for her back injury sustained in the work accident.
Williams v. Healthcare Cosmetology Services, Inc. OJCC Case No. 20-013230RLD (FL.Off.Judge.Comp.Cl. November 17, 2021)
By way of background, the Claimant worked for the Insured as a nail tech who did hair and nails. On the date of accident, the Claimant was working sitting in a chair preparing for her next customer who was scheduled for a manicure and
pedicure. The customer got off of an electric
There can be no basis for appointment of an
scooter to sit down in a chair, but her attendant
Expert Medical Advisor (EMA) where a party
turned the scooter on causing it to jump forward
fails to list witnesses/exhibits it is relying
and strike the Claimant. The scooter was then
upon to create a medical conflict that satisfies
turned off and pulled away from the Claimant,
but the attendant again turned it on and it jumped
to the chair.
On November 17, 2021, JCC Dietz issued a
After about one (1) year of treatment, the
Final Compensation Order with regard to the
Employer/Carrier denied the Claimant’s request
Claimant’s request for continued medical care
for continued treatment based upon the Claimant
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forward, landing on the Claimant and pinning her