000 to 1000 in the space of a few years. Hardest hit are inner city factories, resulting in high unemployment among minorities, and severe urban blight in cities like Chicago, East St. Louis, Newark and Detroit. Larger companies move their heavy manufacturing operations to foreign countries that do not have environmental protection laws. RHG] CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER Part II
1971 Rules for Radicals is published According to author Saul Alinsky, who trains National Education Association union staff members, the radical organizer "dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must seek out controversy and issues... An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent. . . he knows that all values are relative.." Alinsky dedicates his book to Lucifer. [Alinsky also taught that "A revolutionary organizer must. . . agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values to produce a passion for change. RHG]
1972 World Without Borders is published Author and CFR member Lester Brown, president of Worldwatch Institute, states: "effective supernational institutions... invariably require that countries sacrifice a measure of national sovereignty... The existing international system based on competition and conflict and superpower dominance will not work over the longer term. It must be replaced by a new world order, one based on cooperation and a sense of community."
New works outline methods of social change The Second American Revolution: Author John D. Rockefeller III applauds sexual liberation and the "humanistic revolution" while disparaging "old-fashioned nationalism." Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management: According to author Holly Sklar, Zbigniew Brzezinski recommends the study of "Control Over Man's Development and Behavior" and a task force to consider "the social-educational implications of the availability, especially in advanced societies, of new means of social control." Training for Change Agents: Authors Ronald and Mary Havelock assert "The Advocator-Organizer-Agitator (ADORAG) and Social Architect change agents would receive training in value clarification... Because of his political and ego strength, the ADORAG is relatively invulnerable to the system. He is able to ride or create a crisis. .. to escalate frictions and protests. .. Knowledge of the law and strategies of confrontation and civil disobedience will be extremely helpful... Three to six 'crucial' school districts
in one state would be identified in which inside and outside change teams would work on their projects." In the Spring of the next year, the Federal Office of Education gives a grant of $5.9 million for 500 "change agents" to be trained at 21 universities around the country. Roe vs. Wade legalizes abortion: [The Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade annuls all state laws forbidding abortion. Legalized abortion had long been a stated elitist goal, considered a necessary means to limit population growth. The media argued that legalized abortion would prevent thousands of deaths from "back alley" abortions. Former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson calls the back alley scenario a myth. Almost all abortions were performed by doctors, who had every reason to perform them properly. Annual deaths from abortion during the year preceeding Roe vs. Wade totaled 39; current estimates of US abortion deaths range from 100 to 200 per year. RHG]
CFR aims and methods exposed
In Kissinger on the Couch authors Phyllis Schlafly and former CFR member Chester Ward state: "Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the US Government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition. . . " According to Ward, the CFR's goal is the "submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government. . . This lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership... In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as 'America First.'"
1976 Club of Rome calls for New World Order In RIO: Reshaping the International Order, the Club of Rome calls for a new international order, including an economic redistribution of wealth, concluding: "A new world order must of necessity be based upon the recognition of the interdependence between both rich and poor nations. . . A new value system more appropriate to future needs may well emerge kicking and screaming in the decade ahead."
1977 Elitist calls for New World Order In "The Trilateral Connection"appearing in the July edition of Atlantic Monthly, author Jeremiah Novak states: "For the third time in this century, a group of American Scholars, businessmen, and government officials is planning to fashion a New World Order. . . These men are looking to a 'community of developed nations' to coordinate international political and economic affairs." Philosopher at Large is published: Author Mortimer Adler explains that "the argument for world government as the indispensable condition of world peace can be boiled down to a single proposition: if local civil government is necessary for local civil peace, then world civil government is necessary for world civil peace."
1981 Call for new feudalism Democratic Dictatorship: The Emergent Constitution of Control by Arthur S. Miller, describes a "new feudal order" controlled by elitists, and asserts that "dictatorship will come—is coming—but with the acquiescence of the people... The goal is 'predictable' man."
The Conservators is published Author Elliott Roosevelt, FDR's son, reveals that "there are within our world perhaps only a dozen organizations which shape the courses of our various destinies as rigidly as our regularly constituted governments... this unofficial council of the elite, the creme de la creme of global planners." February 9: Brandt Commission recommends supernational authority Called the Independent Commission on International Development Issues this group includes Katharine Graham and Robert McNamara. It recommends a supernational authority to regulate world commerce and industry, an international currency, and an international police force under the UN Security Council. June: First Planetary Congress Sponsored by Planetary Citizens' Planetary Initiative, participants draw up "Summary Conclusions" including "establishment of a permanent world peacekeeping corps and a compulsory arbitration service," "development of concepts of the 'First Earth Battalion'," "focus away from the primacy of the nation-state, with a new emphasis on interdependence." "Proposed Action 18
Steps" include "support resistance to collection of taxes for military uses," "promote development of the 'New International Economic Order,'" "encourage meditation in school systems," and "demonstrate that the moral and ethical values of the New Age produce higher and more abundant wholeness than old values."
1984 Task Force Delta aims revealed Author Ron McRae, former associate of columnist Jack Anderson, publishes Mind Wars. The book describes US Army Lt. Col. Jim Channon's First Earth Battalion's charter initiation, conducted at the second quarterly meeting of Task Force Delta, an army of think-tank officers, futurists, and psychologists. First Earth Battalion's creed states: "I take personal responsibility for generating evolutionary conspiracies as a part of my work. I will select and create conspiratorial mechanisms... that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet." Mid-July: Task Force Delta psychologist and New Ager Barbara Marx Hubbard, a director of the World Future Society, member of the US Association for the Club of Rome with the Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, and an organizer of the Soviet-American Citizens Summit (1988), gains tremendous political support and is nominated for VicePresident at the Democratic National Convention. Her acceptance speech at the convention is titled, "To Fulfill the Dream." Hubbard describes this dream in an earlier work The Book of Co-Creation (1980): "Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one fourth is electing to transcend. .. One-fourth is destructive (and) they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural death'... (Now) the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." The Power to Lead is published: Author James McGregor Burns admits: "Let us face reality. The framers of the US constitution have simply been two shrewd for us. They have outwitted us. They designed separate institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to 'turn the Founders upside down'—we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected."
1985 New financial order proposed In their journal Across Frontiers, the World Constitution and Parliament Association's secretary general asserts: "To escape from this trap (recycling loans) requires a truly New World Economic Order, which includes a new world financial and credit system based upon productive capacity and a single world monetary system. The introduction of such vast changes cannot be done by negotiations one-by-one among sovereign nations, but requires collective action by non-aligned and debtor countries within the framework of a new global system of finances mandated under a world constitution. By organized and collective action within the context of an emerging world parliament and world federation, the demand for acceptance of the new world economic order becomes possible." Cousteau receives Metal of Freedom: Shortly after receiving this award from President Reagan, Jacques Costeau calls for "the compulsory exchange of children, at a relatively low age, seven to eight, or eight to nine," as the only way to avert nuclear annihilation. Soviet-American Exchange Agreement signed: CFR member Secretary of State George Shultz signs the Soviet-American Exchange Agreement, which is negotiated by the Carnegie Corporation. Among other things, the treaty allows the Soviets to work with the United States in the development of curricula and teaching materials for elementary and secondary school children in the US. Robert Muller School aims revealed: Education Week reported that ASCD's Cawelti was adopting a "World Core Curriculum" based on Muiler's. Research reveals that Muller's curruculum states in the front that it was based on writings of Alice Bailey. (Alice Bailey was an occultist.) Muller's New Geneses declares that we should "create common world religious institutions," that we should "display the UN flag in all houses of worship," and that "happiness can be achieved by elevating oneself to God."
Call for a new Constitution In The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change, sponsored in part by the Rockefeller Foundation, author Arthur S. Miller, states: "a pervasive system of thought control exists in the United States... the citizenry is indoctrinated by employment of the mass media and the system of public education... people are told what to think about... the old order is crumbling. .. Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease... A new vision
is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic 'solutions'... a new Constitution is necessary. . . Americans really have no choice, for constitutional alteration will come whether or not it is liked or planned for. .. Ours is the age of the planned society... No other way is possible."
1988 Reagan calls for world economy In a January 11 address to the City Club of Cleveland President Reagan remarks: "Even more than in the past, this new world economy is a one-world economy... In this new world economy, national boundaries are increasingly becoming obsolete... these new economic realities dictate a world economy." FBI withholds New Age movement information: The Federal Bureau of Investigation responds to a "Freedom of Information" request concerning the "New Age Movement" by stating that the information is "specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy... (And) a search of our central records system revealed one cross reference identifiable with the New Age Movement. A cross reference is defined as 'a mention of the New Age Movement in a file on another individual, organization, event, activity or the like.' This cross reference is being withheld in its entirety." UN approves press censorship: The U.N. General Assembly, by a vote of 100 yes, 8 no and 15 abstentions, approves a resolution favoring its so-called New World Information and Communications Order, or NWICO, to justify censorship and restrictions on press freedom where they exist and try to spread those big-brother practices form unfree countries to the free world.
1989 McCarthy accusations confirmed In Loyalties: A Son's Memoir, author Carl Bernstein who, along with Bob Woodward of The Washington Post, broke the "Watergate" story, relates that both his father and his mother had been members of the Communist Party in America. Berstein's father tells Carl: "You're going to prove [Sen. Joseph] McCarthy right, because all he was saying was that the system was loaded with communists. And he was right. You've got to take a big hard look at what you are doing. Because the whole fight against him was that people weren't communists... I'm worried about the kind of book you're going to write and about cleaning up McCarthy. The problem is that everybody said he was a liar; you're saying he was right. . . I agree that the Party was a force in the country." CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER Part II
Points of Light Initiative aims revealed President Bush's Points of Light Initiative Foundation's advisory committee issues a report recommending community and national service. Although service is supposed to be "voluntary", the report states that "every significant sector of American society will lead 'peer-to-peer pressure groups,"' and the Points of Light Foundation "will determine what each kind of 'institution' (e.g., family, place of worship, etc.) can distinctly contribute to the community service movement and then persuade each such 'institution' to make that contribution. . . Every place of worship will be asked to make community service central to the life of their congregation." Even five-year-olds are challenged to "make community service part of their daily pattern of living." The report calls for a system of mandatory "volunteerism" that requires "every employer to include community service among the criteria to determine hiring, compensation, and promotion decisions," and "every college and university is urged... to weigh an applicant's community service record in admissions decisions." In April 1991, the foundation sends a letter to every church across the nation promoting and praying for unity and "the new world order." Bush calls for New World Order: At a fund-raising speech in San Francisco, President Bush remarks: "Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a new world order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end." This is nearly seven months before the tyrant Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait and President Bush supposedly adoptes the concept of a "New World Order." Toward a New World Order is published: Author Don McAlvany predicts that "the environmental crisis is the vehicle upon which the New Age movement, the New World Order... plan... to move the world to global government before the close of the 1990s."
