UL Journalism House Style Book

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House Stylebook | 1 the journalism@ul house


Things you can’t do, things you shouldn’t do, things you definitely shouldn’t do and things your absolutely, definitely can’t and shouldn’t do to the English language.

By Tom Felle & Anthony Quinn

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Journalism@UL House Stylebook Edited By Tom Felle tom.felle@ul.ie and Anthony Quinn anthony.quinn@ul.ie

Journalism Section School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. www.ul.ie/journalism Š 2012

House Stylebook | 3



Ethical principles for journalism students•


We are guided by the following principles:•








Being clear•  Common words•

9 11









Oireachtas Éireann•


Political Party Press Offices•


Government and Ministers•


Government Press Officers•








County Councils•


Motorways and roads•


Rivers and Lakes•




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News is something somebody wants suppressed – all the rest is advertising.

House Stylebook | 5

Introduction Ethical principles for journalism students THE 19th century press baron William Randolph Hearst once said, “news is something somebody wants suppressed – all the rest is advertising.” In the 21st century global news environment that statement may seem somewhat simplistic, however as journalists it is still our striving aim to report the news, even when those in positions of power may want to prevent us from doing so. News journalists, by the power of our work, hold crucially important positions in society. As journalists we act to hold those in power to account, and to expose wrongdoing and corruption. In short we report all the news, all the time, in an effort to inform our readers. We act as professional citizens in an informed society, as watchdogs on democracy. Our work is recognised and protected (albeit implicitly) by constitutions throughout the world including the First Amendment to the US Constitution, Article 40.6 of Bunracht na hEireann, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights. With such power comes great responsibility, a responsibility to be fair and accurate, to report verifiable facts obtained from reliable sources, to quote people accurately and honestly, and where possible to hear both sides of a story and give an opportunity to both sides to comment. We owe the entirety of that responsibility to our readers. At all time.

6 | Journalism@ul We are guided by the following principles: • We present the facts within news stories free from all partisanship, comment or bias, having made all reasonable efforts to establish and verify those facts. • We always seek both sides of a news story, and make it clear that we have sought both sides if we are unable to get a comment from one side. In that regard journalism students should adhere to best practice by checking and independently all verifying facts, having at least two reliable sources on a story for a class assignment and for publication. • We always work within the bounds of taste and decency, we should not shirk away from presenting unpalatable facts but only do so in the context of reporting the news, and not for their shock value. • We should not avoid rigorous investigative endeavours or shy away from asking the tough questions to get the truth but we will not employ clandestine measures or invade the privacy of either public or private figures in doing so. • We do not use subterfuge to gain access to people or places, we always identify ourselves as journalism students and we tell our interviewees whether or not we hope to have our work published. • We conceal our identity only in cases where there is an overriding national or public interest consideration in doing so, where by concealing our identity we can expose illegality, corruption or serious maladministration or mistreatment of people, and where there is no other realistic alternative available to uncover the truth. In such cases we always seek a comment from those affected by our reporting before we publish our news stories. • We check and if necessary double-check the accuracy of quotes but we do not under any circumstances agree to provide prepublication copies of our work to sources. • We never reveal a source under any circumstances and where necessary we take all practicable steps to protect the identity of our sources. • We do not accept free gifts of any kind under any circumstances in the course of carrying out our work as journalists or use our positions to curry favour or unfair personal advantage. • We do not plagiarise the work of colleagues. Where we refer to articles previously published we always acknowledge the source of the material. • At all times students of journalism should adhere to guidelines laid down by professional organisations including the National Union of Journalists and the Press Ombudsman and Press Council when reporting news.

House Stylebook | 7

Simple rules for news writing • All news stories should be tightly written, with a strong intro, and should in most cases be written in an inverted pyramid style. • Reporters should include their strongest news lines at the top of their stories, and should avoid simply recounting a narrative of what happened, in the order it happened. • Reporters should seek to answer the 5Ws and how within the first three paragraphs. Remember, they are What (happened); Where (did it happen); Who (did it happen to); When (did it happen); Why (did it happen) and How (did it happen). News stories don’t always follow that order, however, so the who, or the why maybe more important than the where or the when. • Reporters should always seek to back up their stories with evidence from documentation or quotes from sources, in most cases more than one, and should seek to give balance to two sides of a story. • Reporters should only include facts once they have satisfied themselves that the facts are correct and have been verified as such. • If a reporter is in doubt he/she should seek to establish and verify facts before use. If this is not possible then unverified facts should not be used.

Why style is important As journalists our striving aim is to break the news, report the facts and get our stories published before our rivals. In doing that we must write in a clear and concise manner so as to be understood by our readers. In the same way that we strive for best practice in sourcing and reporting the news we also strive for best practice when presenting the news for publication or broadcast. Style guides are designed to give guidance to journalists on how to approach news writing in terms of titles, spelling, names, numbers etc, in order that copy has uniformity to it. While rules on grammar are correct to the English language, English language style usage for news writing is somewhat interpretive. This stylebook has examined best practice within the newspaper industry in Ireland and the UK in order to produce guidelines on style for all news writing (assignments and student publications) within the University. In doing so, it is important to acknowledge that rules have been influenced by style guidelines laid down by Independent Newspapers, The Irish Times, and the BBC. Their stylebooks, as well as the Clare People’s inhouse Style Guide, have been consulted when producing this guide.

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Basic guide to grammar NOUN Common nouns are naming words such as journalist, car or goat, and can be singular or plural. A proper noun is a name and usually starts with a capital letter (Ireland, Tom, Limerick). Nouns that refer to collections of people and things are called collective nouns (the Government, the Cabinet, the team). Collective nouns are almost always singular (the Government is in crisis) however there are four notable exceptions, namely police, staff, names of bands and sports teams, eg Ireland are winning 2-0 in Sydney at half-time; gardai are investigating the murder; U2 have announced details to donate â‚Ź1m to charity.

VERB A verb denotes an action, experience, occurrence or state of being, eg to kick, to feel, to happen, to love.

PRONOUN These words take the place of nouns, or refer to nouns, eg he, her, we, them.

ADJECTIVE An adjective is a describing word, usually describing a noun or pronoun, eg Welsh, big, blue.

ADVERB An adverb describes a verb or adjective, eg clearly, gracefully, finally, suddenly. In some cases adverbs used in news writing, such as newly established, recently married are not hyphenated (usually –ly ending adverbs) but in other cases they are. These are usually short and common such as ill, much, little and well, eg well-known, ill-prepared, little-understood, and muchloved.

PREPOSITION Prepositions are the little words which hold a sentence together, often by showing direction or location, eg in, to, from, by, with, beyond. Traditionally grammar rules stated that you should not end a sentence with a preposition however it is now considered allowable according to the BBC style guide.

House Stylebook | 9 Being clear It might sound obvious, but as journalists our news stories need to be clearly written so as to avoid any ambiguity about what it is we want to say. Look at the following examples: • A suicide bomber has struck again in Jerusalem • (Was he unsuccessful the first time) • 10 year old girls are more likely to smoke in Galway than in any other county. • (Is that 10 one-year-old babies smoking, or girls aged 10) • An overturned truck heading north on the M50 blocked traffic for four hours • (So the truck is somehow managing to move, is it) The key to good writing is to tell a story in a clear manner, using simple thoughts simply expressed. Journalism students should use short sentences and short words and avoid overcomplicating stories. Sentences that are confused, complicated, poorly written or capable of being misunderstood make for confusing news stories. If readers do not understand your news story, they may turn the page, or worse, change newspaper. Remember writing simply and clearly is not the same as dumbing down or being simplistic, it often takes greater skill to choose words carefully that tell a story in an easily understood manner that to write verbose, complicated and unintelligible copy.

Computer spell check Not to be trusted. Computer spell checks in software packages such as Microsoft Word identify words, but cannot understand context, so a mistyped word such as sold (mistyped as cold, for example) will not show up as being incorrect. Journalism students should train themselves to spot mistakes in their copy through familiarising themselves with rules of grammar and style and through regular practice and training. It can often help to swap your work with another student so your work is read with “fresh eyes” before you hand it in. Your subbing skills will also be improved by checking other students’ work. The “read aloud” test where you read your copy out loud helps you spot mistakes and long winded paragraphs.

Txt speak As journalists we do not use txt speak – phraseology used in text messaging - in our news writing, except in rare occasions where it is appropriate (an article about txt speak, for example).

F words As a general rule, profanity is not acceptable in news writing but may be used as part of a

10 | Journalism@ul quote if, in your opinion, it is necessary in the context of the news story. It is house style to censor profanity using x, eg fxxxing. Where the person quoted uses the word “feck” or “effing,” those words do not need to be censored. For feature writing journalists could consider using a phrase such as “unparliamentary language,” a “blast of profanity” or some similar phrase in their copy. The gratuitous use of profanity for its shock value is not encouraged. A final decision on the use of profanity in student publications should be made by the chief sub and the editor, following consultation with members of faculty.

Misused words • Biggest, fastest should only be used when comparing one thing with many others; bigger, faster etc should be used when comparing one thing with one other thing. • Over means above, and should not be used to describe things that are larger, or more than, eg “over 100,000 people are on the dole” is incorrect; use “more than 100,000 are on the dole” instead. Similarly under means below, mostly reporters use it when they should be using “fewer than or “less than”. • Fewer refers to distinct objects whereas less refers to mass or volume. Use appropriately, eg “farmers are receiving fewer cheques from Brussels than last year, therefore they claim have less money.” • Either should always be followed by or; neither should always be followed by nor. • Literally means what it says, and is overused in news writing. Try to avoid. • Avoid using very, it has little impact as an adverb. • If you need to describe someone as famous they probably aren’t, so avoid doing so. • Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things. Here are a few common homophones to be aware of: • Aural relates to the sense of hearing whereas oral relates to the mouth or speech. • Council is an assembly such a local authority whereas a counsel is an advisor. • To complement means to add to, whereas to compliment means to express admiration. • To check means to establish if something is correct or to verify, a cheque is a financial instrument used in lieu of cash. • A currant is a dried grape whereas current relates to the present. • To be discreet means to be tactful whereas discrete means separate or distinct • Rock climbers make a descent of a mountain, but standards of taste are considered to be decent. Dissent may lead to an argument. • Practice is a noun, eg a GP practice, or to be in the process of carrying something out, eg to put ideas into practice; whereas to practise is a verb meaning to exercise repeat-

House Stylebook | 11 edly, eg to practise the piano. • A principal is a head teacher, or a most important thing or event; whereas principle is a standard of rule of conduct, eg “the Minister agreed in principle to reinstate the education allowance but said she could not do so until she had spoken to the school principals’ association.” • A site is a piece of land whereas sight is the power of seeing.

Common words Where there are two or more spellings of a word, use the following as a guide: • Ageing, likeable etc with middle ‘e’ • All right, not alright • Among, not amongst • Bypass, not by-pass • Burned, dreamed, learned etc – use ‘ed” not ‘t’, (eg not burnt) • Enquiry, to make an enquiry is to ask a question to an inquiry is an investigation • Hello (not hi) • okay (lower case, not OK or ok) • Programme for television; program for computers • Underage: underage drinkers; but under age: the boy was under age. • Whiskey (for Irish whiskey); but whisky for Scottish whisky.

Irish language terms that are well known and understood can be used without translation. Others that are not should be translated. House style is to include a fada for Irish language names (people and organisations) if the person or organisation uses the fada. Reporters should check before use. Foreign words that have become common in English vernacular (such as café, croissant) can be used as normal. Others, such as Latin legal terms should be italicised, eg nolle prosequi.

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‘Lingo’ - journalism terms Byline The author of the news story, and it appears the beginning of all written copy. House style is to capitalise By, eg By Joe Kelly. Where more than one byline is to be used on a news story, names should be separated by “and” for a jointly authored story or by a comma between each name except for the last two names, which should be separated by “and” for multiple bylines, eg By Michael Jones, Mary Noone and Tom Fallon.

Copy Journalistic slang for your news story.

Intro The introduction to a news story. Should include the most important detail of the story and ideally be 20 to 25 words long.

Par Short for paragraph, usually refers to 30 words, so a 10 par story is 300 words. Known as “graph” in US newsrooms.

Catchline: One/two word title (traditionally at the top right of your story, nowadays with

computers it is usually the file name) that identifies your story, eg ‘Factory fire’. With common words like murder and rape, it may be necessary to add a second word if there are more than one of those events on the news list.

Headline The title on your news story. It will usually appear in big, bold type above your story. Reporters do not usually write headlines.

Sub-head A smaller second headline that appears directly below a headline. It will not further explain a headline but may act as a second headline, or second angle, on a news story.

Deadline: The due date, or due time for your copy. Never miss a deadline.


House Stylebook | 13 The strapline will usually appear either directly above or directly below the headline, and is used to further explain a headline. It will be written in a much smaller font and may be a full sentence rather than a headline.

Sidebar A small story to go with a bigger, larger one. The smaller story may take one aspect of the major story and explain it in more detail.

Nutgraph A short paragraph of copy between the headline and the copy that sums up your news story or feature. It is usually written by subs. For opinion and analysis writing it usually presents the central thesis of your argument

Lead The lead story on an individual page. “The lead” is the front page, whereas “page lead” or “inside lead” refers to other page leads on other pages. “The off-lead” refers to the second story on a front page.

Leading The gap between two lines known as paragraph spacing in word processors. Originates from hot metal printing when a strip of metal was used to separate lines of text.

Marking Reporters as assigned daily events to cover such as reporting from courts, council and various other scheduled events. These are known within the industry as ‘markings’.

Off-diary This is a story that is not in the news diary for the day. “Diary” stories are events such as press conferences, courts, planned protests or meetings, council or Dail sittings. Off diary stories are those that journalists have found for themselves, either by “beating the streets”, from a phone call from a source, or through other means such as a Freedom of Information Act request, or a new angle on a story that is recent, or the journalist has been following. Off-diary stories can often, though not always, be exclusives. News editors love off diary stories and journalists who can deliver regular off diary stories will find work easily.

Page-three story Contrary to the commonly perceived view, a “page three” story is more commonly understood as a lighter, quirky story in the industry. The page will always have a large picture, which may be connected to the story or something different, but again something light. After page one newspapers tend to go light on page three. Stories that appear on page three often equates to the “and finally” stories that TV and radio news bulletins run, such as the new koalas at the

14 | Journalism@ul zoo. They can very often also be entertainment related.

Op Ed This literally means “opposite editorial” and refers to the opinion pieces that appear on the editorial page, or the page opposite. There may, in the case of serious broadsheet newspapers, be more than one op ed page.

Check calls Calls that are routinely made to the authorities – such as the Gardai, the Army, fire brigade and the Coast Guard to “check” if anything has happened.

Pic A picture. While journalists have traditionally not been required to take their own pictures, this is changing and it certainly helps if you can.

Shift One working day in a newsroom. Freelances with aspirations to work full-time will start working “shifts” and build up from there. Morning town refers to a morning shift, while afternoon town refer to an afternoon shift. This is when most of the news happens so consequently this is when most journalists work. Morning town (for a daily) is usually from about 10am to 6pm; while afternoons are usually 2pm or 3pm to 10pm or 11pm. Night town – a night shift, usually involves little more than check calls, and being on duty in case of an emergency story breaking.

Beat An area in which a journalist has specialised. It can be geographic (such as the Midlands) or topic specific (such as crime).

Colour A type of news writing on an event that is part opinion and part satire. Its main aim is to humanise heavy news reporting with lighter descriptive reportage. It differs from opinion or analysis in that it is not designed to give an opinion, though opinion is often implicit within colour writing. See Miriam Lord in The Irish Times.

Reporter Reporters cover the daily breaking news, press conferences etc, but will also be expected to come up with their own news stories. The reporter can be junior or senior.

Correspondent A senior journalist who covers a specific ‘beat’, such as health, crime, environment, politics etc, and referred to in journalistic slang as a “corr”. Correspondents will cover major ongo-

House Stylebook | 15 ing stories in their particular beat, but will be expected to produce most of their own stories on a daily basis. Some correspondencies may be part-time, meaning that the journalist may have another job along with their correspondency. In Ireland posts including the book editor and motoring correspondent are usually only part-time, and journalists who hold these posts would have other day jobs, such as working as a sub editor. The social affairs or consumer affairs correspondent, for example, may be a reporter who covers this part-time. Regional correspondents may be either reporters or correspondents, who cover a particular region (Midlands, West, South etc). Foreign correspondents cover countries or large geographical areas and are usually “jacks of all trade”, part politics, part business, part colour, part foreign affairs, part war correspondent, and will also be expected to do basic reporting on events of interest to the newspaper’s readership.

