Red alert! what does fema know seeking contractor for bio disposal of tents 3

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RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

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RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters Like




Anonymous Coward User ID: 52746091 United States 01/15/2014 06:45 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters 2 more today, 4 yesterday died

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Vic-chick13 User ID: 27766712 United States 01/15/2014 06:47 PM

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Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters

If they KNOW, they should TELL. this is getting ridiculous. I am not sure if it would be any worse than wondering. Quoting: beeches

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They will never tell. People barely function in general anyway. If they knew something bad was coming the resulting chaos would be as bad if not worse than the event likely. Quoting: OCD Chaos Theorist

More than likely, sadly. Was at the grocery store today, their debit/credit machines were down. Had already been down for a couple of hours when I got there. The in-store ATM had been emptied in the first hour. To the stores credit, they had signs on all the doors and were making an announcement every five minutes. There were still people shopping, hoping the problem would be resolved by the time they wanted to checkout. Quite a[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

They Must ‘Leave Children Alone’ at the Winter Olympics 400 child-abusing priests defrocked during Pope Benedict XVI’s reign, Vatican reveals UN Arms Trade Treaty Targets Our Freedom (Video) UN Arms Trade Treaty Targets Our Freedom Details of Medicare Payments to Doctors Finally Go Public after 35 Years

few abandoned buggys as well. The denial was a little surprising for me. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 52746091 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 06:48 PM Report Abusive Post 2 more today, 4 yesterday died Report Copyright Violation Quoting: Anonymous Coward 52746091

I should add that is just in 2 counties Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:13 PM Report Abusive Post Something's up! Report Copyright Violation

53 Years To The Day That Eisenhower Warned Of The Military-Industrial Complex, Obama Will Further Its Cause Exorcism rituals on the rise as way to battle evil of Mexican cartels Google's Internet of Things Now Includes Your Body 25% Of U.S. Teens Have Abandoned Facebook Hershey and 3D Systems join forces to develop 3Dprinted food technology

Quoting: AKObserver

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I've asked this before and I'll ask this again, what the hell is the government so scared of? First all the spying and law breaking to turn the country into a virtual police state and now the fema preparations. Something must have the government really spooked. Not only that but the information that they have received from industry telling them that it is not possible to fulfill the Armageddon scenario orders pretty much tells the government that the US will not survive such a scenario in its current form. In other words, the US will cease to exist should an Armageddon scenario present itself. Makes you wonder what Armageddon scenario they are expecting. Any ideas?

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Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters

User ID: 46797006 United States 01/15/2014 07:28 PM

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Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

Warning! Don't Let Your Girlfriend See THIS! Otherwise you're in trouble... Background of my avatar: [link to] The religion of submission cannot survive an open and honest discussion of its convoluted and foolish scriptures, its sexually perverted terrorist prophet, or its deceitful and demented god. When Western leaders become unified and resolute in their hostility to Islam's violent and ungodly beginnings, Muslims will flee the religion because they will be horrified by its endorsement of terrorism, mass murder, slave trading, plunder, kidnapping, and rape.

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Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 37561226 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:29 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Something's up! Get Ready To Fly! New simulator is about to take you in the sky

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RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3 results are guaranteed...

Quoting: AKObserver

I've asked this before and I'll ask this again, what the hell is the government so scared of? First all the spying and law breaking to turn the country into a virtual police state and now the fema preparations. Something must have the government really spooked. Not only that but the information that they have received from industry telling them that it is not possible to fulfill the Armageddon scenario orders pretty much tells the government that the US will not survive such a scenario in its current form. In other words, the US will cease to exist should an Armageddon scenario present itself. Makes you wonder what Armageddon scenario they are expecting. Any ideas? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15708467

I always thought it was debris from ison. If true it must be the dust and it must be taking awhile to descend into the atmosphere. Biological attack is also very possible. We're hated worldwide by people that have these kind of weapons. Let Freedom Ring 365 User ID: 51565483 United States 01/15/2014 07:33 PM

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters Just guessing, but if the New Madrid goes or the Canary Islands cause a Tsunami, or "the big one" hits Cali, or Yellowstone blows, or the Louisiana sink hole rips open into a gigantic methane filled salt dome that blows sky high and then sucks the Gulf of Mexico a few hundred miles inland... Yeah, they might need a few tents for people and dumpsters for stuff. ... just sayin'