1991 More calls for the New World Order Educating for the "New World Order": Author B.K. Eakman, warns: "Whatever faction winds up in control of American politics in the year 2000 will inherit the new supercomputer, the Elementary and Secondary Integrated Data System, brought on line in 1988. With easy access to cross-referenceable personal information, including value judgements and political viewpoints, this faction will become powerful beyond imagination." "How to Start a Revolution at Your School": Appearing in In Context, the article promots the use of educational "change agents" as "selfacknowledged revolutionaries" and "co-conspirators." Author Linda MacRae-Campbell, promotes New Age networking and has been a member of the White House Task Force on Innovative Learning. Blueprint for Building the New World Order: Author Peter Lalonde describes the political technique of "management by crisis" where "those who desire a change in a specific direction and those who have sufficient resources, create, invent, or find an existing crises; and when there is sufficient alarm among the people they always, citing renowned academics, propose their solution to the crisis." "The World Order Changeth" : Appearing in The Economist, the editorial asserts that "America itself needs to remember that a willingness to involve others is not enough to make a collective world order work. There must also be readiness to submit to it. If America really wants such an order, it will have be ready to... submit itself to the International Court... (and) make a habit of consulting the UN. Is it ready to do so?"
Elitists back Perot to split conservative vote
[Posing as a "populist", Ross Perot enters the presidential race claiming his funding comes entirely from his personal fortune. Perot draws support from Bush, and Clinton wins with 43% of the popular vote. Although Bush is loyal to elitist aims and methods, his backers had become impatient with the pace of change under his administration. RHG]
1992 "Reaganism vs. the New World Order": Appearing in the The Phyllis Schlafly Report, the author concludes that "it's beginning to look as though the New World Order means the American taxpayers will be assuming the burden of propping up and financing whatever boundaries, corrupt regimes and deadbeats the international bankers and heads of multinational corporations want." New World Order outline presented to UN In a January 31 address, President Bush urges the UN "to abandon its hallowed tradition of noninterference in the internal affairs of countries... (declaring) that the world community can no longer allow advancement of fundamental rights to stop at national borders." Folowing this, 15 members of the Security Council proclaim "a rough outline for a new world order run partly through the United Nations", most of the initiatives coming from countries other than the US. Cardinal Ratzinger denounces New World Order In a speech at the Catholic University of Milan, Cardinal Joseph Rarzinger criticizes the "new world order", recalling a book by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson titled Lord of the World (1907). The book describes "a similar unified civilization and its power to destroy the spirit... The anti-Christ is represented as the great carrier of peace in a similar new world order." Communist conspiracy admitted: March 1: The Washington Post admits that "a worldwide Communist 'conspiracy' really did exist for much of the past 7 decades, with the Kremlin secretly funding client parties (including the U.S. Communist Party) from India to El Salvador." New leaders for Inter-American Dialogue The New York Times announces that Javier Perez de Cuellar (former UN Secretary General) becomes co-chairman (with former Xerox chairman Sol Linowitz) of the Inter-American Dialogue. According to the organization's president, Richard Feinberg, de Cuellar would be involved in a new project "redefining sovereignty" Wider role for UN: According to a New York Times article by Paul Lewis, "in its summit declaration the Security Council widened its definition of what constitutes a threat to peace and security in today's world, saying this now includes 'proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction' as well as 'non military sources of instability in the economic, social, humanitarian and ecological
fields.' Such language seems to cover just about anything that could go wrong in the present-day world. So a more politically intrusive United Nations may be the real price the world must pay if it wants fewer conflicts and smaller peacekeeping bills in the future." [The phrase "more politically intrusive United Nations" is Orwellian "Newspeak" or "doublethink" for a totalitarian world government. RHG] US Senate ratifies UN covenant: By voice-vote, and with the support of President Bush, the US Senate ratifies the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. According to Phyllis Schlafly this will "imperil existing American rights by using treaty-law. . . (to) override provisions of our Constitution. . .. subject us to supervision by busybody bureaucrats in the United Nations, and diminish our national sovereignty." One treaty provision, for example, declares that free speech may be subject to "necessary" restrictions to protect reputations. The US Senate adds a proviso to its ratification claiming that nothing in the treaty requires or authorizes legislation by Congress prohibited by the Constitution, but this proviso is not included in the instrument of ratification presented to the UN, and is therefore meaningless. In 1954,theBrickerAmendmentwould have provided that no treaty could override our Constitution, but it failed in the Senate by 1 vote. According to Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), "the United States has accepted the overwhelming majority of the obligations of the covenant without reservation. . . [and] these will now become binding international obligations of the United States." Push for international federal union Association to Unite the Democracies Chairman, Charles Patrick, writes a letter announcing: "We are undertaking a government and public outreach initiative to raise awareness about international democratic federalism by reintroducing the 1969 [George] Bush Resolution to create an international federal union... In the Fall of 1993, we plan to sponsor a conference entitled Uniting the Democracies: Reorganizing International Organizations, which will explore the use of supranational solutions to environmental, security, economic and human rights problems." [The date of this conference is postponed to 1994. In an October 20, 1992 letter, President Patrick outlines the AUD plans for their 1994 conference, "The New Century Initiative— Rethinking International Interdependence." He writes that this period in time offers the Association to Unite the Democracies with an unusual "window of opportunity" for promoting their plans for a New World Order with other internationalist groups." RHG]
1992 Gorbachev decries nationalism: Acording to a New York Times article, Mikhail Gorbachev refers to "the demons of nationalism" and says that "Even the United States itself is not immune from the dangers of nationalism. If America is 'always right',... then the drive will never get under way to create a new world order based on international law, equality and mutual respect, freedom of choice and the balance of interests... The war in the Persian Gulf and its outcome may argue that America's calling is to be the noble sheriff, able to punish scoundrels inany corner of the planet. Actually, the Persian Gulf War showed just the opposite: the new role of the United Nations as a mighty instrument in the hands of the world community. .. America must also make a constructive contribution to the effort of the United Nations to strengthen international law and order and to solve global problems." Gorbachev calls for global government At a speech delivered at Fulton, Missouri, the site of Winston Churchill's famous "Iron curtain" speech, Mikhail Gorbachev announces: "This is not just some ordinary stage of development like many others in world history. .. An intensifying integration of the world opens the possibility of creating a global international security system... An awareness of the need of some kind of global government is gaining ground... A special body should be set up under the United Nations Security Council with the right to employ political, diplomatic, economic, and military means to settle and prevent conflicts... I believe that the new world order will not be fully realized unless the United Nations and its Security Council create structures, taking into consideration existing United Nations and regional structures which are authorized to impose sanctions and make use of other measures of compulsion. . . The Security Council would require more effective and more numerous peacekeeping armed forces at the disposal of the Security Council, making them subordinate to the United Nations military command. . . a powerful process of technical and political internationalization is taking place..." Call for a UN army A The New York Times editorial declares: "The army of tomorrow is neither the Red Army nor the US Army... If there is to be peace, it will be secured by a multinational force that monitors ceasefires and elections and protects human rights. Blue-helmeted United Nations peacekeepers. . . American opinion is broadly receptive to UN peacekeeping to contain turbulence abroad. According to a Roper survey commissioned by the United Nations Association, 55% of Americans would rely on UN forces even in conflicts involving US interests."
Earth Summit held in Brazil Headed by Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development and co-chairman of the World Economics Forum, the conference is attended by George Bush and many heads of state. In a 1990 interview with Daniel Wood, Strong describes a novel he is planning about a group of world leaders who decide the only way to save the planet is to engineer the collapse of industrialized civilizations. They form a secret society that causes a worldwide financial panic while simultaneously preventing stock markets from closing. Wood writes: "This is not any story teller talking. This is Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders. He is, in fact, co-chairman of the World Economics Forum. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it." Pentagon document stresses strengthened UN Defense Planning Guidance for the 1994-1999 fiscal years stresses strengthened international organizations like the UN to resolve disputes, and international military cooperation with the republics of the former Soviet Union to provide "security at lower costs." The document also stresses avoidance of "the renationalization of security policies." Vance calls for larger UN role Speaking at an informal hearing of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, CFR member and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance asserts: "The time has come to institutionalize UN peacekeeping and the United States' relationship to it." Supreme Court ruling raises sovereignty questions: The US Supreme Court rules that US agents can kidnap foreign nationals in foreign countries to stand trial in the US. This raises the question of whether there is any longer any such thing as national sovereignty, and whether Communist nations (e.g., China, Cuba, etc.) are now free to kidnap Americans in the US to stand trial abroad. Boutros-Ghali calls for sovereignty yield: A Washington Post editorial states that UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali "would have member states yield 'some sovereign prerogatives to larger, common political associations.'" "New Century Initiative" planned Planning begins for a 1994 international conference of The Association to Unite the Democracies entitled "The New Century Initiative: Rethinking International Interdependence," which aims formulating recommendations for world leaders. AUD's effort is supported by US Reps. Gus Yatron (PA) and Ben Gilman (NY). Notable participants include William E. Brock (former US Secretary of Labor) and Dr. Peter Corterier (Secretary General of the North Atlantic Assembly.) CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER Part II
1993 World Future Society meets Publicity for the Seventh General Assembly of the World Future Society declares that "recent events have caused massive changes in the Cold War world order and are ushering in a new era of disorderly change. A new world order will emerge eventually. . . As global citizens. . . The World Future Society will use its Seventh General Assembly as a vehicle for a constructive discussion of the ways individuals and groups can have an impact on the shape of this new world (dis)order." Members of the Society's Board of Directors include Maurice Strong, Harlan Cleveland, Sol Linowitz, Robert McNamara, John Gardner, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Predictions for the 21st century
Leading collectivist educator Theodore Brameld writes The Teacher As World Citizen (1974) dated December 26, 2000 commemorating Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward. He predicts a Declaration of Interdependence, the World Community of Nations for 1990 (curiously, the same year George Bush adopted the "New "World Order"). Brameld's book portrays the WCN as a transnational government with a World Order Party based on the ideals of "humanistic socialism" with a peace-keeping force of 50,000 men and women. It is the Age of Eros with sexual freedom. Children are reared in kibbutzim from nursery through high school under the auspices of a World Education Authority. In an earlier book, Education As Power (1965) Brameld declares: "Sovereignty as we have known it in history is completely outmoded, insidiously deceptive, and utterly dangerous. The United States, no less than any nation, will have to abrogate its traditional sovereignty with regard to all policies effecting the maintenance of world order and prosperity in favor of the one available alternative—international sovereignty. . . It becomes essential for us now to take another giant step forward in the evolution of political relations. This step is world government. . . in its supreme coercive power would be as much greater in its enforceability over individual nations as federal power in our country is indisputably and legitimately greater than that of any single one of our fifty states."