(Writing) Editor A very senior news journalist who is promoted to an editor position, such as Education Editor, or Security Editor. They will usually have a correspondent and/or reporter(s) working directly under them and will run that section, coordinating with the news desk on daily coverage, as well as medium and long term planning. They will be considered an authority on their subject area and will contribute regularly to opinion pages, and may produce supplements for special events as required.

News editor Runs the news desk and may have a number of deputies. He/she will assign all work to reporters, plan the day’s news coverage, hold news conferences to talk through the day’s news with senior editors and other departments. The news editor will normally have a say in the recruitment and retention of new staff, and in promotions. The best news editors make the newspaper.

News desk The engine room of the newspaper, and is managed by the news editor or deputies. The news desk will coordinate with other departments such as business and sport (very often there may be a crossover such as Budget day when business news becomes main news, or All Ireland Final day when sports news is main news). Everything that happens from a news point of view goes through the news desk. All news copy will be channelled through this point, as will queries from the subs, legal questions, calls from press and publicity professionals and members of the public with possible stories. A duty news editor can log more than 200 calls in an average news day. Large news organisations may have senior news editor(s) who have been promoted from the daily grind of the news desk, but are still attached to, who look after particular jobs, such as staffing, legal issues, forward planning, or liaising with regions/foreign staff.

Picture desk Staffed by the picture editor. He/she co-ordinates the pictorial coverage with the different departments, and organises coverage from within a pool of photographers on individual days.

16 | Journalism@ul Subs The sub editors. Down-table subs are the lowest rank of sub editor, on similar pay grades to ordinary reporters. They check the copy for spelling errors, inaccuracies and usually lay the story out on a page and write a headline. At this stage articles may be sent to a lawyer to check for potential libels or other legal issues. Secondary editing may also take place by experienced down table subs, who recheck stories, re-read headlines and may tweak articles.

Back desk These are the senior editors of the newspaper, the most experienced of which will be the chief sub, some assistant editors and possibly a deputy editor or the editor herself. Everything that makes it into the paper will be read at least once, maybe twice by the back desk, and final changes to news pages such as headline, final placement of news stories and pictures etc will be done at this stage. Usually little is changed materially, though headlines may often be tweaked. The front page will be given special attention by the back desk.

Broadsheet Refers to the size of the news pages as being “broad” as in the size of The Irish Times, the Irish Examiner, and the bigger version of the Irish Independent.

Tabloid Refers, again, to the size of the news pages of papers like the Sun, Mirror, Daily Mail etc. Of course it also has connotations of being aggressive, entertainment lead and sensationalising, sometimes referred to as the “gutter press” in the UK.

Berliner New-ish term to describe newspapers including the Guardian and the Irish News. It refers to the paper’s size. Newspapers who wanted to move to a smaller page size due to changing reader habits, but did not want to go tabloid sized, have chosen this size as an alternative. The term is named after the Berliner newspaper though ironically the Berliner is not a Berliner sized newspaper.

Typeface Family of fonts

Fonts Refers to the type of print that is used – in computer terms Arial or Times New Roman are fonts. There are two main types, serif and sans serif. Serif refers to the curves on the side of fonts – like Times New Roman – notice how the sides of the letters curve. Articles are almost always printed in a serif font. Sans serif is the opposite, no curves on the sides of fonts, such as an Arial or Helvetica font – these are usually used for headlines.

House Stylebook | 17 Case Upper case and lower case refer to words written in CAPITALS (UPPER) or in normal (lower) case. They get their names from the days when the letters were kept in cases on manual printing machines, with the upper case letters kept in shelves higher up, and lower case letters kept in shelves lower down.

House style / stylebook This refers to the media organisation’s own way of writing common words, and dealing with particular situations. Most large organisations will have their own, either published or available in-house. Common style guides for reference include the Guardian’s, and the BBC’s style guide. Most are very similar but may have small differences, for instance when referring to foreign names that have been translated from another language (frequently Arabic) such as Hezbollah (Hizbullah) or al Qaeda (Al-Qaida). A common difference between the Irish Independent and The Irish Times, for example, is in Ministerial titles. The Indo refers to the “Health Minister” or the “Enterprise Minister” whereas the Times will always use the full title on first reference, such as “Dr Jimmy Devins, Minister of State at the Departments of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and Education and Science with special responsibility for Science, Technology and Innovation”.

Basket Old terminology for an actual basket that reporters’ stories would go into once typed on a typewriter. Frequently reporters would ring a bell and should “copy” and a copy boy would come and collect it and put it into the basket. Nowadays it refers to electronic folders where reporters send their stories once finished so the news desk can edit, then send to the subs for more editing and placement. Generally most newsrooms will have some or all of the following, and stories will move through in this order: A personal basket – the news desk basket - the subs basket – the chief subs basket – the back desk basket. Systems may also have a spike basket for dead stories, a hold basket for stories on hold or that may be with the lawyers, or being held for a later or next day edition. Other departments such as features, business and sports departments will have similar basket layouts.

Putting the paper to bed Finishing for the day and sending the newspaper to the printers. Usually pages are sent during a period of a few hours, and the front page is always, or nearly always, the last to go. The paper is “put to bed” for the first edition once the front page has gone, and first editions usually arrive about two to three hours afterwards. A few, some or several pages may be changed or completely re-written in the meantime. For major events the entire news plan may be torn up and a new paper prepared. In this case, in theory at least, an overweight and out of breath editor wearing red braces and carrying an overflowing coffee cup and a sheet of paper will shout “STOP THE PRESS”, though it rarely happens.

Kill/spike To send a news story to an electronic trash basket. A kill fee is a payment for a story that has not been used, but has been written by you.

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A to Z of style Age It is house style to include the ages of people quote in news stories if it is appropriate. House style is to include the age in numerals and in brackets after first mention of the name, eg John Murphy (23). In certain circumstances house style is to write age as x-years-old, if your news story is about children of a particular age, for example. In that case, ages from one to nine are spelled out and ages from 10 upwards are written in numerals, eg six-year-old; 44-year-old. Note that age written in this form is hyphenated. Also note that if the age written in this form starts a sentence, it is house style to spell the age rather than write in numerals, eg “Twentyyear-old Polish women are twice as likely to be married compared to their European counterparts, new figures reveal.”

Army / Air Corps see Defence Forces

Ampersand symbol It is house style to use “and” instead of the “&” symbol in all cases, except where the symbol is used as part of a trade name by an individual or company, eg Jim Barry & Sons.

Barristers Barristers who have been appointed senior counsel are entitled to use the initial cluster SC after their names. Junior counsel do not enjoy that privilege. House style is to capitalise SC following the name, with a space but no comma or full points between, eg Michael McDowell SC, on first mention, but not to use it afterwards. The word senior counsel is not capped, even when in reference to a particular barrister, eg senior counsel Michael McDowell, for the defence, said….

British English The standard writing style and spelling structure for media organisations in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and English language newspapers in Europe, and increasingly in the Middle East. It is house style to always use the British English standardised version of spelling. For example colour not color, neighbour not neighbor, and words ending in –ised not ized; isation not ization.

Cabinet Constitutionally defined as the 15 senior ministers (including the Taoiseach) who run the country. The Cabinet is capped when in reference to this constitutionally defined term, eg the Cabinet yesterday decided to extend voting rights in local elections to 16-year-olds, but not when generalizing, eg bad cabinets make bad decisions and ruin economies. Cabinet meetings are held in private and decisions are taken collectively.

House Stylebook | 19 Catholic A religion. See religion for further details.

Church of Ireland A religion, members of the Church or Ireland are commonly as Protestant. See religion for further details.

Children Those under 18 are not to be approached or quoted without express written permission from their parents or legal guardians. Children in family law cases cannot be identified and in practice this means that the parent cannot be identified in most cases either. When quoting children (with permission) it is house style not to use Mr or Miss and to refer to them by their first names on second reference.

Cliches Should never be used, unless you are writing a feature story about the use of clichés. Otherwise consider cliches to be on the banned list.

Colon Has a number of uses. The most common are as follows: Use between two sentences, or parts of sentences, where the first introduces a proposition that is resolved by the second, eg (taken from the Guardian) many writers seem to think the colon and semicolon are interchangeable but to make it clear: they are not. A colon can be used (and should be used rather than a comma) to introduce a quotation, and in this case should be followed by a cap, eg “he said: ‘I was in Dublin, I couldn’t have done it’.” If used to precede a list, it is not followed by a cap, eg he was an expert on the following: the colon, the comma and the full stop.

Comma Commas can and should be used to aid the readability of long sentences. A comma should be used before the word which, and between items in a list. Commas can also be used to add additional information to a sentence.

Crime Crime is an area of legitimate public interest and concern and the activities of criminals; their court appearances; and the general coverage of courts are areas of interest to the public and to journalists. However care must be taken not to glorify the lives of criminals, or to victimise their extended families (who may be innocent) with undue media scrutiny. Journalists much

20 | Journalism@ul also be careful not to become the ‘judge, jury and executioner’ when it comes to the reporting of crime and the courts, and convicted persons. Convicted persons are not referred to by courtesy titles such as Mr. On first reference it is house style to refer to convicted persons by their full names (eg Joe Smith) and subsequently by their surname only. It is good practice to always give the age of an accused when reporting as it helps to further identify an accused and reduces the risk of libel.

Councillor A member of a local authority. Should be capitalised if in reference to a particular member of a local authority, but lower case elsewhere. Can be shortened to Cllr on second and subsequent reference.

Dates It is house style to use dates as follows: December 3, 2006; March 31, 2006. The month comes first, then the date in numerals, then a comma, then the year. Dates are not spelled out (as in first, second third), we do not use 1st, 2nd etc, we do not shorten the month (Mar, Feb) or the year (’96, ’99), or the entire date (2/2/08). Remember: The numeral version of a date is different in Europe and the US. In the US 9/11/08 is September 11, 2008 but in Europe it is November 9, 2008.

Defence Forces The Irish Army, the Air Corps and the Navy make up the Permanent Defence Forces (PDF), and are collectively known as the Defence Forces. The Army, the Navy and the Air Corps are capped when in reference to that branch of the force and can be referred to simply as the Army (etc) when in reference to the Irish Army, unless not to include Irish would be confusing. The head of the Irish Defence Forces (not just the Army) is known as the Chief of Staff (not Chief of Defence Staff {UK} or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs {US}). The Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces holds the rank of a lieutenant general. A lieutenant general in international military rankings is a three star general. Owing to the small size of the Irish Defence Forces the rank of full general (four star) does not exist. The FCA no longer exists, and has been replaced by the Reserve Defence Force (RDF). The representative association for non-commissioned officers and ordinary ranks is known as PDFORRA - the Permanent Defence Forces Representative Organisation. The representative association for commissioned officers is known as RACO – the Representative Association for Commissioned Officers. Neither organisation is a union, so do describe it as such is incorrect. Soldiers in the army are referred to in full and by rank when their names are used in news reports (eg Captain John Murray) and shortened to an abbreviated rank and surname on subsequent reference (eg Capt Murray). The most common Irish Defence Forces ranks are listed below. They should be capitalised and used in full on first mention, and may be shortened on second reference. Note: Only soldiers holding the rank of lieutenant (ensign) or above are officers, so to describe a soldier below that rank as an officer is incorrect. A cadet is a trainee officer, but has not been

House Stylebook | 21 commissioned. Retired officers at or above rank of captain (Navy lieutenant) are entitled to use their rank after retiring, and some do. It is house style to use the title of a retired officer if the officer does so.

Military Ranks Rank


Officers (Army and Air Corps) Lieutenant General Lt Gen Major General

Maj Gen

Brigadier General Brig Gen Colonel Col Lieutenant Colonel Lt Col Commandant

Comdt (Major or Maj internationally)



Lieutenant (first or second)


Army and Air Corps non-commissioned ranks Battalion Sergeant Major

BSM, Sgt Maj

Battalion Quartermaster Sergeant


(RSM/RQMS in a regiment; FSM/FQMS for Air Corps) Company Sergeant


(RS in a regiment; Flight Sergeant - F/Sgt) Company Quartermaster Sergeant


Sergeant Sgt Corporal


Private (two or three star)


Note: private (Pte) is the lowest rank of a soldier in the infantry. Ordinary ranked soldiers in the cavalry are known as troopers (Tpr) and in the artillery as gunners (Gnr). In the Air Corps it is Airman/Airwoman, which is not shortened. A cavalry officer or solider rides in a tank, not on a horse.

22 | Journalism@ul Naval Ranks Commodore Not shortened Captain


Commander Cmdr Lieutenant Commander

Lt Cmdr

Lieutenant (Naval Service)

Lt (NS)

Sub Lieutenant

Sub Lt

Ensign Ens Naval non-commissioned ranks Warrant Officer


Senior Chief Petty Officer


Chief Petty Officer


Senior Petty Officer


Petty Officer


Leading Seaman LS Able Seaman


Ordinary Seaman OS Note: Naval ranks differ by name, but the principles of rank are the same. A Naval captain, for example, is a senior rank equal to colonel in the army. To add to the confusion, Navy captains seldom actually “captain” ships, that job is usually done by a lower rank, unless it is a very big ship.

DPP Director of Public Prosecutions.

End marks Stories filed for correction or for publication should end with the word END to denote the end of a news story. This marker should be removed during the initial sub editing process.

Ethnicity House style is to refer to a person by their nationality or ethnicity only where that detail is relevant to the news story, eg where a Garda description of an assailant is “Asian” or “white”.

House Stylebook | 23 Black is a skin colour, not an ethnicity or nationality. Describing an alleged assailant as black is a fact if the person is black. Ethics guidelines on race reporting laid down by the National Union of Journalists warn against gratuitously labelling communities or nationalities in news stories. Reporters who have concerns should consult a member of faculty for guidance. Where possible try to describe a person by nationality if known rather than skin colour or ethnicity.

Exclamation marks These are on the banned list, and should be avoided.

Full points (full stops) Sentences should end with a full point, and full points should be followed by a capital letter in all cases. Full points are not used after abbreviations such as Fr, Rev, Capt or between initial clusters such as RTE, BBC, PhD or UL. Only one space is used after a full point before beginning a new sentence.

Fianna Fáil Irish political party, always capped. Members of the party who are MEPs are members of the Union for Europe of the Nations group. Can be shortened to FF on second reference if appropriate, eg the FF TD said - but never FFers in reference to members of the party. Members can be referred to as the “Soldiers of Destiny” on subsequent mention but the term should not be over used.

Fine Gael Irish political party, always capped. Fine Gael MEPs are members of the European Political Party grouping in the European Parliament. Can be shortened to FG on second reference if appropriate, eg the FG TD said – but never the FGers in reference to members of the party. It is house style not to refer to a Fine Gael member as a “blue shirt” as it is considered a derisory comment.

Garda The correct name of the police force in Ireland is An Garda Síochána. The Garda, written in upper case, refers to the force, whereas garda in lower case refers to a particular garda. A number of gardaí is plural. Quotes using the term “a Garda spokesman / spokeswoman” should only be used when the member / officer being quoted is actually is a Garda spokesman or spokeswoman, i.e. the quote came from the Garda Press Office. Otherwise quotes should be attributed to a named garda. A garda’s name should only be used when the journalist has made it clear that you require an “on the record” quote, otherwise convention states that the garda’s name is not used. If possible it is house style to attribute quotes to a named source so try to get an “on the record” quote. If you are quoting evidence from a garda given in open court you are free to quote the evidence and name the source. Note: A garda officer is a senior officer, holding the rank superintendent or above. Gardaí below the rank of superintendent are not officers, they are known as members. So to say that garda officers broke up a riot implies that a group of superintendents broke up the riot. Garda ranks should be used in full on first reference and can be used by their shortened versions subsequently.

24 | Journalism@ul Ranks Commissioner

not shortened

Deputy Commissioner

not shortened

Assistant Commissioner

Asst Commissioner

Chief Superintendent

Chief Supt

(Heads a Garda division, or special unit) Superintendent


(Heads a Garda district) Inspector


Sergeant Sgt Garda Gda Detective


Note: Detectives hold the same ranks as above (eg Detective Superintendent, Detective Sergeant etc) but do not wear uniforms. Their ranks can be shortened to Det – eg: Detective Sergeant O’Brien becomes Det Sgt O’Brien. A garda and a detective are the same rank, a detective sergeant and a sergeant are the same rank, so gardai are not “promoted” to detective unless promoted to a higher rank as well. Similarly a detective sergeant is not demoted by being posted to uniform duties. Sergeants, Inspectors and Superintendents are the usual source of most information, background and quotes. Inspectors and Superintendents present cases in the District Court. The representative organisations for gardai are the Garda Representative Association (GRA) and the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI). As with soldiers these associations are not unions so it is incorrect to say that they are.

Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission The independent agency that deals with complaints (including criminal complaints) against gardaí, and it is house style to refer to it on first mention as the Garda Ombudsman (capped) rather than the more cumbersome formal title. Investigators are not gardaí, though they do have some warrant powers. The agency is headed by three commissioners. When referring to individual commissioners, house style is: Commissioner Conor Brady on first mention, and Commissioner Brady subsequently. Full title can be shorted to the Garda Ombudsman.

Gender Gendered profession titles such as “postman” or “fireman” should be avoided. Use “fire fighter” or “postal worker”. House style is not to use feminising suffixes such as “poet-ess”. House style is to use the generic term actor for both male and female actors, except when referring

House Stylebook | 25 to awards such as “Best Actress Oscar”. Avoid his/her, use plurals such as “their” instead.

Government Government is always capped when in reference to the Irish Government, such as: “The Government faces a crucial vote of confidence in the Dail tonight” but foreign governments are not, eg “the British government has agreed to send an envoy to Belfast for crucial talks on policing”. Note: See ‘National Government’ for further details.

Green Party An Irish political party, it is always capped. The party can be referred to as “the Greens” but individual members should be referred to as belonging to the party, eg “Green Party backbench TD Paul Gogarty”.

Harvard style This is the preferred UL style of referencing for academic essays. Students writing an academic essay should consult the University’s Cite It Right publication available in the library for guidance on referencing for academic work. Footnotes and other styles are also in use. Seek advice from a lecturer if in doubt.

Honorary titles Honorary titles such as knighthoods awarded by the British monarch are not used, unless the news story is about the award of such an honour, eg “Limerick man Terry Wogan was awarded a knighthood”. House style is not to refer to him as Sir Terry Wogan (or anyone else holding such an honour). House style is similarly not to address the holders of honorary doctorates by Dr, unless again the story is specifically about the fact that they have received such an award. Holders of Papal knighthoods and awards from other foreign governments are similarly not referred to by their titles.

Ireland Use Ireland when in reference to the country. The Republic of Ireland or simply the Republic when in reference to the legally defined jurisdiction and Northern Ireland or the North when in reference to that jurisdiction. Never use the “26 counties” or the “six counties” – both terms have political connotations, unless in a quote and even then house style is to be cautious when using such phrases. The constitutional title of Ireland in the 1937 document Bunreacht na hÉireann is Éire however the term is rarely used. House style is to use Ireland.

Its, It’s Its is possessive, eg the cat was wagging its tail. It’s is a contraction, and short for it is – two words – so never add the apostrophe to the word “its” unless the sentence would read “it is” before you shortened the two words to “it’s”.

26 | Journalism@ul Judges and courts The Courts Service is the name of the state body that runs the administration of the courts in Ireland. It is staffed by civil servants, some of whom may be lawyers. Judges do not work for the Courts Service, they are appointed by the President and are answerable only to the Oireachtas, though they administer justice through courts and operate inside the Courts Service system. District court is capped when in reference to a particular district court, eg Trim District Court, or to the institution, eg president of the District Court, but not otherwise. Similar rules apply to the circuit court. However the High Court, Supreme Court, Central Criminal Court and Court of Criminal Appeal are always capped. Judges of the district and circuit court are simply called “Judge” and it is capped when in reference to a particular judge, eg Judge John Brown. On second reference this can be shortened to “the judge” (lower case) or “Judge Brown” (capped). Judges of the superior courts (the High Court, Court of Criminal Appeal, Central Criminal Court and Supreme Court) hold the title Mr/Ms/ Mrs Justice, and these terms are capped. Presidents of each court are ex-officio members of the next higher court, so the president of the Circuit Court is entitled to the courtesy title of Mr/Ms/Mrs Justice. The title Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr/Ms/Mrs Justice Any Body is written in this style and always capped. The holder can be referred to as the Chief Justice on second or subsequent reference. However for presidents of the District Court, Circuit and High Court, the word president is not capped. Panels for non-jury trials such as the Special Criminal Court are made up of judges from the District, Circuit and High Court. House style is to refer to individual judges as per the style of their court of origin, eg a district court judge sitting in the Special Criminal Court would be referred to “Judge”.

Jew / Jewish See religion

Labour Capped when in reference to the political party, which is officially titled the Labour Party, but can re simply referred to as Labour. Members of the party who are MEPs are also members of the Socialist grouping in the European Parliament. The word when used elsewhere, eg labour force, is not capped.

Minister Used as a capital when referring to a particular Government minister, such as Minister Mary Harney, but not when used elsewhere, eg “Up to five Government ministers could face the sack following a disastrous local election performance for Fianna Fail”. Minister used in an official title is always capitalised, such as the Minister for Health and Children Mary Harney, however it is house style to also capitalise the less formal “Health Minister Mary Harney”. On second reference this can be shortened to “Minister Harney”. Similarly, titles’ of ministers of state can be written informally as “Junior Health Minister Jimmy Devins” rather than the more

House Stylebook | 27 cumbersome formal titles. ministerial – used lower case

Money €1.40; €25; €10,000 etc – the symbol, the money in numbers and a full point between the euro and the cents if cents are used, if not nothing after the euro amount. If writing about the euro, do not used the € symbol, and it is not capitalised, eg “the euro rose in value against sterling today in trading”. Thousands - €1,000; Millions - €10m; Billions - €10bn. Foreign money is written as follows: STG £20 – for sterling, US $42.25 – for US dollars, and is similar for other currencies. If using a foreign currency it is house style to include the Irish equivalent amount in brackets afterwards, eg “the painting sold at auction in New York for US$20m (€13m)”. Use a reputable currency converter (www.xe.com/ucc) for an up to date currency conversion.

Muslim See religion

Oireachtas Constitutionally defined as the three branches of the legislature including Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann and the office of President. Also refers to an Irish language music, dance and singing competition held annually. Always capped.

Passive voice Avoid it. Don’t write: “Referring to the closure of the factor, Minister O’Dea said …” Instead write “Minister O’Dea said … referring to the factory closure.” (If you think you need to say what he is referring to, in most cases you won’t as it will be obvious from his quote). Equally replace passive verbs such as “is planning” with “plan”; “is hoping” with “hope” etc.

Names Names of people (Joe Murray), hospitals (Galway Clinic), hotels (Hilton), countries (Canada), institutions (University of Limerick) etc are always capitalised. Special care should be taken to get interviewees, victims and others you are interviewing to spell place names, people’s names etc so as to ensure accuracy. For example, is it Shaun McDonagh or Sean MacDonohoe; born in Tynagh or Nenagh; is he from Nigeria or Niger. It can often be helpful to get a date of birth and a contact telephone number of an interviewee to check these details, in case a large amount of time passes between when you write your story and when it is published.

Navy See Defence Forces

28 | Journalism@ul Numbers Numbers are always spelled out one to nine and written as numerals from 10 onwards. When a number starts a sentence it should be written in letters, eg “Twenty teenagers were arrested for public order offences after a youth disco in a Limerick school turned into a riot”. Roman numerals (such as Henry viii; Pope Benedict XVI) should be avoided if possible, but can be used if deemed necessary.

Percent House style is percent - all one word, not per cent, not pc, not %. The % symbol is acceptable in a table of figures only.

Place names All place names should be checked and double-checked. The official spelling of Irish place names (in both English and Irish) can be checked using the official place name spelling website www.logainm.ie.

Professor A senior academic, usually a Chair of a particular field of study at a university. House style is to spell out in full on first reference and to shorten to Prof thereafter.

Quotes The double quote mark (“) is the signal for most English language newspapers that this is a quotation and is the only quote mark journalists use when writing for most newspapers and other media organisations in British English. It is house style to only use the double quote mark for quotations. Single quote marks can be used inside a quote to denote another quote. An example would be: The eyewitness told the court: “John told me ‘I didn’t shoot him’.” Generally if the computer package allows, you should use directional quotes – the open quote symbol to open a quote and the end quote symbol to end a quote (this is the case with 99 percent of all word processing packages). As a general rule of thumb, if the quote is a full sentence, the full stop goes inside the quote mark, but if the quote is only part of the sentence, the full stop goes after the quote mark.

Refugee/Asylum seeker There is a subtle difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker. Asylum seekers are people who have chosen to leave their own country and have sought refuge in another. Refugees are people who, because of war, famine, drought or other conflict have been forced to leave their home countries and have sought refugee status under the UN Convention on he Status of Refugees (1951). Asylum seekers may still seek refugee status under the UN Convention on certain grounds but are not refugees. House style is to avoid referring to such status in news reporting unless that detail is relevant to the news story.

House Stylebook | 29 Religion, Religious titles It is house style to refer to “rank and file” priests of the Catholic Church as Fr (no full point), and rectors and ministers of the Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian churches as Rev for first and subsequent mentions. The “rank” and parish, if relevant to the story, is also used and capitalised ( eg Parish Priest of Nenagh Fr Jim Brown, Rector of Killaloe Rev Martina Dunne). Initial clusters such as PP or CC following names are not used. It is house style to refer to Catholic bishops and archbishops as “Bishop” not “most rev or “very rev” on first reference. We their full title on first reference, eg “Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Joe Walsh”, and as “Bishop Walsh” thereafter. Bishops or archbishops who are also doctors of divinity - holding a doctorate from the Pontifical University (also known as theologians) - may be referred to as Dr on second and subsequent mention. It is house style to refer to bishops and archbishops of the Church of Ireland by their titles, eg Archbishop of Dublin Alan Harper; subsequently Archbishop Harper. The correct title for the titular head of the Catholic Church in Ireland is the “Primate of All Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady” (current incumbent). He should be referred to by his full title on first mention but by “Cardinal Brady” subsequently. The Archbishop of Armagh is always the Primate of All Ireland, whether or not he is a cardinal. The Archbishop of Dublin is always Primate of Ireland, though the title is seldom used. It is house style not to refer to bishops or archbishops “His Grace” or a cardinal as “His Eminence” or a pope as “His Holiness”. Popes are referred to by their names on first mention, eg Pope Benedict, and by the Pope (capped) subsequently. The pontiff (lower case) or papacy (lower case) can be used if appropriate. When referring to congregations, use full title capitalised (eg the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church) on first reference, but subsequent references to “the church” are lower case. Church of Ireland is the correct title for the Anglican Church in Ireland. The head of the Church of Ireland is always the Archbishop of Dublin. Deacons, deans, canons, monsignors and archdeacons are referred to by their title in full, are capped and not shortened on second reference. All nuns are referred to as Sr on first and subsequent reference, similarly Br with Christian Brothers. Monks can be either Fr or Br depending on whether they have been ordained. Abbots are referred to by their title. Names of orders are capitalised (eg Holy Ghost Fathers). The Papal Nuncio is the Vatican’s “ambassador” to a particular country. The title and “rank” is used on first reference and capitalised (eg Papal Nuncio Archbishop Tom Murphy) on subsequent reference only the “rank” is used (Archbishop Murhpy). Leaders of congregations of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches are referred to as Moderators (capped) but Presbyterian leaders can also be referred to as Rev (the Rev Ian Paisley) sometimes. House style is to check with the cleric as to which title he/she uses. Rabbis are leaders of congregations in the Jewish faith and are called Rabbi (capped) on first mention and may be titled Dr subsequently if the holders of doctorates in theology (most do). The Chief Rabbi is so-called (capped) and subsequently Dr, or Chief Rabbi. Religious leaders in Muslim faiths are known by various titles, mostly Arabic words so it is best to check. Ramadan (capped) is a Muslin religious fast lasting approximately one month. Muslims are divided into a number of congregations, but the main groupings are Sunni (capped)

30 | Journalism@ul and Shia (also known as Shi’ite). The term Shia is house style. Most Muslims in Ireland are Sunni. The holy book is known as the Qur’an. Leaders of congregations in non-aligned churches are referred to by their title, eg Pastor, Mr or Dr. House style is to check with the cleric in question.

Semicolon We used them to distinguish between phrases where a comma would be confusing eg “some players were brilliant; others were less so”. When used correctly (which occasionally we do), the semicolon is a very elegant compromise between a full stop (too much) and a comma (not enough).. The semicolon can also be used to separate items in a list, if those items consist of more than one word each.

Senator Senators are members of the upper house of the Oireachtas (Seanad) are called senators. It is capitalised when used as a title (Senator Cassidy) otherwise it is lower case (a group of senators have bought a race horse)

Slang Words considered slang may be used in feature writing if they have entered common language usage and are generally understood, but in general in news reporting such informality should be avoided.

Spaces House style is to leave one space after a comma and one space after a full stop. House style is not to leave a line of space after a paragraph.

Spokesperson Used to describe an official who is authorised to comment on behalf of an organisation or person (for example the Government). It is preferable to use spokesman or spokeswoman, unless you do not know the gender of the person making the comment.

Solicitors Lawyers that are members of the Law Society. They are simply termed solicitors, lower case.

TD Teachta Dála, a member of the Dáil. House style is to always capitalise, without full points, and use on first reference after a politician’s name without a comma (eg Joan Burton TD). It can also be used on subsequent reference (eg the Limerick TD) or to describe a group of politicians (eg backbench TDs are calling for an increased say at party meetings).

Telephone numbers

House Stylebook | 31 Telephone numbers are as follows: (061) 123 456; (087) 123 4567. Area codes are in brackets and numbers are written blocks of three (three/four in the case of seven numbers) with a space in between. For international numbers, the international code is preceded by a +, and the area code (0) is dropped, if applicable. For example (061) 123 456 becomes +353 61 123 456.

Tense News journalism is usually written in the past tense. Use said instead of says, added instead of adds. Feature journalism is often written in the present tense.

Their, they’re and there Their means a number of people - as in Seán and Jimmy were upset when their cat died. They’re is a contraction of they are - and should only be used when the sentence would read “they are” before you replaced both words with the shorter version. For news journalism such informal use of English is usually not acceptable. There means “over there” as in “Joe pointed to the rocks and said ‘that’s where she fell, over there’.”

Time Time is written as follows: 4:10pm, 7:45am. The hour separated by a colon with no spaces from the minutes. We use the 12-hour clock, with am and pm (no spaces, no full points, lower case). Note: 12am is midnight, while 12pm is midday. No need for :00. Note 2am on Sunday morning maybe Saturday night to anyone at a night club, but as journalists we refer to this time as the early hours of Sunday morning.

Titles Titles are usually spelled out on first mention, then shortened to abbreviations on subsequent mention. However some can be abbreviated even with a first mention, such as Dr, Fr, Rev. It is house style not to use a full point after Dr, Fr or Rev. Dr refers to a medical or academic doctor, but is also commonly used when referring to a Catholic bishop or a Jewish rabbi who hold doctorates in theology or divinity (DD). Titles are capped when used as titles, eg “Bishop Brennan”, but not when used elsewhere, such as “five bishops were arrested”. Similarly for government ministers, we write “Minister Martin,” but not “five government ministers have been demoted in a Cabinet reshuffle”. When referring to books, newspapers, magazines television and radio programmes and other creative works, the titles are capitalised and italicised, eg Irish Independent, This Week on RTE Radio One, Five Seven Live, The Irish Times. Note: “The” is part of The Irish Times title, but not the Irish Independent or the Irish Examiner. Religions are also all capitalised, for example, a Protestant man, or a Muslim cleric. (See under minister, government, barrister, solicitor, judges and religious titles for more)

32 | Journalism@ul Travellers Travellers are members of the Travelling community. House style is to refer to a person who is a Traveller as such (capped) or as a member of the Travelling community. Other words have negative connotations and are not acceptable. However when reporting news stories house style is to include details of ethnicity (such as being a member of the Travelling community) only if it is relevant to the news story.

University There are seven universities operating by statute in the State, as follows: University of Dublin (Trinity College) University College Dublin (UCD) University College Cork (UCC) NUI Galway NUI Maynooth Dublin City University (DCU) University of Limerick (UL) Universities are regulated by statute under the various Universities Acts.

