1 minute read

The October Circular

Trick or Can is a tradition for the Circle K at the University of Michigan. Members look forward to it every year! Each Halloween the Hunger and Housing committee plans this service event, working tirelessly throughout the fall to put together driving routes. Circle K members then embark on a journey of service around Ann


Arbor, “trick-or-treating” for canned goods from our real-adult neighbors. Everyone dresses up and has a spooky time, and all of the food is donated to Food Gatherers, a local food bank.

The committee lock in was a great way to reconnect with members that I met last year, and to make new friends with some new members! I had a blast cookie decorating, rock-paper scissors playing, and competing with my fellow committee members. – Kate Amidon, Environment committee member

The alumni tailgate was super fun as always! It’s great to see the alums and hear all of the awesome things they have done since graduation and how CK has continued to impact their lives. And of course I enjoyed the array of bagels provided by the Historian committee because carbs are the root of joy. – Skylar Gleason, Circle K President

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