Trend journal

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Trend Journal:

Bag Edition

Kelly Mu r phy Fall 2 017 Goodwin


bags S o n i a Ryk i el ; Ver s a c e

Entry No.1

Octobe r 5, 2017

Parisa Wang

T he mi c ro b a g : yo ur ave r a g e l i ttl e pur se with t he twi st o f having i t l oo k l ike i t’s be e n s hrunk i n t he wash. Thi s trend rec a l l s the d ay s o f the early 20 0 0 ’ s wi th Pari s Hi lton clutching a n impr actically small pur s e, pa ired with a terrif ied l ooking Chihua hua. T hese m icro b ags act a s a b eacon for exclus ivity over funct i o nal i t y a nd have grown to pos s es s a cu l t following of th eir own. The i mag e o n the lef t glorif ies m icro b ag s f ro m D e l p o zo , M a rk Cros s , a nd Rocha s whi l e t he l i t t l e bl u e b ag on the right is the cre at i o n o f Pari sa Wa ng.

runway style

The micro bag stems from the result of Resort 2018 Accessories Trend as seen on WWD. Vogue has declared this trend to be one of the best bags of Fall-Winter 2017/2018 with micro bags striking the runway coming from Lanvin, Coach, Mulberry, and Valentino. Though the designs vary in style, each possess the criterion for a micro bag through their incredibly cute, yet impractical design. A common trait shared among the micro bags of the runway is the exercise of a cross body strap, though some designers, such as Mulberry, have opted for the wristlet.

La nvin

C o ach

Va l en t i n o

M u l b er r y

street style The micro bag has hit the streets, adorning fashion influencers from celebrities such as Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner to digital fashion moguls Miroslava Duma and Veronika Heilbrunner. These fashion influencers have been bringing attention to the micro bag at events ranging from Paris Fashion Week to a simple lunch date. However, the question remains, what are they actually able to fit in this teeny tiny bag? A lipstick? One quarter? Or is this merely a statement piece? One thing is definite, this trend is only just beginning and many will follow with this exclusivity over functionality craze.

M i ro sl ava D u m a ; Her m es

Vero n i k a Hei l b r u n n er

G i g i H ad i d ; Fen d i

Kendall Jenner;Louis Vuit ton


Fu rl a, Bu rbe rr y

Straw bags K ay u , Bu j i Ba j a , I nd e g o A f ri ca, G . V i ter i , Se ns i St u d i o

Entry No.2

Octobe r 10, 2017


Carrie Forbes, Nannacay, Sensi Studio

T he str aw bag : a d e l i g ht f u l l y si mp l e acces s or y tha t has e vo l ve d f ro m a strictly s um mer st ate me nt p i e ce to a yea r-round pl ace at t he t abl e . T hi s b a g can b e ma d e o f e i t he r wi cke r o r str aw a nd is gi vi ng t he cl assi c l i t t l e b la ck b a g a run fo r i t s mo ney. T he str aw b ag tr aces i t s hi sto r y back i n time to the picni c basket , a st ap l e for ca rr y ing a ll yo u r p i cni c i te ms, however, Ja ne Bi rki n and Au d rey H epb urn tr a ns fo rme d t he l o o k i nto the m odern str aw bag se e n to d ay, no longer functioni ng as yo u r ave r ag e picnic b as ket.

runway style

The wicker and straw bag was showcased on WWD’s Resort 2018 Accessories Trend as a new height of whimsy and chic for the season’s bags. Brock Collection, Zimmerman, Phillip Lim, and Michael Kors are a few of many designers to feature this straw trend at New York Fashion Week. The styles range from your classic picnic bag to a woven waist pack to an oversized straw clutch. This look is paired from a wide range of casual attire to slightly more formalwear, though it seems to fit more with daytime attire. Bro ck C o l l ec ti o n

Zim m e r m a nn

Phi l l i p L i m

M i cha el Ko r s

street style

A lex a Chun g; Ja ne Birkin


O l i via Pal ermo; Ger ard Darel

Leandr a Medine; Muzungu Sister s

The straw bag has taken to the streets upon celebrities, style influencers, and fashion bloggers alike. Man Repeller blogger Leandra Medine sported the straw bag adorned with colorful embellishments such as pom poms and a bright trim from label Muzungu Sisters. Similarly, American socialite and fashion influencer Olivia Palermo sported a straw bag from Gerard Darel with neutral colored embellishments. The street style look can range from the affordable straw bag from D ô e n ($38) to Alexa Chung’s Jane Birken bag at a price that would make most of us cringe. From what has been seen on the streets, it’s clear this straw accessory is an easy daytime essential ready for its spot in the limelight.

