Wayne Madsen: the FBI murdered Franklin pedophile ring investigator Gary Caradori on July 11, 1990 by putting a Bomb on Caradori’s plane Summary: Wayne Madsen has a key source who has confirmed to him that the FBI murdered Franklin pedophile ring investigator Gary Caradori on July 11th, 1990 by placing a bomb in his plane. The Franklin pedophile ring was a mainly a homosexual pedophile ring that was run for about 10 years in the 1980’s by Lawrence E. King, a rising black star in the Republican party. Lawrence E. King sang the national anthem at the 1984 Republican national convention. At the time King was one of the nastiest pedophilic pimps in the USA: a Satanist, child molesting pedophilic pimp, a sadist and a child pornographer. And some of Lawrence E. King’s friends were some of the most powerful people in the USA - especially high level Republicans. Lawrence E. King would recruit children from the famous Boys Town orphanage in Omaha, NE and fly them around the country in the 1980’s to be sexually rented to successful high level homosexual pedophiles. Note: although the inner core of Franklin were sadist Satanists, mostly homosexual pedophiles, based in the Omaha area, it does not mean all or even most of their well-heeled pedophilic clients were Satanists. This Satanic ring took a sick, evil joy in sexually, physically and psychologically abusing these children. The clients were often well-to-do successful homosexual pedophiles. One of Lawrence E. King’s pedophilic customers was Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush. Other high profile people involved were Harold Andersen, a good friend of Bush’s, CFR member and the publisher of the Omaha World Herald. Andersen in particular was a very nasty pedophile who would have sex with 12 year old boys (see victim Paul Bonacci). Paul Bonacci, an abused teenaged prostitute, was also pimped out 3 times to Democratic Rep. Barney Frank. Paul Bonacci has said that every time he sees Barney Frank on TV he feels like he wants to vomit. Here is Harold Andersen’s “As I See It” blog today. Make no mistake: Harold Andersen is a very nasty homosexual pedophile. Andersen is also a member of exclusive Augusta Country Club where the Masters Championship is held. In fall 1984, on the eve of the Reagan-Bush re-election, Lawrence E. King pandered an 18 year old black gay prostitute named Brandt Thomas (not real last name) to Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush. One child victim who was there and who saw it was Eulice Washington of Omaha who was age 14 at the time and who reported this to Nebraska child protective services in 1986 when she was age 16. Brandt Thomas had graduated from Boystown in 1984 and was living with pedophilic pimp Lawrence E. King. And King pandered Brandt Thomas to Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush for sexual purposes. Many people know George Herbert Walker Bush had a longtime affair with his aide Jennifer Fitzgerald (and other women), but what they don’t know is that GHW Bush is a longtime homosexual pedophile. That means he likes to have sex with underage boys. George Herbert Walker Bush has also publicly stated that he could not remember where he was when the JFK assassination occurred, despite the fact that he was a US Senate candidate staying in the Dallas Sheraton on November 22, 1963. Bush was CIA, Texas oil and deeply plugged into the anti-Castro Cuban community: all markers for the JFK assassination. Another high level pedophile and friend of President George Herbert Walker Bush was a man placed at a very high level in the Justice Dept. and this pedophile played a key role in nefariously using the forces of the federal government in protecting his fellow pedophiles. It would not surprise me if President George Herbert Walker Bush and this other high level pedophile at Justice were the ones using the FBI to orchestrate the murder of Gary Caradori by blowing up his plane with a bomb on July 10, 1990. Remember the FBI is a part of the Dept. of Justice and the homosexual pedophile at Justice was very high level in the Bush #41 Administration. If you don’t think George Herbert Walker Bush is a murderer, then read my essay Jeb Bush and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986. The Page 1 ofodds 5
are near 100% that George Herbert Walker Bush, Oliver North and Jeb Bush CIA MDT May murdered 07, 2016 07:31:24PM
The odds are near 100% that George Herbert Walker Bush, Oliver North and Jeb Bush murdered CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986. My number one suspect for the murder of Gary Caradori would also be George Herbert Walker Bush, a pedophile politician possibly facing the risk of exposure. Because of Barry Seal’s drug dealing connections with Bill Clinton (a CIA asset recruited at Oxford in 1968 according to the CIA’s Cord Meyer) it is likely that Bill Clinton knew in advance and approved of the murder of Barry Seal. Seal had the real potential of taking down both the Bushes and the Clintons if he had revealed all that he knew. If Barry Seal had talked, we never would have had a Bush or Clinton in the White House or a Bush as governor of Texas and Florida. Longtime Houston gay activist Ray Hill told me in 2011 that when George Herbert Walker Bush was a congressman in Houston in the late 1960’s he was sexually abusing a young boy. Ray Hill knew about this because his friend John Coil owned the Carousel Motel (formerly near Gulfgate Mall in Houston) and GHW Bush would often take this Hispanic boy there for sexually purposes. John Coil would often talk about the deviant sexual activities of then Congressman George Herbert Walker Bush. I specifically asked Ray Hill how old was the boy? Age 17 or 18? Or Age 15 or 16? Ray Hill told me the boy was young enough to be called a kid! GHW Bush’s homosexual pedophilia of the late 1960’s jibes perfectly with his participation in