The incredibles final

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By: Kelly Ge

ntry Fig. 2

Introduction The Parr family is also known as the incredibles, a family with various superhero abilities. They are considered a nuclear family, consisting of Bob (the father), Helen (the mother), Violet (oldest daughter), Dashiell (middle son), and Jack jack (the youngest son). Bob and Helen are married, living in the same house as heterosexual partners raising their 3 biological children, making them a nuclear family. Dash has the condition ADHD, which has put a strain and stress on the whole family. Dash has been acting out in school which in turn causes martial conflicts because of conflicting parenting styles. The other children are also feeling the tension this condition is conflicting on the entire family. An opportunity for Bob to relive his glory superhero days arrises right around the time of a mid-ife crisis. He never truely gave up the desire for fighting crime and going out on missions like he and his wife did before they decided to settle down and raise a family. Bob does not tell Helen which causes him to have to sneak around. Helen is suspicius and before you know it the whole family is on a mission together where they are forced to work together reveal some family strengths.

Characters Bob Parr aka Mr. Incredible Bob is the father of the incredibles family. He used to fight crimes as a superhero in his younger days when he met his wife. Once he got married he retired being a superhero and got a boring office job that he was not fond of. He is now in the generativity vs. stagnation erikson’s stage of development. He is struggling in this stage with the happiness of settling down and raising his family. He wants to take some risks and be adventurous so when an opportunity came along for him to dive into the superhero business, he immediately jumped on the opportunity to relive his glory days. This ultimately affects his whole family by having them come along and risk their lives.

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Helen Parr aka Elastigirl Helen is the mother of the family and used to fight crimes as the superhero elastigirl. She feel in love with Bob and they got married. Once they were married and had kids, Helen became a stay at home mother of three. She started getting suspicious of her husband acting strange and started investigating. Helen ultimately found out he was going on a mission and went to go help. She is also in erikson’s generativity vs. stagnation stage and is seeking some adventure and change from the normal routine. Helen struggles with the stress of taking care of the kids and making sure all their needs are met.

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Violet Parr Fig. 7 Violet Parr is a 14 year old girl that is struggling with fitting in at school and talking to boys. Violet is in Erikson’s stage ego identity vs. role confusion. She is very shy and is struggling to find her identity. Her lack of cofidence proves to be a stress for the family on their mission because her power is a protective covering over herself and others. When she is not focused and confident, she cannot perform this task, which is a problem if her family is counting on her. After some time of struggling, she gains her cofidence in a time of great stress and is able to protect her family.

Jack Jack Parr Jack Jack is the youngest Parr member and is the comic relief of the family. There is no tension between any members and him. He is in the trust vs. mistrust stage of development. He seems to be progressing nicely through this stage and trusting his family.

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Dashiell Parr Dashiell Parr aka Dash is 10 years old and is in the Erkison’s stage industry vs. inferiority. He continuously tries to prove his compentency through winning at his track events or pulling pranks on teachers. His parents are conflicted on whether to allow him to use his super abilities to excel or to just blend in with the crowd. Dash has ADHD, and has beviors such as hyperactivity, inattentiveness, impulsiveness. He is the trouble maker in the family and likes to be the center of attention. He is very intense and likes to take control of the siblings.

Condition Challenges ●

AHDH ○ Defined as the “inability of a person to control behabiors requiring sustained attention” (ATI, 2013, pg 269) ○ Behaviors that are considered ADHD characteristic include inattentiveness, impulsity, and hyperactivity. Dash exhibits all three behaviors. ○ He jumps around to different topics at home and at school, he impulsively pulls pranks on teachers and speaks his mind wihtout a though beforehand. His actions and words are impulsive. Dash also is hyperactive at school and home. He is constantly moving around and will not calm down. ○ This behavior creates conflict between the two parents because they have different ways of handling and parenting Dash. ○ The tension between the parents snowballs down to the other children and creates a negative environment for them to develop. Since the attention is on Dash, it makes it hard for the other kids to recieve the proper attention from the parents. ○ Studies “suggest that parents of children with a diagnosis of ADHD have more difficulties maintaining family organization and cohesiveness regardless of available resources and economic status” (Foley, 2011). The mission ○ The life threatening crisis that the family finds themself in really tests their ability to work together to achieve the goal of completing the mission. There was a lot of tension between the parents because Bob did not know the whole family came along and Helen was upset that Bob went off without telling her and lying about where he was. Mid- Life Crisis ○ Bob is bored at his job and recieves a chance to liven up his life and in turn causes chaos for the entire family. Communication Weaknesses ○ The family is lacking good verbal communication. They are not honest with each other ○ They do not actively listen to one another effectively, but rather talk over each other. ○ They make non-verbal judgemental looks at each other that make the enviornment not safe to openely communicate with each other.


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They sit down at the table and eat together, creating family time to talk and listen to each other. They have respect for one another When a crisis happens, they protect each other and are willing to sacrifice to help one another.

Culture The family lives in a culture that does not accept Superheros revealing their powers to the public. This makes it very difficult for the family to be who they are and Feel accepted. They feel as if they are hiding.

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Religion The family is atheist and do not incorporate religion into their lives.

They have humor in their family time and have play activities. The children are involved in extracurricular activities that help behavior. They trust one another with their lives

Bioecological Theory Applied What affects me?!