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Quoting: Resister

Let Freedom Ring 365

LogicBomber User ID: 2620180 United States 01/15/2014 07:35 PM

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters

"Be prepared", the boy scouts believe it. If you were a boy scout that could print their own money you'd have a crazy complete preps too.[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

Quoting: Kybeam 40489289

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^^^^^ Some crazy paper pusher justified their salary for the week by coming up with a disaster plan. Now someone else is justifying it by seeking out contractors to be ready to implement it. DHS/FEMA workers probably reads GLP for ideas on disaster plans. Quoting: ssle

"But that's not why people watch TV. Clever things make people feel stupid, and unexpected things make them feel scared." -Fry All LogicBomber comments are meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed to reflect the feelings and opinions, implied or expressed, of the author.

LogicBomber User ID: 2620180 United States 01/15/2014 07:36 PM

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters

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Quoting: No Dhimmi[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

"But that's not why people watch TV. Clever things make people feel stupid, and unexpected things make them feel scared." -Fry All LogicBomber comments are meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed to reflect the feelings and opinions, implied or expressed, of the author.

Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:38 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Something's up!

 Quoting: AKObserver

I've asked this before and I'll ask this again, what the hell is the government so scared of? First all the spying and law breaking to turn the country into a virtual police state and now the fema preparations. Something must have the government really spooked. Not only that but the information that they have received from industry telling them that it is not possible to fulfill the Armageddon scenario orders pretty much tells the government that the US will not survive such a scenario in its current form. In other words, the US will cease to exist should an Armageddon scenario present itself. Makes you wonder what Armageddon scenario they are expecting. Any ideas? Â Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15708467

I always thought it was debris from ison. If true it must be the dust and it must be taking awhile to descend into the atmosphere. Biological attack is also very possible. We're hated worldwide by people that have these kind of[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

weapons. Â Quoting: Anonymous Coward 37561226

Ison dust makes sense but only in the context of the fema preparations. However, the spying part means that they are expecting something else. Perhaps a bio attack but that doesn't make sense either because their isn't anything deadly enough that spreads easily to cause a pandemic like what they are expecting. Only a manufactured bio strain modified to be both highly deadly and easily transmittable. Maybe Iran is manufacturing something in one of their underground labs. BoilerBloodline User ID: 37354606 United States 01/15/2014 07:40 PM

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters Very interesting! And I love the new word...Clustermess! HA! Abuse the masses to reach a few.

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BoilerBloodline User ID: 37354606 United States 01/15/2014 07:40 PM

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Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters Very interesting! And I love the new word...Clustermess! HA! Abuse the masses to reach a few.

Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 27103356 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:42 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Something's up![1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

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RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

Quoting: AKObserver

I've asked this before and I'll ask this again, what the hell is the government so scared of? First all the spying and law breaking to turn the country into a virtual police state and now the fema preparations. Something must have the government really spooked. Not only that but the information that they have received from industry telling them that it is not possible to fulfill the Armageddon scenario orders pretty much tells the government that the US will not survive such a scenario in its current form. In other words, the US will cease to exist should an Armageddon scenario present itself. Makes you wonder what Armageddon scenario they are expecting. Any ideas? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15708467

Obama gearing up for a revolution. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:42 PM Report Abusive Post Very interesting! And I love the new word...Clustermess! HA! Report Copyright Violation Quoting: BoilerBloodline

It's the PC way of saying clusterfuck!!! Fenris Bites the Hand That Binds

User ID: 33024610 United States 01/15/2014 07:43 PM

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters This is not a conspiracy, it is a fact. We have always been in possible danger from a huge event, so why now suddenly take the steps to be prepared? 1000 tent hospitals across the country is not a small thing, I wonder if other countries are doing the same and how could we find out? If it is a flu thing, it would spread to other countries fast. I think I better hurry up and make up that Fire Cider.

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It seems there are always forces on both sides of any event that might be planned, lets hope there efforts are stopped.