the 1980’s Franklin pedophile ring. 1980’s GOP star lobbyist Craig Spence was also someone highly involved in pedophilia and sexual blackmail of people who were having sex with boys. Craig Spence was the uber well connected Jack Abramoff of his era - a man with high level access to the Bush White House. Web link: Excellent web site on Franklin Scandal - Excellent timeline of the Franklin pedophile ring: Documentary Conspiracy of Silence - it was banned and never shown on TV because it hit a high level nerve center. A must watch video. It opens with pedophilic pimp Lawrence E. King singing the national anthem at the 1984 Republican convention. Another good link on this topic: Books to read on the 1980’s Franklin pedophile ring: 1) The Franklin Cover Up by John De Camp (1992) Here is a PDF of the Franklin Cover Up The shut-down of Omaha, Nebraska's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, raided by federal agencies in November 1988, sent shock waves all the way to Washington, D.C. $40 million was missing. The credit union's manager: Republican Party activist Lawrence E. "Larry" King, Jr., behind whose rise to fame and riches stood powerful figures in Nebraska politics and business, and in the nation's capital. In the face of opposition from local and state law enforcement, from the FBI, and from the powerful Omaha World-Herald newspaper, a special Franklin committee of the Nebraska Legislature launched its own probe. What looked like a financial swindle, soon exploded into a hideous tale of drugs, Iran-Contra money-laundering, a nationwide child abuse ring, and ritual murder. Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died - suddenly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case. Author John DeCamp knows the Franklin scandal from the inside. In 1990, his "DeCamp memo" first publicly named the alleged high-ranking abusers. Today, he is attorney for two of the abuse victims. Using Page 2 of 5documentation
never before made public, DeCamp lays bare not only the crimes, the cover-up May but 07, 2016 07:31:24PM-MDT
Using documentation never before made public, DeCamp lays bare not only the crimes, but the cover-up a textbook case of how dangerous the corruption of institutions of government, and the press, can be. In its sweep and in what it portends for the nation, the Franklin cover-up followed the ugly precedent of the Warren Commission. 2) The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant (2009) A chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this account of a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring in the United States tells a sordid tale of corruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during an investigation into Omaha, Nebraska's failed Franklin Federal Credit Union that went beyond the Midwest, ultimately to Washington, DC. Implicating businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA, and even the venerable Boys Town organization, this extensively researched report includes firsthand interviews with key witnesses and explores a controversy that has received scant media attention. 3) Confessions of a D.C. Madame: The Politics of Sex, Lies and Blackmail by Henry Vinson, due to be published by Trine Day in December, 2014. Henry Vinson was the #1 gay pimp for Washington, DC in the 1980’s.Vinson book, when it is published is going to be blockbuster with some very high profile people finally being held accountable for their behavior. This book is a MUST READ. From Wayne Madsen Report: June 20-22, 2014 – SPECIAL REPORT: FBI killed Franklin scandal investigator WMR can exclusively report that it was the Federal Bureau of Investigation that placed a bomb on the private airplane that killed state of Nebraska chief investigator Gary Caradori and his 6-year old son “AJ” on July 11, 1990. Caradori had been hired by the Nebraska unicameral legislature to investigate allegations that a number of Nebraska youth had been sexually abused and transported over state lines in a scandal centered around the Franklin Credit Union, headed by rising GOP African-American star Lawrence King. A very knowledgeable source involved with what became known as the “Franklin Scandal” told WMR that Caradori flew to Chicago ostensibly to attend the All Star game on July 10 at Wrigley Field. In reality, the trip to the game was a cover for Caradori to meet with a source who handed him photographs that proved that Nebraskan children, some from the famed Boy’s Town orphanage, were being used for the sexual gratification of important political leaders in Washington, including Vice President and President George H W Bush. Caradori phoned his wife and another investigator shortly before the All-Star game and told them the same thing: “I got what I came after. I got ‘em by the balls. I’ve got pictures. I will take them to the game and bring them back to Nebraska.” When Caradori began to follow the money behind the Franklin scandal, he discovered two things: the Franklin Credit Union was being used by the White House and CIA to launder money for the Iran-contra affair and King and his associates were given a free ride to sexually traffic in and molest children, including many procured from Boy’s Town. One of those implicated in the Franklin scandal was Housing and Urban Development Secretary Sam Pierce. At the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, King held a $1 million reception for Pierce. However, King’s salary at the time was $14,000 a year and the actual cost of the reception was $300,000. The difference, $700,000, went into a slush fund that was laundered by the Franklin Credit Union for various “activities” sponsored by the CIA and White House. On July 11, Caradori took off in his private plane from Chicago en route to Nebraska. Witnesses on the ground said they saw a flash in the sky followed by an explosion. Initial news reports stated that Caradori’s aircraft exploded in flight and then crashed. However, subsequent news reports were altered and claimed the aircraft exploded upon impact with the ground. Caradori and his son were killed in the crash. The local Sheriff’s office reported that scattered in the wreckage were child pornographic photographs. The FBI arrived and began systematically removing the photographs, debris, and Caradori’s briefcase. Meanwhile, FBI agents in Lincoln, Nebraska entered Caradori’s office and seized his files. Another FBI agent showed up3at office of a Nebraska state official investigating the Franklin case and demanded he2016 turn07:31:24PM over his MDT Page of the 5 May 07,