Rhodes Scholar Council on Foreign Relations Trilateral Commission Committee for Economic Development
William Clinton
Vernon Jordan
Transition Team
Johnnetta Cole
Transition Team
Warren Christopher
Secretary of State
Les Aspin Lloyd Bentsen Robert Reich Henry Cisneros
Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Labor Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of the Interior Director Central Intelligence Agency
UN Ambassador
Donna Shalala Bruce Babbit James Woolsey
Madeleine Albright Roger Altman Brian Atwood Samuel Berger William Crowe, Jr. W. Bowman Cutter Lynn Davis
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury CFR CF Under Secretary of State for Management Deputy National Security Advisor CFR Chairman Foreign Intelligence CFR, TC Advisory Board Deputy Assistant National RS, CFR Economic Council Under Secretary of State for CFR, TC International Security Affairs
Edward Djerejian
John Gibbons Anthony Lake Samuel Lewis Winston Lord Ira Magaziner George E. Moose Stephen Oxman Bruce Reed Alice Rivlin Nancy Soderberg Joan Spero Geo. Stephanopoulos Strobe Talbot Peter Tarnoff Laura Tyson Clifton Wharton, Jr. Timothy Wirth
Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asian Affairs White House Science Advisor National Security Advisor State Department Director of Policy Planning Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs Senior Advisor for Policy Development Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Deputy Assistant Domestic Policy Council Deputy for Office of Management and Budget Staff Director National Security Council Under Secretary of State for Economic&Agricultural Affairs Communications Director Ambassador at Large Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Chairman Council of Economic Advisors Deputy Secretary State State Department Counselor
THE NETWORK OF POWER by Robert Henry Goldsborough Chapter 1 THE NETWORK OF POWER "Four men have such massive financial power, through interlocking directorates in corporations, banks, holding companies, foundations, and elite policy councils that they virtually control America," stated Mark Jones, the financial and business genius who had advised such giants as John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and Ben Fairless, chairman of U.S. Steel. I sat speechless that day in 1960 as Mr. Jones, 35 years my senior, explained how such immense power came to be concentrated in the hands of so few. Mark Jones had spent much of his lifetime observing and studying the inner circles of the financial and political puppeteers from an inside box seat. He explained that the four operated behind the scenes, having others "front" for them either as corporate chairmen, senators, or U.S. presidents. They avoided publicity and demanded anonymity because, as Mr. Jones explained, "Their power can never be questioned or challenged if the public is unaware of it. Just as [Queen Victoria's prime minister] Disraeli wrote in Coningsby 'So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.'" When Mark Jones confided in me the names of "the four men who rule America," I asked, naively, why David Rockefeller wasn't one of the four. His reply was blunt, "He's not on the top rung of power—he's highly visible and helps to divert attention. David is not smart enough to be at the top!" Over the following months, Mark Jones gave me a graduate course on the subject of hidden power derived from the geometric multiplication of influence through interlocking directorates. The geo-political scenarios painted for me by this elder statesman were verified in one way or another by: Dr. Bella Dodd, the U.S. Communist leader turned Christian; Norman Dodd (no relation), the brilliant congressional researcher of giant foundation misadventures; and Lee Laurens, former U.S. military intelligence expert. Each had learned from personal experience that immense economic and political power, vast beyond anything imaginable, rested in the hands of a very few. THE NETWORK OF POWER
Dr. Bella Dodd, when asked to elaborate, would respond that this concentration of power was satanic. Lee Laurens met and interviewed some of these powerful men and concluded that their lust for power, prestige and wealth was so all-consuming that they appeared to be possessed by the devil. The late Representative Carroll Reece who chaired the 1953-54 congressional investigation of tax-exempt foundations referred to a "diabolical conspiracy." Norman Dodd, research director for the Reece Committee, was warned by Herman Edelsberg, Washington director of the powerful AntiDefamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), that the only thing the ADL feared was exposure and that if Dodd exposed the ADL as "the most powerful organization in America," he would have to be "eliminated". Insider professor Carroll Quigley, in his monumental "history of the world in our times" Tragedy and Hope wrote of the unknown power elite connected with the powerful J.P. Morgan banking house. Among those named by Quigley were "Russell Leffingwell, Elihu Root, John W. Davis." The J.P. Morgan banking house, "constantly operated through corporations and governments, yet remained itself an obscure private partnership. . ." Davis was a founding director and the first president of the shadowy Council on Foreign Relations (established in 1921) which by 1939 was secretly directing America's foreign policy. Morgan associate Leffingwell was a director of the CFR for 33 years. Quigley wrote that Morgan and other international bankers exercised tremendous power over business, government and foreign policy because they operated "on the assumption that politicians were too weak and too subject to temporary popular pressure to be trusted with control of the money system; accordingly the sanctity of all values and the soundness of money must be protected in two ways by basing the value of money on gold and by allowing the bankers to control the supply of money. To do that it was necessary to conceal, or even to mislead, both governments and people about the nature of money and its methods of operation." The four powerful men named by Mark Jones were at one time or another international mortgage bankers (as were their predecessors). Collectively, they and their representatives were on the boards of numerous major banks and corporations. They were members of the CFR through which they influenced decisions affecting war and peace. War-loan financing multiplied their personal fortunes even as it undermined the fortune, culture and traditions of America.
Chapter 2
THE TROJAN HORSE AND THE NETWORK OF POWER In a rare moment of candor, the ultra-liberal George McGovern, former Senator and Presidential candidate, described William Clinton as the liberal's "Trojan Horse." Within less than 100 days in the White House, President Clinton, the ultimate "Rhodes Scholar," has thoroughly justified McGovern's description. Forty-three percent of those voting in the 1992 presidential election (equivalent to 23 percent of the total electorate) have given this revolutionary anti-Vietnam protestor the opportunity to push America further into a morally decadent bankrupt socialist nightmare with an emasculated and demoralized military unable or unwilling to defend our land against some future undetermined aggressor. To understand this smooth talking, ultra-liberal "Trojan Horse," we need to understand two major influences on Clinton during his formative student years, here in America and in England. At Georgetown University, Clinton was an eager disciple of Carroll Quigley. To understand Clinton, who praised Quigley in an October 23,1991 campaign speech, one must study Quigley. But Quigley's influence on Clinton must be examined together with the legacy of Cecil Rhodes, for they are deeply intertwined. Quigley's history course dealt in part with the importance of Cecil Rhodes who cofounded a secret elitist power group and funded the Rhodes Scholarships to promote that elitism in future generations. Quigley was very much the "insider" historian. His Tragedy and Hope contained a detailed accounting of the shadowy and super wealthy selfappointed elitist insiders like Cecil Rhodes who ruled the rulers in the Western World and the colonies. Clinton, the disciple of Quigley, became Clinton, the disciple of Rhodes. Clinton used his Rhodes scholarship to "avoid" the draft. Instead of serving his country, he became an anti-Vietnam War organizer in England. Biographer FloydG. Brown writes in Slick Willie that Georgetown University's pacifist professor of peace studies, Fr. Richard McSorley, met with Clinton, THE NETWORK OF POWER
the "activist," in Norway and in London. Describing the anti-American, proVielCong "peace" demonstrations, the liberal antiwar activist McSorley stated, "That day in November [November 15, 1969] about 500 Britons and American were meeting to express their sorrow at America's misuse of power in Vietnam... [I later] joined about 500 other people for the interdenominational service... As I was waiting for the ceremony to begin, Bill Clinton of Georgetown, then studying as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, came up and welcomed me. He was one of the organizers." (Those anti-American pro-Viet Cong demonstrations in London were supported by the Committee on Nuclear Disarmament and the British Peace Council which was an affiliate of the World Peace Council, a KGB front group.) Brown writes that in Clinton's 1978 race for governor, "Billy Green, a retired Lieutenant Colonel, charged that Bill Clinton was a 'draft dodger.'" During his Rhodes "scholarship" days in England, Clinton apparently became so imbued with Rhodes' elitist philosophy and so eager to justify his own actions as a draft-dodger that he spent too much energy organizing major demonstrations against America's anti-communist foreign policy, and never earned a degree. One must look at the life of Cecil Rhodes and his philosophy to understand the power of his influence on impressionable Rhodes Scholars like Clinton. Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) was an adventuresome insider who "exploited the diamond and gold fields of South Africa, rose to prime minister of the Cape Colony, contributed money to political parties, controlled parliamentary seats both in England and South Africa..." wrote Quigley. He also revealed that Rhodes was beholden to Lord Rothschild, "With financial support from Lord Rothschild. . . he [Rhodes] was able to monopolize the diamond mines of South Africa as De Beers Consolidated Mines and to build up a great gold mining enterprise as Consolidated Gold Fields." By the middle 1890's, Rhodes had a personal annual income of at least a million pounds sterling (the equivalent of $60-$80 million today) which, with direction from Lord Rothschild, he spent on "his mysterious purposes," wrote Quigley. His penchant for exercising elitist power included the establishment of secret societies such as a "Circle of Initiates" and "Association of Helpers" which later became known as the Round Table Organization. Rhodes, with the ever-present Lord Rothschild, established and funded Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford to perpetuate his ideas and to brainwash initiates into the belief that they were somehow "divinely" appointed to rule the English speaking world and its colonies. Clinton has become their star pupil/puppet.