University of Limerick, UL UL is the acceptable second and subsequent reference used for the University of Limerick, and similarly for the others. Always use the long version for first reference. The University (capped) can also be used on second and subsequent reference if this does not confuse (ie if you are mention one university only).

House Stylebook | 33

National Newspapers National Dailies Irish Independent News editor Cormac Burke

(01 705 5710)


The Irish Times News Editor Roddy O’Sullivan

(01) 675 8000


Irish Examiner News Editor John O’Mahony

(021) 480 2348


Irish Daily Star News Editor Michael O’Kane

(01) 490 1228


Irish Daily Mail News Editor Ronan O’Reilly

(01) 637 5811


Irish Mirror News Editor Pat Flanagan

(01) 868 8602


Irish Sun News Editor Myles McEntee

(01) 4792576


Sunday Independent News Editor Liam Collins

(01) 705 5690


Sunday Business Post News Editor Gavin Daly

(01) 602 6000


Sunday Times News Editor

(01) 479 2424

Sunday Newspapers

Broadcasters RTE Main switch

(01) 208 3111

Today FM News Editor Cathy Farrell

(01) 804 9064


Newstalk News editor John Keogh

(01) 644 5100


34 | Journalism@ul

Government Oireachtas Éireann Home to the national parliament – Dáil Éireann and the upper house, Seanad Éireann. All TDs and Senators have an office, and sit in parliament when it is in session. The Houses of the Oireachtas are on Kildare St, with an entrance also on Merrion St. Tel (main switch):

(01) 618 3000

Communications unit: (01) 618 3166 Cait Hayes

(01) 618 3883 (087) 919 0300


Verona Ní Bhroinn

(01) 618 3881 (087) 2624132


Political Party Press Offices Fine Gael Tel: (01) 618 3379

Fax: (01) 618 4144

email: fgmedia@indigo.ie

Fax: (01) 618 4151

email: press@labour.ie

Fax: (01) 618 4164

email: info@fiannafail.ie

Fax: (01) 618 4210

email: sinnfeinpress@oireachtas.ie

Labour Party Tel: (01) 618 3462 Fianna Fáil Tel: (01) 618 3297 Sinn Féin Tel: (01) 618 4276

Government and Ministers The Cabinet As defined by Article 28 of the Irish Constitution, there shall be not less than seven and not more than 15 members of the Cabinet. Appointment to the Cabinet is by the President, on the recommendation of the Taoiseach. Cabinet minister are heads of Government departments and must be members of the Oireachtas (either the Dáil or the Seanad). A maximum of two members of the Cabinet can be from the Seanad, but these ministers cannot be the Taoiseach, Tanaiste or Minister for Finance. In reality only a handful of senators have ever been appointed to Cabinet. The current Cabinet is as follows (Correct as of August 2011, subject to change regularly):

House Stylebook | 35 Minster

Department / title

Enda Kenny


Eamon Gilmore

Tanaiste, Foreign Affairs and Trade

Michael Noonan


Brendan Howlin

Public Expenditure and Reform

Alan Shatter

Justice, Equality and Defence

Dr James Reilly

Health and Children

Richard Bruton,

Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Jimmy Denihan

Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Pat Rabbitte

Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

Phil Hogan

Environment, Community and Local Government

Simon Coveney

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Leo Varadkar

Transport, Tourism and Sport

Frances Fitzgerald

Children and Youth Affairs

Ruairi Quinn

Education and Skills

Joan Burton

Social Protection

Junior Ministers Officially titled Ministers of State. These are junior to Cabinet ministers although some – the Government Chief Whip notably – sit at Cabinet, though they do not vote. The Government Chief Whip is Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and is in charge of votes in the Dail, ie ensuring a Government majority. The Chief Whip is also usually attached as a junior minister at the Department of Defence. Other junior ministries divide responsibilities across a number of Government departments. Currently there are 15, as follows:


Department / title

Paul Kehoe

Minister of State at the Department of The Taoiseach with special re sponsibility as Government Chief Whip and the Department of Defence

*Jan O’Sullivan

Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government (with special responsibility for Housing and Plan ning) *Also a ‘super junior’ minister.

Dinny McGinley

Minister of State with special responsibility for Gaeltacht Affairs (De partment of Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht)

36 | Journalism@ul Roisin Shortall

Minister of State with special responsibility for Primary Care (Depart ment of Health)

John Perry

Minister of State with special responsibility for Small Business (Depart ment of Jobs, Enterpriseand Innovation)

Michael Ring

Minister of State with special responsibility for Tourism and Sport (De partment of Transport Tourism and Sport)

Joe Costelloe

Minister of State with special responsibility for Trade and Development (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)

Kathleen Lynch

Minister of State with special responsibility for Disability, Equality and Mental Health (Departments of Health and Justice & Equality)

Fergus O’Dowd

Minister of State with special responsibility for the NewEra Project (De partments of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources and Envi ronment, Community & Local Government)

Brian Hayes

Minister of State with special responsibility for Public Service Reform and the OPW (Department of Public Expenditure & Reform)

Shane McEntee

Minister of State with special responsibility for Food, Horticulture and Food Safety (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)

Lucinda Creighton

Minister of State with special responsibility for European Affairs (De partments of the Taoiseach and Foreign Affairs and Trade)

Sean Sherlock

Minister of State with special responsibility for Research and Innova tion (Departments of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation and Education & Skills)

Ciaran Cannon

Minister of State with special responsibility for Training and Skills (De partment of Education & Skills)

Alan Kelly

Minister of State with special responsibility for Public and Commuter Transport (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)

Government Press Officers Government Press Secretary Feargal Purcell

Deputy Government Press Secretary Cathy Madden

(01) 6194101

Government Press Officers Michael Moran Tom Mc Loughlin

(01) 619 4150 (01) 619 4051

(087) 253 1675

(On call mobile)

(086) 605 0269

(087) 253 1675 (on call mobile)

House Stylebook | 37 Jacky Bryan (01) 619 4098 Geradline Butler (01) 619 4098 Andrew Payne (01) 619 4033 press.office@taoiseach.ie Taoiseach - Information Officer Kate O’Toole (01) 619 4130 (087) 241 9237

Agriculture, Fisheries & Food

Caitriona Fitzpartick (01) 607 2404 (087) 987 5003 caitriona.fitzpatrick@agriculture.gov.ie Martina Kearney (01) 676 2596 (086) 805 5092 martina.kearney@agriculture.gov.ie

Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Therese O’Connor Colin Toomey

(01) 631 3807 (087) 290 8193 (01) 631 3838 (087) 290 8193

Children and Youth Affairs Vacancy

(01) 647 3075 (087) 795 6378

Communications, Energy & Natural Resources John Twomey

(01) 678 2441 (087) 934 9295 John.twomey@dcenr.gov.ie

Defence Aine Fitzpatrick

Education & Skills Deirdre Grant Sarah Moroney Sarah Miley

(045) 492 108 (087) 234 0397 aine.fitzpatrick@defence.irlgov.ie

(01) 889 2417 (086) 048 4279 deirdre_grant@education.gov.ie (01) 889 2162 (087) 772 0570 Sarah_moroney@education.gov.ie (01) 899 2322 (087) 782 0941 sarah_miley@education.gov.ie

Environment, Community & Local Government

Yvonne Hyland (086) 850 8879 yvonne.hyland@environ.ie Sean Dunne (01) 888 2393 (087) 246 4366 sean_dunne@environ.ie


Eoin Dorgan Brian Meenan

(01) 676 0336 (086) 047 7501 eoin.dorgan@finance.gov.ie (01) 604 5339 (087) 219 8857 brian.meenan@finance.gov.ie

Public Expenditure and Reform Marie Mulvihill

(01) 604 5339 (086) 023 9778 marie.mulvihill@per.gov.ie

Foreign Affairs and Trade Noel White Philip Grant Amanda Bane

Irish Aid

Fionnuala Quinlan

(01) 408 2414 (01) 408 2550 (01) 408 2275

(087) 958 0152 (087) 259 4912 (087) 683 7205

noel.white@dfa.ie philip.grant@dfa.ie amanda.bane@dfa.ie

(01) 408 2276

(087) 909 9975


38 | Journalism@ul DFA Duty Press Officer / 24 hr on call

Health & Children Mark Costigan Martin Woods

(01) 635 4564 (01) 635 3036

(087) 778 8835 / (01) 478 0822

(087) 120 4936 (087) 250 5804

mark_costigan@health.gov.ie martin_woods@health.irlgov.ie

(01) 631 2218 (01) 631 2222

(087) 374 3783 (087) 259 4144

conor.quinn@djei.ie roisin.mccann@djei.ie

(01) 602 8328 (01) 602 8358

(087) 791 1200 (087) 682 3290

lxhall@justice.ie cdkellegher@justice.ie

(087) 947 5552 (087) 930 3888

neil.ryan@opw.ie kevin.kennedy@opw.ie

(01) 674 8069 (01) 674 8076

(087) 820 9968 (087) 234 2993

michelle.carroll@revenue.ie tom.kelly@revenue.ie

Kathleen Barrington (01) 704 3753 Niamh Fitzgerald (01) 704 3860 Noel Cahill (01) 704 3847

(086) 171 2241 (087) 254 7232 (087) 254 9683

kathleen.barrington@welfare.ie Niamh.fitzgerald@welfare.ie noel.cahill@welfare.ie

(087) 699 2080 (086) 891 5570

nickmiller@dttas.ie carolineryan@dttas.ie

(087) 248 2130 (087) 673 8395


Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Conor Quinn Roisin McCann

Justice & Equality Lorraine Hall Ciara Kellegher

Office of Public Works Neil Ryan Kevin Kennedy

(046) 942 6128 (01) 647 6159

Revenue Commissioners Michelle Carroll Tom Kelly

Social Protection

Transport, Tourism and Sport Nick Miller Caroline Ryan

(01) 604 1089 (01) 604 1087

Defence Forces Press Office Comdt Neil Nolan Capt Pat O’Connor

Garda Press Office

(045) 492 502 (045) 492 503

Director of Communications Sinead Mc Sweeney Garda Press Officer Supt John Gilligan Deputy Garda Press Officer Insp John Ferris

(01) 666 2031 (01) 666 2030 (01) 666 2089

House Stylebook | 39

Freedom of Information Officers Government Departments


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Freedom of Information Unit Grattan Business Centre, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co.Laois Mary O Loughlin; Ray Williamson 057 8694327; 057 8694381 mary.oloughlin@agriculture.gov.ie ray.willamson@agriculture.gov.ie

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Geraldine Fitzpartick; Celyna Coughlan 01-6312375; 01-6312398 01-6312817 geraldine_fitzpatrick@entemp.ie

Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Elm House Earlsvale Road Cavan Mary Rabbitte 01 6782903 01 6783057 mary.rabbitte@ dcmnr.gov.ie; foi.unit@dcmnr. gov.ie

Department of Finance Room 3.4 2-4 Merrion Row Dublin 2 Paul Fleming 01 6696335 foi@finance.gov.ie

Department of Foreign Affairs 76-78 Harcourt Street Dublin 2 Sarah Callanan 01 4082835 01 4785924 Department of Community, Equality & Gaeltacht Sarah.Callanan@dfa.ie; Affairs Dún Aimhirgin, 43 - 49 Bóthar Mespil, Baile Átha Department of Health and Children Hawkins House, Dublin 2 Cliath 4 Kevin Conlon, Derek Finnegan John Dolan Orlaith Lochrin 01 6354255; - 01-6354709 01 6473147/ 01 6353136 01 6473158 foi@health.gov.ie foi@pobail.ie Department of Defence Infirmary Road, Dublin 7 Deirdre Creaney 01 8042108 01 6710229 deirdre.creaney@defence.irlgov.ie;foi@defence. irlgov.ie

Department of Justice and Law Reform Freedom of Information Office, Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform, 51 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 Aisling Brennan;Fiona Giblin;John Roycroft 01 6028473; 6028408; 6761837 foi@justice.ie

Department of Education and Science - Redress board requests Athlone only Athlone only Tom Doyle 090 6484139 01;8892383 tom_doyle@education.gov.ie; .foi@education .gov.ie

Department of Social Protection Foi unit. Department of Social Protection Shannon Lodge Carrick on Shannon Co. Leitrim Micheál O Ceallaigh; Sean O Boyle 071 9672545;071 9672543; 071 9672555 foi@welfare.ie

Department of Education and Skills Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 Roisin McCauley 01 8896570 01 8892383

Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government Unit 1.Ardcavan Business Park Ardcavan Co.Wexford Lorna Conway (Dublin); Paul Bonnington; Matt McLoughlin 053 9185054; 053 9185034 01 8882838

40 | Journalism@ul 053.9185068 foi@environ.ie;lorna_conway@environ.ie Department of the Taoiseach Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2 Mary Murphy; Ger Burns; Mary McShera-Doyle 01 6194154,6194326 01 6194287 foi@taoiseach.gov.ie Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport Room 316 Kildare Street Dublin 2 Kathleen Hannigan Con Cusack 01 6313904 01 6313887 kathleenhannigan@dast.gov.ie ; concusack@ dast.gov.ie Department of Transport 25 Clare Street Dublin 2 David Butler 01 6041599 01 6041027 davidbutler@transport.ie; foi@transport.ie

State agencies and bodies Advisory Board for Irish Aid Bishop’s Sq Redmonds Hill, Lwr Kevin St, Dublin 2 Nicole McHugh 01 4082023 01 4082303 nicole.mchugh@dfa.ie Advisory Council for English Language Schools Sandford Lodge, Sandford Close, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Betty Cantwell Tel: 01 5292404 Fax: 01 5292499 betty@acels.ie Affordable Homes Partnership 4th Floor Worldcom Building Lower Erne St Dublin 2 Ciara Galvin 01 6564100 ciara.galvin@affordablehome.ie An Chomhairle Leabharlanna 53/54 Upr. Mount St. Dub 2

Annette Kelly 01 6761167 01 6766721 akelly@libcouncil.ie An Bord Altranais CEO Department, 31/32 Fitzwillam Square, Dublin 2 Sinead Leacy 01 6398500 01 6763348 An Bord Bia Clanwillam Court Lower Mt. Street Dublin 2 Frank Lynch 01 6685155 01 6627587 Frank.Lynch@bordbia.ie An Bord Iascaigh Mhara Crofton Road Dunlaoghaire Majella Fitzsimons 01 2144275 fitzsimons@bim.ie An Bord Pleanála 64 Marlborough St. Dublin 1 Pierce Dillon 01-8737247 01 8722684 p.dillon@pleanala.ie An Chomhairle Ealaìonn(Arts Council) 70 Merrion Sq. Dub.2 Mary Fitzgerald 01 6180252 01 6761302 trainingofficer@artscouncil.ie An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaiochta 22 Plas Mhic Liam Bhaile Atha Cliath 2 Aisling Nic Craith 01 6340831 01 6341002 aisling@cogg.ie An Coimisiún Logainmneacha 43-49 Bóthar Mespil Baile Átha Cliath 4 Dónall Mac Giollaeaspaig 01 6473260 dmacgiollaeaspaig@pobail.ie

House Stylebook | 41 Aquacultural Licensing Appeals Board 3rd Floor, Hollbrook Hse, Holles St, Dublin 2 Brendan Byrne 01 6620331 01 6620340 brendan.byrne@alab.ie Army Pensions Board St. Bricins Hospital, Infirmary Road, Dublin 7 Melinda Wynne 01 6795000 01 6776050 Bord na gCon 104 Henry Street Limerick Mary Grimes 061 448015 061 316739 mary.grimes@igb.ie Bord na Leabhar Gaeilge Rath Cairn Co.na Mí Gearóid de Grás 046 30419 046 30420 blg@leabhar.ie Broadcasting Commission of Ireland 2-5 Warrington Place Dub 2 Aoife Clabby 01 6441200 01 6441299 aclabby@bci.ie Building Regulations Advisory Body Department of Envoirnment, Custom House, Dublin 1 Caragh Magee 01 8882371 01 8882693 caragh.magee@environ.ie Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Limited Top Floor Block A West End Office Park Blanchardstown Dublin 15. Kitty Maloney 01 8097300 01 8097332 kmaloney@csid.ie Censorship of Films Appeal Board 16 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2

