MIAD Bridge

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Hope House Learn What You Can Do To Make A Difference

Bridging the Precipice How To Volunteer While Going To School

The Domes

Monumental Icons Of Milwaukee Need Help Too

November 2010 * Issue 22

letter from the editor



S e! n i l n O Read d.edu a i m . e g brid


tarting a career in college can be a scary, exciting, and new adventure for many people at any age. I was once that eager freshman and was ready to learn new ways to create and design things and enter into the world of art & design. One thing that I never knew about, was that I would have a class my Junior year that involved volunteering. I had never really volunteered myself to one specific place...just a few helping hands here and there, so I was pretty nervous about what to expect or where I would even donate my time. Through help and direction from my professor and the MIAD staff, I was able to find a placement

that fit me just right. My own experience was unforgettable! Its no wonder they can’t write down what will come out of the class in a class description! In this magazine, my goal is to set the tone for what this class and experience is about for the individuals who are new to MIAD and are interested in what this class is really all about and what you can possibly expect. You will read about a few individuals and their adventures through volunteering and even witness how the volunteering doesn’t stop once the class is over.

Happy Reading!

table of contents BRIDGING THE PRECIPICE I was skeptical as to how a small art and design school could create such a positive impact on a community the size of Milwaukee.



A home that provides outreach to individuals needing healthcare, food distribution, financial assistance, education opportunities for adults and children.



The Domes are a part of Milwaukee county parks, which oversees Milwaukee camping, golf courses, and other nature centers such as the wehr nature center and the Boerner Botanical Gardens.


5 Alumni

Reaching Beyond Milwaukee Graduates of MIAD often have a great deal of opportunity once their educational career in Milwaukee is complete.


This I Believe

Summer Camp

“Summer camp has taught me about myself, my community and the natural world around me.�


Did You Know?

Where People Volunteer

Not sure where to donate your time? Find out where people volunteer in the Milwaukee area 2007 - 2009.

20 Service

Importance of Volunteering

Artists and designers can share their talents with others, & as a side benefit they can grow as an artist and designer.


In The News

Stay Current in MIAD News MIAD involved with new local building.



Contributions Editor-in-Chief Kelly Gest Art Director Anne Ghory-Goodman Designer Kelly Gest Illustrator Mariah Holterman Copywriters Brad Hollander Lydia Jarvis Jade Watring Mark Gauge Elisabeth Hansen Molly Simmons Radke

Photography Jesse Speiss Kelly Gest Jade Watring Special Thanks Anne Ghory-Goodman Heather Nemec Kyle Haga Miranda Kube Danny Kim Leslie Fedorchuk’s Students





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Images copyright 2010 Jessie Spiess


uch is the case with Jessie Spiess, a graduate of MIAD’s photography program. After completing high school in 2004 in The Woodlands, Texas, she decided to attend Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design to obtain her bachelors degree. The culmination of her educational success came at the senior thesis show where she was awarded Best of Show. She is currently one of the featured artists at the David Barnett gallery and calls Milwaukee home. This year Jessie decided to give back to her hometown by responding to a call for entries for the 2010 Gift of Gift of Show in Houston, Texas. The event is a yearly fundraiser where emerging photographers enter their work to be sold to the community. The profits of all the sales go to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The art also gets featured in the museum. “[It’s] real people, like us, who are interested

in having a say in what emerging [artists] should be part of a museum collection,” says co-organizer Natalie Zelt. Each ticket sold includes access to the show, an open bar, snacks, and a dance party. Most importantly, each person receives three votes for the pieces of art they’d like to see displayed in their local museum. The profits from the ticket sales go toward the purchase of the winning piece and it is then donated to the museum. Organizers hope this event will continue annually and will provide benefits for patrons as well as emerging artists. Spiess’ art had success in this year’s showing. Her art was purchased and is on display at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. She is now a successful artist living in Milwaukee while still giving back to her community through her talents. This is just one example of MIAD artists reaching out to their communities here in Wisconsin as well as around the country.




I was skeptical as to how a small art and design school could create such a positive impact on a community the size of Milwaukee.

Written by: Mark Gauge


Before I began my

education in MIAD’s C ommunic at ion Desi g n

program, I often thought of the hermit lifestyle art and design schools demand.