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Si l vi a Tche r assi , Se r p u i , SOY D i e g o , M ari a L u i sa

Waist packs Entry No.3

Octobe r 19, 2017 A m er i c a n A p p a rel

T he wai st pack : o f te n referred to under t he g u i se o f bum bag, fa nny pack , or be l te d sa tche l . Thi s trend of convenience ha s b e e n re surre c te d from tha t 80’ s sty le p eo p l e sp e ak o f so fondly, though its or i g i ns can be tr ac e d b ack to the Stone A g e s w i t h o ur an c e stor s wea ring a s ma ll p ou ch a t the wai st to carr y all es s entials ( a rock , maybe so me dried fungus ). T his bag do m i n ate d the 9 0’ s a s well, with c e le b r i ti es l i ke “ The Rock” proudly gr a c i n g the pag e s o f Vogue, fanny pa ck out a nd p ro ud fo r the world of fa s hion to s e e . L ove i t o r hate i t, this trend is b a ck .

Dwayn e “ T he Ro ck ” J o hn s o n


runway style

Welcome back fanny pack! This Spring/Summer 2018 trend was featured at Paris Fashion Week from the likes of Valentino, Stella McCartney, Rochas, and Balenciaga, each interpreting this trend to fit the mood of the brand lifestyle. The bag by Rochas embodies the name waist belt in that it looks like a midsized purse placed on a belt. Balenciaga and Stella McCartney took on the waist belt as a hybrid pack that can serve a dual purpose as a cross body bag. And Valentino decided to take on the best of both worlds with a waist and cross body strap. No matter Rochas which way you wear it, it’s clear this is a hands-free ordeal meant Waistpack to bring convenience to the wearer.


Va lent ino




Dr iv en b y the d ema nd for functiona l a nd v er sa tile p r od ucts, d esig ner s continue to inv est in the w a istp a ck p la yed out in sp or ty a nd nosta lg ic, str eet-r ea d y styles, this p r ofile w ill tr a nsition into new ma r kets, a s r efin the intr od uction of a r tisa n d eta ils offer a mod er n feel. Multip le str a p s p r ov id e the op p or tunity for ind iv id u

Ste lla M c C ar tn ey

Rocha s

Ba l en c i a ga

street style

On the street level, we see the fanny pack/waist belt action hitting hard from style influencers and celebrities alike such as Kendall Jenner, Sofia Richie, and Leandra Medine. This trend has also been featured by festival goers at music festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza, and Bonnaroo as a convenient hands-free alternative to a clutch without the bulk of a backpack. The fanny pack has been produced at a vast range of price points from the affordability of simple fanny packs from Amazon or even Walmart to the statement piece of designers such as Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton. The life span of this trend has yet to be determined, will its convenience overpower the awkward placement on the body? Stay tuned for time to tell.

L e and r a M e d i ne ; Na n c y G o n z a l ez

Ken d a l l J en n er; C ha n el

G u cci

S o f i a R i chi e; Lo u i s Vu i t to n


Drawstring power Entry No.4

Octobe r 26, 2017 C el i n e


T he d r aw str ing bag : ver s atile, pr a ctical a nd avai l abl e i n a wi d e va r i ety of styl i zati o ns and ma terials , this b a g has mad e i t s way u p the la dder into t he t re nd i ng sp ot l i g ht . During the 14t h ce nt u r y t h i s bag was ideal for the sto r ag e o f mo ney and other va lua b les, carri e d aro u nd t he waist of b oth m e n and wo me n. To d ay, the dr aw string p u r se share s si mi l ar holding pur pose s fo r val u abl e s and wha t the we are r wo u l d co nsi d e r essential s for go i ng o u t . T hi s bag can eas ily go from d ay to ni g ht and has the a dded b on u s o f maki ng i t mo re dif f icult to b e p i ck-p o ckete d d u e to its dr aw string at t ri bu te . C hane l

runway style

Al ex an de r Wan g

Altuz a r r a

The drawstring purse has graced New York Fashion Week Fall 2017 from featured brands such as Alexander Wang, Altuzurra, and Salvatore Ferragamo. This drawstring alternative to the zip-top pouch has been exercised in a number of different tactile, sensual materials ranging from supple leathers to luxurious satins. Many designers have also added embellishments to the drawstring style such as sequins, beads, jewels and embroidery. As for carrying options, some have opted for a detachable shoulder strap to allow for versatile styling while others prefer the simplicity of the drawstring to carry by hand.

A lex ande r Wang

Sal vato re Fer r a ga m o

street style

Gala Go nza l e z; Pe d ro G a rcia

M icha el Ko r s

Margot Ro b bi e ; R al ph La uren

Chris s y Te i g an; G i anvi to Ro ssi

Hitting the streets, the drawstring bag trend has been shown off by a variety of influencers from actress Margot Robbie, to fashion blogger Gala Gonzalez to model Chrissy Teigen, each bringing this trend to life with their unique styles. Leather has proved to be among material favorites of this bag with this prominently featured in the bags from Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, and Gianvito Rossi. This trend is also shown in a convenient backpack style by Michael Kors, so you can strut the streets without the hassle of having to even think twice about pushing a strap up on your shoulder. On a retail level, Target has an affordable, yet equally cute drawstring bag that can give the high end designers a run for their money. Drawstring bag, we salute you.