Quoting: stillhere

I think a lot of countries have open/public bid/RFP sites, though they will be in the local language, so if you know other languages, you could start searching for government request for proposal/bid sites and then search for requests like this for a similar timeframe and closing date and see what floats to the surface. I don't know jack for other languages, and struggle with the English language, so sally forth young go-getters! Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:47 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Something's up![1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

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Quoting: AKObserver

I've asked this before and I'll ask this again, what the hell is the government so scared of? First all the spying and law breaking to turn the country into a virtual police state and now the fema preparations. Something must have the government really spooked. Not only that but the information that they have received from industry telling them that it is not possible to fulfill the Armageddon scenario orders pretty much tells the government that the US will not survive such a scenario in its current form. In other words, the US will cease to exist should an Armageddon scenario present itself. Makes you wonder what Armageddon scenario they are expecting. Any ideas? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15708467

Obama gearing up for a revolution. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 27103356

I don't think so. These preparations are more along the lines of civil unrest after the partial collapse of government and social infrastructure. I personally hope that we don't get hit with a bio attack. That would be the worst way to go imaginable. At least with a conventional attack we could fight back against our aggressors but if all we do is get sick then there is no fighting back. Peace_Maker User ID: 50692023 United States 01/15/2014 07:50 PM

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters My husband noticed a lot of Homeland security trucks with heavy tinted windows in[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

the past week. He does do a lot of driving. We live in northern va. He said they were Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation on 66 coming away from dc. I wonder what's going on. Can't we all just get along?! Peace_Maker Thread: GLP memes

Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 07:54 PM Report Abusive Post My husband noticed a lot of Homeland security trucks with heavy tinted Report Copyright Violation windows in the past week. He does do a lot of driving. We live in northern va. He said they were on 66 coming away from dc. I wonder what's going on. Â Quoting: Peace_Maker

That's part of fema region 3. What's weird is that it seems that fema is preparing for more than one thing. They seem to be preparing for a local event relating to zone 3 but they are also preparing for a widespread event affecting the entire country. Really weird. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 52889017 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard France Dumpsters 01/15/2014 08:04 PM Report Abusive Post Obama also signed off on allowing FEMA to hire 15,000 Russian soldiers to Report Copyright Violation provide security. Â Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50473212

Say what???!!!! 15k russian soldiers? WHAT THE FUCK!?!! :wut: Anonymous Coward User ID: 31659000 United States 01/15/2014 08:14 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters They have a thing in government called "use or lose". In other words, if they don't spend every dime they've been given, they don't get as much next year. So they use the money on whatever seems to fit the mission of the agency. We have thousands of people employed to plan for major disasters; that's all they do. They sit around and think of potential scenarios and what they would do about them. Then they buy all the stuff they think they might need. Then and only then can they miscatalog it, misplace it and screw-up the relief of any actual emergency.

Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 08:21 PM Report Abusive Post They have a thing in Report Copyright Violation government called "use or lose". In other words, if they don't spend every dime they've been given, they don't get as much next year. So The Burn Fat-Build they use the money on Muscle Diet whatever seems to fit the mission of the agency. We have thousands of people[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

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RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

employed to plan for major disasters; that's all they do. They sit around and think of potential scenarios and what they would do about them. Then they buy all the stuff they think they might need.

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Then and only then can they miscatalog it, misplace it and screw-up the relief of any actual emergency. Â Quoting: Anonymous Coward 31659000

Nice try, shill, but I don't think so. When they spend their budget, they don't go out and do plausibility studies beforehand. They simply purchase more of the same stuff they are already buying. These requisition studies are to find out if the products are available. Fema didn't actually buy anything. They simply asked if it is plausible should an Armageddon scenario arise. When combined with all the other plausibility studies they have been doing, it shows a pattern. That pattern means they are preparing for something or something on the horizon has them spooked. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 19176696 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 08:21 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

It is streaming online just look for it. LOL cause this is most of yall. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 15708467 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 08:24 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

It is streaming online just look for it. LOL cause this is most of yall. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19176696

True irony at the end. Good movie overall. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 20955129 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 08:25 PM Report Abusive Post Something's up! Report Copyright Violation

