4 minute read
By Dr. Ben Graham, Senior Pastor Music City Baptist Church President – Graham Family Films
The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:12 "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." There are three prevalent aspects that have helped to shape and sustain America as the greatest nation that exists today and they are Faith, Family, and Freedom. Never before have they been under greater assault than they are now. President Trump was voted as the 45th president to lead our country back toward the very precepts that built this nation as a beacon of hope in a world of chaos and confusion.
While many reasons brought people to this land, one of the great driving desires was to be able to express their faith in, and worship of God without fear of government overreach by trying to force a state religion on its people, rather to allow its citizens to follow soul conscience according to the dictates of Divine Scriptures. The great Judaeo-Christian precepts that led our founding fathers in the framing of our Constitution, make it clear that our Creator had guided them to establish this great nation. President Trump has been strong in promoting the cause of freedom of religion here and abroad. He has recognized that no nation will ever be great when the exercise of Faith in God is viewed as unnecessary or infringed upon. Our founders were not afraid to acknowledge the absolute existence and involvement of Almighty God in bringing this nation together and President Trump has expressed his assurance that the hand of God is still essential in the preservation of this great land. The freedom of religion is at the very core of the rights protected by our constitution, and there has never been a time when our nation more desperately needed a true revival of faith in God than we do today. I am personally thankful to have as our President, Donald Trump, who recognizes the importance of the Bible to our society and desires to preserve the freedoms to express our faith in our Christ!
The importance of the family to have and enjoy a great nation is also extremely vital to our success as a country. We must be vigilant to promote to our children an education that involves a knowledge of our history, both in success and failure, to embrace that which brought us greatness and refuse to repeat that which caused great harm. We will not develop strong families by ignoring the fact that traditional family values helped forge this great country and the demise of our homes has led to many of the conflicts and challenges we currently face. We must impart values that strengthen the homes of our people. We are living in a time when many have entrusted their children into institutions of higher learning, only g

to find those whose salaries are paid by the taxes and tuition of parents are constantly assaulting the core values of this country by promoting socialism and secularism. President Trump understands how we can succeed as a country by innovation, proper education and true appreciation of family by encouraging principles that prepare the next generation to continue in the pursuit of building on the foundation of American values, and to protect our future generations from those who seek to destroy our families. The freedoms we are blessed with in America are so wonderful, and yet freedom comes with a great price. Some have mistakenly thought freedom is the right to do whatever they want. But that would lead to anarchy and mayhem. With Freedom there is great responsibility that includes following the rule of law. President Trump has recognized the great freedoms we have enjoyed as a nation for over 240 years and the tremendous sacrifices paid by those who came before us. He has endured criticism and constant attack, it seems in every direction, yet his resolve to make and keep America great continues on because the cause of freedom is greater than any one person, it affects us all. But the resolve of one man to stand for freedom can serve to encourage many to stand, and together we can make a difference in these challenging times. Our freedom as a nation is at stake and now is not the time to have a leader who is unsure on what they will do. We need a President who will take the bold, fierce, and necessary steps to preserve the very freedoms our founding fathers risked their lives for. Let's join our President and together through our Faith, and with our Families, let's do all we can to ensure our Freedoms, and keep America the great nation that symbolizes Freedom for all.