Tedious hours of monotonous craft all the while alone in a studio buried somewhere deep in the city. While that is certainly the case for many artists and designers, MIAD demands community interaction often thought to be reserved for social workers. It is an involvement that takes the students’ views of their communities and then rattles their perceptions. More often than not, MIAD has even enlightened students that their community expands far out of their familiar suburbs and downtown boutiques. Students have begun to realize that their community is a web of many cultures, incomes and talents. Milwaukee, being one of the most culturally segregated cities in the United States, is certainly aware of its’ shattered commu-




nity and MIAD is joining in the fight to reestablish community ties. As history has proved, it is only at the precipice of a community’s struggle that a need for change is accepted by the community as a whole. However, Leslie Fedorchuk, a MIAD liberal studies professor, is determined to create a positive change before we reach the tipping point. Between 1999 to 2000 a curriculum was in the works for a class that would infuse the artist and designer into their community. In 2001, the course HS380 Service Learning was established. Of course, HS380 had to meet the requirements and expectations of a Faculty Senate Committee and an Academic Affairs Committee before it was born. Until the creation of HS380, MIAD had no student involved service requirements. In many ways, HS380 is the creation of Leslie Fedorchuk and her continued involvement in the course is a testament to her desire for

community improvement .

The course structure of HS380 is the culmination of both 35 service hours for non-for-profit organizations and a rigorous exploration into the minds of history’s most profound civic leaders including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Gandhi. Apart from a basic history lesson, Fedorchuk states that “the course has a had a positive impact on academic performance, critical thinking skills, leadership, activism and promoting an understanding of diversity and civic responsibility.” The course forces students into an involvement with places and situations that would have otherwise remained unexplored. All the while students bring back their experiences of their service hours and discuss how it impacted them and those they were performing their services for. Backed with assignments ranging from readings to peer-to-



peer discussions, HS380 has not only improved upon the students’ academic abilities but also has improved on their own conscience of moral and civic responsibility. Admittedly, I was skeptical as to how a small art and design school could create such a positive impact on a community the size of Milwaukee. My belief was that 35 hours of service and a few assignments were simply not enough for an individual to change their perception of community obligations. It took but a few class sessions to realize that HS380 is not your typical course. It is in essence a seed planted into the creative and flourishing minds of MIAD’s student body. It is a seed from which a realization that community engagement is as necessary as a diploma. It creates a desire that even after our time here at MIAD, our involvement in the community remains steadfast and in demand. Especially for artists and designers, our creativity and lust for perfection can impact a community on such a level that most individuals could never imagine. Through the use of public art, publications and purity in thought the artist/ designer can penetrate an audience that far expands even our own understanding. Art, in general, connects to masses in many individual ways. MIAD, as an art and design school, demands engaging, precise, and original work from every student. If you couple that with a desire for continued civic responsibility and a dedication to community improvement, MIAD is surely on the brink of something much larger than any artist gallery or ad agency is prepared for. Aside from the amazing talent that MIAD’s student body possesses as artists and designers, the school is unique in its’ advancements towards serving the community in which the university is proud to reside in.


As HS380 grows from its original conception in 2001,changes have been

made. For instance, more faculty members, other than Fedorchuk, have become instructors of the course, however, the basic class foundation has remained the same. MIAD’s true desire is to educate the artist and designer as a “whole” person. As expressed by Fedorchuk, “We are giving people the tools they need in a professional capacity--but in addition, tools to be participatory members of the community they find themselves in.”




believe in summer camp. My feelings about Camp are complicated and varied. I have met some of my best friends there. I have experienced some of my hardest times there. It has thrust me into new situations and thrust new responsibilities upon me. It has taught me about myself, my community and the natural world. It has given me the courage to do the things I believe are important. It has taught me the things I believe are important. It has made me who I am today. When I was eight years old, I attended summer camp for the first time. It was strange and different and I loved every second of it. You could sing and yell and play games and make crafts. You had to sleep in a tent. There was a lake. And horses. I believe that Camp made me into the person I am today. My counselors were my role models. Their multicolored hair and tank tops were banners, waving me on towards the courage, confidence and character that Camp strives to inspire. I believe the starry night sky, observed from a field far away from any cities inspires love for nature and

