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The students from 10th, 11th and 12th grade and their families joined together on Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016 for their annual Communion Breakfast. Palm Sunday Mass was celebrated in a filled auditorium followed by a lovely breakfast in the cafeteria. Brother Kenneth introduced Kevin Becker and his parents as the guest speakers for the breakfast. Kevin suffered a major brain trauma and was in a coma for nine days. His parents were told by the doctors that he had a very small survival chance, and if he did survive, he would not be the same person as he was before the accident. The Becker Family told of the miracle they believed was delivered through the Novena to Blessed Pier Georgio Frassati that helped Kevin make a full recovery from the accident. Kevin said the greatest thing he learned from all this was to “never doubt the power of God.” Below: BROTHER KENNETH with the BECKER FAMILY; Eucharistic Minister GRACE KRONENBERG ’16 distributes palms at Mass.

On Sunday, March 13th the students in grade 6 through 9 and their families were invited to the annual Communion Breakfast. The morning began with a Mass celebrated in the auditorium, followed by the breakfast in the cafeteria. At the end of breakfast Brother Kenneth introduced the guest speaker, MS. VICTORIA RUVOLO. Ms. Ruvolo was the victim of a horrific teenage prank. A group of teenage boys threw a 20 pound turkey through the windshield of Ms. Ruvolo’s car, causing life-threatening injuries. In the spirit of the Year of Mercy, Ms. Ruvolo spoke about her ability to forgive; she also explained how she asked the court to show “mercy” to the young man who was responsible. “Forgiving him helped me move on,” she explained. Above: Ms. Victoria Ruvolo shares her powerful story; the family of SERGIO ARREAGA ’19 with BROTHER MICHAEL and BROTHER JAMES enjoy the Communion Breakfast.


Before the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday, Kellenberg gets into the spirit of “Fat Tuesday,” or Mardi Gras, with a huge celebration. During the lunch periods students dress up in traditional Mardi Gras costumes and hand out candy to all the students on their way to lunch. It is a fun Christian tradition of one “last hurrah” before the traditional fasting that takes place during Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season for all Catholics. The Kellenberg community throughout the day gathered in the Auditorium for a prayer service led by Father Thomas, and then received ashes. Ash Wednesday is a day for fasting beginning our preparation for Easter. We are reminded of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert. Above: BROTHER MICHAEL distributes ashes during the Lenten Prayer Service.

On Friday, March 11th, Kellenberg students in the Latin School were invited to a special evening to take time out during Lent to look at and grow closer in their relationship with God. The students started the evening with snacks, then watched videos and took part in skits about God and their relationships. Before sitting down to dinner in the cafeteria, they played games on the field with the teachers. A er dinner the students were directed into the auditorium for Eucharistic Adoration. The XLT Band set the tone for the students as they entered and Father Thomas led the Adoration.


On Sunday, April 17, 2016 the KMHS Alumni Parents Association celebrated its 20th year. KAPA provides a special opportunity for the parents of alumni of Kellenberg to maintain their connection with the school even a er their sons or daughters have graduated. Since this is the 20th year of KAPA, a Mass and brunch were held in the Kellenberg cafeteria to mark the milestone. Right: The Mass to celebrate the special anniversary of KAPA was celebrated by DEACON JOHN FORD, KAPA Moderator FATHER ALBERT BERTONI, and FATHER PHILIP EICHNER.


While the Seniors were busy in Disney, on Saturday, May 7th their parents were invited to a Cocktail Social welcoming them to the Kellenberg Alumni Parents Association. As a special treat, the students and chaperones made a video with highlights from Disney and a special “Thank You” message for their parents. Le : MARY LOU and ROBERT RUESCHER join KAREN and MICHAELSIMONS for a wonderful night to celebrate their graduating seniors and the next phase in their relationship with Kellenberg; KIM and RUSSELLWEISSHEIER and MICHAEL and EILEENSAPRAICONE take some time to recall all they have been part of at Kellenberg over the years.


The members of KAPA were joined by some residents of the Meadows to enjoy a Night at the Races on April 30th. The event was held in the school cafeteria and included a sports dinner, 10 video races, and dessert. Traditional hot dogs were also served between the races. It was an enjoyable evening shared by many with good friends and fun. This year also marks the end of KATHY and TONY PATERNOSTRO’S 10 year term, which included two years as Board Presidents, and eight years on the Past President’s Council. A huge “Thank You” to them for all their hard work and dedication over the years. Right: MARION SAMSON, LIZ BOYLAN and MILDRED CASTANEDA are decked out in their traditional Race Day hats, ready to sell some raffles.



This spring, the members of the Senior class participated in the Senior Transitions Program here at Kellenberg. Senior Transitions, a program developed a few years ago, allows the seniors to attend lectures about making informed choices in real world scenarios. The three sessions of the Senior Transitions program include talks about money and finances, their rights in the legal system, and the dangers of substance abuse. Below: Attorney MR. RICHARD KERINS, ESQ. with Kellenberg Memorial High School seniors.

On May 3rd, the Junior Class took part in the annual Career Night. Each spring, Father Albert Bertoni invites numerous alumni and parents from different fields to provide the juniors with an overview about different careers and fields to pursue. The juniors have an opportunity to sit in on three different sessions, listen to the speaker and then ask questions. This year’s program featured different 37 speakers, of which 31 were KMHS alumni. Below: KERRY (JOHNSON) CLOUGHEN ‘04 - Video Production; STEPHANIE (PIERCE) MINERO ’04 - Forensic Science; STEPHEN HIGGINS ’92 - Advertising; MAJOR VINCENT DUENAS ’01 - United States Army

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