Anne Kelly 01 7996100 www.ifco.ie Censorship of Publications Appeal Board 13 Lower Hatch St, Dublin 2 Sean Hegarty 01 6610553 01 6610598 Central Statistics Office Ardee Road Rathmines Dublin 6 Pauline Reynolds;Lorna Brennan 01 4984231 01 4984229 pauline.reynolds@cso.ie;lorna.brennan@cso.ie Chester Beatty Library Dublin Castle Dublin 2 Celine Ward 01 4070757 01 4070760 cward@cbl.ie Citizens Information Board Ground Floor Georges Quay House 43 Townsend Street Dublin 2 Paul McGuire ; Brian Murphy 01 6059000 01 6059099 paul.mcguire@ciboard.ie, brian.murphy@ciboard.ie Civil Defence Board Benamore, Roscrea, Co Tipperary Eileen Joyce 0505 25310 0505 25344 Eileen.Joyce@defence.irlgov.ie Coiste an Asgard Colaiste Caoimhin, St Mobhi Rd Dublin 9 Gerry Phelan 01 8042700 01 6772328 www.asgard2.ie Combat Poverty Agency - disbanded Commission For Aviation Regulation Alexandra House Earlsfort Terrace Dub 2 David Hodnett 01 6346855

42 | Journalism@ul 01 6611269 davidhodnett@aviationreg.ie Commission for Communications Regulation Abbey Court, Irish Life Centre, Lr. Abbey St., Dublin 1 Marie Cussen 01 8049689 01 8049717 foi@comreg.ie Commission For Energy Regulation C.E.R The Exchange Belgard Square North Tallaght Dublin 24 Laura Steerman 01 4000800 01 4000850 lsteerman@cer.ie Commission for Public Service Appointments Chapter House Abbey Street Dublin 1 Danny Smith 01 8779954 Danny.Smith@cpsa-online.ie Commission for Taxi Regulation 35 Fitzwillam Square, Dublin 2 Gennifer Gilna 01 6593800 01 6593801 commission@taxiregulator.ie Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests 12 Clare Street, Dublin 2 Orla Barry Murphy 01 6766095 01 6766001 charities@eircom.net Companies Registration Office Parnell House, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 Brian O Hare 01 8045250 01 8045222 brian_ohare@entemp.ie Company Law Review Group Earlsfort Centre, Hatch St. Lower, Dublin 2 Eric Giguere 01 6312585 01 6312553 clrg@entemp.ie

Competition Authority Parnell House, Parnell Square, Dublin1 Ciarån Quigley 01 8045408 01 8045401 ciaran_quigley@entemp.ie Courts Service 6th Floor, 15/24 Phoenix St. North, Smithfield Dublin 7 Miriam O’Flanagan 01 8886464 01 8735242 miriamoflanagan@courts.ie Crafts Council of Ireland Castle Yard, Kilkenny Nuala McGrath 056 7796133 056 7763754 nuala@@ccoi.ie Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal 13 Hatch St, Dublin 2 David Hickey 01 6610604 01 6610598 dhickey@criminalinjuries.gov.ie Crisis Pregnancy Agency - merged with the HSE wef 1 January 2010 4th Floor, 89-94 Capel St, Dublin 1 Sarah Ryan 01 8146292 01 8146282 sryan@crisispregnancy.ie Defence Forces Infirmary Road, Dublin 7 Comdt Des Doyle 01 8042758 /40 01 8042997 foi@defenceforces.ie Dental Council 57 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 vacancy 01 6762069 01 6762076 info@dentalcouncil.ie Dental Health Foundation

House Stylebook | 43 Corrigan House Fenian Street Dublin 2 Patricia Gilsenan-O’Neill 01 6629123 01 6618721 patricia.gilsenan@dentalhealth.ie Digital Hub Development Agency The Digital Exchange Crane Street Dublin 8 Edel Flynn; Joanne Kearney 01 4806200 01 4806201 edelflynn@thedigitalhub.com Drug Treatment Centre Board Trinity Court, 30/31 Pearse St, Dublin 2 Finnoula Rafferty 01 6488600 01 6488700 frafferty@dtcb.ie Dublin Docklands Development Authority 52-58 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Docklands, Dublin 2 Emer Mcaneny 01 8183300 01 8183399 EMcaneny@dublindocklands.ie Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 10 Burlington Rd, Dublin 2 Mary Burke 01 6140100 mburke@admin.dias.ie

01 4173366 adavis@equality.ie ERDF and Cohesion Fund Financial Control Unit 15 Lr.Hatch Street Dublin 2 Noel Salmon 01 6396274 01 6396201 eucontrol@finance.gov.ie European Social Fund Financial Control Unit Dept of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Kildare St, Dublin 2 Fiona Kilcullen 01 6312317 01 6312301 foiunit@entemp.ie Failte Ireland Baggot Street Bridge Dublin 2 Mary Penny,Suzie Rafter. 01 -8847700 foi@failteireland.ie Family Support Agency 4th Floor, St. Stephens Green Hse, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 Niamh Egan 01 6114104 01 6760824 niamh.egan@welfare.ie

Fire Services Council Room G32 Custom Hse.Dub 1 Enterprise Ireland Liam Munroe Block P4A The Plaza East Point Business Park 01 8882090 Dublin 3. 01 8882955 Kathleen Quinlan liam.munroe@environ.ie 01 7272628 kathleen.quinlan@enterprise-ireland.com Food Safety Authority of Ireland Abbey Court, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1 Environmental Protection Agency Emma Reinhardt PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wex- 01 8171310 ford 01 8171210 Yvonne Clooney info@fsai.ie;ereinhardtfsai.ie 053 9170785 053 9170714 Forfás y.clooney@epa.ie Wilton Park House,Wilton Place, Dub 2 Alva Moloney Equality Authority 01 6073073 Birchgrove House Roscrea Co.Tipperary Dublin 2 01 6073287 Ms.Anne Davis alva.moloney@forfas.ie 0505/24126

44 | Journalism@ul Further Education & Training Awards Council East Point Plaza, East Point Business Pk, Dublin 3 Colette Harrison 01-8659529 charrison@fetac.ie FÀS 27-33 Upper Baggot St. Dublin 4 Emma Kelly 01 6070549 01 6070600 emma.kelly@fas.ie Gaisce-Gradam an Uachtarain State Apartments, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2 Barney Callaghan 01 4578746 mail@gaisce.ie Health & Safety Authority Metropolitan Building James Joyce Street Dublin 1 Catriona Fitzgerald 1890 289 389 01 6147021 foi@hsa.ie

Higher Education and Training Awards (HETAC) 26-27 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2 Andrew Bridgett 01-6314567 abridgett@hetac.ie Horse Racing Ireland The Curragh Co. Kildare Martina Bourgoin Michael O Rourke 045 -445645 045 -445646 mbourgoin@hri.ie morourke@hri.ie Houses of the Oireachtas Commission Leinster Hse, Kildare St, Dublin 2 Brid Dunne 01 618 3000 commission.secretariat@oireachtas.ie Housing Finance Agency plc Eden House 15-17 Eden Quay Dublin 1 Barry O’ Leary 01 8725722 01 8725878 boleary@hfa.ie

Health Information and Quality Authority Georges Court Georges Lane Smithfield Dublin7 Meiread Ashe 01 8147670 01 8147699 omcmanus@hiqa.ie

Human Rights Commission 4th Floor, Jervis Hse, Jervis St, Dublin 1 Gavin McSpadden 01-8589601 01-8589609 info@ihrc.ie

Health Insurance Authority Canal House, Canal Rd, Dublin 6 Nora Rahill 01 4060080 01 4060081 info@hia.ie

IDA Ireland Wilton Pk. Hse Wilton Pl. Dub2 Sheelagh Mulligan 01 6034004 01 6034290 sheelagh.mulligan@ida.ie

Health Research Board 73 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2 Carol Cronin 01 6761176 ccronin@hrb.ie

Information Society Commission Departmentof the Taoiseach, Gov. Buildings, Upr Merrion St. Dub 2 Edel Cooke 01 6194331 edel.cooke@taoiseach.gov.ie Inland Fisheries Ireland Swords Business Campus, Swords, County Dublin. Mary O’Reilly (01) 8842663 (01) 8379211

Heritage Council Rothe House Parliament St Kilkenny Liam Scott 056 7770777 056 7770788 lscott@heritagecouncil.com

House Stylebook | 45 mary.oreilly@cfb.ie Institute of Public Administration 57-61 Lawnsdowne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Dymphna Lynch 01 2403603 dlynch@ipa.ie Integrate Ireland Language and Training Limited 126 Pembroke Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Seán Breathnach 01 6677232 Sean.breathnach@iilt.ie Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) National Blood Centre, James Street, Dublin 8. David Burbridge 01 4322858 01 4322930 david.burbridge@ibts.ie Irish Film Board Queensgate 23 Dock Road Galway Louise Ryan 091 561398 091 561405 louise.ryan@irishfilmboard.ie Irish Horse Board Cooperative Society Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co Kildare Deirdre Feely 01 5053584 01 5053562 deirdre.feely@agriculture.gov.ie Irish Manuscripts Commission 45 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Dr. Kathy Hayes 01 6761610 01 6623832 irmss@eircom.net Irish Medicines Board Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 Jackie Cottell 01 6764971, extn. 3447 01 6614764 foi@imb.ie Irish Museum Of Modern Art Royal Hospital Military Road Kilmainham Dublin 8

Frank Brennan; Jan Ried 01 6129978 01 6718695 frank.brennan@imma.ie; jann.reid@imma Irish National Stud Tully, Co.Kildare Eileen Kavanagh 045 521251 ekavanagh@irish-national-stud.ie Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Tecnology Brooklawn Hse, Crampton Ave, Shelbourne Rd, Dublin 4 Maria Cross 01 2315000 01 2315009 foi@ircset.ie Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences 1st Floor, Brooklawn Hse, Crampton Ave, Shelbourne Rd, Dublin 4 Fiona Davis 01 6603652 info@irchss.ie Irish Sports Council Westend Office Park Blanchardstown Dublin 15 Alan O’Hare 01 8608809 01 8608880 aohare@irishsportscouncil.ie Irish Water Safety The Long Walk,Spanish Arch, Galway. John Leech 091 564400 091 564700 johnleech@iws.ie Labour Relations Commission Tom Johnson Hse, Haddington Rd. Dublin 4 Alyson Gavin 01 6136756 01 6136701 alyson_gavin@lrc.ie Land Registry CSD, Land Registry Chancery Street Dublin 7 Anne Heneghan 01 8048063

46 | Journalism@ul 01 8048144 foi@landregistry.ie Legal Aid Board Quay Street Cahirciveen Co. Kerry Bernard O’Shea 066 9471000 066 9471035 Local Government Computer Services Board Phoenix House 27 Conyngham Rd. Dub.8 Jackie Russell 01 6457000 01 6457001 jrussell@lgcsb.ie

Lynn Hse, Portobello Court, Lower Rathmines Rd, Dublin 6 David Hickey 01 4983100 01 4983102 dhickey@mcirl.ie Mental Health Commission St Martin’s Hse, Waterloo Rd, Dublin 4 Ray Mooney 01 6362400 01 6362440 ray.mooney@mhcirl.ie

Met Eireann Glasnevin Hill Dublin 9 Local Government Management Services Board Colm Faherty Local Government House 35-39 Ushers Quay 01-8064200 Dublin 8 01 8064247 John Conway foi@met.ie 01 6438400 01-6438401 Mining Board jconway@lgmsb.ie 3rd Floor, Holbrook Hse, Holles St, Dublin 2 Brendan Byrne Léargas – The Exchange Bureau 01 6620284 189-193 Parnell St, Dublin 1 miningboard@eircom.net Fionnuala Broughan 01 8731411 Monaghan Enterprise Board 01 8731316 Unit 9, M:Tek Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan foi@leargas.ie Gerry O’Toole 047 71818 Marine Casualty Investigation Board gerry@mceb.ie Leeson Lane, Dublin 2 Kieran Baker National Advisory Committee on Drugs 01 6782460 3rd Floor, Shelbourne Hse, Shelbourne Rd, Balls01 6783129 bridge, Dublin 4 Mary Jane Trimble Marine Institute 01 6670760 Marine Institute Rinville Oranmore Galway 01 6670828 Anne Wilkinson. info@nacd.ie 091 387200 091 387201 National Archives foi@marine.ie Bishop Street, Dublin 8 Tom Quinlan; David Craig Medical Bureau of Road Safety 01 4072385 Department of Forensic Medicine, UCD, Earlsfort 01 4072333 Terrace, Dublin 2 tquinlan@nationalarchives.ie Tina Clarke 01 4781723 National Archives Advisory Council 01 4781103 Bishop Street, Dublin 8 forensic.medicine@ucd.ie Pat Corcoran 01 6313971 Medical Council 01 6313958

House Stylebook | 47 pcorcoran@dast.gov .ie

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment NCCA, Portlaoise CO.Laoise National Building Agency Aine Armstrong Farrell Hatherton, Richmond Avenue South, Milltown, 057 8682470 Dublin 6 057 8632008 Irene lynch Aine.Armstrongfarrel@ncca.ie 01 4979654 01 4972540 National Council for Special Education ilynch@nba.ie 1-2 Mill St, Trim, Co Meath Niall Feeney National Cancer Registry 046 9486420 Elm Court, Boreenmanna Rd, Cork Niall .Feeney@ncse.ie Gearldine Finn 021 4703936 National Council for the Professional Develop021 4318016 ment of Nursing and Midwifery Unit 6-7, Manor Business Park, Manor St, Dublin National Centre for Guidance in Education 7 1st Floor, 42/43 Prussia St, Dublin 7 Helen Bohan Shivaun Gallagher 01 8825300 01 8823811 01 8680366 01 8823817 helen@ncnm.ie shivaun.gallagher@ncge.ie National Disability Authority National Centre for Technology in Education 25 Clyde Road Dub 4 NCTE, Dublin City University, Dublin 9 M/s Cliona Curley Denise Brennen 01 6080400 01 7008211 01 6609935 dbrennan@ncte.ie cpcurley@nda.ie National College of Ireland Mayor St, Dublin 1 Sinead O’ Sullivan 01 4498632 sosullivan@ncirl.ie National Committee For Development Education Bishop’s Square Redmond’s Hill Dublin 2 Thomas Tichelmann 01 4789457 National Concert Hall Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 John Nolan 01 4170011 01 4785263 john.nolan@nch.ie National Consumer Agency 4-5 Harcourt Road, Dublin 2 Tom Burke 01 4025570 01 4025501 Tom_bourke@nca.ie

National Economic and Social Development Office 16 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Brendan Ward 01 8146303 01 8146301 brendan.ward@nesdo.ie National Education Welfare Board 16-22 Green St, Dublin 7 Gilín Ní Mhóinbhíol 01 8738735 foi@newb.ie National Gallery of Ireland Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Gerry D’arcy; Vivienne Lynch 01 6633569 01 6626935 gdarcy@ngi.ie; vlynch@ngi.ie National Library of Ireland Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Colette Byrne

48 | Journalism@ul 01 6030253 01 6766690 cbyrne@nli.ie National Milk Agency 19 Sandymount Ave. Dublin 4 Marie Jordan 01 6603396 01 6603389 natmilk@eircom.net National Transport Authority Floor 3, Block 6/7, Irish Life Centre, Dublin 1, Ireland Sara Morris 01 8798300 01 8798333 info@nationaltransport.ie The Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange (Fulbright Commission) Brooklawn Hse, Shelbourne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 c/o FOI Unit, Dept Foreign Affairs 01-6607670 01-6607668 rory.oleary@iveagh.irlgov.ie

asweeney@nswqb.ie National Safety Council - subsumed under Road Safety Authority from September National Statistics Board Central Statistics Office Ardee Road Rathmines Dublin 6 Gerry Brady 01 4984006 01 4984229 gerry.brady@cso.ie; foi@cso.ie NDP/CSF/ Evaluation Unit/Information Office 3rd Floor Fredrick Buildings South Fredrick Street Dublin 2 Maureen Bird 01 6045331 01 6046334 evaluation@csfunits.gov.ie National Standards Authority of Ireland Glasnevin Dublin 9 Gwen Thornberry 01 8072800 01 8073961 Gwen.Thornberry@nsai.ie

National Museum of Ireland Collins Barracks Benburb St. Dublin Mary Dowling (Temporary) 01 6486485 01 6777489 mdowling@museum.ie

National Treatment Purchase Fund Asford Hse, Tara St, Dublin 2 Fiona Walsh 01 6427101/1890 720 820 01 6427102 fiona.walsh@ntpf.ie

National Qualifications Authority of Ireland 5th Floor, Jervis Hse, Jervis St, Dublin 1 Eamonn Collins 01 8871520 ecollins@nqai.ie