love for life. One year our counselors helped us celebrate everyone’s birthday by letting us sneak into the kitchen after hours to bake brownies. We spent the rest of the night resting on cots that we carried into the field, watching meteors flit across the sky. I believe that Camp invigorates the soul. I believe that cooking over a fire encourages responsibility and teaches independence. When I first mastered the art of fire building, I knew I could do more than heat up poptarts when I got home from school. I believe that growling like a polar bear and jumping into the icy lake before breakfast is better than any cup of coffee. I believe in campfires. I believe in singing before you go to bed. I believe that the friends you find at Camp are your family. I met some of my closest friends at Camp during middle school and worked with them many years later when we all applied as counselors. Now that I have been a camp counselor, I believe in running down the path after the bus to wave goodbye to all the kids a second time.




Image credit: Kelly Gest

2007 Through 2009 Hospital 10.3%

Educational 25.2%

Other 7.4% Civic 4.0% Sports/Art 3.8%

Religious 32.4% Social Service http://www.volunteeringinamerica.gov/WI/Milwaukee





What is Hope House? Hope House is an emergency and transitional living facility and a community center. It was created to provide a safe house and place to sleep in 1987. Now it provides services for homeless and low-income individuals. It provides outreach to individuals needing healthcare, food distribution, financial assistance, education opportunities for adults and children, and a youth program during the summer. Their mission is to end homeless and create healthy communities. Their values are dignity, respect, safety, justice, diversity, accountability, Compassion, integrity, and honesty. Hope House fulfills its mission by providing a long-term place to live for up to 10 families, however it reaches out to over 55 families in the surrounding communities. It also gives temporary shelter 10 single men and 12 single women. After people move into the Hope House they are given a caseworker, financial help, and all the living necessities. They are very successful at helping the families become financially stable enough to move out and be a better family provider. Some of their barriers are that funds and space can only allow for so much help of the large homeless problem in Milwaukee.

My favorite moment so far has been on my first field trip’s ride back to Milwaukee from Kohler-Andre State Park when I was asked to read to two struggling 6 or 7 year olds. I first realized how excited they were just to know someone was going to read to them, and then I realized they couldn’t even read the title of the book. I knew Milwaukee was greatly struggling with our reading levels, but this is when it hit home. I read them the book slowly one page at a time and had them point things out in the pictures and tried to sound out as many words as I could, but the fact of the matter is it would take a long time to catch them up to where they should be entering third grade. I felt so good helping them as much as I could, and I can’t wait for another long bus ride to help out more children to the best of my ability. When we went on a more recent field trip to a Roller Rink I got extremely frustrating watch the teens fly past the falling young children. Since my first day I have been troubled by the fact that they take teenagers on the same field trips as 5 year-olds, but this really showed me the difference because a 5

year-old shouldn’t be on the same roller rink as a 17 yearold. I was frustrated with the older kids lack of caring as they whizzed by me helping a child up and pretty much falling over myself. To begin I would like to quote something I read in a book titled The Impossible Will Take A Little While edited by Paul Rogat Loeb, but the excerpt I would like to focus on was written by Marian Wright Edelman. Marian proclaimed, “The great events of this world are not battles and elections and earthquakes and thunderbolts. The great events are babies, for each child comes with a message that God is not yet discouraged with humanity, but is expecting goodwill to become incarnate in each human life.” When I read this the first time through it struck me instantly, each child born is a fresh life that has no impurities put into it’s mind, it is completely un-poisoned. I have always believed that children were born pure and sinless, but it is our society and the life they are born into that may change who they become. When I read this I hadn’t started my volunteer work yet at Hope House so I



had no idea that this would hit so close to home and be a direct relation to what I am experiencing on a daily basis. When I sit down to a table of 12 to 14 year olds every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I realize that what they are learning at Hope House is going to shape their personality for the rest of their lives. When I sit down with a couple young kids to read what I think is a simple book is help teaching them to read. We tend to forget everyday when we are seeing these images of war and fighting that the children looking at these pictures they see a future that is not promising. Instead we should be focusing our money and effort in teaching them to become the future. I like to think God has enough encouragement left in the world that every child that is born is given a chance to become the best they can be, but unfortunately we are born into whatever our family’s situation is. So a family not so well prepared for a child, financially or mentally, that child might not get the best future that it could. This feels like a little bit of what I am helping with at the Hope House, these children were given choices