Chapter 3
THE HOUSE OF MORGAN AND THE NETWORK OF POWER "Many Americans believe that the president of the United States is the most powerful man in our country; hogwash, the four men who do control America are totally unknown to the average citizen," was the startling lesson I learned from Mark Jones, the financial and political genius who was president of the National Economic Council. "This hidden power is derived from the geometric multiplication of influence through interlocking directorates." That multiplier factor of interlocking directorates was also discussed by professor Quigley in Tragedy and Hope wherein the J.P. Morgan banking interests and corporate holdings were cited as an example of monumental power which controlled the destinies of corporations and governments and yet was "obscure to the public." The writings of Quigley, himself an insider, have never been challenged. He wrote that between 1919-1931, Montagu Norman and J.P. Morgan "dominated not only the financial world but international relations as well." In Chapter One we showed that Morgan associates John W. Davis and Russell Leffingwell were officials and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations which helped shape America's foreign policy. Morgan's lawyer Elihu Root was one of the founding trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace which, ironically, in 1909 determined that America needed a war in order to institute their Fabian socialist secular-humanist agenda. Quigley compared the House of Morgan power base with the House of Rothschild, "Thus, Rothschild interests came to dominate many of the railroads of Europe, while Morgan dominated at least 26,000 miles of American railroads." Quigley confirms Mark Jones's contention of the power multiplier of interlocking directorates: "Such bankers went further than this. In return for flotations of securities industry, they took seats on the boards of directors of industrial firms, as they had already done on commercial banks, savings banks, insurance firms, and finance companies." THE NETWORK OF POWER
This control and manipulation of finance capital was ruthless. The Reece Committee's intelligence coordinator Lee Laurens informed me that when he interviewed some of these men, he was convinced that their unbridled lust for power, prestige and wealth was fueled by a "diabolical possession." Quigley explained that the Houses of Rothschild and Morgan took the capital from the insurance firms, banks and finance companies and funnelled it "to enterprises which yielded control and away from those who resisted. These firms were controlled through interlocking directorships, holding companies and lesser banks." The World Order, Our Secret Rulers (1984) by Eustace Mullins, reveals more about "our secret rulers." Mullins identified the J.P. Morgan firm as one of two banking houses used by the House of Rothschild as "their American agents." The other was Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. of New York. Otto Kahn, one of Kuhn Loeb's managing partners, was not only a founding director of the Council on Foreign Relations but also, along with his Kuhn Loeb partners, Jacob Schiff and Felix Warburg, a financier of Lenin, Trotsky, and the Bolshevik revolution. Mullins asserts, "A notable advantage of J.P Morgan's work for the House of Rothschild was the carefully cultivated belief that Morgan, if not openly 'anti-semitic' avoided participating in operations with Jewish banking firms... It was the same deception which Nathan Mayer Rothschild had hired Morgan's predecessor, George Peabody, to perform in London. . . the customer was never made aware that he was dealing with an American representative of the House of Rothschild." Coincidentally, Elihu Root, Kuhn-Loeb's lawyer as well as Morgan's, wanted to change America's customs, culture and Christian heritage through war and the House of Rothschild has a history of making vast fortunes through the financing of wars! In 1992, six of fourteen J.P. Morgan Company's directors are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Director Dennis Weatherstone, (CFR) is also a director of General Motors and the Merk Co. James R. Houghton (CFR) is a director of CBS, Inc., Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., as well as Dow Corning Corp. Howard W. Johnson, (CFR) is a director of E.I.duPont, and the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. Lee R. Raymond (CFR) is president and director of EXXON (successor to Rockefeller's Standard Oil), and a member of the Trilateral Commission. If there are four or five men who secretly control our destiny—men who determine whether it is in their best interests to push American into war or to finance a grandiose "peace effort"—then our whole political process is a sham until their identities are exposed.
Chapter 4
THE CREATION OF DEBT AND THE POWER NETWORK That there exists a power elite, a handful of very influential men and their international banking houses which have controlled governments, corporations, insurance companies and financial centers for years, is the inescapable conclusion of Professor Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope, first published in 1966. Quigley derived his 1400-page magnum opus from his notes developed while teaching international relations at Princeton, Harvard and the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. Financial advisor and investment genius Mark Jones agreed with Quigley that these men increased their power geometrically through their partnerships in privately held investment banks and their seats on interlocking directorates. These men made and increased their fortunes through major stock issues thus gaining directorships on the boards of banks, insurance companies, large loan companies, railroads and other corporations. Government bond issues increased their power and wealth to staggering proportions as they profited from both war and peace. As national debts increased, the partners' net worths increased. Inevitably, they benefitted from urban blight and city riots such as occurred in Los Angeles. Bond issues floated to rebuild cities reward the mortgage banking houses as the taxpayers pay the ever inflating interest debt. Both Quigley and Jones maintained that the men at the center of power were and are unelected and unknown. The elected seek notoriety; but the power elite seek anonymity. Quigley names a dozen international banking families at the core of the shadowy world power elite, including: the Barings, the Speyers, the Seligmans, the Lazards, the Warburgs, and "above all Rothschild and Morgan." He explained that these international bankers "more particularly, were known as 'merchant bankers' in England, 'private bankers' in France, and 'investment bankers' in the United States." They were unincorporated, "usually partnerships, until relatively recently, [issuing] no reports." For centuries, the international bankers have advocated the establishment of privately controlled central banks to issue the currency of nations. Although the US Constitution specifically mandates that the Congress shall THE NETWORK OF POWER
issue currency and hence control the supply of money, the public was told that central banks owned and controlled by the financiers themselves were needed to stabilize currencies, to stop bank runs and to prevent depressions; but any college student who has studied money and banking in America knows that since passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the United States has endured the worst depressions in our history (1929 and 1937) and disastrous bank and savings and loan collapses in the 1930's, the 1980's and the 1990's. The real purpose of the Fed has been to expedite the creation of debt (as oppossed to a constitutionally-mandated system that would issue debt free currency based on the gross national product.) The simultaneous passage in 1913 of legislation establishing the federal income tax, insured that the debt would be re-paid by the average working taxpayer. FDR radically increased personal income taxes to pay for his tremendous debt-creating schemes: socialist welfare programs and war. Bill Clinton has stated that he intends to emulate his idol, FDR. The Warburgs were instrumental in creating America's central bank the Federal Reserve System, (the Fed) and Paul Warburg was appointed to serve on the Fed's first board of directors. He was a senior partner in the international banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. In The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, Eustace Mullins identifies the banking houses of J.P. Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb and Co. as the American agents for the House of Rothschild which actively promoted the establishment of central banks. Kuhn, Loeb and Co. has long since merged with another international banking house, Lehman Brothers. It became Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb, a banking house referred to as the "Money Magicians" in Joseph Wechsberg's book The Merchant Bankers. A subsequent merger has resulted in the firm's current name, Shearson, Lehman Brothers, Inc. The technique of using major bond issues and board directorships to gain control of money centers works just as well today as it did more than half a century ago in the golden age of merchant banking. On May 1, 1992, a brief article in The Wall Street Journal revealed, "J.P. Morgan & Co. is trying to raise as much as $1 billion for a fund to make strategic investments in banking companies, a movement reminiscent of its roots as a merchant bank." Current J.P. Morgan directors such as Howard Goldfeder are directors of other major corporate money centers like Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co., Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., and John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. As a technique for gaining and holding unlimited power, being picked to serve as a partner in one of the chosen international banking houses, with its financial spiderweb of interlocking directorates, is far superior to winning political office.
Chapter 5
GOLDMAN SACHS AND THE NETWORK OF POWER Immense economic power and consequently immense political power are concentrated in the hands of a few men in America. Because they are unelected and because their enormous wealth and power is gained through membership on interlocking boards of banks, insurance companies, and large corporations, these persons are unknown to most Americans. That is their intention; their power is enhanced by this very anonymity. Dr. Bella Dodd was a high level communist who became an outspoken anti-communist upon her conversion to Christianity. She revealed that during World War II, Stalin's emissaries told American communists to expect orders directly from three powerful and wealthy capitalists living in the Waldorf Astoria Towers if there was a communications breakdown with the Kremlin. These three wealthy Americans weren't believers in Marxistsocialism; they were believers in controlling the flow of capital and the treasuries of nations. The late Mark Jones, with his encyclopedic grasp of America's financial and geo-political power structure, was president of the National Economic Council (NEC) in the 1960's and 70's. (Since its founding in 1930, the NEC analyzed the economic and political networks in America and published the findings in the EconomicCouncil Letter (ECL).) In 1960, Mark Jones told me that Sidney J. Weinberg who, by 1927 had reached the pinnacle of financial power as a partner in one of the most powerful banking houses in the U.S., was one of the four men who literally controlled America. In the Feb. 1,1961 Economic Council Letter, Weinberg is referred to as one of "the most active members of the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]. . ." a proponent of world government since its founding in 1921. Biographical notes from Who's Who in American Jewry (1938-39 ed.) help unravel the mystery of how wealth and power increase in geometric proportions through interlocking directorates. The Who's Who entry for Weinberg reads, "became gen. partner 1927, Goldman, Sachs, & Co. N.Y. THE NETWORK OF POWER
City" and then continues with a list of his directorships as of 1939: "Cluett, Peabody and Co.,Inc; Continental Can Co.;Gen.CigarCo.,Inc.;B.F. Goodrich Co.; Gen. Foods Corp,;... McKesson & Robbins, Inc; Nat. Dairy Products Corp.; Pierce Petroleum Corp.; Sheffield Farms Co.,Inc; Sears, Roebuck & Co.;... Franklin Simon & Co.; et al." Sidney Weinberg served on the boards of some of America's largest blue chip corporations including but not limited to the nation's largest retailer, the largest tire maker, the largest food processor, the largest dairy and the largest can manufacturer. This widespread financial power created immense political power, and he hand-picked the men to fill key positions in government and foundations. The broad scope of Weinberg's power and influence was best illustrated when the Ford Family decided to sell to the public a vast amount of family-held stock in the Ford Motor Company. The widows of Henry Ford I and his son Edsel chose Goldman, Sachs' own Sidney Weinberg to float this massive new stock issue. After the sale, the Ford family allowed Weinberg to choose the trustees (left-wing internationalists) for the Ford Foundation which became America's wealthiest foundation. The handful of men who, according to geo-political experts like Mark Jones and insider historian Carroll Quigley, rule America from behind the scenes, don't necessarily pass their position at the top of the power network to their heirs, but Sidney Weinberg's son, John Livingston Weinberg, age 67, commands an interesting power base. In July 1991, John Weinberg became Senior Chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co. He is a director of B.F. Goodrich, Champion International, DuPont, Capitol Holding Corporation, KnightRidder Inc., the Seagram Co. Ltd... etc. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Business Council, and is a charter trustee of Princeton University. John L. Weinberg, like his father before him, is one of a handful of relatively unknown but very powerful financial giants in America. Whether he is one of four or one of forty, John Weinberg's immense power makes him a likely candidate for that select list of America's secret unelected rulers, the anonymous few who determine America's destiny.