Fig. 1

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laboreexperience et doloreand magna Microsystem - A setting in which individuals creat aaliqua. day-to-day reality. EX: Dash’s siblings Violet and Jack Jack, his parents Bob and Helen, his home, his track team. Mesosystem - The relationships among major microsystems in which the individual actively participates. EX: His school interacting and calling his parents about behavior, his parents fighting about parenting styles regarding his behavior. Exosystem - External enviornments that influence the individual indirectly. EX: His parent’s friend’s Frozone and Edna, Bob’s stressful job. Marcosystem - Broad cultural attitudes, ideologies, or belief systems that influence institutional enviornments within a particular culture in which the individual lives in. EX: The laws that ban superheros, the culture that dislikes superheros. Chronosystem - Time related context where changes occur over time and have an effect on the other four systems of development. EX: Major disasters that happened in superhero fighting.

Interventions Improve familial communication by using effective communication skill. Communication”is how people create, share, and regulate meanings of complex experiences in relations” (Denham, 2016, pg, 74). “Effective communication happens when questions are asked,informationis givenand understood,and comfort is provided”(Dehman, 2016, pg 74). The incredibles family will greatly benefit from effective communication because this will strengthen their bonds and move towards being a health family. This will help all members feel as if they are being heard and cared for. Role playing during a family therapy session will ease tension when initating this intervention for the first couple of times. Having a professional with the family to help guide the family will ensure the proper communication skills. Implement a behavior modification and medication therapy for Dash to improve his behavior related to his ADHD. The family will meet with a health care professional to evaluate the ratio and dose of medication for Dash. The parents and Dash will also implement behavior modifications. Behavior parenting therapy programs are composed of weekly training sessions either in groups or with individual parents; each session focuses on an aspect of an operant conditioning method (Antshel & Barkley, 2008). One aspect of the program consists of “restructuring the child’s tasks (e.g., including more interesting task supplies, reducing work quotas, changing the sequence of work)” (Foley, 2011). Another consists of “manipulating the form of consequences of the child’s behavior (e.g., tokens, positive attention, praise, punishment, less attention)” (Foley, 2011). The results of this study reveal that a combination of behavior modification and medication showed the most improvement in ADHD symptoms (Foley, 2011). Incorporating physical activity, adventures, and excitement into their everyday lives will help Dash’s behavior, and help avoid another one of Bob’s mid-life crisis. The activity will help relase some of dash’s energy. The excitement will help the family connect on their superhero level and need for some thrill. It will also elimate the need for Bob to go on undercover missions without the family knowing. Bob not hiding from his family anymore will rekindle and strengthen the family dynamic. An example of an activity the family can partake in would be hiking. It is outdoors as well as very exciting, dangerous, thrilling, and physically challenging. This would be perfect for the family to spend quality time with one another as well as helping the superhero itch. A recent study shows that “green outdoor settings appear to reduce ADHD symptoms in children across a wide range of individual, residential, and case characteristics” (Kuo & Taylor, 2004).

The Problem: The incredibles family is a superhero family trying to cope with raising a child with ADHD in a superhero banned environment.

Outcomes The incredibles are now effectively communicating after four family therapy sessions that consisted of role playing and practicing effective communication and listening skills. The whole family participated and learned to not talk over each other, but rather to let one person talk at a time. After they were finished talking the listener processed the information and responded therapeutically. Both parents and Dash are attending a weekly class that works on behavior modifications. Bob, Helen, and Dash are implementing the interventions into their daily life and seeing effective results. Dash’s attention span is improving because the tasks are more interesting to him. The parents are positively reqarding Dash with tokens that when accumulate to 10 are rewarded with video games. His pyschiatrist has also been adjusting his medication to balance out with his behavior modifications. Dash has not been getting in trouble at school and is well controlled at home after 6 months of implementing these interventions. The family is incorporating this physical activity intervention quite well. They are going on weekly quality family hikes that are strengthing their bond. Being out in nature allows for a distraction free enviornment to effectively communicatate and listen, along side incorpating time for play and humor into their family dynamic. It allows them to test their physical strength and powers without being scrutinized by the law, which fullfills their need to heigten their superpower abilities.

References ATI. (2016). Mental Health. Denham, S., Eggenberger, S., Young, P. & Krumwiede, N. (2015) Family-Focused nursing care. F.A. Davis: Philadelphia. Foley, M. (2011). A comparison of family adversity and family dysfunction in families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and families of children without ADHD. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 16(1), 39-49. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6155.2010.00269.x Kuo, F., & Taylor, A. (2004). A potential natural treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: evidence from a national study. American Journal Of Public Health, 94(9), 1580-1586. doi:10.2105/AJPH.94.9.1580 McGuinness, T. (2008). Helping parents decide on ADHD treatment for their children. Journal Of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 46(8), 23-27. doi:10.3928/02793695-20080801-08 Fig. 1 &sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi40fGs_dHSAhUFsVQKHWN1CO8Q_AUIBigB&biw=1438&bih =705#imgrc=A9aZX6rk5rvX1M:

Fig. 2

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Fig. 10 &tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAkeTP7MLSAhXJxFQKHYBnAGoQ_AUIBygC#q=dash+parr&tb m=isch&tbs=rimg:CWoa7w5oRc-AIjibPI0c5GtEMkdcWNyqEVlv61Njj6C2dMXZEuXWtX79td9sEAwn ewWhNGUYSAZKdLAmjplMa5tCqyoSCZs8jRzka0QyEQxvbD8-ogzQKhIJR1xY3KoRWW8RQ9zTDn HJ_1_1kqEgnrU2OPoLZ0xRHDxitwmsG-fyoSCdkS5da1fv21EYDhKqpKUownKhIJ32wQDCd7BaERV WVwmmyKhGcqEgk0ZRhIBkp0sBGLB2TqdOpc5yoSCSaOmUxrm0KrEVrjuwD7a6Ms&*&imgrc=61 Njj6C2dMVdrM:

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