National University of Ireland 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Magdalen O’Connell 01 4392424/23 magdalen.oconnell@nui.ie

National Roads Authority St. Martins Hse Waterloo Rd. Dublin 4 Ray Foley 01 6602511 01 6680009 rfoley@nra.ie

Office of the Appeal Commissioners for the purposes of the Tax Acts Fitzwilton House, Fitzwilton Place, Dublin 2 John O’Callaghan 01 6624530 01 6611892

National Social Work Qualifications Board 8-11 Lr.Baggot Street Dublin 2 Aoife Sweeney 01 6766281 01 6766289

Office of the Attorney General North Block, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2 Padraig McMahon 01 6616944

House Stylebook | 49 01 6761806 padraig_mcmahon@ag.irlgov.ie Office of the Censorship of Publications 13 Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2 Peggy Garvey 01 6610553 01 6610598 Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement 16 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Phil Flood 01 8585816 01 8585802 phil_flood@odce.ie

18 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2 Mary Byrne 01 6395658 01 6610570 Mary _Byrne@ombudsman.irlgov.ie Office of the Official Censor of Films 16 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2 Eileen Fitzgerald 01 6761985 01 6761898 efitzgerald@ifco.gov.ie

Office of the Ombudsman 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 Brendan O’Neill Office of the Chief Medical Officer for the Civil 01 6785222 Service 01 6610570 3rd Floor, Frederick Buildings, South Frederick brendan_oneill@ombudsman.irlgov.ie Street, Dublin 2 Dr. Ger Comiskey Office of the Ombudsman for Children (Admin 01 6045341 functions only) 01 6773649 Millennium House 52/56 Great Strand Street geraldine.comiskey@cmo.gov.ie Dublin 1 Charles Reid Office of the Chief State Solicitor 01 8656800 Little Ship St. Dublin 8 01 8747333 Gearoid Browne oco@oco.ie 01 4176100 01 4176299 Office of the Pensions Ombudsman 36 Upper Mount St, Dublin 2 Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General Joe Dempsey Treasury Block, Dublin Castle Dublin 2 01 6471652 Fergus O’Brien 01 6769577 01 6031088 joe.dempsey@pensionsombudsman.ie 01 6031010 fergus_o’brien@audgen.irlgov.ie Office of Public Works 51 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Adrienne O’Driscoll 14-16 Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2 01 6476124 Janet Buckley 01 6476485 01 6789222 adrienne.odriscoll@opw.ie 01 6610915 janet.buckley@dppireland.ie Office of the Registrar of Friendly Societies Parnell House, Parnell Square, Dublin 1 Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas William Reid Leinster House, Dublin 2 01 8045499 Brid Dunne 01 8045498 01 6183630 will_reid@entemp.ie 01 6184035 Brid.Dunne@oireachtas.ie Ordnance Survey Ireland Phoenix Park, Dublin 8 Office of the Information Commissioner Gerard Kennedy

50 | Journalism@ul 01 8025328 01 8204156 gerard.kennedy@osi.ie Office of Tobacco Control Willow Hse, Millenium Pk, Naas, Co Kildare Patricia Garland-Moloney 045 852700 045 852799 patricia.garland@otc.ie Opticians Board 18 Fitzwillam Sq, Dublin 2 Mary O’Donnell 01 6767416 01 6621051 opticiansboard@eircom.net Patents Office Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny Declan Finlay Lo-Call 1890-220222 Lo-Call 1890-220120 declan_finlay@entemp.ie

Probation and Welfare Service Smithfield Chambers, Smithfield, Dublin 7. David O Donovan 01 8733722 01 8721016 Public Appointments Service Chapter Hse, 26-30 Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1 Marie Kelly 01 8587496 01- 8779950 Marie.Kelly@publicjobs.ie Railway Procurement Agency RPA House Parkgate Street Dublin 8 Louise O’Neill 01 6463665 01 6463401 louise.oneill@rpa.ie

Registry of Deeds Land Registry, Chancery St. Dublin 7. Anne Heneghan 01 8048063 Pensions Board 01 8044144 Verschoyle House, 28/30 Lr. Mount St Street, foi@landregistry.ie Dublin 2 Rachael Gleeson Registry of Title Rules Committee 01 6131900 Land Registry, Chancery St, Dublin 7. 01 6318602 Anne Heneghan rgleeson@pensionsboard.ie 01 8048063 anne.heneghan@landregistry.ie Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland 18 Shrewsbury Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Rent Tribunal John Bryan Custom House Dublin 1 01 2184000 Tim Nuttal 01 2837678 01 8882309 John. Bryan@pharmaceuticalsociety.ie 01 8882688 tim.nuttall@environ..ie Pobal/ADM Ltd Holbrook House Holles St. Dublin 2 Revenue Commissioners Donna Creaven;Enda Doherty Cross Block Dublin Castle Dublin 2 01 2400733 Orna Richella Maguire 01 6610411 01 6748815 dcreaven@@pobal.ie 01 7024203 foi@revenue.ie; omaguire@revenue.ie Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council Abbey Moat Hse, Abbey St, Naas, Co Kildare RTE (incl DTT Network Co., RTE Music Ltd & RTE Marie Ni Mhurchú Comm. Enterprises) 045 882042 Donnybrook, Dublin 4 045 882089 Peter Feeney marie@phecc.ie 01 2083122

House Stylebook | 51 01 2083483 peter.feeney@rte.ie; foi@rte.ie Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland 3, Clonskeagh Square, Dublin 14 Dr Barbara Rafferty 01 2697766 01 2697437 brafferty@rpii.ie Science Foundation Ireland Wilton Park Hse, Wilton Place, Dublin 2 Ciara Cotter /Lisa Murphy 01 6073211 / 01 6073037 01 6073201 ciara.cotter@sfi.ie lisa.murphy@sfi.ie; foi@sfi.ie Social Welfare Appeals Office D’Olier House, D’Olier Street, Dublin 2 Bernadette Carty 01 6732828 01 6718391 swappeals@welfare.ie Social Welfare Tribunal Floor 2 Landen House Townsend Street Dublin 2 Betty O ‘Dwyer 01 6732247 01 6732285 betty.odwyer@welfare.ie Shannon Development Shannon Co. Clare Siobhán O’Connor 061 710208 061 361903 oconnors@shannondev.ie Skillnets Limited 5th Floor Q House 76 Furze Road Sandyford Dublin 18. Ian Menzies 01 2079630 01 2079631 ian.menzies@skillnets.com Children Acts Advisory Board Phoenix Hse, Block 2, 28 Conyngham Rd, Dublin 8 Claire McGuinness 01 6724123 Claire. Mcguinness@srsb.ie

Standards in Public Office Commission 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 Brian Allen 01 6785222 01 6610570 State Laboratory Backweston Complex Young’s Cross Celbridge Co Kildare Kevin Doyle 01 5057000 Sustainable Energy Ireland Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Michael McCarthy 01 - 8369080 01 - 8372848/01 8082085 Irish Horse Board Cooperative Society Teaching Council Block A, Maynooth Business Campus, Co. Kildare. Carmel Kearns 01 6517940 Carmel.kearns@teachingcouncil.ie Teagasc Mellows Centre Athenry Co. Galway Nuala King 091 845200 091 844296 Nuala.King@teagasc.ie TG4 – Seirbhísí na Gaeilge Teoranta Baile na hAbhann Co. Na Gaillmhe Mary Ellen Ni Chualain 091 505050 091 505021 mary.ni.chualain@tg4.ie Udaràs naGaeltachta Ùdaràs na Gaeltachta Na Forbacha Gaillimh. Dolores Breathnach 091 503127 091 503101 dolores.breathnach@udaras.ie Valuation Office Irish Life Centre, Abbey Street Lower,Dublin 1 Patrick Mcilwee 01 8171005 01 8171190 Paddy.McIlwee@VALOFF.IE

52 | Journalism@ul Valuation Tribunal 1st Floor, Ormonde Hse, Ormonde Quay Upper, Dublin 7 Anne Keeley 01 8728177 01 6028652 info@valuation-trib.ie

Cork City Council City Hall, Cork Noreen Mulcahy 021 4924037 021-314238 noreen_mulcahy@corkcity.ie

Veterinary Council 53 Lansdowne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Valerie Beatty 01 6684402 01 6604373 info@vci.ie

Cork County Council Corporate Affairs Floor 14 County Hall, Cork Fergal Gough 021-4285500 021-4345425 fergal.gough@corkcoco.ie

Victim Support Haliday House 32 Arran Quay Dub2 M/s Teresa O’Donoghue 01 8780870 01 8780944 info@victimsupport.ie

Donegal County Council County House, Lifford, Co. Donegal Frances Nichols 074- 9172222 074-9172028 fnichols@donegalcoco.ie

Western Development Commission Dillon house Ballaghadereen Co. Roscommon Paul Keyes 094 9861441 094 9861443 paulkeyes@wdc.ie

Dublin City Council Information Management Corporate Services Department Dublin City Council 3 Palace Street Dublin 2. Paul Dawson 01-2225088 01-2223776 foi@dublincity.ie

Councils Carlow County Council County Offices, Athy Road, Carlow. Paul Curran 059-9170386 059-9141503 pcurran@carlowcoco.ie

Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire Lynda Fox 01- 2047931 01- 2806969 lfox@dlrcoco.ie

Cavan County Council Courthouse Cavan Charlie O’Donoghoe 049- 4331799 Ext 7202 049-4361565 codonoghoe@cavancoco.ie

Fingal County Council PO Box 174 Fingal County Hall Main Street Swords Co. Dublin Brian Buckley 01-8905000 01-8905169 Brian.buckley@fingalcoco.ie

Clare County Council New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare Valerie Lyons 065-6846405 065-6828233 vlyons@clarecoco.ie

Galway City Council City Hall, College Road, Galway Ann Brett 091-536400 091-567493 annbrett@galwaycity.ie

House Stylebook | 53 Galway County Council County Buildings, Prospect Hill, Galway Geraldine Healy 091-509000 091-509010 ghealy@galwaycoco.ie Kerry County Council Aras an Chontae, Tralee, Co. Kerry Padraig Corkery. 066-7183500 066-7183611 foi@kerrycoco.ie Kildare County Council Aras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare Christine O’ Grady 045- 980200 045 980721 045-876875 foi@kildarecoco.ie Kilkenny County Council County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny Jim Gibbons 056-7752699 056-7794004 jgibbons@kilkennycoco.ie Laois County County County Hall, Portlaoise Co. Laois Josephine Kavanagh 057-8664000 057-8622313 JKavanagh@laoiscoco.ie

foi@limerickcity.ie Longford County Council Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford Mary Morrissey 043- 46231 043-41233 info@longfordcoco.ie Louth County Council Millenium Centre Dundalk Co. Louth Pauline Watters 042-9335457 042-9334549 pauline.watters@louthcoco.ie Mayo County Council Aras an Chontae, Castlebar, Co. Mayo John Mchale 094-9047307 094-9023937 mcj@mayococo.ie Meath County Council County Hall, Navan, Co. Meath Mary Maguire 046-9097015; 046-9097001 mmaguire@meathcoco.ie Monaghan County Council County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan Carmel Thornton 047-30500 047-82739 cthornto@monaghancoco.ie

Leitrim County Council Governor House Carrick-on- Shannon, Co. Leitrim Gerry Doyle Offaly County Council 071-9620005 Aras an Chontae Tullamore, Co. Offaly gdoyle@leitrimcoco.ie Marie Spain 057-9346800 Limerick County Council 057-9346868 County Hall Dooradoyle Co. Limerick mspain@offalycoco.ie Tina Knox 061-496379 Roscommon County Council 061/496003 Courthouse, Roscommon tknox@limerickcoco.ie Brian Duffy 0906-637122 Limerick City Council 0906-637108 City Hall, Limerick bduffy@roscommoncoco.ie Joe Delaney 061-407212 Sligo County Council 061-415266 County Hall Riverside, Sligo

54 | Journalism@ul Kevin Colreavy 071-9157440 071-9147119 kcolreav@sligococo.ie South Dublin County Council PO Box 4122, Town Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Mary Maguire 01-4149131 01-4149202 info@sdublincoco.ie North Tipperary County Council Court House Nenagh, Co. Tipperary Michael Delaney 067-44576 067-33134 mdelaney@northtippcoco.ie South Tipperary County Council County Hall, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary David Coleman 052-6134455 052-80422 david.coleman@southtippcoco.ie Waterford City Council City Hall, The Mall, Waterford Aideen Jacob 051-309900 051 844424 ajacob@waterfordcity.ie

foi@wexfordcoco.ie Wicklow County Council Council Offices Wicklow Joyce O Reilly Siobhán O Brien 0404 20158 0404 20112 sobrien@wicklowcoco.ie joreilly@wicklowcoco. ie Athlone Town Council Civic Offices The Crescent Athlone Co. Westmeath Ann McNamara 0902-72107 0902-72100 amcnamara@athloneudc.ie Enniscorthy Town Council UDC Offices, Market Square, Enniscorthy Padraig O Gorman 053-9233540 054-9235115 padraig.ogorman@enniscorthy.ie New Ross Town Council The Thosel, New Ross Gerard Mackey (Town Clerk) 051-421284 051-421605 townclerk@newrosstc.ie

Waterford County Council Civic Offices, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford Tess O’Brien 058-22000 058-42911 tobrien@waterfordcoco.ie

County Enterprise Boards

Westmeath County Council County Buildings, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath Hugh O’ Rielly 044-9340861 044-9342330 horielly@westmeathcoco.ie

Cavan Enterprise Board Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre, Dublin Road, Cavan Vincent Reynolds 049 4377200 info@cceb.ie

Wexford County Council County Hall, Wexford Assumpta Doyle 053 9176389 053- 9143400

Clare Enterprise Board Mill Road, Ennis, Co. Clare Pat Shannon 065 6841922

Carlow Enterprise Board Enterprise House, O’Brien Road, Carlow Kieran Comerford 059 9130880 comerfordk@carlow-ceb.com

House Stylebook | 55 pshannon@clareceb.ie Cork City Enterprise Board 1 /2, Bruach na Laoi, Union Quay, Cork Olive Guerin 021 4961828 info@corkceb.ie

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Enterprise Board Nutgrove Enterprise Centre, Nutgrove Way, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 Gabriel McWeeney 01 4948400 gabriel@dlrceb.ie

Cork North Enterprise Board Galway City & Co. Enterprise Board The Enterprise Office, 26 Davis Street, Mallow, Woodquay Court, Woodquay, Galway County Cork Charles Lynch Rochie Holohan 091 565269 022 43235 charles@galwayenterprise.ie corknent@iol.ie Kerry Enterprise Board Cork South Enterprise Board County Buildings, Tralee, Co. Kerry Unit 6a, South Ring Business Park, Kinsale Road, Martin Collins Cork 066 7183522 Joe Burke 021 4975281 kerryceb@kerrycoco.ie joe@sceb.ie Kildare Enterprise Board The Woods, Clane, Co. Kildare Cork West Enterprise Board Mary Fitpatrick Kent Street, Clonakilty, Co. Cork 045 861707 Sheelagh Hartnett mfitz@kildareceb.ie 023 34700 sheelagh@wceb.ie Kilkenny Enterprise Board Donegal Enterprise Board 42 Parliament Street, Kilkenny Enterprise Fund Business Centre, Ballyraine, Let- Fiona Deegan terkenny Co. Donegal 056 7752662 Ursula Donnelly fiona@kceb.ie 074 9160735 udonnelly@donegalenterprise.ie Laois Enterprise Board IBS House, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois Dublin City Enterprise Board Evelyn Reddin 17 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 057 866 1800 Evelyn Curly evelyn@laoisenterprise.com 01 6776068 ecurley@dceb.ie Leitrim Enterprise Board Carrick-on-Shannon Business Park, Dublin Road, Dublin Fingal Enterprise Board Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim Mainscourt, 23 Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Geraldine McMenamin Dublin 071 9620450 Anne Donaldson geraldine@leitrimenterprise.ie 01 8900800 anne@fingalceb.ie Limerick City Enterprise Board The Granary, Michael Street, Limerick Dublin South Enterprise Board Margaret Ryan 3 Village Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24 061 312611 Sean McDonald m.ryan@limceb.ie 01 4057073 sean.mcdonald@sdenterprise.ie Limerick County Enterprise Board