Chapter 6
GLOBALISM AND THE NETWORK OF POWER "Someone once said the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations," wrote Frederic Morton in The Rothschilds -A Family Portrait, the friendly, authorized biography wherein he lavished praise on the legendary banking family while simultaneously affirming the allegation. Rothschild and other international banking houses prosper and grow powerful on corporate and national debt. Morton explained"... the family's initial international coup took place in 1804, when the entire treasury of Denmark consisted of deficit... [and Rothschild arranged for an] incognito loan." Rothschild soon became "banker to empires and continents, to Eurasia Russia, to the Americas, to the Indies." Accordingto Mark Jones, ahandful of investment bankers—usually no more than four—have controlled America for most of the 20th century. From the late '20s to his death in 1969, Sidney J. Weinberg was one of the four. Known as "Mr. Wall Street," Weinberg, senior partner of the powerful investment banking house of Goldman, Sachs and Co., sat on 35 boards of directors, most of them the bluest of the blue chip companies. Upon his death, the The New York Times wrote that Weinberg served as "an unofficial advisor to five Presidents," Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. FDR nicknamed him "The Politician." In 1932and 1936, considering himself a "practical liberal," Weinberg raised large sums of money for FDR's election. He was indeed "practical, "for in 1933 he organized the Business Council which allowed him to control the flow of businessmen's views to government. As assistant director of the World War II War Production Board, he controlled the flow of vital raw materials, determined where and when war factories would be built and helped choose the recipients of highly profitable military contracts. During the Korean War, Truman picked him as special assistant for the office of Defense Mobilization. In 1952, this "practical liberal" decided that Dwight Eisenhower should have the Republican nomination over Senator Robert Taft, so he personally raised $1.7 million for Eisenhower—a sum roughly equal to 15 million in 1993 dollars. THE NETWORK OF POWER
Financier John Hay Whitney said, "Sidney is the best money getter I've ever seen. He'll go to one of his innumerable board meetings—General Foods, General Electric or General Whatnot—and make no bones about telling everybody there what he wants. Then he'll say 'come on boys where is it?' and up it comes." Not surprisingly, he had his friends appointed to key government posts! Debt is power to these financiers. One of Weinberg's most rewarding debt offerings was the 1956 issue of $350 million of Sears, Roebuck debentures which the New York Times called "the largest company debt offering to that time." As underwriter, Weinberg successfully floated these bonds during a critically soft bond market. In addition to the huge commission, Sears rewarded him with a directorship. In Chapter Four we showed that Sidney's son John Livingston Weinberg became senior chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co. in July of 1991 and that his power base is enhanced by his membership on the Business Council and the Council on Foreign Relations. The geometric increase of power through interlocking directorates is exemplified by John Weinberg's many Board-memberships, especially those of of the Seagram Co., Ltd. and DuPont. A fellow DuPont board-member is Edgar M. Bronfman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Seagram Company Ltd. Bronfman together with his son Edgar, Jr. and his brother Charles (also DuPont board members) own 164,222,031 shares or roughly 25.5 percent of DuPont common stock. (By comparison, the sole DuPont on the board has voting power over only 7,589,785 shares.) Thus the Bronfmans control one of America's major blue chip corporations and in Seagrams, own one of the largest distillers in the world. In addition to being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Edgar M. Bronfman is President of the World Jewish Congress. As a guestof-honor and featured speaker at a May 5th, 1992 symposium of the International Liason committee on Christian-Jewish ecumenism held in Baltimore, he told his audience that because international companies like DuPont make decisions based not on the best interests of a single nation, but on the best interests of the company, we will have "globalism" whether the people want it or not. Edgar Bronfman, like John Weinberg, would have to be considered a candidate for the select list of unelected rulers, those anonymous few who determine America's debt and control her destiny.
Chapter 7
A TRILLION DOLLAR DEAL AND THE NETWORK OF POWER John D. Rockefeller and fellow 19th century robber barons believed in the golden rule of monopoly capitalism: eliminate or control all competition for no massive accumulation of wealth can occur in an openly competitive free market place. So, as he built Exxon's predecessor Standard Oil into the world's largest oil company, Rockefeller ruthlessly eliminated competition. To insure their monopolies, he and the other robber barons obtained state protection for their "industry through compliant politicians and government regulation," wrote Antony C. Sutton in Wall Street and FDR. From oil, the Rockefellers branched into banking, mining, railroads, real estate etc. Rarely mentioned in any discussion of Rockefeller acquisitions is the source of seed money for these expansions. But, in The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, Eustace Mullins wrote: "Not only has it [i.e. the hidden power] directed the Rockefeller enterprises from the time that National City Bank of Cleveland, a Rothschild bank, financed the early expansion of Rockefeller," but it "enabled him to crush his competitors through illegal railway rebates." Oil was a new industry in the second half of the 19th century and the international bankers saw in it vast new opportunities for increasing their wealth and power. In the second half of the 20th century, computer technology and software have become pathways to fortune and power. In the computer systems field, the most striking example of success is Electronic Data Systems. EDS founder, H. Ross Perot, is worth an estimated $3.5 billion and became a serious contender in the race for president of the United States. With no party backing he captured 19 percent of the popular vote, thus assuring Clinton's victory with only 43 percent of the vote. In 1992, a year of political disenchantment, conservatives early-on rallied around Pat Buchanan, the only candidate who offered an uncompromising stand in defense of Western Christian Civilization. Buchanan's political "sin" was twofold—he was pro-American and pro-Christian. His voter appeal was sky-high and so he had to be "eliminated" from the race. The THE NETWORK OF POWER
liberal establishment's in-house conservative William Buckley, a Catholic, and establishment liberal, A.M. Rosenthal, a Jew, attacked Catholic Buchanan. Buckley and Rosenthal, both members of the Council on Foreign Relations, implied that Buchanan was "anti-Semitic." In a New York Times Article article (1-21-92), Rosenthal applauded Buckley's attack on Buchanan: "So the judgement by Mr. Buckley is understandably welcome to Americans—conservative or otherwise—who have long regarded Mr. Buchanan as an anti-Semite..." (Rosenthal uttered these words after receiving "communications" about Buchanan from B'nai B'rith's feared Anti-Defamation League.) The attacks by Buckley and Rosenthal effectively buried Buchanan, thus "eliminating" the only presidential candidate feared by the establishment. However the public still remained disenchanted with Bush and Clinton, so H. Ross Perot, the out-spoken self-made billionaire, offered to use $100 million of his own money to "buy" the presidency "for the American people!" Perot presented himself as the patriotic, incorruptible, independent, non-establishment savior of America. Perot's P.R. team disguised the real Ross Perot. According to Howard Phillips Issues & Strategy Bulletin (#436), the Village Voice (5-2692) uncovered a Ross Perot whose EDS won a $2 million-a-year medicare contract in 1972 in spite of being the highest bidder. Why? "Two of Perot's top deputies... combined to donate almost $200,000, roughly 10 percent of the contract to the Committee to Re-elect the President [Nixon]. .. " In February of 1972, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, after meeting privately with Perot, interceded for EDS: "Dept. of Social Services—it was alleged at the time, at Rocky's explicit direction awarded a $125,000 consulting contract to EDS. It was of course a key step along the way to winning the $30 million contract." Did Perot use unethical methods, insider contacts and pay-offs to build EDS and amass his fortune in the manner of robber baron John D. Rockefeller? On June 19th, '92 the New York Times reported that candidate Perot had met and discussed "with Felix G. Rohatyn, the New York financier, a trillion dollar plan to rebuild American industry." Rohatyn, a senior partner of the international banking house of Lazard Freres, is a high stakes player and an insider in the Network of Power. Vast fortunes will be made by international banks and computer companies in a trillion dollar deal. While President Clinton is actively pushing the Rohatyn plan of rebuilding America's infrastructure with more federal debt, Ross Perot has his sights on the 1996 presidential election and he is unashamedly asking each American to send him $15 to fund his sales pitches!
Chapter 8
LAZARD FRERES AND THE NETWORK OF POWER Lazard Freres is one of those select international banking houses which has amassed such vast power that it has been able to influence the central banks of both England and France. In a sense, Lazard Freres is above nations. Just after the turn of the century it played a pivotal role in establishing the super-secret Round Table Group—founded to alter the destiny of nations. The Round Table was initially funded by the Cecil Rhodes Trust and headed by Lords Milner, Astor and Brand. Brand was also managing director of Lazard Freres. Carroll Quigley, insider historian, wrote in Tragedy and Hope that there were a few powerful "banking families" that influenced the destiny of nations. "They include Lazard,... Warburg, Rothschild, and Morgan." Quigley wrote that those international bankers have been able to control central banks and governments because they operated "on the assumption that politicians were too weak and too subject to temporary popular pressure to be trusted with control of the money system." Therefore, the bankers would control the supply of money, and if necessary, conceal and "mislead, both governments and people..." In America, Lazard Freres is synonymous with Felix George Rohatyn described by David McClintickin the New York Times Biographical Service as "the most eminent investment banker in the world." Rohatyn apparently inherited his genius for handling money. Current Biography explains that he was born in Vienna in 1928 "to a prosperous Polish-Jewish banking family... A prosperous investor and speculator, his grandfather was a member of the Vienna Stock Exchange and head of the bank Rohatyn and Company." In the late 30's, Felix's parents divorced and in 1942, Felix arrived in New York City with his mother and step-father Henry Plessner, "an outspoken Zionist." After graduation from Middlebury College in 1948, Rohatyn was working at Lazard Freres as a trainee when managing partner, Andre Meyer, a friend of Plessner, offered Felix a full time position with Lazard in Europe. Under the personal tutelage of Meyer, that tyrannical and brilliant Frenchman THE NETWORK OF POWER
who ran Lazard from the middle 1940's until 1978, Rohatyn's future at the top of the heady world of international finance was guaranteed. Rohatyn so honed his technical skills at arranging corporate mergers and investment deals that he soon earned the sobriquet "the Wizard of Lazard," and, at age 33, was made a general partner. He masterminded the complicated sale of Avis to International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) which earned him the friendship of ITT chairman Harold Geneen and an ITT directorship. Rohatyn served on numerous blue-chip boards, including Owens Illinois, Englehard Minerals and Chemicals Corp., MCA. Schlumberger, Howmet Corp., American Motors (Renault), Perot's Electronic Data Systems and others. McClintick's article about Rohatyn reveals the value of interlocking directorates as a multiplier of power. In 1984, McClintick spent several days with Rohatyn and described a scene in which Rohatyn was" chatting with John Opel, chairman of IBM, and Joseph Flavin, chairman of the Singer company. The three men are among the 17 members of the board of directors of Pfizer, Inc., the multinational pharmaceuticals concern. . . " Through this one directorship, Rohatyn has immediate personal access not only to Pfizer executives, but also to the chairmen and board members of other major corporations. In 1968, at age forty, Rohatyn was made a governor of the New York Stock Exchange. Two years later, during a credit crunch, he was appointed chairman of the Stock Exchange's Surveillance Committee. From this powerful post, he arranged for the mergers and re-financing of weak brokerage firms thereby increasing his financial network of influence to the point that in 1975, when New York State established the Municipal Assistance Corp. (Big MAC) to rescue New York City from its impending financial collapse, he was appointed chairman. Rohatyn successfully arranged for U.S. taxpayer guarantees for over $2.5 billion in Big MAC bonds to bail out bankrupt New York City. Since writing his book The Twenty-Year Century: Essays on Economics and Public Finance in 1984, the "Wizard of Lazard" has developed and promoted his plans for a trillion dollar rebuilding of America's infrastructure and industry. (Brokerage fees and bond sales commissions for such a program could net Lazard a tidy fortune.) Jesse Jackson and other liberal Democrats support the plan and in June of 1992, Ross Perot met with Rohatyn for a briefing on the debt scheme. In December 1992 in Little Rock, Arkansas, he briefed Bill Clinton on finance, debt and rebuilding America's infrastructure. Like Lazard Freres' Lord Brand in his day, Felix G. Rohatyn is at the pinnacle of hidden power.