enough to understand the extremes of everything. The kids I work with have to deal with their parents losing their jobs all the time, getting kicked our of their homes, the “recession” to a young child means losing everything. On my first day of volunteering I sat down with a penut butter and jelly sandwich just like them, but to drink I opened a Gatorade to drink and offended a couple kids, I heard comments like “Girl, you open up that Gatorade in front of me drinking fake juice out of a cardboard box?” This was painful to me because I don’t think much of buying Gatorade when I am at the grocery store, but no one has been a voice to me ever for struggling children, so I had no idea how much it hurt them just to see me open a drink. Now, all I want to do is be a voice for these children and tell the new volunteers to be extra cautious of what they flaunt in front of them, they need to focus discussion of talk not on what fun and exciting things we did but rather what fun and exciting things they did, it always ends up being quite a difference.

so hard so young, choices that I haven’t even had to deal with, and I am only here to help them cope and make life more like a normal childhood. Normal childhood is only what you think is normal, I am sure the kids I talk to think their lives are normal compared to their other friends that they have at the Hope House, but the truth is they have done with much worse then other children of their age. This brings me to my next quote from the same author Marian Wright Edelman in the same book, she pointed out that we need to “Assign ourselves right now to be a voice for justice for children in these scary and turbulent times of war and terrorism and greed and economic uncertainty.” I am sure that this is what I am meant to do, help be a voice for children who cannot speak up for the pain and scariness they see everyday. In my life today I hear my mom speak about her worry of retirement and my Grandma listen to the expenses that come with getting older, it is turbulent times for me, but luckily I am old

As Martin Luther King said in his book A Testament of Hope children are not able to demand freedom, I took this as being freedom of poverty or racism or abuse, they are born into what they are born into. If children were given this choice when they were born I would think we would live a world of complete peace, I don’t think any child would choose to be born into poverty, or for that matter into a world filled with war. Things could be so different if we could choose the world we were born into, but since that can’t happen we, as adults just need to make sure we are always a voice for these children. And if you ever begin to ask yourself “Why should we do so much for the children in our community?” just remember these children are our future, we need to make sure they are great for the world. Overall I think that the readings were of great relation to my volunteer work, working directly with kids and knowing they are our future helped me keep

an open mind everyday and kept me from being overwhelmed. It is a challenge to work with kids that show disrespect as it will always be but I kept pushing forward everyday just knowing that I might play a small part in their future. My action plan is to get the teenagers at Hope House more involved by having them meet every Wednesday during their Teen Groups and decide what the following Monday’s field trip would be. Since a lot of our field trips are to local pools and parks this would be easy to make a decision on a weekly basis for. What led me to this idea was after my first field trip to Kohler-Andre State Park when we had the entire day planned out to revolve around the younger children. At the very end of the day one of the teens asked me why we didn’t go on a group hike or go out and observe nature. I thought instantly this was a great idea, after asking him why he didn’t bring it up he responded by saying how his voice doesn’t get heard.

Now I know as of recently that it is very hard to get the teenagers motivated, but I think the reason behind that is because they have been a part of the program for years and know the routine and know they don’t have any say in it. Just giving them more responsibility and letting them choose every now and again what they do for field trips could change all this. So whether they choose swimming or just games at the park it would be up to them and they would be able to give instruction to the younger children. This would even be helped by perhaps having a older child pared up with a younger child to become role models for each other. All around I think this would create a more solid summer program and give a new level of responsibility for the teens giving them a taste of what life is like as they get older.

