Manor College Alumni Giving Society Newsletter - August 2012

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MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Sister Mary Cecilia Jurasinski, OSBM

It is my sincere pleasure to announce that Manor College and the Ukrainian Heritage School at the Ukrainian Cultural Center have united to award students studying Ukrainian language at the Heritage School transferable Manor College credits. Manor College entered into an Academic Partnership Agreement with the Ukrainian Heritage School to enrich educational opportunities for students attending Ukrainian Heritage School by granting qualified students college credits in Ukrainian Language Studies.

The 2012 UHS Graduating Class, (of the 22,graduates, 21 were enrolled in the Manor College Program)

Andrea Zharovsky, Ukrainian Heritage School Assistant Principal and Mary Kolodij who sits on both the Manor College Board and the Ukrainian Heritage School Board, worked with Sally Mydlowec, Manor College’s Executive Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs to craft the Academic Partnership Agreement. Under the Agreement, Manor College will award 6 academic college credits to students who satisfactorily complete Elementary Ukrainian I, 3 credits and Elementary Ukrainian II, 3 credits. Manor will provide students with an official transcript showing 6 credits earned from Manor College. It is hoped that UHS graduates will continue their college studies at Manor College. “The Ukrainian Heritage School is committed to promoting the education and cultural development of children participating in the community life of the Philadelphia Area UkrainianAmerican community. To further this goal, the Ukrainian Heritage School has been working with Manor College to encourage school age children in the Philadelphia Area Ukrainian-American community to enroll in and benefit from the educational opportunities provided by the Ukrainian Heritage School. Manor College is willing to share its educational experience and academic rigor with the Ukrainian Heritage School, as the Ukrainian Heritage School seeks to ensure the continuing quality of its academic programs.” acknowledges Andrea Zharovsky, UHS Assistant Principal. “Students who are second or third generation Ukrainian-Americans now have more opportunity to use the knowledge gained in the Ukrainian Heritage School on their visits to Ukraine, and in colleges and universities as they pursue higher levels of education.” Zharovsky concluded. Direct responses to Marialice Stanzeski, Director of Development & Alumni Relations Manor College, 700 Fox Chase Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Phone: 215-885-2360 ext. 215 Email:

Still Kids at Heart, an Alumni Reunion of the 1960’s

On June 3, 2012, graduates of Manor Junior College classes of the 1960’s joined together for a delightful afternoon reminiscing about their days at Manor. It was truly a celebration of fun times, lasting friendships and learned life-long lessons. Barbara Osinski ‘66, hosted 25 grads from classes spanning the early transformative years at Manor Junior College. We asked the alum to name their fondest Manor Memories, and there were many, but the theme running through all the memories was that the alum recognized their time at Manor Junior College as a life transforming experience. All are deeply grateful to the faculty, for the wonderful friendships and for the excellent academic foundation for further education. June 2013 Alumni Reunion planned for graduates of the classes of the 1970’s Stay tuned for more details

Direct responses to Marialice Stanzeski, Director of Development & Alumni Relations Manor College, 700 Fox Chase Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Phone: 215-885-2360 ext. 215 Email:

ACCOMPLISHED ALUMNI MAKE THE NEWS EFDA alumni Theresa Groody appointed to the PA State Board of Dentistry This spring Theresa Groody, Manor College class of 1980, was confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate and appointed in December by Governor Corbett to serve as the first Expanded Functions Dental Assistant to the State Board of Dentistry. In a recent interview with Dentistry iQ, Theresa explained that the position on the State Board of Dentistry came about because of a recent amendment to the dental law. Part of the verbiage of the amended bill included adding two new seats to the Board. Theresa submitted her name for consideration for the EFDA position and was appointed. Manor’s involvement in raising the professional status of Expanded Functions Dental Assistants within dental practices goes back decades. In 1995, Sister Cecilia worked with then Governor Casey to insure that our EFDA graduates remained certified members of dental practices in Pennsylvania. Sister Cecilia recalls “at that time, in 1993, the State Board of Dentistry proposed a regulation that would eliminate the use of EFDAs. As the Manor College EDFA Program Director, Theresa played an important role in Manor’s response and she, along with other Manor faculty and administrators, worked with our state government representatives to submit a bill that defined the scope of an EFDA’s responsibilities and mandated education and certification for all future EFDAs. The entire legal process was difficult, but success was based on the joint effort of the Pennsylvania Dental Association, and EFDAs statewide working with Manor College.” Manor is very proud of Theresa Groody, who is now an administrator at Harcum College. She was a founding member of the PA EFDA Association and is a member of the American Dental Assistants Association. Bucks County Jury Awards Large $840,000 Verdict Bucks County Courier Times reporter Laurie Mason Schroeder reported that Manor alum Attorney Carin A. O’Donnell, Manor class of 1990, successfully argued a slip-and-fall case that jury returned a verdict for $840,000.00, which will be over 1 million dollars with delay damages. Carin O’Donnell and Michael C. Ksiazek represented the plaintiff, a 41-year-old Nockamixon woman who broke her ankle when she fell down an improperly maintained ramp. As a result of the fall, she developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy, a chronic progressive neurological condition that can affect skin, muscles, joints and bones. "I am happy with the verdict," O'Donnell said. "I think the jury's verdict demonstrates the changing demographics in Bucks County, which are resulting in higher verdicts. The fact that this jury deliberated for six hours shows the willingness of jurors to take time to understand injuries and to fairly look at the facts in a case. I would like to thank this jury and all the people who show up for jury duty for their efforts." Ms. O'Donnell also works as an instructor in Civil Practice and Procedure at Manor where she educates Paralegal students in the area of civil law and procedure, and organized mock trials for her students. Direct responses to Marialice Stanzeski, Director of Development & Alumni Relations Manor College, 700 Fox Chase Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Phone: 215-885-2360 ext. 215 Email:

THE MANOR COLLEGE GUARDIAN ANGELS SOCIETY If you have remembered Manor College in your estate planning, we would be delighted to welcome you as a member of the Guardian Angel Society. The Guardian Angel Society recognizes those individuals who have chosen to support Manor College through Testamentary gifts. The Society ensures that the legacy of Manor College – and its Ukrainian heritage – lives on for generations to come. By remembering Manor College in your will, you help continue Manor’s legacy and impact students for many years to come.

Charitable Gift Annuity Manor offers a Charitable Gift Annuity where donors transfer cash or securities to the College, which in turn pays you fixed rate annuity payments for life. After your death, the balance remaining in the annuity fund is added to our endowment. The minimum investment in the Charitable Gift Annuity is $100,000. The typical annuity rates range from 9.5% to 5.0% depending upon your age.

At the same time, you also may be able to create tax advantages for you and your family. Speak to your financial advisor for details on how to make a bequest, charitable trust, or designate Manor College as a charitable beneficiary of your highly-taxed pension fund or life insurance policy. Clip card and mail in

______ Yes! Please send me information on a Manor College charitable gift annuity. ______ Send me information about including Manor College in my will. ______ I have already included Manor College in my will. Name ____________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Email_____________________________________

Direct responses to Marialice Stanzeski, Director of Development & Alumni Relations Manor College, 700 Fox Chase Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Phone: 215-885-2360 ext. 215 Email:

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