FBI agents in Lincoln, Nebraska entered Caradori’s office and seized his files. Another
FBI agent showed up at the office of a Nebraska state official investigating the Franklin case and demanded he turn over his files. The state official told the FBI agent to “get the hell out.” The Bush White House immediately began covering up the Franklin scandal and put pressure on the remaining Nebraska state investigators. The FBI used the Kansas City mob to intimidate high-level witnesses and investigators of the Franklin scandal. One of the lead investigators also told WMR, “the FBI killed Caradori . . . they put the bomb on his airplane.” An attempt to hire former CIA director William Colby to lead a state of Nebraska investigation of the Franklin scandal failed in a legislative committee 4 to 3 vote. Instead, the committee appointed attorney Kirk Naylor as its chief investigator. A major figure involved in investigating Franklin told WMR that Naylor was the most incompetent person the committee could have found to lead the investigation. Colby was a Vietnam War colleague of Nebraska state Senator John De Camp, one of major investigators of the Franklin scandal. Colby reportedly was ready to expose the CIA’s own involvement in the use of child prostitutes for the purposes of political and diplomatic blackmail. Colby died in a suspicious canoeing accident on the Chesapeake Bay on April 27, 1996. Monsignor Robert Hupp, the Vicar-General of the Archdiocese of Omaha, a former Navy chaplain, and, in 1976, the first-ever clergy member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations, had reported in the early 1970s to his bishop that there was sexual abuse at Boy’s Town that even involved a priest murdering a boy. Hupp was later named the head of Boy’s Town, ostensibly to keep him quiet. Hupp was in charge of Boy’s Town until the late 1980s, when the Franklin scandal first hit the front pages. Eventually, even after stepping down as the head of the orphanage, Hupp was forced to leave Boy’s Town altogether. WMR has learned that in 2003 a longtime supporter of Boy’s Town allowed Hupp to move into his cabin in Mausten, Wisconsin after being forced to leave the facilities at Boy’s Town. A reporter for the Omaha World-Herald, a newspaper owned by Nebraska billionaire Warren Buffett and which always had a skeptical view of the Franklin scandal, volunteered to drive Hupp to Wisconsin. Upon arriving at the cabin, the reporter prepared dinner for Hupp. The retired monsignor who broke the Catholic Church’s silence on its role in the Franklin scandal, died in his sleep that same night. The iconic Washington Times front page that capped off the Franklin scandal’s sporadic and spotty news coverage. Anyone who believes the Franklin Scandal and Cover-up is over and done with would be dead wrong. On January 20, 2012, Carol Stitt, the 29-year director of the Nebraska Foster Care Review Board, an individual who aggressively protected foster care children in Nebraska from sexual perverts and other undesirable foster parents, was dismissed by her own board of directors. The 11-member board had been stacked by loyalists of Republican Governor Dave Heineman whose goal it was to oust Stitt. As with the constant intimidation of witnesses involved in Franklin, Stitt also found herself investigated by the federal government’s Office of Special Counsel for allegedly violating the Hatch Act by attending a 2006 political campaign rally for Republican and football coach legend Tom Osborne. Although Stitt, a state employee, would not normally be subject to the rarely-enforced Hatch Act that bans political activity by federal employees, Stitt’s Foster Care Review Board received funds from the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The HHS’s initial complaint against Stitt, which arose from her attendance at the 2006 Osborne rally, began when current GOP U.S. Senate candidate Ben Sasse was serving as assistant secretary for planning and evaluation at HHS. From 1996 to 1998, Sasse was one of four tutors/proctors for the U.S. House of Representatives page program. During this time frame, a number of House pages complained of sexual harassment from GOP House members. Representatives Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) and Mark Foley (R-FL) were later named as principal harassers of underage male pages. WMR has also learned from a member of the Sasse family that physical and psychological abuse have been rampant in the Sasse family. Senate candidate Sasse, who helped the John Ashcroft Justice Department draw up torture policy along with the CIAm is a home-schooler whose religious beliefs are based on neo-Calvinist fundamentalist Christian Dominionism. Sasse faces two opponents after coming from the political wilderness to defeat better known and financed
GOP candidates Page 4 of 5
in the primary. David Domina, a trial lawyer, is Sasse’s lackluster Democratic May 07, 2016opponent, 07:31:24PM MDT
GOP candidates in the primary. David Domina, a trial lawyer, is Sasse’s lackluster Democratic opponent, while Dan Buhrdorf is mounting a spirited independent challenge under the Tax Wall Street Party banner.
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