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Fur Frenzy

Entry No.5

Nove mbe r 2, 2017 Per r i n Pa r i s

Per r i n Par is

Fur Frenzy : from fa ux to a previou sl y l i vi ng an d brea thing anima l, this b a g t re nd i s al l abo ut tha t luxurious fur look . D u ri ng t he Sto n e A ges , hum an b eings utili ze d f u r o u t o f n e c e s s ity for warm th a s well as to st i ck to the whole ‘ wa ste not, wa nt not ’ say i ng by usi n g ever y par t of an anima l p re vi o u sl y k i l l e d for food. A s time progre sse d , re al f ur be c a me les s a b out neces s ity and mo re abo ut st a tus , com monly s een d u ri ng t he 19th c entur y as a mea ns to dif fe re nt i ate so c i al clas s es . Today, fur, b oth re al and faux i s us ed a s a n instrum ent to exe cu te a tre n d , like in this b a g trend!

Refo r m a t i o n

runway style The fur frenzy has taken to various Fall 2017 runways from labels such as Prada, Altuzarra, Anya Hindmarch, and Oscar de la Renta. These labels typically opt to use real fur in their creations though there are some labels who have exercised the use of faux fur for their bags. One common theme among these fur bags is their use of dyed fur, rather than natural-colored fur. This fun colored fur goes more with the general fur trend that has been observed. Some labels, such as Anya Hindmarch, have decided upon a subtle addition of fur through the handle of the bag, while others kept the body of the bag in fur with a more traditional handle.

Pr a da

A l t u zarr a

O s c a r d e l a Ren t a

A nya Hi n d m a rch

street style On the streets, we see fur on a range of fashion influencers from singer Lily Allen to models Kendall Jenner and Rocky Barnes. With the exception of Miss Jenner, these influencers have veered more towards the fun fur trend with colorful furs rather than a neutral palette. On a retail level, sustainability guru Reformation has created numerous faux fur bags in a wide variety of colors and styles from neutrals to funky pinks in clutch and shoulder strap styles. October 2017, Gucci released that they would no longer be using real fur in the production of any of their products. So the question stands, will other companies follow and turn to faux fur or will the influence of celebrities and models keep the real fur trend alive?

L i l y A l l e n; Fe nd i

Refo r m a t i o n

Ke nd al l J e nne r; G i ven chy

Ro ck y Ba r n es ; J o c el yn Fu r


& Othe r Sto ri e s

EMbellishment Envy Entry No.6

Nove mbe r 7, 2017 Miu Miu

T he e mbel l is hed bag : b e it s imple p ea r l a dd i ti o n s o r an overdos e of rhi n esto n e s, thi s pa r ty b ag is the p e r fe c t ac c e ssor y to s pice up a ny outf i t. The 19th centur y s aw the ri se o f e mbroidered a nd be a d e d b ag s typi c ally depicting im a g e s of the ho me a nd f lower s . T he e a r l y 20th c e n t ur y fea tured exoti c texti l e s e mbellis hed with r ib b on a n d l ac e r anging from s ma l l c oi n pur se s to large b a gs w it h ha n d c ar ve d f r ames . Today, t he e m b el l i she d pur s e has com e to a n a g e o f anythi n g goes , with a w ide r a n ge o f ad apt ations of wh a t it m e a ns to e mbe l l i sh.


runway style

De lp o zo

Dolc e & G abban a

The Fall 2017 runways saw a rise of excess in terms of embellished bags. Labels such as Delporo, Dolce & Gabbana, Lanvin, and Prada sent bright and playful embellishments onto the runway through the means of jewels, lace, feathers, fur, sequins, and flower appliques. Lanvin opted for comparatively modest embellishments with simple jeweled birds and a feathered tail. Dolce & Gabbana is no stranger to embellishing, with many of their collections, past and present, featuring excessive embellishment. Whether paired with wild prints or plain color, the embellished bag certainly made a splash on the 2017 runways.

L anvi n

Pr a d a

street style

A n n a D e llo Ru s s o ; D o l c e & G a b b a n a

Tay l or S w i f t ; M i u M i u

H ei d i K lu m ; S i m o n e C a m i l l e

Fe n d i

From a street style view, we see the embellished bag on influencers such as Italian fashion journalist Anna Dello Russo to celebrities like Taylor Swift and Heidi Klum. Dello Russo and Klum decided to showcase bright and colorful excess embellishment while Swift went for a more subtle jewel add on from Miu Miu. Fendi has also released an embellished lady bag with light jewel accents. On a retail level, stores such as Nordstrom and Anthropologie currently cater to the embellish-loving shopper with a wide variety of bags ranging from simple and subtle adornments to wild and exciting celebrations of excess through embellishments. So, whether you adopt this trend in all its embellishing glory or decide upon a more modest display, your embellishment will surely evoke envy.

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D o l ce & G abbana

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