Chapter 9
BIG MEDIA AND THE NETWORK OF POWER Why have the media giants never exposed the "network of power" and the objectives of those anonymous few who determine America's destiny? The answer was given to this writer by Mark Jones, one-time financial adviser to the late John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and president of the National Economic Council in the '60's and '70's. He revealed that just four men, through their interlocking directorates on boards of large corporations and major banks, controlled the movement of capital and the creation of debt in America. According to Jones, Sidney Weinberg, Frank Altshul and General Lucius Clay were three of those men in the 1930's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. The fourth was Eugene Meyer, Jr., whose father was a partner in the immensely powerful international bank, Lazard Freres. These powerful men knew well the importance of owning or controlling big media. Yale educated Eugene Meyer, Jr., also a wealthy influential banker, purchased the Washington Post in the early 1930's and from that time on, the Post played a substantial role as a kingmaker and purveyor of liberal internationalist propaganda while at the same time, increasing Meyer's own influence. Today the Washington Post is controlled by Meyer Jr.'s daughter Katharine Graham. It was under Graham's leadership that the Post destroyed the Nixon presidency. Early in his political career, Nixon had exposed FDR's key foreign policy adviser Alger Hiss as a traitor. Hiss was a member of the "network of power's" internationalist propaganda think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); Graham is not just an ordinary member, she is a CFR "Patron." Eventually, Graham acquired Newsweek, radio and TV stations and exposed millions more Americans to the liberal international bias of her media empire. Although the official journal of the Council on Foreign Relations Foreign Affairs, is published five times a year, the "network of power" often uses the regular "newspeak" media to reach the public instantly. THE NETWORK OF POWER
On August 20, 1992, the "network" used the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) to tell the masses that America must support a stronger United Nations. Warren Getler, associate editor of Foreign Affairs, wrote the Journal's editorial page directive, "Uncle Sam Should Strengthen U.N., Not Boss It." In all likelihood, the "network of power" determined that it was vital for a "conservative" paper, the influential organ of capitalism, to tell Americans that world government, a world police force and the "New World Order" were all being jeopardized by President Bush's mishandling of Iraq. Getler charged that Bush, to boost his lagging campaign, tried to manipulate the U.S. inspection team in Iraq and was going to use Saddam Hussein's stubbornness to launch Gulf War II. Getler praises the network's Washington Post and New York Times for exposing Bush's "provocation" of Hussein. CFR spokesman Getler was telling the cognoscente that former CFR director Bush is expendable because the strengthening of the United Nations and the establishment of a U.N. army must not be jeopardized by anyone's political campaign. By the summer of 1992, the Network of Power elite had already decided to dump Bush for Clinton. Considering his "patrons," Getler's demands are nothing short of alarming: "In the future the U.S. will need to examine whether it can place a significant number of its assets along with those of other U.N. members, under a unified, permanent command for enforcement purposes... Articles 42 and 43 [of the U.N. Charter] provide the legal stepping stones for the creation of a U.N. Army, serving at the Security Council's discretion. These articles oblige all U.N. members 'to make available to the Security Council on its call. .. armed forces, facilities and assistance."' Getler concludes, "A U.N. with teeth is an idea that should not be easily dismissed if we are truly in 'a new world order.'" Keep in mind that Peter R. Kann, chairman and publisher of the Wall Street Journal, is a CFR member, as is Paul A. Gigot who writes the Journal's "Potomac Watch." WSJ editorial-page writer Karen Elliott House is not just a member, she is a director of the Council on Foreign Relations. The power-brokers decided long ago that the U.N. Charter as coauthored by traitor Alger Hiss was more useful to them than the U.S. Constitution. Big media will repeat this "big lie" until it becomes a "basic truth" and our freedoms will be forever buried in the graveyard of the U.N.'s New World Order.
Chapter 10
RHODES SCHOLARS AND THE NETWORK OF POWER Those "Network of Power" elitists who determine what is best for America and the world decided long ago that the United States would someday be part of a New World Order governed by a rejuvenated United Nations. Leading us further into that elitist dream of world government is a powerful standing U.N. Army, a concept being sold to the American people as the necessary vehicle with which to solve the border disputes of smaller nations and the saber rattlings of tin-horn dictators. The "Network's" propaganda for this U.N. army escalated with an August 20, Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial page article entitled "Uncle Sam Should Strengthen U.N., Not Boss It," by Warren Getler. (As was pointed out in Chapter Nine, Getler is "associate editor of Foreign Affairs... the official journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).") In his WSJ article, Getler cites the United Nations Charter as his authority in calling for a U.N. army. "Articles 42 and 43 provide the legal stepping stones for the creation of a U.N. Army, serving at the Security Council's discretion. These articles oblige all U.N. members 'make available to the Security Council on its call... armed forces, facilities and assistance.'" Peter R. Kann, chairman and publisher of the WSJ is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. As associate editor of Foreign Affairs, Getler must have been writing in the Wall Street Journal with at least the tacit approval of the CFR's directorship which includes Karen Elliott House, a WSJ editorial-page writer. Just six days after Getler called for a U.N. Army to secure the New World Order, Senator David Boren (D-OK) fired a second round of propaganda. In New York Times of August 26, Boren wrote "The World Needs An Army on Call," a bluntly titled op-ed piece in which he parrots the CFR's internationalist agenda and dismisses any patriotic disagreement as "The siren song of the new isolationists." Boren, whose pudgy and flaccid face is disarming if not deceptive, is a power-player with impeccable credentials within the internationalist/ world government clique. He is a graduate of Yale University, and like THE NETWORK OF POWER
George Bush, is a member of the super-secretive occultist Skull and Bones; and like Bill Clinton, he is a Rhodes Scholar. Most importantly, Boren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. And yet, at the bottom of his Times article, not one of his establishment credentials is listed. The only notation for this liberal Democrat was his chairmanship of the influential and sensitive Senate Intelligence Committee. Like Getler, Boren invokes the sacrosanct phrase "new world order" and cites as the ultimate authority, "article 43 of the United Nations charter." Referring to Iraq and Syria, Boren thoughtfully tells the American people whatthey do and what they do not want: "... Americans want something done, they do not want to do it alone." The Senator then suggests that "the burden must be shared" and offers the standard CFR solution for every foreign affairs or environmental problem on this planet: world government via the U.N. "It is time to create a genuine multilateral mechanism that can deal not only with these crises but also those that inevitably lie ahead... The opportunity for the United Nations is clear. In the aftermath of World War II, President Truman wanted to empower the new United Nations to create a new world order." Rhodes scholar Boren continues the CFR sales pitch for a world army,". . . under Article 43 of the United Nations charter, the Secretary General still has the authority to ask member nations to designate military units that can be deployed in the event of a crisis 'maintain international peace and security.'" The timing and similarity of the Getler and Boren propaganda pieces can be no coincidence; but as a United States Senator, Boren is bound to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. This raises a major conflict-ofinterest issue due to Boren's indoctrination as a Rhodes Scholar (Cecil Rhodes set up his scholarships to brainwash Americans into demanding a secularhumanist British dominated New World Order) and his allegiances to Skull and Bones, the CFR, and the UN. Within a matter of weeks of taking the presidential oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and defend the sovereignty of America, CFR member and Rhodes scholar Clinton announced on February 13,1993 that the U.S. would leave up to 5,000 military personnel in Somalia as part of a new multinational peacekeeping force under United Nations command. On February 14, '93, the Washington Post reported that "in a historic first, some U.S. troops would remain in Somalia under the command of Turkish Lt. Gen. Cevik Bir, the first time that U.S. troops have ever served in a U.N. force under the command of a foreigner." Quietly, without fanfare and with no public outcry, the Network of Power has taken a giant step in the relentless march to destroy U.S. sovereignty.
