5 minute read
As women, we are beginning to understand how we have been suppressed, Oprah’s and controlled by a patriarchal dominated world. As we step into our newfound voices, there are so many areas that we find pushback and new levels of controlling efforts. Unfortunately, some of the pushback comes from fellow women. Su, so how do we recognize our own behaviors that are in need of change and creatively craft a supportive sisterhood?
Many of us have held jobs, where we were not only stifled by the powers that be, usually men, but also bye the women we work with. Work place cattiness is well known and often written off. We say, “that’s just how working in an office full of women is. “ What does it have to be? If we have begun to recognize her own power, why, as women, would we not want to help give other women a chance at growing into theirs, as well?
In reading about, and researching how the patriarch has shaped our culture and our mindset, it stands to reason that women would be fearful of losing whatever credibility they have. We are taught to be quiet, behave, and keep our nose down as others take credit for our work , or ignore our valid ideas and thoughts. When we see other women able to break through that, it can make us question our own validity. It’s what we’ve been taught to do for centuries. One of the few places were women have been able to powerfully make their mark, but yet or fail to be recognized either post humorously, or when they’ve made called too much noise.“ In times of war, art is the first thing that those in power go after. It is seen as dangerous to their standing and their messaging. Women artists are often detained, assaulted or disappear all together. They know the power that we have. They are deathly afraid of it. knowing this, it stands to reason of that when we use our voices and our talents, nothing can stop us uniting in solidarity, would open up the world to amazing change.
Women are inherent, nurturers and problem solver’s. We seek fairness, kindness and loving solutions. Leading into loving ways, and means to constitute change, for the betterment of humanity is our greatest hope. Instead of seeing one another competition and move outside of male, hierarchy, constructs, we can flourish, and make a world for our children and grandchildren that feel safe, loving and excepting. We are the answer.
In our daily lives, there are endless possibilities in which we can find our creative voice to begin rectify the wrongs of the world. Leading ourselves out of fear, as I’ve said many times, before, allows others who aren’t feeling quite as brave to get their feet underneath them and take a step forward . Some of us are ready to lead, while others are worn out I need her help. We can be their leg up and their teachers, mentors, and nurture’s. My first experience was leaning into my art. I had left it behind to pursue a career that I thought would make me financially stable; accounting. I was miserable and was in an office filled with people trying to control me and tear me down. My college days and early workdays had me crying almost daily and feeling like I would never be good enough. It was a toxic cycle I had entered into in order to assimilate to societal expectations. I know so many women who’ve done the same.
Ask yourself what would happen if you leaned into what gave you joy, and decided to make something of it. That something could create joy, not only for yourself, but for a world in desperate need of it. What you have to offer the world is unique and beautiful. It is necessary, so that the world may begin to heal And come back to love. If you are passionate about art, take classes or just start creating. Put it out into the world without fear or shame. There are people that need to see that and experience it so that it stirs more joy in their own souls. You could be the impetus for their own inspiration of doing something they’ve been running from, but no, they can’t live without. If you were a writer, or a poet, ask yourself what writing for 15 to 30 minutes a day would bring to your old soul? It may just be that you feel like you can actually breathe again. I know that’s how Art made me feel. This goes for any and all passions that we have. Becoming a healer, Yoga, instructor, and environmentalist, a Podcaster, or teacher. Possibilities are endless, and the universe is begging for you to please step forward it to your light and shine like the start knows that you are.
I recently listened to a podcast by Glennon Doyle & Cadence13 “we can do hard things“, where her gust spoke about, leaning into her indigenous roots and advocating for mother earth. Her talk with Glennon about her connection and all of our connections to mother earth was soul, stirring, and beautiful. it forced me to take a deep breath, stand

“Each morning, and whenever I step into my studio, I ask God to please help me be of service, and all that I do, all that I say, and all that I am.” back and look at my own impact on the world and Heard Bierman. How could I also help institute change? How could I use my own powers and passion to inspire others to help save her? Our words and actions truly matter, and we need to start taking them more seriously.
If we put our energies into how we can be a catalyst for change, moving away from fear-based talk and actions, the shift and societal energy would be palpable. Just try to imagine for a moment what that would look like not only for you, but for future generations. But our actions, words and thoughts affect seven generations prior at seven generations subsequent from our own. Harnessing that and using it for good is our super comfort.
Each morning, and whenever I step into my studio, I ask God to please help me be of service, and all that I do, all that I say, and all that I am. That I may be open to being led by letting go of my own expectations, fear And plans for something better. It is opened me up to endless possibilities of using my work for the greater good. Mary and Williamson speaks about this in a return to love. How if we each chose to be of service, all the things that we wish and hope for would come easily and abundantly. It allows you to come out of a lack mindset and into a state of flowing abundance.

As we begin to lean into our power, finding gratitude, and that which is going well for us, and the beauty around us, we again invite in more of that something better. We become catalyst for change that is positive and loving. When we see other women, struggling, inviting them in. do not gossip, work against them, belittle them, or be snarky and short with them. Instead, get curious. Ask them what it is they need to help them succeed. Then ask yourself the same thing. What is it that you need? Where is it that you feel, somethings missing and want to feel better about? Then look for people that are experts in that.
Ask them. Do not be afraid to inquire or feel as though they will think less of you for not knowing. We all need to begin somewhere. Why not start today? Surround yourself with people who know more than you. And if you were one of the people that is asked to surround another, hold them up, applaud them for their efforts and remind them that they are enough. Become available to their growth. They may become your best ally and your biggest inspiration.
Now is the time for us as a sisterhood to stand up in our light and shine. Using our voices from a place of love and compassion, grace and kindness has no choice but to be successful. We can be the answer to all the else this world.