1 minute read
Further reading and links
Local resources
Wodonga Urban Landcare Network Local Landcare groups, workshops and information wodongalandcare.org.au
Gardens for Wildlife Albury-Wodonga (Facebook page) facebook.com/G4WAW Albury Conservation Company
Parklands Albury Wodonga
Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare plant database. Local native plants information
Euroa Arboretum Great information about native plants and wildlife notes euroaarboretum.com.au/catalogue
Local sustainable living events and groups
Or participate in backyard wildlife surveys such as the Aussie Backyard Bird Count (aussiebirdcount.org.au), Wild Pollinator Count (wildpollinatorcount.com) and Frog ID week (frogid.net.au).
Gardening with bushfires in mind
The CFAs Landscaping for Bushfire: Garden Design and Plant Selection provides information on garden design and plant selection which can be used for new or existing gardens in bushfire prone areas.
cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/ landscaping
Australian Plant Society Victoria – Fire Resistant Plants
Become a citizen scientist Gardening books
You might like to record your wildlife observations. The iNaturalist platform helps you to share your observations, see sightings near you and have your records added to the national biodiversity database for use by others including scientists. Find
out more at inaturalist.ala.org.au
Habitat Gardening- A practical guide to creating a wildlife-friendly Australian garden. By A.B. Bishop
Creating an Australian Garden. By Angus Stewart Garden pests, diseases and good bugs. By Denis Crawford