Chapter 11
CONTROL OF CLINTON AND THE NETWORK OF POWER The day after the election, one of Arkansas' leading businessmen--a man who has known Clinton for years socially as well politically—gave me this assessment of the coming Clinton administration: "The Clinton crowd is street smart and politically saavy; they will take no prisoners alive. Mind you they are brutal and vindictive. For our country, this will be the most destructive four years in history." Many conservatives believe that Bush deserved to lose. One conservative leader told me that after four years of Clinton, Americans will realize that both parties are bankrupt and that a new conservative party is needed. Would such a new party be permitted to grow and flourish in spite of the "Network of Power's" internationalist stranglehold on banking, corporate boards and the major media? During the '92 campaign, the only effort to bypass the "Network of Power" was made, not by Ross Perot, but by Patrick Buchanan who was quickly destroyed as a viable candidate by the "Network's" own New York Times. Ultra-leftist Times writer A.M. Rosenthal accused Buchanan of anti-semitism because of his unabashed support of Christianity. Buchanan's success in New Hampshire's Republican presidential primary proved to the "Network of Power" inner-circle that their own insider, sitting President George Bush was extremely vulnerable. They had to find a replacement who could win, someone who could re-claim the youth vote which had become conservative during the Reagan presidency, someone who could successfully implement the New World Order. In the 1991/92 special edition of the Council on Foreign Relations' publication, Foreign Affairs, William G. Hyland admitted that the Buchanan candidacy had revived "nationalism" [i.e. patriotism] and had delayed the emergence of a New World Order. The mesmerizing mystique of JFK's Camelot had to be rekindled if the New World Order was going to be successfully sold to the American people. Clearly Bush had bungled the task and who but Clinton would be better to carry the torch for a socialist, secular humanist New World Order? THE NETWORK OF POWER
His internationalist credentials as a Rhodes Scholar and a CFR member, tempered by feet of clay and skeletons in his closet, made him ideally suited for the role of puppet for the Network of Power as they continued their manipulation of the American voters. The coalition for his win was carefully crafted—it included liberal unions, radical feminists, militant homosexuals, extreme environmentalists, progressive educators, left-over peaceniks, Zionist Jews, most pro-abortionists, welfare promoters and their constituency. Each of these groups thinks it has put its own candidate in the White House. In reality the "Network of Power" has simply replaced its mature patrician puppet with a brash young puppet and Clinton's forty-three percent of the popular vote—by no means a mandate—will be portrayed as such by the "network"-controlled media. Heading Clinton's transition team was the Deputy Secretary of State during the Carter Administration, Warren M. Christopher. He headed the vice-presidential selection team which picked Sen. Al Gore, Jr., the radical environmentalist whose voting record is almost as liberal as Ted Kennedy's. More importantly, Warren Christopher is a key operative for the "Network of Power" having served as chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations' powerful nominating committee, as director of the CFR from 1982-1991 and as vice chairman of the board from 1987-1991. The New York Times lauded Christopher in a five column article headlined, "Christopher: A Courtly, Circumspect Man of the Establishment." It was no surprise when Christopher was chosen to be Secretary of State. Even more influential than Christopher, however, is Felix G. Rohatyn, identified by the New York Times only as Chairman, Municipal Assistance Corporation. The Times article of 11-8-92 neglects to mention that Rohatyn is a senior partner of one of the world's most influential banking houses, Lazard Freres, even though the New York Times Biographical Service has described Rohatyn as "the most eminent investment banker in the world." Rohatyn has a cherished dream: a trillion dollar plan to rebuild America's infrastructure. He has been waiting 12 years for a high-spending liberal Democrat president who will further tax the American people to underwrite this debt-increasing plan which will assuredly benefit one firm in particular: Lazard Freres. In President Clinton's first state of the union address he announced to the Congress assembled and the American people that he would increase many taxes and spend many billions of dollars to begin the rebuilding of America's infrastructure (a-la-Rohatyn's plan!) He even promised to reduce the federal debt while spending more. We believe that Rohatyn's interlocking power base puts him at the center of the "Network of Power" and makes him one of the four or five men who control America's debt and destiny.
Chapter 12 OUR UNELECTED RULER AND THE NETWORK OF POWER The Federal Reserve System has been described as the "greatest generator of debt in the history of man." The Fed, as it is called, enjoys a high degree of respect by the unsuspecting public because, operating as it does behind closed doors, it is little understood and much misunderstood. The Fed is the "Network of Power's" cleverly designed machinery through which it controls the flow of money, by creating public debt, and forever enslaving the American people with confiscatory taxes. The annual interest payments on that public debt have formed almost unbreakable financial ropes of bondage for the hard-working American taxpayer. The important first stage of debt-created enslavement by the international bankers, the very core of the hidden "Network of Power", was the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and the passage of the federal income tax amendment in 1913. It was the German born international banker Paul M. Warburg, senior partner in the Kuhn Loeb banking house who adroitly sold the plan to a few powerful U.S. Senators lead by Senator Nelson Aldrich, grandfather to the five Rockefeller brothers including David and Nelson Aldrich. The plans to enslave the American taxpayer were all laid, hatched and polished at supersecret meetings where the conspirators were identified by numbers, not names. The Fed was and is still used by its privately owned Class "A" stockholders to create government debt; the income tax revenues are used to pay the interest on that debt. Stage two of the conspirators' dreams, the establishment of world government through the League of Nations, was promoted by President Woodrow Wilson and his alter-ego and master conspirator, Col. E. Mandell House. However, stage two was derailed at the time by the U.S. Senate which voted to keep America out of the League of Nations. The conspirators lured the U.S. into another debt-increasing world war after which the Senate and the American people were seduced into the United Nations. Stage three is to be the dismantling of the American constitutional republic and the final destruction of our nation's sovereignty. Until then, more THE NETWORK OF POWER
debt will be foisted onto the American taxpayers to pay for the international bankers' grand and greedy scheme—the so-called rebuilding of "America's infrastructure." This will be nothing more than the latest stage of their ambitious plan to generate massive new debt to ensure much larger interest payments to their international banking houses. Bush never once identified the problem, the plan or the plotters because he was, for a brief period, the "Network of Power's" anointed one. When he was unable to implement the plan for the New World Order, he fell from favor. And so the "Network of Power" chose a new boy, "Slick Willie" Clinton to carry out their hidden agenda. As a leader of anti-Vietnam War demonstrations in Washington, London and Oslo, this U.S. draft-dodger had already proved that he had no reverence for America, for patriotism or for the flag. Rhodes Scholar Clinton had emerged early-on as a revolutionary—an ideal candidate for future manipulation as an iconoclastic leader who would demolish the U.S. Constitution and destroy America's sovereignty—necessary steps before world government and a U.N. income tax could be established by the "Network of Power." The Clinton band wagon began to roll before he was sworn in as president with this latest "tax, tax, spend, spend" scheme. In a November 19, 1992 New York Times article, reporter Steven Greenhouse reveals: "Liberals Press Clinton to Raise Deficit Spending. The Group declares Stimulus is better than savings." Greenhouse continues, "a liberal leaning commission appointed by Gov. Mario M. Cuomo of New York called for a generous dollop of increased deficit spending to lift a weak economy." The Times reporter names the authors of the gargantuan new debtincreasing plan—the same powerful international bankers already identified in earlier chapters. They are, writes Greenhouse, "possible Treasury Secretaries. . . Robert E. Rubin, co-Chairman of Goldman Sachs and Felix G. Rohatyn" identified merely as "an investment banker at Lazard Freres." Rohatyn turned down the Treasury appointment—he wields more unrestricted and anonymous power at Lazard. Rohatyn's trillion dollar plan for this administration to "rebuild America's infrastructure" will permanently bury American taxpayers under a mountain of debt while elevating Rohatyn and Lazard Freres to the top of the "Network of Power" as America's unelected rulers.
Chapter 13
THE CARNEGIE COMMISSION AND THE NETWORK OF POWER Recent evidence of the "Network of Power's" interlocking relationship between investment groups, foundations, big media, and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) surfaced in the December 1, 1992 edition of the New York Times and the CFR's Foreign Affairs, Winter 1992/93 edition. In "Hard Truths for Better Days," an op-ed piece for the New York Times Peter G. Peterson, identified only as "the chairman of the Blackstone Group, investment bankers," authors a major op-ed analysis of expectations of the Clinton administration. The all-the-news-that's-fit-to-print paper did not mention that the Blackstone Group supported the Clinton candidacy, and that Peterson has been chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations since 1985 when he replaced David Rockefeller. In his Times editorial, CFR Chairman Peterson officially annointed Clinton, "Bill Clinton certainly possesses the intelligence and political and consensus-building skills needed to get America saving, investing and growing again..." Coincidentally, New York Times editorial writer (and also CFR member) Leon V. Sigal wrote the lead article in the Winter 1992/93 edition of the CFR's Foreign Affairs whose cover boldly proclaims, in red ink, "Advice for President Clinton." In "The last Cold War Election," Sigal identifies one of the problems confronting the "Network of Power": "The struggle to redefine the Republican Party and to free it from the thrall of religious zealots will revive as soon as President Bush leaves the White House." Sigal calls for "higher taxes," "sacrifice," "a global alliance," and "enormous change." Jeffrey E. Garten, senior advisor to the Blackstone Group and teacher of international finance and economics at the Columbia School of Business, leads off the advice-to-Clinton section of Foreign Affairs with "The 100-Day Economic Agenda." CFR member Garten bluntly warns Clinton to please the international bankers or face serious fiscal consequences, "[Clinton] has yet to confront the delicate problem of pleasing THE NETWORK OF POWER
powerful international financial markets which are all to ready to unleash their fury at the administration's first fiscal misstep." He tells Clinton to announce "spending cuts and tax increases" before taking office on January 20th, and to raise gasoline taxes. The real blockbuster of this Foreign Affairs issue is a special report prepared by a "bipartisan commission" co-sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Institute for Internationa] Economics. "Special Report: Policy Making For a New Era" contains "recommendations for re-organizing the U.S. government for the post-Cold War era..." Chairman of the Commission is Richard Holbrooke, managing Director at Lehman Brothers and one of only 24 directors of the Council on Foreign Relations. A few of the commission members listed are: the abovementioned Peter G. Peterson; CFR member Morton I. Abramowitz, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research; and former Ambassador to Red China Winston Lord, a past president of the CFR. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Council on Foreign Relations have historically been at the core of the conspiracy to shackle America within a collectivist world government, with no national borders and a U.S. taxpayer supported U.N. World Police Force—all in the name of that altruistic sounding but ever elusive goal of their idea of "Peace." The Carnegie-CFR Commission report and goals for Clinton are no different, telling Clinton that the "United Nations must be able to mount collective efforts to enforce peace under chapter VII of the UN. Charter. Its members must be prepared to deploy combat-ready troops..." The Commission further insists that the Clinton administration "strengthen responsibility for U.N. and other international peacemaking efforts in the State Department and Defense Department [and] strengthen the staff capability of both." The commission wants the U.S. to rely "more on collective solutions." There are two main purposes of this manifesto to Clinton from the "Network of Power". The first is the reorganization of the government to prepare for a U.N. takeover and the second is to suggest that the "experts" needed to carry out their agenda must be chosen from the ranks of the CFR and Carnegie, etc. (One of Clinton's many appointees with CFR background in Winston Lord as an Assistant Secretary of State.) These unelected rulers are deadly serious about their agenda for a secular-humanist world government. All of the "Network's" resources are now being used to brainwash the American public to accept world government as inevitable.