56 | Journalism@ul Lower Mallow Street, Limerick Christine Griffin 061 319319 chris@lcoeb.ie Longford Enterprise Board Longford Enterprise Centre, Templemichael, Ballinalee Road, Longford Michael Nevin 043 42757 info@longfordceb.ie Louth Enterprise Board Enterprise House, Partnership Court, The Ramparts, Dundalk, Co. Louth Fionnuala Rogers 042 9327099 frogers@lceb.ie Mayo Enterprise Board Mc Hale Retail Park, Mc Hale Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo Padraig McDermott 094 904 7586 pmcdermott@mayococo.ie; Meath Enterprise Board Enterprise Centre, Trim Road, Navan, Co. Meath Hugh Reilly; Caroline Lynch 046 9078400 North Tipperary Enterprise Board Connolly Street Nenagh Co Tipperary Fionnuala Devaney 067 33086 fionnuala@tnceb.ie Offaly Enterprise Board Cormac Street, Tullamore, Offaly Orla Martin 057 935 2971 info@offalyceb.ie Roscommon Enterprise Board Library Buildings, Abbey Street, Roscommon town, County Roscommon Peter Wrafter 0906 626263 pwrafter@roscommon.ie Sligo County Enterprise Board Sligo Development Centre, Cleveragh Road, Sligo Stephen Walshe

071 9144779 stephenwalshe@sligoenterprise.ie South Tipperary Enterprise Board 1 Gladstone Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Ita Horan 052 29466 ita.horan@southtippcoco.ie Waterford City Enterprise Board Enterprise House, New Street Court, New Street, Waterford Michael Barry 051 852883 mbarry@waterfordceb.com Waterford County Enterprise Board The Court House Dungarvan Co. Waterford Catherine McCarthy 058 44811 waterfordceb@cablesurf.com Westmeath Enterprise Board Church Avenue, Mullingar, Westmeath John Power 044 93 49222 jpower@westmeath-enterprise.ie Wexford Enterprise Board 16/17 Mallin Street, Cornmarket, Wexford Sean Mythen 053 9122965 sean@wexfordceb.ie Wicklow Enterprise Board 1 Main Street, Wicklow Town Louise O’Riordan 0404 67100 louise@wicklowceb.ie

Health Service Executive H.S.E. Eastern Regional Health Area C.S.D. E.R.H.A Mill Lane Palmerstown Dublin Damien Burns 01 6201600 01 6201601 damien.Burns@mails.hse.ie H.S.E.South Western (Dunlaoghaire,Dublin South City, Dublin South East, Dublin West, Wicklow)

House Stylebook | 57 Oak House Limetree Avenue Millennium Park 021 4923774 Naas 021 4923627 John Cullen evelyn.murray@hse.ie 045 880494 1890 200894 H.S.E. Western (Galway, Mayo, Roscommon) john.cullen@hse.ie Merlin Park Regional Hospital, Galway Liam Quirke H.S.E. Northern (Dublin North) 091 773838 Unit 7 Swords Business Campus Balheary Road 091 753464 Swords Co. Dublin liam.quirke@hse.ie Anne Marie Donohue 01 8908728 H.S.E.North Western (Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim) 01;8131882 Navenny St. Ballybofey Co. Donegal annmarie.donohue@hse.ie Ken Lillis 074 9189152/9189153 H.S.E. Dublin Mid Leinster (Dublin South West, 074 9130380 Kildare,West Wicklow,Laois ,Longford, Offaly, ken.lillis@hse.ie Westmeath.) Block 4 Central Business Park Clonminch Portlao- H.S.E. Mid Western (Limerick, Clare, Tipp North) ise Road Tullamore Co Offaly Customer Affairs Department 31/33 Catherine Wendy Buckley Street Limerick. 057 9357876 Sinead Kelleher 057 9357881 061 483286/483287 wendy.buckley@hse.ie 061 483350 sinead.kelleher@hse.ie H.S.E. National Lead Block 4 Central Business Park Clonminch Tullamore Co. Offaly Regional Authorities Donal Devery 057 9357610 Border Regional Authority 057 9357881 Athbara House Cavan donal.devery@hse.ie Matt Donnelly 049 4362600 H.S.E Dublin North East (Louth, Cavan, Meath 049 4372044 and Monagahan) borderregion@eircom.net FOI & DP Officer Consumer Affairs Department St. Felims Complex Cavan BMW Regional Assembly Fred Hegarty The Square Ballaghadereen Roscommon 049 4360460/049 4360462 Gerry Lavelle 049 4360494 094-9862970 fred.hegarty@hse.ie 094-986 2973 glavelle@bmwassembly.ie H.S.E. South Eastern (Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Waterford, Tipperary South) Dublin Regional Authority Administration Building Kilcreene Hosp Kilkenny 11 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Sinead Byrne Catherina Benson 056 7785553 01 8745018 056 7785549 01 8788080 sineadj.byrne@hse.ie info@dra.ie H.S.E. South (Cork, Kerry) Aras Slรกinte Wilton Road, Cork Evelyn Murray

Mid-East Regional Authority County Buildings, Station Road, Wicklow Town.

58 | Journalism@ul John Byrne 0404 66058 0404 61670 mera@eircom.net

Harriet Barlow 01-8092866 01-8092869 harrietbarlow@beaumont.ie

Midland Regional Authority Bridge Centre Bridge Street Tullamore Co. Offaly Marie Spain 0506 52996 0506 52998 mspain@midlands.ie

Cappagh Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh, Dublin 11. Gordon Dunne 01-8140446 01-8140339 gordon.dunne@cappagh.ie

Mid-West Regional Authority Friar Court Abbey St Nenagh Co. Tipperary Seamus Treacy 067 33197 067 34401 mwra@eircom.net

Central Remedial Clinic Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3. Tom Kehoe 01-8057400 01-8335496 tkehoe@crc.ie

Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly O’Connell St. Waterford Vincent Dunphy 051 860700 051 879887 vdunphy@seregassembly.ie

City of Dublin Skin & Cancer Hospital, Hume Street Hume Street, Dublin 2 Carmel McKenna 01-6766935 01-6762967

South East Regional Authority 1 Gladstone St. Clonmel Co. Tipperary Michael Moroney 052 26200 052 26512 dir@sera.ie

Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street Temple Street, Dublin 1 Paula Day 01-8784720 01-8784226 paula.day@cuh.ie

South West Regional Authority Innishmore Ballincollig Co. Cork Eoghan Allen 021 4876877 (Direct Dial 021 4878178) 021 487687 eallen@swra.ie

Coombe Women’s Hospital Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8 Siobhan Lyons 01-4085710 01-4536033 siobhanlyons@coombe.ie

West Regional Authority Woodquay Court Woodquay Galway Deirdre Moran 091 563842 091 561328 galwaycc@indigo.ie

Dublin Dental School and Hospital 20 Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 Cathy Doyle 01-6127223 01-6711255 cathy.doyle@dental.tcd.ie

Hospitals Beaumont Hospital Beaumont Road, Dublin 9

Incorporated Orthopaedic Hospital of Ireland, Clontarf Castle Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3 Gerry McCarthy 01-8332521 01-8333181

House Stylebook | 59 purhasing@ioh.ie Leopardstown Park Hospital Foxrock, Dublin 18 Ann Fitzpatrick 01-2955055 01-2955957 a.fitzpatrick@lph.ie Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Limited Eccles Street, Dublin 7 Finola Fahy 01-8032982 01-8032938 FOI@Mater.ie Mercy University Hospital Grenville Place, Cork Mary Deasy 021-4935396 021-4276341 mdeasy@muh.ie National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street Holles Street, Dublin 2 Sheila Broughan 01-6373552 01-6766623 sbroughan@nmh.ie National Rehabilitation Hospital Rochestown Avenue, Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin Paula Carroll . 01-2355330 01-2355503 paula.carroll@nrh.ie Our Lady’s Hospice Limited Harolds Cross, Dublin 6 Patricia Pierce 01-4068725 01-4068807 ppierce@olh.ie Our Lady’s Hospital For Sick Children Crumlin, Dublin 12 Brenda Ryan/Patricia O’ Brien 01-4096715 01-4096117 brenda.ryan@olhsc.ie Peamount Hospital Newcastle, Co. Dublin.

Rose Cunnane 01-6010300 01-6282306 rcunnane@peamount.ie Rotunda Hospital Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 1 Lorraine Jordan ;Orla Curran 01-8171751 01-817 6810 foi@rotunda.ie Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital Adelaide Road, Dublin 2 Mary Darragh 01-6785500 01-6761858 mary.darragh@veeh.ie@rveeh.ie Royal Hospital, Donnybrook Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Denise Heffernan 01-4066629 01-4066673 dheffernan@rhd.ie South Infirmary Victoria Hospital, Cork Old Blackrock Road, Cork Louisa Hussey 021-4926287 021-4310153 hussey.Louisa@sivh.ie St Francis Hospice, Raheny Station Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 Alison Barker 01-8327535 01-8327635 abarker@sfh.ie St James’s Hospital James Street, Dublin 8 Mary Darragh 01-4103361-4162463 01-4544768 mdarragh@stjames.ie St John’s Hospital, Limerick St John’s Square, Limerick Aileen O’Connell 061-462253 061-415231 aoconnell@stjohnshospital.ie

60 | Journalism@ul St Luke’s / St Anne’s Hospital Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 Marie Comiskey 01-4065147 01-4972941 marie.comiskey@slh.ie St. Mary’s Hospital and Residential School, Baldoyle Baldoyle, Dublin 13 Olive Johnston 01-8323056 01-8393718 St Micheal’s Hospital, Dun Laoghaire Lr.Georges Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Ian Maguire 01-6639857 01-6639858 St Patrick’s Hospice / Marymount Hospice, Cork Wellington Road, Cork Finola O’Sullivan 021-4501201 Ext.216 fosullivan@stpatricksmarymount.ie St Vincent’s, Fairview ConventAve. Richmond Road Fairview, Dublin 3 Maria Lyons 01-8842485 01-8370801 marialyons@svhf.ie St Vincent’s University Hospital Elm Park, Dublin 4 Mary Shore 01-2094985 01-2094987 m.shore@st-vincents.ie Tallaght Hospital Tallaght, Dublin 24. Catherine O’Toole 01-4142333 01-4142826 catherine.OToole@amnch.ie

Voluntary bodies Ability West (formerly Galway Co Association for

Mental Handicapped Children) Blackrock House, Salthill Galway. Eileen Costello- Conneely 091-528122 091-528150 Eileen.costello@abilitywest.ie Brothers of Charity Southern Services Lota, Glanmire, Co. Cork Dave Murphy 021-4556200 021-4821711 dmurphy@cork.brosofcharity.ie Brothers of Chariety Services, Clare 56 Cathedral Court, Limerick Road Ennis Co. Clare Ger mcLoughlin 065-6846128 065 6869769 gmcloughlin@clare.brothersofcharity.ie Brothers of Charity Services, Galway Woodlands, Renmore, Galway Margaret McDonagh 091-721400 091-721444 margaretmcdonagh@galway.brothersofcharity. ie Brothers of Charity Services, Limerick 1st Floor Blackberry Park, Ballykeeffe Dock Road Limerick Norma Bagge 061-487087 061-487099 normabagge@limerick.brothersofcharity.ie Brothers of Charity Services, Roscommon Lanesbro Street, Roscommon. Mary Hennigan 090-6628500 090-6625350 mhennigan@roscommon.brothersofcharity.ie Brothers of Charity Services, South East Belmont Park, Ferrybank Waterford. Margaret Ryan 051-833400 051-851127 margaretryan@waterford.brothersofcharity.ie Camphill Communities Castle Street Carrick-on-Suir Co Tipperary

House Stylebook | 61 Thomas Meyer 051 645400; 051-645569 thomas.dingle@camphill.ie

Block Road, Portlaoise Yvonne Nolan 057 8672400 ynolan@eircom.net

Carriglea Cairde Services Ltd (formerly Sisters of the Bon Sauveur) Carriglea, Dungarvan , Co Waterford. Mary McGrath 058-41322 058-41432 mary.mcgrath@carrigleaservices.com

Enable Ireland 32F Rosemount Pk Drive, Rosemount Business Pk, Ballycoolin Rd, Dublin 11 Finoula O’Donovan 01-8727155 01-8665222 infor@enableireland.ie

Cheeverstown House Templeogue, Dublin 6W. Fiona Brown 01-4993700 01-4905753 fbrown@cheeverstown.ie

Federation of Voluntary Bodies Oranmore Business Park, Oranmore, Galway (the national umbrella organisation for voluntary/non-statutory agencies who provide direct services to people with intellectual disability.) Caroline Looney Admin Officer 091 792316

Cheshire Ireland Block 4 Bracken Business park Bracken Road Sandyford inds. Estate Dublin 18 Niall Byrne 01-2974100 01-2052060 niall.byrne@cheshire.ie

KARE Industrial Estate Newbridge, Co. Kildare. Mary O Connor 045-431544 045-448798 mary.oconnor@kareld.com

COPE Foundation Bonnington, Montenotte, Cork. Chris Traynor 021-4507131 021-4507580 ctraynor@cope-foundation.ie

Irish Wheelchair Association Blackheath Dr. Clontarf Dublin3 Maria Luddy 01 8186400 01 8333873 maria.luddy@iwa.ie

Daughters of Charity Service Central Management St. Vincent’s, Centre, Navan Road, Dublin 7. Denis Cronin 01-8245400 01-8385496 denis.cronin@docservice.ie

Multilple Sclerosis Society of Ireland 80 Northumberland Rd Dub 4. Sharyn Long 01-6781600 01-6781601 Sharynl@ms-society.ie

Deaf Hear (FormerlyThe National Association for the Deaf) 1A Kilnap Business & Technology Park Old Mallow Road Cork Lorraine McDonald 021-4221768 021-4221795 Lorraine.mcdonald@deafhear.ie Education Support Centre - Laois

National Association for the Deaf 35 Nth Fredrick St. Dublin 1 Lorraine McDonald 01-8723800 01 8723816 nad@iol.ie National Council for the Blind of Ireland Whitworth Rd Drumcondra Dublin 9 Niamh Connolly/Fionnuala Murphy 01-8821914

62 | Journalism@ul 01 -8307787 fionnuala.murphy@ncbi.ie Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary/Muiriosa Foundation Moore Abbey, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare. Carol Burke 057-9321072 057-9352592 carol.burke@scjms.ie Sisters of La Sagesse Cregg House, Ballincar, Rosses Point Road, Sligo. Paul Egan 071-9177229 071-9177439 pegan@cregghouse.com St Anne’s Services (also formerly called Sisters of Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary) Sean Ross Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. Gillian Guest 0505-22046 0505-22525 gillian.guest@stannes.ie St. Anne’s Services, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary Sean Ross Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary Gillian Guest 0505 22046 Gillian.guest@stannes.ie St. John of Gods Hospitaller Public Services, Stillorgan (includes St. Mary of the Angels) Lucena Clinic 59 Orwell Road Rathgar Dublin 6 Lorraine Carey(She is based in the Lucena Clinic) 01 4999308 01 4925664 lorraine.carey@sjog.ie St Mary of the Angels Beauford, Co. Kerry. Kevin Ryan 064-44133 064-44302 bcounihan@stmaryoftheangels.ie St. Michael’s House Ballymun Road, Ballymun, Dublin 9. David Kenefick 01-8840207 01-8840211 david.kenefick@smh.ie

St Patrick’s Centre (Kilkenny) Ltd, Kells Road, Kilkenny (formerly Irish Sisters of Charity Services) Kells Road, Kilkenny. Claire Gannon 056-7722170 056-7751414 cgannonstpats@spckkltd.iet Stewart’s Hospital Palmerstown, Dublin 20. Joan Rapple 01-6264444 joan.rapple@stewartshospital.com Sunbeam House Services Kilarney Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Michael Noone 01-2868451 01-2760367 info@sunbeam.ie Western Care Association Pool Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo Nuala Mullins 094-9025133 094-9025207 nmullins@westerncare.com

Education Support Centres Education Support Centres - An Daingean An Chuillin, An Daingean, Co. Kerry Eibhlín Uí Lúing 066-9151866 iocdad@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Athlone Athlone Education Centre, Moydrum Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath Frank Walsh 09064-20400 info@athedcen.com Education Support Centres - Blackrock Blackrock Education Centre, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Seamus Cannon 01-2365000 bec@blackrock-edu.ie