15 feature MIADBRIDGE

by Jade Watring * photographed by Kelly Gest


y placement was at the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory, most commonly referred to as ‘the Domes’. As of now I have completed 25 hours of volunteer service for them. It wasn’t what I expected; I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they needed me to work for them as a graphic designer. I thought that I may feed the koi fish, or other small tasks. I met my supervisor Paula Zamiatowski, who is the head educator there. She teaches classes, performs


tours and oversees the development of the growing domes learning center (a large room designed to hold classes, mostly for kids). On our first meeting she took me on a tour. I had never been there before, and I was not prepared for it. I was amazed at how beautiful each environment was. The services the Domes provide are extensive. The Domes are a part of Milwaukee County Parks, which oversees Milwaukee camping, golf courses, and other nature centers such as the Wehr Nature Center and the Boerner Botanical Gardens. The Domes in particular have an interesting array of services. Guided tours, music and light shows (Music under Glass), band performances, five themed seasonal decorations of the show dome, educational programs. The education programs offer services to students from kindergarten to college. The discussions are appropriated tothe grade level, and last around an hour. The domes are even available for private reservations for parties and weddings. “To provide the residents of Milwaukee County and their visitors a horticultural showcase featuring five changing floral shows per year, examples of tropical and arid flora displayed as naturally as possible educational opportunities,cultural programs,horticultural information,

Mitchell Park Domes Milwaukee, WI feature MIADBRIDGE

and the protection of certain rare and endangered species” is their mission statement. (Domes Mission, Friends of the Domes). The Domes’ organizations try reaching out to the community, even with their limited staff. They only have five horticulturalists, which I found to be very surprising. From the looks of the educational programs, they care all about human’s relationship with plants and their importance to the planet. The Domes organization really tries to educate the community about the environment. All around the outside of their facility there are informational signs, and they give out informational fliers about different ways you can help the environment. The one I received from Paula was about how to start your own rain garden. Rain gardens in Wisconsin reduce the amount of polluted runoff into Lake Michigan. Apparently you can get a grant for your rain garden; the Lake Michigan Rain Gardens Initiative will award grants to certain plants intended for a rain gar-


den. That is the kind of thing that I find very interesting but would never have found out about if not for the domes. In my opinion, are they successful. Overall I think that the Domes outreach programs are successful. It really shows that their main objective is to inform people. I think that is a really noble cause. What stands in their way? The domes are pretty lax on self-­promotion. They do not get record-­breaking attendance either. I think for them to become a bigger force in the community, they need to make themselves bigger. I do not mean build another dome, although that would be cool. They need to market more. The most powerful moment is when I volunteered to hand out exotic juices at Rainforest night. It was much more fun than I expected. I was blown away at how nice everyone was. The whole spirit of the night was so good-natured. “I felt so good about being there that i knew that it wouldn’t be the last time i volunteered there at a promotional function.” One frustrating moment: the only issues that I struggled

Mitchell Park Domes Milwaukee, WI

with were involving technology and communication. The only computers in the offices at the domes were really old desktops. My supervisor was unable to open the files I sent her most of the time. I would have to send her files in all of the different formats I knew. Volunteering is like defeating the evil of neglect, by volunteering your time to the overlooked in society. The empty lot, the polluted river, the battered, the homeless, the elderly. So many citizens are content with their own worries. Content enough not to notice what is going on in their cities. We may remark at the trash in the gutters, but do we ever stop to pick anything up? Hasn’t each of us negligently added trash to those gutters? And occasionally we may offer a coin to a jar promising the money to someone in need, but that’s usually as personal as it gets. My action plan started out as a plan to improve the way the domes look on the inside. It looks like they have the same interior decoration as they did in the sixties. My idea was that if they updated their interior, they would be more appealing as a fun contemporary place to go and attend-

al Botanic



d Re

ance may rise. My other issue I addressed was the fact that after each seasonal show in the show dome, they throw away hundreds of plants. They simply do not have the manpower to sell or distribute the flowers themselves. My new action plan is to propose they enlist the help of a volunteer organization to give away those flowers. It would be great to see those flowers at a daycare, or retirement home. Flowers really have a way to brighten someone’s day, no matter how trite that sounds. Just talk to the people who go to the domes-­‐ plants are what beautifies the world. My idea is to ask a local church volunteer organization near the Domes ( Ascension Lutheran church, Lutheran church-­ECLA, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, all on Layton Boulevard). The labor could be done with 2-­3 volunteers and a pickup truck. Of course, agencies will be called to find out which are interested in receiving free healthy flowers. It may seem like a small task, but I really do believe small things like giving away flowers can make so much good.