Chapter 14
CLINTON APPOINTEE RUBIN AND THE NETWORK OF POWER You can count on the fingers of your hand those men at the very pinnacle of power—men who through their many directorships on the boards of international banks, blue chip corporations, insurance companies and other cash rich financial institutions, wield such unparalleled power that they determine the debt and destiny of America. These men are rarely known to the public at large; they are the anonymous puppetmasters who manipulate the political puppets. They are the shadowy few who in past times travelled in their own lavish railroad cars unseen by the masses. Most of these men were and are the senior managing partners in international investment banking houses. During the latter part of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th, these men controlled the nominations and the elections of presidents, established and controlled the Federal Reserve Bank, determined the course of foreign policy and influenced the direction of economic policies. Their personal wealth was so vast that they lived and were treated like royalty. One of those men was Otto Kahn, senior partner in the Kuhn, Loeb banking house. He counseled presidents, sat on major corporate boards, built the largest mansion on Long Island and, with his Kuhn, Loeb partners, helped to fund the Bolshevik revolution. His power was so feared that when Mrs. Otto Kahn flew into the Soviet Union in June 1931, Figaro (April 1932) reported that she "was officially received by the Soviet Government, which gave in her honor a grand diplomatic dinner and several brilliant receptions... The Red Army lined the roads at the present of arms. .. It was the least that the head of the 'proletarian dictatorship' could do in order to honor the wife of one of their sovereigns." By the late 1920's, Sidney J. Weinberg had become one of the four men who made up the core of the network of power; he was a senior partner in the powerful international banking house of Goldman, Sachs. He financed and helped elect Democrat Franklin Roosevelt to the presidency in 1932. Twenty years later, Weinberg, a liberal Democrat, raised large sums to defeat Robert Taft and nominate Republican Dwight Eisenhower and then raised THE NETWORK OF POWER
$15 million to elect Eisenhower. In his obituary, the New York Times wrote that Weinberg was the "unofficial" advisor to five US presidents: FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. With Goldman, Sachs as his power base, Sidney Weinberg maintained his position as one of America's most powerful men until his death in 1969. Robert E. Rubin is the Goldman, Sachs connection in the Clinton Administration. Until assuming his position as Clinton's top economic advisor, i.e. chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC), Rubin was co-Chairman of Goldman, Sachs and Co. His power base was further enhanced by his key position as chairman of the finance committee of the Carnegie Corporation which, through the interlocking network of directorships is part of the establishment's invisible government promoting globalism and one world government. Rubin fully intends to use his influential position as Clinton's top financial advisor to keep and enhance his power base at Goldman, Sachs— a power base Rubin seems to have vacated in name only. (His Goldman Sachs holdings alone are conservatively estimated at $100 million. His reported income from his brokerage partnership alone in 1992 was $26.5 million) After assuming his appointment as NEC chairman Rubin wrote "Keep in touch" letters on Goldman, Sachs letterheads to as many as 1000 of his major clients in the US, Japan and Europe. (His clients included the governments of Taiwan and Mexico and companies in Germany, Japan and England. Some of his American clients, named in a New York Times article (3-24-93) are RJR Nabisco, Time Warner, Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts, Safeway, etc.) A copy of Rubin's letter was given to the media by one of his clients. Rubin wrote, "I am confident that Goldman, Sachs will continue to work as well or even better with" your company "given the strength of trust and the bond of mutual respect between our organizations..." Rubin concluded his letter with this offer, "I also look forward to continuing to work with you in my new capacity." Rubin made no apologies for this not-so-subtle display of power and of his hint of favoritism. He explained, "What it meant was, it's in the interest of the US government to work constructively with everybody." Dee Dee Myers, Clinton spokeswoman, said the letter does not violate federal ethics laws or regulations. Charles R. E. Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity disagreed with these self-serving rationalizations saying the letter gave the appearance of a conflict of interest. This is another in a long list of appointees where Clinton's so-called code-of-ethics is a sham. For Rubin, Goldman, Sachs and the Network of Power, it is business as usual.
Chapter 15 THE QUEST FOR WORLD GOVERNMENT AND THE NETWORK OF POWER Whether as unwitting dupe or conscious participant, Bill Clinton is part of a massive and historical conspiracy to establish a world government. In earlier chapters, we established the fact that through interlocking directorates of certain major corporations, banks, insurance companies, giant foundations and elitist semi-secretive policy-forming think tanks there exists a core of a few men (and perhaps one woman) who wield such tremendous power that they are able to dictate our nation's policies -financial, domestic, and foreign. They are our unelected rulers; and for most, if not all of the 20th century, these men have determined America's debt and destiny. "They are motivated by a blinding lust for power, prestige and wealth," revealed Lee Lauren, intelligence officer for the short-lived Special Committee To Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations (known as the "Reece Committee" after its chairman Representative Carroll Reece.) On April, 5, 1954, in preparation for Committee hearings, Reece Committee General Counsel Rene A. Wormser wrote to the highly respected Ambassador, Spruille Braden, "Your [sworn] testimony before the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee suggests that. . . our foreign policy is influenced by persons and groups operating under a veil of anonymity, but nevertheless effectively promoting ideas detrimental to the welfare of this Republic. Specifically we would like to know: (1) What is the influence of tax-exempt foundations on our foreign policy?—e.g.Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rhodes Scholarship Trust, etc. (2) How do foundations operate in the field of foreign affairs? (Support of pressure groups, interlocking directorates, development of literature, sponsorship of experts, frequent appointments of foundation officers by government etc.)." On April 10, Ambassador Braden replied to Wormser,"... I have the very definite feeling that these various foundations you mention very definitely do exercise both overt and covert influence on our foreign relations and that their influences are counter to the fundamental principles on which this nation was founded and which have made it great." THE NETWORK OF POWER
The foundations, trusts, and elitist think tanks investigated by the Reece Committee were found to have "a collecti vist point of view" and while they regularly concealed their socialist and globalist agenda they offered "vehement disclaimers of bias." The shadowy and influential Council on Foreign Relations was identified by the Reece Committee as having a pivotal role in promoting "internationalism" (i.e. one world government) and dictating U.S. foreign policy from within the White House and the State Department. Because the Reece Committee was beginning to unearth the very core of the conspiracy to destroy Western Christian Civilization it was not permitted to continue its investigations. Chairman Reece called the motivation and leadership of this conspiracy "diabolical." With that charge he unknowingly unleashed the all pervasive influence of the "Network of Power" which focused on de-funding the Committee and discrediting its findings. Unseen pressure was brought to bear on Democrats and Republicans alike, to deny further funding to the committee. The Eisenhower White House and the House Democrat leadership under Sam Rayburn secretly united to crush the committee and ruin the reputations of Congressman Reece and key committee staffers. Thus, the American electorate has been prevented from learning of the existence of the conspiracy whose goals were and still are to destroy the U.S. constitution, and America's sovereignty, replacing them with an anti-Christian, socialist, one world government with vast new taxing powers. Professor Carroll Quigley, has documented much of the Rhodes conspiracy in his epic work Tragedy and Hope. Lord Rothschild was Rhodes' financial backer allowing him "to monopolize the diamond mines of South Africa. . . " Rothschild was the most powerful member of Rhodes' secret society organized in 1891. Quigley was Clinton's mentor and professor at Georgetown University where he taught and wrote that Cecil Rhodes established his scholarship fund to brainwash Americans into working for a world government. It was not by accident that Rhodes Scholar and CFR member Clinton was elected president with only 43 percent of the popular vote. Clinton has surrounded himself with fellow Rhodes scholars including key advisors Robert Reich, Ira Magaziner, and Bruce Reed. Clinton can count on the support and advice of fellow Rhodes scholars such as Senators Bradley and Sarbanes, as he unleashes his "New Covenant" on the unsuspecting American people. As this quest for world government becomes reality, the already immense power and wealth of our unelected rulers will substantially increase as our own freedoms greatly decrease.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Dennis Laurence Cuddy received his doctorate degree in American history and political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has taught at the university level and in the public school system. Dr. Cuddy was also a political risk analyst for an international consulting firm. He has authored or edited four books on American foreign relations and immigration and has written numerous articles. He served as a Senior Associate with the US Department of Education in Washingon, DC. Dr. Cuddy is author of Now is the Dawning of the New World Order and co-author of The New World Order, Chronology and Commentary. Robert Henry Goldsborough has studied and written about the dangers of communism, secret societies and subversive movements since his cum laude graduation from Mt. St. Mary's college in 1954. In 1956 he took an intensive course on the strategy and tactics of communism from Louis Budenz, a former Communist Party boss who renounced communism and became a Christian. Later, as staff investigator for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Mr. Goldsborough had the rare opportunity to investigate the strategy and tactics of communists and socialists in action. As a congressional investigator, one of his tasks was to prepare committee hearings, thus enabling him to witness events which were rarely, if ever, reported by the media. In 1975, Mr. Goldsborough developed a friendship with Norman Dodd, former research director of the special congressional committee ordered to investigate tax-exempt funding of communism and socialism. He regularly visited Mr. Dodd at his home, recording Dodd's experiences during the investigations of the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations. In 1977, Mr. Goldsborough co-founded the editorial service and newsletter Washington Dateline. During 16 years of continuous publication, he has written over 500 columns on secret societies and vital current events. He has been a speaker and lecturer to over 1000 nationwide audiences on Free Enterprise versus Socialism, and the New World Order; he is a frequent guest political analyst on radio and TV talk shows. Currently Mr. Goldsborough is President of the American Research Foundation, a tax-exempt foundation dedicated to the discovery and revelation of the hidden causes of wars, revolutions and political assassinations. He is Chairman of the Maryland Conservative Union; and a member of the Advisory Board of the National Council for Better Education. Mr. Goldsborough is founder and former chairman of Limit Maryland Taxes Committee, and co-founder of the Save Our State Committee. Mr. Goldsborough is author of the documentary tabloid More Deadly than the Bomb (1964); and of Lines of Credit, Ropes of Bondage (1989), a bestselling book about the financiers, their fellow conspirators and the plot to destroy Western Christian civilization; and co-author of The New World Order, Chronology and Commentary (1992).