House Stylebook | 63 Education Support Centres - Carlow Kilkenny Road, Carlow Seamus Walsh 059 35404 cec@iol.ie Education Support Centres - Carrick-on-Shannon Carrick-on-Shannon Education Centre, Marymount Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim Catherine Martin 071-9620383 071-9621471 director@carrickedcentre.ie Education Support Centres - Cavan Cavan Education Centre, Main Street, Cavan Maureen Gaffney 049-4332259 cavanedcentre@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Clare Clare Education Centre, Government Offices, Kilrush Road, Ennis, Co. Clare. Anthony Kelly 065 6845500 065 6842930 director@clare-education-centre.ie Education Support Centres - Co.Tipperary Tipperary Education Support Centre, Education Centre , Slievenamon Road Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Michelle O’Loughlin 0504 90497; 086 6008860 info@tippec.ie

Tara Sweeney 074 9723487 dglec@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Drumcondra Drumcondra, Dublin 9 Eileen O’Connor 01 8576400 director@ecdrumcondra.ie Education Support Centres - Dublin West Old Blessington Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Siobhán Kerr 01 4528000 skerr@dwec.ie Education Support Centres - Dundalk Chapel Street Dundalk Co. Louth Mr. Francis Greenan 042 9330309 teach@iol.ie Education Support Centres - Galway Cluain Mhuire Monivea Road Galway Richie Byrne 091 745602 galwayedcentre@oceanfree.net Education Support Centres - Gort a Choirce Leitir Ceanainn, Co. Donegal John Gallagher 074 9135723 inmr@eircom.net

Education Support Centres - Kildare Friary Road, Kildare Town, Co.Kildare. Education Support Centres - Connemara & Árann Dolores Hamill Ionad an Muinteoirí, Conamara & Árainn, Fch 045-530200 Muintearas, Tír an Fhia, Leitir Móir, Co. na Gail- kec.ias@eircom.net limhe. Nóirín Bhreathnach Education Support Centres - Kilkenny 091 551145 087 7916876 Seville Lodge, Callan Road, Kilkenny ionadmuinteoiriconamaraarainn@eircom.net Paul Fields 056 7760200 Education Support Centres - Cork kecdir@eircom.net; kecsec@eircom.net Cork Education Support Centre, The Rectory, Western Rd., Cork. Education Support Centres - Limerick James Mulcahy Parkway Shopping Centre, Limerick 021 4255600 Fiona Shanley office@cesc.ie 061 312360 info@lec.ie Education Support Centres - Donegal Floors 2 & 3, Pier 1, Donegal Town Education Support Centres - Mayo

64 | Journalism@ul Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo Denis O’Boyle 094 9020700 mayoedcent@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Monaghan Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan Jimmy McGeough 047 74000 info@metc.ie Education Support Centres - Navan Navan Education Centre, Athlumney, Navan Joan Shankey 046 9067040 director@ecnavan.ie Education Support Centres - Sligo Ballinode, Sligo Mary Hough 071 9138700 maryhough@esligo.ie Education Support Centres - Tarbert Comprehensive School, Tarbert, Co Kerry Padraig O Conchubhair/Catherine Ferris 087-2167949 tarbertecias@tinet.ie Education Support Centres - Tralee North Campus, Dromtacker, Tralee, Co. Kerry Caitríona Ní Chullota 066 7121488 edcentretralee@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Tuam Chapel Place Chapel Lane Tuam Mary Comer 093 25877 tuamedcentre@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Waterford Waterford Teachers Centre, Newtown Rd, Waterford Harry Knox 051 311000 051-311050 info@wtc.ie Education Support Centres - West Cork The Square, Dunmanway, Co. Cork Mary O’ Donovan

023 56756 directorwcec@eircom.net Education Support Centres - Wexford Co. Wexford Education Centre, Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Helen Kirwan 053 9239100 053 9239124 helen@ecwexford.ie

Higher education and universities Church of Ireland College of Education 96 Upper Rathmines Road Dublin 6 Tim Keating 01 4970033 01 4971932 tkeatinge@cice.ie Colaiste Mhuire Griffith Avenue Dublin 9 Gerry Gordon; Eilish Hurley 01 8057752 01 8335290 gerald@mie.ie Dublin City University Admin Building DCU Joe Maxwell 01 7007070 01 7008444 foi@dcu.ie Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) 143 – 149 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 Theresa Whelan 01 4027519 01 4027521 foi@dit.ie Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology Kill Avenue Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin Angela Brennan 01 2394947 01 2394700 Shared Fax angela.brennan@iadt.ie Froebel College of Education Sion Hill Blackrock Co, Dublin

House Stylebook | 65 Peter Kenny 01 2112025 01 2880618 peter.kenny@froebel.ie Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Dublin Rd. Galway Marie Murphy 091 753161 091 770545 marie.murphy@gmit.ie Higher Education Authority Floor 3, Marine House, Clanwilliam Court. Dublin2 Padraic Mellett 01 6612748 01 6610492 pmellett@hea.ie Institute of Technology Athlone Dublin Rd. Athlone Mary Duffy 0906 471807 0906 424417 mduffy@ait.ie Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Blanchardstown Road North, Dublin 15 Cynthia.O’Hea 01 8851000 01 8851001 Cynthia.O’Hea@itb.ie Institute of Technology Carlow Kilkenny Road Carlow Paula Butler 059 9176202 059 9170523 foi@itcarlow.ie Institute of Technology Cork Rassa Avenue Bishopstown Cork Carmel Hayes 021 4326759 021 4326710 chayes@cit.ie Institute of Technology Dundalk Dublin Road Dundalk Co. Louth Loretto Gaughran 042 9381784 042 9333505 loretto.gaughran@dkit.ie

Institute of Technology Letterkenny Port Road Letterkenny Co.Donegal Geraldine O’Donnell 074 9186042 074 9186041 geraldine.odonnell@lyit.ie Institute of Technology Limerick Moylish Park Limerick Helen Carney 061 208285 061 208300 helen.carney@lit.ie; foi@lit.ie Institute of Technology Sligo Ballinode, Sligo Marian Hargadon 071 9155388 071 9144606 hargadon.marian@itsligo.ie Institute of Technology Tallaght Tallaght Dub 24 Gwen Cassidy 01 4042144 01 4042883 Gwen.Cassidy@it-tallaght.ie; foi@it-tallaght.ie Institute of Technology Tralee Tralee Co.Kerry Brenda Clifford 066 7145694 066 7145648 brenda.clifford@staff.ittralee.ie Institute of Technology Waterford Cork Road Waterford Laura McGibney 051 302608 051 302243 foi@wit.ie Mary Immaculate College of Education South Circular Road Limerick Gary O’ Brien,Elaine Mulqueen 061 204332,061 204511 061 204567 gary.obrien@mic.ul.ie;elaine.mulqueen@mic. ul.ie Mater Dei Institute of Education Clonliffe Road Dublin 3

66 | Journalism@ul Ciarán O Rodaigh 01 8376027 01 8370776 ciaran.orodaigh@materdei.dcu.ie National College of Art and Design (NCAD) NCAD Thomas St. Dub 8 Ken Langan 01 6364210 01 6364207 langanken@cad.ie NUI Galway (UCG) University Rd. Galway. Des McSharry; Kate Thornhill 091 524411 091 750546 des.mcsharry@nuigalway.ie; kate.thornhill@mis.nuigalway.ie NUI Maynooth Maynooth Co. Kildare Ann McKeon 01 7086184 01 7086021 ann.mckeon@nuim.ie Royal Irish Academy 19 Dawson St, Dublin 2 Sara Whelan 01 6762570 s.whelan@ria.ie Royal Irish Academy of Music Westland Row, Dublin 2 Dorothy Shiel 01 6325300 dorothyshiel@riam.ie Royal College of Surgeons Freedom of Information Unit Communications Department 123 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 Tel: + 353 1 402 8610 Email: foi@rcsi.ie St Angela’s College Office of the President, St.Angela’s College Sligo. Moira Capilitan 071 9195500 071 9144585 mcapilitan@stangelas.nuigalway.ie

St. Catherine’s College of Education for Home Economics Sion Hill Blackrock Co.Dublin Ann Coyne 01 2100204 01 2880532 bursar@dna.ie St Patrick’s College of Education St. Patrick’s College Drumcondra Dublin 9 Roisín Purcell 01 8842238 01 8367613 roisín.purcell @spd.dcu.ie; foi@spd.dcu.ie Tipperary Institute Nenagh Rd. Thurles Angela Galvin 0504 28008 0504 28001 agalvin@tippinst.ie Trinity College/ University of Dublin Secretary’s Office West Theatre Trinity College Dublin 2 Sinead MacBride 01 8962154 01 6710037 sinead.macbride@tcd.ie University College Cork (NUI Cork) Western Rd Cork Michael Farrell; Catriona Martin (assistant to FOI Officer) 021 4903949 021 4903120 mfarrell@sec.ucc.ie; catriona.martin@sec.ucc.ie University College Dublin (NUI Dublin) First Floor Library Building UCD, Belfield Dublin 4 Mary Hogan 01 7167175 01 7161162 mary.hogan.@ucd.ie; foi@ucd.ie University of Limerick Freedom of Information Unit Room A1-071 University of Limerick Dr Maria Connolly 061 234393 061 234316 foi@ul.ie

House Stylebook | 67 Civil and Public Sector; and State Agency / Body Performance Verification Groups Civil Service P.V.G. Lansdowne House Lansdowne Road Dublin 4 Tony Gallagher 01 6045004 01 6682182 cspvg@finance.gov.ie Education PVG Marlborough St Dublin 1 Pat Pykett 01 8892082 01 8896560 educ_pvg@education.gov.ie Health Sector PVG Hawkins House Dublin 2 Sorcha Murray 01 6354730 01 6354001 sorcha_murray@health.gov.ie Justice PVG 72-76 Stephens Green Dublin 2 Paddy Duffy 01 6028240 01 6028598 Paddy_J._Duffy@Justice.ie Local Government Sector PVG Local Government Management Services Board Olaf House 35-37 ushers Quay Dublin 8 Chris(Ms) Gavigan 01 6099560 01 6770023 cgavigan@lgmsb.ie

Geography Counties

The island of Ireland has 32 administrative counties, with 26 in the Republic and six in Northern Ireland. The country has four provinces, Connacht, Munster, Ulster and Leinster. The capital city is Dublin. Other major cities include Galway, Limerick and Cork. In the Republic there are 34 local authorities, known as County or City Councils. The administrative capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, with Derry the second major city.

County Councils Connacht Galway Galway County Council (091) 509 000 Galway City Council (091) 536 400 Major Towns: Galway City, Athenry, Gort, Ballinasloe, Tuam, Loughrea, Headford, Clifden Mayo Mayo County Council (094) 902 4444 Major Towns: Ballina, Westport, Castlebar Sligo Sligo County Council (071) 911 1111 Major Town: Sligo Roscommon Roscommon County Council (090) 663 7100 Major Town: Roscommon Leitrim Leitrim County Council (071) 962 0005 Major town: Carrick-on-Shannon

Munster Cork Cork County Council (021) 427 6891 Cork City Council (021) 496 6222 Major Towns Cork City, Mallow, Youghal, Bandon, Bantry, Mitchelstown, Fermoy, Cobh, Carrigaline, Skibereen Kerry Kerry County Council (066) 718 3540

68 | Journalism@ul Major Towns Killarney, Kenmare, Tralee

Major Town Carlow

Tipperary North Tipperary Co Co (067) 31 771 South Tipperary Co Co (052) 613 4455 Major Towns Thurles, Nenagh, Clonmel

Kilkenny Kilkenny County Council (056) 775 2699 Major Towns Kilkenny City

Waterford Waterford City Council (051) 309 900 Waterford County Council (058) 22 000 Major Towns Waterford City, Tramore Clare Clare County Council (065) 682 1616 Major Towns Ennis, Shannon Limerick Limerick City Council (061) 407 100 Limerick County Council (061) 496 0000 Major Towns Limerick City, Adare,

Laois Laois County Council (057) 866 4000 Major Town Port Laoise Offaly Offaly County Council (057) 934 6800 Major Towns Birr, Tullamore, Edenderry Westmeath Westmeath County Council (044) 933 2000 Major Towns Mullingar, Athlone Longford Longford County Council (043) 334 6231 Major Towns Londford



Louth Louth County Council (042) 933 5457 Major Towns Drogheda, Dundalk, Ardee

Donegal Donegal County Council (074) 972 4400 Major Towns Donegal, Letterkenny

Meath Meath County Council (046) 909 7000 Major Towns Navan, Dunshaughlin,

Cavan Cavan County Council (049) 4331799 Major Towns Cavan

Dublin Dublin City Council (01) 222 2222 Fingal County Council (01) 890 5000 South Dublin County Council (01) 414 9000 Dun Laoghaire Rathdown (01) 205 4700 Major Towns Dublin City, Howth, Skerries

Monaghan Monaghan County Council (047) 30 500 Major Towns Monaghan

Wicklow Wicklow County Council (0404) 20 100 Major Towns Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Wexford Wexford County Council (053) 917 6500 Major Towns Wexford, Gorey Kildare Kildare County Council (045) 980 200 Major Towns Naas, Kildare, Newbridge Carlow Carlow County Council (059) 917 0300

Northern Ireland Antrim, Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Down, Armagh

Motorways and roads M1 Dublin to Belfast M2 Dublin to Derry (to Ashbourne) M3 Dublin to Donegal (to Navan, N3 to Monaghan) M4 Dublin to Sligo (to Mullingar, N4 continues to Sligo) M6 Dublin to Galway M7 Dublin to Limerick M8 Dublin to Cork

House Stylebook | 69 M9 M11 M18 M20 M50

Dublin to Waterford Dublin to Wexford Limerick to Galway Limerick to Cork (planned) Ring around Dublin city

land Reavy (Down); Lakes of Killarney (Kerry); Key (Roscommon); Lene (Westmeath); MacNean lower (Fermangh); Mask (Mayo); Melvin (Fermanagh, Leitrim); Nafooey (Galway); Nambrackdarrig (Kerry); Neagh (Ulster); Oughter (Cavan); Owel (Westmeath); Portmore (Antrim); Ramor (Cavan); Ree (Longford, Roscommon, WestRivers and Lakes meath); Sheelin (Westmeath and Cavan); SheevThe longest River in Ireland is the Shannon, er (Westmeath); Sillan (Cavan); Talt (Sligo); Tay 386 km. The three lakes on the Shannon are (Wicklow); Yganavan (Kerry). Lough Allen, Lough Ree and Lough Derg. Of these, Lough Derg is the largest. Other major rivers include the Liffey (Dublin) and the Lee (Cork).

Rivers in the Republic

Annalee; Aughrim ; Avoca; Avonbeg; Avonmore; Awbeg ;Bandon; Bann (Wexford); Barrow; Blackwater, Cork; Blackwater, Meath; Boyle; Boyne; Bride; Brosna; Camac; Camcor; Carrowbeg; Castletown; Cladagh; Clare (via Lough Corrib); Corrib; Cregg (via Lough Corrib); Dalua; Dargle; Deel; Derry; Dodder. Doonbeg; Drish; Erkina; Erne; Eske; Fane; Feale; Fergus; Garavogue; Goul; Gweebarra; Inny; John’s; Kings; Laune; Lee; Liffey; Little Brosna; Maigue; Moy; Nore; Owenroe; Poddle; Robe; Roughty; Shannon; Slaney; Suck; Suir; Swilly; Tar; Tolka; Vartry

Rivers in Northern Ireland

Foyle; Deele; Finn; Reelan; Mourne; Dergie; Roe; Bann; Main; Blackwater; Dun; Bush; Lagan; Farset; Quoile; Clanrye; Duff

Lakes The largest lake on the island of Ireland is Lough Neagh (Ulster) at 388sq kms. The largest lake in the Republic is Lough Corrib (200 sq kms) Lake (County) Allen (Leitrim); Ballysaggart (Tyrone); Bane (Meath); Beg (Derry, Antrim); Caragh (Kerry); Carra (Mayo); Carrowmore (Mayo); Clea (Armagh); Cloonee & Inchiquin (Kerry); Conn (Mayo); Corrib (Galway); Cullin (Mayo); Dan (Wicklow); Derg (Shannon); Derg (Ulster); Derravaragh (Westmeath); Dunlewey (Donegal); Enagh (Derry); Ennell (Westmeath); Erne, Uppr & Lwr (Fermanagh); Eske (Donegal); Feeagh (Mayo); Finn (Donegal); Gara (Sligo); Gill (Sligo); Glenveagh (Donegal); Gowna (Cavan, Longford); Gur (Limerick); Inisland (Down); Iron (Westmeath); Is-

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