Quoting: AKObserver

It is probably for spent wipes, q-tips and paper towels. If it was serious they would be asking for bids for drums. THE SIMPLE TRUTH User ID: 52979735 Portugal 01/15/2014 08:32 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters Last Prophet repliies to Thread: **MAKE THIS VIRAL** LEAKED DOCUMENT PROVING The Government Is Building Military INTERNMENT CAMPS in U.S to be USED FOR POLITICAL DISSIDENTS [VIDE They were ALL already built. Yet human beasts fattened by the illuminati to be slaughtered, are like the rest of the cattle: not able to identify the slaughterhouse even when they are inside it. But it's even more sickening as far as the human cattle: they got the chance to visit several times the slaughterhouse and leave each time before the last visit. Thread: Virtually EVERY mall, stadium and large school built since 2000 designed as FEMA Concentration camp in reduced version, the extermination camp Virtually EVERY mall, stadium and large school built since 2000 designed as FEMA Concentration camp in version 2, the reduced version, the extermination[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

camp In nazi concentration camps people were supposed to work until they were gassed. As expected from the famous final Laws, in the neo-nazi concentration camps human cattle is NOT supposed to work until they are slaughtered. (1) More In Thread: Virtually EVERY mall, stadium and large school built since 2000 designed as FEMA Concentration camp in reduced version, the extermination camp Anonymous Coward User ID: 45154815 Canada 01/15/2014 08:37 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters I know everyone would love a big conspiracy around this,... but lets face the most obvious. Anything could happen so why not get prepared for everything like us Preppers do. makes sense to me.

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Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters

User ID: 48601660 United States 01/15/2014 08:42 PM

Something's up!

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 Quoting: AKObserver

I've asked this before and I'll ask this again, what the hell is the government so scared of? First all the spying and law breaking to turn the country into a virtual police state and now the fema preparations. Something must have the government really spooked. Not only that but the information that they have received from industry telling them that it is not possible to fulfill the Armageddon scenario orders pretty much tells the government that the US will not survive such a scenario in its current form. In other words, the US will cease to exist should an[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

Armageddon scenario present itself. Makes you wonder what Armageddon scenario they are expecting. Any ideas? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15708467

I always thought it was debris from ison. If true it must be the dust and it must be taking awhile to descend into the atmosphere. Biological attack is also very possible. We're hated worldwide by people that have these kind of weapons. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 37561226

They said it could take years for all of it to filter in. Anonymous Coward Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking User ID: 48678869 contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard United States Dumpsters 01/15/2014 08:47 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Just guessing, but if the New Madrid goes or the Canary Islands cause a Tsunami, or "the big one" hits Cali, or Yellowstone blows, or the Louisiana sink hole rips open into a gigantic methane filled salt dome that blows sky high and then sucks the Gulf of Mexico a few hundred miles inland... Yeah, they might need a few tents for people and dumpsters for stuff. ... just sayin' Quoting: Resister

That's an awful big "if". Quoting: Anonymous Coward 48678869

Much of the stated above is not IF but WHEN. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 528752

People have been saying these things for years and years.

Anonymous Coward User ID: 45154815 Canada 01/15/2014 08:48 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters


Re: RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters

User ID: 9844949 United States 01/15/2014 08:51 PM

Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

hell, we might all be Thanking the government for supplying all this things that would prevent the spread of disease after an environmental disaster.

They have a thing in government called "use or lose". In other words, if they don't spend every dime they've been given, they don't get as much next year. So they use the money on whatever seems to fit the mission of the agency. We have thousands of people employed to plan for major disasters; that's all they do. They sit around and think of potential scenarios and what they would do about them. Then they buy all the stuff they think they might need. Then and only then can they miscatalog it, misplace it and screw-up the relief of any actual emergency. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 31659000[1/18/2014 1:42:26 PM]

RED ALERT! What does FEMA know? Seeking contractor for Bio-disposal of Tents and 40 Yard Dumpsters - Page 3

Nice try, shill, but I don't think so. When they spend their budget, they don't go out and do plausibility studies beforehand. They simply purchase more of the same stuff they are already buying. These requisition studies are to find out if the products are available. Fema didn't actually buy anything. They simply asked if it is plausible should an Armageddon scenario arise. When combined with all the other plausibility studies they have been doing, it shows a pattern. That pattern means they are preparing for something or something on the horizon has them spooked. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15708467

I'm looking at this at a slightly different angle..... If there were established businesses/companies already in CONUS that could handle this kind of a response if/when SHTF... .... wouldn't they become a TARGET for those that do not want any first-responders that have the means, the equipment, the staff & the knowledge for such a huge emergency management event? Do you see what I'm getting at? "the truth will stand up, when nothing else will" - annie's mom "When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for." - Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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