Audi Creative Brief

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creative brief

creative brief

Background Three brands - BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes - currently dominate the U.S. luxury vehicle market in terms of sales and recognition. These leaders have built their success by impressing very specific notions of what status and luxury should be in the minds of consumers. While BMW is known for its performance, it also carries an image of ambition to the point of pretension. Lexus is seen as a compromise between sporty and practical, and as a result, its drivers are viewed as too timid for a "real" performance vehicle. Maybe they covet the status more than they crave the drive itself. Mercedes-Benz carries with it a stately image, one that has perhaps grown too old to appeal to Millennial consumers. Why let your ego dictate what you should drive? And why allow luxury to quiet your connection to the road? Audi is in a position to challenge these conventions as a luxury brand that stands for something entirely different, relating to Millennial consumers in a way that is anything but outdated and contrived. What are we trying to accomplish? Redefine Audi as the luxury brand that is not afraid to show its depth, its colors, and its ability to rethink the category. Strike a chord with the target to ensure Audi makes their consideration set.

Who are we talking to? Men and women between the ages of 25 and 34 who prefer luxury vehicles. They love to drive for the way it makes them feel - and they want to support a brand that puts them in touch with that feeling. They see through the carefully constructed notions of luxury that the other luxury brands are feeding them. Our target is open to a new take on what luxury could be.



Getting behind the wheel still gives them goosebumps. They feel the rush of anticipation before they drive. To them, driving is more than a sense of empowerment. It’s the liberated feeling they get, reminiscent of that first time they were handed the keys.

The perfection of Audi’s engineering rewards the driver every time. Audi’s vehicles serve as an extension of the driver, enabling a closer connection to the road. The superior handling and responsive controls are spine-tingling, reminding the driver that Audi is a driver’s car.

They see luxury as being unapproachable. Our target describes themselves as adventurous and outgoing anything but elitist - which makes it hard to relate to brands that rely on what others think to assert themselves. They are looking for a car brand that can speak to them authentically, without pretense.

Audi has evolved past the traditional perception of luxury. Audi’s brand is forward-thinking, second-guessing conventional luxury in favor of a more light-hearted approach to the category.

Success doesn’t have to be six figures. These drivers don’t rely on social validation. Neither are they keen on using material goods to affirm their status. Success to them is not calculated and cutthroat ambition. Rather, it is more aspirational - a product of decisions made moment-bymoment.

Status is not the primary motivation to buy an Audi. The market for status symbols is cornered by the competition. Audi exists in a new territory, informed by the exhilarating feeling of being behind the wheel and sustained through positive, approachable messaging.

What is the single-most important point? Audi injects joy into the luxury category.

What personality do we want to convey for the brand? Adventurous, approachable, free-spirited.

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