The TRAN'S MISSION Volume II, Issue 1

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the TRAN’S New Jersey District of Key Club International | Secretary | Volume II, Issue 1


elect → lieutenant governor #trantips 1. If a word has a squiggly red line under it, rightclicking will show suggestions for a correct spelling. 2. The key between “alt” and “ctrl” also serves as a right-click button.

you made it!

Dear New Jersey District Board, I don’t make the rules, I only enforce them. Though I may seem strict or intimidating at times, it’s because we work together to make the New Jersey District “the district where the Key Clubs are the best.” I am here to help you in any way that I can. If you feel stressed and need to talk to someone, you have my number; if you don’t know how to get in contact with a club, let me know; if you need help picking a profile picture, send me a message on Facebook. You are all doing wonderful jobs as lieutenant governors and I have high hopes for the year to come! Yours in caring and service, Kelly Tran

3. When designing shirts, you have to clear the background so that there isn’t a rectangle of color around the image on the shirt. To do this, use the magic wand tool to clear it so that it's transparent and save as a .png file to preserve the transparency. 4. Always send things in both .doc and .pdf formats.

Kelly Tran | | Cell: (609) 432-9204 Facebook: heykellytran | Instagram: trank_ | Skype: trankell-




Board Meeting Re-  port Form 

The Wednesday before a Friday board meeting The Thursday before a Saturday board meeting


Probably the least time consuming out of all the RFs you have to fill out this year Easily tracks your progress since the last board meeting Supplements oral reports

Club Building Report Form

Every time you complete three of  the steps listed on the form as you attempt to build a new Kfamily club.

Make sure to check back on the form and see when you have finished THREE steps from the ones listed

Club Meeting Evaluation Form

Within 10 days of the club visit

E-mail your club advisor and president separately about what you liked, disliked, and suggestions for improving the meeting

Club Monthly Report Form

The 10th of every month submitted by your club secretaries

Send out reminders frequently beginning 2 weeks before the 10th of each month Send feedback to your secretaries after you have received their form Correct them on any mistakes they may have made Encourage them to send them in early (by giving early clubs a Shout-Out in your newsletter, perhaps?)

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Divisional Council Meeting Report Form

Within 10 days of the meeting

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Divisional Event Re- Within 10 days of the event port Form

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List the other documents that you used during the meeting so you know what to print again when compiling your RFL binder Be as concise as possible! Remember that Presidents—like all of us—don’t like to be told over and over again what to do Include as many details as you can regarding the steps you took in publicizing your event Don’t be afraid to note problems that occurred during your event

Lieutenant Gover- The 20th of every month nor Monthly Report Form

 

Fill it out part by part throughout the month For the Report of Activities, record your attendance and calls made in your handy Key Club planners/handbooks or fill out the Report of Activities every day (it’ll take a few moments)

Officer Training Within 10 days of the Officer Conference Report Training Conference Form

Hold large OTCs for most of the officers in your division Or, hold an OTC for every school in order to get to know each officer individually

Committee Report Forms (Special, Standing)

Within 10 days of the board meeting

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Get them done right after your Board meeting or Committee meeting so all that you have talked about are fresh in your mind With the report form, you should also be sending out Minutes (a record of items discussed during your Committee meeting) Make sure you organize your Committee RFs, agendas, and minutes neatly for the final report


THE MORE YOU GO, THE MORE YOU KNOW SPRING RTCS May 8th, 11th INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION July 1st-7th FALL RTCS September 15th, 21st, 22nd FALL RALLY October 13th KIWANIS FAMILY CONFERENCE November 1st-3rd KEY LEADER November 22nd-24th 68th DISTRICT CONVENTION March 28th-30th, 2014

ltg do’s & don’ts DO | WORK WITH OTHER DIVISIONS Hosting co-divisional events leads to bonding between your members and hopefully a better turn-out! Planning together also lends way for ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of yourself. DON’T | WAIT UNTIL LAST MINUTE TO TRAIN OFFICERS Although all officers must be trained by Fall Rally, it won’t help your officers to be trained already halfway into their terms. Utilize the summer to train all of your officers so that they are adequately prepared to lead their clubs. DO | USE SOCIAL MEDIA Using Facebook groups/events, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, and any other social media outlet you can think of will help you quickly spread the word about events, meetings, and other news. Networking can also help you get in contact with officers that you would otherwise have never known about. DON’T | OVERSTEP YOUR POSITION Know your place. Although you are a leader and are in a position where you can implement the changes you want to see, never get too full of yourself. Remember that your duty is first and foremost to serve your home, school, and community. When talking to advisors, officers, members, and anyone else you have to work with, be weary of your tone as to not sound condescending. DO | HELP EACH OTHER We are all here to help each other. No one knows the answer to everything, so ask questions whenever you are unsure about something. If you forgot to do something, maybe someone else forgot about it too— post a reminder on the group page. Nothing makes being a lieutenant governor easier than knowing you have each other’s support.

s F R M G T Y our f irst L ay 20t h! M n o e u d are IC ON paym ents are due June 8t h

Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs


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