l Dome



IMPORTANCE OF Artists and designers can share their talents with others, & as a side benefit they can grow as an artist and designer MOLLY SIMMONS RADKE


hat is service and why is it important for Artists and Designers? What is service? Why is it important? How could sharing your talents help others? Why should artists and designers do service? Well, there is no simple answer to any of those questions. People chose to do community service for a number of different reasons. Some people volunteer to build their own self-esteem, to make themselves feel better, or to feel needed, or to feel that they have a place in this world. Others do service because they truly feel like they are making a contribution to society, making the world a little better place. And others may do community service because at one time they remember what it was like to need the help of someone else, and so now they want to give



something back to people who are in that position of need. It is important for you to know what kind of service you want to do, and why you want to do it. There are many ways in which people can get involved in service in the community. Artists and designers can do service in the community in which they live, perhaps working at a community center teaching classes, or helping the city commerce committee with some design/logo work. Artists and designers can share their talents with others, and as a side benefit they can grow as an artist and designer, they can gain experience with each project. Doing service in one’s own community can help keep an artist in touch with their community; it can help an artist to better know the area they live

in and to get a better knowledge of what is important to the community and the people who live there. Another side benefit of knowing one’s community better is that you may gain a sense of knowing one’s audience better. The other advantage of getting involved in ones own community is the networking component; by meeting new people who may have business for you on another/professional level. Directing your creative energy to help someone or a group; how could what you’re doing help others & help yourself as well? Taking time away from your work and for yourself will help recharge you, and clear your head. Doing art/design as service work may force you to try something new and different that could actually help your professional work in the end.

Where one does their service can be art related or non-art related, so some artist/ designers may choose to get a break from their everyday activities and try something completely different. It may be more rewarding to try something that is challenging (and different than art); there are so many good organizations that just need good hearted people to lend a hand. At MIAD all students are required to take a service class, and complete 40 hours of service. Each student is given choices of the place in which they want to complete their service hours, and where they think they will learn the most during the course of the semester. Many wonder why do we have to do service? How does this relate to my

major? I think the service hours we complete are valuable to both us and to the service organizations, the organizations get the much-needed help and we get experience. We gain in broadening the scope of work we do while students studying a specific course path; when we do service at non-profits we see that there are organizations that can benefit from our talents and skills (and we get the realization that not all design work has to be commercial). The main thing to keep in mind when starting any volunteer service is to know the mission/purpose of the organization one will be helping. If their mission inspires you to get involved it will be a much more meaningful fit for both parties. You also have to be realistic in your and their

expectations: about the actual time commitment, and the amount of work needed to be accomplished. Know your own limitations; don’t commit to do more than you have time to accomplish, or promise things that you are not able to finish. Doing service shouldn’t burn you out, but should give you satisfaction. One other thing to do to make a service project successful is to reflect on the experience, to take time to appreciate the opportunity to do something good with your talents. Each experience can add to a person’s character, and each experience helps to make us who we are. If we do good things for others, good things can happen in return. Remember, any contributions you make big or small will be beneficial; you can get as much out of the experience as you put into it.


NEXT URBAN ECOLOGY CENTER COMING TO MILWAUKEE’S MENOMONEE VALLEY Published: November 2, 2010 The Daily Reporter By Keith Barber


fter showing success in two other areas of the city, the Urban Ecology Center has decided to construct a new facility in Milwaukee’s Menomonee Valley. The Urban Ecology Center is a private nonprofit environmental education and community center. It was founded by local citizens in response to an increasing crime rate in and around Riverside Part in Milwaukee. Using the center as their base, citizens have curbed area crime by using the park and center on a regular basis. The center offers space for community education programs to better the environment. In 2007, a second center opened in Washington Park on the city’s near west side with the same success. After many requests from south

side residents, and after a feasibility study, the Urban Ecology Center partnered with Menomonee Valley Partners Inc., and agreed to provide another center in the Menomonee Valley at the trailhead of the Hank Aaron State Park. A rendering of the future Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee’s Menomonee Valley. An old tavern was purchased in

2009, and will be renovated and expanded with plans prepared by Uihlein Wilson Architects, Milwaukee. Students from the University of Wisconsin and Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design contributed in design efforts. Construction will be performed by Berghammer Corp., Butler. The branch is expected to open in fall 2012. Keith Barber is a data reporter at The Daily Reporter. He can be reached at (414) 225-1821.



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